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21st Century Perspectives on Music, Technology, and Culture: Listening Spaces (Pop Music, Culture and Identity)

by R. Purcell R. Randall

This collection presents a contemporary evaluation of the changing structures of music delivery and enjoyment. Exploring the confluence of music consumption, burgeoning technology, and contemporary culture; this volume focuses on issues of musical communities and the politics of media.

21st Century Retro: Mad Men and 1960s America in Film and Television (American Culture Studies #32)

by Debarchana Baruah

Numerous contemporary televisual productions revisit the past but direct their energies towards history's non-events and anti-heroic subjectivities. Debarchana Baruah offers a vocabulary to discuss these, using Mad Men as a primary case study and supplementing the analysis with other examples from the US and around the world. She takes a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach to studying film and television, drawing from history, memory, and nostalgia discourses, and layering them with theories of intertextuality, paratexts, and actor-networks. The book's compositions style invites discussions from scholars of various fields, as well as those who are simply fans of history or of Mad Men.

21st Century Sexualities: Contemporary Issues in Health, Education, and Rights

by Gilbert Herdt Cymene Howe

Exploring sexuality in the twenty-first century, this unique book collects together more than fifty timely and accessible contributions to create a wide-ranging and compelling picture of contemporary American sexuality. Incorporating the latest cutting-edge controversies, theory and methodological material from the major domains of sexual education, sexual health, sexual rights, and globalization, this book includes a superb editorial overview that opens up the field for students and teachers alike. This anthology will be an invaluable supplement to all levels of students and researchers interested in sexuality across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, gender and sexuality studies and politics.

21st Century Sexualities: Contemporary Issues in Health, Education, and Rights

by Gilbert Herdt Cymene Howe

Exploring sexuality in the twenty-first century, this unique book collects together more than fifty timely and accessible contributions to create a wide-ranging and compelling picture of contemporary American sexuality. Incorporating the latest cutting-edge controversies, theory and methodological material from the major domains of sexual education, sexual health, sexual rights, and globalization, this book includes a superb editorial overview that opens up the field for students and teachers alike. This anthology will be an invaluable supplement to all levels of students and researchers interested in sexuality across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, gender and sexuality studies and politics.

21st-Century TV Dramas: Exploring the New Golden Age

by Amy M. Damico Sara E. Quay

In its exploration of some of the most influential, popular, or critically acclaimed television dramas since the year 2000, this book documents how modern television dramas reflect our society through their complex narratives about prevailing economic, political, security, and social issues.Television dramas have changed since the turn of the 21st century—for the good, many would say, as a result of changes in technology, the rise of cable networks, and increased creative freedom. This book approaches the new golden age of television dramas by examining the programs that define the first 15 years of the new century through their complex narratives, high production value, star power, popularity, and enthusiastic fan culture.After an introduction that sets the stage for the book's content, thematic sections present concise chapters that explore key connections between television dramas and elements of 21st-century culture. The authors explore Downton Abbey as a distraction from contemporary class struggles, patriarchy and the past in Game of Thrones and Mad Men, and portrayals of the "dark hero protagonist" in The Sopranos, Dexter, and Breaking Bad, as a few examples of the book's coverage. With its multidisciplinary perspectives on a variety of themes—terrorism, race/class/gender, family dynamics, and sociopolitical and socioeconomic topics— this book will be relevant across the social sciences and cultural and media studies courses.

21st-Century TV Dramas: Exploring the New Golden Age

by Amy M. Damico Sara E. Quay

In its exploration of some of the most influential, popular, or critically acclaimed television dramas since the year 2000, this book documents how modern television dramas reflect our society through their complex narratives about prevailing economic, political, security, and social issues.Television dramas have changed since the turn of the 21st century—for the good, many would say, as a result of changes in technology, the rise of cable networks, and increased creative freedom. This book approaches the new golden age of television dramas by examining the programs that define the first 15 years of the new century through their complex narratives, high production value, star power, popularity, and enthusiastic fan culture.After an introduction that sets the stage for the book's content, thematic sections present concise chapters that explore key connections between television dramas and elements of 21st-century culture. The authors explore Downton Abbey as a distraction from contemporary class struggles, patriarchy and the past in Game of Thrones and Mad Men, and portrayals of the "dark hero protagonist" in The Sopranos, Dexter, and Breaking Bad, as a few examples of the book's coverage. With its multidisciplinary perspectives on a variety of themes—terrorism, race/class/gender, family dynamics, and sociopolitical and socioeconomic topics— this book will be relevant across the social sciences and cultural and media studies courses.

