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Depression in Neurologic Disorders: Diagnosis and Management

by Andres M. Kanner

The first part of the book begins with an overview of depression, its incidence and manifestations and neurobiological origins; how it's diagnosed; and its relevance to neurology, in particular to suicidality. The second part looks at depression in distinct conditions, in particular: migraine, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, dementia, and traumatic brain injury. This useful guide takes a practical approach, with "tips and tricks" boxes, case studies, points of interest boxes, and take-home summaries.

Depression in New Mothers: Causes, Consequences and Treatment Alternatives

by Kathleen A Kendall-Tackett

Depression is the most common complication of childbirth and results in adverse health outcomes for both mother and child. It is vital, therefore, that health professionals be ready to help women who have depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder in the perinatal period. Now in its third edition, Depression in New Mothers provides a comprehensive approach to treating postpartum depression in an easy-to-use format. It reviews the research and brings together the evidence-base for understanding the causes and for assessing the different treatment options, including those that are safe for breastfeeding mothers. It incorporates research from psychoneuroimmunology and includes chapters on: assessing depression mother-infant sleep traumatic birth experiences infant temperament, illness, and prematurity childhood abuse and partner violence psychotherapy complementary and integrative therapies community support for new mothers antidepressant medication suicide and infanticide. This most recent edition incorporates new research findings from around the world on risk factors, the use of antidepressants, the impact of breastfeeding, and complementary and integrative therapies as well as updated research into racial/ethnic minority differences. Rich with case illustrations and invaluable in treating mothers in need of help, this practical, evidence-based guide dispels the myths that hinder effective treatment and presents up-to-date information on the impact of maternal depression on the mother and their infants alike.

Depression in New Mothers: Causes, Consequences and Treatment Alternatives

by Kathleen A Kendall-Tackett

Depression is the most common complication of childbirth and results in adverse health outcomes for both mother and child. It is vital, therefore, that health professionals be ready to help women who have depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder in the perinatal period. Now in its third edition, Depression in New Mothers provides a comprehensive approach to treating postpartum depression in an easy-to-use format. It reviews the research and brings together the evidence-base for understanding the causes and for assessing the different treatment options, including those that are safe for breastfeeding mothers. It incorporates research from psychoneuroimmunology and includes chapters on: assessing depression mother-infant sleep traumatic birth experiences infant temperament, illness, and prematurity childhood abuse and partner violence psychotherapy complementary and integrative therapies community support for new mothers antidepressant medication suicide and infanticide. This most recent edition incorporates new research findings from around the world on risk factors, the use of antidepressants, the impact of breastfeeding, and complementary and integrative therapies as well as updated research into racial/ethnic minority differences. Rich with case illustrations and invaluable in treating mothers in need of help, this practical, evidence-based guide dispels the myths that hinder effective treatment and presents up-to-date information on the impact of maternal depression on the mother and their infants alike.

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors

by Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to understanding symptoms and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in perinatal women, which are common complications of childbirth. To effectively intervene, health professionals must be aware of these conditions and ready to identify them in mothers they see. Written by a psychologist and International Board–Certified Lactation Consultant, this fourth edition is expanded into two complementary volumes: the first focuses on causes and consequences of poor perinatal mental health, and the second, on screening and treatment. This volume integrates recent research on: Feeding methods and sleep location for mother–infant sleep Traumatic birth experiences Infant temperament, illness, and prematurity Violence, discrimination, and adversity The dysphoric milk-ejection reflex (D-MER) COVID-19, military sexual trauma, immigration/refugee status, and the impact of war, displacement, and terrorist attacks Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1 includes mothers’ stories throughout, which provide examples of principles described in studies. Each chapter highlights key research findings and clinical takeaways. It is an essential resource for all healthcare practitioners working with mothers in the perinatal period, including nurses, midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, and psychologists.

