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Showing 6,326 through 6,350 of 21,903 results

Establishing Scientific Classroom Discourse Communities: Multiple Voices of Teaching and Learning Research

by Randy Yerrick Wolff-Michael Roth

Establishing Scientific Classroom Discourse Communities: Multiple Voices of Teaching and Learning Research is designed to encourage discussion of issues surrounding the reform of classroom science discourse among teachers, teacher educators, and researchers. The contributors--some of the top educational researchers, linguists, and science educators in the world--represent a variety of perspectives pertaining to teaching, assessment, research, learning, and reform. As a whole the book explores the variety, complexity, and interconnectivity of issues associated with changing classroom learning communities and transforming science classroom discourse to be more representative of the discourse of scientific communities. The intent is to expand debate among educators regarding what constitutes exemplary scientific speaking, thinking, and acting. This book is unparalleled in discussing current reform issues from sociolinguistic and sociocultural perspectives. The need for a revised perspective on enduring science teaching and learning issues is established and a theoretical framework and methodology for interpreting the critique of classroom and science discourses is presented. To model and scaffold this ongoing debate, each chapter is followed by a "metalogue" in which the chapter authors and volume editors critique the issues traversed in the chapter by opening up the neatly argued issues. These "metalogues" challenge, extend, and deepen the arguments made. Central questions addressed include: *Why is a sociolinguistic interpretation essential in examining science education reform? *What are key similarities and differences between classroom and scientific communities? *How can the utility of common knowledge and existing classroom discourse be balanced toward alternative outcomes? *What curricular issues are associated with transforming classroom talk? *What other perspectives can assist in creating multiple access to science through redefining classroom discourse? Whether this volume improves readers' science teaching, assists their research, or helps them to better prepare tomorrow's science teachers, the goal is to engage them in considering the challenges faced by educators as they navigate the seas of reform and strive to improve science education for all.

Estelle, LOTOS und SDL: Standard-Spezifikationssprachen für verteilte Systeme (Springer Compass)

by Dieter Hogrefe

Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Spezifikationssprachen Estelle, LOTOS und SDL. Die Sprachen sind Standardsprachen der ISO (Estelle, LOTOS) und des CCITT (SDL) zur Spezifikation von Diensten und Protokollen in Kommunikationssystemen. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Idee und den Konzepten von OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) gewinnen die drei Sprachen zunehmend an Bedeutung - innerhalb und außerhalb der Normung. Das Buch stellt die drei Sprachen weitgehend anhand von durchgängigen Beispielen vor, bei denen es sich um Dienste und Protokolle handelt, die den OSI-Konzepten folgen. Das Besondere an dem Buch ist, daß durch die Verwendung identischer Beispiele die drei Sprachen direkt miteinander vergleichbar werden. Obwohl Estelle, LOTOS und SDL formale Sprachen sind, wird weitgehend auf Formalismen verzichtet, so daß die Darstellung allgemein und leicht verständlich ist. Das Buch bildet daher ein sehr nützliches Komplement zu den offiziellen Dokumenten und Sprachbeschreibungen der ISO und des CCITT. Das Ziel des Buches ist, dem Leser einen Einblick in die drei Sprachen zu geben und als leicht verständliches und kompaktes Nachschlagewerk in der täglichen Arbeit zu dienen.

Estimating Spoken Dialog System Quality with User Models (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)

by Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht

Spoken dialog systems have the potential to offer highly intuitive user interfaces, as they allow systems to be controlled using natural language. However, the complexity inherent in natural language dialogs means that careful testing of the system must be carried out from the very beginning of the design process. This book examines how user models can be used to support such early evaluations in two ways: by running simulations of dialogs, and by estimating the quality judgments of users. First, a design environment supporting the creation of dialog flows, the simulation of dialogs, and the analysis of the simulated data is proposed. How the quality of user simulations may be quantified with respect to their suitability for both formative and summative evaluation is then discussed. The remainder of the book is dedicated to the problem of predicting quality judgments of users based on interaction data. New modeling approaches are presented, which process the dialogs as sequences, and which allow knowledge about the judgment behavior of users to be incorporated into predictions. All proposed methods are validated with example evaluation studies.

