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Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen

by Franz Daschner

Dieses Buch ist die Praxisversion des bereits in der 5. Auflage erscheinenden Taschenbuches "Antibiotika am Krankenbett". Es befaßt sich jedoch ausschließlich mit den Erkrankungen und Präparaten, die für die ärztliche Praxis von Bedeutung sind. Die Antibiotikatherapie in der Praxis sämtlicher wichtiger Infektionen wird in tabellarischer Form kurz und übersichtlich dargestellt. Zusätzlich werden umweltschonende und kostenersparende Hygieneratschläge für die ärztliche Praxis gegeben. Die Besonderheiten des Buches sind das Taschenbuchformat (9 x 14,9 cm) und die kurze übersichtliche Darstellung, so daß innerhalb von wenigen Minuten die wichtigsten Informationen nachschlagbar sind.

Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen

by Franz Daschner

Kompaktes Taschenbuch für die Praxisschnell nachschlagensicher verordneno aktuelle Antibiotikatherapie - knapp und präzise in übersichtlichen Tabelleno alle praxisrelevanten Erkrankungen und Präparateo nützliche Praxistips und Hygieneratschläge

Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen: 2006 - 2007 (1x1 der Therapie)

by Franz Daschner Uwe Frank

Die wichtigsten Antibiotika, Infektionen und Therapiestrategien für die Ärztliche Praxis. Tabellarisch knapp, übersichtlich und aktuell.-> Mit kostensparenden Hygiene-Tipps

Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen (1x1 der Therapie)

by Uwe Frank

Die wichtigsten Antibiotika, Infektionen und Therapiestrategien für die Ärztliche Praxis. Tabellarisch knapp, übersichtlich und aktuell.-> Mit kostensparenden Hygiene-Tipps

Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen (1x1 der Therapie)

by Uwe Frank

Übersichtlich, prägnant und schnell griffbereit präsentiert der Band komprimiertes Wissen zu wichtigen Antibiotika-Resistenzen, zu den neuesten Präparaten sowie deren Wirkspektrum und Anwendung. Die Antibiotika-Therapien aller wichtigen Infektionen werden in Tabellen kurz und übersichtlich dargestellt und um kostensparende und umweltschonende Hygieneratschläge für die ärztliche Praxis ergänzt. Die Neuauflage wurde um ein Kapitel über pflanzliche antiinfektiöse Therapien erweitert.

Antibiotikatherapie im Kindesalter

by Hans Jürgen Dornbusch Ursula Theuretzbacher Hans Michael Grubbauer

Die antibiotische Therapie und Prophylaxe von bakteriellen Infektionen im Kindesalter wird in praxisgerechter Art und Weise dargestellt. Der erste Teil gilt den häufigsten Krankheitserregern mit ihren wichtigsten Eigenschaften. Der zweite Teil bringt Kurzbeschreibungen der relevanten Antibiotikagruppen mit genauen Angaben zu Spektrum, Indikationen, Nebenwirkungen, Wechselwirkungen und Kontraindikationen. Im dritten Teil werden Empfehlungen zur empirischen und gezielten Antibiotikatherapie gegeben. Die Informationen zu den einzelnen Antibiotika sind übersichtlich gegliedert und können schnell nachgeschlagen werden. Das Buch bietet eine rasche Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl der richtigen antibakteriellen Therapie und zugleich das entsprechende mikrobiologische Hintergrundwissen.

Antiblack Racism and the AIDS Epidemic: State Intimacies

by A. Geary

Anti-Black Racism and the AIDS Epidemic: State Intimacies argues that racial disparities in HIV rates reflect the organization of racialized poverty and structural violence. Challenging the popular perception of HIV, black vulnerability to HIV in the US is shown to be created by the violent intimacy of the state.

Antibodies: Their structure and function

by M.W. Steward

The student of biological science in his final years as an undergraduate and his first years as a graduate is expected to gain some familiarity with current research at the frontiers of his discipline. New research work is published in a perplexing diversity of publications and is inevitably con­ cerned with the minutiae of the subject. The sheer number of research journals and papers also causes confusion and difficulties of assimilation. Review articles usually presuppose a background knowledge of the field and are inevitably rather restricted in scope. There is thus a need for short but authoritative introductions to those areas of modern biological research which are either not dealt with in standard introductory textbooks or are not dealt with in sufficient detail to enable the student to go on from them to read scholarly reviews with profit. This series of books is designed to satisfy this need. The authors have been asked to produce a brief outline of their subject assuming that their readers will have read and remembered much of a standard introductory textbook of biology. This outline then sets out to provide by building on this basis, the conceptual framework within which modern research work is progressing and aims to give the reader an indication of the problems, both conceptual and practical, which must be overcome if progress is to be maintained.

