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Showing 951 through 975 of 85,638 results

Adaptivity and Learning: An Interdisciplinary Debate

by Reimer Kühn Randolf Menzel Wolfram Menzel Ulrich Ratsch Michael M. Richter Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu

Adaptivity and learning have in recent decades become a common concern of scientific disciplines. These issues have arisen in mathematics, physics, biology, informatics, economics, and other fields more or less simultaneously. The aim of this publication is the interdisciplinary discourse on the phenomenon of learning and adaptivity. Different perspectives are presented and compared to find fruitful concepts for the disciplines involved. The authors select problems showing representative traits concerning the frame up, the methods and the achievements rather than to present extended overviews.

ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Common Workshops and Doctoral Consortium: International Workshops: DOING, MADEISD, SKG, BBIGAP, SIMPDA, AIMinScience 2020 and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France, August 25–27, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1260)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Mária Bieliková Omar Boussaïd Barbara Catania Jérôme Darmont Elena Demidova Fabien Duchateau Mark Hall Tanja Merčun Boris Novikov Christos Papatheodorou Thomas Risse Oscar Romero Lucile Sautot Guilaine Talens Robert Wrembel Maja Žumer

This book constitutes thoroughly reviewed and selected papers presented at Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 24th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2020, the 24th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2020, and the 16th Workshop on Business Intelligence and Big Data, EDA 2020, held in August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 the joint conference and satellite events were held online. The 26 full papers and 5 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the following satellite events: Workshop on Intelligent Data - From Data to Knowledge, DOING 2020; Workshop on Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design, MADEISD 2020; Workshop on Scientic Knowledge Graphs, SKG 2020; Workshop of BI & Big Data Applications, BBIGAP 2020; International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis, SIMPDA 2020; International Workshop on Assessing Impact and Merit in Science, AIMinScience 2020; Doctoral Consortium.

Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, Inverse Problem Methodologies and Machine Learning and Data Science, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Sharlotte L. B. Kramer Emily Retzlaff Piyush Thakre Johan Hoefnagels Marco Rossi Attilio Lattanzi François Hemez Mostafa Mirshekari Austin Downey

Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, Inverse Problem Methodologies and Machine Learning and Data Science, Volume 4 of the Proceedings of the 2023 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fourth volume of five from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of topics and includes papers in the following general technical research areas: AM Composites and Polymers Dynamic Behavior of Additively Manufactured Materials and Structures Joint Residual Stress and Additive Manufacturing ML for Material Model Identification Novel AM Structures Novel Processing and Testing of Additively Manufactured Materials Plasticity and Complex Material Behavior Virtual Fields Method

Additive Manufacturing Quantifiziert: Visionäre Anwendungen und Stand der Technik

by Roland Lachmayer Rene Bastian Lippert

Dieses Buch zeigt Untersuchungen verschiedener Additive Manufacturing Technologien für den industriellen Einsatz. Aus Sicht der Produktentwicklung werden Aspekte zur Beeinflussung der Wertschöpfungskette, technische und wirtschaftliche Einflussfaktoren für die industrielle Anwendung sowie Konfektionierungs- und Nachbearbeitungsprozesse zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität spezifiziert. Zur Evaluation der Einsatzpotentiale werden weiterhin Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Bauteilgestaltung sowie zur Prozessanalyse und -optimierung dargestellt. Die Realisierung geänderter Gestaltungsziele, wie beispielsweise die Herstellung von Ultra-Leichtbau-Komponenten, wird ferner durch den Einsatz neuer Werkstoffe analysiert. Anhand diverser Fallstudien aus Forschung und Industrie werden aktuelle Einsatzgebiete des Additive Manufacturing dargestellt sowie künftige Entwicklungen für den Praxiseinsatz beschrieben.

Additive Manufacturing with Metals: Design, Processes, Materials, Quality Assurance, and Applications

by Sanjay Joshi Richard P. Martukanitz Abdalla R. Nassar Pan Michaleris

This textbook and reference provides a comprehensive treatment of additive manufacturing (AM) for metals, including design and digital work flows, process science and reliability, metallic systems, quality assurance, and applications. The book is rooted in the fundamental science necessary to develop and understand AM technologies, as well as the application of engineering principles covering several disciplines to successfully exploit this important technology. As additive manufacturing of metals is the fastest growing subset of this transformative technology, with the potential to make the widest impact to industrial production, Metals Additive Manufacturing: Design, Processes, Materials, Quality Assurance, and Applications is ideal for students in a range of engineering disciplines and practitioners working in aerospace, automotive, medical device manufacturing industries.

