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Partizipation und Schule: Perspektiven auf Teilhabe und Mitbestimmung von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Dieser Sammelband zeigt auf, dass trotz pädagogisch, gesellschaftlich und rechtlich begründeter Forderungen nach Partizipation in der Schule deren flächendeckende Umsetzung aufgrund systemimmanenter Strukturen, Kulturen und Praktiken noch nicht erfolgt ist. Unterschiedliche Beiträge aus Theorie, Empirie und Schulpraxis befassen sich mit Chancen und Herausforderungen von ernsthaften Teilhabe- und Mitbestimmungsmöglichkeiten der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Es werden Wege für die Umsetzung von Partizipation in der Schule dargelegt, die verdeutlichen, dass Herausforderungen Barrieren sind, die den Weg erschweren – aber nicht unbedingt unüberwindbare Grenzen, die verhindern, ihn zu gehen.

Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Formen, Bedingungen sowie Möglichkeiten der Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung in der Schweiz (Kinder, Kindheiten und Kindheitsforschung)

by Peter Rieker Rebecca Mörgen Anna Schnitzer Holger Stroezel

Im Zentrum dieser Studie stehen Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, die Kindern und Jugendlichen in Familie, Schule und Gemeinde zur Verfügung stehen. In den verschiedenen Bereichen sind die Umsetzungen von Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung durch unterschiedliche Spannungsverhältnisse gekennzeichnet und werden von den beteiligten Akteuren unterschiedlich bewertet. Die multimethodisch und multiperspektivisch angelegte Studie geht auf die Bedingungen und die Dynamiken von Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen ein und identifiziert Herausforderungen, die sich in den verschiedenen Kontexten des Aufwachsens in Hinblick auf Beteiligung zeigen.

Partizipation, Wissen und Motivation im Politikunterricht: Eine Interventionsstudie (Empirische Forschung in den gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken)

by Barbara Landwehr

Kompetenzzuwachs im Politikunterricht wird durch kompetenzorientierten Unterricht besser erreicht als durch herkömmlichen Unterricht. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die Interventionsstudie mit 1071 Schülerinnen und Schülern der 9. und 10. Klasse. Die Studie zeigt die empirischen Zusammenhänge zwischen politischem Informationsverhalten, verschiedenen Selbstkonzepten und politischem Wissen. Zudem stellt sie heraus, dass die Wirkung des Politikunterrichts durch verschiedene motivationale Einflussfaktoren verbessert werden kann und zeigt eine Unabhängigkeit von Partizipationserfahrung und Wissen.

Partizipationsbiographien Jugendlicher: Zur subjektiven Bedeutung von Partizipation im Kontext sozialer Ungleichheit (Adoleszenzforschung #4)

by Larissa Schwanenflügel

Auf welche Weise wird Partizipation für Heranwachsende zu einem subjektiv sinnvollen Handeln? Die Studie rekonstruiert Biographien sogenannter benachteiligter Jugendlicher, die sich in der Jugendarbeit engagieren. Sie zeigt, dass Partizipation nicht einfach von (formaler) Bildung oder spezifischen Werthaltungen abhängt und ein enger, formaler Partizipationsbegriff den Jugendlichen nicht gerecht wird. Partizipation wird hier als biographisches Handeln in Bezug auf Öffentlichkeit sichtbar, als ein Prozess, in dem Jugendliche biographische Passungen suchen, deren Herstellung jedoch zugleich Anerkennung und Aushandlungsbereitschaft Anderer voraussetzt. Partizipation ist daher vom Subjekt und seinen Bewältigungsleistungen im Kontext der jeweiligen Biographie zu denken.

Partizipationsförderung in Ganztagsschulen: Innovative Theorien und komplexe Praxishinweise

by Ahmet Derecik Marie-Christine Goutin Janna Michel

Der Band liefert Hinweise zu den Rahmenbedingungen einer spezialisierten Partizipationsförderung an Ganztagsschulen und erstmals werden exemplarisch und weitgehend konkrete Planungs- und Handlungshilfen zur Umsetzung von Partizipation in klassischen Ganztagsangebot-Bereichen in Bewegung, Spiel und Sport vorgestellt.

