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RFID Security and Privacy: Concepts, Protocols, and Architectures (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #17)

by Dirk Henrici

In the beginning of 2003, I found a short article about the privacy implications of RFID technology in a newspaper. It raised my interest, and after reading some early research papers on the topic, I thought: “There must exist better solutions. ” I c- cerned myself with the topic in my spare time. After having developed my rst - lutions, I asked my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Paul Muller ¨ , whether I could write a paper about my results. As the topic did not t into any running project or at least the overall research directions of his group, he could have answered no. But instead, he encouraged me to do it. The paper became a success, and many other papers about new concepts and solutions followed. Now the answer is obvious: There exist better solutions. I have dealt with the topic over the past years. Now I want to share the basics as well as current research results with the reader. This book is surely not a bedside reading. But with all the presented concepts, it can broaden the mind of the reader concerning security,privacy, and RFIDsystems. Iwishthe reader many new insights. There are many people I would like to thank. First of all, my thanks go to my ¨ supervisor, Prof. Dr. Paul Muller. He gave me room for creativity and plenty of rope to work on my own.

Reziprozität: Annäherungen an eine Grundlegung der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Thomas Loer

Die Sache der Reziprozität findet sich in alltäglichen Phänomenen wie dem des Grüßens und des Sich-Verabschiedens, des Dankens und des Schenkens. Um sie auf den Begriff zu bringen, wird ihr in diesem Lehrbuch zunächst exemplarisch nachgespürt, indem Protokolle der alltäglichen Phänomene mit der Objektiven Hermeneutik analysiert werden. So wird ein erster Begriff struktureller Reziprozität entwickelt. Mit diesem Begriff im Gepäck wird sodann eine Reise durch die Explikationen von Reziprozität durch M. Mauss, C. Lévi-Strauss und M. Hénaff unternommen. Sie entwickeln anhand ethnographischen Materials und philosophischer Reflexionen Begriffe von Gabe und generalisiertem Tausch. Diese Begrifflichkeit wird nach einer Re-Analyse des Materials und nach argumentativer Überprüfung der Reflexionen mit den zuvor gewonnenen Erkenntnissen konfrontiert. So wird ein empirisch gesättigter und theoretisch plausibler Begriff der strukturellen Reziprozität gewonnen. Im Verlauf der Darstellung wird immer wieder auf leicht zugängliche Phänomene hingewiesen, die den Lesern des Lehrbuchs Forschungsmöglichkeiten zur Prüfung und Anreicherung der Argumentation bieten.

Reziprozität: Einführung in soziale Formen der Gegenseitigkeit

by Christian Stegbauer

Warum senden sich die Menschen gegenseitig Weihnachtskarten? Warum werden bei großen Familienfeiern Geschenklisten geführt? Weshalb kommt es in Wohngemeinschaften zu Konflikten, falls der Eindruck entsteht, nicht jeder beteiligt sich an den Hausarbeiten ungefähr gleich viel wie man selbst? Solche Themen behandelt das einführende Buch. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Ursachen von Gegenseitigkeit nicht mit individuellen Zweck-Mittel-Kalkülen erklärbar sind. Die Art und Weise, wie Gegenseitigkeit ausgestaltet wird, ist immer abhängig von der Beziehung, in der die Austauschpartner zueinander stehen. Nicht ein durchgängiges Prinzip der Reziprozität regelt den Austausch - die Beziehung zwischen den Beteiligten bestimmt die Art und die Höhe der Leistungen, die ausgetauscht werden.

Reziprozität: Einführung in soziale Formen der Gegenseitigkeit

by Christian Stegbauer

Warum senden sich die Menschen gegenseitig Weihnachtskarten? Warum werden bei großen Familienfeiern Geschenklisten geführt? Weshalb kommt es in Wohngemeinschaften zu Konflikten, falls der Eindruck entsteht, nicht jeder beteiligt sich an den Hausarbeiten ungefähr gleich viel wie man selbst? Solche Themen behandelt das einführende Buch. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Ursachen von Gegenseitigkeit nicht mit individuellen Zweck-Mittel-Kalkülen erklärbar sind. Die Art und Weise, wie Gegenseitigkeit ausgestaltet wird, ist immer abhängig von der Beziehung, in der die Austauschpartner zueinander stehen. Nicht ein durchgängiges Prinzip der Reziprozität regelt den Austausch - die Beziehung zwischen den Beteiligten bestimmt die Art und die Höhe der Leistungen, die ausgetauscht werden.