Additive Serienfertigung: Erfolgsfaktoren und Handlungsfelder für die Anwendung

by Roland Lachmayer Rene Bastian Lippert Stefan Kaierle

Bei der additiven Fertigung wird anders als bei konventionellen Verfahren ein Bauteil nicht aus einem Block herausgefräst oder in einem Werkzeug gegossen, sondern es wird Schicht für Schicht generiert. Dieses Buch stellt eine Vielzahl verschiedener Aspekte der additiven Fertigung vor und erläutert anhand von Praxisbeispielen die Anwendungen und die Potenziale der Verfahren für eine Serienfertigung: Wo und wie kann die additive Fertigung erfolgreich eingesetzt werden?Die Autoren zeigen vor dem Hintergrund eines ganzheitlichen Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsprozesses mögliche Geschäftsmodelle auf, unter anderem die Fertigung in Microfactories. Leser erfahren, wie sich die Fertigungszeit und -kosten vorhersagen lassen, wie zuverlässig additiv gefertigte Strukturbauteile sind und inwieweit additive Fertigungsverfahren für die Herstellung von Endprodukten geeignet sind.Ferner diskutieren die Autoren, wie Pre- und Post-Prozesse genutzt werden können, um Serienanwendungen zu etablieren und diese iterativ zu verbessern. Neben den Möglichkeiten zur Qualitätssicherung bei der additiven Serienfertigung wird erläutert, wann es sinnvoll sein kann, konventionelle Fertigungsverfahren durch hybride Ansätze zu ergänzen. Die additive Instandsetzung als Alternative zum Entsorgen von verschlissenen Bauteilen wird ebenfalls erörtert. Im Hinblick auf eine Effizienzsteigerung diskutieren die Autoren Sicherheitsaspekte und legen Lösungsansätze bei Problemen im Umgang mit der additiven Serienfertigung dar.

Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Heidelberg, Germany, September 14–18, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12315)

by Maren Scheffel María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana Carlos Alario-Hoyos Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez Sebastian Maximilian Dennerlein

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, held in Heidelberg, Germany, in September 2020. The 24 research papers and 20 demo and 5 poster papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 91 submissions. The European Conference on Technology-Enhance Learning, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, is committed to address global challenges and quality education. The papers deal with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4 and SDG 10, to help to reduce the existing gaps and inequalities between countries and regions from around the world in terms of inclusiveness, equity, access, and quality of education.The chapters: “Designing an Online Self-Assessment for Informed Study Decisions: The User Perspective”; “Living with Learning Difficulties: Two Case Studies Exploring the Relationship Between Emotion and Performance in Students With Learning Difficulties”; “Applying Instructional Design Principles on Augmented Reality Cards for Computer Science Education”; and “Teaching Simulation Literacy With Evacuations - Concept, Technology, and Material for a Novel Approach” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via Due to the Corona pandemic EC-TEL 2020 was held as an virtual event.

ADempiere 3.4 ERP Solutions: Design Configure, And Implement A Robust Enterprise Resource Planning System In Your Organization By Using Adempiere

by Bayu Cahya Pamungkas

This book is an easy-to-follow tutorial that will show you how to install and implement ADempiere. You will be shown how to set-up and use the features of ADempiere through plenty of step-by-step instructions with lots of examples and screenshots, and you will have a feature-rich, working version of ADempiere by the end of the book. If you want to easily implement ADempiere in your organization, this book is for you. This book will also be beneficial to system users and administrators who wish to implement an ERP system. No previous knowledge of ADempiere is required. A basic knowledge of accounting and the standard business workflow would be beneficial.

ADempiere 3.6 Cookbook

by Ajit Kumar

Adiabatic Logic: Future Trend and System Level Perspective (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics #34)

by Philip Teichmann

Adiabatic logic is a potential successor for static CMOS circuit design when it comes to ultra-low-power energy consumption. Future development like the evolutionary shrinking of the minimum feature size as well as revolutionary novel transistor concepts will change the gate level savings gained by adiabatic logic. In addition, the impact of worsening degradation effects has to be considered in the design of adiabatic circuits. The impact of the technology trends on the figures of merit of adiabatic logic, energy saving potential and optimum operating frequency, are investigated, as well as degradation related issues. Adiabatic logic benefits from future devices, is not susceptible to Hot Carrier Injection, and shows less impact of Bias Temperature Instability than static CMOS circuits. Major interest also lies on the efficient generation of the applied power-clock signal. This oscillating power supply can be used to save energy in short idle times by disconnecting circuits. An efficient way to generate the power-clock is by means of the synchronous 2N2P LC oscillator, which is also robust with respect to pattern-induced capacitive variations. An easy to implement but powerful power-clock gating supplement is proposed by gating the synchronization signals. Diverse implementations to shut down the system are presented and rated for their applicability and other aspects like energy reduction capability and data retention. Advantageous usage of adiabatic logic requires compact and efficient arithmetic structures. A broad variety of adder structures and a Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer are compared and rated according to energy consumption and area usage, and the resulting energy saving potential against static CMOS proves the ultra-low-power capability of adiabatic logic. In the end, a new circuit topology has to compete with static CMOS also in productivity. On a 130nm test chip, a large scale test vehicle containing an FIR filter was implemented in adiabatic logic, utilizing a standard, library-based design flow, fabricated, measured and compared to simulations of a static CMOS counterpart, with measured saving factors compliant to the values gained by simulation. This leads to the conclusion that adiabatic logic is ready for productive design due to compatibility not only to CMOS technology, but also to electronic design automation (EDA) tools developed for static CMOS system design.

