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The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation: Technological, Socioeconomic and Political Change

by Mark Diesendorf Rod Taylor

The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation shows that we have unwittingly fallen into an existential crisis of our own making. We have allowed large corporations, the military and other vested interests to capture governments and influence public opinion excessively. We have created a god called ‘the market’ and allowed our most important decisions to be made by this imaginary entity, which is in fact a human system controlled by vested interests. The result has been the exploitation of our life support system, our planet, and most of its inhabitants, to the point of collapse. This book argues that the way out of our black hole is to build social movements to apply overwhelming pressure on government and big business, weaken the power of vested interests and strengthen democratic decision-making. This must be done simultaneously with action on the specific issues of climate, energy, natural resources and social justice, in order to transition to a truly sustainable civilisation.

The Path to Building a Successful Nursing Career

by Jennifer M. Manning

This textbook provides a one-stop reference resource and guide for nurses interested in advancing their careers. It addresses self-assessment, goal setting and self-discipline, as well as academic paths and non-academic career paths, and includes two chapters on strategic path development, covering internal motivation, risk taking, work—life balance, work environment, networking, professional membership and mentorship. Lastly, the book discusses professional growth topics such as civility, burnout, professional development and “keeping informed,” and explores specific professionalism topics like professional behavior, ethics, social media and executive presence.Intended for nurses at any level, this textbook examines topics relevant to today’s nursing professionals and offers guidance on building a successful nursing career. It also helps student nurses create a path for their career and professional growth, both during their training program and beyond.

The Path to Salvation in Luke's Gospel: What Must We Do? (The Library of New Testament Studies #607)

by MiJa Wi

This book investigates Luke's message of salvation in relation to socio-economic issues, and thus concerns salvation of the rich as well as the poor. With a narrative reading of Luke's Gospel built on careful examination of its socio-economic context, it demonstrates that Luke's message of salvation is best understood as: 1) Divine mercy which champions the cause of the poor and redresses the injustice of the world, 2) Its human embodiment, and 3) Divine reward promised to those who enact mercy.Wi argues that Luke's question of 'what must we do?' juxtaposes salvation with 'doing', posing interesting questions with respect to the salvation of the rich. This volume highlights good news to the poor in terms of divine mercy and justice, shows that the reception of divine mercy calls for practices, which embody it, and above all clarifies Luke's notion of salvation of the rich which will happen as participation in the salvation of the poor. Wi's conclusion challenges its readers by asking the question along with Luke's audience: What must we do?

The Path to Salvation in Luke's Gospel: What Must We Do? (The Library of New Testament Studies #607)

by MiJa Wi

This book investigates Luke's message of salvation in relation to socio-economic issues, and thus concerns salvation of the rich as well as the poor. With a narrative reading of Luke's Gospel built on careful examination of its socio-economic context, it demonstrates that Luke's message of salvation is best understood as: 1) Divine mercy which champions the cause of the poor and redresses the injustice of the world, 2) Its human embodiment, and 3) Divine reward promised to those who enact mercy.Wi argues that Luke's question of 'what must we do?' juxtaposes salvation with 'doing', posing interesting questions with respect to the salvation of the rich. This volume highlights good news to the poor in terms of divine mercy and justice, shows that the reception of divine mercy calls for practices, which embody it, and above all clarifies Luke's notion of salvation of the rich which will happen as participation in the salvation of the poor. Wi's conclusion challenges its readers by asking the question along with Luke's audience: What must we do?