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors

by Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to understanding symptoms and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in perinatal women, which are common complications of childbirth. To effectively intervene, health professionals must be aware of these conditions and ready to identify them in mothers they see. Written by a psychologist and International Board–Certified Lactation Consultant, this fourth edition is expanded into two complementary volumes: the first focuses on causes and consequences of poor perinatal mental health, and the second, on screening and treatment. This volume integrates recent research on: Feeding methods and sleep location for mother–infant sleep Traumatic birth experiences Infant temperament, illness, and prematurity Violence, discrimination, and adversity The dysphoric milk-ejection reflex (D-MER) COVID-19, military sexual trauma, immigration/refugee status, and the impact of war, displacement, and terrorist attacks Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1 includes mothers’ stories throughout, which provide examples of principles described in studies. Each chapter highlights key research findings and clinical takeaways. It is an essential resource for all healthcare practitioners working with mothers in the perinatal period, including nurses, midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, and psychologists.

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 2: Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Alternatives

by Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett

This fourth edition of Depression in New Mothers, Volume 2: Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Alternatives provides a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to understanding the assessment for treatment and treatment of postpartum depression.Depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder are common complications of childbirth that result in adverse health outcomes for both mother and child. It is vital, therefore, that health professionals be ready to help women with these conditions in the perinatal period. Written by a psychologist and board-certified lactation consultant, this fourth edition is greatly expanded and available as two complementary volumes. Focusing on causes and consequences of poor perinatal mental health and its treatment. It can also be used by community organizations that want to support new mothers, screen for possible depression, discuss treatment options, and refer them to appropriate care. This volume integrates current international research and includes chapters on:● Choosing an assessment scale to measure depression and co-occurring conditions● Developing a treatment plan● Supporting new mothers and families through community interventions● Using complementary and integrative therapies● Providing evidence-based psychotherapy● Using antidepressantsDepression in New Mothers, Volume 2 (4th Edition) includes case illustrations throughout and retains its focus on moving research into practice. It is an essential resource for all healthcare practitioners working with mothers in the perinatal period, including mental health providers, nurses, midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, and peer supporters.

Depression in New Mothers, Volume 2: Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Alternatives

by Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett

This fourth edition of Depression in New Mothers, Volume 2: Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Alternatives provides a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to understanding the assessment for treatment and treatment of postpartum depression.Depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder are common complications of childbirth that result in adverse health outcomes for both mother and child. It is vital, therefore, that health professionals be ready to help women with these conditions in the perinatal period. Written by a psychologist and board-certified lactation consultant, this fourth edition is greatly expanded and available as two complementary volumes. Focusing on causes and consequences of poor perinatal mental health and its treatment. It can also be used by community organizations that want to support new mothers, screen for possible depression, discuss treatment options, and refer them to appropriate care. This volume integrates current international research and includes chapters on:● Choosing an assessment scale to measure depression and co-occurring conditions● Developing a treatment plan● Supporting new mothers and families through community interventions● Using complementary and integrative therapies● Providing evidence-based psychotherapy● Using antidepressantsDepression in New Mothers, Volume 2 (4th Edition) includes case illustrations throughout and retains its focus on moving research into practice. It is an essential resource for all healthcare practitioners working with mothers in the perinatal period, including mental health providers, nurses, midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, and peer supporters.

Depression Runs in Families: The Social Context of Risk and Resilience in Children of Depressed Mothers (Series in Psychopathology)

by Constance Hammen

"Depression runs in families." Above all, the goal of this book is to come to some conclusions about the meaning of that simple assertion, which has a far from simple ex- planation of meaning. This book is designed to address some of the gaps in previous research on depressive disorders in the family context: the sheer numbers of people with affective disorders marks them as our most common psychiatric problem.

Depression und Demenz im Alter: Abgrenzung, Wechselwirkung, Diagnose, Therapie

by Ulrich Hegerl Michael Zaudig Hans-Jürgen Möller

Depression und Demenz sind mit Abstand die häufigsten psychiatrischen Störungen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte. Laut umfangreicher Untersuchungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation beeinträchtigen beide Erkrankungen in fundamentaler Weise und sogar stärker als fast alle körperlichen Erkrankungen die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen. Der Häufigkeit und der Schwere dieser Erkrankungen wird jedoch wegen unzureichendem diagnostischen und therapeutischen Hintergrundwissen nicht immer ausreichend Rechnung getragen. Das beklagte diagnostische und therapeutische Defizit für Depressionen und Demenzen bei alten Menschen ist ein gesundheitspolitisch brisanter und nicht tolerierbarer Missstand. Dieses Buch hilft deshalb Ärzten, Psychologen und allen anderen interessierten Berufsgruppen, die richtigen diagnostischen und therapeutischen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Depression und Manie: Erkennen und erfolgreich behandeln

