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Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces

by Radley Balko

This groundbreaking history of how American police forces have been militarized is now revised and updated. Newly added material brings the story through 2020, including analysis of the Ferguson protests, the Obama and Trump administrations, and the George Floyd protests. The last days of colonialism taught America&’s revolutionaries that soldiers in the streets bring conflict and tyranny. As a result, our country has generally worked to keep the military out of law enforcement. But over the last two centuries, America&’s cops have increasingly come to resemble ground troops. The consequences have been dire: the home is no longer a place of sanctuary, the Fourth Amendment has been gutted, and police today have been conditioned to see the citizens they serve as enemies.In Rise of the Warrior Cop, Balko shows how politicians&’ ill-considered policies and relentless declarations of war against vague enemies like crime, drugs, and terror have blurred the distinction between cop and soldier. His fascinating, frightening narrative that spans from America&’s earliest days through today shows how a creeping battlefield mentality has isolated and alienated American police officers and put them on a collision course with the values of a free society.

The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon

by David Webber

When Steven Burd, CEO of the supermarket chain Safeway, cut wages and benefits, starting a five-month strike by 59,000 unionized workers, he was confident he would win. But where traditional labor action failed, a novel approach was more successful. With the aid of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, a $300 billion pension fund, workers led a shareholder revolt that unseated three of Burd’s boardroom allies. In The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor's Last Best Weapon, David Webber uses cases such as Safeway’s to shine a light on labor’s most potent remaining weapon: its multitrillion-dollar pension funds. Outmaneuvered at the bargaining table and under constant assault in Washington, state houses, and the courts, worker organizations are beginning to exercise muscle through markets. Shareholder activism has been used to divest from anti-labor companies, gun makers, and tobacco; diversify corporate boards; support Occupy Wall Street; force global warming onto the corporate agenda; create jobs; and challenge outlandish CEO pay. Webber argues that workers have found in labor’s capital a potent strategy against their exploiters. He explains the tactic’s surmountable difficulties even as he cautions that corporate interests are already working to deny labor’s access to this powerful and underused tool. The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder is a rare good-news story for American workers, an opportunity hiding in plain sight. Combining legal rigor with inspiring narratives of labor victory, Webber shows how workers can wield their own capital to reclaim their strength.

The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon

by David Webber

When Steven Burd, CEO of the supermarket chain Safeway, cut wages and benefits, starting a five-month strike by 59,000 unionized workers, he was confident he would win. But where traditional labor action failed, a novel approach was more successful. With the aid of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, a $300 billion pension fund, workers led a shareholder revolt that unseated three of Burd’s boardroom allies. In The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor's Last Best Weapon, David Webber uses cases such as Safeway’s to shine a light on labor’s most potent remaining weapon: its multitrillion-dollar pension funds. Outmaneuvered at the bargaining table and under constant assault in Washington, state houses, and the courts, worker organizations are beginning to exercise muscle through markets. Shareholder activism has been used to divest from anti-labor companies, gun makers, and tobacco; diversify corporate boards; support Occupy Wall Street; force global warming onto the corporate agenda; create jobs; and challenge outlandish CEO pay. Webber argues that workers have found in labor’s capital a potent strategy against their exploiters. He explains the tactic’s surmountable difficulties even as he cautions that corporate interests are already working to deny labor’s access to this powerful and underused tool. The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder is a rare good-news story for American workers, an opportunity hiding in plain sight. Combining legal rigor with inspiring narratives of labor victory, Webber shows how workers can wield their own capital to reclaim their strength.

Rise of the Young Turks: Politics, the Military and Ottoman Collapse

by Naim Turfan

The military was the key political institution in early twentieth-century Turkey. Its duty was to save the state – a responsibility buried deeply in its ethos and tradition – and this was reflected in the young Turk movement. This book examines the historical conditions under which the Ottoman-Turkish military tradition was established, the role it played (especially in the Young Turk era) and the way it set the scene for the transformation from empire to nation-state, the Republic of Turkey.The book opens with a controversial interpretation of a speech by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1909 calling for the disengagement of the military from partisan politics. Then, after the methodological and broad social and historical settings provided in Parts One and Two respectively, the longest section (Part Three) covers the tumultuous events of the period 1908-1913 in close detail, and in a lively historical narrative with accompanying commentary. The epilogue looks forward through the transition years of the National Struggle to the military tradition in modern Turkey and other Ottoman successor states.