Estimation and Control over Communication Networks (Control Engineering)

by Alexey S. Matveev Andrey V. Savkin

This book presents a systematic theory of estimation and control over communication networks. It develops a theory that utilizes communications, control, information and dynamical systems theory motivated and applied to advanced networking scenarios. The book establishes theoretically rich and practically important connections among modern control theory, Shannon information theory, and entropy theory of dynamical systems originated in the work of Kolmogorov. This self-contained monograph covers the latest achievements in the area. It contains many real-world applications and the presentation is accessible.

Et tu, Brute?: The Best Latin Lines Ever

by Harry Mount John Davie

There are so many Latin phrases in everyday use that often we use them without understanding the background and context within which they were actually used. 'Carpe diem'; 'Stet'; 'Memento mori'; 'Et tu Brute' – examples would fill a book. And often these phrases are also used in English translation: 'The die is cast'; 'crossing the Rubicon'; 'Rome was not built in a day'. Many of these phrases are humorous, but they are also a rich source of wisdom: the wisdom of the ancients. The chapters of this book include: Life's Misfortunes and how to deal with them; How to deal with old age (Cicero); Why Death is nothing to fear (Lucretius); The Stoic guide to life. Each chapter starts with a quotation and is lightly sprinkled with many more, with accompanying English translations.The background to each quotation is explained so that the context is fully understood. Who crossed the Rubicon and why, for example? At a time of great political and social turbulence, more and more people are turning back to ancient wisdom as a guide to life. Here they are in touch with two classical scholars of distinction who have the common touch.

Et tu, Brute?: The Best Latin Lines Ever

by Harry Mount John Davie

Harry Mount and John Davie unlock the wisdom of the past in this light-hearted and fascinating book, revealing how ancient Latin can help us to live better in the present.There are so many Latin phrases in everyday use that often we use them without understanding the background and context within which they were actually used. 'Carpe diem'; 'Stet'; 'Memento mori'; 'Et tu Brute' – examples would fill a book. And often these phrases are also used in English translation: 'The die is cast'; 'crossing the Rubicon'; 'Rome was not built in a day'. Many of these phrases are humorous, but they are also a rich source of wisdom: the wisdom of the ancients. The chapters of this book include: Latin for Gardeners, the Great Latin Love Poets, Cicero on How to Grow Old Gracefully and Seneca's Stoic Guide to Life. Each chapter starts with a quotation and is lightly sprinkled with many more, with accompanying English translations and entertaining cartoons and illustrations dotted throughout.The background to each quotation is explained so that the context is fully understood. Who crossed the Rubicon and why, for example? At a time of great political and social turbulence, more and more people are turning back to ancient wisdom as a guide to life. Here they are in touch with two classical scholars of distinction who have the common touch and can help make Latin accessible to all, not to mention fun!

Ethernet-basierte Fahrzeugnetzwerkarchitekturen für zukünftige Echtzeitsysteme im Automobil

by Till Steinbach

Till Steinbach leistet einen Beitrag zum Design und zur Bewertung neuer Ethernet-basierter Fahrzeugnetzwerkarchitekturen. Er liefert Werkzeuge für die simulationsbasierte Analyse und Beurteilung von Netzwerkarchitekturen und evaluiert anhand konkreter Anwendungen und auf echten Verkehrsdaten aufbauender Szenarien mögliche Netzwerkdesigns und Konfigurationen. Dabei berücksichtigt der Autor auch den Übergang von Legacy-Technologien hin zu einem rein Echtzeit-Ethernet-basierten Fahrzeugnetzwerk. Auf Basis der aus analytischen Modellen sowie Simulationsstudien und einem realen Fahrzeugprototyp gewonnenen Erkenntnisse spricht er Designempfehlungen für die Entwicklung zukünftiger Ethernet-basierter Fahrzeugnetzwerke aus. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung führen zu Best Practices für zukünftige Backbone-Netzwerke im Automobil, in denen sich die erreichbaren Kennzahlen unter Einhaltung der Designempfehlungen um ein Vielfaches verbessern lassen.Der Autor Till Steinbach ist Teamleiter für Software Integration und Echtzeitsysteme bei einem mittelständischen Automobilzulieferer in Hamburg. Zuvor war er Doktorand in einer Kooperation der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg und der HAW Hamburg. 2011 wurde er mit dem Hermann-Appel-Preis ausgezeichnet.

