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Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods

by Vahid Aryadoust Michelle Raquel

Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods demonstrates advanced quantitative techniques for language assessment. The volume takes an interdisciplinary approach and taps into expertise from language assessment, data mining, and psychometrics. The techniques covered include Structural Equation Modeling, Data Mining, Multidimensional Psychometrics and Multilevel Data Analysis.Volume II is distinct among available books in language assessment, as it engages the readers in both theory and application of the methods and introduces relevant techniques for theory construction and validation. This book is highly recommended to graduate students and researchers who are searching for innovative and rigorous approaches and methods to achieve excellence in their dissertations and research. It is also a valuable source for academics who teach quantitative approaches in language assessment and data analysis courses.

Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods

by Vahid Aryadoust Michelle Raquel

Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods demonstrates advanced quantitative techniques for language assessment. The volume takes an interdisciplinary approach and taps into expertise from language assessment, data mining, and psychometrics. The techniques covered include Structural Equation Modeling, Data Mining, Multidimensional Psychometrics and Multilevel Data Analysis.Volume II is distinct among available books in language assessment, as it engages the readers in both theory and application of the methods and introduces relevant techniques for theory construction and validation. This book is highly recommended to graduate students and researchers who are searching for innovative and rigorous approaches and methods to achieve excellence in their dissertations and research. It is also a valuable source for academics who teach quantitative approaches in language assessment and data analysis courses.

Quantitative Data Analysis with Minitab: A Guide for Social Scientists

by Alan Bryman Duncan Cramer

Quantitative data analysis is now a compulsory component of most degree courses in the social sciences and students are increasingly reliant on computers for the analysis of data. Quantitative Data Analysis with Minitab explains statistical tests for Minitab users using the same formulae free, non technical approach, as the very successful SPPS version.Students will learn a wide range of quantitative data analysis techniques and become familiar with how these techniques can be implemented through the latest version of Minitab. Techniques covered include univariate analysis (with frequency table, dispersion and histograms), bivariate (with contingency tables correlation, analysis of varience and non-parametric tests) and multivariate analysis (with multiple regression, path analysis, covarience and factor analysis). In addition the book covers issues such as sampling, statistical significance, conceptualisation and measurement and the selection of appropriate tests. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises.Social science students will welcome this integrated, non mathematical introduction to quantitative data anlysis and the minitab package.

Quantitative Data Analysis with Minitab: A Guide for Social Scientists

by Alan Bryman Duncan Cramer

Quantitative data analysis is now a compulsory component of most degree courses in the social sciences and students are increasingly reliant on computers for the analysis of data. Quantitative Data Analysis with Minitab explains statistical tests for Minitab users using the same formulae free, non technical approach, as the very successful SPPS version.Students will learn a wide range of quantitative data analysis techniques and become familiar with how these techniques can be implemented through the latest version of Minitab. Techniques covered include univariate analysis (with frequency table, dispersion and histograms), bivariate (with contingency tables correlation, analysis of varience and non-parametric tests) and multivariate analysis (with multiple regression, path analysis, covarience and factor analysis). In addition the book covers issues such as sampling, statistical significance, conceptualisation and measurement and the selection of appropriate tests. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises.Social science students will welcome this integrated, non mathematical introduction to quantitative data anlysis and the minitab package.

