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Showing 16,026 through 16,050 of 21,819 results

A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories

by Joe Mathewson

Business journalism is of critical importance to society, though it may appear to some that it concerns only big business and big investors. A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories helps students acquire the marketable writing skills required to succeed in this competitive and vibrant segment of print and online journalism. This hands-on, practical text provides step-by-step guidance on how to write business articles such as the corporate quarterly earnings story, small business profiles, and business or consumer trend stories. Mathewson’s book, based on Northwestern University’s highly successful business journalism program, guides students in the use of data, documents and sophisticated expert sources. With A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories as their resource, students will be able to write challenging stories with clarity and speed, greatly enhancing the journalist’s ability to tackle stories on other complex topics, in any medium.

A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories

by Joe Mathewson

Business journalism is of critical importance to society, though it may appear to some that it concerns only big business and big investors. A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories helps students acquire the marketable writing skills required to succeed in this competitive and vibrant segment of print and online journalism. This hands-on, practical text provides step-by-step guidance on how to write business articles such as the corporate quarterly earnings story, small business profiles, and business or consumer trend stories. Mathewson’s book, based on Northwestern University’s highly successful business journalism program, guides students in the use of data, documents and sophisticated expert sources. With A Quick Guide to Writing Business Stories as their resource, students will be able to write challenging stories with clarity and speed, greatly enhancing the journalist’s ability to tackle stories on other complex topics, in any medium.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

by Susan Cain

In Quiet, the international bestseller, Susan Cain shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She gives introverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths.Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with real stories, Quiet will permanently change how we see introverts - and how you see yourself.

Quiet Impact: How to be a successful Introvert

by Sylvia Loehken

Most literature on business, communication and success is focused on extroverts, who feel comfortable networking, talking and being the centre of attention. But at least 30% of the population are introverts, and they are now finding their voice.Quiet Impact - How to Be a Successful Introvert is already an international phenomenon. Using the latest psychological research, and Dr Loehken's own extensive experience coaching introverts in the workplace, it is packed with practical advice which is easy to implement.Dr Loehken identifies 10 strengths specific strengths that introverts often have (such as independence, perseverance and writing), and also identifies ten specific hurdles they often have to overcome (such as hyperstimulation, intellectualism and fear of conflict).

The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks)

by Sid Katzen

Written specifically for readers with no prior knowledge of computing, electronics, or logic design. Uses real-world hardware and software products to illustrate the material, and includes numerous fully worked examples and self-assessment questions.

The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks)

by Sid Katzen

Written specifically for readers with no prior knowledge of computing, electronics, or logic design. Uses real-world hardware and software products to illustrate the material, and includes numerous fully worked examples and self-assessment questions.

Quintessenz der Unternehmenskommunikation: Wie Sie Ihre Ziele im Dialog mit Ihren Stakeholdern besser erreichen können (Quintessenz-Reihe)

by Eva Salzer

Eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung ist heute mehr denn je auf eine professionelle Unternehmenskommunikation angewiesen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in dem Band das Grundwissen der Unternehmenskommunikation sowie Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze anhand von Fallbeispielen dargestellt. Dabei geht es um zwei zentrale Aspekte: das Management der Kommunikationsfunktion im Unternehmen einerseits sowie konzeptionelle und methodische Fragen der Kommunikationsaufgabe andererseits.

The Quirks of Digital Culture

by David Beer

The culture we consume is increasingly delivered to us via various digital on-demand platforms. The last decade has seen platforms like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Google and the like become massive players in shaping cultural consumption. But how can we understand culture once it moves on to big tech platforms? How can we make sense of the changes this brings to our lives? These platforms have the power to shape our cultural landscape and to use data, algorithms and other technological means to shape our experiences, from what we remember through to what we know and even the speed and accessibility of culture. This book asks how can we understand the chaos and messiness of on-demand culture? Beer suggests that we focus on the quirks and use these as openings to see inside patterns and dynamics of these new cultural formations. By exploring the strange quirks that typify our new on-demand culture, this book seeks to answer these questions. The Quirks of Digital Culture is a guide to understanding the complex and unsettling cultural present, whilst also casting an eye on how our consumption and cultural experiences may unfold in what seems like an unpredictable future.