by Christian Simhandl Klaudia Mitterwachauer

Jeder Mensch kennt Phasen der Traurigkeit, Niedergeschlagenheit, Euphorie und fehlenden Lebensfreude. Der Übergang von der normalen Stimmungsschwankung zur behandlungsbedürftigen Störung ist fließend. Handlungsbedarf entsteht, wenn die Stimmungsveränderungen länger anhalten und/oder sich Betroffene bzw. Angehörige beeinträchtigt fühlen. Dieses Buch für Betroffene soll keinesfalls das ärztliche Gespräch ersetzen, sondern will das Basiswissen über Stimmungsschwankungen, therapeutische Ansätze und die Veränderung von Lebensgewohnheiten erweitern: Damit Betroffene und Angehörige den Verlauf von Stimmungsschwankungen in Zukunft besser mitgestalten können.

Depressionen: Versorgungsstrukturen und Behandlungsperspektiven

by Markus Gastpar Walter E. Müller Walter E Müller

Depressive Erkrankungen gehören gemäß Weltbank zu den drei medizinischen Top-Problemen. Gefragt sind deshalb Modelle einer optimalen, integrierten Versorgung. 22 Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten präsentieren hier ihre Analysen des Ist-Zustandes und teils laufende, teils geplante Modelle einer zukünftigen Versorgung. Dabei spielen Ökonomie und Qualitätssicherung eine wichtige Rolle, immer unter dem Aspekt der Effizienz, Zugänglichkeit und Freundlichkeit für den Patienten. Interessenten: Ärzte, Psychologen, Gesundheitspolitiker, Gesundheitsmanager.

Depressionen: Therapiekonzepte im Vergleich

by Walter Pöldinger Christian Reimer

Depressionen im Alter

by M. Bergener

Depressionen überwinden für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

Schieben Sie die dunklen Wolken beiseite und erfahren Sie neue Lebensfreude Dieses Buch hilft, wenn Ihnen alles bleischwer erscheint und Sie die Welt nur noch wie durch einen Schleier wahrnehmen. An Depressionen leiden viele Menschen, Sie sind nicht alleine. Charles Elliot und Laura Smith beschreiben Betroffenen und deren Angehörigen leicht verständlich und einfühlsam die verschiedenen Formen von Depression. Sie zeigen Ihnen mit Checklisten, Selbsttests und Übungen, was Sie tun können, um dunkle Gedanken zu überwinden. Sie erfahren, wie die traditionelle Medizin auf diesem Weg helfen kann und wo Sie professionelle Hilfe finden. Außerdem erhalten Sie Tipps, wie kleine Änderungen im Alltag Symptome lindern und Lebensfreude zurückbringen.

Depressionen überwinden für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

Charles Elliot und Laura Smith, klinische Psychologen mit langjähriger Erfahrung, beschreiben leicht verständlich und einfühlsam die verschiedenen Formen von Depressionen. Sie zeigen Ihnen mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, Selbsttests und Übungen, was Sie tun können, um Ihre dunklen Gedanken zu überwinden und die Welt mit anderen Augen zu betrachten. Außerdem geben sie Tipps, wie kleine Änderungen im Alltag Ihre Symptome lindern und Ihnen Lebensfreude zurückbringen. Sie erfahren auch, wie die traditionelle oder alternative Medizin Sie auf diesem Weg unterstützen kann und wo Sie professionelle Hilfe finden.

Depressionen verstehen und bewältigen

by Manfred Wolfersdorf

Die Depression ist keine ausweglose Erkrankung – Hilfe und Heilung sind möglich. Der Autor macht das depressive Erleben anhand von Beispielen nachfühlbar und erklärt die Ursachen. Ausführlich geht er auf Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und die Wirkungen von Antidepressiva ein. Er gibt viele praktische Hinweise für Patienten und Angehörige, u. a. wann es sinnvoll ist, den Arbeitgeber zu informieren und was Angehörige und Freunde zur Unterstützung tun können. Anhang mit Depressionsstationen in Deutschland und der Schweiz sowie Liste der Psychopharmaka.

