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Auswirkungen der Liberalisierung des Internethandels in Europa auf die Arzneimittelkriminalität

by Karlhans Liebl Arndt Sinn Hans Schulte-Nölke Bernd J. Hartmann Roland Schmitz Martin Steinebach

Dieses Handbuch beleuchtet den Internetversandhandel mit illegalen Arzneimitteln über illegale Online-„Apotheken“, der sich zu einem auffälligen Wachstumsmarkt entwickelt hat. Durch die hohen Gewinnmargen und das niedrige Entdeckungsrisiko ist der Handel mit gefälschten Arzneimitteln mittlerweile weitaus attraktiver geworden als der Handel mit Betäubungsmitteln und bietet Potential als Geschäftsfeld der organisierten Kriminalität.Diesem Szenario entsprechend verfolgt das Handbuch bei der Untersuchung internetgestützter Arzneimittelkriminalität einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, indem eine empirische Aufarbeitung der Täter- und Tatstrukturen in diesem Kriminalitätsbereich ebenso vorgenommen wird wie die Zeichnung des Lagebildes für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Im Hauptteil wird die Rechtslage zur Arzneimittelkriminalität in allen 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten mit schwerpunktmäßiger Berücksichtigung der Aspekte des materiellen Straf- und Prozessrechts rechtsvergleichend aufbereitet, und es werden die einschlägigen internationalen Vorgaben im Bereich der Arzneimittelkriminalität beleuchtet. Außerdem werden zivil- und öffentlich-rechtliche Interventions- und Präventionsalternativen vorgestellt. Nicht zuletzt wird auch eine für die Ermittlungsarbeit entwickelte technische Lösung zur Verfolgung von Arzneimittelstraftaten im Internet vorgestellt. Einschlägige case-studies und eine Szenarioanalyse zur prognostischen Entwicklung der Arzneimittelkriminalität runden die Darstellung ab.Abschließend werden sowohl der Reformbedarf erhoben als auch konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen, um Konzepte der Verfolgung internetgestützter Arzneimittelkriminalität in Deutschland und Europa zu verbessern und eine breite Datenbasis für den Gesetzgeber zur effektiveren Gesetzgebung zu schaffen.

Auswirkungen des Meeresspiegelanstiegs auf maritime Grenzen (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #279)

by Eike Blitza

Das Buch geht der Frage nach, ob und inwiefern sich meeresspiegelinduzierte Veränderungen der Küstenlinien auch im Verlauf maritimer Grenzen widerspiegeln. Nach Untersuchung der maßgeblichen Vorschriften des Seerechtsübereinkommens (SRÜ) kommt die Arbeit zu dem Ergebnis, dass Veränderungen des Küstenverlaufs Auswirkungen auf maritime Grenzen haben können, das Ausmaß der Veränderung allerdings von der konkreten Art der Grenze und deren Entfernung zur Basislinie abhängt. Global betrachtet birgt die Beweglichkeit der Seegrenzen ein erhöhtes Konfliktpotential, denn sie wird Unsicherheit über bestehende Grenzverläufe verursachen. Seegrenzen sollten daher dauerhaft stabilisiert werden. Der Autor belegt, dass dies auf Grundlage des geltenden Rechts nicht sinnvoll gelingen wird. Nur durch Änderung des SRÜ oder der Herausbildung von neuem Völkergewohnheitsrecht ließe sich verhindern, dass das internationale Seerecht die Folgen des durch den Meeresspiegelanstieg bedingten Landverlusts nicht noch verschlimmert.

Authentic Excellence: Flourishing & Resilience in a Relentless World (Giving Voice to Values)

by R. Kelly Crace Robert Louis Crace

Never before have the pressures of a comparative and competitive world impacted on our sense of wellbeing, particularly among young adults. Building on the principles of Giving Voice to Values, which honors the complexity and difficulty of leading with our values, this book addresses the unique challenges faced by young adults. It provides a clear process that details how to harness natural wisdom to flourish through the relentless pace and pressure of today’s world. Moving beyond mere values clarification, Authentic Excellence helps the reader to develop a deeper relationship with their values and confidently express them, and builds effective coping skills to manage the relentless noise of our comparative and competitive world. Authentic Excellence answers five primary questions: How are young adults affected by this world of relentless change and pressure? Why are young adults vulnerable to a plateau that can negatively affect their resilience? What is the difference between fear-based excellence and authentic excellence and what role do values play in this distinction? What is necessary to move beyond fear-based excellence and why is it so hard? How do you train a deeper level of effectiveness that includes more consistent productivity, fulfillment and resilience?

