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Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Teeth Workbook


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Teeth Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Teeth Topic book (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Teeth Topic book

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Friction Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Friction Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Animal adaptations Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Animal adaptations Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Animal adaptations Topic book (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 3 Animal adaptations Topic book

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Space Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Space Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Space Topic book (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Space Topic book

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Sound Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Sound Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Sound Topic book (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Sound Topic book

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Invertebrates Topic book (PDF)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 2 Invertebrates Topic book

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Pushes and pulls Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Pushes and pulls Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Light and dark Workbook (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Light and dark Workbook

Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Light and dark Topic book (Science Bug)


Science Bug: iPrimary Year 1 Light and dark Topic book

Auditory Information Processing

by Harunori Ohmori

This book explains neural function at the level of ion channels and membrane excitability in neurons along the ascending auditory pathway. Airborne sound information is captured by the ears, transformed to neural electrical signals, and then processed in the brain. Readers will find full descriptions of these processes of signal transduction and transformation. First, it is described how, at the level of hair cells, the receptor cells in the cochlea, the sound-evoked vibration is transduced to electrical signals and transmitted to the auditory nerve fibers. In the second section it is explained how the electrical activity of these fibers is processed at the cochlear nucleus in order to extract the temporal and level information of sound separately and then transmitted to the third nucleus for processing of the interaural differences, such as the interaural time difference and the interaural level difference. The third section summarizes the transformation of auditory temporal information to the rate of neural firing activity in the midbrain and the higher nuclei, including the cortex, based on in vivo results. Finally, emerging new technologies to investigate auditory signal processing are reviewed and discussed.

Antibacterial Drug Discovery to Combat MDR: Natural Compounds, Nanotechnology and Novel Synthetic Sources

by Iqbal Ahmad Shamim Ahmad Kendra P. Rumbaugh

This book compiles the latest information in the field of antibacterial discovery, especially with regard to the looming threat of multi-drug resistance. The respective chapters highlight the discovery of new antibacterial and anti-infective compounds derived from microbes, plants, and other natural sources. The potential applications of nanotechnology to the fields of antibacterial discovery and drug delivery are also discussed, and one section of the book is dedicated to the use of computational tools and metagenomics in antibiotic drug discovery. Techniques for efficient drug delivery are also covered. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made in both antibacterial discovery and delivery, making it a valuable resource for academic researchers, as well as those working in the pharmaceutical industry.

Plant Biotechnology: Progress in Genomic Era

by S. M. Paul Khurana Rajarshi Kumar Gaur

Refinement in sequencing technologies and potential of genomic research resulted in meteoric growth of biological information such as sequences of DNA, RNA and protein requiring databases for efficient storage, management and retrieval of the biological information. Also, computational algorithms for analysis of these colossal data became a vital aspect of biological sciences. The work aims to show the process of turning bioscience innovation into companies and products, covering the basic science, the translation of science into technology. Due to rapid developments, there seems to be no basic difference between the pharmaceutical industry and the biotechnological industry. However, approved products in the pipeline and renewed public confidence make it one of the most promising areas of economic growth in the near future. India offers a huge market for the products as well as cheap manufacturing base for export. The book is a sincere work of compilation of new and recent advances in the topic of concern through various innovative researches and scientific opinion therefrom. The book is dedicated to the readers who will definitely find it interesting and knowledgeable in carrying out their respective researches in different aspects of applied microbiology and biotechnology.

Mild Cognitive Impairment: International Perspectives (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions)

by Holly A. Tuokko David F. Hultsch

The Classic Edition of this foundational text includes a new preface from Holly A. Tuokko, examining how the field of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has developed since first publication. Bringing together research from multiple studies and perspectives from various countries, the volume identifies MCI as an important clinical transition between normal aging and the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The up-to-date preface highlights the expansion in research, examining the benefits of various pharmacological, cognitive and behavioral approaches to intervention. Influenced by recent findings in neuroplasticity across the lifespan, the book recognizes the importance of intervention at the earliest stages of the decline trajectory. It revisits the contested diagnostic approaches for MCI as well as the varying prevalence of MCI internationally, yet points to the need for further longitudinal studies to fully understand the condition. Mild Cognitive Impairment continues to provide a comprehensive resource for clinicians, researchers and students involved in the study, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people with MCI.

