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Showing 17,051 through 17,075 of 75,391 results

Sacred and Secular Agency in Early Modern France: Fragments of Religion

by Sanja Perovic

The opposition between 'religion' and 'modernity' has long held the status of a self-evident truth. Recently, however, there has been a growing realization that religion has not died out and may be more compatible with modern society than previously assumed.This development is particularly striking in France where laïcité has long been the official doctrine. Â How did religion become opposed to the secular and modern? If distinctions between sacred and secular are less adequate than commonly believed, how do these two categories interact?Addressing these questions, this book explores the persistence of religious categories on the cultural landscape of early modern France. France was the birthplace of Europe's first secular state and the centre of two movements considered indispensable to secularization - the Enlightenment and Revolution of 1789. As such France is vital for understanding how religious antecedents informed modern political institutions and ideals. By uncovering the role of religion in shaping categories most often associated with modernity this book offers a new perspective on the master narrative of secularization.

Sacred and Secular Agency in Early Modern France: Fragments of Religion

by Sanja Perovic

The opposition between 'religion' and 'modernity' has long held the status of a self-evident truth. Recently, however, there has been a growing realization that religion has not died out and may be more compatible with modern society than previously assumed.This development is particularly striking in France where laïcité has long been the official doctrine. How did religion become opposed to the secular and modern? If distinctions between sacred and secular are less adequate than commonly believed, how do these two categories interact?Addressing these questions, this book explores the persistence of religious categories on the cultural landscape of early modern France. France was the birthplace of Europe's first secular state and the centre of two movements considered indispensable to secularization - the Enlightenment and Revolution of 1789. As such France is vital for understanding how religious antecedents informed modern political institutions and ideals. By uncovering the role of religion in shaping categories most often associated with modernity this book offers a new perspective on the master narrative of secularization.

The Sacred and Modernity in Urban Spain: Beyond the Secular City (Hispanic Urban Studies)

by Antonio Cordoba Daniel García-Donoso

This book explores how modernity, the urban, and the sacred overlap in fundamental ways in contemporary Spain. Urban spaces have traditionally been seen as the original sites of modernity, history, progress, and a Weberian systematic disenchantment of the world, while the sacred has been linked to the natural, the rural, mythical past origins, and exemption from historical change. This collection problematizes such clear-cut distinctions as overlaps between the modern urban and the sacred in Spanish culture are explored throughout the volume. Placed in the periphery of Europe, Spain has had a complex relationship with the concept of modernity and commonly understood processes of modernization and secularization, thus offering a unique case-study of the interaction between the modern and the sacred in the city.

Sachsen zwischen Integration und Desintegration: Politisch-kulturelle Heimaten

by Steffen Kailitz Gert Pickel Tobias Genswein

Sachsen war in den vergangenen Jahren die Region Deutschlands, in der sich die Probleme der Erhaltung des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts und der bis in die bürgerlichen Schichten hineinreichenden Desintegration in besonders heftiger Weise entfalteten. Gesellschaftliche Integration und Desintegration sind dabei zwei Seiten einer Medaille. Der Band widmet sich daher zwei eng verflochtenen Themenkomplexen, zum einen den Integrationsprozessen der sächsischen und deutschen Zuwanderungsgesellschaft, zum anderen Desintegrationsprozessen in der deutschen Gesellschaft, die teils mit Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rechtsextremismus einhergehen.

