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Fetal & Neonatal Secrets E-Book (Secrets)

by Richard A. Polin Alan R. Spitzer

Fetal and Neonatal Secrets by Drs. Richard Polin and Alan Spitzer, uses the success formula of the highly popular Secrets Series to offer fast answers to the most essential clinical questions in fetal and neonatal medicine. With its user-friendly Q&A format, practical tips from neonatologists and fetal medicine experts, and "Key Points" boxes, this portable and easy-to-read medical reference book provides rapid access to the practical knowledge you need to succeed both in practice and on board and recertification exams. "Fetal and Neonatal Secrets is a book with an alternative setup that offers answers to a wide spectrum of clinical questions in the field of fetal and neonatal medicine. The book covers both fetal and neonatal medicine, and could be relevant for junior doctors aiming to become obstetricians or pediatricians." Reviewed by: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, January 2015Get the evidence-based guidance you need to provide optimal care for your fetal and neonatal patients. Zero in on key fetal and neonatal information with a question and answer format, bulleted lists, mnemonics, and practical tips from the authors. Enhance your reference power with a two-color page layout, "Key Points" boxes, and lists of useful websites. Review essential material efficiently with the "Top 100 Secrets in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine" – perfect for last-minute study or self-assessment.Apply all the latest pediatric advances in clinical fetal neonatology techniques, technology, and pharmacology

Fetal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Immunology: The Role of the Placenta (Trophoblast Research #1)

by Richard K. Miller

Each year since 1961, the Rochester Trophoblast Conference has grown in the diversity of its approaches to trophoblast research. At the Ninth Conference, Professors Klopper, Villee and Winick molded the conference with their state of the art addresses on Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition of the Trophoblast. The Conference was favored with a multitude of creative studies and with warm, sunny, autumn weather to discuss these results. In October of 1982, one hundred and five investigators from 12 countries and 21 states discussed 42 different presentations at the Holiday Inn in Rochester, New York. The Ninth Conference introduced workshops on Metabolism, Nutrition, Endocrinology and Trophoblastic Neoplasia. The chairmen of these workshops were: Metabolism -Villee and Miller; Nutrition - Winick and Maulik; Endocrinology - Klopper and Muechler; and Trophoblastic Neoplasia -Szulman and Helmkamp. These two-hour, intimate discussion groups were well-received by all who attended. As with the Eighth Conference, the University of Rochester will no longer produce a transcript of the Conference. Beginning with the Ninth Conference, Plenum Press in association with the University, will publish a peer-reviewed series entitled Trophoblast Research. An international editorial advisory board has been named to assure the direction of the series. The editorial board and the organizing committee will develop the future meetings of the Rochester Trophoblast Conference. Trophoblast Research will be published as single bound volumes with original contributions and editorial reports of presentations from the Conference.

Fetal Radiology: A Diagnostic Atlas

by Reinhard Schumacher Laurie H. Seaver Jürgen Spranger

Intrinsic errors of skeletal development are individually rare but of clinical importance because of their overall frequency and their impact on a patient's life. Sonography has become a routine component of prenatal care, and many of these disorders are diagnosed prenatally. Postnatally, the prenatal diagnosis has to be verified. To this end, fetal radiography is an effective, simple and economic way to establish a diagnosis or to narrow the number of diagnostic possibilities sufficiently to enable pathological, biochemical or molecular studies to be used in the quest for a specific diagnosis. Equally important, a correct diagnosis is required for correct prognostication and parental counseling. This book has been written to assist in the postnatal diagnosis of fetal errors of skeletal development.

Fetal Radiology: A Diagnostic Atlas

by Reinhard Schumacher Laurie H. Seaver Jürgen Spranger

- Heavily illustrated atlas covers entire development from week 1 through birth. - Enables the Radiologist or Obstetrician to monitor progress, and the Pathologist to see what went wrong. - Cross-disciplinary expertise; authors are a leading Pediatric Radiologist, a Geneticist, and an expert in abnormal pediatric skeletal development.