Ethical Digital Technology in Practice

by Simon Rogerson

This is an important book. Ethics is not an easy topic, and arguably the ethics of IT is less so—not leastdue to its potential for developing and evolving in ways that are either unforeseen or unimaginable . . . . Use this book as a practical resource, an informative and educational source of material in developing expertise, but also as an invaluable toolkit to support practical application of ethical thinking. —Declan Brady, President of the Irish Computer Society and a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies Digital technology is about people. It is about those who plan, develop and implement applications which other people use and are affected by. It is about the impact on all these people as well as on the world at large. Ethical Digital Technology in Practice takes a real-world perspective to explore these impacts over time and discover ways in which to promote ethical digital technology through good practice. It draws upon the author’s published articles in trade magazines, professional journals and online blogs. These are synthesised into a blueprint which addresses, in a practical manner, the societal issues surrounding the increasing use and abuse of digital technology. It is a follow-up book to the author’s book The Evolving Landscape of Ethical Digital Technology, which has a researcher’s perspective. This book is a hands-on account of the computer revolution from 1995 to the current day when the world is increasingly dependent on digital technology. It explores some of the social and ethical issues that are part of this revolution. This is not a book about deep philosophical and technical concepts. Nor does it claim to be comprehensive. It is the author’s personal account of technological change and its effects on people. It is written by a boy who was smitten by computer technology at the age of 15, became a computer professional and subsequently spent many years showing young people how to develop and use digital technology in a good way. It is a book based upon the author’s engagement with practitioners, academics and students during the period as well as his continued fascination with this fantastic technology. Ethical Digital Technology in Practice is a book about the real world, of what has happened and what might happen as digital technology continues to pervade.

Ethical Digital Technology in Practice

by Simon Rogerson

This is an important book. Ethics is not an easy topic, and arguably the ethics of IT is less so—not leastdue to its potential for developing and evolving in ways that are either unforeseen or unimaginable . . . . Use this book as a practical resource, an informative and educational source of material in developing expertise, but also as an invaluable toolkit to support practical application of ethical thinking. —Declan Brady, President of the Irish Computer Society and a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies Digital technology is about people. It is about those who plan, develop and implement applications which other people use and are affected by. It is about the impact on all these people as well as on the world at large. Ethical Digital Technology in Practice takes a real-world perspective to explore these impacts over time and discover ways in which to promote ethical digital technology through good practice. It draws upon the author’s published articles in trade magazines, professional journals and online blogs. These are synthesised into a blueprint which addresses, in a practical manner, the societal issues surrounding the increasing use and abuse of digital technology. It is a follow-up book to the author’s book The Evolving Landscape of Ethical Digital Technology, which has a researcher’s perspective. This book is a hands-on account of the computer revolution from 1995 to the current day when the world is increasingly dependent on digital technology. It explores some of the social and ethical issues that are part of this revolution. This is not a book about deep philosophical and technical concepts. Nor does it claim to be comprehensive. It is the author’s personal account of technological change and its effects on people. It is written by a boy who was smitten by computer technology at the age of 15, became a computer professional and subsequently spent many years showing young people how to develop and use digital technology in a good way. It is a book based upon the author’s engagement with practitioners, academics and students during the period as well as his continued fascination with this fantastic technology. Ethical Digital Technology in Practice is a book about the real world, of what has happened and what might happen as digital technology continues to pervade.

