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Showing 15,926 through 15,950 of 21,899 results

The Pulpit and the Press in Reformation Italy (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history #8)

by Emily Michelson

Italian sermons tell a story of the Reformation that credits preachers with using the pulpit, pen, and printing press to keep Italy Catholic when the region’s violent religious wars made the future uncertain, and with fashioning a post-Reformation Catholicism that would survive the competition and religious choice of their own time and ours.

Pulsed EM Field Computation in Planar Circuits: The Contour Integral Method

by Martin Stumpf

The pulsed EM characterization of planar circuits is of high practical importance in many areas of science and engineering such as electromagnetic compatibility and antenna design. This book is hence devoted to the mathematical formulation and numerical analysis of arbitrarily-shaped parallel-plane structures concerning their pulsed EM propagation, radiation and scattering behavior. The key emphasis is on the time-domain reciprocity-based integral-equation formulations and their efficient numerical solution.

Pulsed EM Field Computation in Planar Circuits: The Contour Integral Method

by Martin Stumpf

The pulsed EM characterization of planar circuits is of high practical importance in many areas of science and engineering such as electromagnetic compatibility and antenna design. This book is hence devoted to the mathematical formulation and numerical analysis of arbitrarily-shaped parallel-plane structures concerning their pulsed EM propagation, radiation and scattering behavior. The key emphasis is on the time-domain reciprocity-based integral-equation formulations and their efficient numerical solution.

Pulstechnik: Band 2: Anwendungen und Systeme

by E. Hölzler H. Holzwarth

gefallen, dafür wird der Lichtwellenleitertechnik wegen ihrer zukünftigen großen Bedeutung eine ausführlichere Betrachtung gewidmet. Die Be­ schreibung der dazu notwendigen optischen Bausteine führte zu einer Erweiterung des Abschnitts 5 (Bausteine). Die Berücksichtigung der seit dem Erscheinen der 1. Auflage neu fest­ gelegten Begriffsbestimmungen und Symbole für logische Verknüpfungen erforderte Korrekturarbeiten größeren Umfangs. Die vollständige Überarbeitung und in wesentlichen Teilen notwen­ dige Neufassung des Buches haben in dankenswerter Weise wieder die Verfasser der 1. Auflage übernommen; den Unterabschnitt 6.6 über Mikroprozessoren hat freundlicherweise Herr Dipl.-Ing. Karlhorst Barwig, Siemens AG, verfaßt. Wir haben weiteren Experten der Siemens AG zu danken, die uns mit Ratschlägen und Anregungen unterstützt haben, und außerdem Herrn Dr. Kersten dafür, daß er sich neben seinem Buchbeitrag noch den mühevollen redaktionellen Arbeiten unterzogen hat. Dem Springer-Verlag, der wegen der umfangreichen Veränderungen einen vollständigen Neusatz vornehmen mußte, danken wir für die Sorg­ falt der Ausführung. Möge der Band so gut aufgenommen werden wie sein Vorläufer. München, im Frühjahr 1984 E. Hölzler H. Holzwarth Vorwort zur ersten Auflage Eine Reihe von Gedanken und Feststellungen, die Ziel und Inhalt des zwei bändigen Werkes "Pulstechnik" erläutern, sind im Vorwort zum Band I enthalten. Im Interesse der Leser, die diesen Band nicht besitzen, scheint es zweckmäßig, wesentliche Teile hier erneut wiederzugeben und Inhalt von Band II zu ergänzen.

Pulstechnik: Band I · Grundlagen

by Erwin Hölzler Herbert Holzwarth

Punctuation Revisited: A Strategic Guide for Academics, Wordsmiths, and Obsessive Perfectionists

by Richard Kallan

Punctuation Revisited is an advanced, comprehensive guide to the importance of punctuation in conveying meaning and augmenting the power of a message. Richard Kallan provides guidance on how to structure sentences accurately and in a manner that enhances their readability and rhetorical appeal. This book discusses in fine detail not just when and how to employ specific punctuation marks, but the rationale behind them. It also notes when the major academic style manuals differ in their punctuation advice. These unique features are designed to benefit beginning, intermediate, and advanced students of standard punctuation practice. Punctuation Revisited is a wonderful resource for students of composition and writing, an essential read for writing center tutors and faculty, as well as the perfect addition to anyone’s professional library.