Rezeptionsforschung: Theorien und Untersuchungen zum Umgang mit Massenmedien

by Michael Charlton Silvia Schneider

In der Rezeptionsforschung wird der Umgang von Menschen mit Massenmedien als eine soziale und kulturelle Handlung verstanden. Neben den Kompetenzen und Interessen der ZuschauerInnen (HörerInnen und LeserInnen) spielen das mediale Sinnangebot sowie z. B. die Rezeptionssituation, die Beziehungen zwischen Texten oder die Gespräche über Medienthemen eine Rolle. Der Band umfaßt theoretische und empirische Arbeiten aus Psychologie, Soziologie, Kommunikations-, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, die beispielhaft am Thema der Rezeption medialer Gewaltdarstellungen die Arbeitsweisen einer interdisziplinären Medienwissenschaft aufzeigen.

Rewriting the Sexual Contract

by Dench Geoff

This book brings together a wide selection of viewpoints on what is happening to relations between the sexes and the sexual division of labor in contemporary society. The contributors look at the ways in which gender relationships are changing, the consequences of these changes for family life and society generally, and the part the state should play in future developments. Rewriting the Sexual Contract encompasses the views of people with widely differing orientations, stretching across the moral and political spectrum. The contributors provide varied interpretations of what the recent sexual revolution means and where it may be leading us. The questions discussed include: Are the life-styles of men and women converging or polarizing? Do men and women place the same value on family life? Do most mothers want to work full-time while their children are young? Are families strengthened by a sense of differentiation and interdependence between the sexes? Does social policy need to recognize sexual differences in order to maximize social equality?The contributors represent a wide range of viewpoints, but are all involved in analyzing and influencing public attitudes in this area. They include Carole Pateman, Roger Scruton, Ruth Lister, Fay Weldon, Michael Young, and Barbara Cartland, among others. Rewriting the Sexual Contract examines issues pertinent to the current social and political culture and will be of interest to sociologists, gender studies scholars, and political theorists.Geoff Dench is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Community Studies and a visiting professor at Middlesex University. He is the author of Transforming Men and Minorities in the Open Society: Prisoners of Ambivalence.

Rewriting the Sexual Contract

by Dench Geoff

This book brings together a wide selection of viewpoints on what is happening to relations between the sexes and the sexual division of labor in contemporary society. The contributors look at the ways in which gender relationships are changing, the consequences of these changes for family life and society generally, and the part the state should play in future developments. Rewriting the Sexual Contract encompasses the views of people with widely differing orientations, stretching across the moral and political spectrum. The contributors provide varied interpretations of what the recent sexual revolution means and where it may be leading us. The questions discussed include: Are the life-styles of men and women converging or polarizing? Do men and women place the same value on family life? Do most mothers want to work full-time while their children are young? Are families strengthened by a sense of differentiation and interdependence between the sexes? Does social policy need to recognize sexual differences in order to maximize social equality?The contributors represent a wide range of viewpoints, but are all involved in analyzing and influencing public attitudes in this area. They include Carole Pateman, Roger Scruton, Ruth Lister, Fay Weldon, Michael Young, and Barbara Cartland, among others. Rewriting the Sexual Contract examines issues pertinent to the current social and political culture and will be of interest to sociologists, gender studies scholars, and political theorists.Geoff Dench is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Community Studies and a visiting professor at Middlesex University. He is the author of Transforming Men and Minorities in the Open Society: Prisoners of Ambivalence.

