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Coaching for Leadership: Writings on Leadership from the World's Greatest Coaches (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership #399)

by Marshall Goldsmith Laurence S. Lyons Sarah McArthur

PRAISE FOR COACHING FOR LEADERSHIP "What a resource! In Coaching for Leadership, the world's best coaches come together to present an advanced tutorial on the art of coaching. Anyone interested in becoming an executive coach, either as an individual practice or within his or her organization, must immediately buy and read this essential hands-on guide" —Sally Helgesen, author The Female Vision and The Web of Inclusion "This exceptional book is a must read for individuals at all levels of organization. Coaches, HR managers, and executives hoping to become coaches will benefit greatly from the concepts, practices, and techniques brought to light in Coaching for Leadership." —Vijay Govindarajan, professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth; best-selling author of The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge "This book is very important and valuable for executives who are reaching retirement and moving into another important area of contribution: coaching others to become effective executives. It is no less significant for corporate HR executives who are increasingly called upon to manage coaching interventions on behalf of their companies' leaders." —D. Quinn Mills, professor, Harvard Business School "Coaching for Leadership explores powerful new ways to motivate your entire organization. Individuals at every level of the company will benefit from the concepts in this book." —Ken Blanchard, author, Leading at a Higher Level and The One-Minute Manager

Coaching for Managers: The Answers You Need - Now (Bullet Guides)

by Matt Somers

What's in this book?Open this book and you will... - Improve communication - Foster development - Establish goals - Encourage successLearn how to be a mentor:- Understanding mentoring- The mentoring process- Successful mentoring relationships- Skills for successful mentors and mentees- Common pitfalls- The benefits of mentoring- Advice about giving advice- Bringing it to a successful closeSample page spread: What are Bullet Guides?The answers you need - now.Clear and concise guides in a portable format. Information is displayed in an easy-to-read layout with helpful images and tables. Bullet Guides include all you need to know about a subject in a nutshell. Get right to the point without wading through loads of unnecessary information.

Coaching for Managers and Engineers (Management and Industrial Engineering)

by J. Paulo Davim Carolina Machado

This book communicates the latest developments and thinking on the coaching subject worldwide. It presents insights into coaching in the management and engineering field on an international and transnational scale. The chapters contain innovative models, processes, strategies and uses, as well as the most recent research activities relating to coaching. This book highlights key issues and uses related to coaching for managers and engineers.

Coaching for Performance

by John Whitmore

The business agenda at the start of the twenty-first century focuses on working with change and developing people’s potential and performance. The People Skills for Professionals series brings this leading theme to life with a practical range of self-development and human resource guides for anyone who wants to get the best from their peopl

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership FULLY REVISED 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION (People Skills For Professionals Ser.)

by John Whitmore

"Coaching for Performance is the proven resource for all coaches and pioneers of the future of coaching." Magdalena N. Mook, CEO, International Coach Federation (ICF)"Shines a light on what it takes to create high performance." John McFarlane, Chairman, Barclays, Chairman, TheCityUK Coaching for Performance is the definitive book for coaches, leaders, talent managers and professionals around the world. An international bestseller, featuring the influential GROW model, this book is the founding text of the coaching profession. It explains why enabling people to bring the best out of themselves is the key to driving productivity, growth, and engagement. A meaningful coaching culture has the potential to transform the relationship between organizations and employees and to put both on the path to long-term success. Written by Sir John Whitmore, the pioneer of coaching, and Performance Consultants, the global market leaders in performance coaching, this extensively revised and extended edition will revolutionize the traditional approach to organizational culture. Brand new practical exercises, corporate examples, coaching dialogues, and a glossary, strengthen the learning process, whilst a critical new chapter demonstrates how to measure the benefits of coaching as a return on investment, ensuring this landmark new edition will remain at the forefront of professional coaching and leadership development.

