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Showing 55,651 through 55,675 of 62,079 results

Teilhabe am Verkehrssystem: Einfluss selbständiger Mobilität auf die Freizeitgestaltung junger Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung (Gesundheitsförderung - Rehabilitation - Teilhabe)

by Vera Tillmann

​Mit der Teilhabe am Verkehrssystem werden Zugänge zu unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen geöffnet. Für (junge) Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung können diese aufgrund bestehender Barrieren an Herausforderungen geknüpft sein, die Exklusionsrisiken bedingen. Vera Tillmann setzt sich vor diesem Hintergrund mit den bestehenden und potenziellen Teilhabechancen für (junge) Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung auseinander. Differenziert bearbeitet wird dies mit Bezug zum Lebensbereich Freizeit sowie dem Konzept der Lebensqualität. In der empirischen Untersuchung werden die Verknüpfungen und Zusammenhänge mit Hilfe multimethodischer Erhebungs- und Analyseverfahren bearbeitet.​

Teilhard Lexicon: Understanding the Language, Terminology and Vision of the Writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

by Sion Cowell

Written to enable researchers and students to better understand the specialised language of Teilhard's transdisciplinary approach, which he found himself compelled to develop as a means of expressing that extraordinary vision of a universe in process of convergence towards a cosmic centre of unity he identifies with the Cosmic Christ. All quotations in the Lexicon have been sourced from the French originals. The work includes a full bibliography of Teilhard's works in French and English. 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of Teilhard's death. Several conferences are planned to mark this anniversary.

Teilsystemische Autonomie und politische Gesellschaftssteuerung: Beiträge zur akteurzentrierten Differenzierungstheorie 2

by Uwe Schimank

Die Autonomie der Teilsysteme der funktional differenzierten modernen Gesellschaft kann immer wieder in doppelter Hinsicht prekär werden. Teilsystemische Autonomie kann durch Einwirkungen anderer Teilsysteme gefährdet werden; und sie kann zur Verselbständigung gegenüber gesellschaftlichen Integrationserfordernissen ausarten. Politische Gesellschaftssteuerung ist einer der Mechanismen, die in der modernen Gesellschaft eine ausbalancierte Autonomie der Teilsysteme und damit funktionale Differenzierung sichern sollen. Diese Zusammenhänge von gefährdeter und gefährdender teilsystemischer Autonomie auf der einen, auf beides reagierender politischer Gesellschaftssteuerung auf der anderen Seite sind Thema der Beiträge dieses Bandes.

The Teleological and Kalam Cosmological Arguments Revisited (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)

by Andrew Loke

A prominent issue in many contemporary philosophy of religion debates concerns whether the universe has a Designer. This book moves the discussion ahead in a significant way by devising an original deductive formulation of the Teleological Argument (TA) which demonstrates that the following are the only possible categories of hypotheses concerning fine-tuning and order: (i) chance, (ii) regularity, (iii) combinations of regularity and chance, (iv) uncaused, and (v) design. This book also demonstrates that there are essential features of each category such that, while the alternatives to design are unlikely, the Design Hypothesis is not, and that one can argue for design by exclusion without having to first assign a prior probability for design. By combining the TA with the Kalam Cosmological Argument (KCA) which it defends against various objections, this book responds to the God-of-the-gaps objection by demonstrating that the conclusion of the KCA-TA is not based on gaps which can be filled by further scientific progress, but follows from deduction and exclusion.This is an open access book.

Teleological Structures in Human Life: Essays for Anselm W. Müller (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Christian Kietzmann

This is the first collection of essays devoted to the thought of Anselm W. Müller. It brings to the attention of the English-speaking world an influential and highly regarded philosopher who has made important contributions to a wide range of philosophical debates. The volume begins with a biographical sketch of Müller. Arguably, Müller’s most important contributions are to the philosophy of action and virtue ethics. The contributors, which include friends, colleagues, and former students, engage with different aspects of Müller’s thought in these areas. Subjects include his interpretation of Aristotle and Wittgenstein, the teleology of thought and action, the Aristotelian distinction between poiesis and praxis and its application to ethical upbringing, and the possibility of practical knowledge and practical truth. Teleological Structures in Human Life will be of interest to researches and advanced students working on virtue ethics, philosophy of action, and practical reasoning.

