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Annotierte Bibliographie der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von 1750 bis 1900 / Bibliographie annotée de livres suisses pour l'enfance et la jeunesse de 1750 à 1900

by l'Institut suisse de littérature pour la jeunesse, Zurich Claudia Weilenmann Schweizer Jugendbuch-Institut, Zürich Josian Cetlin

Die Bibliographie weist 4009 Titel nach und gibt einen repräsentativen Überblick über die deutsch- und französischsprachige, die räteromanische und zum Teil auch die italienischsprachige Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von 1570 bis 1750

by Otto Brunken

Literatur für Kinder im Wandel der Zeit. In 55 Einzelanalysen und einer über 1.000 Titel umfassenden kommentierten Bibliografie dokumentiert der Band den zunehmenden Einsatz von Bildern zur Sach- und Sprachbelehrung, die Anpassung der Stoffe an die kindliche Fassungskraft und das deutliche Zurücktreten des Lateinischen. Ein umfangreiches Verzeichnis der Sekundärliteratur, der Nachdrucke und zeitgenössischer Quellen sowie zahlreiche Register ergänzen das Werk.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Vom Beginn des Buchdrucks bis 1570

by Otto Brunken

Das reich illustrierte Handbuch erschließt die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur vom Beginn des Buchdrucks bis 1570 in Überblicksartikeln, Einzeldarstellungen und kommentierter Bibliografie. In ausgewählten Einzelanalysen zeigt der Band Werke, die die zeitgenössischen Strömungen reflektieren und charakteristische Funktionen haben. Die Herausgeber dokumentieren die Ausprägungen der Begriffe Kindheit und Jugend, die Probleme der historischen Anfänge und die Verwendung von Einblattdrucken und Bilderbögen.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von 1750 bis 1800

by Hans-Heino Ewers

Über 1.000 Werke der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Porträt. Lesebücher, Enzyklopädien, Schulanthologien, Sachbücher, Belletristik, moralisch erziehende und religiöse Werke, ABC-Bücher, Bastelbücher und Haushaltslehren zählen zu den vorgestellten Titeln. So liefert der Band einen detaillierten Überblick über eine der wichtigsten historischen Entwicklungsphasen der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.

Klassiker der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Ein internationales Lexikon

by Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer

"Emil und die Detektive", "Pippi Langstrumpf" oder "Alice im Wunderland" - wer hat die Klassiker als Kind nicht selbst gern gelesen? Doch wem sind auch "Papelucho", "Kevade" oder "Poil de Carotte" geläufig? Wer sich ausführlich über Inhalt, Bedeutung und Wirkung der international bekannten Kinderbücher kundig machen möchte, sollte in diesem Lexikon nachschlagen. Eine Fundgrube von 534 Kinderbüchern aus über 60 Ländern, davon ein Drittel aus der Zeit nach 1945.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 2001/2002: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2001

by Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff Hans-Heino Ewers Carola Pohlmann

Das neue Jahrbuch bietet zunächst eine Reihe historischer Studien: Ute Dettmar untersucht die konkurrierenden Robinson-Bearbeitungen Campes und Wezels, Susanne Pellatz die religiösen Mädchenzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Gisela Wilkending beschäftigt sich mit der Verschmelzung von Jugendliteratur und Massenunterhaltung in der Zeit um 1900. Irmgard Wagner stellt die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts populäre Autorin Tony Schumacher vor. Mit der Kinderliteratur der Gegenwart befassen sich Heinz-Jürgen Kliewer und Ernst Seibert. Zwei Forschungsberichte - von Bernhard Rank zur kinderliterarischen Phantastik, von Martin-Christoph Just zu Enid Blyton - schließen sich an. Den Abschluss bildet wie üblich ein umfangreicher Rezensionsteil und eine Bibliographie der Fachliteratur des Vorjahres 2001.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 2002/2003: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2002

by Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff Hans-Heino Ewers Carola Pohlmann

Schwerpunkt des Jahrbuchs 2002/2003 sind - mit Tamara Ramsay, Astrid Lindgren und Enid Blyton - Klassiker der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Weitere Beiträge gelten u.a. der Darstellung der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in deutschen Literaturgeschichten vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert sowie der aktuellen Thematik des Klonens in jugendliterarischen Texten. Ergänzt wird der Band durch einen ausführlichen Rezensionsteil sowie die Gesamtbibliographie der 2002 erschienenen Fachliteratur.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 2000/2001: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2000

by Carola Pohlmann Verena Rutschmann Ernst Seibert Jack Zipes Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung

Die siebte Folge des Jahrbuches enthält Beiträge zum (kindlichen und jugendlichen) Leser im Text: Ute Dettmar und Elisabeth Stuck befassen sich mit Kindern als Leser und Laiendarsteller von Kinderschauspielen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer untersucht den kindlichen Leser als Entzifferer von intertextuellen Bezügen. Andrea Weinmann zeichnet die Figur des kindlichen Zuhörers in Kinderbüchern der 50er und 60er Jahre nach, während Gunther Reiss sich mit Strategien der Leserlenkung in Texten von Gudrun Pausewang auseinandersetzt. Heinrich Kaulen untersucht das Motiv jugendlicher Schlüssellektüre im Adoleszenzroman der Moderne, um dessen Verschwinden im Zeitalter der Postmoderne zu konstatieren. Beiträge von Gabriele von Glasenapp zum Wandel des historischen Romans für junge Leser und von Karin Richter und Ute Frey zur Medienrezeption von Grundschülern schließen sich an. Ein umfassender Rezensionsteil und eine Bibliographie der Fachliteratur des Vorjahrs (ca. 1.600 Titel) runden den Band ab.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 1999/2000: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 1999

Die sechste Folge des Jahrbuchs widmet sich dem Thema »Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und Erziehung/Pädagogik«.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: SBZ/DDR. Von 1945 bis 1990

by Theodor Brüggemann

Wichtiger Baustein zur deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. In repräsentativer Auswahl werden die zentralen Werke aus allen Gattungen und Genres der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der SBZ/DDR vorgestellt. Mit ausführlicher Bibliografie erschließt der Band den aktuellen Forschungsstand.

Geschichte der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur

Familie, Kindheit und Erziehung Trendthema in der Öffentlichkeit und der Wissenschaft. Immer stärker in den Blickpunkt rückt deshalb die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Die 3. Auflage des Standardwerkes greift die aktuellen Debatten auf und verlagert das Gewicht auf die Entwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert mit vielen neuen Einschätzungen, Tendenzen im Buchbereich und dem Einsatz von Medien. Darunter: MC/CD, Film, Fernsehen und Computer. Autorenporträts, Werkanalysen und eine Fülle von Illustrationen sorgen für Anschaulichkeit.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Von 1850 bis 1900

Wichtiger Baustein zur Erforschung der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. In repräsentativer Auswahl werden die zentralen Werke aller Gattungen der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur von 1850 bis 1900 vorgestellt. Mit der ausführlichen Bibliografie erschließt der Band 1000 Werke der aktuellen Forschung. Inklusive CD-ROM mit 780 Illustrationen aus Kinder- und Jugendbüchern.

The Road to Wicked: The Marketing and Consumption of Oz from L. Frank Baum to Broadway

by Kent Drummond Susan Aronstein Terri L. Rittenburg

The Road to Wicked examines the long life of the Oz myth. It is both a study in cultural sustainability— the capacity of artists, narratives, art forms, and genres to remain viable over time—and an examination of the marketing machinery and consumption patterns that make such sustainability possible. Drawing on the fields of macromarketing, consumer behavior, literary and cultural studies, and theories of adaption and remediation, the authors examine key adaptations and extensions of Baum’s 1900 novel. These include the original Oz craze, the MGM film and its television afterlife, Wicked and its extensions, and Oz the Great and Powerful—Disney’s recent (and highly lucrative) venture that builds on the considerable success of Wicked. At the end of the book, the authors offer a foundational framework for a new theory of cultural sustainability and propose a set of explanatory conditions under which any artistic experience might achieve it.

The Road to Wicked: The Marketing and Consumption of Oz from L. Frank Baum to Broadway

by Kent Drummond Susan Aronstein Terri L. Rittenburg

The Road to Wicked examines the long life of the Oz myth. It is both a study in cultural sustainability— the capacity of artists, narratives, art forms, and genres to remain viable over time—and an examination of the marketing machinery and consumption patterns that make such sustainability possible. Drawing on the fields of macromarketing, consumer behavior, literary and cultural studies, and theories of adaption and remediation, the authors examine key adaptations and extensions of Baum’s 1900 novel. These include the original Oz craze, the MGM film and its television afterlife, Wicked and its extensions, and Oz the Great and Powerful—Disney’s recent (and highly lucrative) venture that builds on the considerable success of Wicked. At the end of the book, the authors offer a foundational framework for a new theory of cultural sustainability and propose a set of explanatory conditions under which any artistic experience might achieve it.

