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Showing 99,901 through 99,925 of 100,000 results

Proteomics in Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis (Experientia Supplementum #88)

by P. Jolles Hans Jörnvall

A wealth of information has accumulated over the last few years on the human genome. The new insights have completely changed the focus of protein analysis. It is no longer time-consuming analysis of unknown products, but rather selective identifications of individual forms, modifications and processings, and overall analysis of global protein outputs from cells and tissues in health and disease. This book gears to the rising need of sensitive, accurate, and fast separation and identification techniques in proteomics. It discusses current methodologies of modern protein analysis, from isolation and sample preparation, over analysis and identification, to final characterization. Several evaluations concentrate on the now productive approaches of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, but alternative methods and further perspectives are also outlined. The book includes an overlook over current databases to connect protein analysis data with all available information,...

Proton Therapy and Radiosurgery

by Hans Breuer Berend J. Smit

The book is divided into two parts: Part I deals with the relevant physics and planning algorithms of protons (H Breuer) and Part II with the radiobiology, radiopathology and clinical outcomes of proton therapy and a comparison of proton therapy versus photon therapy (BJ Smit). Protons can be used for radiosurgery and general radio­ therapy. Since proton therapy was first proposed in 1946 by Wilson, about sixteen facilities have been built globally. Only a very few of these have isocentric beam delivery systems so that proton therapy is really only now in a position to be compared directly by means of randomised clinical trials, with modern photon radiotherapy therapy sys­ tems, both for radiosurgery and for general fractionated radiotherapy. Three-dimensional proton planning computer systems with image fusion (image of computerised tomography (CT), magnetic resonance registration) capabilities imaging (MRI), stereotactic angiograms and perhaps positron emission tomography (PET) are essential for accurate proton therapy planning. New planning systems for spot scanning are under development. Many of the older comparisons of the advantageous dose distributions for protons were made with parallel opposing or multiple co-planar field arrangements, which are now largely obsolete. New comparative plans are necessary once more because of the very rapid progress in 3-D conformal planning with photons. New cost-benefit analy­ ses may be needed. Low energy (about 70 MeV) proton therapy is eminently suitable for the treatment of eye tumours and has firmly established itself as very useful in this regard.

Prüfverfahren in der Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik

by J. Arnold J. H. Dittrich E. Finnimore J. Haase P. Hempel E. Kleinhansl S. Krzywinski R. D. Reumann H. Thomas A. Wehlow

Die Produktqualität ist ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor im wachsenden Wettbewerb. Qualitätssicherung wird daher immer wichtiger, aber auch immer komplexer.In diesem topaktuellen Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk vermitteln anerkannte Experten aus dem textilen Prüf- und Messwesen das notwendige Know-how für die sichere Textilprüfung nach den geforderten Qualitätsstandards.Umfassend und alltagsnaho Alle wichtigen Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung der äußeren Merkmale, der mechanisch-technologischen und der physikalischen Eigenschaften von Textilieno Prüf- und messtechnische Grundlageno Grundlagen der Bestimmung des mechanischen Formänderungsverhaltenso Auswertung textiler Prüfungeno Fragen des QualitätsmanagementsKompakt und praxisgerechto Prüf- und Messverfahren mit Bezug zu den entsprechenden Normen, Regeln und Vorschrifteno Hinweise auf die zukünftige Europa-Normo Klar gegliedert, mit anschaulichen Abbildungen, Tabellen und DiagrammenEin Werk, das Praktiker, Lernende und Wissenschaftler unmittelbar unterstützt - von der Auswahl der geeigneten Verfahren und -geräte für die Textilprüfung über die praktische Umsetzung und die Auswertung der Ergebnisse bis hin zur notwendigen Verifizierung von Innovationen.Jetzt bei Ihrem Buchhändler