Sachlichkeit: Festschrift zum achtzigsten Geburtstag von Helmuth Plessner

by Günter Dux Thomas Luckmann

Diese Festschrift ist Helmuth Plessner aus Anlaß seines achtzigsten Geburtstages ge­ widmet. Ihre Beiträge sind nicht nur der Thematik, sondern ebenso im Denkansatz und in der Logik ihrer Aussagen so verschieden, daß der Versuch, sie unter eine gemeinsame Überschrift zu bringen, fehlschlagen müßte. Der Titel der Festschrift ist gleichwohl nicht ohne Grund gewählt. Er zielt auf eine Pro­ blematik, die besonders geeignet ist, das Werk Plessners und seine Bedeutung zu er­ schließen. Im Begriff der Sachlichkeit verdichtet sich der vor allem in den anthropolo­ gischen Arbeiten unternommene Versuch, einer erkenntnistheoretischen Problematik Herr zu werden, die schon den Zugang zur menschlichen Lebenswelt nicht zu finden weiß und den Begriff der Wahrheit zunichte zu machen droht. Auch in der Sozialphilo­ sophie verfolgt Plessner das Ziel, durch eine auf das Prinzip der Unergründlichkeit ge­ stellte Sachlichkeit Grund zu legen für eine Theorie der Gesellschaft, insbesondere des Politischen in ihr. Nicht wenige der hier veröffentlichten Beiträge sind dieser Problematik verpflichtet und lassen darin den Einfluß der Plessnerschen Arbeiten erkennen.

The Saboteur at Work: How the Unconscious Mind Can Sabotage Ourselves, Our Organisations and Society

by Michael Drayton

The Saboteur at Work describes how unconscious psychological processes can sabotage individual lives, the functioning of groups, teams and organisations, and even global politics. Drawing on research in the fields of psychology and organisations, this comprehensive yet straightforward and accessible book enables you to understand how the unconscious can impact progress and performance and describes practical techniques you can use to overcome the saboteur, individually and at work. The book discusses the modern understanding of our adaptive unconscious, and you will learn about repression, imposter syndrome and other defence mechanisms. Ideas are brought to life using real-world examples and personal, organisational and national stories. The book explores the mind’s capacity for self-deception by telling the story of Tony Blair and the invasion of Iraq and looks at unconscious processes in organisations, asking what role the saboteur played in huge corporate failures such as the collapse of Barings Bank and the Boeing 737 Max scandal. The saboteur also operates on a larger scale – governments and societies can be sabotaged by this unconscious force. In Nazi Germany, how did normal, decent people behave like monsters, colluding with or actively participating in the murder of innocent people? Why did big US corporates like IBM, Ford and Chrysler work with the Nazis to make the Holocaust possible? If you manage a team or lead an organisation, you need to understand the role played by the saboteur in your workplace and in your own career and life. This book enables leaders and managers to develop their leadership skills by understanding how the unconscious impacts individual, group and social processes. It will also be of use to coaches and organisational consultants working in the areas of teams and performance.

The Saboteur at Work: How the Unconscious Mind Can Sabotage Ourselves, Our Organisations and Society

by Michael Drayton

The Saboteur at Work describes how unconscious psychological processes can sabotage individual lives, the functioning of groups, teams and organisations, and even global politics. Drawing on research in the fields of psychology and organisations, this comprehensive yet straightforward and accessible book enables you to understand how the unconscious can impact progress and performance and describes practical techniques you can use to overcome the saboteur, individually and at work. The book discusses the modern understanding of our adaptive unconscious, and you will learn about repression, imposter syndrome and other defence mechanisms. Ideas are brought to life using real-world examples and personal, organisational and national stories. The book explores the mind’s capacity for self-deception by telling the story of Tony Blair and the invasion of Iraq and looks at unconscious processes in organisations, asking what role the saboteur played in huge corporate failures such as the collapse of Barings Bank and the Boeing 737 Max scandal. The saboteur also operates on a larger scale – governments and societies can be sabotaged by this unconscious force. In Nazi Germany, how did normal, decent people behave like monsters, colluding with or actively participating in the murder of innocent people? Why did big US corporates like IBM, Ford and Chrysler work with the Nazis to make the Holocaust possible? If you manage a team or lead an organisation, you need to understand the role played by the saboteur in your workplace and in your own career and life. This book enables leaders and managers to develop their leadership skills by understanding how the unconscious impacts individual, group and social processes. It will also be of use to coaches and organisational consultants working in the areas of teams and performance.