Coaching for Resilience: A Practical Guide to Using Positive Psychology

by Adrienne Green John Humphrey

A recent report for the CIPD indicated that stress is now the more common cause of long-term sick leave in the UK for the first time ever. Demanding workloads and lack of job security are key stress factors, but in a tough, highly competitive environment these stressors are no longer avoidable. But you can learn how to cope with the stress effectively.Coaching for Resilience is your practical guide to the principles of positive psychology. Using tried and tested techniques it will show you how to motivate and inspire your clients and yourself to build greater resilience. There are clear explanations of the principles of positive psychology throughout, with practical exercises and examples for ease of understanding. This comprehensive resource will help you develop a clear understanding of the psychology of stress and develop your own strategies to enhance resilience.

Coaching for Resilience: A Practical Guide to Using Positive Psychology

by Adrienne Green John Humphrey

A recent report for the CIPD indicated that stress is now the more common cause of long-term sick leave in the UK for the first time ever. Demanding workloads and lack of job security are key stress factors, but in a tough, highly competitive environment these stressors are no longer avoidable. But you can learn how to cope with the stress effectively.Coaching for Resilience is your practical guide to the principles of positive psychology. Using tried and tested techniques it will show you how to motivate and inspire your clients and yourself to build greater resilience. There are clear explanations of the principles of positive psychology throughout, with practical exercises and examples for ease of understanding. This comprehensive resource will help you develop a clear understanding of the psychology of stress and develop your own strategies to enhance resilience.

Coaching for Retirement: A Practical Guide

by Angela Mulvie

Retirement is a time of both challenge and opportunity, which can be a daunting prospect. This highly practical book, written for coaches and HR professionals who are supporting others through the process, shows what can be done to help people towards a successful change in their lives and circumstances as they move towards post-employment. Coaching for Retirement explores how to coach people towards sound planning for and management of retirement, from both an employer and employee perspective. The book considers how coaching has evolved to include retirement coaching as a growing specialism, and how retirement itself is changing because of a range of social, economic and political factors, both in the UK and globally. As a recent retiree herself, as well as an experienced coach, Angela Mulvie provides useful and interesting insights into the factors impacting how people plan and prepare for this next stage, answering key questions such as: How can the pre-retirement needs of staff be determined? How might retirement coaching support the decision-making processes involved? What options might individuals consider, e.g. part-time work, volunteering, pursuit of a second/portfolio career, new learning opportunities, etc.? What financial implications do people need to explore and how can these be prioritized? How can emotional aspects of retirement – health, wellbeing and relationships – be supported? What tools are available to support people in planning their retirement? As organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing support to employees at all stages of their careers, this is an essential resource for coaches, HR professionals and all professionals involved in retirement planning.

Coaching for Retirement: A Practical Guide

by Angela Mulvie

Retirement is a time of both challenge and opportunity, which can be a daunting prospect. This highly practical book, written for coaches and HR professionals who are supporting others through the process, shows what can be done to help people towards a successful change in their lives and circumstances as they move towards post-employment. Coaching for Retirement explores how to coach people towards sound planning for and management of retirement, from both an employer and employee perspective. The book considers how coaching has evolved to include retirement coaching as a growing specialism, and how retirement itself is changing because of a range of social, economic and political factors, both in the UK and globally. As a recent retiree herself, as well as an experienced coach, Angela Mulvie provides useful and interesting insights into the factors impacting how people plan and prepare for this next stage, answering key questions such as: How can the pre-retirement needs of staff be determined? How might retirement coaching support the decision-making processes involved? What options might individuals consider, e.g. part-time work, volunteering, pursuit of a second/portfolio career, new learning opportunities, etc.? What financial implications do people need to explore and how can these be prioritized? How can emotional aspects of retirement – health, wellbeing and relationships – be supported? What tools are available to support people in planning their retirement? As organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing support to employees at all stages of their careers, this is an essential resource for coaches, HR professionals and all professionals involved in retirement planning.

Coaching for Well-Being, Productivity, and Innovation: Using Perception Coaching with Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

by Barbara J. Bengtson

This book presents Perception Coaching® as a model that enables coaches to support their clients in understanding the impact of their attitudes in themselves, helping individuals, teams, and organizations reduce their inherent biases to more effectively collaborate, innovate, and support each other. Dr. Bengtson approaches coaching through the lens of educational psychology in three parts, starting with understanding self and others, moving on to interactions and teams, and finally culture and organizations. Filled with strategies throughout, the book focuses on examining natural patterns of thinking and acting to uncover perceptual filters so that the unexamined and unexplained may be brought to light and understood. Covering topics such as emotional intelligence and communication styles, the book aims to help coaches support their clients pursue purpose, increase inclusion, and create innovation. This book is invaluable reading for current and aspiring coaches and non-profit and corporate leaders, as well as talent development professionals.

