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Showing 16,351 through 16,375 of 20,132 results

The Deep Reaches of Space

by A. Bertram Chandler

Is he George Whitley, a twentieth-century writer of science fiction - or Peter Quinn, Second Officer of the interstellar liner Lode Maiden?An injection of lysergic acid and Whitley finds himself ... where ... who ... and in what age? He is inhabiting the body of Second Officer Quinn but his mind is still that of George Whitley.Aboard the Lode Maiden he can capture only fragments of Quinn's memory and consciousness, until a magnetic storm throws the ship off trajectory into the deep reaches of space. Then, somehow, enough knowledge comes to him to enable him to help land the ship on an unnamed planet on the Galactic Rim.But the forced landing damages the ship and kills the Captain, leaving Quinn - or is it Whitley? - to lead the crew and passengers to safety through the horrors and dangers of the unknown planet.

Empress of Outer Space

by A. Bertram Chandler

Her Imperial Highness Empress Irene is in trouble. She needs to prevent the take over of the universe by the power hungry Mortimer Jones . . .

The Far Traveler (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

The Far Traveler was hardly the sort of starship to use in the study of lost space colonies. Lost colonies were likely to be desperate, eccentric and otherwise unappreciative. And The Far Traveler was a rich woman's toy, constructed of gold and directed by an omniscient, dictatorial and feminine computer known as Big Sister.John Grimes had become that golden vessel's captain. A captain in name only because nobody could talk back to Big Sister or the haughty beauty who owned everything aboard. But Grimes was a man of many resources and lost space colonies were placed that did not observe the civilized rules. You could be sure, therefore, that the man known as the Commodore Hornblower of Outer Space would be likely to come through okay, even if the ladies - mechanical and physical - never expected him to!

Frontier of the Dark: A Novel Of An Alternate Rim Worlds Universe (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by A. Bertram Chandler

The Mannschenn Drive was the gateway to the stars, but it had one unfortunate site effect: Traveling faster than light, mankind reverted to the bestial form of his own legendary nightmare-the lycanthropic horror that the full moon once called forth from the soul's depths, now no longer howling at the moon but soaring far beyond it...

The Gateway to Never (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes is stranded on a Hell Planet! Another adventure with the pipe-smoking, action-loving spaceship commander Lieutenant John Grimes.

The Hamelin Plague (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by A. Bertram Chandler

It began with a few small items in the newspapers - dead dogs and cats, a mutilated child, a series of unexplained fires. Then suddenly it exploded into a full sized catastrophe.Huge mutants - half rat, half man - began to take over the world, stealing children for slaves and destroying their populations.Only a few people escaped, among them Tim Barrett, his wife Jane, and a handful of survivors. Alone on the high seas in a small ship, they set off to find the island where Dr. Theodore Piper had been experimenting with a sonic death ray.They knew Dr. Piper was their only hope for personal and world survival - if he was still alive... if the King Rats hadn't forced him to serve their evil purpose... and if he could find a way to stop the spreading horror of invasion.

The Hard Way Up (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

A selection of John Grimes short stories including:With Good IntentionsThe SubtracterThe Tin MessiahThe Sleeping BeautyThe Wandering BuoyThe Mountain MoversWhat You Know

The Inheritors (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes tackles the slave trade on a lost world with some very feline like inhabitants.

Into the Alternate Universe (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

Rim ghosts are real! Intruders from alternate universes appearing where the fabric of space is thin. Sonya and John Grimes find themselves in an alternate universe.

Kelly Country

by A. Bertram Chandler

There was a Ned Kelly. He lived and breathed and fought for what he believed to be right - according to the historians. According to others he was no more than a bushranger, a vicious criminal who paid the just penalty for his crimes on the gallows. But what if he had lived. What would have been the consequences for Australia - and the world?

The Last Amazon (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

Originally, Sparta was an all-male planet - an all-male population with everything that implies: babies - male babies only - produced by the so-called Birth Machine from an almost unending supply of fertilized ova brought by Sparta's founding father, a dyed-in-the-wool misogynist. But unnatural situations rarely stand the test of time, and it wasn't too long before Sparta bowed to Mother Nature.But there was still something rather strange about Sparta when John Grimes landed there to await the arrival of his beloved ship Sister Sue. It seemed to him that among the recently transplanted women of Sparta, there was a strange movement afoot. And when the Archon was kidnapped by a group of militant women the press claimed were men, he knew he couldn't just stand by and watch!

Matilda's Stepchildren (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes, owner of the deep space pinnace Little Sister, could not be too fussy about who he carried. Fenalla Pruin, the muckraking reporter, was always going to be trouble. They need the boomerang throwing abilities of two sexy dancers from New Alice to get them out of trouble.

Nebula Alert

by A. Bertram Chandler

The Iralians were humanoid and techically free citizens of the Galactic Empire. But as slaves they were prized above all others, for they had the unique capacity to transmit acquired knowledge through heredity. And so when the space mercenary Wanderer was hired by GLASS (Galactic League for the Abolition and Supression of Slavery) to take a cargo of Iralians home it was going to be a simple task!For one thing, they'd be hunted by interstellar slavers for their priceless passengers.For another, the Iralians themselves had other ideas which included mutiny and high treason.And for the third and worst, they were too close to the Horsehead Nebula, whose capacity for warping time, space and the dimensions was a permanent Red Alert for all spacecraft.

