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Bioethics Yearbook: Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1990–1992 (Bioethics Yearbook #3)

by B. Andrew Lustig Baruch A. Brody H. Tristram Engelhardt Laurence B. McCullough

As the field of bioethics has matured, increasing attention is being paid to how bioethical issues are treated in different moral and religious traditions and in different regions of the world. It is often difficult, however, to obtain accurate information about these matters. The Bioethics Yearbook series provides interested parties with analyses of how such issues as new reproductive techniques, abortion, maternal-fetal conflicts, care of seriously ill newborns, consent, confidentiality, equitable access, cost-containment, withholding and withdrawing treatment, active euthanasia, the definition of death, and organ transplantation are being discussed in different religious traditions and regions. Volume Three discusses theological developments from 1990--1992 in Anglican, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Continental Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu, Jewish, Latter-Day Saint, Lutheran, Methodist, Muslim, and Presbyterian traditions. Volume Four will continue coverage of official governmental and medical society policies on these topics throughout the world.

Bioethics Yearbook: Regional Developments in Bioethics: 1989–1991 (Bioethics Yearbook #2)

by Laurence B. Mccullough H. TristramEngelhardt Baruch A. Brody B. AndrewLustig

As noted in Volume 1, the Yearbook series alternates between a biennial volume tracing recent theological discussions on topics in bioethics and a biennial volume tracing recent regional discussions in bioethics. Volume 2 provides for the first time a comprehensive single-volume summary of recent international and regional developments on specific topics in bioethics. To give uniformity to the discussions all authors were asked to report on the following topics: new reproductive technologies, abortion, maternal-fetal conflicts, case of severely disabled newborns, consent of treatment and experimentation, confidentiality, equitable access to health care, ethical concerns raised by cost-containment measures, decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment, active euthanasia, the definition of death, organ donation and transplantation. The internationally respected contributors report on the following 16 areas: the United States, Canada, Latin America, the United Kingdom and Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Eastern Europe, Spain/Portugal/Italy/Scandinavia, India, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Australia/New Zealand, Council of Europe/EEC. The commentators draw on three sets of resources: Statutes, legislative proposals, and regulatory changes that directly influence, or have implications for, areas of bioethical concern; Case law and court judgments that shape, either decisively or suggestively, recent legal interpretations of particular issues of areas in bioethics; Formal statements of governmentally appointed commissions, advisory bodies, and representative professional groups, as well as less formal statements and recommendations of other organisations. In addition to providing timely summaries of recent developments, the volume offers rich and useful bibliographical references to a wide array of documents, many of which would be difficult for readers to learn about, given the lack of centralized international collection of such documents. The Yearbook should be widely consulted by all bioethicists, public policy analysts, lawyers and theologians.

Bioethik: Methoden, Theorien und Bereiche

by Marcus Düwell

Heiß umstritten: Stammzell- und Embryonenforschung, Gentechnologie, Euthanasie. Was ist ethisch vertretbar? Marcus Düwell stellt die Diskussionen um die Grenzen menschlichen Handelns, um Leben und Natur und um den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt auf ein philosophisches Fundament. Er erläutert Geschichte, Methoden und Begriffe der Bioethik und geht der Frage nach: Wie ist die veränderte Welt moralphilosophisch zu bewerten? Das Grundlagenwerk hilft bei der Orientierung.

Biofuels and Sustainability: Holistic Perspectives for Policy-making (Science for Sustainable Societies)

by Hideaki Shiroyama Osamu Saito Kazuhiko Takeuchi Masahiro Matsuura

This open access book presents a comprehensive analysis of biofuel use strategies from an interdisciplinary perspective using sustainability science. This interdisciplinary perspective (social science-natural science) means that the strategies and policy options proposed will have significant impacts on the economy and society alike. Biofuels are expected to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, revitalizing economies in agricultural communities and alleviating poverty. However, despite these anticipated benefits, international organizations such as the FAO, OECD and UN have published reports expressing concerns that biofuel promotion may lead to deforestation, water pollution and water shortages. The impacts of biofuel use are extensive, cross-sectoral and complex, and as such, comprehensive analyses are required in order to assess the extent to which biofuels can contribute to sustainable societies. Applying interdisciplinary sustainability science concepts and methodologies, the book helps to enhance the establishment of a sustainable society as well as the development of appropriate responses to a global need for urgent action on current issues related to biofuels.