The Path to Successful Community School Policy Adoption: A Comparative Analysis of District-Level Policy Reform Processes (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)

by Emily Lubin Woods

Drawing on rich case studies of Baltimore City and Boston, this volume identifies policy factors and processes critical to the successful district-wide adoption of community schools. By applying the Multiple Streams Model (Kingdon) to comparative analysis of policy determination and the narratives of local stakeholders across a 16-year period, chapters illustrate the role of federal legislation, funding, and buy-in from coalitions, community leaders, and local advocates in ensuring policy adoption in Baltimore City. In contrast, Boston’s more limited reforms are explained in light of local challenges and hindering dynamics. Ultimately, the volume offers key recommendations for stakeholders to drive successful policy uptake in urban school districts. Offering a new analysis of policy for community schools, this volume will be of interest to students, scholars, and researchers with an interest in school reform, as well as urban education.

The Path to Successful Community School Policy Adoption: A Comparative Analysis of District-Level Policy Reform Processes (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)

by Emily Lubin Woods

Drawing on rich case studies of Baltimore City and Boston, this volume identifies policy factors and processes critical to the successful district-wide adoption of community schools. By applying the Multiple Streams Model (Kingdon) to comparative analysis of policy determination and the narratives of local stakeholders across a 16-year period, chapters illustrate the role of federal legislation, funding, and buy-in from coalitions, community leaders, and local advocates in ensuring policy adoption in Baltimore City. In contrast, Boston’s more limited reforms are explained in light of local challenges and hindering dynamics. Ultimately, the volume offers key recommendations for stakeholders to drive successful policy uptake in urban school districts. Offering a new analysis of policy for community schools, this volume will be of interest to students, scholars, and researchers with an interest in school reform, as well as urban education.

Pathofysiologie: Een inleiding tot de interne geneeskunde

by J.A. Groenink

PathofysiologieZiekte is niets anders dan een gestoorde fysiologie. De pathofysiologie onderzoekt de mechanismen die tot deze verstoringen leiden en vormt de basis van de interne geneeskunde. Degenen die al over een behoorlijke medische kennis beschikken, kunnen kiezen uit een groot scala aan diepgaande, overzichtelijke, en omvangrijke leerboeken over interne geneeskunde waarin de pathofysiologie wordt behandeld. De meeste standaardwerken houden echter geen rekening met het kennisniveau van de beginnende student.Pathofysiologie is een toegankelijk leerboek. Het boek bevat hoofdstukken over hart, longen, nieren en het endocriene stelsel. Om deze kennis goed op te kunnen nemen, is enig begrip van de elementaire celbiologie vereist Daarom worden in het eerste hoofdstuk de genetica en het functioneren van de cel uiteengezet. Het leerboek eindigt met een introductie tot de immunologie.Deze twee leergebieden (genetica en immunologie) zullen in de nabije toekomst steeds nadrukkelijker hun stempel zetten op de medische zorg. De anatomie wordt slechts behandeld voor zover dit nodig is voor het begrip van de fysiologie.Deze twee leergebieden (genetica en immunologie) zullen in de nabije toekomst steeds nadrukkelijker hun stempel zetten op de medische zorg. De anatomie wordt slechts behandeld voor zover dit nodig is voor het begrip van de fysiologie.

Pathologie: Basiswerk V&V, niveau 5 (Basiswerken Verpleging en Verzorging)

by IJ. Jungen De Jong Consulting B.V. M.J. Zaagman-van Buuren

In het basiswerk Pathologie worden de pathologische verschijnselen verklaard vanuit de fysiologie. De student leert de verschijnselen en complicaties van ziekten te herkennen, te interpreteren en er adequaat op te reageren. Daarnaast wordt uitvoerig ingegaan op de werking en bijwerkingen van verschillende soorten medicatie om deze te kunnen herkennen en interpreteren.Het basiswerk Pathologie is zorgvuldig afgestemd op Medische fysiologie en anatomie. Het boek biedt de student (en de al afgestudeerde beroepsbeoefenaar) een gedegen basiskennis. De opbouw van het boek ondersteunt het proces waarbij eigen observaties en interpretaties worden gekoppeld aan de medische kennis. Studenten leren zo te beredeneren welke stappen genomen moeten worden in het verpleegkundig handelen.