Partizipative Aktionsforschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen: Von Schulsprachen, Liebesorten und anderen Forschungsdingen

by Veronika Wöhrer Doris Arztmann Teresa Wintersteller Doris Harrasser Karin Schneider

Was Partizipative Sozialforschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen leisten kann, wird in dieser Studie gezeigt, indem Diskursstränge der Aktionsforschung, der Schulforschung und der Kindheitsforschung zusammengebracht werden. Anhand konkreter empirischer Analysen aus zwei Forschungsprojekten wird deutlich gemacht, dass forschende Kinder und Jugendliche, involvierte Schulen und Wissenschaft profitieren, wenn Kinder und Jugendliche nicht nur als soziale Akteur_innen, sondern auch als fähige Forscher_innen ihrer eigenen Lebenswelt ernst genommen werden.

Partizipative Medienkulturen: Positionen und Untersuchungen zu veränderten Formen öffentlicher Teilhabe (Medienbildung und Gesellschaft #25)

by Ralf Biermann Johannes Fromme Dan Verständig

Der Gedanke der Partizipation bildet einen integralen Bestandteil moderner, demokratisch verfasster Gesellschaften. Mit dem Internet, speziell dem sog. Web 2.0, haben sich die Koordinaten sozialer, kultureller und politischer Partizipation in vergleichsweise kurzer Zeit anscheinend deutlich verschoben. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes behandeln aus verschiedenen fachlichen Perspektiven die Frage, wie dieser Wandel angemessen beschrieben und eingeschätzt werden kann. Die Betrachtungen berücksichtigen nicht nur die Implikationen für politische Teilhabe, sondern gehen z.B. auch auf kulturelle Artikulationen im Netz und neue Formen der Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Bildungs- und Erziehungskontexten ein.

Partizipative Praktiken an Demokratischen Schulen: Schulkulturen mit umkämpfter Schulentwicklung

by Michael Retzar

Michael Retzar untersucht im Rahmen einer empirischen Studie Unterricht und Aushandlungsprozesse an Schulen mit einem demokratischen Schulprofil. Der besondere Forschungsansatz, Schulkulturen auch unter Einbeziehung von Praktiken in Mitbestimmungskontexten zu untersuchen, lässt Konflikte und Machtkämpfe sichtbar werden. Demokratische Schulen sind keine idealisierten Schonräume, sondern umkämpfte soziale Arenen.

Partnering with Parents: Boosting Literacy for All Ages

by Mary Schreiber

Caregiver involvement is key to a child's reading success story, and libraries are in the perfect position to provide the guidance needed for parents and caregivers to embrace their role as their children's first and most enduring teachers.Libraries offer many programs and services for children, but sometimes caregivers are left out of the equation, especially once children start school. Nevertheless, parents and caregivers are an integral part of literacy development, and libraries are a great place for them to witness modeling practices and participate in engaging family programs that encourage early literacy. Mary Schreiber combines personal experience and professional research with the programming expertise of youth librarians from across the country in this guide for libraries looking to make an even greater impact on the level of literacy attained by the children they serve. In Partnering with Parents, readers will find a wealth of information on how to talk to caregivers about the different stages of a child's reading life, what books to recommend to excite both caregivers and children about reading, and ways to encourage parent and caregiver participation in library programming, with additional information on working with and providing programming for diverse families. Whether you are a veteran in the profession or brand new to working with families, you will find something in this book that will help you to make your library a more integral part of the education community.

