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Showing 85,876 through 85,900 of 100,000 results

The DVB-H Handbook: The Functioning and Planning of Mobile TV

by Jyrki T. Penttinen Petri Jolma Erkki Aaltonen Jani Väre

A guide to implementing the DVB-H system for the carriage of MobileTV services, The DVB-H Handbook provides an overview of all aspects of the specification. Placing particular emphasis on the technical elements, it includes important information on the signalling and service discovery. The background, functioning, planning and optimisation of DVB-H are systematically explained for use in network planning and optimization. Subjects such as coding, different modes for channel delivery and protection in core and radio system are detailed. Giving examples on the practical interpretation of the DVB-H specifications, this book also describes the process behind the realization of the end-to-end system. • Outlines the functioning, planning and optimization of the complete DVB-H system • Spans topics from physical network planning and link layer specifications, to application ingredients such as EPGs and audiovisual streaming technologies • Uses illustrations and selected case examples reflecting real-life practice to give greater understanding • Functions as an overview of the topic, as well as a tutorial for implementing the system • A must-read for beginners as well as established experts within the field of Mobile broadcasting

DVB - Digitale Fernsehtechnik: Datenkompression und Übertragung

by Ulrich Reimers

DVB - Digitale Fernsehtechnik dokumentiert das technische Rüstzeug des Digitalen Fernsehens. Ulrich Reimers - Entwicklungsleiter des Industrie-geführten, internationalen DVB-Projekts - und sein Autorenteam beschreiben die Technologien des Digitalen Fernsehens aus der Perspektive derjenigen, die deren Entwicklung und Standardisierung vorangetrieben haben. Diese 3. Auflage baut auf den Vorauflagen aus den 90er Jahren auf, die schon die Audio- und Videoübertragungstechniken für das Digitale Fernsehen einschließlich der zugehörigen Kanalcodierung sowie die digitale Modulation für die einzelnen Anwendungen, JPEG- und MPEG-Standards, die Systemebene und die Multiplexbildung sowie die Messtechnik behandelten. In dieser Auflage neu sind die Kapitel über Datenrundfunk, die Standards für Interaktive Dienste und die Multimedia Home Platform (MHP). Umfassendere Aktualisierungen wurden in der Einführung sowie den Kapiteln über MPEG-2-Systeme/Multiplexing und DBV-T vorgenommen.

DVB: The Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Ulrich Reimers

This second edition provides first-hand information about the most recent developments in the exciting and fast moving field of telecommunications media and consumer electronics. The DVB group developed the standards which are being used in Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, and many other parts of the world. Some 150 major TV broadcasting companies as well as suppliers for technical equipment are members of the project. This standard is expected to be accepted for worldwide digital HDTV broadcasting. This book is readable for non-experts with a background in analog transmission, and demonstrates the fascinating possibilities of digital technology. For the second edition, the complete text has been up-dated thoroughly. The latest DVB standards are included in three new sections on Interactive Television, Data Broadcasting, and The Multimedia Home Platform.

The DV-Xα Molecular-Orbital Calculation Method

by Tomohiko Ishii Hisanobu Wakita Kazuyoshi Ogasawara Yang-Soo Kim

This multi-author contributed volume contains chapters featuring the development of the DV-Xα method and its application to a variety of problems in Materials Science and Spectroscopy written by leaders of the respective fields. The volume contains a Foreword written by the Chairs of Japanese and Korea DV-X alpha Societies. This book is aimed at individuals working in Quantum Chemistry.

DV-Unterstützung beim Planen und Einführen von CIM-Lösungen (Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik #10)

by Hubert Schüle

CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) bezeichnet die organisatorische und DV-technische Verknüpfung von betriebswirtschaftlichen und technischen Abläufen in Industriebetrieben. Das Buch behandelt Vorgehensweisen und Werkzeuge, mit denen die Aufgaben beim Planen und Einführen betriebsspezifischer CIM-Lösungen methodisch und inhaltlich unterstützt werden können. Es wird ein CIM-Planungstool beschrieben, bei dem auf der Basis eines 3-phasigen Vorgehens auf die Charakteristik der jeweiligen Aufgabenstellung abgestimmte Werkzeugmodule in einen umfassenden CIM-Planungsansatz eingebettet sind. Zur Realisierung des Planungstools wurden ein Expertensystem, CASE-basierte (Computer Aided Software Engineering) Referenzmodelle und ein Hypertextsystem kombiniert. Das CIM-Planungstool gestattet es, die Aufgaben der CIM-Planung sehr umfassend und effizient sowie auf einer einheitlichen Informationsbasis mit festgelegten Vorgehensweisen abzuwickeln. Dadurch läßt sich das Einführen sowie Weiterentwickeln von anspruchsvollen CIM-Lösungen beschleunigen. Das Buch verdeutlicht umfassend und detailliert die Komplexität und Vielschichtigkeit der Aufgaben zur CIM-Planung sowie deren wechselseitige Abhängigkeiten. Das Aufgabenspektrum reicht dabei von der Analyse der strategischen Wirkung einzelner CIM-Bausteine, über die daten- und funktionsorientierte Gestaltung eines CIM-Konzepts bis zum Berücksichtigen der organisatorischen und personellen Implikationen von CIM. Insbesondere wird gezeigt, wie sich mit dem Einsatz moderner Werkzeuge und Methoden sowie einer sinnvollen Vorgehensweise die CIM-Planung und -Einführung besser beherrschen läßt.