Pathologie oder Struktur?: Selektive Einsichten zur Theorie und Empirie des Mathematikunterrichts (Rekonstruktive Bildungsforschung #4)

by Hauke Straehler-Pohl Uwe Gellert

Der vorliegende Band thematisiert Einsichten in die Formen und Wirkungen der, zunächst abstrakten, Selektionsfunktion von Schule in ihrer Konkretisierung und Ausgestaltung im alltäglichen Schulunterricht. Im Zentrum der Überlegungen steht die Frage, wie sich das große Thema der Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit im Bildungswesen auf der Ebene von Unterricht darstellt. Existieren Handlungsmechanismen, welche SchülerInnen Möglichkeiten des Bildungserfolgs differentiell zuweisen? Wie gestalten sich diese? Und was ermöglicht ihre Wirksamkeit? Wenn sich im Unterricht tatsächlich eine Perpetuierung sozialer Hierarchien vollzieht, so müssen sich entsprechende Prozesse in der Kommunikation der am Unterricht Beteiligten nachweisen lassen.

Pathology (Oklahoma Notes)

by John H. Holliman

Since 1975, when the University of Oklahoma faculty created their review course for second-year medical students, the Oklahoma Notes have been among the most trusted and widely used reviews for the National Boards. Each Oklahoma Notes book presents the core information of one segment of the medical school curriculum. Written by some of the most effective medical educators in the country, and now thoroughly updated and revised, the Oklahoma Notes feature: Concise text presented in outline format for rapid review; contents oriented to promote Boards success; self-assessment questions geared to the current format of the USMLE exam; more tables and figures designed to facilitate self-assessment and review; and low-cost, complete coverage of all subjects taught in the first two years of medical school.

Pathology Case Reports ,E-Book: Beyond the Pearls

by Monisha Bhanote David G. Hicks Raj Dasgupta R. Michelle Koolaee

Pathology Case Reports: Beyond the Pearls is a case-based reference that covers the key material essential for USMLE and exam preparation. Focusing on the practical information you need to know, it teaches how to analyze a clinical vignette, sharpening your clinical decision-making skills and helping you formulate an evidence-based approach to realistic patient scenarios.Covers core, high-yield content in a practical, concise, easy-to-read manner. Features case scenarios, clinical pearls, tables, imaging, microscopic and gross illustrations, as well as Beyond the Pearls tips and secrets (all evidence-based with references) that provide deep coverage of core material. Teaches how to learn with a patient-focused, clinical approach, including a thorough discussion of the underlying pathology for every case. Includes questions throughout the case that put you in the physician’s place and demonstrate the decision making that is needed both in the hospital and on exams. Cases have been carefully chosen and cover scenarios and questions frequently encountered on the USMLE, shelf exams, and clinical practice, integrating both basic science and clinical pearls. Written and edited by experienced teachers and clinicians; each case has been reviewed by board certified attending/practicing physicians. Case Reports: Beyond the Pearls titles are ideal for all medical students, especially those in case-based, problem-based, or integrated courses, and during clinical rotations.

Pathology of Learning in Cyber Space: Concepts, Structures and Processes (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #156)