Ethical Issues in Communication Professions: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Minette Drumwright

Dynamic, rapid, and radical changes are transforming the communication professions, provoking major implications for ethics. Traditional boundaries blur as media converge; relentless competitive pressures cause some forms of communication to atrophy and permit others to explode; and technological advances occur daily. In this volume, a new generation of scholars take a fresh look at the manner in which ethical issues manifest themselves in their areas of research and suggest new agendas for future research. This book addresses a wide range of questions from a variety of communication professions. Contributors tackle such issues as how to define a journalist in an era when anyone can disseminate information to a global audience; how to use "advergames," crowdsourcing, and facial recognition technology in advertising responsibly; and how to respond ethically in situations of public crisis communication, among many others. This volume will be critical reading for scholars and professionals in media, communication, and digital arts, as well as philosophy, government, public policy, business, and law.

Ethical Issues in Communication Professions: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Minette E. Drumwright

Dynamic, rapid, and radical changes are transforming the communication professions, provoking major implications for ethics. Traditional boundaries blur as media converge; relentless competitive pressures cause some forms of communication to atrophy and permit others to explode; and technological advances occur daily. In this volume, a new generation of scholars take a fresh look at the manner in which ethical issues manifest themselves in their areas of research and suggest new agendas for future research. This book addresses a wide range of questions from a variety of communication professions. Contributors tackle such issues as how to define a journalist in an era when anyone can disseminate information to a global audience; how to use "advergames," crowdsourcing, and facial recognition technology in advertising responsibly; and how to respond ethically in situations of public crisis communication, among many others. This volume will be critical reading for scholars and professionals in media, communication, and digital arts, as well as philosophy, government, public policy, business, and law.

Ethical Issues in International Communication

by Alexander G. Nikolaev

A collection of essays from scholars around the globe examining the ethical issues and problems associated with some of the major areas within contemporary international communication: journalism, PR, marketing communication, and political rhetoric.

Ethical Issues in the Communication Process (Routledge Communication Series)

by J. Vernon Jensen

A rapid and widespread growth of interest in applied ethics is occurring today not only in the United States, but around the world as well. Academia both reflects this and is a leader in the movement. The field of speech communication shares in this increased sensitivity to ethical concerns. Students and the general public are looking for thoughtful analyses and guidance in all areas of communication. Ethical concerns relative to mass communication have been the subject of a number of books, but only a very few cover the entire scope of communication to include interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, small groups, and public speaking. This book tries to fill that need by discussing ethical concerns as they emerge in the areas of the communication process -- the communicator, the message, the media, the audience, and the situation. The speech communication field now has a need to digest and synthesize the existing research findings and the general literature in the field and in related humanities and social science works into a coherent and nontechnical discussion. This volume explores the most up-to-date materials to provide just such a synthesis. An extensive bibliography at the end of the book gives readers the sources on which the book is based, and offers ample avenues for further personal exploration. The book should provide meaningful food for thought as readers grapple conscientiously with the many everyday decisions made in communication transactions, and in evaluating the communication of others.

Ethical Issues in the Communication Process (Routledge Communication Series)

by J. Vernon Jensen

A rapid and widespread growth of interest in applied ethics is occurring today not only in the United States, but around the world as well. Academia both reflects this and is a leader in the movement. The field of speech communication shares in this increased sensitivity to ethical concerns. Students and the general public are looking for thoughtful analyses and guidance in all areas of communication. Ethical concerns relative to mass communication have been the subject of a number of books, but only a very few cover the entire scope of communication to include interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, small groups, and public speaking. This book tries to fill that need by discussing ethical concerns as they emerge in the areas of the communication process -- the communicator, the message, the media, the audience, and the situation. The speech communication field now has a need to digest and synthesize the existing research findings and the general literature in the field and in related humanities and social science works into a coherent and nontechnical discussion. This volume explores the most up-to-date materials to provide just such a synthesis. An extensive bibliography at the end of the book gives readers the sources on which the book is based, and offers ample avenues for further personal exploration. The book should provide meaningful food for thought as readers grapple conscientiously with the many everyday decisions made in communication transactions, and in evaluating the communication of others.