Biogasanlagen im Handels- und Steuerrecht: Rechtsformen – Finanzierung – Bilanzierung

by Andreas Stute

Dieses Buch dient als Leitfaden für die Abbildung des betrieblichen Geschehens von Biogasanlagen sowohl im Handelsrecht als auch im Steuerrecht. Von der Gründung und Wahl der Rechtsform über die Finanzierungsphase zu den Herstellungs-, Vertriebs- und Verwaltungsprozessen werden wichtige Fragen immer mit Blick auf die bilanzielle Abbildung beantwortet. Der Aufbau des Buches orientiert sich chronologisch an diesen verschiedenen Phasen, sodass Praktiker, Buchhalter und steuerliche Berater jederzeit die richtige Hilfestellung finden. Zahlreiche Berechnungsbeispiele und Vorlagen machen das Werk zu einer wertvollen Arbeitshilfe.

A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good

by Paul R. Bartrop

This book documents the devastating effects of genocide in the world's most destructive human environments since the end of World War II and explores why such events still occur.A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War II—a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of the promise "never again"—by providing biographies rather than extensive historical narratives.The entries describe the personal backgrounds; careers; and relationship to genocidal events, humanitarian actions, or international initiatives relevant to each person in the book. Beyond examining the genocidaires who played key roles in mass murder, individuals who contributed to efforts to stop genocide are also profiled. By adopting a biographical approach to post-World War II genocide, the author sheds light on why people behave the way they do toward their fellow human beings and provides vital insights into the extremes of human positivity and negativity that have characterized this period of history. Serving as a vital tool for scholars and students of genocide as well as compelling reading for general audiences, the book highlights individual human behaviors, motivations, backgrounds, and intentions that can form a platform from which to raise and discuss issues of morality and ethics in the modern world.

A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good

by Paul R. Bartrop

This book documents the devastating effects of genocide in the world's most destructive human environments since the end of World War II and explores why such events still occur.A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War II—a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of the promise "never again"—by providing biographies rather than extensive historical narratives.The entries describe the personal backgrounds; careers; and relationship to genocidal events, humanitarian actions, or international initiatives relevant to each person in the book. Beyond examining the genocidaires who played key roles in mass murder, individuals who contributed to efforts to stop genocide are also profiled. By adopting a biographical approach to post-World War II genocide, the author sheds light on why people behave the way they do toward their fellow human beings and provides vital insights into the extremes of human positivity and negativity that have characterized this period of history. Serving as a vital tool for scholars and students of genocide as well as compelling reading for general audiences, the book highlights individual human behaviors, motivations, backgrounds, and intentions that can form a platform from which to raise and discuss issues of morality and ethics in the modern world.

Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics and the Law (Elgar Intellectual Property Law and Practice series)

This book covers a broad range of legal topics relating to the fields of bioinformatics and medical informatics, which relate to the intersection of biomedical information and computer programming within the contexts of scientific research, product development and healthcare delivery. A number of usually distinct bodies of legal doctrine come together in this area, sometimes overlapping, sometimes colliding in unexpected ways. Key issues discussed in the book include: An overview of the current landscape of bioinformatics and medical informaticsA focus on the legal issues arising from the development and acquisition of informatics tools for use in a laboratory or healthcare settingDevelopments in patent and innovation law that are important for informatics applicationsA discussion of institutions and collaborative arrangements in which informatics applications are developed and used todayData protection and privacy issues applicable to informatics applications in the U.S. and Europe. While no single work can cover the entire set of legal issues arising from large, dynamic and complex fields such as bioinformatics and medical informatics, this book strives to offer the reader insight into some of the major legal trends and considerations applicable to these fields today.