Sabbaticals für die Personalentwicklung: Arbeitshilfen für Arbeitnehmer und Personalabteilung (essentials)

by Steffen Hillebrecht

Steffen Hillebrecht strukturiert in diesem essential die Anlässe für Sabbaticals und zeigt Arbeitnehmern wie auch Personalabteilungen die Möglichkeiten für eine faire, karrierefördernde Gestaltung auf. Beispiele und zahlreiche Literaturverweise helfen bei der Vertiefung des Themas und der Vorbereitung einer Auszeit. Sabbaticals sind im Zeichen der Work-Life-Balance ein wichtiges Instrument der Mitarbeiterbindung und der Erholung. Allerdings hält die Angst vor einem Karriereknick viele Arbeitnehmer ab, obwohl vielfältige Möglichkeiten zum Erwerb von persönlichen und sozialen Kompetenzen Sabbaticals zu einem Gewinn für alle Beteiligten machen.

Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure

by Jan Grebe

Der Autor beleuchtet den bisher wenig erforschten Bereich des militärisch gestützten Krisenmanagements im Kontext regionaler Sicherheitskooperation in Westafrika mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die militärischen Kapazitäten und Fähigkeiten westafrikanischer Streitkräfte. Neben einer Analyse der Rolle Nigerias als regionalen Hegemon untersucht Jan Grebe die Unterstützung afrikanisch geführter militärischer Interventionen sowie die Bekämpfung zunehmender Piraterie im Golf von Guinea durch externe Akteure. Zudem beschreibt er deren Zusammenarbeit mit westafrikanischen Staaten zur Verbesserung der militärischen Kapazitäten und Fähigkeiten.

The Rustication of Urban Youth in China: A Social Experiment (Routledge Revivals)

by Thomas P. Bernstein

In the 1960s and 70s, the government of China conducted a rather unusual social experiment called ‘Up to the mountains and down to the village’ which sent urban youths to the countryside in an attempt to reverse the flow of the rural population migrating to towns and cities as was generally occurring in other parts of the world at that time. Originally published in 1975, Seybolt draws together a compilation of documents discussing the project which sent roughly 12 million urban youths to settle in the countryside in the years 1968-1975 alone. The documents discuss issues such as university, love and marriage as well as the details of the experiment. This title will be of interest to students of sociology, anthropology and Asian studies.

The Rustication of Urban Youth in China: A Social Experiment (Routledge Revivals)

by Peter J. Seybolt

In the 1960s and 70s, the government of China conducted a rather unusual social experiment called ‘Up to the mountains and down to the village’ which sent urban youths to the countryside in an attempt to reverse the flow of the rural population migrating to towns and cities as was generally occurring in other parts of the world at that time. Originally published in 1975, Seybolt draws together a compilation of documents discussing the project which sent roughly 12 million urban youths to settle in the countryside in the years 1968-1975 alone. The documents discuss issues such as university, love and marriage as well as the details of the experiment. This title will be of interest to students of sociology, anthropology and Asian studies.

Russlands Außenpolitik unter Putin 2000–2018: Welchen Einfluss haben russische Think Tanks auf die auswärtige Politikgestaltung des Kremls? (Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen)

by Felix Riefer

Felix Riefer untersucht in diesem Buch russische Denkfabriken, die am wahrscheinlichsten an der auswärtigen Politikgestaltung des Kremls beteiligt sind. Die einzelnen politisch-analytischen Forschungsinstitute und ihre jeweiligen Akteure werden in Fallstudien entlang der Machtvertikale in einem explorativen, qualitativ-induktiven Ansatz für den Zeitraum 2000–2018 analysiert. Die Bereiche der Außenpolitik sind in Russland Präsidialpolitik und werden entsprechend aus der Präsidialadministration bestimmt. Doch auch im Kreml wird vernommen, dass ohne eine moderne forschungsbasierte Analyse-Infrastruktur in der globalisierten, immer komplexeren Welt sich keine Politik mehr gestalten lässt. Moderne Staaten sind heute auf die Analyse-, Beratung-, aber auch Makler-, Advokaten- und Lobbytätigkeiten der Denkfabriken angewiesen. Welche Ideen werden dort produziert? Und was noch viel wichtiger ist: welchen Einfluss haben sie auf die Gestaltung der Politik des Kremls? Der Autor Felix Riefer ist Politikwissenschaftler und beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit Russland, dem postsowjetischen Raum und russlanddeutschen (Spät-)Aussiedlern. Er promovierte am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik und Außenpolitik der Universität zu Köln.