by Sayed Hadi Sadeghi

This book is divided into seven chapters, beginning with discussions of the main concepts of cyberspace, the relationship between cyberspace and real space, learning and education. It describes the relationship between cyberspace and real space, and presents capacities, judiciary, and concepts related to cyberspace. Cyber curricular education forms are then described in terms of teaching and learning resources in cyberspace. The discussion presented in this book consists of two main sections: The first section, outlines the objectives of training in cyberspace at different levels, while the second section describes the injuries caused by learning and training in cyberspace at different levels, and then highlights how cyber training is handled and receives feedback. Lastly, the authors provide a summary of the topics presented. Most other discussions are general and present the overall benefits of e-learning and e-teaching that is formally carried out in universities and schools through cyberspace. But, unfortunately, none of them fully explores the learning, education and cyber-training resources which should be used by individuals, groups, organizations, governments, and others in pursuing to achieve their goals. In addition to this, they do not pay much attention to the challenges and injuries caused by learning and teaching in cyberspace. This has led the authors to investigate these and other issues related to learning and training in cyberspace more widely and comprehensively, and also consider them beyond official formal learning and education. Most importantly they address issues such as the injuries and challenges that, in different ways and at different levels result from learning and education in this space. As such this book goes beyond simple and repetitive issues that have been raised concerning cyberspace, and underlines the challenges it poses. Although intended for scholars and students from the fields of science education, information technology, sociology and educational technology as well as interested parties and related authorities, this book is also helpful for people wishing to better understand new topics, such as cyberspace, learning and training in cyberspace, and related issues. It is of interest to a wide range of enthusiasts, with different educational, specialist and executive backgrounds, including academics, policymakers, managers and planners from educational and cultural institutions

Paths to a World-Class University: Lessons From Practices And Experiences (Global Perspectives on Higher Education #23)

by Qi Wang Ying Cheng

Within higher education, world-class universities are regarded as elite research universities and play a critical role in developing human resources and generating new knowledge in the context of a knowledge-based economy. Governments around the world have made the operation of their universities at the cutting edge of intellectual and scientific development their policy priority; and top universities make every effort to compete at this global stage. “Paths to A World-Class University” provides insights into recent and ongoing experiences of building world-class universities, both at a national level and at an institutional level. It collects fifteen essays, most of which originated from papers presented at “The Third International Conference on World-Class Universities”, held in November 2009 in Shanghai, China, and organised by the Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Divided into two parts, the book: - focuses on the role of world-class universities in national systems; and - looks at institutional experiences and lessons in building world-class universities. This book not only represents a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the topic of building world-class universities, but can be seen a continuation of the previous two volumes on this topic - “World-Class Universities and Ranking: Aiming beyond Status” and “The World-Class University as Part of a New Higher Education Paradigm: From Institutional Qualities to Systemic Excellence”. All three books will be useful reading for students and academics in higher education generally, in addition to policy makers and informed practitioners.

Pathways and Experiences of First-Generation Graduate Students: Wary and Weary Travelers

by John S. Levin

This book focuses on first-generation graduate students in the US and the graduate or post-baccalaureate programs that house and educate these students. The several voices in this book, including first-generation graduate students, address the phenomena of graduate students’ experiences and related university practices, with the practices connected to traditional academic and Western values and to academic and neoliberal institutional logics. First-generation graduate students’ narratives, or testimonies, serve as the foundation of the analysis of students’ pathways to graduate school and their experiences within graduate school. The conditions for first-generation graduate students in their programs require remedies that will facilitate student well-being, peer community attachment, and persistence, and will educate and train students for achievement in graduate school and for employment after graduate school.

Pathways that Changed Myanmar

by Matthew Mullen

In the midst of the political upheavals that engulfed Myanmar from 2010 to 2011, international attention was fixed upon the military regime and its dissident opponents. But away from the cameras, a very different set of struggles were unfolding across the country. These struggles were manifested not as violent clashes, but as everyday interactions involving taxi drivers, community organizers, farmers, heads of domestic NGOs, and many more.A product of five years' research, during which the author conducted over five hundred ethnographic interviews across the country, Pathways that Changed Myanmar provides a voice for those ordinary Burmese whose trials and aspirations went unheard and unnoticed during this pivotal moment in the nation's history.

Pathways that Changed Myanmar

by Matthew Mullen

In the midst of the political upheavals that engulfed Myanmar from 2010 to 2011, international attention was fixed upon the military regime and its dissident opponents. But away from the cameras, a very different set of struggles were unfolding across the country. These struggles were manifested not as violent clashes, but as everyday interactions involving taxi drivers, community organizers, farmers, heads of domestic NGOs, and many more.A product of five years' research, during which the author conducted over five hundred ethnographic interviews across the country, Pathways that Changed Myanmar provides a voice for those ordinary Burmese whose trials and aspirations went unheard and unnoticed during this pivotal moment in the nation's history.