Partnering with Parents: Boosting Literacy for All Ages

by Mary Schreiber

Caregiver involvement is key to a child's reading success story, and libraries are in the perfect position to provide the guidance needed for parents and caregivers to embrace their role as their children's first and most enduring teachers.Libraries offer many programs and services for children, but sometimes caregivers are left out of the equation, especially once children start school. Nevertheless, parents and caregivers are an integral part of literacy development, and libraries are a great place for them to witness modeling practices and participate in engaging family programs that encourage early literacy. Mary Schreiber combines personal experience and professional research with the programming expertise of youth librarians from across the country in this guide for libraries looking to make an even greater impact on the level of literacy attained by the children they serve. In Partnering with Parents, readers will find a wealth of information on how to talk to caregivers about the different stages of a child's reading life, what books to recommend to excite both caregivers and children about reading, and ways to encourage parent and caregiver participation in library programming, with additional information on working with and providing programming for diverse families. Whether you are a veteran in the profession or brand new to working with families, you will find something in this book that will help you to make your library a more integral part of the education community.

Partners for Special Needs: How Teachers Can Effectively Collaborate with Parents and Other Advocates

by Douglas J. Fiore Julie Anne Fiore

Learn how to collaborate with parents and special education advocates to ensure student success. This practical book shows you how to navigate the tricky path to meeting special education goals and outcomes. It also provides strategies to help you communicate and partner more effectively with families and specialists. Part I of the book offers key information on how special education has evolved over recent decades and what the Individualized Education Plan process entails. Part II features techniques for strengthening communication so you can avoid conflict and create as strong a partnership as possible. You’ll learn the specific roles of advocates and parents, and you’ll gain practical strategies for communicating proactively and managing communication breakdowns. You’ll also uncover how to overcome the challenges of working with people during difficult times. The book is filled with tips, examples, and reflection questions to help you implement the ideas immediately. With the essential strategies in this book, you can become the best support system for the child or children you serve!

Partners for Special Needs: How Teachers Can Effectively Collaborate with Parents and Other Advocates

by Douglas J. Fiore Julie Anne Fiore

Learn how to collaborate with parents and special education advocates to ensure student success. This practical book shows you how to navigate the tricky path to meeting special education goals and outcomes. It also provides strategies to help you communicate and partner more effectively with families and specialists. Part I of the book offers key information on how special education has evolved over recent decades and what the Individualized Education Plan process entails. Part II features techniques for strengthening communication so you can avoid conflict and create as strong a partnership as possible. You’ll learn the specific roles of advocates and parents, and you’ll gain practical strategies for communicating proactively and managing communication breakdowns. You’ll also uncover how to overcome the challenges of working with people during difficult times. The book is filled with tips, examples, and reflection questions to help you implement the ideas immediately. With the essential strategies in this book, you can become the best support system for the child or children you serve!

Partners in Advancing Student Learning: New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 165 (J-B IR Single Issue Institutional Research)

by Natasha A. Jankowski David W. Marshall

Focused on improving student learning, the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) and related Tuning process work together to inform curricular design, classroom assignments, and approaches to assessment. Covering the current field and drawing on numerous examples to illustrate the implications and challenges for IR professionals, this volume provides: an overview of the work, discussions outlining what the DQP and Tuning are, how IR has been involved, and what the future might hold for IR in these efforts. This is the 165th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Timely and comprehensive, New Directions for Institutional Research provides planners and administrators in all types of academic institutions with guidelines in such areas as resource coordination, information analysis, program evaluation, and institutional management.

Partners in Advancing Student Learning: New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 165 (J-B IR Single Issue Institutional Research)

by Wiley Natasha A. Jankowski David W. Marshall

Focused on improving student learning, the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) and related Tuning process work together to inform curricular design, classroom assignments, and approaches to assessment. Covering the current field and drawing on numerous examples to illustrate the implications and challenges for IR professionals, this volume provides: an overview of the work, discussions outlining what the DQP and Tuning are, how IR has been involved, and what the future might hold for IR in these efforts. This is the 165th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Timely and comprehensive, New Directions for Institutional Research provides planners and administrators in all types of academic institutions with guidelines in such areas as resource coordination, information analysis, program evaluation, and institutional management.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Handbuch für Therapeuten (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Das Therapieprogramm: Partnerschaftsprobleme nehmen in der therapeutischen Praxis immer mehr Raum ein. Sie wirken sich direkt auf die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit aus und können Ursache für neurotische, psychosomatische und psychiatrische Störungen sein. Daher ist das Interesse an Ehe- und Partnerschaftstherapie weiterhin stark angewachsen. Ausgehend vom aktuellen theoretischen Stand der Ehe- und Paartherapie schildern die Autoren praxisnah und verständlich ein umfassendes Therapieprogramm, das nicht zuletzt auf das Training von Kommunikationsfertigkeiten der Paare fokussiert ist.

