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Showing 5,501 through 5,525 of 54,404 results

Behavioral Computational Social Science (Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science)

by Riccardo Boero

This book is organized in two parts: the first part introduces the reader to all the concepts, tools and references that are required to start conducting research in behavioral computational social science. The methodological reasons for integrating the two approaches are also presented from the individual and separated viewpoints of the two approaches.The second part of the book, presents all the advanced methodological and technical aspects that are relevant for the proposed integration. Several contributions which effectively merge the computational and the behavioral approaches are presented and discussed throughout

Behavioral Computational Social Science (Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science)

by Riccardo Boero

This book is organized in two parts: the first part introduces the reader to all the concepts, tools and references that are required to start conducting research in behavioral computational social science. The methodological reasons for integrating the two approaches are also presented from the individual and separated viewpoints of the two approaches.The second part of the book, presents all the advanced methodological and technical aspects that are relevant for the proposed integration. Several contributions which effectively merge the computational and the behavioral approaches are presented and discussed throughout

Behavioral Research and Analysis: An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design, Fourth Edition

by Max Vercruyssen Hal W. Hendrick

Now in its fourth edition, Behavioral Research and Analysis: An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design presents an overview of statistical methods within the context of experimental design. It covers fundamental topics such as data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, and communication of findings

Behavioral Research Data Analysis with R (Use R!)

by Yuelin Li Jonathan Baron

This book is written for behavioral scientists who want to consider adding R to their existing set of statistical tools, or want to switch to R as their main computation tool. The authors aim primarily to help practitioners of behavioral research make the transition to R. The focus is to provide practical advice on some of the widely-used statistical methods in behavioral research, using a set of notes and annotated examples. The book will also help beginners learn more about statistics and behavioral research. These are statistical techniques used by psychologists who do research on human subjects, but of course they are also relevant to researchers in others fields that do similar kinds of research. The authors emphasize practical data analytic skills so that they can be quickly incorporated into readers’ own research.

Behavioural Economics of Climate Change: New Empirical Perspectives (Springerbriefs In Climate Studies)

by Vladimir Udalov

This book investigates various kinds of climate change mitigation behaviour, which range from a general support of environmental policy to concrete energy-saving activities, in selected countries. Drawing on extensive national and international survey data, the analysis has the following main objectives: to identify potential determinants of individuals’ renewable energy support, and to analyse the impact of experiences with natural disasters on individuals’ choice between economic growth and environmental protection. Moreover, it examines the role of environmental motivations behind direct daily energy-saving behaviour. The empirical results reveal that various types of climate change mitigation behaviour are not only driven by a mixture of environmental and non-environmental/economic motivations but also depend on external circumstances such as natural disasters. Since CO2 emission dynamics stem to some extent from the choices people make every day in their roles as consumers, investors and citizens, the new findings presented are also valuable from a policy perspective.

Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection (Nato ASI Subseries G: #20)

by Roger N. Hughes

Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection examines animals belonging to diverse trophic groups, from carnivores, herbivores, micro-algal grazers, to filter-feeders and detritus-feeders. In the past Optimal Foraging Theory has been applied to all these groups, but in different ways and in disci plines that rarely overlap. Here concepts and developments hitherto scattered in the literature are drawn together. This uniquely broad synthesis captures the state of the art in the study of diet selection and prescribes new objectives in theoretical development and research.

Beijing Lectures in Harmonic Analysis. (AM-112), Volume 112 (PDF)

by Elias M. Stein

Based on seven lecture series given by leading experts at a summer school at Peking University, in Beijing, in 1984. this book surveys recent developments in the areas of harmonic analysis most closely related to the theory of singular integrals, real-variable methods, and applications to several complex variables and partial differential equations. The different lecture series are closely interrelated; each contains a substantial amount of background material, as well as new results not previously published. The contributors to the volume are R. R. Coifman and Yves Meyer, Robert Fcfferman, Carlos K. Kenig, Steven G. Krantz, Alexander Nagel, E. M. Stein, and Stephen Wainger.