Teleological Structures in Human Life: Essays for Anselm W. Müller (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Christian Kietzmann

This is the first collection of essays devoted to the thought of Anselm W. Müller. It brings to the attention of the English-speaking world an influential and highly regarded philosopher who has made important contributions to a wide range of philosophical debates. The volume begins with a biographical sketch of Müller. Arguably, Müller’s most important contributions are to the philosophy of action and virtue ethics. The contributors, which include friends, colleagues, and former students, engage with different aspects of Müller’s thought in these areas. Subjects include his interpretation of Aristotle and Wittgenstein, the teleology of thought and action, the Aristotelian distinction between poiesis and praxis and its application to ethical upbringing, and the possibility of practical knowledge and practical truth. Teleological Structures in Human Life will be of interest to researches and advanced students working on virtue ethics, philosophy of action, and practical reasoning.

The Teleologies in Husserlian Phenomenology: The Irreducible Element in Man. Part III ‘Telos’ as the Pivotal Factor of Contextual Phenomenology (Analecta Husserliana #9)

by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

The following bibliography, arranged chronologically, permits the reader to follow the development of phenomenological studies in Italy in parallel with other, contemporary, cultural currents. From this list it can be seen that knowledge of Hussed's work begins in 1923 with the studies of A. Banfi. Phenomenology, however, did not immediately receive a warm welcome. It contrasted with the then dominant neo-idealism (as has been made clear by G. De Ruggiero), but for this very reason it also found adherents among the opponents of idealism. These were either distant heirs of positivism, who accepted Hussed on account of his scientific approach and rigor, or Christian­ oriented thinkers, who, following an initial period of diffidence toward the antimetaphysical attitude of phenomenological analysis, gradually began to use this method as an antiidealist instrument - even though the problem remained of Hussed's own transcendental idealism and the value to be attributed to it. Despite the difficulties encountered on the way, the numerous studies carried out in Italy prior to Wodd War II make it clear that the better known philosophers who have left a mark on Italian culture already had begun to take a discreet interest in phenomenology.

Teleologische Reflexion in Kants Philosophie

by Paula Órdenes Anna Pickhan

Immanuel Kant entwickelte im Rahmen der Kritik der Urteilskraft seinen Begriff des Zwecks (telos). Die daraus entstehenden Implikationen für seine theoretische und praktische Philosophie, aber auch für sein System insgesamt sind weitreichend. Deshalb bleibt die Betrachtung der kantischen Teleologie in diesem Sammelband nicht bei einem Werk stehen, sondern betrachtet seine komplette Philosophie und zeigt sowohl Verbindungen als auch Brüche auf. Damit kann das Potenzial von Kants Teleologie, auch über seine Philosophie hinaus, neu bewertet werden.

Teleology: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts)

by Jeffrey K. McDonough

Teleology is the belief that some things happen, or exist for the sake of other things. It is the belief that, for example, salmon swim upstream in order to spawn, and that bears have claws for the sake of catching fish. This volume takes up the intuitive yet puzzling concept of teleology as it has been treated by philosophers from ancient times to the present day. It includes nine main chapters centered on the treatment of teleology in Plato, Aristotle, the Islamic medieval tradition, the Jewish medieval tradition, the Latin medieval tradition, the early modern era, Kant, Hegel, and contemporary philosophy. Each chapter probes central questions such as: is teleology inherent in its subjects or is it imposed on them from the outside? Does teleology necessarily involve intentionality, that is, a subject's cognizing some end, goal, or purpose? What is the scope of teleology? Is it, for example, applicable to elements and animals, or only to rational beings? Finally, is teleology explanatory? When we say that salmon swim upstream in order to spawn, have we explained why they swim upstream? When we say that bears have claws for catching fish, have we explained why bears have claws? The philosophical discussions of the main chapters are enlivened and contextualized by four reflection pieces exploring the implications of teleology in medicine, art, poetry, and music.