Antibodies: Volume 2: Novel Technologies and Therapeutic Use

by G. Subramanian

It is now over one hundred years since von Behring and Kitsato first concluded experiments that led to the use of passive immunisation, employing antibodies raised in animals against tetanus and diphtheria toxins. The advancement of technology both in manufacturing purity product in a cost effective way and the clinical research has proved that antibodies are one ofthe most successful products in biotechnology. Monoclonal antibodies account for between one-third and one-halfof all pharmaceutical products in development and human clinical trials. Both the nature of monoclonal antibody therapies and the relatively large size of the monoclonal antibody dictate the production requirements, for many ofthese therapeutics the monoclonal antibody product will be 100 kilogrammes or more per year. It is widely acknowledged that there is currently a worldwide shortage of biomanufacturing capacity, and the active pharmaceutical ingredient material requirements for these products are expected to increase. Thus the industry is looking for new sources and extensive studies are being carried out not only for alternative technology to meet the needs but also to reveal the new therapeutic applicationsofantibodies. This book brings to the forefront current advances in novel technologies for the manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies and also their extensive clinical importance. The first four chapters give an overview of the new technologies and the successful application in the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies with clinical purity. The next chapters address the application of antibodies in cancer therapy and functional genomic therapy.

Antibodies: Volume 1: Production and Purification

by G. Subramanian

If the antibody industry is to achieve its full potential in the next decade, the individual technical potentials must be exploited, the limitations must be addressed, and lessons learned must be applied both to current purification methods and to the new technologies that continue to emerge. This book presents an overview of the current advances applied in the manufacture of monoclonal antibody including: -concepts in development of manufacturing strategies, -importance of antibody fragments, -application of chromatography method development, -quality control, -effect of expression on antibody properties, -virus removal and safety, -pharmacokinetics, -regulatory aspects.

Antibodies: Structure, Synthesis, Function, and Immunologic Intervention in Disease (University of South Florida International Biomedical Symposia Series)

by A. Szentivanyi Paul H. Maurer Bernard W. Janicki

This publication is based on a Symposium that has been held in Clearwater, Florida on February 19-21, 1986, on antibodies, their structure, synthesis, function, and clinical applicability in disease. Organization of this symposium by the University of South Florida College of Medicine was prompted by the unparalleled current expansion of information on these topics in general, and in the field of antibody diver­ sity, in particular. The issues that surround the last named dimension of this field, began to surface in the late 1950's with the first conclusive genetic studies having been answered, and a new set of concepts has been de­ fined. As we see it from the material presented in this volume, now new and different questions are being raised and answered by studies in progress, and it may be expected that there will be other questions that will be with us for a considerably longer time. We believe that the symposium brought together many prominent investi­ gators with different backgrounds and training experiences such as immunolo­ gists, microbiologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, and clinical sci­ entists, thus providing an excellent example of the interdisciplinary value of modern immunology and modern biomedical science in general. We believe, therefore, that bringing these complex topics to a wide audience of bio­ medical scientists through this symposium as well as this volume is of value to the scientific and to the medical community.


by Maurizio Zanetti Donald J. Capra

The Antibodies presents models, theories, and techniques of molecular biology for understanding the mechanisms of antibody action, including the genetics, and receptor and channel action. This book includes applications of engineered antibodies in diagnosis, immunotherapy, and protein purification. It provides new insights into the structural basis

Antibodies for Infectious Diseases (ASM Books)

by James E. Crowe D. Boraschi Rino Rappuoli

State-of-the-art reviews covering major aspects of antibodies and intervention against infectious diseases The connection between antibodies and infectious diseases has spawned entire related fields of study. Antibodies for Infectious Diseases presents perspectives from leading research scientists and summarizes the amazing progress in this area into a single definitive source. Providing a broad survey of the most important aspects of the field of antibodies for infectious diseases, this book presents general features pertaining to structure, function, isotype, and the role of complement in antibody function examines the role of antibodies in antimicrobial immunity with specific targets details new methods for expression of monoclonal antibodies, in plants or by transfer of antibody genes for in vivo expression in treated subjects Antibodies for Infectious Diseases is a comprehensive reference for researchers, pharmaceutical developers, and health care professionals on the status of the development of antibody-based therapies for treating infectious diseases. It is also useful as supplemental reading for upper level life sciences students.