Being Young in Super-Aging Japan: Formative Events and Cultural Reactions (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

by Patrick Heinrich Christian Galan

Japan is not only the oldest society in the world today, but also the oldest society to have ever existed. This aging trend, however, presents many challenges to contemporary Japan, as it permeates all areas of life, from the economy and welfare to social cohesion and population decline. Nobody is more affected by these changes than the young generation. This book studies Japanese youth in the aging society in detail. It analyses formative events and cultural reactions. Themes include employment, parenthood, sexuality, but also art, literature and language, thus demonstrating how the younger generation can provide insights into the future of Japanese society more generally. This book argues that the prolonged crisis resulted in a commonly shared destabilization of thoughts and attitudes and that this has shaped a new generation that is unlike any other in post-war Japan. Presenting an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the aging trend and what it implies for young Japanese, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese culture and society, as well cultural anthropology and demography.

Being Young in Super-Aging Japan: Formative Events and Cultural Reactions (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

by Patrick Heinrich Christian Galan

Japan is not only the oldest society in the world today, but also the oldest society to have ever existed. This aging trend, however, presents many challenges to contemporary Japan, as it permeates all areas of life, from the economy and welfare to social cohesion and population decline. Nobody is more affected by these changes than the young generation. This book studies Japanese youth in the aging society in detail. It analyses formative events and cultural reactions. Themes include employment, parenthood, sexuality, but also art, literature and language, thus demonstrating how the younger generation can provide insights into the future of Japanese society more generally. This book argues that the prolonged crisis resulted in a commonly shared destabilization of thoughts and attitudes and that this has shaped a new generation that is unlike any other in post-war Japan. Presenting an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the aging trend and what it implies for young Japanese, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese culture and society, as well cultural anthropology and demography.

Beispiele und Aufgaben zur Laplace-Transformation

by Hans Josef Löhr

Die Anwendung der Laplace-Transformation in den Naturwissenschaften und der Technik gewinnt ständig an Bedeutung. Dies führt zwangsläufig dazu, daß diese Methode in die Stoffpläne für Mathematik der meisten Fachrichtungen an Technischen Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen aufgenommen werden wird. Im Hinblick auf ihre Verwendung in anderen Fächern, erscheint es sinnvoll, mit dem Studium möglichst früh zu beginnen, spätestens jedoch im dritten Semester. Dies wiederum bedingt, daß nur Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt werden können, die im ersten und zweiten Semester vermittelt wurden. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt ist dieses Arbeits- und übungsbuch entstanden. Es soll dem Studenten vom dritten Semester aufwärts ermöglichen, so weit in die Theorie und Praxis der Laplace-Transformation vorzudringen, daß er gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen mit konstanten Koeffizienten und Differentialgleichungssysteme, wie sie bei der Behandlung von Schwingungsproblemen auftreten, selbständig lösen kann. Darüberhinaus soll der Stu­ dent in die Lage versetzt werden, mit fortschreitender Kenntnis in der Mathematik, weiter­ führende Werke über die Theorie der Laplace-Transformation zu lesen. Das Buch ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Im ersten Kapitel werden in zahlreichen Beispielen Funktionen in den Bildraum transfor­ miert, um den Leser mit dem Umgang mit Laplace -Transformierten vertraut zu machen. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Eigenschaften der Laplace-Transformation untersucht. Im dritten Kapitel wird die Laplace-Transformation zur Lösung von Differentialgleichun­ gen benutzt. Im vierten Kapitel steht die Anwendung auf technische Probleme im Vordergrund. Alle Beispiele im Text sind ausflihrlich durchgerechnet. Am Schluß jeden Kapitels sind Aufgaben gestellt, deren Lösungen im Anhang angegeben werden, so daß der Leser über­ prüfen kann, ob er den Inhalt des Kapitels verstanden hat.

Beitrag zur Theorie und Untersuchung der Ferrarismessgeräte

by Emil Wirz

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Beiträge zu Gegenwartsproblemen der Angewandten Statistik: Festgabe für Professor Dr. Jakob Breuer. Universität Köln

by Statistische Vereinigung Köln e. V.