Ethical Journalism: Adopting the Ethics of Care

by Joe Mathewson

This book makes the case for the news media to take the lead in combatting key threats to American society including racial injustice, economic disparity, and climate change by adopting an "ethics of care" in reporting practices. Examining how traditional news coverage of race, economics and climate change has been dedicated to straightforward facts, the author asserts that journalism should now respond to societal needs by adopting a moral philosophy of the "ethics of care," opening the door to empathetic yet factual and fair coverage of news events, with a goal to move public opinion to the point that politicians are persuaded to take effective action. The book charts a clear path for how this style of ethics can be applied by today’s journalists, tracing the emergence of this empathy-based ethics from feminist philosophy in the 1980s. It ultimately urges ethical news organizations to adopt the ethics of care, based on the human emotion prioritized by Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume, and to pursue a more pro-active, solutions-seeking coverage of current events. This is an invaluable text for students and academics in the fields of journalism ethics, media ethics and media law, as well as for media professionals looking for a fresh perspective on practicing ethical journalism.

Ethical Journalism: Adopting the Ethics of Care

by Joe Mathewson

This book makes the case for the news media to take the lead in combatting key threats to American society including racial injustice, economic disparity, and climate change by adopting an "ethics of care" in reporting practices. Examining how traditional news coverage of race, economics and climate change has been dedicated to straightforward facts, the author asserts that journalism should now respond to societal needs by adopting a moral philosophy of the "ethics of care," opening the door to empathetic yet factual and fair coverage of news events, with a goal to move public opinion to the point that politicians are persuaded to take effective action. The book charts a clear path for how this style of ethics can be applied by today’s journalists, tracing the emergence of this empathy-based ethics from feminist philosophy in the 1980s. It ultimately urges ethical news organizations to adopt the ethics of care, based on the human emotion prioritized by Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume, and to pursue a more pro-active, solutions-seeking coverage of current events. This is an invaluable text for students and academics in the fields of journalism ethics, media ethics and media law, as well as for media professionals looking for a fresh perspective on practicing ethical journalism.

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Digital Age

by Gene Foreman

This new edition of a well-regarded, student-friendly textbook for journalism ethics has been extensively revised and updated to meet the needs of the 21st century journalist working in the digital age. Educates aspiring journalists on ethical decision-making, with coverage of key applied issues such as the principles of fairness and accuracy, the duty of verification, the role of social media, the problems of plagiarism, fabrication, and conflicts of interest, business issues that affect journalism ethics, and questions relating to source relationships, privacy, and deception in reporting Includes extensive revisions to the majority of chapters, as well as six new “Point of View” essays, eight new case studies, and a full glossary Brings together the authoritative, engaging voice of a veteran journalist, the viewpoints of distinguished scholars and print, broadcast, and digital practitioners, and insights from complex, real-world case studies Supplemented by an annually updated companion website with resources for teachers and students, including: links to current articles discussing the subjects covered in each of the book’s chapters, and a teachers’ guide that offers sample syllabi, discussion guides, PowerPoint slides, sample quiz and exam questions, and links to audiovisual material

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Digital Age

by Gene Foreman

This new edition of a well-regarded, student-friendly textbook for journalism ethics has been extensively revised and updated to meet the needs of the 21st century journalist working in the digital age. Educates aspiring journalists on ethical decision-making, with coverage of key applied issues such as the principles of fairness and accuracy, the duty of verification, the role of social media, the problems of plagiarism, fabrication, and conflicts of interest, business issues that affect journalism ethics, and questions relating to source relationships, privacy, and deception in reporting Includes extensive revisions to the majority of chapters, as well as six new “Point of View” essays, eight new case studies, and a full glossary Brings together the authoritative, engaging voice of a veteran journalist, the viewpoints of distinguished scholars and print, broadcast, and digital practitioners, and insights from complex, real-world case studies Supplemented by an annually updated companion website with resources for teachers and students, including: links to current articles discussing the subjects covered in each of the book’s chapters, and a teachers’ guide that offers sample syllabi, discussion guides, PowerPoint slides, sample quiz and exam questions, and links to audiovisual material