21st Century Urban Race Politics: Representing Minorities as Universal Interests (Research in Race and Ethnic Relations #18)

by Ravi K. Perry Donald Cunnigen Marino A. Bruce

21st Century Urban Race Politics begins by offering a twenty-first-century understanding of minority representation in historically majority-Caucasian cities and draws on case studies in cities throughout the United States. The aim of this volume is to take stock of what we know about the advantages and disadvantages of the "racialized" and "deracialized" approaches to governance and to describe a third approach, the "universalized interest approach." The authors argue that minority elected officials, when given the power and resources to do so, often do more than represent constituent interests without acknowledging the representation of members of their racial/ethnic group in urban communities. Contributors describe how mayors of various backgrounds have sought to represent minority interests in electoral and governing contexts. In each case, the mayors are found to represent minority interests. In most cases, the representation of minority interests is accomplished without deemphasizing the significance of race and as the mayor maintains support from whites within their electoral and governing coalitions. With case studies from across the country, in medium-sized and large cities, and mayors of various backgrounds, the volume provides a vivid account of how different minority mayors have handled minority representation in historically majority Caucasian cities and what lessons academics and politicians can learn from them.

21st-Century Yokel: Cats Of The River (Tom Cox's Country Yokel Posters Ser.)

by Tom Cox

21st-Century Yokel explores the way we can be tied inescapably to landscape, whether we like it or not, often through our family and our past. It’s not quite a nature book, not quite a humour book, not quite a family memoir, not quite folklore, not quite social history, not quite a collection of essays, but a bit of all six.It contains owls, badgers, ponies, beavers, otters, bats, bees, scarecrows, dogs, ghosts, Tom’s loud and excitable dad and, yes, even a few cats. It’s full of Devon’s local folklore – the ancient kind, and the everyday kind – and provincial places and small things. But what emerges from this focus on the small are themes that are broader and bigger and more definitive.The book’s language is colloquial and easy and its eleven chapters are discursive and wide-ranging, rambling even. The feel of the book has a lot in common with the country walks Tom Cox was on when he composed much of it: it’s bewitched by fresh air, intrepid in minor ways, haunted by weather and old stories and the spooky edges of the outdoors, restless, sometimes foolish, and prone to a few detours... but it always reaches its intended destination.The book is illustrated with Tom’s own landscape photographs and linocuts by his mother.

22. Deutscher Soziologentag 1984: Sektions- und Ad-hoc-Gruppen

by Hans-Werner Franz

Der 22. Deutsche Soziologentag fand vom 9. bis 12. Oktober 1984 in Dortmund statt. Sein Thema lautete: "Soziologie und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung". Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Arbeit der Sektionen und der Ad-hoc-Gruppen. "Sektionen" sind innerhalb der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie langfristig institutionali­ sierte Arbeitszusammenhänge, die sich mit jeweiligen "Bereichssoziologien" beschäftigen. "Ad­ hoc-Gruppen" sind von einem oder mehreren Interessenten zu einem bestimmten Thema initi­ ierte Arbeitskreise, die zunächst nur im Rahmen eines Soziologentages stattfinden, u.U. aber auch danach noch weiter zusammenarbeiten und eventuell auf einem folgenden Soziologentag wieder vertreten sind. Die Referenten der Sektionen und Ad-hoc-Gruppen wurden vom Herausgeber gebeten, maximal fünfseitige Kurzfassungen ihrer Beiträge anzufertigen. Ich danke allen Autoren, daß sie es ermöglicht haben, eine nahezu vollständige Dokumentation der Sektions- und Ad-hoc­ Gruppen-Arbeit des Soziologentages vorzulegen. Der Band gibt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Vielfalt und Bandbreite der gegenwärtigen soziologischen Arbeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutsch­ land, wobei die Beiträge aus Nachbarländern eine Bereicherung darstellen. Danken muß ich den Autoren auch für ihr Verständnis, wenn ich aufgrund der großen Fülle von Beiträgen und des damit verbundenen Umstandes, alles setzen lassen zu müssen, in etlichen Fällen rigide um Einhaltung des vorgegebenen Umfanglimits nachsuchen mußte. In einigen Fällen konnte ich die überschreitung des Limits dulden, weil andere Beiträge ausfielen oder aufgrund von Absprachen unter den Autoren entsprechend gekürzt wurden. Daß die an­ nähernd 1.400 Seiten Manuskrfpt gesetzt werden konnten, wurde durch einen Zuschuß der Stadt Dortmund ermöglicht, für den ich auch an dieser Stelle danken möchte.