The Rim Gods (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

Gods! Dragons! Fairies! Frog Princess! Knights! and much more. John Grimes faces them all.

The Rim of Space: Across Time, Mission To A Star, And The Rim Of Space (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

Derek Calver touches down on Lorn and is determined to join the Rim Runners to explore desolate planets. He joins the crew of Lorn Lady and sets forth for Mellise, inhabited by intelligent amphibians; for Groller, where the natives have just qualified as humanoids; for Stree with its tea loving lizards; and for Tharn, home of a pre-industrial civilization.

The Road to the Rim (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

Meet John Grimes at the very beginning of a career that will lead him to fame and glory out at the edge of the galaxy, out where the laws of men are nonexistent, and those of nature itself are sometimes tenuous.Someday Grimes will be a Commodore in the secessionist Rim Worlds Navy, but for now he is merely a very junior lieutenant in another space navy entirely: that of the Federation. If he keeps his nose clean, one day he can be an admiral in that Service; all he has to do is follow regulations regardless of the consequences, and obey orders regardless of whether they are right or wrong - and he is determined to do just that.But being John Grimes, he will find it a more difficult task than he expects - especially when he must turn a blind eye to the piratical acts of the Waldegrenese Navy, or ignore the plight of a beautiful damsel in distress. That's why, although he doesn't know it yet, he is already on . . . the Road To The Rim.

The Sea Beasts (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by A. Bertram Chandler

They came in armies from under the sea - they possessed an intelligence and cunning beyond any human. These incredible tales were dismissed as the ravings of madmen by marine expert Peter Hollows, and his lovely assistant Sally Brent. But then they appeared... strange and monstrous creatures that Hallows and his expedition might never live to describe.

The Ship From Outside

by A. Bertram Chandler

The reward for rescuing Thermopylae is finally paid, and Calver and his shipmates from Lorn Lady purchase a ship and rename her The Outsider. Two years are spent as a charter to Rim Runners, then six months tramping, before Sonya Verrill reappears and engineers a charter from the Federation Survey Service to look for an alien derelict. She accompanies The Outsider, but proves very disruptive to Jane Calver.

Space Mercenaries

by A. Bertram Chandler

Her ex-Imperial Highness of Outer Space had developed a conscience. With a well-armed space cruiser on her hands, she didn't want to sell it to just anyone - that is, anyone under Empire control. So the former Empress and her ex-space captain husband became mercenaries for GLASS - the Galactic League for the Abolition of Suppression and Slavery.Their first assignment was blockade-running, to bring antibiotics to the plague-ridden humans on Antrim, besieged by the Halicheki bird-people and ignored by the Empire. Only, this would be a ticklish business for they could not fire one shot at the Halicheki without being legally termed pirates. And although the ex-Empress and her husband were open-minded enough to try all sorts of devious tricks, the prospect of being hanged for piracy by the Empress' successor did not appeal to either of their natures...

Spartan Planet (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes arrives on the forgotten planet Sparta, where a birth machine produces only men generation after generation. The strangely shaped 'men' on his ship have a catastrophic effect.

Star Courier (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

In his long and fabulous career as the Captain Hornblower of space, John Grimes was to experience many strange things, rising through the ranks of the Interstellar Federation - from triumph to disaster - and ultimately becoming the most famous of the Rim Runners, far out along the edge of the Milky Way.But there was a period when Grimes fell between one cosmic empire and another, on his own, commander of a single deep-space pinnace and looking for work.And that was when he became a god! He thought he was just doing a mailman's job, bu the price of the postage turned out to be divinity - with a lovely nude postmistress certified for a goddess!

Star Loot (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

In luck and out of luck, John Grimes was a living legend of the spaceways. He had been an officer of the service, he had been the victim of a mutiny, he had discovered lost worlds, he had served under strange masters and on strange ships, but he had never turned space pirate. Until this adventure.How it happened was a complex story to begin with, but typical Grimes luck. How he became the terror of the star lanes developed, as usual, from his own efforts to make an honest living and other's efforts to use him for devious diversions.This is a story of the loot of the stars, of how Grimes graduated from operator of a space courier ship to master of a fleet of dreaded carriers of the skull and crossbones!

To Keep The Ship (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes falls into the clutches of terrorists. Its going to talk all his efforts to keep his precious golden ship. (Especially as it is infected with mini-Susies who were sharp-toothed, hungry and ready to eat him alive.)

To Prime the Pump (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

El Dorado is a planet with a problem, the men are infertile and the woman are getting out of hand. Its up to John Grimes to save them from deadly peril.

Up to the Sky in Ships

by A. Bertram Chandler

Up to the Sky in Ships contains seven undeservedly obscure stories by A. Bertram Chandler, including "Chance Encounter", the first story in which John Grimes (Chandler's most famous character) appears and "A New Dimension", set in an alternate world in which Ned Kelley uses unusual tactics to win Australia's war for independence.

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