Antibodies for Infectious Diseases (ASM Books #44)

by James E. Crowe Jr. Diana Boraschi Rino Rappuoli

State-of-the-art reviews covering major aspects of antibodies and intervention against infectious diseases The connection between antibodies and infectious diseases has spawned entire related fields of study. Antibodies for Infectious Diseases presents perspectives from leading research scientists and summarizes the amazing progress in this area into a single definitive source. Providing a broad survey of the most important aspects of the field of antibodies for infectious diseases, this book presents general features pertaining to structure, function, isotype, and the role of complement in antibody function examines the role of antibodies in antimicrobial immunity with specific targets details new methods for expression of monoclonal antibodies, in plants or by transfer of antibody genes for in vivo expression in treated subjects Antibodies for Infectious Diseases is a comprehensive reference for researchers, pharmaceutical developers, and health care professionals on the status of the development of antibody-based therapies for treating infectious diseases. It is also useful as supplemental reading for upper level life sciences students.

Antibodies for Treating Cancer: Basics, Development, and Applications

by Melvyn Little

This book presents a compact overview of the history, evolution and fascinating novel applications of antibodies for the treatment of cancer, leading the reader step by step to the latest advances. Interesting anecdotes, together with self-explanatory and clearly structured figures with a humorous touch, facilitate the reader’s understanding of this complex topic. Clinical cases round out the book, making it a valuable aid for professionals in their everyday practice. The growing importance of the topics covered here was highlighted by the joint award of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Frances H. Arnold (directed evolution of enzymes), George P. Smith (phage display of peptides) and Sir Gregory P. Winter (phage display of antibodies). Furthermore, the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. Many of the antibodies that are now being brought to market target precisely these immune checkpoint modulators. The book addresses a broad readership, ranging from professionals and experts in the field to residents and medical students.

Antibodies in Cytokines: The concerted action on the antigenicity of rDNA derived pharmaceuticals

by H. Schellekens

This book, written by leading authors in the field, is the first to deal with all aspects of cytokine antibodies, from test methodology and standardization to biological consequences and functions. It encompasses antibodies induced by cytokines used therapeutically and antiviral antibodies. To understand the biology, the effects of cytokine antibodies in experimental animal models and patients are also discussed. The book is intended for researchers of cytokine biology, pharmaceutical companies developing cytokines and cytokine antibodies as therapies, and clinicians interested in modulating the immune system as therapy.

Antibodies in Diagnosis and Therapy

by Matzku

Monoclonal antibodies have had their impact on biomedical research for more than a decade. Beside their exuberant use as reagents, quite a number of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have been followed and an impressive number of technological improvements, e.g., humanization, recombinant miniantibodies, have been elaborated to strengthen the principle. With respect to clinical applications, the first generation of antibody 'drugs' is yielding promising results while second and third generation antibody constructs are already underway. The book reviews the status of technological development and brings this into the perspective of clinical results. A rapidly growing amount of clinical data is collected in an expanding number of indications. Hence, the review of clinical study results has been grouped according to the fields of oncology and of chronic and acute inflammation. This book will be of interest to scientists working in the fields of oncology, immunology, internal medicine and clinical chemistry.

Antibodies in Diagnosis and Therapy

by Matzku

Monoclonal antibodies have had their impact on biomedical research for more than a decade. Beside their exuberant use as reagents, quite a number of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have been followed and an impressive number of technological improvements, e.g., humanization, recombinant miniantibodies, have been elaborated to strengthen the principle. With respect to clinical applications, the first generation of antibody 'drugs' is yielding promising results while second and third generation antibody constructs are already underway. The book reviews the status of technological development and brings this into the perspective of clinical results. A rapidly growing amount of clinical data is collected in an expanding number of indications. Hence, the review of clinical study results has been grouped according to the fields of oncology and of chronic and acute inflammation. This book will be of interest to scientists working in the fields of oncology, immunology, internal medicine and clinical chemistry.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates (Methods in Molecular Biology #1045)