222 Keywords Wirtschaftsgeografie: Grundwissen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und -praktiker

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH

Von der Arrondierung über Footloose Industry und Isolinien bis zur Zeitdistanzmethode: Die Sprache der Wirtschaftsgeografie ist von zahlreichen Fachtermini und Anglizismen geprägt. Einen ersten schnellen Überblick verschafft das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk. Anhand von 222 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundkonzepte und -theorien der Wirtschaftsgeografie erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten somit Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg suchen, sich für die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsgeografie interessieren oder ihre vorhandenen Kenntnisse auffrischen möchten.

222 Keywords Wirtschaftsgeografie: Grundwissen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und -praktiker

Von der Arrondierung über Footloose Industry und Isolinien bis zur Zeitdistanzmethode: Die Sprache der Wirtschaftsgeografie ist von zahlreichen Fachtermini und Anglizismen geprägt. Einen ersten schnellen Überblick verschafft das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk. Anhand von 222 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundkonzepte und -theorien der Wirtschaftsgeografie erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten somit Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg suchen, sich für die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsgeografie interessieren oder ihre vorhandenen Kenntnisse auffrischen möchten.

23 Stundenkonzepte für Menschen mit Demenz: Werteorientierte Gruppenarbeit - Validierende Aktivierung©

by Helga Schloffer Irene Gabriel Ellen Prang

Beschäftigungsangebote, abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse Demenzerkrankter, in Einrichtungen zu organisieren und regelmäßig anzubieten, kostet nicht nur Ressourcen, sondern auch Ideen. Das Anleitungsbuch für Gruppenleiter in der Demenzbetreuung bietet 23 komplett vorbereitete Stundenkonzepte zu unterschiedlichen Themen, wie z.B. Freude, Familie, Tod, Kindheit, Essen, Arbeit. Durch die detaillierte Anleitung der einzelnen Beschäftigungsstunden benötigt die Gruppenleitung keine Vorkenntnisse, sondern kann sofort passende Stundenkonzepte in der Beschäftigung mit Demenzerkrankten ausprobieren. Die neuartige Methode der Validierenden Aktivierung wurde aus der Praxis heraus entwickelt. Sie nutzt Elemente der Biografiearbeit und der Validation und hat sich in der Betreuung von Menschen mit Demenz bewährt. Eine hilfreiche Ideensammlung für Altenpflegerinnen und Gruppenleitungen in Pflegeeinrichtungen, Tagesgruppen und anderen Betreuungsangeboten für Menschen mit Demenz.

24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change the Way We Live, Work, and Play

by Jarice Hanson

Just as the automobile radically changed people's lives at the beginning of the 20th century, so too has the revolution in online services (including blogging, podcasting, videogaming, shopping, and social networking) and cell-phone use changed our lives at the turn of the 21st century. In addition, many other services, activities, and devices—including the Palm Pilot, the BlackBerry, the iPod, digital cameras, and cell cameras—have been made possible by the combination of these two technologies. Whereas the automobile allowed people for the first time to work in cities and live comfortably in the suburbs, extending the long commute beyond the limits previously circumscribed by public transportation, the Internet and cell phone allow us to interact with others from around the world—or a few hundred miles—from where we work or live, giving rise to the telecommuting phenomenon and allowing us to stay in touch with friends and families in the new virtual environment. As Hanson demonstrates in her new book, these technologies enable us to work and play 24/7, anytime, anywhere.What does this mean for us as individuals and for society as a whole? What are the social implications of this technological revolution that we have witnessed in the short span of about 20 years? Do people of different generations use these technologies in the same ways, or do they adopt them to support their communication habits formed at different times of their lives? How does the illusion of control provided by these technologies affect the way we think about what is meaningful in our lives? Hanson examines the wide-ranging impact of this change. How do individuals posting their viewpoints on the Internet affect democracy? Is it possible to ever completely prevent identity theft over the Internet? How permanent is information stored on the Internet or on a hard drive? Do cell phones change the way people think about privacy or the way they communicate with others? Does email? Do videogames teach new social principles? Do cell phones and the Internet change traditional communication behaviors and attitudes? Hanson discusses these crucial issues and explores to what extent individuals do have control, and she assesses how social and governmental services are responding to (or running from) the problems posed by these new technologies.