Rewriting Rights in Europe (Routledge Revivals)

by Linda Hancock Carolyn O'Brien

This title was first published in 2000. This text tackles a wide range of issues relating to rights, citizenship and sovereignty in a European context. Such issues are of concern elsewhere with regeads to shifting conceptions and practices in international human rights. This book looks at the question of how much European rights and human rights interact and how much they must do so if Europe as a whole is to be an arena of "belonging" and effective participation for all its residents. This book reflects the focus on rights in Europe, looking at debates concerning immigration and minority rights, concerns about social exclusion, social protection, war crimes, human rights, women's rights and other topics.

Rewriting Rights in Europe (Routledge Revivals)

by Carolyn O'Brien Linda Hancock

This title was first published in 2000. This text tackles a wide range of issues relating to rights, citizenship and sovereignty in a European context. Such issues are of concern elsewhere with regeads to shifting conceptions and practices in international human rights. This book looks at the question of how much European rights and human rights interact and how much they must do so if Europe as a whole is to be an arena of "belonging" and effective participation for all its residents. This book reflects the focus on rights in Europe, looking at debates concerning immigration and minority rights, concerns about social exclusion, social protection, war crimes, human rights, women's rights and other topics.

Rewriting Leadership with Narrative Intelligence: How Leaders Can Thrive in Complex, Confusing and Contradictory Times

by Greg Morgan

Leadership is a slippery concept. Researchers disagree on its essence, describing it variously as behaviours, character traits or styles. Effective leaders understand that we make meaning of our experiences by creating stories we believe to be true, but which are largely based on fragmentary evidence filtered through our biases, beliefs and dispositions. Rewriting Leadership with Narrative Intelligence draws on a range of disciplines and scholarly traditions to build a compelling case for a new perspective on leadership, seeing it as a deeply embodied, intuitive skill of curating shared narratives, in influence relationships. Defining narrative intelligence as 'our ability to evaluate the efficacy of the stories we create to serve our needs, our capacity to rewrite them, and the practical skill to take effective action', this book methodically outlines how leaders cultivate their own narrative intelligence to: Become the person they seek to be by aligning narratives and core values with actions Navigate through the challenging leadership space of populism and the erosion of traditional values Ethically curate the narrative others hold of them Strengthen self-efficacy, take more effective actions, and avoid stories which inadvertently undermine goals Communicate with trust and influence Build energy and alignment within teams by generating shared narratives Cultivate a culture of narrative intelligence This book will prepare leaders to reshape their own and others' stories to be more aligned with achieving goals and wellbeing. It will prove a useful resource to undergraduates and post-graduates in courses on leadership and management, as well as organizational development consultants and senior executives.

Rewriting Leadership with Narrative Intelligence: How Leaders Can Thrive in Complex, Confusing and Contradictory Times

by Greg Morgan

Leadership is a slippery concept. Researchers disagree on its essence, describing it variously as behaviours, character traits or styles. Effective leaders understand that we make meaning of our experiences by creating stories we believe to be true, but which are largely based on fragmentary evidence filtered through our biases, beliefs and dispositions. Rewriting Leadership with Narrative Intelligence draws on a range of disciplines and scholarly traditions to build a compelling case for a new perspective on leadership, seeing it as a deeply embodied, intuitive skill of curating shared narratives, in influence relationships. Defining narrative intelligence as 'our ability to evaluate the efficacy of the stories we create to serve our needs, our capacity to rewrite them, and the practical skill to take effective action', this book methodically outlines how leaders cultivate their own narrative intelligence to: Become the person they seek to be by aligning narratives and core values with actions Navigate through the challenging leadership space of populism and the erosion of traditional values Ethically curate the narrative others hold of them Strengthen self-efficacy, take more effective actions, and avoid stories which inadvertently undermine goals Communicate with trust and influence Build energy and alignment within teams by generating shared narratives Cultivate a culture of narrative intelligence This book will prepare leaders to reshape their own and others' stories to be more aligned with achieving goals and wellbeing. It will prove a useful resource to undergraduates and post-graduates in courses on leadership and management, as well as organizational development consultants and senior executives.