Psychophysiology: Human Behavior & Physiological Response

by John L. Andreassi

This highly readable and comprehensive overview of psychophysiology provides information regarding the anatomy and physiology of various body systems, methods of recording their activity, and ways in which these measures relate to human behavior. Biofeedback applications are contained in a separate chapter and discussions of stress management, job strain, and personality factors that affect cardiovascular reactivity are presented. There is much of interest here to the student, researcher, and clinician in behavioral medicine, ergonomics, emotion, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, and health psychology. Now in its fourth edition, Andreassi's Psychophysiology explores some of the newer areas of importance and updates findings in traditional topics of interest. Significant changes to this edition include: updated information on brain activity in memory, perception, and intelligence; new information on brain imaging and behavior; separate chapters on pupillography and eye movements; new information on the startle pattern and eyeblink; separate chapters on clinical and non-clinical applications; updated information on cardiovascular reactivity and personality; the latest biofeedback and ergonomics applications; novel findings in environmental psychophysiology; brief summaries at the end of each section; and an appendix on laboratory safety Each chapter is a self-contained unit allowing instructors to customize the presentation of the material. With over 1,700 citations, Andreassi's Psychophysiology is the definitive text in the field. An instructor's manual is now available. Based on the book, the manual is primarily a test bank to be used in giving examinations to students during the teaching of a course. Both multiple-choice and essay questions have been provided, along with lists of key terms and ideas. These can be used for definition-type questions and to highlight important concepts, as well as alerting the instructor to important terms and ideas that they may want to cover in lectures. Sample syllabi are provided for teaching a course at both undergraduate and graduate levels to help the instructor who is preparing a course for the first time. A number of possible laboratory exercises are also provided that can be carried out in conjunction with teaching the course.

Psychophysiology: Human Behavior & Physiological Response

by John L. Andreassi

This highly readable and comprehensive overview of psychophysiology provides information regarding the anatomy and physiology of various body systems, methods of recording their activity, and ways in which these measures relate to human behavior. Biofeedback applications are contained in a separate chapter and discussions of stress management, job strain, and personality factors that affect cardiovascular reactivity are presented. There is much of interest here to the student, researcher, and clinician in behavioral medicine, ergonomics, emotion, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, and health psychology. Now in its fourth edition, Andreassi's Psychophysiology explores some of the newer areas of importance and updates findings in traditional topics of interest. Significant changes to this edition include: updated information on brain activity in memory, perception, and intelligence; new information on brain imaging and behavior; separate chapters on pupillography and eye movements; new information on the startle pattern and eyeblink; separate chapters on clinical and non-clinical applications; updated information on cardiovascular reactivity and personality; the latest biofeedback and ergonomics applications; novel findings in environmental psychophysiology; brief summaries at the end of each section; and an appendix on laboratory safety Each chapter is a self-contained unit allowing instructors to customize the presentation of the material. With over 1,700 citations, Andreassi's Psychophysiology is the definitive text in the field. An instructor's manual is now available. Based on the book, the manual is primarily a test bank to be used in giving examinations to students during the teaching of a course. Both multiple-choice and essay questions have been provided, along with lists of key terms and ideas. These can be used for definition-type questions and to highlight important concepts, as well as alerting the instructor to important terms and ideas that they may want to cover in lectures. Sample syllabi are provided for teaching a course at both undergraduate and graduate levels to help the instructor who is preparing a course for the first time. A number of possible laboratory exercises are also provided that can be carried out in conjunction with teaching the course.

Ptolemy's Geography: An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters

by Ptolemy

Ptolemy's Geography is the only book on cartography to have survived from the classical period and one of the most influential scientific works of all time. Written in the second century AD, for more than fifteen centuries it was the most detailed topography of Europe and Asia available and the best reference on how to gather data and draw maps. Ptolemy championed the use of astronomical observation and applied mathematics in determining geographical locations. But more importantly, he introduced the practice of writing down coordinates of latitude and longitude for every feature drawn on a world map, so that someone else possessing only the text of the Geography could reproduce Ptolemy's map at any time, in whole or in part, at any scale. Here Berggren and Jones render an exemplary translation of the Geography and provide a thorough introduction, which treats the historical and technical background of Ptolemy's work, the contents of the Geography, and the later history of the work.

