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The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design

by Mr Jamie Steane

This much anticipated second edition of The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design is aimed at new designers and creatives from across the design and media disciplines who want to learn the fundamentals of designing for user experience and user interface (UX/UI) projects.The blurring of boundaries between disciplines is leading to a new breed of hybrid designers and creative practitioners who are fusing different discipline perspectives, principles and processes to support their new practices.It is these shared principles and processes that this book explores, including: the fundamentals of design research and UX development classic visual design topics such as colour, image, layout and typography essential media-specific topics such as working with data, interactivity, motion and sound important guidance on how to present your workWith over 150 inspirational examples from a diverse range of leading international creatives and award-winning agencies, this is a must-have guide for budding designers. In addition, industry perspectives from key design professionals provide fascinating insights into this exciting creative field. Each chapter concludes with a workshop tutorial to help you put what you've learnt into practice.

The Privileged Adolescent: An outline of the physical and mental problems of the student society

by A.D. Gunn

ADOLESCENCE is an artificial state, created by the demands of complex modem society for further education. Youth is prolonged by the requirements of training, apprenticeship, school, college and university, and those who are better intellectually endowed than others face a time of further education that may last from at least three to six years after leaving school. As such they are privileged by the opportunities they can enjoy-and the student who belongs to the educational elite of today can belong to the social elite of tomorrow's world. These privileged adolescents, however, have much need of un­ derstanding, sympathy, and help through the crises of develop­ ment, be they social, psychological or environmental in cause-because the student of today is the most precious investment for the community' sfuture. Whether it be problems of academic wastage, stress, depression, adjustment to personal relationships or the demands of just simply growing up, the privileged adolescent has a difficult time in contemporary society. If we, as parents, doctors, teachers, taxpayers and adults are responsible for making it any more difficult than it ought to be, by prejudice, lack of understanding or through not offering the right help at the right time, then we bear a terrible responsibility. Society will suffer for the harm it causes its adolescents and there are many who feel, perhaps justifiably, that addiction, promiscuity, suicide, depression and neurosis are symptoms of 'social illness' marked out by individual tragedy.

Punishment in International Society: Norms, Justice, and Punitive Practices (Perspectives on Justice and Morality)

Punitive practices are highly revealing of a society's social fabric, its normative order, and power structure. Punishment in International Society examines the penal philosophies and practices in international society. The contributions to this book show the added value of a punitive lens to international politics in two major ways: First, punitive practices reveal the contours of the international normative order, its structures, and hierarchies. Such a perspective highlights the prominent position of individuals in the current normative order, but it also reveals a major divergence in the international normative order between a global North that emphasizes individualized, retributive punishment for atrocity crimes and a global South that puts reparations for past colonial wrongs on the agenda. Second, in contrast to a nation-state, the authority to sanction and act in defense of the normative order is far more dispersed and contested in international society. Although there is a demand to embed punitive practices in procedures and institutions, the most legitimate site of such authority remains contested as regional organizations such as the African Union compete with the United Nations for the authority to defend the normative order. This book brings together an international roster of scholars from the social sciences, law, and humanities. The contributions demonstrate that punitive practices have been more prevalent than commonly acknowledged as they have often been masked as (self-)defence, reparations, or coercive diplomacy. By approaching international punishment from various disciplines, this volume sheds new light on different dimensions of the punitive practices across the globe.

Qualitative Research in Health and Illness (Research to the Point)

by Jessica Smartt Gullion

In Qualitative Research in Health and Illness, Dr. Jessica Smartt Gullion leverages two decades of experience as a qualitative methodologist and epidemiologist to provide an in-depth guide on conducting qualitative inquiry in the health fields. The book will begin with an overview of qualitative research and its applications. After laying down the foundation, Gullion guides students through the process of conducting research. Chapters provide detailed coverage on the formation of a research question, the ethics of a project, different data collection techniques such as interviewing, ethnographic research, and medical narratives, and concludes with strategies for analyzing data and documenting findings. Each chapter will include a number of exemplars of real projects and brief interviews with researchers doing relevant work, separated out as boxes, as well as active learning assignments for professors utilizing flipped classroom models. This book will broaden researchers' perspectives on research methodologies and serve as an important resource to engage students in the research process.