Pathways Through Writing Blocks in the Academic Environment

by Kate Evans

Writing blocks are likely to strike any writer, even experienced ones, at sometime or another. Academia has its own challenges which can provoke blocks particular to that environment. Drawing on her knowledge as writer, psychotherapeutic counsellor and university tutor, Kate Evans has put together a book which addresses many of the differing aspects of writing blocks, including looking at their emotional and psychological foundations. With discussion and practical exercises, this volume suggests that an infusion of creative techniques can offer pathways through writing blocks in the academic environment. The case studies provide an in-depth consideration of varying experiences of writing blocks. The book is aimed at students with essays, projects or reports to write, or theses to tackle; as well as academics who are working on articles and books. It will also offer insights for supervisors who wish to support those who are writing and guidance for people running writing groups within academia. Over-all the book encourages a creative, collaborative approach which aims to equip academics for writing within the context of the twenty-first century. “This book offers something for every academic writer, whether budding or experienced. Students struggling with essays and dissertations will find many practical exercises along with invaluable advice. More practised writers will encounter fresh insights…. I am confident that you, the reader, will enjoy this book, which is itself a model of good writing.” Dr Linda Finlay, the Open University, UK.

Pathways to Community Engagement in Education: Collaboration in Diverse, Urban Neighbourhoods

by Catherine M. Hands

This book takes a comprehensive look at community engagement strategies in education to demonstrate the diverse nature of school-community relations and their value to promote their effective development. The author brings twenty years of experience in various educational settings in Ontario and California to examining community involvement policies and their interpretation, as well as school-community collaboration in practice. Chapters include recent research on school-community collaboration from the perspective of teachers, school district leaders, administrators, and support staff within two school districts in a low-income and culturally diverse urban community. The book also includes perspectives from community members involved in organizations across the city with a mandate to work with youth. In a time where students’ academic, social, and emotional support needs are on the rise, this book offers a valuable resource for strengthening school-community relations and demonstrating the power of collaboration.

Pathways to Excellence: Developing and Cultivating Leaders for the Classroom and Beyond (Advances in Educational Administration #21)

by Anthony H. Normore Kamal Hamdan Antonia Issa Lahera

Pathways to Excellence: Developing and Cultivating Leaders for the Classroom and Beyond examines how leadership and layers of leaders are developed and cultivated from the classroom to the boardroom. A wide body of research exists that focuses on specific educational leadership development and training programs. Evidence of being ready to lead upon program completion and performance post preparation is less available. Scant attention has been paid to programs that prepare leaders in different layers of an organization to not only become individually high performing but to also work collaboratively to create great schools. The book contends that the principal cannot effectively lead a school alone - other key players are critical. The editors have cast a wide net of respected contributors from various levels of organizational school leadership and specialties including traditional schools, charter schools, teacher education, district level leadership, special education, master teacher leadership, university and college level leadership. Implications for theory and practice will be discussed as it relates to leadership development and preparation of key players and constituents.

Pathways to Higher Education Administration for African American Women

by Tamara Bertrand Jones LeKita Scott Dawkins Marguerite M. McClinton Melanie Hayden Glover

For Black women faculty members and student affairs personnel, this book delineates the needed skills and the range of possible pathways for attaining administrative positions in higher education.This book uses a survey that identifies the skills and knowledge that Black women administrators report as most critical at different stages of their careers as a foundation for the personal narratives of individual administrators’ career progressions. The contributors address barriers, strategies, and considerations such as the comparative merits of starting a career at an HBCU or PWI, or at a public or private institution.Their stories shine light on how to develop the most effective leadership style, how to communicate, and the importance of leading with credibility. They dwell on the necessity of listening to one’s inner voice in guiding decisions, of maintaining integrity and having a clear sense of values, and of developing a realistic sense of personal limitations and abilities. They illustrate how to combine institutional and personal priorities with service to the community; share how the authors carved out their distinct and purposeful career paths; and demonstrate the importance of the mentoring they received and provided along the way. A theoretical chapter provides a frame for reflecting on the paths traveled. These accounts and reflections provide enlightenment, inspiration, and nuggets of wisdom for all Black women who want to advance their careers in higher education.