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Pursuit of News

by Gene Foreman

The Ethical Journalist gives aspiring journalists the tools they need to make responsible professional decisions. Provides a foundation in applied ethics in journalism Examines the subject areas where ethical questions most frequently arise in modern practice Incorporates the views of distinguished print, broadcast and online journalists, exploring such critical issues as race, sex, and the digitalization of news sources Illustrated with 24 real-life case studies that demonstrate how to think in 'shades of gray' rather than 'black and white' Includes questions for class discussion and guides for putting important ethical concepts to use in the real world Accompanying website includes model course schedules, discussion guides, PowerPoint slides, sample quiz and exam questions and links to additional readings online:

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Digital Age

by Gene Foreman Daniel R. Biddle Emilie Lounsberry Richard G. Jones

The Ethical Journalist Praise for the Third Edition of The Ethical Journalist “A riveting examination of journalism ethics, updated for the seismic change that is now an industry constant. The Ethical Journalist is written to fortify journalism students, but real-life examples of everything from faked photographs to reporting on presidential lies make it valuable to all of us who care about the news.”ANN MARIE LIPINSKI, CURATOR OF THE NIEMAN FOUNDATION AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND FORMER EDITOR OF THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE Praise for the Earlier Editions “The book is superb — the definitive work on journalism ethics and practices. It should be a basic text in every school of journalism.”GENE ROBERTS, FORMER EXECUTIVE EDITOR OF THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER AND FORMER MANAGING EDITOR OF THE NEW YORK TIMES “At a time when the internet has turned journalism inside out and blown up long-held traditions, the need for media ethics is even more critical. This is the book to help guide students and the rest of us through the revolution.”ALICIA C. SHEPARD, FORMER NPR OMBUDSMAN The third edition of The Ethical Journalist is a comprehensive examination of current issues in the field of journalism ethics, researched and written by four journalists with experience in both the newsroom and the classroom. It gives students and professionals the tools they need to navigate the challenges of journalism today, first explaining the importance of ethics in journalism and then putting a decision-making strategy to work. The text is supplemented by case studies and essays, and two companion websites provide additional materials for educators and a forum for all users to discuss new topics in journalism ethics as they arise.

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Digital Age

by Gene Foreman Daniel R. Biddle Emilie Lounsberry Richard G. Jones

The Ethical Journalist Praise for the Third Edition of The Ethical Journalist “A riveting examination of journalism ethics, updated for the seismic change that is now an industry constant. The Ethical Journalist is written to fortify journalism students, but real-life examples of everything from faked photographs to reporting on presidential lies make it valuable to all of us who care about the news.”ANN MARIE LIPINSKI, CURATOR OF THE NIEMAN FOUNDATION AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND FORMER EDITOR OF THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE Praise for the Earlier Editions “The book is superb — the definitive work on journalism ethics and practices. It should be a basic text in every school of journalism.”GENE ROBERTS, FORMER EXECUTIVE EDITOR OF THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER AND FORMER MANAGING EDITOR OF THE NEW YORK TIMES “At a time when the internet has turned journalism inside out and blown up long-held traditions, the need for media ethics is even more critical. This is the book to help guide students and the rest of us through the revolution.”ALICIA C. SHEPARD, FORMER NPR OMBUDSMAN The third edition of The Ethical Journalist is a comprehensive examination of current issues in the field of journalism ethics, researched and written by four journalists with experience in both the newsroom and the classroom. It gives students and professionals the tools they need to navigate the challenges of journalism today, first explaining the importance of ethics in journalism and then putting a decision-making strategy to work. The text is supplemented by case studies and essays, and two companion websites provide additional materials for educators and a forum for all users to discuss new topics in journalism ethics as they arise.

