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5 Day Weekend: Freedom to Make Your Life and Work Rich with Purpose: A how-to guide to building multiple streams of passive income

by Garrett B. Gunderson Nik Halik

CREATE PASSIVE INCOME FROM PROPERY AND BUSINESS, GET FINANCIALLY SET FOR LIFE, AND ADD 3 MORE DAYS TO YOUR WEEKEND - EVERY WEEKENDYou know there's a better way to live your life. You want to stop living by other people's rules. Now there's a way. 5 DAY WEEKEND® shows you how to build multiple streams of passive, independent income, through property and exploiting the business opportunities all around you, opening up your world to more and better choices.Covering money and personal freedom, you will focus on ways to tighten your finances, increase your income, and develop passive investment strategies. Discover how to build regular, independent cash flow until it matches your standard of living, freeing you to live your life to the fullest.You will find tools to support and realise your new goals, and read real life stories and cases giving examples and guidance. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO LEAVE YOUR 9-5 JOB BEHIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, AND ACHIEVE YOUR GRANDEST GOALS.

Say Why to Drugs: Everything You Need to Know About the Drugs We Take and Why We Get High

by Dr Suzi Gage

A definitive and authoritative guide to drugs and why we get high from the creator of the top-rated podcast, Say Why to Drugs.Drugs. We've all done them. Whether it's a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, a cigarette or a sleeping pill. But how well do we understand the effects of the drugs we take - legal or illegal?Say Why to Drugs investigates the science behind recreational drugs- debunking common myths and misconceptions, as well as containing the most recent scientific research. Looking at a range of drugs, this book provides a clear understanding of how drugs work and what they're really doing to your mind and body. Along the way you will find out why ketamine is on the WHO's list of essential medicines, why some researchers hope MDMA could treat PTSD, and much more.Enlightening, entertaining, and thought-provoking, Say Why to Drugs is a compelling read that will surprise and educate proponents on both sides of the drugs debate.

Opportunity: Seize The Day. Win At Life.

by Rob Moore

Opportunities are limitless and abundant.The problem is, many people can't recognise them.It can feel like opportunity doesn't knock for you, or other people get more opportunities, or you have bad luck and timing.You just need to know where to look. How to ask. When to ACT.Opportunity can be a window or a door; sometimes it opens right in front of you and sometimes it knocks. You need to be ready: windows, doors and eyes open.Are you waiting for that once-in-a-lifetime or business opportunity to change your life? How will you know when it comes? How will you be sure it's right for you?This book is not about waiting for an opportunity. It's a book containing strategies that can be employed immediately, ensuring you attract opportunities abundantly, both big and small, and you're ready to recognise and take them. To turn ideas into opportunities. Successful people often make their own luck - they find success because they have trained their minds to recognise great opportunities and make the most of them, rather than freezing with uncertainty or lacking the vision to see them through. They know the opportunity cost of not taking them.In this book you'll learn how to spot, seize and implement the right opportunities, and how to say NO to the wrong ones. You'll learn to take fast and slow opportunities. When opportunity appears you'll be ready to take advantage, seize the day, and win at life.

Start Now. Get Perfect Later.

by Rob Moore

Hardly anyone gets it right the first time, but many of us are crippled by indecision and fear of failure. The desire to get it right can inhibit us from getting started. In this book Rob Moore, the bestselling author of MONEY, shows that the quickest way to perfect is starting right now and improving as you go. This book will show you how to launch your business or idea, begin the next phase of your career, and overcome self-doubt - right away. Get perfect later, get started NOW.

The Seven-Day Soul: Finding Meaning Beneath the Noise

by Susannah Healy

'An essential book about the transformative power of a grounded spiritual life' Jack Canfield, internationally bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul'This wonderful blend of science and spirituality provides a clear path to finding deeper meaning and joy in life. A beautiful read' Marci Shimoff, No.1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No ReasonIn this ground-breaking book, psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher Susannah Healy reveals the evidence-basis for the value of spirituality in all aspects of our lives. She examines the place of spirituality in a culture that values individualism and left-brained thinking, and delves into the psychological research that shows that it is in self-transcendence -- the conscious service of others and the world -- that true happiness lies.Gently guiding the reader through millennia of spiritual teachings in the world faith traditions, Susannah expands the vision of God from the Western 'old man in the sky' image into something less literal, which can ultimately give meaning to all. She shows how we can apply this to all aspects of our life, including relationships, parenting, career and recreation, for our greater good and that of society as a whole.With meditations, simple exercises and case studies, The Seven-Day Soul is a book of gentle wisdom to live by.