Fetale Anatomie im Ultraschall

by Alf Staudach

Herr Alfons Staudach war ein langjähriges Mitglied des anatomischen Institutes der Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, wo er sein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Vertiefung des plastischen Vorstellungsvermögens im Dienst einer vollständigen Erfassung der makroskopisch-anatomischen Strukturen ausgerichtet hat. In diesem Werke wurde eine so große Übereinstimmung zwischen den Ultraschallschnittbildern und den anatomischen Schnitten anderer Indi­ viduen erreicht, wie man sie mit dieser Regelmäßigkeit und Überzeu­ gungskraft selbst bei der Fülle der Veröffentlichungen über Ultraschall­ diagnostik bis jetzt vergeblich suchen wird. Die Schnittebene und deren vertretene Typisierung sowie der gesamte Aufbau des Werkes sind so gewählt, daß auch ein morphologisch, weniger Versierter eine wertvolle Grundlage für seine Untersuchungen finden wird und auch die auf die­ sem Gebiete schon sehr Erfahrenen wesentliche Informationen finden können, da in der anatomischen Literatur für diesen fetalen Bereich brauchbare topographische Lagebeziehungen oder Angaben über die Ausformung der Organe selbst weitgehend fehlen. Den künftigen Benützern dieses Werkes darf auf diesem Gebiet Vorteil und Anregung im Vertrauen auf berechtigte Wertschätzung gewünscht werden.

FETASS - Freiburger Elterntraining für Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen: Mit einem Arbeitsbuch für Eltern und zahlreichen Extras online

by Bettina Brehm Judith E. Schill Monica Biscaldi Christian Fleischhaker

FETASS - Freiburger Elterntraining für Autismus-Spektrum-StörungenDieses Manual richtet sich an Therapeuten und Fachkräfte, die ein Training für Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen durchführen möchten, sowie an interessierte Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen.Es umfasst ein strukturiertes Trainingsprogramm, das sich darauf spezialisiert, Eltern das notwendige Handwerkszeug zu geben, um ihren Kindern frühzeitig Unterstützung und Hilfe anzubieten.Das vorliegende Therapiemanual beinhaltet sowohl eine sehr detaillierte Beschreibung der einzelnen Trainingsstunden mit dazugehörigen Materialien als auch ein praktisch gestaltetes Elternarbeitsbuch.Der InhaltTheoretische Einführung ins Thema Autismus-Spektrum-StörungenEinführung und Durchführungshinweise zum ManualAusführlicher Praxisteil mit acht Sitzungen und den dazu gehörenden MaterialienElternarbeitsbuch mit Themen zur Psychoedukation, zu verhaltenstherapeutischen Lernprinzipien und zum Umgang mit autismusspezifischen herausfordernden VerhaltensweisenDie AutorenAus der Arbeitsgruppe Therapieforschung der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik im Kindes- und Jugendalter am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Hauptstraße 8, 79104 Freiburg:Dipl.-Psych. Bettina Brehm, Psychologische PsychotherapeutinDr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Judith E. Schill, Kinder- und JugendlichenpsychotherapeutinDr. med. Monica Biscaldi, Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapieProf. Dr. med. Christian Fleischhaker, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie

Fetch Nurse Connie (Nurse Millie and Connie #1)

by Jean Fullerton

London, 1945 and as the end of the war is declared and the troops start returning home, the nurses of the East End are joining in the celebrations.For Nurse Connie Byrne the end of the war signals the beginning of a new chapter and as the revelries go on around the city, Connie's mind is on another celebration that she'll be able to arrange - the wedding to her sweetheart, Charlie, set to take place as soon as he arrives home. But when Connie meets Charlie off the train at London Bridge, she finds that his homecoming isn't quite going to go according to plan... Connie's busy professional life, and the larger-than-life patients in the district, offer a welcome distraction, but for how long? If nursing in the East End has taught Connie anything, it's that life is full of surprises...A heart-warming family saga, perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries and Annie Groves.