Pathways to Higher Education Administration for African American Women

For Black women faculty members and student affairs personnel, this book delineates the needed skills and the range of possible pathways for attaining administrative positions in higher education.This book uses a survey that identifies the skills and knowledge that Black women administrators report as most critical at different stages of their careers as a foundation for the personal narratives of individual administrators’ career progressions. The contributors address barriers, strategies, and considerations such as the comparative merits of starting a career at an HBCU or PWI, or at a public or private institution.Their stories shine light on how to develop the most effective leadership style, how to communicate, and the importance of leading with credibility. They dwell on the necessity of listening to one’s inner voice in guiding decisions, of maintaining integrity and having a clear sense of values, and of developing a realistic sense of personal limitations and abilities. They illustrate how to combine institutional and personal priorities with service to the community; share how the authors carved out their distinct and purposeful career paths; and demonstrate the importance of the mentoring they received and provided along the way. A theoretical chapter provides a frame for reflecting on the paths traveled. These accounts and reflections provide enlightenment, inspiration, and nuggets of wisdom for all Black women who want to advance their careers in higher education.

Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Educational Management: IFIP TC3/WG3.7 Fourth International Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management July 27–31, 2000, Auckland, New Zealand (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #71)

by C. J. Patrick Nolan A. Fung Margaret Brown

New Zealand schools have experienced unprecedented change during the lastdecade. Radicalrestructuringoftheframeworksforbothcurriculumand qualificationsfollowedamovementtowards self-managementin 1989. The curriculum framework, consisting of seven essential learning areas, has been progressively introduced with completionnotexpecteduntil 2002. Thenew Qualifications Framework, based on unit standards, was launched in 1994. The introduction of unit standards signalled an emphatic movement towards the use of internal assessment for awarding qualifications at the seniorsecondaryschoollevel. Eachcoursehadunitstandardsdefined,which described the outcomes and the performance criteria that would be used to determine whether or not the standard had been achieved. Approximately five to eight standards would be used for each full year course and each standard had a number of credits associated with it. The plan, which has since been modified, was for these credits to contribute to a National Certificate of Educational Achievement, at years 12 and 13, and other, subject specific, National Certificates. Secondary schools were faced with the task of recording and reporting 1 unit standardresults to theNew Zealand Qualifications Authority . This, by itself, was not a major issue as the significant suppliers of CSIS had modules availablewhichsatisfiedthis need. Atthistimeamodelwasbeingpresented to school audiences demonstrating how the recording, reporting and evaluation ofassessment data, relating to the curriculumframework, could be relatively straight forward IF there was a common assessment ‘currency’ across the school. This model was converted into software form for demonstration purposes.

Pathways to Learning in Rett Syndrome

by Debbie Wilson

First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Pathways to Learning in Rett Syndrome

by Debbie Wilson

First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Pathways to Literacy

by Trevor Cairney

This text recognizes that there is no simple way to develop literacy. It begins with the central premise that literacy is not simply a cognitive process, but a set of social practices used in socio-cultural contexts, and argues that literacy learners come to school with unique social histories that need to be recognised in the programmes devised to facilitate learning. Cairney claims that literacy is not a unitary social practice and suggests that there are many forms of literacy, each with specific purposes and contexts in which they are used. The author provides a look at the many practical classroom strategies and practices that are necessary to recognize multiple pathways to literacy.

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