Quantitative EEG, Event-Related Potentials and Neurotherapy

by Juri D. Kropotov

While the brain is ruled to a large extent by chemical neurotransmitters, it is also a bioelectric organ. The collective study of Quantitative ElectroEncephaloGraphs (QEEG-the conversion of brainwaves to digital form to allow for comparison between neurologically normative and dysfunctional individuals), Event Related Potentials (ERPs - electrophysiological response to stimulus) and Neurotherapy (the process of actually retraining brain processes to) offers a window into brain physiology and function via computer and statistical analyses of traditional EEG patterns, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, mood and behavior. The volume provides detailed description of the various EEG rhythms and ERPs, the conventional analytic methods such as spectral analysis, and the emerging method utilizing QEEG and ERPs. This research is then related back to practice and all existing approaches in the field of Neurotherapy - conventional EEG-based neurofeedback, brain-computer interface, transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - are covered in full. While it does not offer the breadth provided by an edited work, this volume does provide a level of depth and detail that a single author can deliver, as well as giving readers insight into the personl theories of one of the preeminent leaders in the field.Features & Benefits: Provide a holistic picture of quantitative EEG and event related potentials as a unified scientific field.Present a unified description of the methods of quantitative EEG and event related potentials.Give a scientifically based overview of existing approaches in the field of neurotherapyProvide practical information for the better understanding and treatment of disorders, such as ADHD, Schizophrenia, Addiction, OCD, Depression, and Alzheimer's Disease

Quantitative Methoden 1: Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Wilhelm Hofmann Björn Rasch Malte Friese Ewald Naumann

Welche Angst plagt die meisten Studienanfänger im Psychologie-Studium? Die Angst vor der Statistik-Prüfung! Hier schaffen wir Abhilfe, denn die Statistik ist ein wichtiges Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie die Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu bewerten sind – und wenn die Statistik verständlich erklärt ist, gibt es keinen Grund zur Panik! Mit den beiden Bänden Quantitative Methoden 1/2 meistern Sie die Grundlagen der Statistik! Anwendungsbezogen und verständlich werden hier die Inhalte der Vorlesungen Quantitative Methoden, Statistik oder Methodenlehre erklärt. Band 1 umfasst die Themen deskriptive Statistik, Grundzüge der Inferenzstatistik und den t-Test sowie Zusammenhangsmaße und Regression. Mit Verständnisfragen und Antworten, Glossar der wichtigsten Statistik-Begriffe und Verteilungstabellen. – Außerdem mit vielen kostenlosen Zusatzmaterialien auf der begleitenden Lehrbuch-Website: Mehrere hundert Extraseiten mit Anleitungen zur konkreten Durchführung der behandelten statistischen Verfahren mit SPSS und R, Informationen zur Durchführung von Teststärkeanalysen und Stichprobenumfangsplanungen mit G*Power sowie Beispielaufgaben – alles inklusive notwendiger Datensätze. Und ganz NEU in der 4. Auflage: Zahlreiche Erklärungsvideos zu wichtigen Formeln und Zusammenhängen!

Quantitative Methoden 1: Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologie, Sozial- & Erziehungswissenschaften

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Dieses Lehrbuch macht Dich fit für die Statistik-Prüfung – hier geht es um die Deskriptive Statistik sowie um die ersten Schritte in Inferenzstatistik, z.B. den t-Test. Also Dinge, die in vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen, wie z.B. Psychologie, Soziologie oder Erziehungswissenschaften, auf dem Lehrplan stehen. Vielen macht die Statistik Angst – aber mit diesem Buch wirst Du die Prüfung meistern, weil Dir hier alles sehr verständlich und ergänzt durch kostenfreie Videos und umfangreiche zusätzliche Materialien erklärt wird.

Quantitative Methoden 1.Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Johann Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Keine Angst vor Statistik! Welche Angst plagt die meisten Studienanfänger im Psychologie-Studium oder anderen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen? Die Angst vor der Statistik-Prüfung! Wir schaffen Abhilfe – denn die Statistik ist ein wichtiges Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie die Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und wie ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu bewerten sind. Die beiden Bände Quantitative Methoden 1/2 erklären die Inhalte der Statistik-Vorlesungen, d.h. die Methoden der deskriptiven und Inferenzstatistik, einfach und verständlich: Das Buch beginnt wirklich "bei Null", denn die Autoren waren zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Auflage selbst Studenten, d.h. sie wissen, worauf es ankommt. Nun - als Dozenten in der Lehre - haben Sie das einfache Konzept beibehalten, aber einige Fehler eliminiert. Die Bände bieten nützliche Features zum Lernen: Anhand von Prüfungsaufgaben können Sie in jedem Kapitel das erworbene Wissen überprüfen, die Lösungen gibt es natürlich auch dazu. Ein Glossar erklärt die wichtigsten Statistik-Begriffe, Verteilungstabellen helfen beim Durchführen der Tests. NEU ist das ausführliche Stichwortverzeichnis sowie noch ausführlichere Anleitungen (rund 200 Seiten) zur Durchführung der statistischen Verfahren mit SPSS oder GPower zum Download auf der Begleitwebsite.