DV-Revision: Ordnungsmäßigkeit, Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit von DV-Systemen (Zielorientiertes Business Computing)

by Sixta Zerlauth

Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über wesentliche Aspekte und Teilbereiche der DV-Revision. Nicht nur für den Anfänger, sondern auch für den Praktiker in diesem Tätigkeitsfeld werden eine Vielzahl von Anregungen gegeben. Anhand eines "roten Fadens" führen die Autoren den Leser schrittweise voran - sowohl Prüfer als auch "Geprüfte" bekommen einen praxisorientierten Einblick in die Grundlagen, Vorgehensweisen und Abläufe einer DV-Revision, die sich weniger mit Spezialthemen, als vielmehr der Ordnungsmäßigkeit, Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit des DV-Einsatzes im Unternehmen insgesamt befaßt.

Dutch Elm Disease Research: Cellular and Molecular Approaches

by Mariam B. Sticklen James L. Sherald

Dutch elm disease is a significant problem in forestry and horticulture which has proven remarkably difficult to ameliorate. Since the introduction of the Dutch elm disease pathogen to North America, the disease has devastated the elm population of this continent and has been the subject of intensive research. This book summarizes the range of approaches that have been taken to address the disease, and emphasizes the significant progress over the past decade in applying methods from cell and molecular biology. Dutch Elm Disease: Cellular and Molecular Approaches will be of interest to scientists in plant pathology, horticulture, forestry, biological control, and plant breeding.

Dust Extraction and Handling in the Wood Industry (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Endre Magoss György Sitkei Zoltán Kocsis

This book examines a topic which is an indispensable part of any production line in the wood industry: the extraction, separation, handling of dust and chips, ensuring clean air in the workrooms, and avoiding health, fire and explosion risks. All scientific backgrounds of these problems are not fully known today, and efforts should be made to fill this gap. The work contains significant new derivations and calculation methods and experimental results to support design and evaluation methods such as particle size distributions depending on wood species and machining, terminal velocity of small wood particles, aerodynamics of suction hoods, a detailed analysis of particle separation in cyclones, selection and evaluation of separation efficiency for appropriate filter selection, energy consumption and transportation efficiency of pneumatic conveying, a comprehensive theory of transport ventilators. Several new details of dust explosion are also included. The calculation methods, practical solutions and recommendations are supported by physically well-established explanations providing long-lasting knowledge.

Dust Explosions

by Jean Cross Donald Farrer

The interest of the media in dust explosions increased considerably following two major grain-elevator disasters in the United States in 1979. However, these were not isolated incidents and were statistically unusual only in the high loss of life involved. Any oxidizable material that is dispersed in fine powder form may be explosive, and ignition sources with sufficient energy to ignite a dust cloud are easily produced in normal industrial processing. Dust fires and minor incidents are not uncommon in many industries, but fortunately the combination of events and circumstances that must coincide for a large-scale explosion arise only rarely. Nevertheless, this is often more by luck than by good management and many potentially hazardous situations are common in industry. An explosive dust cloud and the circumstances in which it can ignite are not as simple to define as the equivalent situation in gases or flammable vapors. A large number of definitions and experimental tests have been devised to characterize the explosibility of dusts and ignition sources. The aim of this book is to provide a guide describing conditions in industry that could lead to dust explosions and the means to avoid them. Ignition sources and the way in which they can arise in powder processing are discussed and illustrated by case histories of reported incidents. The methods by which the potential hazards of a process or product can be evaluated are described, with special attention paid to the interpretation of the results of the different experimental methods.

Dust Collection with Bag Filters and Envelope Filters

by Friedrich Löffler Hans Dietrich Werner Flatt

This book combines in a unique way the knowledge and experience of one scientist and two industrial experts. It presents a comprehensive introduction into the fundamentals and into the application of fabric filters. All those who want to understand filtration and especially those who have to solve practical problems will find the right answers to many questions and many valuable hints for the solution of their daily problems.