Punctuation Revisited: A Strategic Guide for Academics, Wordsmiths, and Obsessive Perfectionists

by Richard Kallan

Punctuation Revisited is an advanced, comprehensive guide to the importance of punctuation in conveying meaning and augmenting the power of a message. Richard Kallan provides guidance on how to structure sentences accurately and in a manner that enhances their readability and rhetorical appeal. This book discusses in fine detail not just when and how to employ specific punctuation marks, but the rationale behind them. It also notes when the major academic style manuals differ in their punctuation advice. These unique features are designed to benefit beginning, intermediate, and advanced students of standard punctuation practice. Punctuation Revisited is a wonderful resource for students of composition and writing, an essential read for writing center tutors and faculty, as well as the perfect addition to anyone’s professional library.

'Punto de Vista' and the Argentine Intellectual Left (New Directions in Latino American Cultures)

by Sofía Mercader

This book is the first comprehensive account of the Argentine magazine Punto de Vista (1978–2008), a cultural review that gathered together prominent Argentine intellectuals throughout the last quarter of the twentieth century. Directed by cultural historian and public intellectual Beatriz Sarlo, the story of the magazine serves as a lens to study the evolution of Argentine intellectuals from the leftist mobilization of the 1960s through periods of military dictatorship and then the shifting politics of democratization in the 1980s and 1990s. The book argues that the way in which the Argentine intellectual left negotiated the political and cultural transformations of the late twentieth century can be understood as the history of two political defeats: that of the revolutionary utopias of the 1960s and 1970s and that of the social democrat project in the 1980s. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book encompasses a wide range of debates taking place in Argentina, from the years prior to the dictatorship to the postdictatorship period.

The Purpose of Business: Contemporary Perspectives from Different Walks of Life

by Albert Erisman David Gautschi

Business is a vital institution for a flourishing society, but there is mounting concern about its role in distorting wealth distribution, enabling and rewarding unethical behaviour, and despoiling the natural environment. A Consortium was formed in 2009 under the leadership of David Gautschi to bring together academics, business people, and interested members of society from around the world to discuss two questions: what is the purpose of business, and what is the role of the business school in the academy? Consortium Fellows gathered in eight sessions over five years from 29 countries to discuss, debate, and share perspectives on these questions. The Purpose of Business is an edited collection drawing from the perspectives of these sessions, with contributors from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia bringing culturally and intellectually diverse perspectives on these critical questions. This multifaceted work offers an exploration of business in relation to religion, art, neuroscience, geopolitics, energy, and beyond to inspire a better understanding of the role of business in the 21st century interconnected world.

Purposeful Communication in a Digital Age: Speaking for Success

by Jason Schmitt Arthur Koch

In recent years, the process and outlet for public speaking has grown with digital progressions such as TED talks and Facebook Live. Purposeful Communication in a Digital Age, 2nd Edition, provides a practical, step-by-step approach to developing and delivering effective speeches. Offering supplementary articles, case studies, and interviews with key leaders within the text and online, this is an all-in-one resource for the traditional, online, or hybrid classroom. The new edition devotes focus to presenting in the digital world, addressing both traditional and contemporary forms of presentation, and specifically directs students on seeking out credible sources when conducting research. Its eResource features video speech examples, classroom exercises, an instructor manual, and a quiz bank.

Purposeful Communication in a Digital Age: Speaking for Success

by Jason Schmitt Arthur Koch

In recent years, the process and outlet for public speaking has grown with digital progressions such as TED talks and Facebook Live. Purposeful Communication in a Digital Age, 2nd Edition, provides a practical, step-by-step approach to developing and delivering effective speeches. Offering supplementary articles, case studies, and interviews with key leaders within the text and online, this is an all-in-one resource for the traditional, online, or hybrid classroom. The new edition devotes focus to presenting in the digital world, addressing both traditional and contemporary forms of presentation, and specifically directs students on seeking out credible sources when conducting research. Its eResource features video speech examples, classroom exercises, an instructor manual, and a quiz bank.

Pursuing an Ethic of Empathy in Journalism (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Janet Blank-Libra

This book advances a journalistic theory of empathy, challenging long-held notions about how best to do journalism. Because the institution of journalism has typically equated empathy and compassion with bias, it has been slow to give the intelligence of the emotions a legitimate place in the reporting and writing process. Blank-Libra’s work locates the point at which the vast, multidisciplinary research on empathy intersects with the work of the journalist, revealing a reality that has always been so: journalists practice empathy as a way to connect but also as a form of inquiry, as sincere and legitimate in its goals and aspirations as is objectivity.