Biokraftstoffe und Biokraftstoffprojekte: Rechtliche, technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte

by Jörg Böttcher Nina Hampl Martin Kügemann Florian Lüdeke-Freund

Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit Biokraftstoffen und Biokraftstoffprojekten. Die Autoren zeigen auf, welche rechtlichen, agrarischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen von Biokraftstoffen beachtet werden müssen. Die Betrachtung dieser Rahmenbedingungen und weiterer – eher anlagenbezogener – Faktoren ermöglicht es dann, Rückschlüsse auf die Realisierung von Biokraftstoffvorhaben zu ziehen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf den sensiblen Themenkomplex der Nachhaltigkeit von Biokraftstoffen gerichtet. Die anhaltende Diskussion unerwünschter sozialer, ökologischer und ökonomischer Effekte hat zu neuen und bislang nicht abschließend definierten gesellschaftlichen und politischen Ansprüchen an die Biokraftstoffindustrie geführt.

Biolaw, Economics and Sustainable Governance: Addressing the Challenges of a Post-Pandemic World (Finance, Governance and Sustainability)

by Erick Valdés Jacob Dahl Rendtorff

This book offers an accurate and updated approach to the main contributions of cosmopolitan biolaw in relation to sustainability, global governance, organizational health care economics and COVID-19. Bringing together different robust and dense biojuridical epistemologies to analyze key bioethical problems as well as the health care, management, economics and sustainability issues of our time, it constitutes a paradigmatic text in its field. In addition to exploring different epistemologies and jurisdictional scopes of biolaw, including the relationships between this new field and the challenges which have arisen in the current globalized and technologized world, the book addresses controversial issues straight from today’s headlines: for example, the basics for health care, finance and organizational economics, global biojuridical principles for governance, globalization, bioscientific empowerment, global and existential risk and sustainability challenges for a post-pandemic world. The book encourages readers to think impartially in order to know and understand the bioethical and biojuridical dilemmas that stem from current economics and sustainability issues. Accordingly, it will be a valuable resource for courses in the fields of biolaw, law, bioethics, global sustainability, organizational health care economics, and global governance at different professional levels.

Biolaw, Economics and Sustainable Governance: Addressing the Challenges of a Post-Pandemic World (Finance, Governance and Sustainability)

by Erick Valdés Jacob Dahl Rendtorff

This book offers an accurate and updated approach to the main contributions of cosmopolitan biolaw in relation to sustainability, global governance, organizational health care economics and COVID-19. Bringing together different robust and dense biojuridical epistemologies to analyze key bioethical problems as well as the health care, management, economics and sustainability issues of our time, it constitutes a paradigmatic text in its field. In addition to exploring different epistemologies and jurisdictional scopes of biolaw, including the relationships between this new field and the challenges which have arisen in the current globalized and technologized world, the book addresses controversial issues straight from today’s headlines: for example, the basics for health care, finance and organizational economics, global biojuridical principles for governance, globalization, bioscientific empowerment, global and existential risk and sustainability challenges for a post-pandemic world. The book encourages readers to think impartially in order to know and understand the bioethical and biojuridical dilemmas that stem from current economics and sustainability issues. Accordingly, it will be a valuable resource for courses in the fields of biolaw, law, bioethics, global sustainability, organizational health care economics, and global governance at different professional levels.

Biolaw: Origins, Doctrine and Juridical Applications on the Biosciences (The International Library of Bioethics #87)

by Erick Valdés

This book configures a consistent epistemology of biolaw that distinguishes itself from bioethics and from a mere set of international instruments on the regulation of biomedical practices. Such orthodox intellection has prevented biolaw from being understood as a new branch of law with legally binding force, which has certainly dwindled its epistemological density. Hence, this is a revolutionary book as it seeks to deconstruct the history of biolaw and its oblique epistemologies, which means not accepting perennial axioms, and not seeing paradigms where only anachronism and anomaly still exist. It is a book aimed at validity, but also at solidity because the truth of biolaw has never been told before. In that sense, it is also a revealing text. The book shapes biolaw as an independent and compelling branch of law, with a legally binding scope, which boosts the effectiveness of new deliberative models for legal sciences, as well as it utterly reinforces hermeneutical and epistemological approaches, in tune with the complexity of disturbing legal scenarios created by biomedical sciences’ latest applications. This work adeptly addresses the origins of the European biolaw and its connections with American bioethics. It also analyses different biolaw’s epistemologies historically developed both in Europe and in the United States, to finally offer a new conception of biolaw as a new branch of law, by exploring its theoretical and practical atmospheres to avoid muddle and uncertainty when applied in biomedical settings. This book is suitable for academics and students of biolaw, law, bioethics, and biomedical research, as well as for professionals in higher education institutions, courts, the biomedical industry, and pharmacological companies.