The Quirks of Digital Culture

by David Beer

The culture we consume is increasingly delivered to us via various digital on-demand platforms. The last decade has seen platforms like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Google and the like become massive players in shaping cultural consumption. But how can we understand culture once it moves on to big tech platforms? How can we make sense of the changes this brings to our lives? These platforms have the power to shape our cultural landscape and to use data, algorithms and other technological means to shape our experiences, from what we remember through to what we know and even the speed and accessibility of culture. This book asks how can we understand the chaos and messiness of on-demand culture? Beer suggests that we focus on the quirks and use these as openings to see inside patterns and dynamics of these new cultural formations. By exploring the strange quirks that typify our new on-demand culture, this book seeks to answer these questions. The Quirks of Digital Culture is a guide to understanding the complex and unsettling cultural present, whilst also casting an eye on how our consumption and cultural experiences may unfold in what seems like an unpredictable future.

Quo Vadis Journalistenausbildung?: Befunde und Konzepte für eine zeitgemäße Ausbildung

by Britta M. Gossel Kathrin Konyen

Was brauchen Nachwuchsjournalisten, um für die berufliche Realität vorbereitet zu sein? Dieses Buch gibt sowohl aus wissenschaftlicher als auch aus praktischer Sicht Aufschluss darüber, welche Inhalte Bestandteil einer zeitgemäßen Journalistenausbildung sein müssen. Grundlage dafür ist die Auswertung einer Studie, die die TU Ilmenau gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Journalistenverband durchgeführt hat. Diese wird ergänzt durch Beiträge von Professoren, Ausbildern und Praktikern aus dem Journalismus sowie durch Porträts, die den Arbeitsalltag und dessen Anforderungen am Beispiel ausgewählter Journalisten darstellen.

Quo vadis Public Relations?: Auf dem Weg zum Kommunikationsmanagement: Bestandsaufnahmen und Entwicklungen

by Juliana Raupp Joachim Klewes

Die gezielte Anwendung von Forschungsergebnissen auf Problemstellungen der Kommunikationspraxis, und gleichzeitig die daraus resultierende Förderung neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, ist das Anliegen des vorliegenden Bandes. Die Beiträge namhafter Autoren aus der deutschen und internationalen PR-Forschung und der Kommunikationspraxis bündeln die aktuelle Fachdiskussion und liefern Anregungen für erfolgreiches Kommunikationsmanagement.

Quoten, Kurven und Profile: Zur Vermessung der sozialen Welt (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Jan-Hendrik Passoth Josef Wehner

Ereignisse und Trends in Politik, Wirtschaft oder Bildung und Wissenschaft werden durch Umfragewerte, Börsennotierungen und Rankings beobachtbar. Solche Zahlen¬sys¬teme fördern außerdem Möglichkeiten des Vergleichs und des Wettbewerbs. Auf¬fällig ist die Mediatisierung dieser Vorgänge. Statistiken gewinnen Aufmerksamkeit und motivieren Anschluss¬kommuni¬ka¬tionen vor allem dadurch, dass sie in den Massenmedien veröffentlicht werden. Im Internet werden aus zunächst noch unzu¬sammen¬hängen¬den Aktivitäten Gemein-sam¬kei¬ten und Unterschiede in den Interessen und Gewohnheiten der Nutzer errechnet, um Pro¬duk¬te besser vermarkten oder Gelegenheiten für die Suche nach Gleichgesinnten anbieten zu können. Der vorliegende Band versammelt konzeptionelle und empirische Beiträge zum Zahlengebrauch in der modernen Gesellschaft, zum Zusammenhang von Mediatisierung und Quantifizierung und zur veränderten Relevanz von Publikumsmessung und Nutzeranalyen in den Massenmedien und im Internet.

Rabbis, Reporters and the Public in the Digital Holyland (Routledge Studies in Middle East Film and Media)

by Yoel Cohen

Focused on the triangular relationship between rabbis, journalists and the public, this book analyses each group’s role in influencing the agenda around religion in Israel. The book draws upon the author's original research, comprising an analysis of the coverage of religion on four Israeli news websites, a series of surveys of rabbis, journalists, and the public, as well as a large number of interviews conducted with a range of stakeholders: community rabbis, teacher rabbis, and religious court judges; reporters, editors, and spokespersons; and the Israeli Jewish public. Key questions include: What are rabbis’ philosophical views of the media? How does the media define news about Judaism? What aspect of news about religion and spirituality interest the public? How do spokespersons and rabbis influence the news agenda? How is the triangular relationship between rabbis, journalists and the public being altered by the digital age? Despite a lack of understanding about mass media behaviour among many rabbis, and, concurrently, a lack of knowledge about religion among many journalists, it is argued that there is shared interest between the two groups, both in support of mass-media values like the right to know and freedom of expression. It is further argued that the public's attitude to news about religion is significant in determining what journalists should publish. The book will be of interest to those studying mass communications, the media, Judaism and Israeli society, as well as researchers of media and religion.