Pursuing an Ethic of Empathy in Journalism (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Janet Blank-Libra

This book advances a journalistic theory of empathy, challenging long-held notions about how best to do journalism. Because the institution of journalism has typically equated empathy and compassion with bias, it has been slow to give the intelligence of the emotions a legitimate place in the reporting and writing process. Blank-Libra’s work locates the point at which the vast, multidisciplinary research on empathy intersects with the work of the journalist, revealing a reality that has always been so: journalists practice empathy as a way to connect but also as a form of inquiry, as sincere and legitimate in its goals and aspirations as is objectivity.

The Pursuit of Public Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism

by Tanni Haas

The Pursuit of Public Journalism is an engaging introduction to the theoretical foundations and practices of the journalistic reform movement known as 'public journalism.' Public journalism - stated briefly - seeks to reinvest journalism with its fundamental responsibilities to democracy and public life. This book argues against many deeply ingrained practices ranging from journalistic detachment to framing stories via polar conflict in favor of greater civic involvement on the part of journalists. Tanni Haas traces the historical context in which public journalism emerged, develops a philosophy for public journalism, reviews empirical research on public journalism’s performance to date and responds to the major criticisms directed at public journalism. He also examines the particular challenges that public journalism poses to curriculum and instruction: how can journalism educators teach students to write stories useful and of concern to citizens, and how can they encourage citizens to publicly criticize news coverage of given topics? Following review of the major challenges and criticisms of public journalism, the author offers practical solutions for improving public journalism and speculates on public journalism’s likely future.

The Pursuit of Public Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism

by Tanni Haas

The Pursuit of Public Journalism is an engaging introduction to the theoretical foundations and practices of the journalistic reform movement known as 'public journalism.' Public journalism - stated briefly - seeks to reinvest journalism with its fundamental responsibilities to democracy and public life. This book argues against many deeply ingrained practices ranging from journalistic detachment to framing stories via polar conflict in favor of greater civic involvement on the part of journalists. Tanni Haas traces the historical context in which public journalism emerged, develops a philosophy for public journalism, reviews empirical research on public journalism’s performance to date and responds to the major criticisms directed at public journalism. He also examines the particular challenges that public journalism poses to curriculum and instruction: how can journalism educators teach students to write stories useful and of concern to citizens, and how can they encourage citizens to publicly criticize news coverage of given topics? Following review of the major challenges and criticisms of public journalism, the author offers practical solutions for improving public journalism and speculates on public journalism’s likely future.

The Pushing-Hands of Translation and its Theory: In memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013 (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Douglas Robinson

This book presents an East-West dialogue of leading translation scholars responding to and developing Martha Cheung’s "pushing-hands" method of translation studies. Pushing-hands was an idea Martha began exploring in the last four years of her life, and only had time to publish at article length in 2012. The concept of pushing-hands suggests a promising line of inquiry into the problem of conflict in translation. Pushing-hands opens a new vista for translation scholars to understand and explain how to develop an awareness of non-confrontational, alternative ways to handle translation problems or problems related to translation activities that are likely to give rise to tension and conflict. The book is a timely contribution to celebrate Martha's work and also to move the conversation forward. Despite being somewhat tentative and experimental, it probes into how to enable and develop dynamic interaction between and reciprocal determinism of different hands involved in the process of translation.

The Pushing-Hands of Translation and its Theory: In memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013 (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Douglas Robinson

This book presents an East-West dialogue of leading translation scholars responding to and developing Martha Cheung’s "pushing-hands" method of translation studies. Pushing-hands was an idea Martha began exploring in the last four years of her life, and only had time to publish at article length in 2012. The concept of pushing-hands suggests a promising line of inquiry into the problem of conflict in translation. Pushing-hands opens a new vista for translation scholars to understand and explain how to develop an awareness of non-confrontational, alternative ways to handle translation problems or problems related to translation activities that are likely to give rise to tension and conflict. The book is a timely contribution to celebrate Martha's work and also to move the conversation forward. Despite being somewhat tentative and experimental, it probes into how to enable and develop dynamic interaction between and reciprocal determinism of different hands involved in the process of translation.