Russia's Torn Safety Nets: Health and Social Welfare During the Transition

by NA NA

Russia's attempt to replace the failed Soviet system and its command economy with a capitalist, democratic society has produced a health and social welfare crisis, at considerable human cost. Russia s Torn Safety Nets presents a series of essays by distinguished Russian and American scholars which describe and analyze the consequences of the collapsed socialist system, focusing on issues of health and demography, HIV/AIDS, drug addiction and abuse, the disabled, aging and pensions, education, women and sexism, and social issues in the military. The essays conclude with a section on the private and public efforts to ease the impact of the ongoing transition on the Russia people.

Russia's Encounter with Globalisation: Actors, Processes and Critical Moments

by Julie Wilhelmsen and Elana Wilson Rowe

An analysis of Russia's response to globalization. This book explores how Russian domestic politics shape this international engagement. Thematically, the focus is on Russia's external engagement with areas of policy relating to globalization, namely energy, climate, health, direct foreign investment, finance, and international terrorism.

Russian Women and the End of Soviet Socialism: Everyday Experiences of Economic Change

by Judith McKinney

Initially expected to bring efficiency to the Russian economy and prosperity to Russian society, the shock therapy of price liberalization, privatization and macroeconomic stabilization introduced under Boris Yeltsin was quickly condemned as having worsened the lives of most Russians. Based on conversations with more than two dozen women in a provincial Russian capital, this book takes a retrospective look at these economic policies and explores how they transformed the trajectory of the lives of these women- both positively and negatively- in the family and in the workplace. McKinney considers the everyday experiences of the women as they provided for their families, established businesses, travelled abroad, and adjusted to the new economic, political and social environment of the Late Soviet and Post-Soviet era. Through their divergent experiences, Russian Women and the End of Soviet Socialism casts light on how these women view issues of gender, ethnicity, domestic and international politics, and the end of the Soviet experiment.Students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including gender studies, sociology, economics and history, will find this book of interest.

Russian Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Transition

by S. Ashwin S. Clarke

Many commentators expected the Russian trade unions to collapse along with the system of which they were an integral part, but the trade unions survived the storms of the Yeltsin era by adopting a strategy of 'social partnership'. This book, based on case-study and survey research in eight Russian regions, provides a detailed account of the development of trade unionism in Russia since the collapse of the soviet system. Against the background of the role of the trade unions in the soviet system, the book reviews the political role, structure and functions of the trade unions, development of social partnership at federal and regional levels, and provides a detailed account of the activity of the trade unions at the level of enterprise. The book concludes with a critical assessment of the Russian unions' strategy of 'social partnership' and locates it in comparative perspective.

Russian Provincial Society: An Empirical Analysis (Societies and Political Orders in Transition)

by Juri Plusnin

This book presents a unique analysis of modern Russian provincial society. Based on detailed empirical evidence, it develops a theoretical model of Russian provincial society in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The book explains how under the conditions of catastrophic changes, Russian provincial societies have undergone a structural transformation. It further sheds light on the transformation of the economic behavior of the population and households with regard to economic practices, crafts, and revived archaic forms of labor behavior. Summarizing the extensive empirical evidence, the book puts forward the concept of complementarity of two social structures at the local level: a ground "soft communal" structure and a "tightening with an iron hoop" estate state structure. Next, it discusses the stability and resistance of the local social structure to external political disturbances. Based on the presented analysis, the book introduces several independent criteria on the basis of which it establishes the typology of all empirically observed forms of societies. Subsequently, the book identifies six main types of Russian provincial societies. It explains how depending on the type, the different societies either adapt to political and economic changes in different ways, stay unchanged or transform their structure. The book will appeal to students, scholars, and researchers of economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology, interested in a better understanding of transformation studies, population and household economics, provincial societies, as well as Russian societal structures.