Rabbis, Reporters and the Public in the Digital Holyland (Routledge Studies in Middle East Film and Media)

by Yoel Cohen

Focused on the triangular relationship between rabbis, journalists and the public, this book analyses each group’s role in influencing the agenda around religion in Israel. The book draws upon the author's original research, comprising an analysis of the coverage of religion on four Israeli news websites, a series of surveys of rabbis, journalists, and the public, as well as a large number of interviews conducted with a range of stakeholders: community rabbis, teacher rabbis, and religious court judges; reporters, editors, and spokespersons; and the Israeli Jewish public. Key questions include: What are rabbis’ philosophical views of the media? How does the media define news about Judaism? What aspect of news about religion and spirituality interest the public? How do spokespersons and rabbis influence the news agenda? How is the triangular relationship between rabbis, journalists and the public being altered by the digital age? Despite a lack of understanding about mass media behaviour among many rabbis, and, concurrently, a lack of knowledge about religion among many journalists, it is argued that there is shared interest between the two groups, both in support of mass-media values like the right to know and freedom of expression. It is further argued that the public's attitude to news about religion is significant in determining what journalists should publish. The book will be of interest to those studying mass communications, the media, Judaism and Israeli society, as well as researchers of media and religion.

Rabindranath Tagore's Śāntiniketan Essays: Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy

by Medha Bhattacharyya

This book provides a critical introduction and translation of fifty Śāntiniketan (Abode of Peace) essays written by Rabindranath Tagore between 1908 and 1914. It provides key insights into Tagore’s fundamental meditations on life, nature, religion, philosophy and the world at large. As the first of its kind, this volume is a definitive collection of Tagore’s Śāntiniketan essays translated into English which contains a substantial amount of scholarly material on them. The essays look at Tagore’s ideas of universality, his socio-cultural location along with the development of his thought, his reflections on Buddhism, Vaiṣṇavism, Bāul philosophy, the Bhagavadgītā and to a great extent the Upanishads and their contemporary relevance. It also connects Sri Ramakrishna’s concepts of vijnāna and bhāvamukha with Tagore’s thought, an original contribution, through the study of these essays. A nuanced exploration into translation theory and praxis, it fills a lacuna in Tagore Studies by bringing to the fore profound religious, spiritual and philosophical knowledge in Tagore’s own voice. This volume will be useful for scholars and researchers of Translation Studies, Tagore Studies, Language and Literature, Cultural Studies and readers interested in Tagore’s philosophical ideas.

Rabindranath Tagore's Śāntiniketan Essays: Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy

by Medha Bhattacharyya

This book provides a critical introduction and translation of fifty Śāntiniketan (Abode of Peace) essays written by Rabindranath Tagore between 1908 and 1914. It provides key insights into Tagore’s fundamental meditations on life, nature, religion, philosophy and the world at large. As the first of its kind, this volume is a definitive collection of Tagore’s Śāntiniketan essays translated into English which contains a substantial amount of scholarly material on them. The essays look at Tagore’s ideas of universality, his socio-cultural location along with the development of his thought, his reflections on Buddhism, Vaiṣṇavism, Bāul philosophy, the Bhagavadgītā and to a great extent the Upanishads and their contemporary relevance. It also connects Sri Ramakrishna’s concepts of vijnāna and bhāvamukha with Tagore’s thought, an original contribution, through the study of these essays. A nuanced exploration into translation theory and praxis, it fills a lacuna in Tagore Studies by bringing to the fore profound religious, spiritual and philosophical knowledge in Tagore’s own voice. This volume will be useful for scholars and researchers of Translation Studies, Tagore Studies, Language and Literature, Cultural Studies and readers interested in Tagore’s philosophical ideas.