24/7 Politics: Cable Television and the Fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News (Politics and Society in Modern America #148)

by Kathryn Cramer Brownell

How cable television upended American political life in the pursuit of profits and influenceAs television began to overtake the political landscape in the 1960s, network broadcast companies, bolstered by powerful lobbying interests, dominated screens across the nation. Yet over the next three decades, the expansion of a different technology, cable, changed all of this. 24/7 Politics tells the story of how the cable industry worked with political leaders to create an entirely new approach to television, one that tethered politics to profits and divided and distracted Americans by feeding their appetite for entertainment—frequently at the expense of fostering responsible citizenship.In this timely and provocative book, Kathryn Cramer Brownell argues that cable television itself is not to blame for today’s rampant polarization and scandal politics—the intentional restructuring of television as a political institution is. She describes how cable innovations—from C-SPAN coverage of congressional debates in the 1980s to MTV’s foray into presidential politics in the 1990s—took on network broadcasting using market forces, giving rise to a more decentralized media world. Brownell shows how cable became an unstoppable medium for political communication that prioritized cult followings and loyalty to individual brands, fundamentally reshaped party politics, and, in the process, sowed the seeds of democratic upheaval.24/7 Politics reveals how cable TV created new possibilities for antiestablishment voices and opened a pathway to political prominence for seemingly unlikely figures like Donald Trump by playing to narrow audiences and cultivating division instead of common ground.

24-Hour Cities: Real Investment Performance, Not Just Promises

by Hugh F. Kelly

Winner of the Gold Award in the Tenth Annual Robert Bruss Real Estate Book Competition 24 Hour Cities is the very first full length book about America’s cities that never sleep. Over the last fifty years, the nation’s top live-work-play cities have proven themselves more than just vibrant urban environments for the elite. They are attracting a cross-section of the population from across the U.S. and are preferred destinations for immigrants of all income strata. This is creating a virtuous circle wherein economic growth enhances property values, stronger real estate markets sustain more reliable tax bases, and solid municipal revenues pay for better services that further attract businesses and talented individuals. Yet, just a generation ago, cities like New York, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, and Miami were broke (financially and physically), scarred by violence, and prime examples of urban dysfunction. How did the turnaround happen? And why are other cities still stuck with the hollow downtowns and sprawling suburbs that make for a 9-to-5 urban configuration? Hugh Kelly’s cross-disciplinary research identifies the ingredients of success, and the recipe that puts them together.

24-Hour Cities: Real Investment Performance, Not Just Promises

by Hugh F. Kelly

Winner of the Gold Award in the Tenth Annual Robert Bruss Real Estate Book Competition 24 Hour Cities is the very first full length book about America’s cities that never sleep. Over the last fifty years, the nation’s top live-work-play cities have proven themselves more than just vibrant urban environments for the elite. They are attracting a cross-section of the population from across the U.S. and are preferred destinations for immigrants of all income strata. This is creating a virtuous circle wherein economic growth enhances property values, stronger real estate markets sustain more reliable tax bases, and solid municipal revenues pay for better services that further attract businesses and talented individuals. Yet, just a generation ago, cities like New York, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, and Miami were broke (financially and physically), scarred by violence, and prime examples of urban dysfunction. How did the turnaround happen? And why are other cities still stuck with the hollow downtowns and sprawling suburbs that make for a 9-to-5 urban configuration? Hugh Kelly’s cross-disciplinary research identifies the ingredients of success, and the recipe that puts them together.

25 Events That Shaped Asian American History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic

by Lan Dong

This book provides detailed and engaging narratives about 25 pivotal events in Asian American history, celebrates Asian Americans' contributions to U.S. history, and examines the ways their experiences have shaped American culture.Asian Americans have made significant contributions to American history, society, and culture. This book presents key events in the Asian American experience through 25 well-developed, accessible essays; detailed timelines; biographies of notable figures; excerpts of primary source documents; and sidebars and images that provide narrative and visual information on high-interest topics. Arranged chronologically, the 25 essays showcase the ways in which Asian Americans have contributed to U.S. history and culture and bear witness to their struggles, activism, and accomplishments.The book offers a unique look at the Asian American experience, from the California Gold Rush in the mid-nineteenth century to the 2017 travel ban. Highlighting events with national and international significance, such as the Central Pacific Railroad Construction, Korean War, and 9/11, it documents the Asian American experience and demonstrates Asian Americans' impact on American life.