Russian Pluralism: Now Irreversible?

by U. Ra'Anan K. Armes K. Martin

The dissolution of the U.S.S.R. marked also the end of the communist system. However, its replacement by a working democracy is not assured. First a 'civil society', built upon a pluralistic infrastructure, has to be established. This requires the achievement of a 'law-based state', pluralism in the political media, an unshackled media, and freedom of religion. The distinguished experts in these fields brought together in this book question whether such an infrastructure is firm enough as yet to preclude reversion to an authoritarian system. Current events in Russia form an experiment of incalculable importance to the future of the international system - Russian Pluralism-Now Irreversible? offers a lucid, stimulating assessment of the experiment's chances for success.

Russian Peasants and Tsarist Legislation on the Eve of Reform: Interaction between Peasants and Officialdom, 1825–1855 (Studies in Soviet History and Society)

by David Moon

This study examines the interaction of peasant and official Russia in the period prior to the reforms of 1861. In a series of case studies the issues of communication and understanding between the peasantry and officialdom, peasant aims and behavioural patterns are explored.

The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness (St Antony's Series)

by Jane Ellis

The Russian Orthodox Church has survived more than seventy years of the most brutal and sustained attempts to eradicate religion that has ever been. Weakened but spiritually alive, it is confronted by the demands of a ravaged, exhausted society. Can it, however, find the resources and energy to respond to these demands? Jane Ellis describes the developments and problems in the Russian Orthodox Church under glasnost and especially since the new freedoms were granted following the millennium celebrations of 1988. New opportunities mean new challenges and demand huge new resources. Old problems in the form of close State and KGB contacts remain, and new problems in the form of competition from other denominations and sects arise. Traditionally the Orthodox Church has enjoyed a 'symphony' with the State. However are unhealthy links with the KGB and the communist past still damaging the Church. Is it in danger of becoming a state church?

Russian Jews on Three Continents: Identity, Integration, and Conflict

by Larissa Remennick

In the early 1990s, more than 1.6 million Jews from the former Soviet Union emigrated to Israel, the United States, Canada, Germany, and other Western countries. Larissa Remennick relates the saga of their encounter with the economic marketplaces, lifestyles, and everyday cultures of their new homelands, drawing on comparative sociological research among Russian-Jewish immigrants.Although citizens of Jewish origin ostensibly left the former Soviet Union to flee persecution and join their co-religionists, Israeli, North American, and German Jews were universally disappointed by the new arrivals' tenuous Jewish identity. In turn, Russian Jews, whose identity had been shaped by seventy years of secular education and assimilation into the Soviet mainstream, hoped to be accepted as ambitious and hard working individuals seeking better lives. These divergent expectations shaped lines of conflict between Russian-speaking Jews and the Jewish communities of the receiving countries.Since her own immigration to Israel from Moscow in 1991, Remennick has been both a participant and an observer of this saga. This is the first attempt to compare resettlement and integration experiences of a single ethnic community (former Soviet Jews) in various global destinations. It also analyzes their emerging transnational lifestyles. Written from an interdisciplinary perspective, this book opens new perspectives for a diverse readership, including sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists, historians, Slavic scholars, and Jewish studies specialists.