Coaching for Well-Being, Productivity, and Innovation: Using Perception Coaching with Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

by Barbara J. Bengtson

This book presents Perception Coaching® as a model that enables coaches to support their clients in understanding the impact of their attitudes in themselves, helping individuals, teams, and organizations reduce their inherent biases to more effectively collaborate, innovate, and support each other. Dr. Bengtson approaches coaching through the lens of educational psychology in three parts, starting with understanding self and others, moving on to interactions and teams, and finally culture and organizations. Filled with strategies throughout, the book focuses on examining natural patterns of thinking and acting to uncover perceptual filters so that the unexamined and unexplained may be brought to light and understood. Covering topics such as emotional intelligence and communication styles, the book aims to help coaches support their clients pursue purpose, increase inclusion, and create innovation. This book is invaluable reading for current and aspiring coaches and non-profit and corporate leaders, as well as talent development professionals.

Coaching für Führungskräfte: Erklärungsmodell und Fallstudien (Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

by Jens Riedel

Jens Riedel geht der Frage nach, wie Coaching wirkt. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass Coaching handlungsleitende Kognitionen von Führungskräften verändert, erarbeitet er eine fundierte Coaching-Theorie, die auf Überlegungen des Forschungsprogramms Subjektive Theorien, der Motivations- und Volitionspsychologie sowie der Individualpsychologie aufbaut und in fünfzehn Fallstudien validiert wird. Außerdem entwickelt er eine Coaching-Methodik.

Coaching für Industrie 4.0: Empowerment für Entwicklung und Transformation

by Britt A. Wrede Karin Wiesenthal

Coaching ist bisher vor allem als hilfreicher 1:1 Dialog zur Überwindung von Leistungs- und Performancedefiziten bei Führungskräften bekannt. Coaching kann viel mehr für ein Unternehmen leisten. Richtig organisiert und implementiert, kann es das zukunftsrelevante Wissen, Können und Wollen der Führungskräfte auf gewinnbringende Weise mobilisieren und so eine unmittelbar förderliche Wirkung für Entwicklungs- und Transformationsprozesse von Unternehmen entfalten. Das Buch zeigt auf, welche Rolle der Unternehmensleitung bei der Entwicklung eines unternehmensinternen Coachingmodells zukommt, wie ein den Zukunftsanforderungen entsprechendes, internes Coachingmodell zu entwickeln ist, welche unterschiedlichen Coachingansätze es auch im Gruppenverbund gibt und was Coaching im Hinblick auf Veränderungsprozesse im Unternehmen auf den unterschiedlichen Funktionsebenen leisten kann. Dabei schlagen die Autorinnen ein neues Verständnis von Coaching als Instrument der Unternehmensentwicklung vor. Ziel ist es, einen Pfad aufzuzeigen, wie ein zukunftstaugliches Coachingmodell entwickelt und im Unternehmen verankert werden kann. Neben erweitertem Grundlagenwissen zum Coaching und zu geeigneten Coachingmodellen bietet das Buch eine Reihe von Checklisten, die zusammengenommen Personalentwicklern in Unternehmen als Anleitung dienen können. Das Buch bietet darüber hinaus Unterstützung beim Aufspüren wirklich guter Coaches am Markt und gibt Tipps, wie man diese an das Unternehmen bindet. Die Fragen aus der Praxis, die jedem Kapitel folgen, die Checklisten und die Grafiken sind so gestaltet, dass alles zusammen als Leitfaden beim Aufbau und beim Umbau des unternehmensinternen Coachingangebots verwendet werden kann. Ein Leitfaden für Fachkräfte der Personalentwicklung und Unternehmensleitungen, die sich ein Coachingmodell erarbeiten wollen, das den Zukunftsanforderungen gerecht werden kann. Darüber hinaus ist der Band als Lehrbuch für eine Coachausbildung und Weiterbildung geeignet.