Pyjama Profit: The Millennial's Guide to a Sustainable Freelance Career

by Varun Mayya Abhinav Chhikara

Pyjama Profit is a guide for millennials to get started with a self-sustained online freelance practice, while developing their skills needed to succeed. The book talks about in-demand online skills and the different paths one can take to become an expert in these fields. A stable income from freelancing in college was the bedrock that had allowed the authors to explore their ambitions further and get to where they are today. In the process, they've worked with many of their own batch mates, colleagues and friends to help them set up highly successful freelance careers. The author duo decided to detail their story of what worked for them and how anyone in the country could thrive without being tied down to a full-time job. The authors feel the timing of the book is perfect because of the growing freelance economy and growing aspirations among millennials to find a job they love and not just something that pays their bills.

The Pyramid of Lies: Lex Greensill and the Billion-Dollar Scandal

by Duncan Mavin

An epic true story of ambition, greed and hubris that nearly brought down the British government.In March 2021, an obscure financial technology company called Greensill Capital collapsed, going into administration. As it unravelled, a multibillion-dollar scandal emerged that would shake the very foundations of the British political system, drawing in swiss bankers, global CEOs, and world leaders, including former British Prime Minister, David Cameron. At the centre was an Australian financier named Lex Greensill.Pyramid of Lies charts the meteoric rise and spectacular downfall of Greensill and his company. He had a simple idea – democratising supply chain finance – and disrupted a trillion dollar industry in the process. But a staid business model concealed dubious practices as Greensill made increasingly risky loans to fraudulent companies using other people’s money.Financial journalist Duncan Mavin, who has reported on the scandal for over three years, tells the incredible story of how a former sugar-cane farmer would go on to put tens of thousands of jobs at risk and gain unfettered access to the inner workings of the British government. With a globe-circling narrative full of scandal and intrigue, Pyramid of Lies reveals how the grubby world of shadow banking really operates.

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

by José Unpingco

This book, fully updated for Python version 3.6+, covers the key ideas that link probability, statistics, and machine learning illustrated using Python modules in these areas. All the figures and numerical results are reproducible using the Python codes provided. The author develops key intuitions in machine learning by working meaningful examples using multiple analytical methods and Python codes, thereby connecting theoretical concepts to concrete implementations. Detailed proofs for certain important results are also provided. Modern Python modules like Pandas, Sympy, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, and Keras are applied to simulate and visualize important machine learning concepts like the bias/variance trade-off, cross-validation, and regularization. Many abstract mathematical ideas, such as convergence in probability theory, are developed and illustrated with numerical examples. This updated edition now includes the Fisher Exact Test and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test. A new section on survival analysis has been included as well as substantial development of Generalized Linear Models. The new deep learning section for image processing includes an in-depth discussion of gradient descent methods that underpin all deep learning algorithms. As with the prior edition, there are new and updated *Programming Tips* that the illustrate effective Python modules and methods for scientific programming and machine learning. There are 445 run-able code blocks with corresponding outputs that have been tested for accuracy. Over 158 graphical visualizations (almost all generated using Python) illustrate the concepts that are developed both in code and in mathematics. We also discuss and use key Python modules such as Numpy, Scikit-learn, Sympy, Scipy, Lifelines, CvxPy, Theano, Matplotlib, Pandas, Tensorflow, Statsmodels, and Keras.This book is suitable for anyone with an undergraduate-level exposure to probability, statistics, or machine learning and with rudimentary knowledge of Python programming.

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

by José Unpingco

Using a novel integration of mathematics and Python codes, this book illustrates the fundamental concepts that link probability, statistics, and machine learning, so that the reader can not only employ statistical and machine learning models using modern Python modules, but also understand their relative strengths and weaknesses. To clearly connect theoretical concepts to practical implementations, the author provides many worked-out examples along with "Programming Tips" that encourage the reader to write quality Python code. The entire text, including all the figures and numerical results, is reproducible using the Python codes provided, thus enabling readers to follow along by experimenting with the same code on their own computers. Modern Python modules like Pandas, Sympy, Scikit-learn, Statsmodels, Scipy, Xarray, Tensorflow, and Keras are used to implement and visualize important machine learning concepts like the bias/variance trade-off, cross-validation, interpretability, and regularization. Many abstract mathematical ideas, such as modes of convergence in probability, are explained and illustrated with concrete numerical examples. This book is suitable for anyone with undergraduate-level experience with probability, statistics, or machine learning and with rudimentary knowledge of Python programming.