The Rise of Trump: America's Authoritarian Spring (Public Works Ser.)

by Matthew C MacWilliams

The ascendance of Donald Trump to the presidential candidacy of the Republican Party has been both remarkable and, to most commentators, unlikely. In The Rise of Trump: America’s Authoritarian Spring, Matthew MacWilliams argues that Trump’s rapid rise through a bewildered Republican Party hierarchy is no anomaly; rather, MacWilliams argues, it is the most recent expression of a long-standing theme in American political life, the tendency and temptation to an ascriptive politics—a political view that builds its basic case on ascribing to any relatively disempowered group (whether defined by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, or other identifying category) a certain set of qualities that justify discriminatory treatment. The ascriptive tradition in American politics, though longstanding, has generally been kept to a relatively small minority—a minority whose rights, perhaps paradoxically, have been protected by the principles of Madisonian democracy, even though central to its worldview is the need and urgency of limiting the rights of some. It has found champions in years past in such figures as Andrew Jackson, Huey Long, Joseph McCarthy, and Pat Buchanan. But in Donald Trump this tradition has found a significant new voice, one emboldened by deeper shifts in the American political landscape. Trump’s swift and unsettling rise to the pinnacle of presidential politics may point toward the emergence of more significant and substantial questions about the future course of a democratic government committed to principles of equality and the freedom of expression, association, and conscience.

The Rise of Trump: America's Authoritarian Spring

by Matthew C MacWilliams

The ascendance of Donald Trump to the presidential candidacy of the Republican Party has been both remarkable and, to most commentators, unlikely. In The Rise of Trump: America’s Authoritarian Spring, Matthew MacWilliams argues that Trump’s rapid rise through a bewildered Republican Party hierarchy is no anomaly; rather, MacWilliams argues, it is the most recent expression of a long-standing theme in American political life, the tendency and temptation to an ascriptive politics—a political view that builds its basic case on ascribing to any relatively disempowered group (whether defined by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, or other identifying category) a certain set of qualities that justify discriminatory treatment. The ascriptive tradition in American politics, though longstanding, has generally been kept to a relatively small minority—a minority whose rights, perhaps paradoxically, have been protected by the principles of Madisonian democracy, even though central to its worldview is the need and urgency of limiting the rights of some. It has found champions in years past in such figures as Andrew Jackson, Huey Long, Joseph McCarthy, and Pat Buchanan. But in Donald Trump this tradition has found a significant new voice, one emboldened by deeper shifts in the American political landscape. Trump’s swift and unsettling rise to the pinnacle of presidential politics may point toward the emergence of more significant and substantial questions about the future course of a democratic government committed to principles of equality and the freedom of expression, association, and conscience.

The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

by Bradley Campbell Jason Manning

The Rise of Victimhood Culture offers a framework for understanding recent moral conflicts at U.S. universities, which have bled into society at large. These are not the familiar clashes between liberals and conservatives or the religious and the secular: instead, they are clashes between a new moral culture—victimhood culture—and a more traditional culture of dignity. Even as students increasingly demand trigger warnings and “safe spaces,” many young people are quick to police the words and deeds of others, who in turn claim that political correctness has run amok. Interestingly, members of both camps often consider themselves victims of the other. In tracking the rise of victimhood culture, Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning help to decode an often dizzying cultural milieu, from campus riots over conservative speakers and debates around free speech to the election of Donald Trump.

The Rise of Women's Transnational Activism: Identity and Sisterhood Between the World Wars (International Library of Twentieth Century History #Vol. 36)

by Marie Sandell

What characterised women's international co-operation in the interwar period? How did female activists from different countries and continents relate to one another? Marie Sandell here explores the changing experiences of women involved in the major international women's organisations - including the International Council of Women, International Alliance of Women, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and the International Federation of University Women - as well as the changing compositions and aims of the organisations themselves. Moving beyond an Anglo-American focus, Sandell analyses what the term 'international sisterhood' meant in this broader context, which for the first time included women from the beyond the Western world. Focusing on shifting identities, this book investigates how notions of 'sisterhood' were played out, and contested, during the interwar period and will be invaluable reading for scholars of women's history and twentieth-century world history.