Quantitative Methoden 1.Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Johann Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Keine Angst vor Statistik! Sie ist ein wichtiges Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie die Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu bewerten sind. Die Grundlagen dazu, vermittelt die Vorlesung Quantitative Methoden, Statistik oder Methodenlehre. Mit den beiden Bänden Quantitative Methoden 1/2 meistern Sie diesen Abschnitt des Psychologie-Studiums. Anwendungsbezogen und verständlich erläutern sie die Inhalte - von Studenten für Studenten. Anhand von Prüfungsaufgaben überprüfen Sie in jedem Kapitel das erworbene Wissen. Selbstverständlich mit Lösungen, Glossar der wichtigsten Statistik-Begriffe und Verteilungstabellen.

Quantitative Methoden 2: Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologie, Sozial- & Erziehungswissenschaften

by Wilhelm Hofmann Björn Rasch Malte Friese Ewald Naumann

Dieses Lehrbuch macht Dich fit für die Statistik-Prüfung – hier geht es u.a. um Varianzanalysen und Verfahren für Rang- und Nominaldaten. Also Dinge, die in vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen, wie z.B. Psychologie, Soziologie oder Erziehungswissenschaften, auf dem Lehrplan stehen. Mit diesem Buch wirst Du die Prüfung meistern, weil Dir hier alles sehr verständlich und ergänzt durch kostenfreie Videos und umfangreiche zusätzliche Materialien erklärt wird.

Quantitative Methoden 2: Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Welche Angst plagt die meisten Studienanfänger im Psychologie-Studium? Die Angst vor der Statistik-Prüfung! Hier schaffen wir Abhilfe, denn die Statistik ist ein wichtiges Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie die Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu bewerten sind – und wenn die Statistik verständlich erklärt ist, gibt es keinen Grund zur Panik! Mit den beiden Bänden Quantitative Methoden 1/2 meistern Sie die Grundlagen der Statistik! Anwendungsbezogen und verständlich werden hier die Inhalte der Vorlesungen Quantitative Methoden, Statistik oder Methodenlehre erklärt. In Band 2 dreht sich alles rund um die Varianzanalyse (ein-/zweifaktorielle, mit Messwiederholung) sowie zu Verfahren für Rang- bzw. Nominaldaten. Mit Verständnisfragen und Antworten, Glossar der wichtigsten Statistik-Begriffe und Verteilungstabellen. – Außerdem mit vielen kostenlosen Zusatzmaterialien auf der begleitenden Lehrbuch-Website: Mehrere hundert Extraseiten mit Anleitungen zur konkreten Durchführung der behandelten statistischen Verfahren mit SPSS und R, Informationen zur Durchführung von Teststärkeanalysen und Stichprobenumfangsplanungen mit G*Power sowie Beispielaufgaben – alles inklusive notwendiger Datensätze. Und ganz NEU in der 4. Auflage: Zahlreiche Erklärungsvideos zu wichtigen Formeln und Zusammenhängen!