25 Events That Shaped Asian American History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic

by Lan Dong

This book provides detailed and engaging narratives about 25 pivotal events in Asian American history, celebrates Asian Americans' contributions to U.S. history, and examines the ways their experiences have shaped American culture.Asian Americans have made significant contributions to American history, society, and culture. This book presents key events in the Asian American experience through 25 well-developed, accessible essays; detailed timelines; biographies of notable figures; excerpts of primary source documents; and sidebars and images that provide narrative and visual information on high-interest topics. Arranged chronologically, the 25 essays showcase the ways in which Asian Americans have contributed to U.S. history and culture and bear witness to their struggles, activism, and accomplishments.The book offers a unique look at the Asian American experience, from the California Gold Rush in the mid-nineteenth century to the 2017 travel ban. Highlighting events with national and international significance, such as the Central Pacific Railroad Construction, Korean War, and 9/11, it documents the Asian American experience and demonstrates Asian Americans' impact on American life.

25 Jahre Kaiser Wilhelm-Gesellschaft: Zur Förderung der Wissenschaften Dritter Band Die Geisteswissenschaften

by Max Planck

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

25 Jahre Kaiser Wilhelm-Gesellschaft ƶur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Ƶweiter Band

by Max Hartmann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

25 Jahre Kaiser Wilhelm = Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Erster Band: Handbuch

by Max Planck

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

The 25 Sitcoms That Changed Television: Turning Points in American Culture

by Aaron Barlow Laura Westengard

This book spotlights the 25 most important sitcoms to ever air on American television—shows that made generations laugh, challenged our ideas regarding gender, family, race, marital roles, and sexual identity, and now serve as time capsules of U.S. history.What was the role of The Jeffersons in changing views regarding race and equality in America in the 1970s? How did The Golden Girls affect how society views older people? Was The Office an accurate (if exaggerated) depiction of the idiosyncrasies of being employees in a modern workplace? How did the writers of The Simpsons make it acceptable to air political satire through the vehicle of an animated cartoon ostensibly for kids?Readers of this book will see how television situation comedies have consistently held up a mirror for American audiences to see themselves—and the reflections have not always been positive or purely comedic. The introduction discusses the history of sitcoms in America, identifying their origins in radio shows and explaining how sitcom programming evolved to influence the social and cultural norms of our society. The shows are addressed chronologically, in sections delineated by decade. Each entry presents background information on the show, including the dates it aired, key cast members, and the network; explains why the show represents a notable turning point in American television; and provides an analysis of each sitcom that considers how the content was received by the American public and the lasting effects on the family unit, gender roles, culture for young adults, and minority and LGBT rights. The book also draws connections between important sitcoms and other shows that were influenced by or strikingly similar to these trendsetting programs. Lastly, a section of selections for further reading points readers to additional resources.

The 25 Sitcoms That Changed Television: Turning Points in American Culture

by Laura Westengard and Aaron Barlow, Editors

This book spotlights the 25 most important sitcoms to ever air on American television—shows that made generations laugh, challenged our ideas regarding gender, family, race, marital roles, and sexual identity, and now serve as time capsules of U.S. history.What was the role of The Jeffersons in changing views regarding race and equality in America in the 1970s? How did The Golden Girls affect how society views older people? Was The Office an accurate (if exaggerated) depiction of the idiosyncrasies of being employees in a modern workplace? How did the writers of The Simpsons make it acceptable to air political satire through the vehicle of an animated cartoon ostensibly for kids?Readers of this book will see how television situation comedies have consistently held up a mirror for American audiences to see themselves—and the reflections have not always been positive or purely comedic. The introduction discusses the history of sitcoms in America, identifying their origins in radio shows and explaining how sitcom programming evolved to influence the social and cultural norms of our society. The shows are addressed chronologically, in sections delineated by decade. Each entry presents background information on the show, including the dates it aired, key cast members, and the network; explains why the show represents a notable turning point in American television; and provides an analysis of each sitcom that considers how the content was received by the American public and the lasting effects on the family unit, gender roles, culture for young adults, and minority and LGBT rights. The book also draws connections between important sitcoms and other shows that were influenced by or strikingly similar to these trendsetting programs. Lastly, a section of selections for further reading points readers to additional resources.

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