Teleology: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts)

by Jeffrey K. McDonough

Teleology is the belief that some things happen, or exist for the sake of other things. It is the belief that, for example, salmon swim upstream in order to spawn, and that bears have claws for the sake of catching fish. This volume takes up the intuitive yet puzzling concept of teleology as it has been treated by philosophers from ancient times to the present day. It includes nine main chapters centered on the treatment of teleology in Plato, Aristotle, the Islamic medieval tradition, the Jewish medieval tradition, the Latin medieval tradition, the early modern era, Kant, Hegel, and contemporary philosophy. Each chapter probes central questions such as: is teleology inherent in its subjects or is it imposed on them from the outside? Does teleology necessarily involve intentionality, that is, a subject's cognizing some end, goal, or purpose? What is the scope of teleology? Is it, for example, applicable to elements and animals, or only to rational beings? Finally, is teleology explanatory? When we say that salmon swim upstream in order to spawn, have we explained why they swim upstream? When we say that bears have claws for catching fish, have we explained why bears have claws? The philosophical discussions of the main chapters are enlivened and contextualized by four reflection pieces exploring the implications of teleology in medicine, art, poetry, and music.

Teleology and Modernity (Routledge Approaches to History)

by William Gibson Dan O’Brien Marius Turda

The main and original contribution of this volume is to offer a discussion of teleology through the prism of religion, philosophy and history. The goal is to incorporate teleology within discussions across these three disciplines rather than restrict it to one as is customarily the case. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, from individual teleologies to collective ones; ideas put forward by the French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau and the Scottish philosopher David Hume, by the Anglican theologian and founder of Methodism, John Wesley, and the English naturalist Charles Darwin.

Teleology and Modernity (Routledge Approaches to History)

by Dan O'Brien Marius Turda William Gibson

The main and original contribution of this volume is to offer a discussion of teleology through the prism of religion, philosophy and history. The goal is to incorporate teleology within discussions across these three disciplines rather than restrict it to one as is customarily the case. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, from individual teleologies to collective ones; ideas put forward by the French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau and the Scottish philosopher David Hume, by the Anglican theologian and founder of Methodism, John Wesley, and the English naturalist Charles Darwin.

Teleology and the Norms of Nature

by William J. FitzPatrick

This work is an examination of teleological attributions i.e. ascriptions of proper functions and natural ends) to the features and behavior of living things with a view to understanding their application to human life.

Teleology and the Norms of Nature

by William J. FitzPatrick

This work is an examination of teleological attributions i.e. ascriptions of proper functions and natural ends) to the features and behavior of living things with a view to understanding their application to human life.

The Teleology of Action in Plato's Republic

by Andrew Payne

In many discussions of ancient philosophy, teleology is acknowledged as an important theme. How do we act for a particular end or purpose? One common answer describes humans as acting with the intention of achieving a goal. A person selects particular actions with the thought that these actions will lead to that goal. Andrew Payne accepts that this is one good answer to our question but proposes that it is not the only one. In Plato's Republic, Socrates appeals to a different understanding of how humans act for the sake of ends as they live together in political communities and pursue knowledge. As they carry out activities that are necessary for human flourishing, their actions can produce unintended results that signal the full completion of human capacities. For example, performing the actions of a just individual can help promote the establishment of a just society as an unintended result. Such unintended results qualify as ends or purposes of human action. This volume fully explores this functional teleology of action in Plato's Republic.

The Teleology of Action in Plato's Republic

by Andrew Payne

In many discussions of ancient philosophy, teleology is acknowledged as an important theme. How do we act for a particular end or purpose? One common answer describes humans as acting with the intention of achieving a goal. A person selects particular actions with the thought that these actions will lead to that goal. Andrew Payne accepts that this is one good answer to our question but proposes that it is not the only one. In Plato's Republic, Socrates appeals to a different understanding of how humans act for the sake of ends as they live together in political communities and pursue knowledge. As they carry out activities that are necessary for human flourishing, their actions can produce unintended results that signal the full completion of human capacities. For example, performing the actions of a just individual can help promote the establishment of a just society as an unintended result. Such unintended results qualify as ends or purposes of human action. This volume fully explores this functional teleology of action in Plato's Republic.