Quantitative Methoden 2. Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler: Einführung In Die Statistik Für Psychologen Und Sozialwissenschaftler (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Johann Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Keine Angst vor Statistik! Welche Angst plagt die meisten Studienanfänger im Psychologie-Studium oder anderen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen? Die Angst vor der Statistik-Prüfung! Wir schaffen Abhilfe – denn die Statistik ist ein wichtiges Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie die Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und wie ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu bewerten sind. Die beiden Bände Quantitative Methoden 1/2 erklären die Inhalte der Statistik-Vorlesungen, d.h. die Methoden der deskriptiven und Inferenzstatistik, einfach und verständlich: Das Buch beginnt wirklich "bei Null", denn die Autoren waren zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Auflage selbst Studenten, d.h. sie wissen, worauf es ankommt. Nun - als Dozenten in der Lehre - haben Sie das einfache Konzept beibehalten, aber einige Fehler eliminiert. Die Bände bieten nützliche Features zum Lernen: Anhand von Prüfungsaufgaben können Sie in jedem Kapitel das erworbene Wissen überprüfen, die Lösungen gibt es natürlich auch dazu. Ein Glossar erklärt die wichtigsten Statistik-Begriffe, Verteilungstabellen helfen beim Durchführen der Tests. NEU ist das ausführliche Stichwortverzeichnis sowie noch ausführlichere Anleitungen (rund 200 Seiten) zur Durchführung der statistischen Verfahren mit SPSS oder GPower zum Download auf der Begleitwebsite.

Quantitative Methoden 2. Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler

by Björn Rasch Malte Friese Wilhelm Johann Hofmann Ewald Naumann

Ran an die Daten! Als Psychologie-Student/in kennen Sie viele Inhalte bereits zu Studienbeginn. Aber Varianzanalyse, Operationalisierung, Datenniveau? Hemmungen vor soviel Fachbegriffen? Wir schaffen Abhilfe – denn Statistik ist das Handwerkszeug, um zu verstehen, wie Psychologie Erkenntnisse gewinnt und Forschungsergebnisse bewertet. Grundlagen dazu vermittelt die Vorlesung Quantitative Methoden, Statistik, Methodenlehre. Mit den beiden Bänden "Quantitative Methoden 1/2" meistern Sie diesen Abschnitt des Studiums. Anwendungsbezogen, verständlich - von Studenten für Studenten. Mit Prüfungsaufgaben inkl. Lösungen, Glossar, Verteilungstabellen.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

This book expertly guides the reader through all stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research, from accessing the relevant literature, through designing and conducting a study, analysing and interpreting data, and finally reporting the research. This third edition includes two new chapters - on preliminary checking of data and allowing for additional variables when comparing the means of different conditions - and expands on original topics such as choosing sample sizes and how to test for mediation effects. It also contains increased coverage of tests and further detail of techniques and terms which psychologists will meet when working with those in the medical professions. As the chapters focus on choosing appropriate statistical tests and how to interpret and report them (rather than the detailed calculations, which appear in appendices), the reader is able to gain an understanding of a test without being interrupted by the need to understand the complex mathematics behind it. In addition, for the first time, the book is accompanied by an online bank of multiple choice questions. The book helps readers to: Locate reports of relevant existing research Design research while adhering to ethical principles Identify various methods which can be used to ask questions or observe behaviour Choose appropriate samples Display and analyse findings numerically and graphically to test hypotheses Report psychological research in a variety of ways. As such, the book is suitable for psychology students and professionals at all levels, and is particularly useful to those working in Health and Clinical Psychology.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