The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers and Managers (1st edition) (PDF)

by Sara Thorpe

Coaching is proving to be one of the most popular and most effective techniques in the field of learning and development. Managers are constantly being reminded that coaching is an important part of their role in getting the best from staff, while trainers are increasingly being called upon to coach individuals in a variety of aspects of both work and life.This one-stop book aims to provide everything readers need to be able to harness this technique. Part 1 of the book provides a detailed and clearly structured step-by-step approach, which should help anyone to develop their ability to coach others. Importantly however, as well as helping to develop the skills of coaching, the authors provide valuable guidance on: where to start when coaching a colleague; how long the coaching will take; and which methods should be employed and when. Part 2 provides a range of real-life case studies from a variety of commercial and non-commercial settings that will help you to decide how coaching can best be tailored to your own organization. The final part of the book contains detailed practical exercises that can be used in a variety of settings. Each of these individual elements combine to provide the definitive coaching handbook.

The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers and Managers (Kogan Page Ser.)

by Sara Thorpe Jackie Clifford

Coaching is proving to be one of the most popular and most effective techniques in the field of learning and development. Managers are constantly being reminded that coaching is an important part of their role in getting the best from staff, while trainers are increasingly being called upon to coach individuals in a variety of aspects of both work and life.This one-stop book aims to provide everything readers need to be able to harness this technique. Part 1 of the book provides a detailed and clearly structured step-by-step approach, which should help anyone to develop their ability to coach others. Importantly however, as well as helping to develop the skills of coaching, the authors provide valuable guidance on: where to start when coaching a colleague; how long the coaching will take; and which methods should be employed and when. Part 2 provides a range of real-life case studies from a variety of commercial and non-commercial settings that will help you to decide how coaching can best be tailored to your own organization. The final part of the book contains detailed practical exercises that can be used in a variety of settings. Each of these individual elements combine to provide the definitive coaching handbook.

Coaching im Natursetting: Ein interaktionales Modell zur Veränderung der Denk- und Handlungsmuster von Führungskräften

by Maximilian Basener

Naturerleben als resilienzfördernder Faktor gewinnt auch im wissenschaftlichen Kontext immer mehr an Aktualität: es kann - neben einer Stressreduktion - auch tiefgehende Reflexionen anstoßen. Erfahrungen in der Natur sind aber nicht nur belastungslindernd, sondern steigern auch die Problemlösungskompetenz. Gerade heutige Führungskräfte unterliegen einer hohen Anzahl arbeitsbedingter Beanspruchungen, die ein hohes Maß an Reflexionsfähigkeit erfordern. Der schnelle und angemessene Umgang mit ihren beruflichen Herausforderungen ist maßgeblich an persönliche Denk- und Handlungsmuster gebunden. Um diese zu erkennen und gegebenenfalls zu ändern, ist Coaching ein geeignetes Mittel. So können Führungskräfte einerseits mit ihren handlungsleitenden Denk- und Handlungsmustern „in Kontakt kommen“ und individuelle Lösungen finden und andererseits diese Lösungen auch in den Führungskräfte-Alltag umsetzen. Welchen Einfluss Natur im Rahmen eines Führungskräfte-Coachings auch hinsichtlich der Denk- und Handlungsmuster haben könnte, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Hierfür wird das „Natur-Coaching-Interaktionsmodell für Führungskräfte“ entwickelt. Es bietet praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für naturgestützte Interventionsmöglichkeiten, bei denen auch tieferliegenden Denk- und Handlungsmuster bearbeitet werden.