The Rise, Spread, and Decline of Brazil’s Participatory Budgeting: The Arc of a Democratic Innovation

by Benjamin Goldfrank Brian Wampler

This book examines the rise, spread and decline of participatory budgeting in Brazil. In the last decade of the twentieth century Brazil became a model of participatory democracy for activists, practitioners, and scholars. However, some thirty years later participatory budgeting is in steep decline, and on the verge of disappearing from Brazil. Drawing from institutional, political choice, civil society, and public administration literature, this book generates theory that accounts for the rise and fall of an innovative democratic institution. It examines what the arc of the creation, spread, and decline of participatory budgeting tells us about the long-term viability and potential democratic impact of this innovative democratic institution as it spreads globally. Will the same inverted trajectory plague other countries in the future, or will they be able to sustain participatory budgeting for greater periods of time?

The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis

by Tony Saich Benjamin Yang

This collection of documents covers the rise to power of the Chinese communist movement. They show how the Chinese Communist Party interpreted the revolution, how it devised policies to meet changing circumstances and how these policies were communicated to party members and public.

The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis

by Tony Saich Benjamin Yang

This collection of documents covers the rise to power of the Chinese communist movement. They show how the Chinese Communist Party interpreted the revolution, how it devised policies to meet changing circumstances and how these policies were communicated to party members and public.

Risiken, Krisen, Konflikte: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven medialer Vermittlungen

by Michael Beuthner Udo Bomnüter John A. Kantara

Corona-Pandemie, Klimawandel, Terrorismus, Flüchtlings- und Wirtschaftskrise, Militäreinsätze in Afghanistan und Mali, Abgasskandal etc. Die Liste der Risiken, Krisen und Konflikte ist lang, und die „Fälle“ sind zunehmend komplex. Wie steht es um die professionelle Kommunikation darüber? Ist sie hinreichend transparent und achtsam-kritisch, oder vielmehr interessengeleitet und oberflächlich? Interne Strukturen und Vorgaben sowie dynamische externe Rahmenbedingungen erschweren die Kommunikation. Es mangelt mitunter an Formaten, Möglichkeiten, Ressourcen, Mut oder auch Expertise und Können. Diejenigen, die bei Risiken und Krisen professionell Öffentlichkeit herstellen (müssen), kommunizieren möglicherweise nicht ausreichend (gut) miteinander und haben dabei die Optionen sozialer Medien und deren Akteure (noch) nicht regelmäßig im Blickfeld. Das vielschichtige Beziehungsgeflecht der Kommunikatoren bietet scheinbar mehr Irritations- als Synergiepotentiale.Der Sammelband bündelt erstmalig in dieser Form interdisziplinäre Erfahrungswerte und Erkenntnisse von Akteuren aus Journalismus, Politik, Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Gesundheit. Dadurch werden Herausforderungen und Chancen medialer Vermittlung von Risiken und Krisen identifiziert und zugleich die Notwendigkeit und Ansatzpunkte für eine explizit auf dieses Thema ausgerichtete Ausbildung verdeutlicht.

Risikobeteiligung und Verantwortung als notwendige Machtkorrektive: Nachdenkliches zum Gesellschaftsrecht sowie zu Banken- und Umweltkrisen (essentials)

by Wolfgang Marotzke

In diesem essential werden Asymmetrien von Herrschaft und Risikobeteiligung näher beleuchtet und bewertet. Der Autor Wolfgang Marotzke befasst sich mit grundlegenden gesellschaftsrechtlichen Fragen, mit den Ursachen von Banken- und Finanzmarktkrisen sowie mit der Eingehung von Umweltrisiken zulasten künftiger Generationen. Das Buch gibt eine Fülle von Denkanstößen zu Schlüsselfragen unserer Gesellschaft und erörtert die Möglichkeiten des Rechtssystems, steuernd einzugreifen.