Queering Black Churches: Dismantling Heteronormativity in African American Congregations

by Brandon Thomas Crowley

Queering Black Churches provides a systematic approach for dismantling heteronormativity within African American congregations. Using the lenses of practical theology, ecclesiology, Queer theology, and gender studies, Brandon Thomas Crowley examines the heteronormative histories, theologies, morals, values, and structures of Black churches and how their longstanding assumptions can be challenged. Drawing on the experiences of several historically Black churches that became open and affirming (ONA), Queering Black Churches explores how historically Black churches have queered their congregations. Crowley examines the similarities and differences in their approaches and synthesizes them into a methodology called Black ecclesial Queering: a theoretical analysis and a practical method of queering that centers on the lived experiences of Black Queer folks seeking to subvert the puritanical ideologies of Black churches. Crowley argues for a systematic approach to dismantling homophobia within African American congregations that moves beyond surface-level allyship toward actual structural renovation. With its groundbreaking documentation of ONA congregations and its practical proposals for change, this book will be a valuable resource for students, scholars, and clergy alike.

Reading in Kinship in Urban Society: The Commonwealth and International Library: Reading in Sociology

by C. C. Harris

Reading in Kinship in Urban Society is a collection of articles that deal with family and kinship in urban settlements. It provides comparative ethnographic data and introduces studies and approaches found outside British social inquiry. Organized into four parts, this book first introduces kinship systems and the recognition of relationships in various communities. It then identifies the functions of kinship systems and pays particular attention to inheritance of property. After discussing patterns of mate selection and marital relationships, it turns to the effects of urbanization on family life. This book ends with a discussion about the family life of elderly people. Anthropologists and sociologists studying the relation of kinship to societies will find this book invaluable.

Readings in Child Socialization: The Commonwealth and International Library: Readings in Sociology

by K. Danziger

Readings in Child Socialization is a collection of papers that covers concerns in sociological science, particularly those that involve children. The book presents 14 materials that tackle issues in human society. The text first details the concept of society and socialization, and then proceeds to presenting sociological studies, such as a developmental study of the effects of sex of the dominant parent on sex role preference, identification, and imitation in children; social origins and consequences of elaborated and restricted codes; and sex, age, and state as determinants of mother-infant interaction. The book will be of great interest to researchers and practitioners of sociology and other related disciplines, such as social psychology.

Readings in Kinship in Urban Society: The Commonwealth and International Library: Readings in Sociology

by C. C. Harris

Readings in Kinship in Urban Society is a collection of articles on a specialized aspect of Sociology and Social Psychology, mainly focusing on the web of social relationships in urban setting. This book is divided into five major parts, discussing different areas of kinship in urban society. The first part examines kinship systems and the recognition of relationships, wherein certain formal characteristics of the cognatic kinship system of a rural community in Greece are featured. This book then explains the functions of kinship. Mate selection, as well as urbanization and the family, is also tackled. This text concludes by explaining a study of the family life of old people. This publication will be invaluable to anthropologists, sociologists, human ecologists, and other experts interested in studying kinship systems. Anthropology, sociology, and human ecology students will also find this book interesting and helpful.

Readings in the Sociology of Migration: The Commonwealth and International Library: Readings in Sociology

by Clifford J. Jansen

Readings in the Sociology of Migration deals with migration as a sociological problem, with greater emphasis on internal migrations than on international migrations. Some of the problems covered by sociological inquiry in the study of migration are discussed, along with theories of migration such as the push-pull theory, differential migration, and motivation for migration. This book is comprised of 16 chapters and opens by outlining types of migration according to the professional and social composition of migrants: mass migration, economic migration from an underdeveloped country, economic emigration from an industrial country, and immigration into an industrial nation. A general typology of migration is then presented before the problem of migration in various countries such as Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the United States is considered. The final chapter presents preliminary findings from a demographic and socioeconomic sample survey of the population of the metropolitan area of San Salvador, El Salvador. This monograph will be a useful resource for sociologists and policymakers concerned with migration.

Refiguring Identity in Corporate Times: Rediscovering Oneself in a Consumer Culture

by David Vella

Refiguring Identity in Corporate Times is aimed as a response to the narcissistic life-strategies promoted by the marketplace. It introduces an identity model that ensures a more inclusive, ethical, and authentic way of living ones own life-script. We live in a culture that requires us to create our own self-interpretation. Claiming to assist us in this mission are self-professed experts and the public media that offer life-strategies for adoption, to which it is all too easy to conform to in hyper-capitalized and consumerist societies. Among the most popular are fashion, entrepreneurship, travel, fitness, and self-spirituality, which are designed by corporate companies for instant appeal and feelgood results, expressing the consumerist religion of hedonistic narcissism and status. The possibility of an alternative identity for todays society that is based on the experience of conscience, sees our self-realization as intimately related to care for others and the advancement of political and civic institutions. To aspire for this identity model is to move from the distorted values of commercial life-strategies to five virtues. The virtues enable us to attune to what is singularly foreign in any experience, signalling ways how our worldview can become more inclusive, ethical, and insightful in its comprehension of existence. This key reading in Identity Studies provides insight into the psychology and behaviour endorsed by consumer culture; charts out a new understanding of virtue ethics; and promotes life-choices that steers consumers away from conformity in its capacity to stimulate the creation of a personal and authentic vision of life that involves others and societal institutions.