Partnership and Powerful Teacher Education: Growth and Challenge in an Urban Neighborhood Program

This collaborative volume offers an in-depth portrait and valuable reference for the development of clinical or school-embedded partnerships in teacher preparation by drawing on the decades-long partnership between a university and set of schools in an urban neighborhood. In the midst of a national movement towards partnership-based clinical teacher education, this book explains and illustrates the roles, commitments, and collaborative practices that have evolved. Divided into three parts, contributors outline the theory and practice of the clinical teacher preparation model and its neighborhood focus, covering topics such as: The social and institutional context of partnership development and teacher education; Key collaborative and learning practices; Challenges and questions that have emerged, and what can be learned from the experience. Written with voices of university faculty, school educators, program graduates, and students from partner schools, Thomas Del Prete offers a volume perfect for those looking to be inspired by an example of clinical teacher education and partnership in an urban community and to learn what can be achieved with conviction and perseverance over time.

Partnership and Powerful Teacher Education: Growth and Challenge in an Urban Neighborhood Program

This collaborative volume offers an in-depth portrait and valuable reference for the development of clinical or school-embedded partnerships in teacher preparation by drawing on the decades-long partnership between a university and set of schools in an urban neighborhood. In the midst of a national movement towards partnership-based clinical teacher education, this book explains and illustrates the roles, commitments, and collaborative practices that have evolved. Divided into three parts, contributors outline the theory and practice of the clinical teacher preparation model and its neighborhood focus, covering topics such as: The social and institutional context of partnership development and teacher education; Key collaborative and learning practices; Challenges and questions that have emerged, and what can be learned from the experience. Written with voices of university faculty, school educators, program graduates, and students from partner schools, Thomas Del Prete offers a volume perfect for those looking to be inspired by an example of clinical teacher education and partnership in an urban community and to learn what can be achieved with conviction and perseverance over time.

Partnership In Maths: The Impact Project

by Ruth Merttens Jeff Vass

Written by authors well known in their fields, Merttens and Vass bring together diverse and different views on IMPACT of wide reading appeal. In the current economy, should teachers be regarded as producers and parents as consumers? There is no issue in education more urgent than that concerning the relationships between parents, teachers and children. The IMPACT project involves individuals concerned with formal maths education including students, teachers, parents, governors, researchers, inspectors and education offcers. Its primary aim is to bring together parents and children so they share regular maths activities together, the results of which are brought back into class to inform the following week's work. IMPACT is also an initiative in maths INSET training and a form of monitoring.; The book is aimed at therapists, educational psychologists, education students, teachers, academics, parents, governors, inspectors and education officers.

Partnership In Maths: The Impact Project

by Ruth Merttens Jeff Vass

Written by authors well known in their fields, Merttens and Vass bring together diverse and different views on IMPACT of wide reading appeal. In the current economy, should teachers be regarded as producers and parents as consumers? There is no issue in education more urgent than that concerning the relationships between parents, teachers and children. The IMPACT project involves individuals concerned with formal maths education including students, teachers, parents, governors, researchers, inspectors and education offcers. Its primary aim is to bring together parents and children so they share regular maths activities together, the results of which are brought back into class to inform the following week's work. IMPACT is also an initiative in maths INSET training and a form of monitoring.; The book is aimed at therapists, educational psychologists, education students, teachers, academics, parents, governors, inspectors and education officers.

Partnership in the Primary School: Working in Collaboration

by Jean Mills

Working in 'partnership' in primary schools is an approach that is transforming the classrooms of the 1990s. It is now widely acknowledged that a collaborative approach can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching. This book provides a practical, readable account of partnerships in educational settings including: * collaborating in nurseries and primary schools * reading and literacy partnerships * working with special needs assistants * supporting students in training * home-school links * liaising with an OFSTED inspector. The focus is placed on key principles of collaboration as well as specialist roles. Personal testimonies and case studies are used to illustrate the various aspects of teamwork.