Adjoint Equations and Analysis of Complex Systems (Mathematics and Its Applications #295)

by Guri I. Marchuk

New statements of problems arose recently demanding thorough ana­ lysis. Notice, first of all, the statements of problems using adjoint equations which gradually became part of our life. Adjoint equations are capable to bring fresh ideas to various problems of new technology based on linear and nonlinear processes. They became part of golden fund of science through quantum mechanics, theory of nuclear reactors, optimal control, and finally helped in solving many problems on the basis of perturbation method and sensitivity theory. To emphasize the important role of adjoint problems in science one should mention four-dimensional analysis problem and solution of inverse problems. This range of problems includes first of all problems of global climate changes on our planet, state of environment and protection of environ­ ment against pollution, preservation of the biosphere in conditions of vigorous growth of population, intensive development of industry, and many others. All this required complex study of large systems: interac­ tion between the atmosphere and oceans and continents in the theory of climate, cenoses in the biosphere affected by pollution of natural and anthropogenic origin. Problems of local and global perturbations and models sensitivity to input data join into common complex system.

Adland: A Global History of Advertising

by Mark Tungate

Adland is a ground-breaking examination of modern advertising, from its origins and evolution to the current advertising landscape. Bestselling author and journalist Mark Tungate examines key developments in advertising, from copy adverts, radio and television, to the opportunities afforded by the explosion of digital media and then interviews leading names in advertising today, including Jean-Marie Dru, Sir Alan Parker, Sir John Hegarty and Sir Martin Sorrell, as well as 20th century industry luminaries such as Phil Dusenberry and George Lois.Exploring the roots of the advertising industry in New York and London, from Hopkins and Lasker to the Mad Men of the 50s, Tungate then covers today's big communication groups and the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America. Adland offers a comprehensive examination of a global industry and suggests ways in which it is likely to develop in the future.

Adland: A Global History of Advertising

by Mark Tungate

Adland is a ground-breaking examination of modern advertising, from its origins and evolution to the current advertising landscape. Bestselling author and journalist Mark Tungate examines key developments in advertising, from copy adverts, radio and television, to the opportunities afforded by the explosion of digital media and then interviews leading names in advertising today, including Jean-Marie Dru, Sir Alan Parker, Sir John Hegarty and Sir Martin Sorrell, as well as 20th century industry luminaries such as Phil Dusenberry and George Lois.Exploring the roots of the advertising industry in New York and London, from Hopkins and Lasker to the Mad Men of the 50s, Tungate then covers today's big communication groups and the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America. Adland offers a comprehensive examination of a global industry and suggests ways in which it is likely to develop in the future.

Administering Cisco QoS in IP Networks: Including CallManager 3.0, QoS, and uOne (The Callisma Convergence Networking Series)

by Syngress

AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data), the latest development from Cisco Systems is redefining the way businesses communicate. AVVID allows businesses to transmit voice, data, and video over a single integrated architecture, whereas in the past three separate systems were required.Administering Cisco AVVID Applications is a professional reference detailing the strategies, tactics, and methods for utilizing Cisco software to configure and maintain Cisco networks and hardware infrastructures. It includes thorough discussions of critical topics such as, Cisco CallManager Version 3.0, Cisco Unified Open Network Exchange 4.1E (uOne), WebLine and GeoTel product software, Cisco QoS Policy Manger 1.1 as well as many other QoS features, and Cisco IOS network-wide software.* Allows IP professional to get ahead in this growing field* Demand for engineers and administrators who understand the specifics of the Cisco AVVID is growing quickly - this book has the answers

Administrating Solr

by Surendra Mohan

Admissible Consensus and Consensualization for Singular Multi-agent Systems (Engineering Applications of Computational Methods #11)

by Jianxiang Xi Le Wang Xiaogang Yang Jiuan Gao Ruitao Lu

This book explores admissible consensus analysis and design problems concerning singular multi-agent systems, addressing various impact factors including time delays, external disturbances, switching topologies, protocol states, topology structures, and performance constraint. It also discusses the state-space decomposition method, a key technique that can decompose the motions of singular multi-agent systems into two parts: the relative motion and the whole motion. The relative motion is independent of the whole motion. Further, it describes the admissible consensus analysis and determination of the design criteria for different impact factors using the Lyapunov method, the linear matrix inequality tool, and the generalized Riccati equation method. This book is a valuable reference resource for graduate students of control theory and engineering and researchers in the field of multi-agent systems.