Regulating Bodies: Elite Sport Policies and Their Unintended Consequences

by Jaime Schultz

How far are we willing to go in the name of "better sport"? Athletes have long sought to push the limits of human potential, but the advent and application of new knowledge, science, and technologies has taken elite sports into uncharted territory. It's no longer enough to break records?today's sport is about athletes surpassing their "natural" limits in the name of accomplishing the impossible. With highlights across the spectrum of professional athletics from ski jumping to horse racing, Regulating Bodies narrates the global scientization of the sports industry and the lasting influence of protective sports policies on international discourses around race, sex, identity, and impairment. While these classifications are designed to protect athletes' wellbeing in the spirit of fair play, protective policies can be shallow solutions to deeper problems?offering the appearance of care while failing to safeguard athletes from more pressing concerns. Regulating Bodies investigates the development of protective policies across topics such as gene doping and sex testing to show how current policies impede the progress of athletic development by engendering unethical and unhealthy practices at the expense of an athlete's individual rights. It offers a pathway forward beyond traditional sports categorization with alternative regulatory strategies to reflect the next generation of high-performance athletes. A scoping inquiry into the modern sports industry, Regulating Bodies asks us whether the unending quest for sporting excellence is worth the financial, social, and human toll it inevitably takes on participants at every level of elite sports.

The Relational Leader: Catalyzing Social Networks for Educational Change (Educational Leadership: Innovative, Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives)

Highlighting leadership from a social and relational perspective, this book has a particular emphasis on the innovative role that social networks play in systems change. The social systems engaged in this volume cut across a wide array of stakeholder groups, ranging from student learners, pre-service/in-service teachers, administrators, community leaders, and out to organizations and communities that reflect well beyond the education sector, showcasing diverse perspectives from multiple areas and international settings. Bringing together 32 distinguished scholars from Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, this book explores the use of social networks in education across different contexts and settings, connecting it with leadership practice that works at these settings for change. The contributors also examine online and virtual social behaviors and their connections to face to face networks. Ultimately, the volume showcases that leadership is social influence through examining a variety of social systems through social relationships.In addition to the breadth of studies connecting innovative leadership research to practice in this volume, the contributors also explore a new area of social networks and leadership by examining online and virtual social behaviors and their connections to face to face networks. Ultimately, the selected chapters in this volume make the point that “leadership is social influence” through examining a variety of social systems through social relationships.

The Religion of Whiteness: How Racism Distorts Christian Faith

by Michael O. Emerson Glenn E. Bracey II

Are most white American Christians actually committed to a Religion of Whiteness? Recent years have seen a growing recognition of the role that White Christian Nationalism plays in American society. As White Christian Nationalism has become a major force, and as racial and religious attitudes become increasingly aligned among whites--for example, the more likely you are to say that the decline of white people as a share of the population is "bad for society," the more likely you are to believe the government should support religious values--it has become reasonable to wonder which of the adjectives in the phrase "White Christian Nationalism" takes precedence. In this book, Michael O. Emerson and Glenn E. Bracey II respond definitively: the answer is "white." The majority of white Christians in America, they argue, are believers in a "Religion of Whiteness" that shapes their faith, their politics, and more. The Religion of Whiteness, they argue, raises the perpetuation of racial inequality to a level of spiritual commitment that rivals followers' commitment to Christianity itself. This religion has its own unique beliefs, practices, sacred symbols, and organizations. What is more, this religion affects more than just churches. It drives the nation's politics, divides families, and is especially harmful to communities of color. Using national survey data, in-depth interviews, and focus group results gathered over several years, Emerson and Bracey show how the Religion of Whiteness shapes the practice of Christianity for millions of Americans--and what can be done to confront it.

Religious Diversity in Australia: Living Well with Difference

This book documents the structure of religious diversity in Australia and examines this diversity in the context of the law, migration, education, policing, the media and interfaith communities.Focusing on Melbourne and Tasmania, it articulates the benefits and opportunities of diversity, alongside the challenges that confront religious and ethnic minorities, including discrimination and structural inequalities generated by Christian and otherforms of privilege. It articulates constructive strategies that are deployed, includingencouraging forms of belonging, structured ways of negotiating disagreement and respectful engagement with difference.While scholars across the West are increasingly attuned to the problems and promises of growing religious diversity in a global age, in-depth empirical research on the consequences of that diversity in Australia is lacking. This book provides a rich, well-researched, and timely intervention.