Depressionen verstehen und bewältigen

by Manfred Wolfersdorf

Wenn die Seele Trauer trägt, leidet nicht nur der Betroffene selbst, sondern seine ganze Umgebung. An beide wendet sich dieses Buch. Es erklärt, woher die Depression kommt, wie sie sich äußert und was man heute dagegen tun kann.

Depressionskonzepte heute: Psychopathologie oder Pathopsychologie?

by Christoph Mundt Peter Fiedler Hermann Lang Alfred Kraus

Depressionskonzepte heute enthält Beiträge zur Depressionsforschung, die als Grundlage sehr heterogene Hypothesen zur Ätiologie, Pathogenese und Therapie haben. Die Autoren kommen dementspechend aus den verschiedenen Fächern, die sich mit Depression beschäftigen, so aus der klinischen und der biologischen Psychiatrie und aus unterschiedlichen Richtungen der Psychologie. Diese Heterogenität macht das Buch für alle interessant, die an einer interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit in der Depressionsforschung interessiert sind.

Depressionsstationen/Stationäre Depressionsbehandlung: Konzepte, Erfahrungen, Möglichkeiten, heutige Depressionsbehandlung

by Manfred Wolfersdorf

Depressionsstationen dokumentieren einen wichtigen Fortschritt in der Behandlung depressiver Patienten. Das Buch stellt die Einrichtungen und die Erfahrungen vor und beschreibt neue Psychotherapie-Methoden, neue Antidepressiva und integrative Behandlungsansätze.

Depressive Disorders (WPA Series in Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry #22)

by Helen Herrman Mario Maj Norman Sartorius

Depressive disorders have profound social and economic consequences, owing to the suffering and disability they cause. They often occur together with somatic illness which worsens the prognosis of both. Prevention, detection and optimal treatment of these disorders are therefore of great clinical and economic importance. This edition of the first title in the acclaimed Evidence & Experience series from the World Psychiatric Association has been fully revised and features a new section on depression in primary care – the main channel for the management of these disorders in countries around the world. The format remains a systematic review of each topic, evaluating published evidence, complemented by up to six commentaries in which experts provide valuable insight gained from clinical experience. All the evidence, systematically reviewed and analysed, in one place. Practical context imparted in expert commentaries from around the world, which were highly popular in the previous edition. Provides an unbiased and reliable reference source for practising psychiatrists and physicians everywhere. Features a new section on the treatment of depression in primary care. Edited by a highly experienced, internationally renowned team. This book will be informative and stimulating reading for everyone working with people with depressive disorders in all countries and settings: psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians and other mental healthcare professionals. Review of the first edition “The discussion papers are excellent. I strongly recommend this masterfully edited book, which remarkably succeeds in combining research evidence and clinical experience. It is probably the most helpful update on depression available today, both for the researcher in mood disorders and the practising clinician.” S. Grandi in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2000

Depressive Disorders

by Norman Sartorius

From Chapter 1 "Depression, like many other mental disorders, is characterised by the presence of a number of symptoms which are changeable over time." Among these symptoms are a depressed mood and a loss of interest; physical and cognitive changes may also occur. Because of difficulties in diagnosis (and varied criteria) only estimates in the global number of cases of depression can be made. Some estimates put it in front of chronic heart disease as a health problem and cause of death. This revised edition covers developments in diagnosis, theraphy, prognosis, economic evaluation and quality improvement. * Provides accompanying commentaries by an outstanding line up of contributors * Covers developments in diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, economic evaluation and quality improvement * Provides an unbiased and reliable reference point

Depressive Disorders in the Community

by C. A. Watts

Depressive Disorders in the Community describes the diagnosis and treatment techniques of 60 case histories of depressive disorders. These cases are collected by one family doctor over a period of some sixteen years, in a single rural community. This book is composed of 10 chapters, and begins with studies of the nature of depressive illnesses and the controversial issue of the number of depressed persons in the community. The subsequent chapters describe the clinical symptoms and manifestations, as well as long-term observation of endogenous depression cases. These topics are followed by discussions on the clinical manifestations of patients with suicidal tendency. The concluding chapters focus on the treatment options of depressive patients, along with an overview of the social problem of depression. This book will be of great value to psychiatrists, general medical practitioners, and social workers.

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