Television and Politics

by Kurt Lang Gladys Engel Lang

"The authorsahave analyzed the television problem brilliantly. They had come up with a whole set of new insights, and their backup research always is fascinating to read."-Saturday Review"A cautious, research-based bookahopefully it will set a trend."-Ithiel de Sola Pool, Public Opinion QuarterlyAfter more than forty years of studying its political implications, Kurt and Gladys Lang put the power of television into a unique perspective. Through carefully compiled case studies, they reveal surprising truths about TV's effect on American political life, and explode some popular myths. Their theme throughout is that television gives the viewer the illusion of being a favored spectator at some event-he "sees for himself," in other words. But, in fact, it conveys a reality different from that experienced by an eyewitness. Because the televised version of an event reaches more people, it has greater impact on the public memory and comes to overshadow what actually happened.The Langs tell in detail how television shapes events; how public figures and political institutions adjust their tactics to exploit the effects they-and millions of viewers-think television has. They examine such issues as whether or not network television projections influence election results. They consider the accuracy of the networks increasingly sophisticated techniques for "calling" election outcomes well before polls close. Such concerns have never been more at the forefront of the public consciousness than in the wake of the 2000 presidential election. The Langs assess the research to date and clarify the effects of early TV projections on voter turnout and election outcomes, and look at the implications for our system of government.A model of excellent policy analysis, this highly readable volume will interest decision-makers and analysts, as well as students of journalism, broadcasting, political behavior, and voters looking forward to the next election.Kurt Lang was a professor of sociology and political science at Stony Brook before becoming the Director of the School of Communications at the University of Washington. Gladys Engel Lang is a professor of communications with joint appointments in Political Science and Sociology at the University of Washington. In addition to Television and Politics, the Langs have also co-authored The Battle for Public Opinion: the President, the Press and the Polls during Watergate, Voting and Nonvoting, and Collective Dynamics.

Television and Politics

by Kurt Lang Gladys Engel Lang

"The authorsahave analyzed the television problem brilliantly. They had come up with a whole set of new insights, and their backup research always is fascinating to read."-Saturday Review"A cautious, research-based bookahopefully it will set a trend."-Ithiel de Sola Pool, Public Opinion QuarterlyAfter more than forty years of studying its political implications, Kurt and Gladys Lang put the power of television into a unique perspective. Through carefully compiled case studies, they reveal surprising truths about TV's effect on American political life, and explode some popular myths. Their theme throughout is that television gives the viewer the illusion of being a favored spectator at some event-he "sees for himself," in other words. But, in fact, it conveys a reality different from that experienced by an eyewitness. Because the televised version of an event reaches more people, it has greater impact on the public memory and comes to overshadow what actually happened.The Langs tell in detail how television shapes events; how public figures and political institutions adjust their tactics to exploit the effects they-and millions of viewers-think television has. They examine such issues as whether or not network television projections influence election results. They consider the accuracy of the networks increasingly sophisticated techniques for "calling" election outcomes well before polls close. Such concerns have never been more at the forefront of the public consciousness than in the wake of the 2000 presidential election. The Langs assess the research to date and clarify the effects of early TV projections on voter turnout and election outcomes, and look at the implications for our system of government.A model of excellent policy analysis, this highly readable volume will interest decision-makers and analysts, as well as students of journalism, broadcasting, political behavior, and voters looking forward to the next election.Kurt Lang was a professor of sociology and political science at Stony Brook before becoming the Director of the School of Communications at the University of Washington. Gladys Engel Lang is a professor of communications with joint appointments in Political Science and Sociology at the University of Washington. In addition to Television and Politics, the Langs have also co-authored The Battle for Public Opinion: the President, the Press and the Polls during Watergate, Voting and Nonvoting, and Collective Dynamics.