Biological Affinity in Forensic Identification of Human Skeletal Remains: Beyond Black and White

by Gregory E. Berg Sabrina C Ta'Ala

Ancestry determination in the identification of unknown remains can be a challenge for forensic scientists and anthropologists, especially when the remains available for testing are limited. There are various techniques for the assessment of ancestry, ranging from traditional to new microbiological and computer-assisted methods. Biological Affinity

Biological Determinism, Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Insights from Genetics and Neuroscience (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)

by Chris Willmott

This book examines the way in which new discoveries about genetic and neuroscience are influencing our understanding of human behaviour. As scientists unravel more about the ways in which genes and the environment work together to shape the development of our brains, their studies have importance beyond the narrow confines of the laboratory. This emerging knowledge has implications for our notions of morality and criminal responsibility. The extent to which “biological determinism” can be used as an explanation for our behaviour is of interest to philosophers reflecting on the free will versus determinism debate. It also has repercussions for the criminal justice system; in courtrooms around the world, defence lawyers are beginning to appeal to genetic and brain imaging data as grounds for finding their clients not guilty. Can a defendant’s genes or the structure of his brain be used as an excuse for his behaviour? Is criminality “hardwired”? Is it legitimate to claim “I couldn’t help it, my genes made me do it”? This book appeals to anyone interested in the link between behaviour and genetics, the science and philosophy of moral responsibility and/or criminal law.​

Biological Distance Analysis: Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives

by Marin A. Pilloud Joseph T. Hefner

Biological Distance Analysis: Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives synthesizes research within the realm of biological distance analysis, highlighting current work within the field and discussing future directions. The book is divided into three main sections. The first section clearly outlines datasets and methods within biological distance analysis, beginning with a brief history of the field and how it has progressed to its current state. The second section focuses on approaches using the individual within a forensic context, including ancestry estimation and case studies. The final section concentrates on population-based bioarchaeological approaches, providing key techniques and examples from archaeological samples. The volume also includes an appendix with additional resources available to those interested in biological distance analyses.Defines datasets and how they are used within biodistance analysisApplies methodology to individual and population studiesBridges the sub-fields of forensic anthropology and bioarchaeologyHighlights current research and future directions of biological distance analysisIdentifies statistical programs and datasets for use in biodistance analysisContains cases studies and thorough index for those interested in biological distance analyses

Biological Diversity and International Law: Challenges for the Post 2020 Scenario

by Mar Campins Eritja Teresa Fajardo del Castillo

The book focuses on the interactions between international legal regimes related to biodiversity governance. It addresses the systemic challenges by analyzing the legal interactions between international biodiversity law and related international law applicable to economic activities, as well as issues related to the governance of biodiversity based on functional, normative, and geographic dimensions, in order to present a crosscutting, holistic approach. The global COVID-19 pandemic, the imminent revision of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, and the Aichi Targets have created the momentum to focus on the interactions between the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international environmental regimes. Firstly, it discusses the principles that inspire biodiversity-related conventional law, the soft law that conveys targets for enforcement of the Biodiversity Convention, their structural, regulatory and implementation gaps, the systemic relations arising from national interests, and the role of scientific advisory bodies in biodiversity-related agreements. The second part then addresses interactions in specific conventional frameworks, such as the law of multilateral trade and global public health, and the participation of communities in the management of genetic resources. Lastly, the third part illustrates these issues using four case studies focusing on the challenges for sustainability and marine biodiversity in small islands, the Arctic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, as a way to strengthen a horizontal and joint approach. The book is primarily intended for academics, researchers, and students interested in international environmental law and policy and in interactions for creating conditions for fair, sustainable, and resilient environmental development. By offering an analysis of instruments and criteria for systemic relations in those areas, it will also appeal to public and private actors at the domestic and international level.