Am 9. März 1960 vollendet Dr. rer. pol. Jakob Breuer, emeritierter ordentlicher Professor für Statistik an der Universität Köln, sein 70. Lebensjahr. Seine Freunde und Schüler widmen ihm zu diesem Anlaß, wie es auch zur Vollendung seines 65. Lebensjahres geschah, als Ausdruck ihrer Verehrung diese Festschrift. Das Thema der vorliegenden Festschrift ist enger gefaßt als das der voran­ gegangenen. Dort war es das Ziel, die Fülle der Anregungen, die seine Schüler von ihm empfingen, durch wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu den verschiedensten Problemen deutlich zu machen. Sie enthält auch den wissenschaftlichen Lebens­ weg und ein Verzeichnis der Publikationen von Professor Breuer. In diese Festschrift wurden nur Beiträge zu Gegenwartsproblemen der Angewandten Statistik aufgenommen. Es war nicht immer einfach, die Auswahl zu treffen und eine Grenze, die in Wirklichkeit wegen der ständigen Wechsel­ beziehung nicht besteht, zwischen Problemen der Angewandten und Theoreti­ schen Statistik auf der einen und Problemen des jeweiligen Sachgebietes auf der anderen Seite zu ziehen. Die Beiträge, die verschiedenste Themen behandeln, können wiederum nur versuchen, die vielseitigen Anregungen, die Professor Breuer seinen Schülern und Freunden aus seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit gab, deutlich zu machen. Selbstverständlich ist es, daß die Verfasser allein für den Inhalt ihrer Aufsätze verantwortlich sind.

Beiträge zur Geldtheorie: von Marco Fanno, Marius W. Holtrop, Johan G. Koopmans, Gunar Myrdal, Knut Wicksell (Meilensteine der Nationalökonomie)

by Friedrich A. Hayek

1933 gab Friedrich A. Hayek erstmals diesen Band heraus, in dem er eine Reihe von Beiträgen zur Geldtheorie zusammenstellte. Die Autoren gelten aus heutiger Sicht als die Wegbereiter der modernen Geldtheorie. Für diese Ausgabe wurden die Beiträge von Knut Wicksell, Gunar Myrdal, Johan G. Koopmans, Marius W. Holtrup und Marco Fanno eigens ins Deutsche übersetzt. Das Vorwort von Hayek setzt die Beiträge in einen Zusammenhang.

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Synergetik: Allgemeine Prinzipien der Selbstorganisation in Natur und Gesellschaft

by Hermann Haken Peter Plath Werner Ebeling Yuri M. Romanovsky

Die Autoren geben als aktiv Beteiligte erstmalig aus ihrem persönlichen Erleben einen Einblick auf die ersten zwei Jahrzehnte der Synergetik-Geschichte. Hermann Haken führt in die Begrifflichkeit der Synergetik ein und verdeutlicht die Schwierigkeiten, eine neues Denken in der Wissenschaft zu etablieren. Peter Plath geht exemplarisch auf die Vorgeschichte der Synergetik ein und zeigt an einem Fallbeispiel aus der Chemie, wie die Idee der Synergetik zum Leitmotiv einer Forschungsgruppe wurde. Werner Ebeling und Yuri Romanovsky beschreiben die intensive Kooperation der Wissenschaftler aus Ost und West bei der Herausbildung neuer Ideen zur Synergetik.

Beiträge zur Mathematischen Stichprobentheorie: Statistische Modellbildung mit Stichprobendesigns und anderen Morphismen (BestMasters)

by Henning Höllwarth

Henning Höllwarth verbindet in seiner Arbeit die meist getrennt betrachteten Bereiche Stichprobentheorie und Mathematische Statistik. Begriffe, Konzepte und Resultate beider Fachgebiete werden hierzu präzisiert, verallgemeinert und in Beziehung gesetzt, sodass sich in der Konsequenz neue Aspekte der allgemeinen Mathematischen Statistik ergeben. Zur Veranschaulichung werden drei charakterlich vollkommen verschiedene Anwendungsfälle herangezogen, welche die Darstellung durchgehend begleiten und begründen.