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

by Martin Seligman

From the bestselling author of Authentic HappinessKnown as the father of the science of positive psychology, Martin E.P. Seligman draws on more than twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enhances the quality of life, and how anyone can learn to practice it. Offering many simple techniques, Dr. Seligman explains how to break an 'I give up' habit, develop a more constructive explanatory style for interpreting your behaviour, and experience the benefits of a more positive interior dialogue. These skills can help break up depression, boost your immune system, better develop your potential, and make you happier. With generous additional advice on how to encourage optimistic behaviour at school, at work and in children, Learned Optimism is both profound and practical, making it highly valuable for every phase of life.

Who Says You Can’t? You Do: The life-changing self help book that's empowering people around the world to live an extraordinary life

by Daniel Chidiac

THE WORD OF MOUTH PHENOMENON THAT'S CHANGING LIVES AROUND THE WORLDDo you want to change your life? Well, who says you can't? Would you be surprised to learn that the only person stopping you achieving what you want in life is yourself? Why do you think there are so few people living their dream and millions of others slipping further away from theirs with every day that passes? Daniel Chidiac's writing has touched millions of people worldwide and helps to transform thousands of lives daily. By opening Who Says You Can't? You Do, you embark on a psychological and emotional journey that will unlock your true potential. This challenging and extraordinarily rewarding book is the ultimate guide to discovering the fulfilment you have been searching for your whole life.Who Says You Can't? You Do is a psychological and emotional journey that will help you overcome your self-doubts and unlock your true potential through 7 steps that cover self-discovery, energy, achievement, relationships and physical health. 'Who Says You Can't? You Do is the ultimate book for personal growth. It helps you find clarity within yourself regardless of where you are in life' Torrey Smith, Philadelphia Eagles, NFL Superbowl champion XLVII'Who Says You Can't? You Do offers clear and actionable steps for developing a winner's mental state and ultimately to live a fuller and more successful life. I highly recommend this book!' Natalie Eva Marie, WWE Pro-Wrestler/Actress

Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money

by Ken Honda

Look around you - what do you see? You may discover to your surprise that the people who are most at peace with money are the ones who walk nimbly between having too little and having too much. They have found a balance between indulgence and austerity; between success and happiness; between motivation and inspiration; and between any number of other poles we tend to think of as either/or choices, but which in reality are simply posts on either side of a doorway through which we must pass.For many of us the subject of money is unavoidably stressful. Managing our personal finances is complicated, time consuming and often, particularly in the slow countdown to pay day, dispiriting. The good news is that in Japan - where a Zen approach to life is more widely practiced - a pathway to a better relationship with money is being carved, by Ken Honda.This beautifully written book will reinvent the way you see your personal finances. You will come to understand that money flows like water and arrives like a guest. You'll rethink your own attitudes and examine the way they were shaped by beliefs about money you were taught as a child. When we heal the fear and anxiety we have about money, we successfully achieve prosperity and peace. Take the zen path to financial security and happiness.

Mad Diet: Easy steps to lose weight and cure depression

by Suzanne Lockhart

Science reveals the truth about how our food is making us mad and fat. Are you depressed or struggling to lose weight? You are not alone. 1 in 4 people are taking antidepressants and two thirds of us are obese or overweight. Something is clearly very wrong. Mad Diet lifts the lid on what is really going on with our food and provides an easy guide to restoring your mind and waistline.Mad Diet provides a fresh new approach to healthy eating, in a market full of 'gurus' who don't have the scientific knowledge to back up their claims, Suzanne Lockhart provides an accessible, scientific and empowering approach to healthy eating. By detailing how harmful processed foods are, and showing your how to eat better for your body and your mind, Mad Diet enables you to change your outlook on food with positive outcomes for your mental health. As Suzanne says: 'We really are what we eat. If we change what we eat we can change ourselves. And if we do that we might just change the world!'