ADO Examples and Best Practices

by William R. Vaughn

Visual Basic database developers are faced with a dizzying cornucopia of choices when it comes to data access paradigms. The purpose of this book is to make the choice and implementation of the best of those technologies far easier. It does this through working examples and numerous discussions of what works and what does not. Vaughns "Best Practices" are the techniques that developers need to know because they cause the least amount of overhead, problems and confusion. While some are quite simple to implement, other "Best Practices" require considerable thought and planning. This is a developers bookfull of hints, tips, and notes passed on from those who show the medals and scars of battles won and lost.

ADO.NET: From Novice to Pro, Visual Basic .NET Edition

by Heather Wright

The author shows developers with litte or no ADO.NET background how to apply ADO.NET fast to real world scenarios by giving examples and code that really works.

ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers

by William Vaughn

ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers, Second Edition brings the popular first edition up to date with fresh insights and tips on COM-based ADOand adds a voluminous section on the new ADO.NET technology. Written specifically for COM-based ADO developers retooling for ADO.NET, this is a developer's book, packed with practical advice on how to make code run faster, yet be easier to write and understand. Veteran author William Vaughn guides you through the data access maze with working examples and numerous discussions of what works and what doesn't. Derived from years of experience working with data access developers, Vaughn's Best Practices are a set of techniques proven to drastically reduce overhead, problems, and confusion—for the developer, the system, and the entire team. While some are quite simple to implement, others require considerable knowledge and forethought to enable.

ADO.NET Examples and Best Practices for C# Programmers

by Peter D. Blackburn William Vaughn

Best-selling author Bill Vaughn gives practical advice that VB developers can use immediately to make their data access code faster and easier to write and understand.

ADO Programmer's Reference

by David Sussman

* This is the most definitive book on the subject and has been the leading reference on ADO since its first release. * Covers all versions of ADO. * Covers related technologies, such as ADOX and ADOMD. * Supported by online samples in multiple languages. * Examines performance aspects of ADO.

Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide

by Donna L. Baker

Professional graphics designers will welcome this practical guide to Acrobat 5 because it tells why and when to use processes, as well as how. Includes projects, tutorials and demonstrations.

Adobe Acrobat 5 (

by Donna L. Baker

Mit Adobe Acrobat 5 können fast alle Dokumente, von Word-Dateien über Grafiken, bis zu Textdokumenten mit Grafiken in PDF gespeichert, per E-Mail verschickt und auf Web-Sites veröffentlicht werden. Donna L. Baker stellt die Eigenschaften und Tools von Adobe Acrobat 5 für professionelle User ausführlich dar und unterstützt deren Arbeit mit vielen Tipps zur Optimierung des Workflows und zur effektiven Benutzung der Software. Anhand eines Beispiels beschreibt sie das Projektmanagement von der Projektplanung bis zum Design-Prozess. Ein Kapitel über Acrobat JavaScript rundet das Werk ab. Die CD-ROM enthält die dargestellten Projekte und Tutorials und weitere Hinweise zu Adobe Acrobat Anwendungen (in Englisch).

Adobe Acrobat 6: The Professional User's Guide

by Donna L. Baker Tom Carson

* Revision of Baker’s dual award winning original Acrobat 5 title has now been added to by Tom Carson’s experience of document management using Acrobat in industry. * The biggest growth sector and marketing focus for Adobe Acrobat is the non-graphics market yet most PDF books are written by people with graphics backgrounds and mindset. Donna has both a graphics and business background while Tom has a strong engineering, industrial and governmental background. This book provides real solutions for professionals working in industry, government, healthcare, and print environments.

Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF For Dummies

by Greg Harvey

Covers accessing and distilling PDF files; converting Microsoft Office documents; capturing paper documents and Web pages; printing, annotating, editing and securing PDF files; extracting text and graphics; cataloging and distributing PDF files; creating interactive forms; and building multimedia presentations. Readers can convert any document to this universal file format, preserving all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of the source document regardless of the application and platform used to create it. PDF files can be published and distributed anywhere: in print, attached to e-mail, on corporate servers, posted on Web sites, or on CD-ROM Adobe PDF is the emerging workflow standard in the $400 billion publishing industry and plays a key role in financial services, regulated industries, and government, with more than 155 agencies worldwide sharing Adobe PDF files.

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Showing 951 through 975 of 85,638 results