Mild Cognitive Impairment: International Perspectives (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions)

by Holly A. Tuokko David F. Hultsch

The Classic Edition of this foundational text includes a new preface from Holly A. Tuokko, examining how the field of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has developed since first publication. Bringing together research from multiple studies and perspectives from various countries, the volume identifies MCI as an important clinical transition between normal aging and the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The up-to-date preface highlights the expansion in research, examining the benefits of various pharmacological, cognitive and behavioral approaches to intervention. Influenced by recent findings in neuroplasticity across the lifespan, the book recognizes the importance of intervention at the earliest stages of the decline trajectory. It revisits the contested diagnostic approaches for MCI as well as the varying prevalence of MCI internationally, yet points to the need for further longitudinal studies to fully understand the condition. Mild Cognitive Impairment continues to provide a comprehensive resource for clinicians, researchers and students involved in the study, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people with MCI.

The Shroud of Turin: First Century after Christ!

by Giulio Fanti Pierandrea Malfi

The Turin Shroud is the most important and studied relic in the world. Many papers on it have recently appeared in important scientific journals. Scientific studies on the relic until today have failed to provide conclusive answers about the identity of the enveloped man and the dynamics regarding the image formation impressed therein. This book not only addresses these issues in a scientific and objective manner but also leads the reader through new search paths. It summarizes the results in a simple manner for the reader to comprehend easily. Many books on the theme have been already published, but none of them contains such a large quantity of scientific news and reports. The most important of them is the following: The result of the 1988 radiocarbon dating is statistically wrong, and three new dating methods demonstrate that the Shroud has an age compatible with the epoch in which Jesus Christ lived in Palestine. A numismatic analysis performed on Byzantine gold coins confirms this result. This book is, therefore, very important with respect to the Turin Shroud.

Cyber-Physical Systems and Control (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #95)

by Dmitry G. Arseniev Ludger Overmeyer Heikki Kälviäinen Branko Katalinić

This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Control (CPS&C'2019), held in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which is celebrating its 120th anniversary in 2019. The CPS&C'2019 was dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the partnership between Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and Leibniz University of Hannover. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are a new generation of control systems and techniques that help promote prospective interdisciplinary research. A wide range of theories and methodologies are currently being investigated and developed in this area to tackle various complex and challenging problems. Accordingly, CPSs represent a scientific and engineering discipline that is set to make an impact on future systems of industrial and social scale that are characterized by the deep integration of real-time processing, sensing, and actuation into logical and physical heterogeneous domains. The CPS&C'2019 brought together researchers and practitioners from all over the world and to discuss cross-cutting fundamental scientific and engineering principles that underline the integration of cyber and physical elements across all application fields. The participants represented research institutions and universities from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, the USA, and Vietnam. These proceedings include 75 papers arranged into five sections, namely keynote papers, fundamentals, applications, technologies, and education and social aspects.

Cosmological Probes of Light Relics (Springer Theses)

by Benjamin Wallisch

The wealth of recent cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure data has transformed the field of cosmology. These observations have not only become precise enough to answer questions about the universe on the largest scales, but also to address puzzles in the microscopic description of Nature. This thesis investigates new ways of probing the early universe, the properties of neutrinos and the possible existence of other light particles. In particular, based on detailed theoretical insights and novel analyses, new evidence for the cosmic neutrino background is found in the distribution of galaxies and in cosmic microwave background data. This tests the Standard Model of particle physics and the universe back to a time when it was about one second old. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that future observations will be capable of probing physics beyond the Standard Model since they can achieve a particular target which would either allow the detection of any light particles that have ever been in thermal equilibrium or imply strong bounds on their properties.