Authentic Excellence: Flourishing & Resilience in a Relentless World (Giving Voice to Values)

by R. Kelly Crace Robert Louis Crace

Never before have the pressures of a comparative and competitive world impacted on our sense of wellbeing, particularly among young adults. Building on the principles of Giving Voice to Values, which honors the complexity and difficulty of leading with our values, this book addresses the unique challenges faced by young adults. It provides a clear process that details how to harness natural wisdom to flourish through the relentless pace and pressure of today’s world. Moving beyond mere values clarification, Authentic Excellence helps the reader to develop a deeper relationship with their values and confidently express them, and builds effective coping skills to manage the relentless noise of our comparative and competitive world. Authentic Excellence answers five primary questions: How are young adults affected by this world of relentless change and pressure? Why are young adults vulnerable to a plateau that can negatively affect their resilience? What is the difference between fear-based excellence and authentic excellence and what role do values play in this distinction? What is necessary to move beyond fear-based excellence and why is it so hard? How do you train a deeper level of effectiveness that includes more consistent productivity, fulfillment and resilience?

Authentic Excellence for Organizations: Creating Flourishing "&" Cultures (Giving Voice to Values)

by R. Kelly Crace Charles J. Hardy Robert L. Crace

Authentic Excellence for Organizations explores organizational culture from a values-based perspective and applies the psychological principles of values-based flourishing to organizations. Integrating the principles of Giving Voice to Values (GVV) and Authentic Excellence (AX), this book provides a process that details how organizations can harness their team’s inherent wisdom to flourish through the relentless pace and pressure of today’s world. Moving beyond team-building strategies and programming, this book helps develop confidence in managing the tensions inherent in organizations. It explores: The difference between moral values and personal values; How both can be effectively expressed and managed in organizations; The possibilities of shifting from a fear-based culture of "Or" to an inclusive and values-centred culture of "&"; and How to practically create flourishing "&" cultures using the GVV model. How to create an organizational culture that effectively sustains "&s" like competitive & collaborative, productive & fulfilled, and innovation & tradition. This book is intended for organizational leaders, members, and HR managers looking to develop strong and thriving teams. It also aligns with required or recommended reading for secondary or undergraduate courses that explore values, leadership, organizational development and performance, decision making, ethics, and entrepreneurship.

Authentic Excellence for Organizations: Creating Flourishing "&" Cultures (Giving Voice to Values)

by R. Kelly Crace Charles J. Hardy Robert L. Crace

Authentic Excellence for Organizations explores organizational culture from a values-based perspective and applies the psychological principles of values-based flourishing to organizations. Integrating the principles of Giving Voice to Values (GVV) and Authentic Excellence (AX), this book provides a process that details how organizations can harness their team’s inherent wisdom to flourish through the relentless pace and pressure of today’s world. Moving beyond team-building strategies and programming, this book helps develop confidence in managing the tensions inherent in organizations. It explores: The difference between moral values and personal values; How both can be effectively expressed and managed in organizations; The possibilities of shifting from a fear-based culture of "Or" to an inclusive and values-centred culture of "&"; and How to practically create flourishing "&" cultures using the GVV model. How to create an organizational culture that effectively sustains "&s" like competitive & collaborative, productive & fulfilled, and innovation & tradition. This book is intended for organizational leaders, members, and HR managers looking to develop strong and thriving teams. It also aligns with required or recommended reading for secondary or undergraduate courses that explore values, leadership, organizational development and performance, decision making, ethics, and entrepreneurship.