Reworking Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour and Rights

by Janet Wilson Birte Heidemann Pavan Kumar Malreddy Ole Birk Laursen

An interdisciplinary collection of essays, Reworking Postcolonialism explores questions of work, precarity, migration, minority and indigenous rights in relation to contemporary globalization. It brings together political, economic and literary approaches to texts and events from across the postcolonial world.

Reworking China's Proletariat (Studies on the Chinese Economy)

by Sally Sargeson

China's workers have been transformed by the transition to capitalism. Sally Sargeson presents a new theoretical analysis of the impact of capitalism and state power on social identities, employment conditions and workplace organization. Her study draws upon an unprecedented level of empirical research from case studies of the labour market and employment conditions in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province. The book will interest students of Chinese political economy, socialist transition, working class formation and the representation of collective identity.

ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever

by Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book - one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few pounds or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple. That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them.With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Rewire: A Radical Approach to Tackling Diversity and Difference

by Chris Yates Pooja Sachdev

Rewire: A Radical Approach to Tackling Diversity and Difference takes a fresh look at the issue of equality, diversity and inclusion at work. It critiques the current thinking and practices that are responsible for slow progress in this area, while providing readers with a new, holistic and tactical perspective that leverages what we know about influencing and changing people's mind-sets.The issue of difference sits at the core of many of the world's crises. Large corporations are a microcosm of the globalized world we inhabit, and hold significant power in shaping our societies and ideas.Despite decades of work in diversity and inclusion, little progress has been made because current approaches focus on specific contexts, short-term results and commercial returns, rather than taking into account what we know about human behaviour and addressing the social and economic cultures in which we operate. This book argues that in order to achieve sustainable positive change, we need to focus on how to create a culture of openness, empathy and inclusion – which in turn enables corporate strategy and drives innovation. The authors, who have worked in a number of leading organizations, including Caterpillar, American Express, HSBC, Towers Watson and the NHS, put forward a new approach, based on years of experience of achieving both individual and organizational change. They present:· A causal map, which describes a wide range of social, biological, psychological, evolutionary and organizational factors that influence how we think and operate.· A unique step-by-step approach to rewiring our fundamental psychological processes and creating change at an individual, organizational and cultural level. This book offers corporate executives and social leaders a fresh perspective on diversity and difference, along with the tools to create more inclusive, effective and innovative environments.

Rewire: A Radical Approach to Tackling Diversity and Difference

by Chris Yates Pooja Sachdev

Rewire: A Radical Approach to Tackling Diversity and Difference takes a fresh look at the issue of equality, diversity and inclusion at work. It critiques the current thinking and practices that are responsible for slow progress in this area, while providing readers with a new, holistic and tactical perspective that leverages what we know about influencing and changing people's mind-sets.The issue of difference sits at the core of many of the world's crises. Large corporations are a microcosm of the globalized world we inhabit, and hold significant power in shaping our societies and ideas.Despite decades of work in diversity and inclusion, little progress has been made because current approaches focus on specific contexts, short-term results and commercial returns, rather than taking into account what we know about human behaviour and addressing the social and economic cultures in which we operate. This book argues that in order to achieve sustainable positive change, we need to focus on how to create a culture of openness, empathy and inclusion – which in turn enables corporate strategy and drives innovation. The authors, who have worked in a number of leading organizations, including Caterpillar, American Express, HSBC, Towers Watson and the NHS, put forward a new approach, based on years of experience of achieving both individual and organizational change. They present:· A causal map, which describes a wide range of social, biological, psychological, evolutionary and organizational factors that influence how we think and operate.· A unique step-by-step approach to rewiring our fundamental psychological processes and creating change at an individual, organizational and cultural level. This book offers corporate executives and social leaders a fresh perspective on diversity and difference, along with the tools to create more inclusive, effective and innovative environments.