Television and the Embodied Viewer: Affect and Meaning in the Digital Age (Routledge Advances in Television Studies)

by Marsha F. Cassidy

Television and the Embodied Viewer appraises the medium’s capacity to evoke sensations and bodily feelings in the viewer. Presenting a fresh approach to television studies, the book examines the sensate force of onscreen bodies and illustrates how TV’s multisensory appeal builds viewer empathy and animates meaning. The book draws extensively upon interpretive viewpoints in the humanities to shed light on a range of provocative television works, notably The Americans, Mad Men, Little Women: LA, and Six Feet Under, with emphasis on the dramatization of gender, disability, sex, childbearing, and death. Advocating a biocultural approach that takes into account the mind sciences, Cassidy argues that interpretive meanings, shaped within today’s dynamic cultural matrix, are amplified by somatic experience. At a time when questions of embodiment and affect are crossing disciplines, this book will appeal to scholars and students working in the fields of television, film, and media studies, both in the humanities and cognitive traditions.

Television and the Embodied Viewer: Affect and Meaning in the Digital Age (Routledge Advances in Television Studies)

by Marsha F. Cassidy

Television and the Embodied Viewer appraises the medium’s capacity to evoke sensations and bodily feelings in the viewer. Presenting a fresh approach to television studies, the book examines the sensate force of onscreen bodies and illustrates how TV’s multisensory appeal builds viewer empathy and animates meaning. The book draws extensively upon interpretive viewpoints in the humanities to shed light on a range of provocative television works, notably The Americans, Mad Men, Little Women: LA, and Six Feet Under, with emphasis on the dramatization of gender, disability, sex, childbearing, and death. Advocating a biocultural approach that takes into account the mind sciences, Cassidy argues that interpretive meanings, shaped within today’s dynamic cultural matrix, are amplified by somatic experience. At a time when questions of embodiment and affect are crossing disciplines, this book will appeal to scholars and students working in the fields of television, film, and media studies, both in the humanities and cognitive traditions.

Television and the Moral Imaginary: Society through the Small Screen

by T. Dant

Just how bad is television? Drawing on a range of theoretical sources including Husserl Lacan, Lefebvre, Sartre, Schutz and Adam Smith, this book takes a phenomenological approach to the small screen to offer an original sociological approach to television and its contribution to moral culture of late modern societies.

Television and Youth Culture: Televised Paranoia (Education, Psychoanalysis, and Social Transformation)

by J. jagodzinski

This book explores youth in postmodern society through a Lacanian lens. Jagodzinski explores the generalized paranoia that pervades the landscape of television. Instead of dismissing paranoia as a negative development, he claims that youth today labour within the context of paranoia to find their identities.

A Telic Theory of Trust

by J. Adam Carter

What is it to trust well? How do we do it? If we think of trust as a kind of aimed performance, capable of not only success but also of competence and aptness, our understanding of what it is to trust well can be put on an entirely new footing. A Telic Theory of Trust takes up this project, and in doing so, makes use of the core 'trust as performance' idea, developed and refined in substantive detail, in the service of explaining a range of philosophically important questions: the nature and varieties of trust, the evaluative norms that govern good trusting and distrusting (both implicit and deliberative), how trust relates to vulnerability, risk, negligence, and monitoring, as well as to trustworthiness and, more generally, to our practices of cooperation. The result, a telic theory of trust, opens up new conceptual possibilities and a research agenda in the philosophy of trust that is methodologically in the spirit of virtue epistemology, but which takes on its own distinctive shape.

A Telic Theory of Trust

by J. Adam Carter

What is it to trust well? How do we do it? If we think of trust as a kind of aimed performance, capable of not only success but also of competence and aptness, our understanding of what it is to trust well can be put on an entirely new footing. A Telic Theory of Trust takes up this project, and in doing so, makes use of the core 'trust as performance' idea, developed and refined in substantive detail, in the service of explaining a range of philosophically important questions: the nature and varieties of trust, the evaluative norms that govern good trusting and distrusting (both implicit and deliberative), how trust relates to vulnerability, risk, negligence, and monitoring, as well as to trustworthiness and, more generally, to our practices of cooperation. The result, a telic theory of trust, opens up new conceptual possibilities and a research agenda in the philosophy of trust that is methodologically in the spirit of virtue epistemology, but which takes on its own distinctive shape.

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