A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Written by a global collective of scholars from a wide variety of backgrounds, including health studies, psychology and economics as well as social policy and gerontology, this timely Research Agenda highlights the challenges and opportunities of rising longevity and population ageing for social policy providing clear directions for future research.Divided into five comprehensive parts, this Research Agenda examines research priorities from policy perspectives, the role of social policy research in relation to intergovernmental organisations, and the framework for future-oriented social policies on ageing provided by a life-course approach. It demonstrates that social policy experts must evaluate interests and expectations both qualitatively and quantitatively, and asserts that future research on social policy and ageing will be inspired by a broad range of stakeholders, including non-governmental interest organisations and state actors.A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy will be enlightening for students and researchers focusing on social policy, ageing, development, health policy and inequality. It will also be a fascinating read for practitioners seeking a wider understanding of social policy priorities and processes.

A Research Agenda for Financial Resources within the Household (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.This cross-disciplinary Research Agenda offers an in-depth exploration into financial resources within households, focussing specifically on how they are managed, how they are distributed and with what results.Bringing together an array of leading experts from the Global South and North, this Research Agenda examines the challenges facing researchers in this area, investigates developments in the field and analyses how research interacts with current public policy. This book shines a crucial light on multiple underexplored topics including economic abuse, financial resources within multigenerational households, ageing and cognitive decline, and the role of children in relation to resources within households. Offering key recommendations for future policy and research, A Research Agenda for Financial Resources within the Household makes an invaluable contribution to this highly topical area.This book will be a vital read for students, early career researchers and established academics interested in economics, sociology and social policy, amongst other disciplines. It will also prove highly beneficial for professionals working in NGOs, third sector organisations and think tanks who focus on the issues surrounding intra-household resources.

A Research Agenda for Mergers and Acquisitions (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.This Research Agenda poses unique questions and perspectives on how to generate impactful research on mergers and acquisitions. Bringing together a mix of established and emerging scholars, it outlines how future research in the field can enable managers to make better decisions and improve mergers and acquisition success.Focusing on new areas of investigation, the Research Agenda provides conceptual, quantitative and qualitative insights into: pre-merger uncertainty, executive decision-making, network relationships and actors, and project management. It highlights the complex and heterogeneous nature of acquisitions, and the many actors impacted by them. Contributing authors present key strategies to avoid stagnation in mergers and acquisitions research by rethinking constructs, identifying neglected and novel areas of investigation, and developing new theoretical perspectives. For example, it argues for a deeper understanding of acquisitions beyond their impacts on the financial performance of firms to consider additional outcomes.A Research Agenda for Mergers and Acquisitions is an important resource for academics and doctoral students in accounting, economics, finance and management. It is also a useful guide for corporate restructuring consultants seeking further insight into the field.

A Research Agenda for Organisational Continuity and Change (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Research has overlooked the need for modern organisations to enact continuity during periods of change. This Research Agenda addresses this by considering continuity and change as engaging in various forms of mutual interplay. The underlying theme of this book is that change needs continuity just as continuity needs change.In this Research Agenda, internationally renowned contributors offer insights through a wide range of case studies and chart a path for future research. Readers will discover how the continuity-change interplay unfolds in a variety of organisational types and industries. Key examples show the importance of understanding continuity as an integrative part of organisational change at various levels of organisation.A Research Agenda for Organisational Continuity and Change will be useful for scholars and students of organisation and management, including teachers involved in executive education.

A Research Agenda for Organizational Ethics (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Drawing on the philosophy of existentialism, this thought-provoking Research Agenda questions and encourages deeper ethical thinking about organizational practices during this time of existential crisis. Rather than relying on prescriptive normative ethical theories, it advocates for ethical concerns to be addressed through intersubjective encounters.Chapters engage with diverse philosophical perspectives and illuminate their key ideas through literature, visual arts, and music, bringing forth situated truths that will resonate with and incite the reader to think and act critically to avoid perpetuating dehumanization, precarity, and mindlessness. The Research Agenda will ultimately inspire leaders and scholars to expand, rethink, practice, sustain, and transform organizations towards a future of flourishing for all stakeholders.Integrating qualitative hermeneutics with existential philosophy, this discerning Research Agenda will offer students and scholars of organization studies, business ethics and leadership a unique perspective on organizational ethics.