Fashion in the Fairy Tale Tradition (PDF)

by Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario

This book is a journey through the fairy-tale wardrobe, explaining how the mercurial nature of fashion has shaped and transformed the Western fairy-tale tradition. Many of fairy tale’s most iconic images are items of dress: the glass slippers, the red capes, the gowns shining like the sun, and the red shoes. The material cultures from which these items have been conjured reveal the histories of patronage, political intrigue, class privilege, and sexual politics behind the most famous fairy tales. The book not only reveals the sartorial truths behind Cinderella’s lost slippers, but reveals the networks of female power woven into fairy tale itself.

Fashion in the Fairy Tale Tradition: What Cinderella Wore

by Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario

This book is a journey through the fairy-tale wardrobe, explaining how the mercurial nature of fashion has shaped and transformed the Western fairy-tale tradition. Many of fairy tale’s most iconic images are items of dress: the glass slippers, the red capes, the gowns shining like the sun, and the red shoes. The material cultures from which these items have been conjured reveal the histories of patronage, political intrigue, class privilege, and sexual politics behind the most famous fairy tales. The book not only reveals the sartorial truths behind Cinderella’s lost slippers, but reveals the networks of female power woven into fairy tale itself.

Ecocritical Perspectives on Children's Texts and Cultures: Nordic Dialogues (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)

by Nina Goga Lykke Guanio-Uluru Bjørg Oddrun Hallås Aslaug Nyrnes

This volume presents key contributions to the study of ecocriticism in Nordic children’s and YA literary and cultural texts, in dialogue with international classics. It investigates the extent to which texts for children and young adults reflect current environmental concerns. The chapters are grouped into five thematic areas: Ethics and Aesthetics, Landscape, Vegetal, Animal, and Human, and together they explore Nordic representations and a Nordic conception, or feeling, of nature. The textual analyses are complemented with the lived experiences of outdoor learning practices in preschools and schools captured through children’s own statements. The volume highlights the growing influence of posthumanist theory and the continuing traces of anthropocentric concerns within contemporary children’s literature and culture, and a non-dualistic understanding of nature-culture interaction is reflected in the conceptual tool of the volume: The Nature in Culture Matrix.

Ecocritical Perspectives on Children's Texts and Cultures: Nordic Dialogues (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)

by Nina Goga Lykke Guanio-Uluru Bjørg Oddrun Hallås Aslaug Nyrnes

This volume presents key contributions to the study of ecocriticism in Nordic children’s and YA literary and cultural texts, in dialogue with international classics. It investigates the extent to which texts for children and young adults reflect current environmental concerns. The chapters are grouped into five thematic areas: Ethics and Aesthetics, Landscape, Vegetal, Animal, and Human, and together they explore Nordic representations and a Nordic conception, or feeling, of nature. The textual analyses are complemented with the lived experiences of outdoor learning practices in preschools and schools captured through children’s own statements. The volume highlights the growing influence of posthumanist theory and the continuing traces of anthropocentric concerns within contemporary children’s literature and culture, and a non-dualistic understanding of nature-culture interaction is reflected in the conceptual tool of the volume: The Nature in Culture Matrix.

Cruel Children in Popular Texts and Cultures (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)

by Monica Flegel Christopher Parkes

This book explores how alarmist social discourses about 'cruel' young people fail to recognize the complexity of cruelty and the role it plays in child agency. Examining representations of cruel young people in popular texts and popular culture, the collected essays demonstrate how gender, race, and class influence who gets labeled 'cruel' and which actions are viewed as negative, aggressive, and disruptive. It shows how representations of cruel young people negotiate the violence that shadows polite society, and how narratives of cruelty and aggression are used to affirm, or to deny, young people’s agency.

Cruel Children in Popular Texts and Cultures (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)

by Monica Flegel Christopher Parkes

This book explores how alarmist social discourses about 'cruel' young people fail to recognize the complexity of cruelty and the role it plays in child agency. Examining representations of cruel young people in popular texts and popular culture, the collected essays demonstrate how gender, race, and class influence who gets labeled 'cruel' and which actions are viewed as negative, aggressive, and disruptive. It shows how representations of cruel young people negotiate the violence that shadows polite society, and how narratives of cruelty and aggression are used to affirm, or to deny, young people’s agency.

Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days: Collected Utopian Tales / New and Revised Edition

by Jack Zipes

This book is a collection of traditional German fairy tales and fables, deliberately transformed into utopian narratives and social commentary by political activists in the Weimar Republic (1919-1933). Against a backdrop of financial and political instability, widespread homelessness, and the reformation of public institutions, numerous gifted writers such as Berta Lask, Kurt Schwitters, Hermynia zur Mühlen, Oskar Maria Graf, Bruno Schönlank, and Joachim Ringelnatz responded to the need for hope among the common people by creating fairy tales and fables that offered a new and critical vision of social conditions. Though many of their tales deal with the grim situation of common people and their apparent helplessness, they are founded on the principle of hope. This revised edition includes over 50 illustrations by contemporary international artists who reveal how similar the Weimar conditions were to the conditions in which we presently live. In this respect, the Weimar fairy tales and fables have not lost their spirit and significance.

Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days: Collected Utopian Tales / New and Revised Edition

by Jack Zipes

This book is a collection of traditional German fairy tales and fables, deliberately transformed into utopian narratives and social commentary by political activists in the Weimar Republic (1919-1933). Against a backdrop of financial and political instability, widespread homelessness, and the reformation of public institutions, numerous gifted writers such as Berta Lask, Kurt Schwitters, Hermynia zur Mühlen, Oskar Maria Graf, Bruno Schönlank, and Joachim Ringelnatz responded to the need for hope among the common people by creating fairy tales and fables that offered a new and critical vision of social conditions. Though many of their tales deal with the grim situation of common people and their apparent helplessness, they are founded on the principle of hope. This revised edition includes over 50 illustrations by contemporary international artists who reveal how similar the Weimar conditions were to the conditions in which we presently live. In this respect, the Weimar fairy tales and fables have not lost their spirit and significance.

Terry Pratchett's Narrative Worlds: From Giant Turtles to Small Gods

by Marion Rana

This book highlights the multi-dimensionality of the work of British fantasy writer and Discworld creator Terry Pratchett. Taking into account content, political commentary, and literary technique, it explores the impact of Pratchett's work on fantasy writing and genre conventions.With chapters on gender, multiculturalism, secularism, education, and relativism, Section One focuses on different characters’ situatedness within Pratchett’s novels and what this may tell us about the direction of his social, religious and political criticism. Section Two discusses the aesthetic form that this criticism takes, and analyses the post- and meta-modern aspects of Pratchett’s writing, his use of humour, and genre adaptations and deconstructions. This is the ideal collection for any literary and cultural studies scholar, researcher or student interested in fantasy and popular culture in general, and in Terry Pratchett in particular.

Terry Pratchett's Narrative Worlds: From Giant Turtles To Small Gods (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)

by Marion Rana

This book highlights the multi-dimensionality of the work of British fantasy writer and Discworld creator Terry Pratchett. Taking into account content, political commentary, and literary technique, it explores the impact of Pratchett's work on fantasy writing and genre conventions.With chapters on gender, multiculturalism, secularism, education, and relativism, Section One focuses on different characters’ situatedness within Pratchett’s novels and what this may tell us about the direction of his social, religious and political criticism. Section Two discusses the aesthetic form that this criticism takes, and analyses the post- and meta-modern aspects of Pratchett’s writing, his use of humour, and genre adaptations and deconstructions. This is the ideal collection for any literary and cultural studies scholar, researcher or student interested in fantasy and popular culture in general, and in Terry Pratchett in particular.

The Boy Detective in Early British Children’s Literature: Patrolling the Borders between Boyhood and Manhood

by Lucy Andrew

This book maps the development of the boy detective in British children’s literature from the mid-nineteenth to the early-twentieth century. It explores how this liminal figure – a boy operating within a man’s world – addresses adult anxieties about boyhood and the boy’s transition to manhood. It investigates the literary, social and ideological significance of a vast array of popular detective narratives appearing in ‘penny dreadfuls’ and story papers which were aimed primarily at working-class boys. This study charts the relationship between developments in the representation of the fictional boy detective and changing expectations of and attitudes towards real-life British boys during a period where the boy’s role in the future of the Empire was a key concern. It emphasises the value of the early fictional boy detective as an ideological tool to condition boy readers to fulfil adult desires and expectations of what boyhood and, in the future, proper manhood should entail. It will be of particular importance to scholars working in the fields of children’s literature, crime fiction and popular culture.

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