Partnership in the Primary School: Working in Collaboration

by Jean Mills

Working in 'partnership' in primary schools is an approach that is transforming the classrooms of the 1990s. It is now widely acknowledged that a collaborative approach can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching. This book provides a practical, readable account of partnerships in educational settings including: * collaborating in nurseries and primary schools * reading and literacy partnerships * working with special needs assistants * supporting students in training * home-school links * liaising with an OFSTED inspector. The focus is placed on key principles of collaboration as well as specialist roles. Personal testimonies and case studies are used to illustrate the various aspects of teamwork.

Partnership with Parents in Early Childhood Settings: Insights from Five European Countries

by Liz Hryniewicz Paulette Luff

Partnership with Parents in Early Childhood Settings examines how practitioners can work effectively with parents and families, acknowledging the complex nature of these relationships. Drawing on policy, research and practice from kindergartens and early years settings in five European countries, it provides insight into how political, social and cultural contexts affect the relationships between educators and families and the impact this has on children’s early experiences. The book is based upon learning from an Erasmus mobility project between educators from five countries in OMEP (the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education). It presents examples from practice and research from the different countries and highlights some positive and practical ways in which professionals can work with parents, as well as potential barriers to parental partnership and how these might be overcome. Each section focuses on a different country and allows for a detailed exploration into how relationships are developed and sustained for the benefit of young children and their families in different places. Throughout, the reader is encouraged to reflect on their current understanding of parental partnership and how they can plan for positive parental partnership working in the future. This thought-provoking text will be an indispensable resource for students of early childhood and teachers and practitioners, as well as academics and those with an interest in early years social and educational policy.

Partnership with Parents in Early Childhood Settings: Insights from Five European Countries

by Liz Hryniewicz; Paulette Luff

Partnership with Parents in Early Childhood Settings examines how practitioners can work effectively with parents and families, acknowledging the complex nature of these relationships. Drawing on policy, research and practice from kindergartens and early years settings in five European countries, it provides insight into how political, social and cultural contexts affect the relationships between educators and families and the impact this has on children’s early experiences. The book is based upon learning from an Erasmus mobility project between educators from five countries in OMEP (the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education). It presents examples from practice and research from the different countries and highlights some positive and practical ways in which professionals can work with parents, as well as potential barriers to parental partnership and how these might be overcome. Each section focuses on a different country and allows for a detailed exploration into how relationships are developed and sustained for the benefit of young children and their families in different places. Throughout, the reader is encouraged to reflect on their current understanding of parental partnership and how they can plan for positive parental partnership working in the future. This thought-provoking text will be an indispensable resource for students of early childhood and teachers and practitioners, as well as academics and those with an interest in early years social and educational policy.

Partnership With Parents in Early Childhood Today

by Philippa Thompson Helen Simmons

What is the role of early childhood practice in understanding the needs of parents and carers today? This book: *Considers the perspectives of those parents/carers marginalised by current practice *Provokes thinking about how settings can become more inclusive in their practice *Supports students to challenge their own assumptions about parents Each chapter considers a group of families that may be marginalised in practice. The book suggests respectful, co-productive ways for students and early childhood practitioners, across the sectors, to work together. Each chapter asks current and future practitioners to reflect on and challenge their current practice.

Partnership With Parents in Early Childhood Today

by Philippa Thompson Helen Simmons

What is the role of early childhood practice in understanding the needs of parents and carers today? This book: *Considers the perspectives of those parents/carers marginalised by current practice *Provokes thinking about how settings can become more inclusive in their practice *Supports students to challenge their own assumptions about parents Each chapter considers a group of families that may be marginalised in practice. The book suggests respectful, co-productive ways for students and early childhood practitioners, across the sectors, to work together. Each chapter asks current and future practitioners to reflect on and challenge their current practice.

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