Authentic Governance: Aligning Personal Governance with Corporate Governance (Management for Professionals)

by Hubert Rampersad, , Ph.D. Saleh Hussain, MBA

Over the past years, we have heard and read plenty about how executives should behave more responsibly in the light of corporate governance. Despite all these efforts, many implementations of corporate governance provide no protection from potentially catastrophic ethical failures. This book emphasizes the introduction of a new corporate governance blueprint for addressing these concerns in a more authentic, organic and holistic way. It is a roadmap toward a high-performance ethical culture. By way of this innovative system, Dr. Hubert Rampersad and Saleh Hussain, MBA, are launching a revolutionary concept that actively has human capital embedded in corporate governance in a manner that creates a stable basis for the personnel’s trustworthiness, integrity, and engagement and ethical corporate excellence.Featuring numerous case examples and practical tools and exercises, this book will help the reader learn to:Develop, implement, and cultivate authentic personal governance and corporate governance effectivelyCreate conditions for sustainable corporate governanceIncrease their personal effectivenessDevelop their personal integrity effectively and become a better human beingDevelop ethical personal leadershipDevelop a highly engaged workforce, based on high ethical standardsCreate a high-performance culture and enhance the competitiveness of their organizationCreate conditions for an organizational climate marked by self-guidance, creativity, passion, and ethical behaviorDevelop a culture in which personal integrity and business ethics is a way of life

Authentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives (Palgrave Studies in Leadership and Followership)

by Dorianne Cotter-Lockard William L. Gardner

This book shines a spotlight on two missing foci of authentic leadership research: international and follower perspectives. The concept of ‘authenticity’ has been in vogue since the times of Greek philosophy, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that leadership scholars seriously began to study the topic of authentic leadership. This new collection brings together empirical research and theoretical contributions to provide insights into the follower perspectives of authentic leadership around the world. Covering topics such as leader self-awareness, gender, psychological capital, embodied leadership and followership, and unethical conduct, the book features a Foreword written by William L. Gardner, one of the original scholars on authentic leadership.

Authentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives (Palgrave Studies in Leadership and Followership)

by Dorianne Cotter-Lockard William L. Gardner

This book shines a spotlight on two missing foci of authentic leadership research: international and follower perspectives. The concept of ‘authenticity’ has been in vogue since the times of Greek philosophy, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that leadership scholars seriously began to study the topic of authentic leadership. This new collection brings together empirical research and theoretical contributions to provide insights into the follower perspectives of authentic leadership around the world. Covering topics such as leader self-awareness, gender, psychological capital, embodied leadership and followership, and unethical conduct, the book features a Foreword written by William L. Gardner, one of the original scholars on authentic leadership.

Authenticity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychiatry (Studien zur Interdisziplinären Anthropologie)

by Godehard Brüntrup Michael Reder Liselotte Gierstl

Today, authenticity is considered an essential part of manifold interpersonal relationships, actions, and agreements. Authenticity’s association with sincerity, honesty, and reliability not only normatively charges the term in the context of social coexistence, but also makes it a demand which we impose on ourselves: The success of our lives is measured decisively by whether we live in harmony with our own convictions, wishes and needs. In philosophy, authenticity has also become the focus of interest, both in the context of the mechanisms of self-knowledge, as well as of personal development.The anthology aims to expand the cooperation across disciplines, in order to develop a comprehensive and profound understanding of authenticity, not by over-simplifying the highly complex subject, but by approaching the underlying concept from different scientific perspectives.

Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Globalization

by Peter Bloom

Authoritarian capitalism is rapidly evolving, intensifying and spreading across the globe. This updated second edition book demonstrates that the recent resurgence of fascism and repressive democracies are connected to and symptomatic of the fundamental authoritarianism of capitalism.Analysing how marketization is promoting political authoritarianism across the world, Peter Bloom tells a story of authoritarian progress in which capitalist sovereignty is replacing liberal and social democracy. In doing so, Bloom rethinks the structural and discursive role of sovereign power within capitalism, illustrating how the free market relies upon a range of authoritarian political fantasies not just for its growth but for its very survival. This fully updated edition reveals how this had led to an evolution from corporate globalization to a new era of ‘popular authoritarianism’, based on the political competition between far-Right ethno-capitalism and politically repressive capitalist democracy. Exploring new perspectives such as "the commons" and "degrowth development", it points to new possibilities for resisting authoritarian capitalism and reinvigorating democracy.The unique insights in this book will prove invaluable for students and scholars of political science, economics, development and organization studies, international relations and sociology. It will also be of interest to practitioners concerned with globalization, political authoritarianism, and the expansion of the free market.