Russian Jews on Three Continents: Identity, Integration, and Conflict

by Larissa Remennick

In the early 1990s, more than 1.6 million Jews from the former Soviet Union emigrated to Israel, the United States, Canada, Germany, and other Western countries. Larissa Remennick relates the saga of their encounter with the economic marketplaces, lifestyles, and everyday cultures of their new homelands, drawing on comparative sociological research among Russian-Jewish immigrants.Although citizens of Jewish origin ostensibly left the former Soviet Union to flee persecution and join their co-religionists, Israeli, North American, and German Jews were universally disappointed by the new arrivals' tenuous Jewish identity. In turn, Russian Jews, whose identity had been shaped by seventy years of secular education and assimilation into the Soviet mainstream, hoped to be accepted as ambitious and hard working individuals seeking better lives. These divergent expectations shaped lines of conflict between Russian-speaking Jews and the Jewish communities of the receiving countries.Since her own immigration to Israel from Moscow in 1991, Remennick has been both a participant and an observer of this saga. This is the first attempt to compare resettlement and integration experiences of a single ethnic community (former Soviet Jews) in various global destinations. It also analyzes their emerging transnational lifestyles. Written from an interdisciplinary perspective, this book opens new perspectives for a diverse readership, including sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists, historians, Slavic scholars, and Jewish studies specialists.

The Russian Intelligentsia

by Vladimir C. Nahirny

Vladimir C. Nahirny's brilliant study of major issues in Russian social and intellectual history synthesizes historical and sociological perspectives in an analysis of the nineteenth century Russian intelligentsia. He clarifies the concept of the intelligentsia itself, analyzes findings bearing on the social origins of different generations of intelligentsia, and enlarges understanding of conditions that facilitated the emergence of ideological groups among them. The Russian Intelligentsia develops a conceptually focused view of this distinct social group, arguing that the Russian intelligentsia can best be understood on the basis of orientation to ideas rather than on social or occupational position. Rather than simply providing an intellectual history or biographical sketches of major figures, Nahirny illuminates these concepts through data, creating an immersive context unlike other discussions of these groups. This book was, and will be, of interest to those interested in the problematic and contradictory social-political roles of intellectuals during this time.

The Russian Intelligentsia: From Torment To Silence

by Vladimir C. Nahirny

Vladimir C. Nahirny's brilliant study of major issues in Russian social and intellectual history synthesizes historical and sociological perspectives in an analysis of the nineteenth century Russian intelligentsia. He clarifies the concept of the intelligentsia itself, analyzes findings bearing on the social origins of different generations of intelligentsia, and enlarges understanding of conditions that facilitated the emergence of ideological groups among them. The Russian Intelligentsia develops a conceptually focused view of this distinct social group, arguing that the Russian intelligentsia can best be understood on the basis of orientation to ideas rather than on social or occupational position. Rather than simply providing an intellectual history or biographical sketches of major figures, Nahirny illuminates these concepts through data, creating an immersive context unlike other discussions of these groups. This book was, and will be, of interest to those interested in the problematic and contradictory social-political roles of intellectuals during this time.

Russian Culture At The Crossroads: Paradoxes Of Postcommunist Consciousness

by Dmitri N Shalin

The reexamination of values that began during the USSRs last years continues today in the search for a new Russian culture, one rooted in the pre-Soviet past but dynamic and evolving. Multi-textual, polyphonic, and contradictory, the current Russian cultural discourse is richly reflected in these essays by a diverse group of authors from Russian and American academic and cultural circles. The chapters explore specific cultural domains, surveying Russian and Soviet beliefs and behaviors, and highlighting the range of choices that Russians are facing at this critical juncture. }During the waning years of Soviet power, glasnost laid bare the distress of people trapped in a system they despised but felt powerless to change. The reexamination of values that began then continues today in the search for a new Russian culture, one rooted in the pre-Soviet past but dynamic and evolving, enabling Russians to meet the challenges they face in the contemporary world. Multi-textual, polyphonic, and contradictory, the current Russian cultural discourse is richly reflected in these essays by a diverse group of authors from Russian and American academic and cultural circles. Each chapter focuses on a particular cultural domain, surveying the historical origins of Russian beliefs and behaviors, exploring their Soviet and post-Soviet permutations, and highlighting the range of choices that Russians are facing at this critical juncture. The decisions they make will shape their society and culture for generations to come.Illuminating the universal significance of the Soviet experience, this volume raises provocative questions about the social, political, and economic sources of cultural change.

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