Electrodynamics of Conducting Dispersive Media (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #111)

by Babak Shokri Anri A. Rukhadze

This book presents a sequential representation of the electrodynamics of conducting media with dispersion. In addition to the general electrodynamic formalism, specific media such as classical nondegenerate plasma, degenerate metal plasma, magnetoactive anisotropic plasma, atomic hydrogen gas, semiconductors, and molecular crystals are considered.The book draws on such classics as Electrodynamics of plasma and plasma-like media (Silin and Rukhadze) and Principles of Plasma Electrodynamics (Alexandrov, Bogdankevich, and Rukhadze), yet its outlook is thoroughly modern—both in content and presentation, including both classical and quantum approaches. It explores such recent topics as surface waves on thin layers of plasma and non-dispersive media, the permittivity of a monatomic gas with spatial dispersion, and current-driven instabilities in plasma, among many others. Each chapter is equipped with a large number of problems with solutions that have academic and practical importance. This book will appeal to graduate students as well as researchers and other professionals due to its straight-forward yet thorough treatment of electrodynamics in conducting dispersive media.

The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque (Fascinating Life Sciences)

by Peter M. Kappeler Jin-Hua Li Lixing Sun

This open access book summarizes the multi-disciplinary results of one of China’s main primatological research projects on the endemic Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana), which had continued for over 30 years, but which had never been reported on systematically. Dedicated to this exceptional Old World monkey, this book makes the work of Chinese primatologists on the social behavior, cooperation, culture, cognition, group dynamics, and emerging technologies in primate research accessible to the international scientific community.One of the most impressive Asian monkeys, and the largest member of its genus, the Tibetan macaque deserves to be better known. This volume goes a long way towards bringing this species into the spotlight with many excellent behavioral analyses from the field. - Frans de Waal, Professor of Psychology, Emory University, USA.Macaques matter. To understand primate patterns and trends, and to gain important insight into humanity, we need to augment and expand our engagement with the most successful and widespread primate genus aside from Homo. This volume focuses on the Tibetan macaque, a fascinating species with much to tell us about social behavior, physiology, complexity and the macaque knack for interfacing with humans. This book is doubly important for primatology in that beyond containing core information on this macaque species, it also reflects an effective integrated collaboration between Chinese scholars and a range of international colleagues—exactly the type of collaborative engagement primatology needs. This volume is a critical contribution to a global primatology. - Agustín Fuentes, Professor of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame, USA. I have many fond memories of my association with Mt. Huangshan research beginning in 1983, when together with Professor Qishan Wang we established this site. It is such a beautiful place and I miss it. It is gratifying to see how far research has progressed since we began work there, becoming more internationalized and very much a collaborative endeavor under the long-term direction of Professor Jin-Hua Li and colleagues. This book highlights the increased interest in this species, representing a variety of disciplines ranging from macro aspects of behavior, cognition and sociality, to micro aspects of microbes, parasites and disease, authored by a group of renowned Chinese and international primatologists. I applaud their efforts and expect more interesting work to come from this site in the years ahead. - Kazuo Wada, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Japan.

Political Epistemology: The Problem of Ideology in Science Studies

by Pietro Daniel Omodeo

This book is an investigation of the ideological dimensions of the disciplinary discourses on science in line with the scholarly tradition of historical epistemology. It offers a programmatic treatment of the political-epistemological problematic along three entangled lines of inquiry: socio-historical, epistemological and historiographical. The book aims for a meta-level integration of the existing scholarship on the social and cultural history of science in order to consider the ways in which struggles for hegemony have constantly informed scientific discourses. This problematic is of primary relevance for scholars in Science Studies, philosophers, historians and sociologists of science, but would also be relevant for anybody interested in scientific culture and political theory.

Fermat’s Last Theorem: The Story Of A Riddle That Confounded The World's Greatest Minds For 358 Years

by Simon Singh

‘I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.’

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