The Rewards of Punishment: A Relational Theory of Norm Enforcement

by Christine Horne

The Rewards of Punishment describes a new social theory of norms to provide a compelling explanation why people punish. Identifying mechanisms that link interdependence with norm enforcement, it reveals how social relationships lead individuals to enforce norms, even when doing so makes little sense. This groundbreaking book tells the whole story, from ideas, to experiments, to real-world applications. In addition to addressing longstanding theoretical puzzles—such as why harmful behavior is not always punished, why individuals enforce norms in ways that actually hurt the group, why people enforce norms that benefit others rather than themselves, why groups punish behavior that has only trivial effects, and why atypical behaviors are sometimes punished and sometimes not—it explores the implications of the theory for substantive issues, including norms regulating sex, crime, and international human rights.

Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation: Resolving the Controversy

by Judy Cameron W. David Pierce

Over the past 30 years, many social psychologists have been critical of the practice of using incentive systems in business, education, and other applied settings. The concern is that money, high grades, prizes, and even praise may be effective in getting people to perform an activity but performance and interest are maintained only so long as the reward keeps coming. Once the reward is withdrawn, the concern is that individuals will enjoy the activity less, perform at a lower level, and spend less time on the task. The claim is that rewards destroy people's intrinsic motivation. Widely accepted, this view has been enormously influential and has led many employers, teachers, and other practitioners to question the use of rewards and incentive systems in applied settings. Contrary to this view, the research by Cameron and Pierce indicates that rewards can be used effectively to enhance interest and performance.The book centers around the debate on rewards and intrinsic motivation. Based on historical, narrative, and meta-analytic reviews, Cameron and Pierce show that, contrary to many claims, rewards do not have pervasive negative effects. Instead, the authors show that careful arrangement of rewards enhances motivation, performance, and interest. The overall goal of the book is to draw together over 30 years of research on rewards, motivation, and performance and to provide practitioners with techniques for designing effective incentive systems.

Rewarding Performance Globally: Reconciling the Global-Local Dilemma

by Fons Trompenaars Robert J. Greene

This book provides professionals with an easy reference resource for successfully implementing a performance management system in a multinational company. Providing research-based strategies for reconciling the global-local dilemma is the focus of the book. The authors explore principles drawn from extensive research in human resources and cross-cultural management. They focus on the critical process of defining, measuring, and rewarding performance in multinational organizations, emphasizing the importance of managing a workforce effectively in today’s highly competitive, globalized environment. A real-world case study is woven throughout the book to illustrate further the challenges organizations face when developing strategies, facilitating equivalent and consistent treatment, and contributing to the global mobility of talent. Rewarding Performance Globally will benefit senior-level HR professionals, and will also interest students of international management, human resource management, and cross-cultural management.

Rewarding Performance Globally: Reconciling the Global-Local Dilemma

by Fons Trompenaars Robert J. Greene

This book provides professionals with an easy reference resource for successfully implementing a performance management system in a multinational company. Providing research-based strategies for reconciling the global-local dilemma is the focus of the book. The authors explore principles drawn from extensive research in human resources and cross-cultural management. They focus on the critical process of defining, measuring, and rewarding performance in multinational organizations, emphasizing the importance of managing a workforce effectively in today’s highly competitive, globalized environment. A real-world case study is woven throughout the book to illustrate further the challenges organizations face when developing strategies, facilitating equivalent and consistent treatment, and contributing to the global mobility of talent. Rewarding Performance Globally will benefit senior-level HR professionals, and will also interest students of international management, human resource management, and cross-cultural management.

Reward and Punishment in Social Dilemmas (Series in Human Cooperation)