Fettgewebe – zu Unrecht ungeliebt: Warum wir unsere Fettpolster schätzen und gesund halten sollten (essentials)

by Petra Schling

So wie die Feuerwehr nicht schuld ist am verheerenden Großbrand, so ist unser Fettgewebe nicht schuld an Diabetes und Herzinfarkt. Nur wenn wir unser Fettgewebe verstehen, können wir sein Potenzial erhalten und nutzen. Petra Schling gibt in diesem essential einen Überblick über Aufbau und Funktionen unseres Fettgewebes und stellt die wichtigsten Botenstoffe von Fettzellen und ihren Vorläufen vor. Darüber hinaus klärt die Autorin Irrtümer und Missverständnisse auf, die sich um das Fettgewebe ranken. Sie erläutert eine mögliche Kausalkette vom Überfluss zum Diabetes und warum das Fettgewebe zu Unrecht zum Sündenbock gemacht wird.

Fettleibigkeit und Entfettungskuren (Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde)

by Markus Mathes

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

The Fetus and Birth (Novartis Foundation Symposia #47)

by Julie Knight Maeve O'Connor

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

The Fetus and Independent Life (Novartis Foundation Symposia #86)

by Katherine Elliott Julie Whelan

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

The Fetus as a Patient: A Contested Concept and its Normative Implications (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)

by Dagmar Schmitz Angus Clarke Wybo Dondorp

Due to new developments in prenatal testing and therapy the fetus is increasingly visible, examinable and treatable in prenatal care. Accordingly, physicians tend to perceive the fetus as a patient and understand themselves as having certain professional duties towards it. However, it is far from clear what it means to speak of a patient in this connection. This volume explores the usefulness and limitations of the concept of ‘fetal patient’ against the background of the recent seminal developments in prenatal or fetal medicine. It does so from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. Featuring internationally recognized experts in the field, the book discusses the normative implications of the concept of ‘fetal patient’ from a philosophical-theoretical as well as from a legal perspective. This includes its implications for the autonomy of the pregnant woman as well as its consequences for physician-patient-interactions in prenatal medicine.

The Fetus as a Patient: A Contested Concept and its Normative Implications (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)

by Dagmar Schmitz Angus Clarke Wybo Dondorp

Due to new developments in prenatal testing and therapy the fetus is increasingly visible, examinable and treatable in prenatal care. Accordingly, physicians tend to perceive the fetus as a patient and understand themselves as having certain professional duties towards it. However, it is far from clear what it means to speak of a patient in this connection. This volume explores the usefulness and limitations of the concept of ‘fetal patient’ against the background of the recent seminal developments in prenatal or fetal medicine. It does so from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. Featuring internationally recognized experts in the field, the book discusses the normative implications of the concept of ‘fetal patient’ from a philosophical-theoretical as well as from a legal perspective. This includes its implications for the autonomy of the pregnant woman as well as its consequences for physician-patient-interactions in prenatal medicine.

The Fetus in Three Dimensions: Imaging, Embryology and Fetoscopy

by Asim Kurjak Guillermo Azumendi

For the ultrasound practitioner it is now more important than ever to have a rigorous understanding of fetal anatomy and development. This resource publishes a selection of very high-quality ultrasound images of the fetus alongside embryological preparations and fetoscopy images. This unique comparative technique will be an essential educational to

Fever: A Gripping and Chilling Thriller from the Master of the Medical Mystery (A\medical Thriller Ser.)

by Robin Cook

Fever is a fast-paced thriller from New York Times bestselling author and master of the medical thriller, Robin Cook.When his wife died of cancer and he desperately needed to know why, Doctor Charles Martel turned to research. Then his world is shattered for the second time. His daughter is admitted to hospital; his research project is cancelled.Suddenly, he’s a man fighting against the odds.Against doctors who want to treat his daughter’s leukaemia the wrong way.Against a research institute that puts profits before ethics.Odds enough to turn a responsible citizen into a desperate criminal . . .