Authoritarian Constitutionalism: Comparative Analysis and Critique

by Helena Alviar García Günter Frankenberg

The contributions to this book analyse and submit to critique authoritarian constitutionalism as an important phenomenon in its own right, not merely as a deviant of liberal constitutionalism. Accordingly, the fourteen studies cover a variety of authoritarian regimes from Hungary to Apartheid South Africa, from China to Venezuela; from Syria to Argentina, and discuss the renaissance of authoritarian agendas and movements, such as populism, Trumpism, nationalism and xenophobia. From different theoretical perspectives the authors elucidate how authoritarian power is constituted, exercised and transferred in the different configurations of popular participation, economic imperatives, and imaginary community. Authoritarian Constitutionalism is of great interest to teachers, scholars and students of comparative constitutional law, comparative politics, and legal and political theory.

Authoritarian Liberalism and the Transformation of Modern Europe (Oxford Constitutional Theory)

by Michael A. Wilkinson

This title recounts the transformation of Europe from the post-war era until the Euro-crisis, using the tools of constitutional analysis and critical theory. The central claim is twofold: Europe has been gradually reconstituted in a manner that combines political authoritarianism with economic liberalism and that this order is now in a critical condition. Authoritarian liberalism is constructed supranationally, through a taming of inter-state relations in the project of European integration; at the domestic level, through the depoliticization of state-society relations; and socially, through the emergence of a new constitutional imaginary based on liberal individualism. In the language of constitutional theory, this transformation can be captured by the substitution of supranationalism for internationalism, technocracy for democracy, and economic for political freedom. Sovereignty is restrained, democracy curtailed, and class struggle repressed. This constitutional trajectory takes time to unfold and develop and it presents continuities and discontinuities. On the one hand, authoritarian liberalism is deepened by the neoliberalism of the Maastricht era and the creation of Economic and Monetary Union. On the other hand, counter-movements then also begin to emerge, geopolitically, in the return of the German question, domestically, in the challenges to the EU presented by constitutional courts, and informally, in the rise of anti-systemic political parties and movements. Sovereignty, democracy, and political freedom resurface, but are then more actively suppressed through the harsher authoritarian liberalism of the Euro-crisis phase. This leads now to an impasse. Anti-systemic politics return but remain uneasily within the EU, suggesting authoritarian liberalism has reached its limits if just about managing to maintain constitutional order. As yet, there has been no definitive rupture, with the possible exception of Brexit.

Authoritarian Liberalism and the Transformation of Modern Europe (Oxford Constitutional Theory)

by Michael A. Wilkinson

This title recounts the transformation of Europe from the post-war era until the Euro-crisis, using the tools of constitutional analysis and critical theory. The central claim is twofold: Europe has been gradually reconstituted in a manner that combines political authoritarianism with economic liberalism and that this order is now in a critical condition. Authoritarian liberalism is constructed supranationally, through a taming of inter-state relations in the project of European integration; at the domestic level, through the depoliticization of state-society relations; and socially, through the emergence of a new constitutional imaginary based on liberal individualism. In the language of constitutional theory, this transformation can be captured by the substitution of supranationalism for internationalism, technocracy for democracy, and economic for political freedom. Sovereignty is restrained, democracy curtailed, and class struggle repressed. This constitutional trajectory takes time to unfold and develop and it presents continuities and discontinuities. On the one hand, authoritarian liberalism is deepened by the neoliberalism of the Maastricht era and the creation of Economic and Monetary Union. On the other hand, counter-movements then also begin to emerge, geopolitically, in the return of the German question, domestically, in the challenges to the EU presented by constitutional courts, and informally, in the rise of anti-systemic political parties and movements. Sovereignty, democracy, and political freedom resurface, but are then more actively suppressed through the harsher authoritarian liberalism of the Euro-crisis phase. This leads now to an impasse. Anti-systemic politics return but remain uneasily within the EU, suggesting authoritarian liberalism has reached its limits if just about managing to maintain constitutional order. As yet, there has been no definitive rupture, with the possible exception of Brexit.