Race and Gender in Electronic Media: Content, Context, Culture (Electronic Media Research Series)

by Rebecca Ann Lind

This volume examines the consequences, implications, and opportunities associated with issues of diversity in the electronic media. With a focus on race and gender, the chapters represent diverse approaches, including social scientific, humanistic, critical, and rhetorical. The contributors consider race and gender issues in both historical and contemporary electronic media, and their work is presented in three sections: content, context (audiences, effects, and reception), and culture (media industries, policy, and production). In this book, the authors investigate, problematize, and theorize a variety of concerns which at their core relate to issues of difference. How do we use media to construct and understand different social groups? How do the media represent and affect our engagement with and responses to different social groups? How can we understand these processes and the environment within which they occur? Although this book focuses on the differences associated with race and gender, the questions raised by and the theoretical perspectives presented in the chapters are applicable to other forms of socially-constructed difference. Chapters 5, 10, 12, and 19 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Race and Gender in Electronic Media: Content, Context, Culture (Electronic Media Research Series)

by Rebecca Ann Lind

This volume examines the consequences, implications, and opportunities associated with issues of diversity in the electronic media. With a focus on race and gender, the chapters represent diverse approaches, including social scientific, humanistic, critical, and rhetorical. The contributors consider race and gender issues in both historical and contemporary electronic media, and their work is presented in three sections: content, context (audiences, effects, and reception), and culture (media industries, policy, and production). In this book, the authors investigate, problematize, and theorize a variety of concerns which at their core relate to issues of difference. How do we use media to construct and understand different social groups? How do the media represent and affect our engagement with and responses to different social groups? How can we understand these processes and the environment within which they occur? Although this book focuses on the differences associated with race and gender, the questions raised by and the theoretical perspectives presented in the chapters are applicable to other forms of socially-constructed difference. Chapters 5, 10, 12, and 19 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Race And News: Critical Perspectives (PDF)

by Christopher P. Campbell Rockell A. Brown Cheryl D. Jenkins Kim M. LeDuff

The history of American journalism is marked by disturbing representations of people and communities of color, from the disgraceful stereotypes of pre-civil rights America, to the more subtle myths that are reflected in routine coverage by journalists all over the country. Race and News: Critical Perspectivesaims to examine these journalistic representations of race, and in doing so to question whether or not we are living in a post-racial world. By looking at national coverage of stories like the Don Imus controversy, Hurricane Katrina, Barak Obama's presidential candidacy, and even the Virginia Tech shootings, readers are given an opportunity to gain insight into both subtle and overt forms of racism in the newsroom and in national dialogue. The book itself is divided into two sections, with the first examining the journalistic routine and the decisions that go into covering a story with, or without, relation to race. The second section, comprised of case studies, explores the coverage of national stories and how they have impacted the dialogue on race and racism in the United States. As a whole, the collection of essays and studies also reflects a variety of research approaches. With a goal of contributing to the discussion about race and its place in American journalism, this broad examination makes Race and Newsan ideal text for courses on cultural diversity and the media, as well as making it valuable to professional journalists and journalism students who seek to improve their approach to coverage of diverse communities.

Race And News: Critical Perspectives

by Christopher P. Campbell Rockell A. Brown Cheryl D. Jenkins Kim M. LeDuff

The history of American journalism is marked by disturbing representations of people and communities of color, from the disgraceful stereotypes of pre-civil rights America, to the more subtle myths that are reflected in routine coverage by journalists all over the country. Race and News: Critical Perspectivesaims to examine these journalistic representations of race, and in doing so to question whether or not we are living in a post-racial world. By looking at national coverage of stories like the Don Imus controversy, Hurricane Katrina, Barak Obama's presidential candidacy, and even the Virginia Tech shootings, readers are given an opportunity to gain insight into both subtle and overt forms of racism in the newsroom and in national dialogue. The book itself is divided into two sections, with the first examining the journalistic routine and the decisions that go into covering a story with, or without, relation to race. The second section, comprised of case studies, explores the coverage of national stories and how they have impacted the dialogue on race and racism in the United States. As a whole, the collection of essays and studies also reflects a variety of research approaches. With a goal of contributing to the discussion about race and its place in American journalism, this broad examination makes Race and Newsan ideal text for courses on cultural diversity and the media, as well as making it valuable to professional journalists and journalism students who seek to improve their approach to coverage of diverse communities.