Risikoeinstellungen in internationalen Konflikten

by Carsten Giersch

Risikomanagement der Öffentlichen Hand

by Frank Scholz Andreas Schuler Hans-Peter Schwintowski

Der Gesetzgeber hat die Rahmenbedingungen für Risikomanagementsysteme in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland für private Unternehmen immer wieder verschärft. Die Öffentliche Hand selbst nutzt Risikomanagementaspekte jedoch nicht so stringent, wie sie es von privaten Wirtschaftsunternehmen erwartet. Das Buch bietet als erste systematische Abhandlung zum Thema eine gründliche theoretische Fundierung sowie Überblicksartikel zu den rechtlichen Bestimmungen, dem Wirtschaftsprüferrecht und vor allem Praxisbeispiele zum Aufbau eines Risikomanagementsystems.

Risikopolitik: Eine Einführung (Elemente der Politik)

by Florian P. Kühn

Dieses Lehrbuch führt ein in die politischen Zusammenhänge der Wahrnehmung von Risiken, des politischen Umgangs mit ihnen und in die gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Möglichkeiten, diese Politik zu analysieren. Neben der Frage, welche Risiken existieren und wie ihnen begegnet werden kann, thematisiert das Buch die Kategorien, nach denen Risiken erkannt und in der Öffentlichkeit diskutiert werden. Es zeigt, wie Risiken verstanden werden können, wie ihnen begegnet wird sowie welchen Bedingungen organisierter Herrschaft Risikopolitik entspringt. An den Beispielen Krieg, Gesundheit, Terrorismus und Entwicklungspolitik wird veranschaulicht, welche Auswirkungen Risikoerwägungen auf internationale Politik ebenso wie auf gesellschaftliche Prozesse haben.

Rising China and Internet Governance: Multistakeholderism, Fragmentation and the Liberal Order in the Age of Digital Sovereignty

by Riccardo Nanni

This book provides an account of the transformation of Chinese stakeholders' engagement in Internet governance, from normative contestation to integration, and from isolation to an industrial leadership role. The book concludes that Chinese stakeholders are not seeking to fragment the Internet but are rather integrating in the existing global Internet governance mechanisms while adopting strong regulation domestically. This counters a widespread media (and academic) narrative on China as the promoter of an alternative Internet and/or an alternative model of Internet governance. These conclusions are reached through a mix of qualitative methods, including interviews with people involved first-hand in Internet governance, such as technologists engaged in the making of Internet and mobile connectivity standards.

A Rising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse (Politics in Asia)

by Rex Li

This volume provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the security discourse of Chinese policy elites on the major powers in East Asia in relation to China’s self-perception as a rising power. It is the first book-length study that utilizes International Relations theories systematically to analyze Chinese security perceptions of the United States, Japan and Russia, and the debate among Chinese international relations specialists on how China should respond to the perceived challenge from the major powers to its rise to a global status. Rex Li argues that the security discourse of Chinese policy analysts is closely linked to their conception of China’s identity and their desire and endeavour to construct a great power identity for China. Drawing on extensive and up-to-date Chinese-language sources, the study demonstrates that Chinese elites perceive the power, aspirations and security strategies of other East Asian powers primarily in terms of their implications for China’s pursuit of great power status. This new work will contribute significantly to the on-going academic and policy debate on the nature and repercussions of China’s rise. This book will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars of Asian security, China’s foreign relations, security studies and international relations.

A Rising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse (Politics in Asia)

by Rex Li

This volume provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the security discourse of Chinese policy elites on the major powers in East Asia in relation to China’s self-perception as a rising power. It is the first book-length study that utilizes International Relations theories systematically to analyze Chinese security perceptions of the United States, Japan and Russia, and the debate among Chinese international relations specialists on how China should respond to the perceived challenge from the major powers to its rise to a global status. Rex Li argues that the security discourse of Chinese policy analysts is closely linked to their conception of China’s identity and their desire and endeavour to construct a great power identity for China. Drawing on extensive and up-to-date Chinese-language sources, the study demonstrates that Chinese elites perceive the power, aspirations and security strategies of other East Asian powers primarily in terms of their implications for China’s pursuit of great power status. This new work will contribute significantly to the on-going academic and policy debate on the nature and repercussions of China’s rise. This book will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars of Asian security, China’s foreign relations, security studies and international relations.