Living A Life You Love: Embracing the adventure of being led by the Holy Spirit

by Joyce Meyer

Like many people, you may find it easy to express love for your family, your spouse, your church, the Lord-or for more temporal things like a good cup of tea, your home, or a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant. But you may struggle to truly say "I love my life!" Routines and responsibilities can become a grind, making you dread today, rather than look forward to it. Privileges can become burdens that rob you of the joy and fulfillment you're meant to have as a child of God. But you can be hopeful, learn to rise above your challenges, and become filled with wonder at what God can do in your life. Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer, who went from being in pain and miserable to peaceful and satisfied through Christ, this book is the key to shifting your perspective so that you may also relish every moment and every part of life. Joyce explains how to love life fully, in spite of your obstacles, so you can experience the joy and fulfillment God has for you! Chapters include:God Has an Amazing Plan for You, Refuse to Let Fear Determine Your Destiny, See Each Day as an Opportunity, and Be the You God Created You to Be! The key to loving your life is found in God's love for you. When you make Him the focus of all you do it will transform your attitude, so that you can really enjoy each day. Learn how God can help you maintain a joyful attitude, making love and kindness top priorities, and what you give away will come back to you immeasurably. As Joyce explains, God has already blessed you with what it takes to start LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE. And this book will show you how.

R. T. Kendall: Total Forgiveness, Totally Forgiving Ourselves, Totally Forgiving God

by R.T. Kendall

'If I could have only one of R. T.'s books, this would be my choice. There is no more important message for the church today' Rob Parsons'Few recently published books have made a greater impression on me than R. T. Kendall's Total Forgiveness,' writes Robin Eames. 'I have found so much in his words to challenge my own thinking and work. His Bible-centred approach is matched by the realism of how individuals have tried to face up to loss, distress and frustration.'No sin or action is unforgivable, says R. T., and we are called to keep no record of wrongs, to refuse to punish those who have hurt us, to show mercy and to avoid any form of bitterness. This bundle looks at the theme of forgiveness which stands at the heart of the Christian faith. A radical message for a divided world.

Rob Parsons: The Sixty Minute Mother, The Sixty Minute Marriage

by Rob Parsons

In THE SIXTY MINUTE MOTHER Rob Parsons turns his warm wisdom and wit to the subject of motherhood. Talking to a variety of mothers, including Dianne Parsons, from all backgrounds and situations (working, lone, home-based, mothers of babies, teenagers, adopted kids and so on) he has compiled a wonderfully inspirational book on the highs and lows of being a mother, with lots of fresh insights. In his usual style, and never forgetting the essential truth that men need to nurture their maternal instincts too, he has written another winner.THE SIXTY MINUTE MARRIAGE presents an action plan to revolutionise every relationship. Includes: Are affairs good for a marriage? - How to argue - effectively - Why many men say, 'My wife's not interested in sex' - Why cutting your credit card in half can save your marriage - How a divorce will affect your children.This bundle is what every mother and father will want to read!

Bringing Death to Life: An Uplifting Exploration of Living, Dying, the Soul Journey and the Afterlife

by Patricia Scanlan Aidan Storey Pamela Young Dr Mary Hensley

Take a heart-lifting journey into the great unknown ...In Bringing Death to Life, well-known author Patricia Scanlan, along with soul friends and metaphysical healers Dr Mary Helen Hensley, Aidan Storey and Pamela Young, shine a light into an area that they believe needs to become part of the ordinary conversation of life, not to be feared or avoided in our communications, but recognised, understood, accepted: death.Patricia, whose experience of the loss of her parents was the catalyst for this book, shares her own journey through grief, while Aidan, Mary Helen and Pamela -- who have abilities to channel, communicate with angels, and intuit and heal between this life and the next -- share personal experiences along with insight into death and the afterlife gained through their work.Included are chapters on facing fear of death, being present during death of a loved one, the aftermath of loss, and connecting to signs and messages from beyond, along with remarkable stories of the afterlife in the everyday. Prayers, affirmations and messages from the angels also make up this special, thought-provoking and ultimately deeply comforting book.