The Biological Foundations of Bioethics

by Tim Lewens

Much recent thought on the ethics of new biomedical technologies, and work in ethics and political philosophy more generally, is committed to hidden and contestable views about the nature of biological reality. This selection of essays by Tim Lewens, a leading expert in the field, teases out these biological foundations of bioethical writing and subjects them to scrutiny. The topics covered include human enhancement, the risks of technical progress, the alleged moral threat of synthetic biology, the reality of human nature, the relevance of evolutionary psychology to social policy, the nature of the distinction between health and disease, and justice in healthcare decision-making.

Biologische Spurenkunde: Band 1: Kriminalbiologie

by Bernd Herrmann Klaus-Steffen Saternus

Experten geben erstmals einen Überblick über die biowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen spurenkundlicher Arbeit sowie ihrer hauptsächlichen Tätigkeitsfelder. In Übersichtsaufsätzen werden die jeweiligen Fragestellungen und die verwendeten Methoden dieser Arbeitsbereiche vorgestellt.

Biolust, Brain Death, and the Battle Over Organ Transplants: America’s Biotech Juggernaut and its Japanese Critics

by William R. LaFleur

William LaFleur (1936-2010), an eminent scholar of Japanese studies, left behind a substantial number of influential publications, as well as several unpublished works. The most significant of these examines debates concerning the practice of organ transplantation in Japan and the United States, and is published here for the first time.This provocative book challenges the North American medical and bioethical consensus that considers the transplantation of organs from brain dead donors as an unalloyed good. It joins a growing chorus of voices that question the assumption that brain death can be equated facilely with death. It provides a deep investigation of debates in Japan, introducing numerous Japanese bioethicists whose work has never been treated in English. It also provides a history of similar debates in the United States, problematizing the commonly held view that the American public was quick and eager to accept the redefinition of death.A work of intellectual and social history, this book also directly engages with questions that grow ever more relevant as the technologies we develop to extend life continue to advance. While the benefits of these technologies are obvious, their costs are often more difficult to articulate. Calling attention to the risks associated with our current biotech trajectory, LaFleur stakes out a highly original position that does not fall neatly onto either side of contemporary US ideological divides.

Biolust, Brain Death, and the Battle Over Organ Transplants: America’s Biotech Juggernaut and its Japanese Critics

by William R. LaFleur

William LaFleur (1936-2010), an eminent scholar of Japanese studies, left behind a substantial number of influential publications, as well as several unpublished works. The most significant of these examines debates concerning the practice of organ transplantation in Japan and the United States, and is published here for the first time.This provocative book challenges the North American medical and bioethical consensus that considers the transplantation of organs from brain dead donors as an unalloyed good. It joins a growing chorus of voices that question the assumption that brain death can be equated facilely with death. It provides a deep investigation of debates in Japan, introducing numerous Japanese bioethicists whose work has never been treated in English. It also provides a history of similar debates in the United States, problematizing the commonly held view that the American public was quick and eager to accept the redefinition of death.A work of intellectual and social history, this book also directly engages with questions that grow ever more relevant as the technologies we develop to extend life continue to advance. While the benefits of these technologies are obvious, their costs are often more difficult to articulate. Calling attention to the risks associated with our current biotech trajectory, LaFleur stakes out a highly original position that does not fall neatly onto either side of contemporary US ideological divides.

Biomarkers: Research and Application in the Assessment of Environmental Health (Nato ASI Subseries H: #68)

by David B. Peakall Lee R. Shugart

Biological markers used to assess the effects of environmental pollution have attracted considerable attention from regulatory agencies and are currently under evaluation at a number of research facilities throughout the world. However promising a biomarker-based biomonitoring approach may be, the development of this concept is complicated by a range of technical issues. This book provides a conceptional framework for research and application of biomarkers. International experts on biomonitoring have formulated a unified strategy for the development and validation of biomarkers in assessing environmental health as well as appropriate protocols for their implementation and interpretation in a biological monitoring program.