Durchwurzelung, Rhizodeposition und Pflanzenverfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen und Schwermetallen: 12. Borkheider Seminar zur Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes

by Wolfgang Merbach Birgit Hütsch Lutz Wittenmayer Jürgen Augustin

Das Pflanzenwachstum und dessen Grundlage - das Wurzelsystem - nehmen eine zentrale Stellung in terrestrischen Ökosystemen ein. Die Bedeutung der im Wurzel-Boden-Interface ablaufenden komplexen Prozesse für die Pflanzen- und Bodenentwicklung wurde lange Zeit nicht ausreichend erkannt, doch diese grundlegenden Prozesse sind heute Gegenstand zahlreicher Untersuchungen. Detaillierte Kenntnisse darüber sind eine Voraussetzung für Vermeidung, Indikation und Behebung von Umweltschäden. Sie können Richtlinien für einen ökologisch orientierten Maßnahmenkatalog sowie für eine nachhaltige ressourcenschonende Landbewirtschaftung liefern. Dieser Tagungsband leistet einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis des Wirkungsgefüges und der Steuermechanismen dieses Systems.

Durchlaufende Eisenbetonkonstruktionen in elastischer Verbindung mit den Zwischenstützen (Plattenbalkendecken und Pilzdecken). Einflußlinientafeln und Zahlentafeln für die maximalen Biegungsmomente und Auflagerdrücke infolge ständiger und veränderlicher B

by Felix Kann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Durchgängiger Simulationsprozess zur Effizienzsteigerung und Reifegraderhöhung von Konzeptbewertungen in der Frühen Phase der Produktentstehung (Wissenschaftliche Reihe Fahrzeugtechnik Universität Stuttgart)

by Matthias Zimmer

Matthias Zimmer befasst sich mit dem Ziel eines durchgängigen Simulationsprozesses zur Steigerung des Reifegrades von Konzeptbewertungen in der Frühen Phase der Produktentwicklung. Er stellt außerdem praxisnah vor, in welchem Kontext die Methode und der Prozess in der Entwicklung bei einem Automobilhersteller durchgeführt und prototypisch eingesetzt werden. Bereits in den frühen Phasen der Produktentstehung ist es notwendig, der steigenden Variantenvielfalt und wachsenden Komplexität in der Automobilentwicklung mit effektiven Methoden und Prozessen zu begegnen. Eine schnelle und effiziente Bewertung von Fahrzeugkonzeptvarianten unterstützt die Entscheidungsfindung und ermöglicht eine effektivere Nutzung des vorhandenen Zeitfensters für Machbarkeitsuntersuchungen und trägt damit zur Umsetzung des Frontloading bei.

Duration and Bandwidth Limiting: Prolate Functions, Sampling, and Applications (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)

by Jeffrey A. Hogan Joseph D. Lakey

Increasingly important in the field of communications, the study of time and band limiting is crucial for the modeling and analysis of multiband signals. This concise but comprehensive monograph is the first to be devoted specifically to this subdiscipline, providing a thorough investigation of its theory and applications. Through cutting-edge numerical methods, it develops the tools for applications not only to communications engineering, but also to optical engineering, geosciences, planetary sciences, and biomedicine. With broad coverage and a careful balance between rigor and readability, Duration and Bandwidth Limiting is a particularly original and valuable resource both for mathematicians interested in the field and for professional engineers with an interest in theory. While its main target audience is practicing scientists, the book may also serve as useful supplemental reading material for mathematically-based graduate courses in communications and signal processing.

Durability of Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports #4)

by G. P. A. G. Van Zijl F. H. Wittmann

Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (SHCC) were named after their ability to resist increased tensile force after crack formation, over a significant tensile deformation range. The increased resistance is achieved through effective crack bridging by fibres, across multiple cracks of widths in the micro-range. Whether these small crack widths are maintained under sustained, cyclic or other load paths, and whether the crack width limitation translates into durability through retardation of ingress of moisture, gas and other deleterious matter, are scrutinized in this book by evaluation of test results from several laboratories internationally. The durability of SHCC under mechanical, chemical, thermal and combined actions is considered, both for the composite and the fibre types typically used in SHCC. The compilation of this state-of-the-art report has been an activity of the RILEM TC 208-HFC, Subcommittee 2: Durability, during the committee life 2005-2009.

Durability of Springs

by Vladimir Kobelev

This book offers an advanced treatise of the mechanics of springs with focus on the springs for automotive industry. It demonstrates new and original results for the optimization of helical springs as well the design of disk springs and thin-walled springs and presents the new results for creep and relaxation of springs made of steel under high static loads. The fatigue of springs and weak link concept for cyclically loaded springs are enlightened. The closed form solutions of advanced problems allow the deeper understanding of spring mechanics and optimization of energy harvesters.