How To Go Vegan: The why, the how, and everything you need to make going vegan easy

by Veganuary

Going vegan is easy!Whether you're already a full-time vegan, considering making the switch or know someone who is, this book will give you all the tools you need to make the change towards a healthier, happier and more ethical lifestyle. How to Go Vegan includes...Why try vegan?Animal welfare, the environment, health benefits and your personal adventure.Vegan at homeSurprisingly vegan foods, reading labels, vegan ingredient essentials, easy replacements, how to be the only vegan in the familyVegan out in the worldEating out, eating at friends' houses, answering questions from loved ones, travelling veganLiving the vegan lifestyleMeal plans, tips and tricks, what to do if you're struggling, how to celebrate being a veganHow to go vegan. It's easier than you think.

Joyce Meyer: Battlefield of the Mind, Power Thoughts, Mind Connection

by Joyce Meyer

Battlefield of the Mind: Joyce shares the trials, tragedies and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family and ministry that have led her to amazing, life-transforming truth, and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.Power Thoughts: Joyce outlines a flexible program to turn thoughts into habits, and habits into success. Sections feature bulleted keys to successful thinking in each chapter. Mind Connection: The quality of your thoughts directly affects your quality of life. What you think impacts your words, attitude, decisions and emotions. It's all connected: thoughts affect your entire life by influencing how you relate to yourself, other people and to God.

The Multi-Hyphen Method: The Sunday Times business bestseller

by Emma Gannon

For fans of Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies, Tim Ferris's 4-Hour Work Week and the author and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk'It was a pleasure to read... the way we all work is going to change in the coming years' Richard BransonThe world of work is changing - so how do you keep up?You have the ability to make money on our own terms, when and where you want - but where do you start?If you've been itching to convert your craft into a career, or your side-hustle into a start up, then The Multi-Hyphen Method is for you.In The Multi-Hyphen Method award-winning blogger / social media editor / podcast creator, Emma Gannon, teaches that it doesn't matter if you're a part-time PA with a blog, or a nurse who runs an online store in the evenings - whatever your ratio, whatever your mixture, we can all channel our own entrepreneurial spirit to live more fulfilled and financially healthy lives.The internet and our phones mean we can work wherever, whenever and allows us to design our own working lives. Forget the outdated stigma of being a jack of all trades, because having many strings to your bow is essential to get ahead in the modern working world. We all have the skills necessary to work less and create more, and The Multi-Hyphen Method is the source of inspiration you need to help you navigate your way towards your own definition of success.

Leadership: The Multiplier Effect

by Andy Cope

As 9-5 morphs into 24/7, it brings mounting pressures and new rules. Your life is full-on, relentless and exhausting and worse still, it's zipping by in a blur. It's easy to end up careering from one crisis to another, buzzed up on sugar and coffee, existing from one holiday to the next.The leader's job is to squeeze more from less, but most leaders feel they can't possibly work any harder and are sick to death with being told to work smarter. So where next? The answer is to use the multiplier effect to transform your leadership style.Leadership: The Multiplier Effect is crammed with the latest thinking on leadership, strengths, positive psychology, purpose, employee engagement, coaching, emotional intelligence and 'life', supplemented with anecdotes, pithy quotes and asides that help bring the content to life. And to save you time, the book's central message is this: Your job as a leader is NOT to inspire people. Your job as a leader is to BE INSPIRED.

The Teenager’s Guide to Life, the Universe and Being Awesome: Super-charge your life

by Andy Cope

Congratulations, you're already awesome. You are the best in the world at being you. The problem is that it's easy to forget!This book, by the authors of the extraordinary bestseller THE ART OF BEING A BRILLIANT TEENAGER, is a reminder that you are awesome and a prompt for bigger and better things. It asks not what you want from life, but what kind of person you want to be, exposing the key to planning for your future - building your best qualities so you can stand out and live a brilliant, energetic, successful life. You are already the best in the world at being you. This book will help you get even better.

Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn't Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead

by Kathryn Sollmann

It's time to acknowledge that not all working women are interested in climbing the corporate ladder or securing the corner office. Most want and need flexible, less life-consuming work to accommodate their real lives, and it's not weak, lacking ambition or letting down the sisterhood to pursue professional fulfillment and financial security through less lofty, or headline-making ways.Eye-opening and practical, Ambition Redefined is a welcome alternative to 'women's business books'. Sollmann calls it like it is: everyday women want and need flexible work that allows them to unapologetically pursue their own brand of ambition and success. She shows them how without sacrificing themselves, their careers or their families. Armed with practical insights and tools, readers will be empowered to go after opportunities beyond traditional definitions of work, career and success. They will learn why they should never leave the workforce, how to make a case for flexibility in a current full-time job, how to find flexible employers, industries and job functions and how to return to work after time away raising children or caring for elderly parents.

Kindfulness: Be a true friend to yourself - with mindful self-compassion

by Padraig O'Morain

The Irish Times top 10 bestseller.Do you criticise yourself on a daily basis? Are you always comparing yourself to others? Kindfulness is there for you. This practical, uplifting guide combines the two hot topics of the moment: mindfulness and self-compassion. From the author of Mindfulness on the Go and Mindfulness for Worriers, this book teaches you how to make mindfulness your ally in everyday life, ways to accept who you are and how to lower anxiety and stress levels through a range of simple exercises. In today's chaotic world, it seems that everyone could benefit from joining the kindfulness movement.Psychotherapist Padraig O'Morain believes that through the art of self-care and ensuring that you are living in the present, you can dispel the negativity in your life. As a result of loving and accepting yourself a little bit more, you will improve your relationships with others and become a more compassionate and happier human being.'Psychologists agree that there are many real benefits - kindfulness can reduce depression and anxiety, improve relationships and leave you able to pursue your goals.' - Stella Magazine, The Telegraph'Being kind to yourself is therapy for the soul.' - The Independent

The Confidence Kit: Your Bullsh*t-Free Guide to Owning Your Fear

by Caroline Foran

Consider this your ultimate guide to confidence.From the Number One bestselling author of Owning It: Your Bullsh*t Free Guide To Living With Anxiety, comes The Confidence Kit, a refreshing take on something that's common to us all - fear. When journalist and author Caroline Foran published Owning It, her bullsh*t-free account of living with anxiety, it became a phenomenal Number One bestseller. Here, in The Confidence Kit, she returns with her unique, down-to-earth style, sharing her essential toolkit for improved self-confidence. Her goal? To take our inner fears and anxieties and turn them into the building blocks of confidence.From understanding the fear of failure and knowing when and how to step outside your comfort zone to tools such as 'fear hacking' and the art of decision-making, The Confidence Kit is jam-packed with practical advice, expert input, along with the author's signature sense of humour. Consider it your ultimate guide to confidence.'The goal of this book isn't to teach you how to become completely fearless. It's about how you can employ techniques to build your confidence, to own your fears and anxieties -- to bring you one step closer to achieving what you want in life' Caroline Foran

The Heart is a Noisy Room: Your inner voices, why they matter – and how to win them over

by Dr Ronald Boyd-MacMillan

Your heart, my heart, everyone's heart, is a noisy room full of voices. These voices can come deep from childhood, or from our culture, or from habits embraced in adulthood. These voices run our lives. They can even ruin them. But if we face them, they can also save us.We all have inner stories we tell ourselves - voices that seem inseparable from who we are. They can be crushingly negative, telling us we'll never amount to anything. Or they can be positive - and keep us addicted to achievement. Either way, if we stay oblivious to them, these inner voices will run our lives. But when we know how to relate to them, they can become our friends and our guides.In this ruthlessly practical and inspiringly visionary book, Ronald Boyd-MacMillan teaches us how to identify our inner voices - whether negative or positive - and gives us five tools to engage with them, leading us into lives of deeper freedom, fullness and joy.

Capricorn: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Capricorn. You are the achiever and status seeker of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Sagittarius: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Sagittarius. You are the explorer and truth seeker of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Scorpio: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Scorpio. You are the change agent and healer of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

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