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

by José Unpingco

This book, fully updated for Python version 3.6+, covers the key ideas that link probability, statistics, and machine learning illustrated using Python modules in these areas. All the figures and numerical results are reproducible using the Python codes provided. The author develops key intuitions in machine learning by working meaningful examples using multiple analytical methods and Python codes, thereby connecting theoretical concepts to concrete implementations. Detailed proofs for certain important results are also provided. Modern Python modules like Pandas, Sympy, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, and Keras are applied to simulate and visualize important machine learning concepts like the bias/variance trade-off, cross-validation, and regularization. Many abstract mathematical ideas, such as convergence in probability theory, are developed and illustrated with numerical examples. This updated edition now includes the Fisher Exact Test and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test. A new section on survival analysis has been included as well as substantial development of Generalized Linear Models. The new deep learning section for image processing includes an in-depth discussion of gradient descent methods that underpin all deep learning algorithms. As with the prior edition, there are new and updated *Programming Tips* that the illustrate effective Python modules and methods for scientific programming and machine learning. There are 445 run-able code blocks with corresponding outputs that have been tested for accuracy. Over 158 graphical visualizations (almost all generated using Python) illustrate the concepts that are developed both in code and in mathematics. We also discuss and use key Python modules such as Numpy, Scikit-learn, Sympy, Scipy, Lifelines, CvxPy, Theano, Matplotlib, Pandas, Tensorflow, Statsmodels, and Keras.This book is suitable for anyone with an undergraduate-level exposure to probability, statistics, or machine learning and with rudimentary knowledge of Python programming.

Python for Signal Processing: Featuring IPython Notebooks

by José Unpingco

This book covers the fundamental concepts in signal processing illustrated with Python code and made available via IPython Notebooks, which are live, interactive, browser-based documents that allow one to change parameters, redraw plots, and tinker with the ideas presented in the text. Everything in the text is computable in this format and thereby invites readers to “experiment and learn” as they read. The book focuses on the core, fundamental principles of signal processing. The code corresponding to this book uses the core functionality of the scientific Python toolchain that should remain unchanged into the foreseeable future. For those looking to migrate their signal processing codes to Python, this book illustrates the key signal and plotting modules that can ease this transition. For those already comfortable with the scientific Python toolchain, this book illustrates the fundamental concepts in signal processing and provides a gateway to further signal processing concepts.

Python Programming for Data Analysis

by José Unpingco

This textbook grew out of notes for the ECE143 Programming for Data Analysis class that the author has been teaching at University of California, San Diego, which is a requirement for both graduate and undergraduate degrees in Machine Learning and Data Science. This book is ideal for readers with some Python programming experience. The book covers key language concepts that must be understood to program effectively, especially for data analysis applications. Certain low-level language features are discussed in detail, especially Python memory management and data structures. Using Python effectively means taking advantage of its vast ecosystem. The book discusses Python package management and how to use third-party modules as well as how to structure your own Python modules. The section on object-oriented programming explains features of the language that facilitate common programming patterns.After developing the key Python language features, the book moves on to third-party modules that are foundational for effective data analysis, starting with Numpy. The book develops key Numpy concepts and discusses internal Numpy array data structures and memory usage. Then, the author moves onto Pandas and details its many features for data processing and alignment. Because strong visualizations are important for communicating data analysis, key modules such as Matplotlib are developed in detail, along with web-based options such as Bokeh, Holoviews, Altair, and Plotly.The text is sprinkled with many tricks-of-the-trade that help avoid common pitfalls. The author explains the internal logic embodied in the Python language so that readers can get into the Python mindset and make better design choices in their codes, which is especially helpful for newcomers to both Python and data analysis. To get the most out of this book, open a Python interpreter and type along with the many code samples.

Python Programming Recipes for IoT Applications (Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks)

by Jivan S. Parab Madhusudan Ganuji Lanjewar Marlon Darius Sequeira Gourish Naik Arman Yusuf Shaikh

The book comprehensively covers the most important applications of the internet of things (IoT) using Python programming on Raspberry pi, Micropython Py Board, and NVIDIA Jetson Board. The authors have used an immersive ‘hands-on’ approach to help readers gain expertise in developing working code for real-world IoT applications. The book focuses on industry-standard embedded platforms for IoT applications. It also gives a glimpse of python programming and setup configuration of these embedded platforms. The later chapter highlights basic interface applications with Raspberry Pi. Exclusive advanced IoT applications on the Micropython Pyboard are also covered. The last two chapters deal with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano board programming for machine learning applications with FoG/cloud computing. The various IoT applications with different embedded platforms in this volume are best-suited for undergraduate/postgraduate students and researchers who want to get exposed to python programming for IoT applications. This book will enable readers to design their own embedded IoT products.

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