The Ethical Journalist

by Tony Harcup

"As one of the main scriptwriters of the two internal BBC training sessions which were produced following the Hutton inquiry, I can heartily recommend this book." - Peter Stewart, BBC Training Department "Packed with illustrations of journalistic heroism and skulduggery... This is an engaging and useful reference book and should become essential reading for serious students of journalism and for those who practise it." - Times Higher Education Supplement "A must-read for all journalists - be they reporters, editors or bloggers. It is both a straightforward explanation of ethical dilemmas using real-life examples and a subtle commentary on the state of British journalism." - British Journalism Review "This engaging nd accessible book cannot fail to inspire those who want to be good journalists in every sense of the word." - Journalism Practice Everything that journalists do has ethical implications, and in this book Tony Harcup explores the range of issues likely to confront those studying journalism or training to become journalists. The starting point for this engaging and innovative book is that ethical journalism is good journalism. Building on the reflective and questioning approach of the author's acclaimed Journalism: Principles and Practice, this book discusses journalists' personal anecdotes alongside relevant critical studies by academics. Original interviews include Andrew Gilligan on his meeting with weapons expert Dr David Kelly and Ryan Parry on being an undercover reporter in Buckingham Palace. Informed by new research and the author's own experience within mainstream and alternative journalism, The Ethical Journalist addresses topics such as trust, the public interest, deception, news values, source relationships, crime reporting, regulation and the Hutton inquiry. This exciting new title discusses ethics as fundamental rather than as a set of problems or an added extra, and it should become essential reading for everyone interested in journalism.

Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations (Routledge Research in Public Relations)

by Marcia W. DiStaso Denise Sevick Bortree

Given the high rate of social media use by the public, organizations are compelled to engage with key audiences through these outlets. Social media engagement requires organizations to actively participate with public groups, and this highly-interactive exchange raises a new set of ethical concerns for communicators. In this rapidly changing communications environment, the long-term implications of social media are uncertain, and this book provides the much needed research to understand its impact on audiences and organizations. Through an examination of a broad range of ethics concepts including transparency and online identities, policies, corporate responsibility, and measurement, this book explores a variety of topics important to public relations such as diversity, non-profit communication, health communication, financial communication, public affairs, entertainment communication, environmental communication, crisis communication, and non-profit communication. The chapter authors, expert scholars within their fields of public relations, offer insights drawn from original research and case study examples of ethical dilemmas raised by social media communication.

Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations (Routledge Research in Public Relations)

by Marcia W. DiStaso Denise Sevick Bortree

Given the high rate of social media use by the public, organizations are compelled to engage with key audiences through these outlets. Social media engagement requires organizations to actively participate with public groups, and this highly-interactive exchange raises a new set of ethical concerns for communicators. In this rapidly changing communications environment, the long-term implications of social media are uncertain, and this book provides the much needed research to understand its impact on audiences and organizations. Through an examination of a broad range of ethics concepts including transparency and online identities, policies, corporate responsibility, and measurement, this book explores a variety of topics important to public relations such as diversity, non-profit communication, health communication, financial communication, public affairs, entertainment communication, environmental communication, crisis communication, and non-profit communication. The chapter authors, expert scholars within their fields of public relations, offer insights drawn from original research and case study examples of ethical dilemmas raised by social media communication.

Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare

by George Lucas

From North Korea's recent attacks on Sony to perpetual news reports of successful hackings and criminal theft, cyber conflict has emerged as a major topic of public concern. Yet even as attacks on military, civilian, and commercial targets have escalated, there is not yet a clear set of ethical guidelines that apply to cyber warfare. Indeed, like terrorism, cyber warfare is commonly believed to be a war without rules. Given the prevalence cyber warfare, developing a practical moral code for this new form of conflict is more important than ever. In Ethics and Cyber Warfare, internationally-respected ethicist George Lucas delves into the confounding realm of cyber conflict. Comparing "state-sponsored hacktivism" to the transformative impact of "irregular warfare" in conventional armed conflict, Lucas offers a critique of legal approaches to governance, and outlines a new approach to ethics and "just war" reasoning. Lucas draws upon the political philosophies of Alasdair MacIntyre, John Rawls, and Jürgen Habermas to provide a framework for understanding these newly-emerging standards for cyber conflict, and ultimately presents a professional code of ethics for a new generation of "cyber warriors." Lucas concludes with a discussion of whether preemptive self-defense efforts - such as the massive government surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden - can ever be justified, addressing controversial topics such as privacy, anonymity, and public trust. Well-reasoned and timely, Ethics and Cyber Warfare is a must-read for anyone with an interest in philosophy, ethics, or cybercrime.

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