Coaching im Rahmen der Auslandsentsendung: Modelle, Tools und Reflexionsfragen für einen erfolgreichen Auslandseinsatz

by Judith Eidems Susan Höntzsch

Dieser Herausgeberband behandelt die Bedeutung, die Wirkweisen und den Nutzen von Coaching für Expatriates und ihre Familien im Rahmen ihres Auslandsabenteuers. Durch das Hinzuziehen von Theorien aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen werden neuartige Erklärungen für den Gebrauch von Coaching in der internationalen Personalpraxis entwickelt. Wirkungsvolles Expatriate Coaching – Anleitungen und Erklärungen für Expatriates, Coachs und internationale Unternehmen Es ist sinnvoll, einem Entsandten und seiner Familie in den unterschiedlichen Phasen der Entsendung einen Coach zur Seite zu stellen, um mit interkulturellen Herausforderungen, Identitätsveränderungen, neuen Erwartungen als auch Heimweh besser umzugehen. Es werden zentrale Themen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Coaching erörtert und es wird dargelegt, wie Coaching den Erfolg einer Auslandsentsendung positiv beeinflussen kann. Unternehmen, Expatriates und deren Familien sowie Coachs werden für die Komplexität einer Entsendung sensibilisiert und erhalten theoretisch hergeleitete Anhaltspunkte und praxisnahe Implikationen für den Einsatz von Coachingmaßnahmen. Die einzelnen Beiträge offerieren darüber hinaus Coachingfragen und Übungen – auch zum Selbstcoaching von Expatriates. Die Herausgeberinnen Judith Eidems und Susan Höntzsch bilden gemeinsam mit den unterstützenden Autorinnen und Autoren die Breite des Themas aus psychologischer, betriebswirtschaftlicher sowie pädagogischer Sicht ab. Der InhaltNutzen und Wirksamkeit von Coaching für ExpatriatesCoaching innerhalb der verschiedenen Phasen der AuslandsentsendungCoaching für verschiedene Zielgruppen und ÜbungenErkenntnisse aus der Coachingforschung

Coaching in der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung: Für selbstbestimmtere Mitarbeitende (essentials)

by Michael Loebbert

Michael Loebbert gibt in diesem essential einen Überblick darüber, wie Coaching in der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung eingeführt und genutzt werden kann. Der Autor stellt Vorgehensweisen und Konzepte dar und weist auf Hürden sowie Risiken hin. Das traditionelle Verhältnis von Person und Organisation in der Arbeitswelt verändert sich. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung als unternehmerische Funktion – den Mitarbeitenden die für sie passenden Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen – braucht und ist immer mehr Coaching. Coaching-Angebote, Coaching-Programme und die Verzahnung mit organisationalen Leistungsprozessen rücken deshalb in den Mittelpunkt moderner Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung.

Coaching in der Sozialwirtschaft: Führungskräfteentwicklung im Bereich sozialer Dienstleistungen

by Esther Weingärtner

Esther Weingärtner thematisiert die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Coaching innerhalb der Sozialwirtschaft, wobei sie die besonderen Personalführungsbedingungen in der Sozialen Arbeit berücksichtigt. Sie skizziert die Entwicklung des Coachings und den derzeitigen Forschungsstand des Beratungsformats und vergleicht sie mit anderen Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für Führungskräfte. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt jedoch auf der Praxis des Coachings. Die Autorin erläutert ausführlich die unterschiedlichen Arten und Settings von Coaching sowie das Anforderungsprofil des Coachs und die strukturell und methodisch gestalteten Prozessabläufe.

Coaching in Government: Stories and Tips for Coaching Professionals

by Theodora J. Fitzsimmons Marykate Behan Dougherty Alan Lee Myers

This book captures the story of how internal coaching was introduced and has since evolved in the U.S. Federal Government. It provides coaches and government agency leaders with skills and tools to help them implement their own successful coaching programs. Written by leaders in the field, the book follows the stories of several pioneers who have implemented coaching programs in government, aiming to help coaches learn from their mistakes and gain from their wisdom. Filled with interviews, case studies, reflective questions, and how-to action points, each chapter accessibly highlights the successes and failures of each program's journey so that professionals can incorporate these lessons in their own practice. Chapters take readers from the beginning considerations to contemplating the future of their programs, focusing on setting a vision, overcoming issues and challenges, leveraging predictors of success, making key decisions, building foundations for sustainability, and creating continuing education for sustainment of change. Accessible and relatable, these stories will help professionals learn from those that have come before them, helping them begin the groundswell of change effectively and proactively in their own programs. This book is essential reading for coaches and government agency leaders, as well as for any public sector agency and any private sector organization that is interested in implementing coaching.