Durability of Springs

by Vladimir Kobelev

This book highlights the mechanics of the elastic elements made of steel alloys with focus on the metal springs for automotive industry. The industry and scientific organizations study intensively the foundations of design of spring elements and permanently improve the mechanical properties of spring materials. The development responsibilities of spring manufacturing company involve the optimal application of the existing material types. Thus, the task entails in the target-oriented evaluation of the mechanical properties and the subsequent design of the springs, which makes full use of the attainable material characteristics. The book stands as a valuable reference for professionals in practice as well as an advanced learning resource for students of structural and automotive engineering

Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures

by Paul Chess Warren Green

Reinforced concrete structures corrode as they age, with significant financial implications, but it is not immediately clear why some are more durable than others. This book looks at the mechanisms for corrosion and how corrosion engineering can be used for these problems to be minimized in future projects. Several different examples of reinforced concrete structures with corrosion problems are described and the various life enhancement solutions considered and applied are discussed. The book includes a chapter on the effectiveness of corrosion monitoring techniques and questions why the reality is at odds with current theory and standards. Specialist contractors, consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures will find this an extremely useful resource. It will also be a valuable reference for students at postgraduate level.

Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures

by Paul Chess Warren Green

Reinforced concrete structures corrode as they age, with significant financial implications, but it is not immediately clear why some are more durable than others. This book looks at the mechanisms for corrosion and how corrosion engineering can be used for these problems to be minimized in future projects. Several different examples of reinforced concrete structures with corrosion problems are described and the various life enhancement solutions considered and applied are discussed. The book includes a chapter on the effectiveness of corrosion monitoring techniques and questions why the reality is at odds with current theory and standards. Specialist contractors, consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures will find this an extremely useful resource. It will also be a valuable reference for students at postgraduate level.

Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection: Selected Papers of the 6th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Delft, The Netherlands, July 4-5, 2013

by Carmen Andrade Joost Gulikers Rob Polder

This book presents key advances in the modeling of reinforcement corrosion and concrete durability. It also examines various further aspects of reinforcement corrosion and concrete durability, striking a balance between modeling and testing. Particular attention is paid to innovative treatments for avoiding deterioration, and to methods for modeling performance in a real environment. Some basic aspects related to non-destructive testing techniques are also discussed. Deterioration-related topics addressed in the book include the basis for modeling alkali-silica reactions, chloride diffusion and the development of concrete microstructure; measurement-related topics include cathodic protection, polarization resistance and resistivity. A combined approach using the AFM technique and polarization measurements is examined, and the relation between cracking and corrosion and the treatment of concrete with hydrophobes or innovative products such as hydrotalcite is also discussed.

Durability of Industrial Composites

by Antonio Carvalho Filho

Durability of Industrial Composites offers numerical and quantitative solutions to long-term composite failures that are useful to practicing engineers, researchers, and students. All modes of laminate long-term failure are contemplated, with resin toughness and environmental conditions considered. The book develops a simple unified equation to compute the load-dependent durability of laminates under the simultaneous action of cyclic and static loads. The load-independent durability and residual life of equipment immersed in corrosive chemicals are also discussed. The book presents a full discussion of the elusive strain-corrosion mode of failure as well as a complete solution to the durability issue of underground sanitation pipes. The currently accepted durability parameters of HDB, Sb and Sc are discarded as incorrect and replaced with the appropriate threshold parameters. The entirely new concept of the "anomalous failure" is fully discussed and solved. The effects of overpressure and spike strains, as well as of the operating temperature and moisture, are quantitatively evaluated and illustrated in numerical examples.

Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers: Polymer Composites

by Yasushi Miyano Masayuki Nakada

The result of the authors' 40 years of experience in durability testing, this book describes the advanced testing methodology based on the viscoelasticity of matrix polymer. After a short introduction to the viscoelastic behavior of fiber-reinforced plastics, the text goes on to review in detail the concepts of static, fatigue and creep strengths in polymer composites. An application-oriented approach is adopted such that the concepts developed in the book are applied to real-life examples. Indispensable information for materials scientists and engineers working in those industrial sectors is concerned with the development and safe use of polymer composite-based products.

Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers: Polymer Composites

by Yasushi Miyano Masayuki Nakada

The result of the authors' 40 years of experience in durability testing, this book describes the advanced testing methodology based on the viscoelasticity of matrix polymer. After a short introduction to the viscoelastic behavior of fiber-reinforced plastics, the text goes on to review in detail the concepts of static, fatigue and creep strengths in polymer composites. An application-oriented approach is adopted such that the concepts developed in the book are applied to real-life examples. Indispensable information for materials scientists and engineers working in those industrial sectors is concerned with the development and safe use of polymer composite-based products.

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