Authoritarianism: Constitutional Perspectives

by Günter Frankenberg

In this thought-provoking book, Günter Frankenberg explores why authoritarian leaders create new constitutions, or revise old ones. Through a profound analysis of authoritarian constitutions as phenomena in their own right, Frankenberg reveals their purposes, the audiences they seek to address and investigates the ways in which they fit into the broader context of autocracies. Frankenberg outlines the essential features of authoritarianism through a discussion of a variety of constitutional projects in authoritarian settings: the executive style of opportunist, informal governing, political power as private property, participation as complicity, and the cult of immediacy that is geared towards fantasies of a community of the followers and their leader. He also takes a comparative approach to authoritarian constitutions, drawing out the relationships between them, as well as providing a critique of the discourse around populism and authoritarianism. Authoritarianism will be critical reading for scholars of constitutional law, as well as political scientists, who will find its comparative analysis of political systems in this context invaluable. It will also be useful to students of comparative law and political science for its clear explanation of the characteristics of authoritarianism across regimes.

Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Before and After the Arab Uprisings

by Jülide Karakoç J. Karakoç Bakis

Through a unique collection of essays drawn from rich case studies, Authoritarianism in the Middle East provides important insights into the ongoing instabilities of the Middle East, and the authoritarianism and democratisation processes that have led to dramatic socio-political transformations.

Authorities: Conflicts, Cooperation, and Transnational Legal Theory

by Nicole Roughan

Interactions between state, international, transnational, and intra-state law involve overlapping, and sometimes conflicting, claims to legitimate authority. This has led scholars to new theoretical explanations of sovereignty, constitutionalism, and legality, but there has been little treatment of authority itself. This book asks whether, and under what conditions, there can be multiple legitimate authorities with overlapping or conflicting domains. Can legitimate authority be shared between state, supra-state, and non-state actors, and if so, how should they relate to one another? Roughan argues that understanding authority in contemporary pluralist circumstances requires a new conception of relative authority, and a new theory of its legitimacy. The theory of relative authority treats the interdependence of authorities, and the relationships in which they are engaged, as critical to any assessment of their legitimacy. It offers a tool for evaluating inter-authority relationships prevalent in international, transnational, state, and non-state constitutional practice, while suggesting significant revisions to the idea that law, in general or even by necessity, claims to have legitimate authority.

Authority and Legitimacy of Environmental Post-Treaty Rules

by Tim Staal

In the international law of the 21st century, more and more regulation comes in the form of post-treaty rules. Developed in environmental law, this trend increasingly spreads to areas ranging from tobacco regulation to arms trade. This book offers the first systematic examination of these decisions, resolutions and recommendations adopted by treaty bodies, to assess their effectiveness. The study shows that the authority of such rules is in question as, in practice, treaty parties retain almost complete discretion when it comes to their implementation. This conclusion gives rise to two key questions. To what extent does this ambiguous authority affect adherence to procedural principles like legal certainty, non-arbitrariness and the duty to state reasons? And can the legitimacy of the process and content of post-treaty rules fill the gaps in their authority? In assessing these questions, the study shines a light on this crucial but neglected area in international law scholarship and forms a starting point for improvements and reform.

Authority and Legitimacy of Environmental Post-Treaty Rules

by Tim Staal

In the international law of the 21st century, more and more regulation comes in the form of post-treaty rules. Developed in environmental law, this trend increasingly spreads to areas ranging from tobacco regulation to arms trade. This book offers the first systematic examination of these decisions, resolutions and recommendations adopted by treaty bodies, to assess their effectiveness. The study shows that the authority of such rules is in question as, in practice, treaty parties retain almost complete discretion when it comes to their implementation. This conclusion gives rise to two key questions. To what extent does this ambiguous authority affect adherence to procedural principles like legal certainty, non-arbitrariness and the duty to state reasons? And can the legitimacy of the process and content of post-treaty rules fill the gaps in their authority? In assessing these questions, the study shines a light on this crucial but neglected area in international law scholarship and forms a starting point for improvements and reform.

Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability

by Saba Bazargan-Forward

How should we decide a single employee's accountability in a corporation that commits egregious wrongs? What about a single solider fighting in an unjust war? Or a single participant in a lynching? We need a way to make sense of individual moral accountability in cases where multiple individuals are cooperating in a way that results in a wrongful harm. Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability develops a novel strategy for addressing this issue. Saba Bazargan-Forward makes the case for thinking that distinct aspects of human agency, normally wrapped up in a single person, can be 'distributed' practically across different people. He argues that we 'distribute' agency routinely, by forming promises, by making requests, by issuing demands, and by undertaking shared action. The resulting division of agential labour makes possible a distinctive way in which one person can be accountable for the actions of another. Bazargan-Forward highlights that what matters morally is not just our causal contributions to wrongful cooperative activity. In addition, the purposes we confer upon one another can inculpate us as well. The result is an account that can help us make sense of individual moral accountability in a bureaucratized world. The first half of the book develops a theory of accountability in the context of cooperation. The second half applies this theory to war ethics, criminal law, business ethics, and institutional racism.

Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability

by Saba Bazargan-Forward

How should we decide a single employee's accountability in a corporation that commits egregious wrongs? What about a single solider fighting in an unjust war? Or a single participant in a lynching? We need a way to make sense of individual moral accountability in cases where multiple individuals are cooperating in a way that results in a wrongful harm. Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability develops a novel strategy for addressing this issue. Saba Bazargan-Forward makes the case for thinking that distinct aspects of human agency, normally wrapped up in a single person, can be 'distributed' practically across different people. He argues that we 'distribute' agency routinely, by forming promises, by making requests, by issuing demands, and by undertaking shared action. The resulting division of agential labour makes possible a distinctive way in which one person can be accountable for the actions of another. Bazargan-Forward highlights that what matters morally is not just our causal contributions to wrongful cooperative activity. In addition, the purposes we confer upon one another can inculpate us as well. The result is an account that can help us make sense of individual moral accountability in a bureaucratized world. The first half of the book develops a theory of accountability in the context of cooperation. The second half applies this theory to war ethics, criminal law, business ethics, and institutional racism.

Authority in the Global Political Economy (International Political Economy Series)

by V. Rittberger M. Nettesheim Carmen Huckel

This volume analyzes changing patterns of authority in the global political economy with an in-depth look at the new roles played by state and non-state actors, and addresses key themes including the provision of global public goods, new modes of regulation and the potential of new institutions for global governance.

The Authority of EU Law: Do We Still Believe in It?

by Wolfgang Heusel Jean-Philippe Rageade

This book analyses the supposed erosion of the authority of EU law from various perspectives: legislation, jurisprudence of national supreme and constitutional courts, enforcement of Single Market rules, of EMU rules and of the rule of law. It discusses the interdependence between the perceived legitimacy of the European project and respect for the authority of EU law.

The Authority of International Law: Obedience, Respect, and Rebuttal

by Basak Çali

The question of the authority of international law over domestic authorities and the duties of state officials to international law are fundamental concerns in international legal theory and practice. The Authority of International Law: Obedience, Respect, and Rebuttal addresses these concerns by reframing the present accounts of authority in international law, construing its authority as imposing three different layers of duties on domestic officials: the duty to obey, the duty to respect, and the duty to rebut. The book provides an original interpretation of this authority - one that is not tied to prior state consent or domestic constitutional frameworks. It offers a nuanced account, arguing that whether or not international law is obeyed within any given situation depends on the type of duty it imposes on the state, and that duty's normative force. There is no strict framework in which international law always trumps domestic law or vice versa. Instead, Çalı presents a realistic account of when international law has absolute authority, and when it can afford a margin of appreciation to states. The Authority of International Law contributes to existing debates by considering the gap between consent-based jurisprudential theories of authority and self-interest and identity-based theories of compliance, and by considering monism, dualism, and normative pluralism as theories for addressing authority competition between domestic legal orders and international law.

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