Coaching in Government: Stories and Tips for Coaching Professionals

by Theodora J. Fitzsimmons Marykate Behan Dougherty Alan Lee Myers

This book captures the story of how internal coaching was introduced and has since evolved in the U.S. Federal Government. It provides coaches and government agency leaders with skills and tools to help them implement their own successful coaching programs. Written by leaders in the field, the book follows the stories of several pioneers who have implemented coaching programs in government, aiming to help coaches learn from their mistakes and gain from their wisdom. Filled with interviews, case studies, reflective questions, and how-to action points, each chapter accessibly highlights the successes and failures of each program's journey so that professionals can incorporate these lessons in their own practice. Chapters take readers from the beginning considerations to contemplating the future of their programs, focusing on setting a vision, overcoming issues and challenges, leveraging predictors of success, making key decisions, building foundations for sustainability, and creating continuing education for sustainment of change. Accessible and relatable, these stories will help professionals learn from those that have come before them, helping them begin the groundswell of change effectively and proactively in their own programs. This book is essential reading for coaches and government agency leaders, as well as for any public sector agency and any private sector organization that is interested in implementing coaching.

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation: How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish

by Liz Hall

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation takes an in-depth look at crisis and change in the world we live in today and discusses its impact on both individuals and organizations. Covering not just coaching in the current crisis but any time of crisis and change, it offers a complete, practical resource for managers and coaches to tackle the challenges effectively. This book can help turn a crisis, whether personal or systemic into an opportunity for transformation. Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation covers definitions of crisis from both the individual and organizational perspective, including insights on: adapting to change and finding opportunities in crisis, what neuroscience tells us about our reactions to change, transformative coaching, change models, supporting organizations in crisis and how coaching and mentoring can act as preventative measures against crises.

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation: How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish

by Liz Hall

Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation takes an in-depth look at crisis and change in the world we live in today and discusses its impact on both individuals and organizations. Covering not just coaching in the current crisis but any time of crisis and change, it offers a complete, practical resource for managers and coaches to tackle the challenges effectively. This book can help turn a crisis, whether personal or systemic into an opportunity for transformation. Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation covers definitions of crisis from both the individual and organizational perspective, including insights on: adapting to change and finding opportunities in crisis, what neuroscience tells us about our reactions to change, transformative coaching, change models, supporting organizations in crisis and how coaching and mentoring can act as preventative measures against crises.

Coaching In A Week: Be A Great Coach In Seven Simple Steps (TYW)

by Matt Somers

Coaching just got easierIn recent years the idea of coaching and the role of coach have made the journey from the sports field, via Human Resources, to become part of everyday managerial life. The terms 'coach' and 'coaching' have become common, even trendy, but both are widely misunderstood. If you ask anyone to define the word 'coach', you will get a wide variety of responses.By using coaching, we can tap into the huge reserves of talent and potential that lie dormant in most people. As managers, we can develop people without having to rely on passing on our own skills and knowledge, which may already be out of date. Using our skills in coaching, we can help our people access their ability without needing more than a basic grasp of the technicalities of their role.This book aims to give you enough knowledge and appreciation of coaching that you can begin to develop your own approach. Each of the seven chapters in Coaching In A Week covers a different aspect of coaching:- Sunday: What is coaching?- Monday: The manager as coach- Tuesday: The key principles of coaching- Wednesday: The coaching ARROW, part 1- Thursday: The coaching ARROW, part 2- Friday: Coaching in context- Saturday: Coaching in organizations

Coaching Into Greatness: 4 Steps to Success in Business and Life

by Kim George

Internationally acclaimed business coach and consultant Kim George provides an easy-to-master process for coaches to bring out innate greatness and achieve peak performance. George introduces a new kind of intelligence quotient, Abundance Intelligence. AQ is the key to living into greatness, moving from a mentality of scarcity to one of abundance. Using her proven four-step process, you will learn to move your clients past their illusions to embrace the abundance aptitudes of self-worth, empathy, self-expression, surrender, actualization, significance, and inquiry. Personal examples, client case studies, and profiles of highly successful individuals demonstrate how the process works and how it helps individuals live into greatness.

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