by Paul A. M. Van Lange Bettina Rockenbach Toshio Yamagishi

One of the key scientific challenges is the puzzle of human cooperation. Why do people cooperate? Why do people help strangers, even sometimes at a major cost to themselves? Why do people want to punish others who violate norms and undermine collective interests? Reward and punishment is a classic theme in research on social dilemmas. More recently, it has received considerable attention from scientists working in various disciplines such as economics, neuroscience, and psychology. We know now that reward and punishment can promote cooperation in so-called public good dilemmas, where people need to decide how much from their personal resources to contribute to the public good. Clearly, enjoying the contributions of others while not contributing is tempting. Punishment (and reward) are effective in reducing free-riding. Yet the recent explosion of research has also triggered many questions. For example, who can reward and punish most effectively? Is punishment effective in any culture? What are the emotions that accompany reward and punishment? Even if reward and punishment are effective, are they also efficient -- knowing that rewards and punishment are costly to administer? How can sanctioning systems best organized to be reduce free-riding? The chapters in this book, the first in a series on human cooperation, explore the workings of reward and punishment, how they should be organized, and their functions in society, thereby providing a synthesis of the psychology, economics, and neuroscience of human cooperation.

Reward and Punishment in Social Dilemmas (Series in Human Cooperation)

by Paul A. M. Van Lange & Bettina Rockenbach & Toshio Yamagishi

One of the key scientific challenges is the puzzle of human cooperation. Why do people cooperate? Why do people help strangers, even sometimes at a major cost to themselves? Why do people want to punish others who violate norms and undermine collective interests? Reward and punishment is a classic theme in research on social dilemmas. More recently, it has received considerable attention from scientists working in various disciplines such as economics, neuroscience, and psychology. We know now that reward and punishment can promote cooperation in so-called public good dilemmas, where people need to decide how much from their personal resources to contribute to the public good. Clearly, enjoying the contributions of others while not contributing is tempting. Punishment (and reward) are effective in reducing free-riding. Yet the recent explosion of research has also triggered many questions. For example, who can reward and punish most effectively? Is punishment effective in any culture? What are the emotions that accompany reward and punishment? Even if reward and punishment are effective, are they also efficient -- knowing that rewards and punishment are costly to administer? How can sanctioning systems best organized to be reduce free-riding? The chapters in this book, the first in a series on human cooperation, explore the workings of reward and punishment, how they should be organized, and their functions in society, thereby providing a synthesis of the psychology, economics, and neuroscience of human cooperation.

Revolutions of the Heart: Gender, Power and the Delusions of Love

by Wendy Langford

This book looks at how heterosexual relationships really work. Author?? argues that the process of falling in love is just a brief holiday from the gender roles which quickly reassert themselves in their old forms. Topics covered include romantic love, the problem of desire and the trouble with love.

Revolutions of the Heart: Gender, Power and the Delusions of Love

by Wendy Langford

This book looks at how heterosexual relationships really work. Author?? argues that the process of falling in love is just a brief holiday from the gender roles which quickly reassert themselves in their old forms. Topics covered include romantic love, the problem of desire and the trouble with love.

Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

by James DeFronzo

With crucial insights and indispensable information concerning modern-day political upheavals, the sixth edition of Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements provides a representative cross-section of many of the most significant revolutions of the modern era. Students can trace the historical development of eleven revolutions using a five-factor analytical framework. Attention is devoted to clearly explaining all relevant concepts and events, the roles of key leaders, and the interrelation of each revolutionary movement with international economic and political developments and conflicts. New to this edition: Expanded coverage of women and revolution with profiles of individual women revolutionaries. Coverage of the recent student movement in Hong Kong as well as economic developments in China, Chinese international influence and international economic development projects, and trade relations with the US during the Trump administration. Changes in US policy toward Cuba during the Trump administration. Examination of the cancellation of the Iran nuclear agreement by the Trump administration, Trump administration policies towards Iran, the impacts on Iran and Iranian reactions, and Iranian and Saudi Arabian involvement in Yemen. Coverage of the near extinction of geographic ISIS caliphate, terrorist attacks, and the implications of US policy on Palestinians and Middle Eastern countries during the Trump administration. Examination of persisting economic inequality, corruption, and recent South African political developments and government actions. Analysis of revolutionary movements in Venezuela and Bolivia and coverage of major political developments and events in both countries. Trump administration policy toward authoritarian states in the Middle East and implications for the possibility of pro-democracy movements in Middle Eastern countries. Updated student resources include multiple orienting maps, summary and analysis sections, chronologies, and documentary resources.

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