Beiträge zur Musikinformatik: Modus, Klang- und Zeitgestaltung in Lassus- und Palestrina-Motetten

by Daniel Hensel

Daniel Hensels Studie bietet einen völlig neuen Blick auf die Entwicklung der Tonalität. Es wurden neben einfachen statistischen Verfahren spezielle Klanganalyse-Visualisierungen erarbeitet, die die Entwicklung der Klangqualität in ihrer zeitlichen Ausprägung über ganze Werkgruppen hinweg darstellen können. Ziel war es herauszufinden, wie sehr die Modi die Harmonik determinieren, ob sie sich statistisch voneinander unterscheiden und sich dadurch in ihrer Existenz beweisen lassen. Hierfür entwickelte der Autor zusammen mit dem Informatiker Ingo Jache den PALESTRiNIZER. Mit ihm untersuchte er die Möglichkeiten der computergestützten automatisierten Musikanalyse anhand des Verhältnisses von Modus und Klang in 253 Motetten von Lassus und Palestrina. ​

Belair: Early Years - Number And Calculating: Ages 3-5 (Belair: Early Years Ser.)

by Cherri Moseley

Number and Calculating is packed with flexible ideas for developing early understanding and igniting curiosity in the Mathematics area of learning. Activities across fifteen themes can be tailored to meet the needs and interests of every child and support progress towards attaining the knowledge and skills required by the Early Learning Goals.

Belief and Counterfactuals: A Study in Means-End Philosophy

by Franz Huber

This is the first of two volumes on belief and counterfactuals. It provides an introduction to ranking theory, which is a powerful formal theory with a broad range of applications in different areas of analytic philosophy. Drawing on formal logic, ranking theory can account for degrees of belief, which can change with the introduction of new information. In Belief and Counterfactuals, Franz Huber applies ranking theory and belief revision to metaphysics and epistemology. Though based on his technical writings, the volume is intended to be as accessible as possible, in order to fully present the utility of ranking theory to a wide range of philosophical issues. The volume contains several novel arguments, accounts, and applications--including the consistency argument for ranking theory, the conditional theory of conditional belief, as well as solutions to the problems of conceptual belief change, logical learning, and learning conditionals. Huber also presents a defense of the instrumentalist understanding of normativity, or rationality, and an argument for the thesis that there are only hypothetical imperatives and no categorical imperatives. His distinctive use of means-end philosophy as a unifying methodological approach establishes a treatment of philosophy as a normative discipline, and of philosophical problems as entangled with one another. This position also explains the importance of logic to philosophy, without devolving into a separate technical theory.

Belief and Counterfactuals: A Study in Means-End Philosophy

by Franz Huber

This is the first of two volumes on belief and counterfactuals. It provides an introduction to ranking theory, which is a powerful formal theory with a broad range of applications in different areas of analytic philosophy. Drawing on formal logic, ranking theory can account for degrees of belief, which can change with the introduction of new information. In Belief and Counterfactuals, Franz Huber applies ranking theory and belief revision to metaphysics and epistemology. Though based on his technical writings, the volume is intended to be as accessible as possible, in order to fully present the utility of ranking theory to a wide range of philosophical issues. The volume contains several novel arguments, accounts, and applications--including the consistency argument for ranking theory, the conditional theory of conditional belief, as well as solutions to the problems of conceptual belief change, logical learning, and learning conditionals. Huber also presents a defense of the instrumentalist understanding of normativity, or rationality, and an argument for the thesis that there are only hypothetical imperatives and no categorical imperatives. His distinctive use of means-end philosophy as a unifying methodological approach establishes a treatment of philosophy as a normative discipline, and of philosophical problems as entangled with one another. This position also explains the importance of logic to philosophy, without devolving into a separate technical theory.

Belief Change (Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems #3)

by Dov M. Gabbay Philippe Smets

Belief change is an emerging field of artificial intelligence and information science dedicated to the dynamics of information and the present book provides a state-of-the-art picture of its formal foundations. It deals with the addition, deletion and combination of pieces of information and, more generally, with the revision, updating and fusion of knowledge bases. The book offers an extensive coverage of, and seeks to reconcile, two traditions in the kinematics of belief that often ignore each other - the symbolic and the numerical (often probabilistic) approaches. Moreover, the work encompasses both revision and fusion problems, even though these two are also commonly investigated by different communities. Finally, the book presents the numerical view of belief change, beyond the probabilistic framework, covering such approaches as possibility theory, belief functions and convex gambles. The work thus presents a unified view of belief change operators, drawing from a widely scattered literature embracing philosophical logic, artificial intelligence, uncertainty modelling and database systems. The material is a clearly organised guide to the literature on the dynamics of epistemic states, knowledge bases and uncertain information, suitable for scholars and graduate students familiar with applied logic, knowledge representation and uncertain reasoning.

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