Fever: Its Biology, Evolution, and Function

by Matthew J. Kluger

Fever has long been recognized as a symptom of disease. Until the past century it was considered a healthy sign; since then this view has changed and the use of drugs to reduce fever has grown quite common. Acting on the revival of interest as to whether the effects of fever are beneficial or harmful, Matthew Kluger and other physiologists began a series of experiments designed to resolve this question. This book synthesizes their research, making a case not only for the beneficial function of fever but also for the re-evaluation of current clinical practices regarding fever.Originally published in 1979.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Fever of Unknown Origin

by Burke A. Cunha

about the bookAssisting clinicians in the differential diagnosis of the wide range of disorders responsible for fever of unknown origin (FUO), this source stands as the only recent and comprehensive differential diagnosis of these conditions. This guide providing a clear overview of diagnostic approaches and offers expert recommendations t

Fevered Planet: How Diseases Emerge When We Harm Nature

by John Vidal

A timely and urgent investigation from John Vidal, Environment Editor of the Guardian for nearly thirty years, into how the destruction of nature is releasing disease into our societies'Urgent, fascinating and essential' GEORGE MONBIOT'A searing, vital work' BETTANY HUGHESCovid-19, mpox, bird flu, SARS, HIV, AIDS, Ebola; we are living in the Age of Pandemics – one that we have created. As the climate crisis reaches a fever pitch and ecological destruction continues unabated, we are just beginning to reckon with the effects of environmental collapse on our global health.Fevered Planet exposes how the way we farm, what we eat, the places we travel to and the scientific experiments we conduct create the perfect conditions for deadly new diseases to emerge and spread faster and further than ever. Drawing on the latest scientific research and decades of reporting from more than 100 countries, former Guardian environment editor John Vidal takes us into deep, disappearing forests in Gabon and the Congo, valleys scorched by wildfire near Lake Tahoe and our densest, polluted cities to show how closely human, animal and plant diseases are now intertwined with planetary destruction. He calls for an urgent transformation in our relationship with the natural world, and expertly outlines how to make that change possible.

Fevered Planet: How Diseases Emerge When We Harm Nature

by John Vidal

A timely and urgent investigation from John Vidal, Environment Editor of the Guardian for nearly thirty years, into how the destruction of nature is releasing disease into our societies'Urgent, fascinating and essential' GEORGE MONBIOT'A searing, vital work' BETTANY HUGHESCovid-19, mpox, bird flu, SARS, HIV, AIDS, Ebola; we are living in the Age of Pandemics – one that we have created. As the climate crisis reaches a fever pitch and ecological destruction continues unabated, we are just beginning to reckon with the effects of environmental collapse on our global health.Fevered Planet exposes how the way we farm, what we eat, the places we travel to and the scientific experiments we conduct create the perfect conditions for deadly new diseases to emerge and spread faster and further than ever. Drawing on the latest scientific research and decades of reporting from more than 100 countries, former Guardian environment editor John Vidal takes us into deep, disappearing forests in Gabon and the Congo, valleys scorched by wildfire near Lake Tahoe and our densest, polluted cities to show how closely human, animal and plant diseases are now intertwined with planetary destruction. He calls for an urgent transformation in our relationship with the natural world, and expertly outlines how to make that change possible.

Fevers and Cultures: Lessons for Surveillance, Prevention and Control

by George Pollock

This book compares the methods of surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases in countries selected for their different situations and approaches. Based on a comprehensive study including local interviews with key individuals, supported by relevant reports and documents, it highlights the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and suggests practical improvements for change. Consultants, public health professionals, nurses and support staff with an interest in communicable disease control will find this book to be valuable reading.

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