by Laurent Ducry

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) represent a promising therapeutic approach for cancer patients by combining the antigen-targeting specificity of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with the cytotoxic potency of chemotherapeutic drugs. In Antibody-Drug Conjugates, expert researchers provide detailed protocols for many of the key ADC techniques necessary for working in the field. These chapters and methodologies are aimed at the key tasks necessary to identify a suitable target, properly design the mAb, the linker and the payload, as well as to conjugate them in a reproducible and scalable fashion. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ format, these detailed chapters include the kind of practical implementation advice that guarantees quality results. Authoritative and timely, Antibody-Drug Conjugates aims to further drive ADC development and thus help toward improving cancer treatments of the future.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Fundamentals, Drug Development, and Clinical Outcomes to Target Cancer

by Kenneth J. Olivier Sara A. Hurvitz

Providing practical and proven solutions for antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) drug discovery success in oncology, this book helps readers improve the drug safety and therapeutic efficacy of ADCs to kill targeted tumor cells. • Discusses the basics, drug delivery strategies, pharmacology and toxicology, and regulatory approval strategies• Covers the conduct and design of oncology clinical trials and the use of ADCs for tumor imaging• Includes case studies of ADCs in oncology drug development• Features contributions from highly-regarded experts on the frontlines of ADC research and development

Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Fundamentals, Drug Development, and Clinical Outcomes to Target Cancer

by Kenneth J. Olivier Jr. Sara A. Hurvitz

Providing practical and proven solutions for antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) drug discovery success in oncology, this book helps readers improve the drug safety and therapeutic efficacy of ADCs to kill targeted tumor cells. • Discusses the basics, drug delivery strategies, pharmacology and toxicology, and regulatory approval strategies• Covers the conduct and design of oncology clinical trials and the use of ADCs for tumor imaging• Includes case studies of ADCs in oncology drug development• Features contributions from highly-regarded experts on the frontlines of ADC research and development

Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2078)

by L. Nathan Tumey

This volume looks at key methodologies that are commonly used across antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) programs. The chapters in this book cover topics such as conjugations to endogenous cysteine residues; click chemistry conjugations; antibody conjugations via glycosyl remodeling; analysis of ADCs by native mass spectrometry; characterization of ADCs by capillary electrophoresis; LC/MS methods for studying lysosomal ADC catabolism; and determination of ADC concentration by ligand-binding assays. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and practical, Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that aims to lower the “activation barrier” when undertaking a new discipline, and provides a “toolbox” for the next generation of ADC scientists.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates: The 21st Century Magic Bullets for Cancer (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series #17)

by Jeffrey Wang Wei-Chiang Shen Jennica L. Zaro

This authoritative volume provides a holistic picture of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Fourteen comprehensive chapters are divided into six sections including an introduction to ADCs, the ADC construct, development issues, landscape, IP and pharmacoeconomics, case studies, and the future of the field. The book examines everything from the selection of the antibody, the drug, and the linker to a discussion of developmental issues such as formulations, bio-analysis, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships, and toxicological and regulatory challenges. It also explores pharmacoecomonics and intellectual properties, including recently issued patents and the cost analysis of drug therapy. Case studies are presented for the three ADCs that have received FDA approval: gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg®), Brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris®), and ado-trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla®), as well as an ADC in late-stage clinical trials, glembatumumab vedotin (CDX-011). Finally, the volume presents a perspective by the editors on the future directions of ADC development and clinical applications. Antibody-Drug Conjugates is a practical and systematic resource for scientists, professors, and students interested in expanding their knowledge of cutting-edge research in this exciting field.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates and Cellular Metabolic Dynamics

by Shuqing Chen Jinbiao Zhan

This book summarizes the related research achievements in Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and their cell metabolism kinetics. The book has three main parts. The first part describes the basic theory of ADCs, including the basic concept and structure of ADCs, and the relationship between the targets of ADCs and their specific functions. The second part mainly introduces the endocytosis and intracellular metabolism of ADCs, including the relationship between endocytosis and ADC activity, the endocytosis and intracellular transport of ADCs, the distribution and metabolism of ADC in vivo. Then it discusses the new formats and research technology of ADCs, including the application of miniaturized antibodies in ADC synthesis, novel carriers for ADC design, the technology and application of site-specific conjugation, and approaches for analyzing the drug: antibody ratio (DAR), the study of pharmacokinetics of ADCs. This book combines the basic theory with the research technology. It can be used as a reference book for students, teachers and researchers of biomedical field.

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