A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Bringing together contributions from a diverse range of international scholars, A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare draws upon past and contemporary research methods used to study citizens’ attitudes to welfare. It highlights the rapidly growing research potential within the field, examining both new and understudied social policies to map out a comprehensive agenda for future research. This essential Research Agenda offers crucial suggestions to broaden the scope of research in the field and expand our knowledge of public attitudes to welfare. Chapters examine support for new social welfare policies such as active labour market policies, Universal Basic Income, and Social Europe, as well as investigating support among understudied subgroups in the population and over the life course. It ultimately emphasizes the importance of applying different analytical and methodological perspectives in order to understand public attitudes to welfare more thoroughly. Employing a diverse range of data and methods, this informative Research Agenda will benefit scholars of sociology, social policy, political science, and economics seeking to gain insight on public attitudes to welfare and welfare states. It will also be useful to social policy professionals and officials endeavouring to reflect on the progress of research within the field.

A Research Agenda for Religious Tourism (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Incisive and interdisciplinary, this Research Agenda broaches topics that have been under-researched within religious tourism, including: place attachment and marketing; memory and modification of sacred landscapes for tourism needs; the darker sides of religious tourism; multi-stakeholder governance; mission-trips; and allied forms of tourism.With contributions from top scholars, the book includes cases from across Europe and Asia, exploring pilgrimage sacred landscapes for different religions. Building on emerging themes including the importance of governance, conflicts associated with pilgrimage and religious tourism, gender and gendered dimensions, resilience in the wake of the recent pandemic, and newer ways of performing religious tourism such as virtual reality, it sets a research agenda for future inquiry.This thought-provoking Research Agenda will be a valuable resource for scholars of tourism, human geography, heritage studies, anthropology, and religious studies.

A Research Agenda for Trust: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Elgar Research Agendas)

Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.This innovative Research Agenda brings together established scholars from a diverse range of disciplines including artificial intelligence, psychology, medicine and law enforcement to outline and assess current trust research, emphasizing how trust is a critical issue in the 21st century affecting countless areas of the modern world.A Research Agenda for Trust analyzes the concept of trust within a variety of contexts, such as sociology, computer science, cognitive psychology, engineering, organizational behavior, AI, entrepreneurship, healthcare, neuroscience, and nuclear non-proliferation. Encouraging multidimensional and interdisciplinary research, chapters underline the connections between differing disciplines. Using the 1995 Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman model of trust as an initial starting point, contributors highlight that successful trust relationships in the modern world are swiftly deteriorating and argue that as a result, research must move forward in order to develop better, healthier and more trusting relationships.Imaginative, incisive and accessible, this Research Agenda will be an enlightening read for academics, students and researchers specializing in business ethics and trust, human resource management, organisation studies, social sciences, sociology and social policy. Considering interpersonal relationships within a variety of professional contexts, this book will also be of benefit to practitioners working in human resources, business management and governance.

Research Handbook of Global Families: Implications for Theory and Practice (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series)

With research into the lives of global families becoming an increasing focus worldwide, this Research Handbook is a timely compendium of contemporary scholarship. It aptly describes the work-family interface, delving into the unique dimensions of global family life. This carefully designed Research Handbook offers a resource of nuanced discussions on some familiar topics as well as often-overlooked topics including global rainbow families, expatriate children and FIFO family life. While providing an essential theoretical understanding, each chapter also offers clear agendas for future research with theoretical insight. With a focus on insider perspectives, it successfully frames today’s family challenges in a clear and concise way. The Research Handbook of Global Families will be useful for students and academics of such disciplines as global politics, human resource management, migration theory and sociology. It will also be an important reference point for researchers seeking up-to-date information about the nature of global family life.

Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series)

Featuring state-of-the-art research from leading academics in technology and organization studies, this timely Research Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of how AI becomes embedded in decision making in organizations, from the initial considerations when implementing AI to the use of such solutions in strategic decision making. Bringing together cutting-edge scholarship on the many issues and complexities surrounding the use of AI in decision making for organizations, this enlightening Research Handbook illustrates how technology is intertwined with organizational processes and outcomes. Contributors examine human-AI collaboration in welfare services, responsible AI governance, AI systems in medical imaging, and the ethical implications of AI use in practice. Furthermore, the editors propose an integrative framework for decision making in organizations that encompasses making decisions about AI, with AI, and the implications of decisions made by AI. The Research Handbook will be essential reading for students, academics and researchers in business analytics, information systems, organizational innovation, organizational behavior, and organizational and occupational psychology. It will also be a valuable resource for business managers and AI engineers.

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