Biomedical Engineering and its Applications in Healthcare

by Sudip Paul

This book illustrates the significance of biomedical engineering in modern healthcare systems. Biomedical engineering plays an important role in a range of areas, from diagnosis and analysis to treatment and recovery and has entered the public consciousness through the proliferation of implantable medical devices, such as pacemakers and artificial hips, as well as the more futuristic technologies such as stem cell engineering and 3-D printing of biological organs. Starting with an introduction to biomedical engineering, the book then discusses various tools and techniques for medical diagnostics and treatment and recent advances. It also provides comprehensive and integrated information on rehabilitation engineering, including the design of artificial body parts, and the underlying principles, and standards. It also presents a conceptual framework to clarify the relationship between ethical policies in medical practice and philosophical moral reasoning. Lastly, the book highlights a number of challenges associated with modern healthcare technologies.

Biomedical Ethics and the Law

by James M. Humber Robert F. Almeder

In the past few years an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, these additions serve to satisfy student demands for "relevance. " But it is also true that such changes reflect a deepening desire on the part of the academic community to deal effectively with a host of problems which must be solved if we are to have a health-care delivery system which is efficient, humane, and just. To a large degree, these problems are the unique result of both rapidly changing moral values and dramatic advances in biomedical technology. The past decade has witnessed sudden and conspicuous controversy over the morality and legality of new practices relating to abortion, therapy for the mentally ill, experimentation using human subjects, forms of genetic interven­ tion, suicide, and euthanasia. Malpractice suits abound and astronomical fees for malpractice insurance threaten the very possibility of medical and health-care practice. Without the backing of a clear moral consensus, the law is frequently forced into resolving these conflicts only to see the moral issues involved still hotly debated and the validity of existing law further questioned. In the case of abortion, for example, the laws have changed radically, and the widely pub­ licized recent conviction of Dr. Edelin in Boston has done little to foster a moral consensus or even render the exact status of the law beyond reasonable question.

Biomedical Ethics and the Law

by James M. Humber Robert F. Almeder

In the past few years, an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, these additions serve to satisfy student demands for "relevance. " But it is also true that such changes reflect a deepening desire on the part of the academic community to deal effectively with a host of problems which must be solved if we are to have a health-care delivery system which is efficient, humane, and just. To a large degree, these problems are the unique result of both rapidly changing moral values and dramatic advances in biomedical technology. The past decade has witnessed sudden and conspicuous controversy over the morality and legality of new practices relating to abortion, therapy for the mentally ill, experimentation using human subjects, forms of genetic interven­ tion, and euthanasia. Malpractice suits abound, and astronomical fees for malpractice insurance threaten the very possibility of medical and health-care practice. Without the backing of a clear moral consensus, the law is frequently forced into resolving these conflicts only to see the moral issues involved still hotly debated and the validity of the existing law further questioned. Take abortion, for example. Rather than settling the legal issue, the Supreme Court's original abortion decision in Roe v. Wade (1973), seems only to have spurred further legal debate. And of course, whether or not abortion is a mo rally ac­ ceptable procedure is still the subject of heated dispute.

Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1983 (Biomedical Ethics Reviews)

by James M. Humber Robert F. Almeder

In the past decade the body of literature in the area of biomedical ethics has expanded at an astounding rate. Indeed, on every major topic, the literature in this area has mUltiplied, and continues to do so, so rapidly that one can easily fall behind important advances in our thinking about and understanding of the problems of contemporary bioethics. Awareness of this need to keep apace of developments in the area prompted a recent reviewer of our earlier collection Biomedical Ethics and the Law (Plenum, 2nd edition, 1979) to suggest that somebody ought to offer the service of providing a biennial review or update of the literature on the various central topics in bioethics. Thomas Lanigan, of The Humana Press, agreed with this last sug­ gestion and so asked us to edit a series of texts consisting of previously unpublished essays on selected topics, a series that would seek to re­ view and update recent literature on the central topics, while also striv­ ing to advance distinctive solutions to the problems on the topics under discussion. Accordingly, this first collection of previously unpublished essays focuses on the selected topics, and the authors commissioned were charged with addressing the basic problems assigned while also bringing the reader either directly or indirectly up to date on the rele­ vant literature.

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