Rising China in a Changing World: Power Transitions and Global Leadership

by Jin Kai

In this book, Jin Kai provides an alternative perspective on the power interactions between a rising China and a "relatively" declining U.S. in the changing world situation. Grounded in previous scholarship, Jin argues that China's rise is historically, culturally, and structurally different; a peaceful power transition requires engagement by the U.S. in international institutions. Grounded in case studies and theory, this study will be of relevance to any reader interested in the evolving great power relationship between China and the U.S.

Rising China in a Changing World: Power Transitions and Global Leadership

by Jin Kai

In this book, Jin Kai provides an alternative perspective on the power interactions between a rising China and a "relatively" declining U.S. in the changing world situation. Grounded in previous scholarship, Jin argues that China's rise is historically, culturally, and structurally different; a peaceful power transition requires engagement by the U.S. in international institutions. Grounded in case studies and theory, this study will be of relevance to any reader interested in the evolving great power relationship between China and the U.S.

Rising China's Influence in Developing Asia

Rising China has been reshaping world order for the last two decades, but this volume argues that we cannot accurately understand rising China's global impacts without first investigating whether and how its growing power resources are translated into actual influence over other states' choices and policies. Concentrating on the developing countries in East and South Asia, where the power asymmetry is greatest and China ought to have the biggest influence, the volume investigates China's influence in bilateral relationships, and on key political actors from these countries within key issue areas and international institutions. Using an influence framework, the volume demonstrates how China tends to try to gain the support of smaller and weaker countries without forcing them to change their preferences or to act against their own interests. China does purposefully coerce, induce, or persuade others to behave in certain ways, but whether and the extent to which it succeeds is determined as much by the reactions, political context and decision-making processes of the target states, as it is by how skilfully Chinese actors deploy these tools. The contributors detail how China's influence even over these weaker states does not result from easy applications of power; rather it tends to be mediated through the competing interests of target state actors, the imperatives of other existing security and economic relationships, and more complex strategic thinking than we might expect. The book's findings carry lessons for conceptual refinement, as well as policy implications for those coping with China's reshaping of international order.

Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here (Critical Interventions)

by Anthony R. DiMaggio

Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here explores how rising fascism has infiltrated U.S. politics—and how the media and academia failed to spot its earlier rise. Anthony R. DiMaggio spotlights the development of rightwing polarization of the media, Trump’s political ascendance, and the prominence of extremist activists, including in Congress. Fascism has long bubbled under the surface until the coup attempt of January 6th, 2021. This book offers tactics to combat fascism, exploring social movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter in mobilizing the public. When so little scholarship engages the question of fascism, Anthony R. DiMaggio combines the rigor of academic analysis with an accessible style that appeals to student and general readers.

Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here (Critical Interventions)

by Anthony R. DiMaggio

Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here explores how rising fascism has infiltrated U.S. politics—and how the media and academia failed to spot its earlier rise. Anthony R. DiMaggio spotlights the development of rightwing polarization of the media, Trump’s political ascendance, and the prominence of extremist activists, including in Congress. Fascism has long bubbled under the surface until the coup attempt of January 6th, 2021. This book offers tactics to combat fascism, exploring social movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter in mobilizing the public. When so little scholarship engages the question of fascism, Anthony R. DiMaggio combines the rigor of academic analysis with an accessible style that appeals to student and general readers.

Rising India: Status and Power

by Rajesh Basrur Kate Sullivan de Estrada

While India’s prospects as a rising power and its material position in the international system have received significant attention, little scholarly work exists on India’s status in contemporary world politics. This Routledge Focus book charts the ways in which India’s international strategies of status seeking have evolved from Independence up to the present day. The authors focus on the social dimensions of status, seeking to build on recent conceptual scholarship on status in world politics. The book shows how India has made a partial, though incomplete, shift from seeking status by rejecting material power and proximity to major powers, to seeking status by embracing both material power and major power relationships. However, it also challenges traditional understandings of the linear relationship between material power and status. Seven decades of Indian status seeking reveal that the enhancement of material power is one of only several routes Indian leaders have envisaged to lead to higher status. By arguing that a state requires more than material power to achieve status, this book reshapes understandings of both status seeking and Indian foreign policy. It will be of interest to academics and policy makers in the fields of international relations, foreign policy, and Indian studies.

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