This book expertly guides the reader through all stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research, from accessing the relevant literature, through designing and conducting a study, analysing and interpreting data, and finally reporting the research. This third edition includes two new chapters - on preliminary checking of data and allowing for additional variables when comparing the means of different conditions - and expands on original topics such as choosing sample sizes and how to test for mediation effects. It also contains increased coverage of tests and further detail of techniques and terms which psychologists will meet when working with those in the medical professions. As the chapters focus on choosing appropriate statistical tests and how to interpret and report them (rather than the detailed calculations, which appear in appendices), the reader is able to gain an understanding of a test without being interrupted by the need to understand the complex mathematics behind it. In addition, for the first time, the book is accompanied by an online bank of multiple choice questions. The book helps readers to: Locate reports of relevant existing research Design research while adhering to ethical principles Identify various methods which can be used to ask questions or observe behaviour Choose appropriate samples Display and analyse findings numerically and graphically to test hypotheses Report psychological research in a variety of ways. As such, the book is suitable for psychology students and professionals at all levels, and is particularly useful to those working in Health and Clinical Psychology.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion expertly guides the reader through all the stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research: designing a study, choosing a sample of people, undertaking the study, analysing the data, and reporting the research. Accessibly written and clearly presented, the book is designed for anyone learning to conduct quantitative psychological research. It covers the full research process, from the original idea to reporting the completed study, emphasising the importance of looking beyond statistical significance in evaluating data. The book provides step-by-step guidance on choosing, interpreting and reporting the appropriate analysis, featuring worked examples and extended calculations as appendices for advanced readers. This edition features new chapters on exploratory factor analysis, logistic regression and Bayesian statistics, and has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the latest research practices. Care has been taken to avoid tying the book to any specific statistical software, providing readers with a thorough grounding in the basics no matter which package they go on to use. Whether you’re at the beginning of your undergraduate degree or working towards your masters or doctorate, this book will be invaluable for anyone looking to understand how to conduct quantitative psychological research.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion expertly guides the reader through all the stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research: designing a study, choosing a sample of people, undertaking the study, analysing the data, and reporting the research. Accessibly written and clearly presented, the book is designed for anyone learning to conduct quantitative psychological research. It covers the full research process, from the original idea to reporting the completed study, emphasising the importance of looking beyond statistical significance in evaluating data. The book provides step-by-step guidance on choosing, interpreting and reporting the appropriate analysis, featuring worked examples and extended calculations as appendices for advanced readers. This edition features new chapters on exploratory factor analysis, logistic regression and Bayesian statistics, and has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the latest research practices. Care has been taken to avoid tying the book to any specific statistical software, providing readers with a thorough grounding in the basics no matter which package they go on to use. Whether you’re at the beginning of your undergraduate degree or working towards your masters or doctorate, this book will be invaluable for anyone looking to understand how to conduct quantitative psychological research.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion, expertly guides the reader through all the stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research: designing a study, choosing a sample of people, undertaking the study, analysing the data, and reporting the research.Accessibly written and clearly presented, the book is designed for anyone learning to conduct quantitative psychological research as well being a reference work for professional psychologists. It covers the full research process, from the original idea to reporting the completed study, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond statistical significance in evaluating data. The book provides step-by-step guidance on choosing, interpreting and reporting the appropriate analysis, featuring worked examples and extended calculations as appendices for readers who wish to delve further.This edition features a new chapter examining ideas on how causality might be identified when data is not obtained from an experiment and has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect latest research practices. Care has been taken to avoid tying the book to any specific statistical software, providing readers with a thorough grounding in the basics no matter which package they go on to use.This is a must read for professional psychologists as well as students and researchers of Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods. This book is also invaluable for anyone interested in conducting quantitative psychological research.

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion

by David Clark-Carter

Quantitative Psychological Research: The Complete Student's Companion, expertly guides the reader through all the stages involved in undertaking quantitative psychological research: designing a study, choosing a sample of people, undertaking the study, analysing the data, and reporting the research.Accessibly written and clearly presented, the book is designed for anyone learning to conduct quantitative psychological research as well being a reference work for professional psychologists. It covers the full research process, from the original idea to reporting the completed study, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond statistical significance in evaluating data. The book provides step-by-step guidance on choosing, interpreting and reporting the appropriate analysis, featuring worked examples and extended calculations as appendices for readers who wish to delve further.This edition features a new chapter examining ideas on how causality might be identified when data is not obtained from an experiment and has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect latest research practices. Care has been taken to avoid tying the book to any specific statistical software, providing readers with a thorough grounding in the basics no matter which package they go on to use.This is a must read for professional psychologists as well as students and researchers of Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods. This book is also invaluable for anyone interested in conducting quantitative psychological research.