Race and News: Critical Perspectives

by Christopher P. Campbell Kim M. LeDuff Cheryl D. Jenkins Rockell A. Brown

The history of American journalism is marked by disturbing representations of people and communities of color, from the disgraceful stereotypes of pre-civil rights America, to the more subtle myths that are reflected in routine coverage by journalists all over the country. Race and News: Critical Perspectives aims to examine these journalistic representations of race, and in doing so to question whether or not we are living in a post-racial world. By looking at national coverage of stories like the Don Imus controversy, Hurricane Katrina, Barak Obama's presidential candidacy, and even the Virginia Tech shootings, readers are given an opportunity to gain insight into both subtle and overt forms of racism in the newsroom and in national dialogue. The book itself is divided into two sections, with the first examining the journalistic routine and the decisions that go into covering a story with, or without, relation to race. The second section, comprised of case studies, explores the coverage of national stories and how they have impacted the dialogue on race and racism in the United States. As a whole, the collection of essays and studies also reflects a variety of research approaches. With a goal of contributing to the discussion about race and its place in American journalism, this broad examination makes Race and News an ideal text for courses on cultural diversity and the media, as well as making it valuable to professional journalists and journalism students who seek to improve their approach to coverage of diverse communities.

Race and News: Critical Perspectives

by Christopher P. Campbell Kim M. LeDuff Cheryl D. Jenkins Rockell A. Brown

The history of American journalism is marked by disturbing representations of people and communities of color, from the disgraceful stereotypes of pre-civil rights America, to the more subtle myths that are reflected in routine coverage by journalists all over the country. Race and News: Critical Perspectives aims to examine these journalistic representations of race, and in doing so to question whether or not we are living in a post-racial world. By looking at national coverage of stories like the Don Imus controversy, Hurricane Katrina, Barak Obama's presidential candidacy, and even the Virginia Tech shootings, readers are given an opportunity to gain insight into both subtle and overt forms of racism in the newsroom and in national dialogue. The book itself is divided into two sections, with the first examining the journalistic routine and the decisions that go into covering a story with, or without, relation to race. The second section, comprised of case studies, explores the coverage of national stories and how they have impacted the dialogue on race and racism in the United States. As a whole, the collection of essays and studies also reflects a variety of research approaches. With a goal of contributing to the discussion about race and its place in American journalism, this broad examination makes Race and News an ideal text for courses on cultural diversity and the media, as well as making it valuable to professional journalists and journalism students who seek to improve their approach to coverage of diverse communities.

Race, Gender, and Leadership: Re-envisioning Organizational Leadership From the Perspectives of African American Women Executives (Routledge Communication Series)

by Patricia S. Parker

Much has been written about a model of leadership that emphasizes women's values and experiences, that is in some ways distinct from male models of leadership. This book redirects the focus to a view of leadership as a multicultural phenomenon that moves beyond dualistic notions of "masculine" and "feminine" leadership, and focuses more specifically on leadership as the management of meaning, including the meanings of the notion of "organizational leader." This volume focuses on leadership "traditions" revealed in the history of Black women in America and exemplified in the leadership approaches of 15 African American women executives who came of age during the civil rights and feminist movements of the 1960's and 1970's and climbed to the top of major U.S. organizations. It advances a vision of organizational leadership that challenges traditional masculine and feminine notions of leadership development and practice, providing insights on organizational leadership in the era of post-industrialization and globalization. Additionally, by placing African American women at the center of analysis, this book provides insights into the ways in which race and gender structure key leadership processes in today's diverse and changing workplace. It is a must-read for scholars and researchers in organizational communication, management, leadership, African American studies, and related areas.

Race, Gender, and Leadership: Re-envisioning Organizational Leadership From the Perspectives of African American Women Executives (Routledge Communication Series)

by Patricia S. Parker

Much has been written about a model of leadership that emphasizes women's values and experiences, that is in some ways distinct from male models of leadership. This book redirects the focus to a view of leadership as a multicultural phenomenon that moves beyond dualistic notions of "masculine" and "feminine" leadership, and focuses more specifically on leadership as the management of meaning, including the meanings of the notion of "organizational leader." This volume focuses on leadership "traditions" revealed in the history of Black women in America and exemplified in the leadership approaches of 15 African American women executives who came of age during the civil rights and feminist movements of the 1960's and 1970's and climbed to the top of major U.S. organizations. It advances a vision of organizational leadership that challenges traditional masculine and feminine notions of leadership development and practice, providing insights on organizational leadership in the era of post-industrialization and globalization. Additionally, by placing African American women at the center of analysis, this book provides insights into the ways in which race and gender structure key leadership processes in today's diverse and changing workplace. It is a must-read for scholars and researchers in organizational communication, management, leadership, African American studies, and related areas.

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