Quantitative Psychology: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Asheville, North Carolina, 2016 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #196)

by L. Andries van der Ark Marie Wiberg Steven A. Culpepper Jeffrey A. Douglas Wen-Chung Wang

This proceedings volume compiles and expands on selected and peer reviewed presentations given at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), organized by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and held in Asheville, North Carolina, July 11th to 17th, 2016.IMPS is one of the largest international meetings focusing on quantitative measurement in psychology, education, and the social sciences, both in terms of participants and number of presentations. The meeting built on the Psychometric Society's mission to share quantitative methods relevant to psychology, addressing a diverse set of psychometric topics including item response theory, factor analysis, structural equation modeling, time series analysis, mediation analysis, cognitive diagnostic models, and multi-level models. Selected presenters were invited to revise and expand their contributions and to have them peer reviewed and published in this proceedings volume.Previous volumes to showcase work from the Psychometric Society’s meetings are New Developments in Quantitative Psychology: Presentations from the 77th Annual Psychometric Society Meeting (Springer, 2013), Quantitative Psychology Research: The 78th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Springer, 2015), Quantitative Psychology Research: The 79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison, Wisconsin, 2014 (Springer, 2015), and Quantitative Psychology Research: The 80th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Beijing, 2015 (Springer, 2016).

Quantitative Psychology: The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #233)

by Marie Wiberg Steven Culpepper Rianne Janssen Jorge González Dylan Molenaar

This proceedings book highlights the latest research and developments in psychometrics and statistics. Featuring contributions presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), organized by the University of Zurich and held in Zurich, Switzerland from July 17 to 21, 2017, its 34 chapters address a diverse range of psychometric topics including item response theory, factor analysis, causal inference, Bayesian statistics, test equating, cognitive diagnostic models and multistage adaptive testing. The IMPS is one of the largest international meetings on quantitative measurement in psychology, education and the social sciences, attracting over 500 participants and 250 paper presentations from around the world every year. This book gathers the contributions of selected presenters, which were subsequently expanded and peer-reviewed.

Quantitative Psychology: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, New York, NY 2018 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #265)

by Marie Wiberg Steven Culpepper Rianne Janssen Jorge González Dylan Molenaar

This proceedings volume highlights the latest research and developments in psychometrics and statistics. This book compiles and expands on selected and peer reviewed presentations given at the 83rd Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), organized by Columbia University and held in New York, USA July 9th to 13th, 2018.The IMPS is one of the largest international meetings on quantitative measurement in education, psychology and the social sciences. The last couple of years it has attracted more than 500 participants and more than 250 paper presentations from researchers around the world.Leading experts in the world and promising young researchers have written the 38 chapters. The chapters address a large variety of topics including but not limited to item response theory, multistage adaptive testing, and cognitive diagnostic models. This volume is the 7th in a series of recent volumes to cover research presented at the IMPS.

Quantitative Psychology: 84th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #322)

by Marie Wiberg Dylan Molenaar Jorge González Ulf Böckenholt Jee-Seon Kim

This proceedings volume highlights the latest research and developments in psychometrics and statistics. It represents selected and peer reviewed presentations given at the 84th Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), organized by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and held in Santiago, Chile during July 15th to 19th, 2019.The IMPS is one of the largest international meetings on quantitative measurement in education, psychology and the social sciences. It draws approximately 500 participants from around the world, featuring paper and poster presentations, symposiums, workshops, keynotes, and invited presentations.Leading experts and promising young researchers have written the included chapters. The chapters address a large variety of topics including but not limited to item response theory, multistage adaptive testing, and cognitive diagnostic models. This volume is the 8th in a series of recent volumes to cover research presented at the IMPS.

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