Ptolemy's Geography: An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters

by Ptolemy

Ptolemy's Geography is the only book on cartography to have survived from the classical period and one of the most influential scientific works of all time. Written in the second century AD, for more than fifteen centuries it was the most detailed topography of Europe and Asia available and the best reference on how to gather data and draw maps. Ptolemy championed the use of astronomical observation and applied mathematics in determining geographical locations. But more importantly, he introduced the practice of writing down coordinates of latitude and longitude for every feature drawn on a world map, so that someone else possessing only the text of the Geography could reproduce Ptolemy's map at any time, in whole or in part, at any scale. Here Berggren and Jones render an exemplary translation of the Geography and provide a thorough introduction, which treats the historical and technical background of Ptolemy's work, the contents of the Geography, and the later history of the work.

Pulmonary Immunotoxicology

by Mitchell D. Cohen Judith T. Zelikoff Richard B. Schlesinger

Pulmonary Immunotoxicology is a comprehensive exploration of the effects of various inhaled materials upon the immune system of the respiratory tract. It will be useful to investigators in the field of pulmonary toxicology and immunotoxicology, and to those involved in administration and regulation of matters related to inhaled materials. It can also serve as a textbook for a course in pulmonary immunotoxicology at graduate or advanced undergraduate level. Pulmonary Immunotoxicology comprises four sections. The first provides basic background concepts essential for understanding pulmonary immunotoxicology, including discussions of the normal structure and function of the respiratory system, its basic immunology, and the manner by which inhaled particles and gases are removed from the air and deposited upon respiratory tract surfaces. The second section provides an overview of the major types of pathological consequences which can arise from immunomodulation within the respiratory tract, including hypersensitivity and asthma, inflammation and fibrosis, as well as immunosuppression and autoimmunity. The third section, which comprises the largest portion of the book, deals specifically with major classes of airborne agents that are known to alter the immune function of the respiratory tract. These are arranged into major classes: organic agents, metals, gases, particles, biologics, and complex mixtures. The fourth and final section of the book explores the area of risk assessment, including discussions of the basic concepts of risk assessment as they apply specifically to immunotoxicologic effects upon the lungs, and the use of biomarkers as indices of potential pulmonary immunotoxic responses to inhaled materials.

Qualitative Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems (Control Engineering)

by Alexey S. Matveev Andrey V. Savkin

The emerging area of hybrid dynamical systems lies at the interface of control theory and computer science, i.e., analogue 'and' digital aspects of systems. This new monograph presents state-of-the-art concepts, methods and tools for analyzing and describing hybrid dynamical systems.

Quality and Reliability in Analytical Chemistry

by George E. Baiulescu Raluca-Ioana Stefan Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein

Quality and reliability are central to success in every discipline, but perhaps nowhere are they more important or more interconnected than in the practice of analytical chemistry. Here, although reliable analytical information implies quality, not all "quality" information proves reliable.Quality and Reliability in Analytical Chemistry examine

Quality of the Body Cell Mass: Body Composition in the Third Millennium (Serono Symposia USA)

by Richard N. Pierson Jr.

Quality of the Body Cell Mass presents proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality of the Body Cell Mass held in Fort Lauderdale , Florida. The text describes the states of the art of making measurements of body composition, including the methods and their interactions, and provides examples of applications that describe individual studies in the clinical areas of AIDS, obesity, osteoporosis, aging, wasting, and chronic disease. More than 50 illustrations complement the text.

Quantenmechanik für Fortgeschrittene (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Franz Schwabl

Aufbauend auf der Quantenmechanik desselben Autors werden hier fortgeschrittene Themen behandelt: (I) Vielteilchensysteme, (II) Relativistische Wellengleichungen, (III) Relativistische Felder. Die in gewohnter Weise stringente mathematische Darstellung wird durch die Angabe aller Zwischenschritte, durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele im Text und Übungen ergänzt. Der Text legt insbesondere durch Darstellung der relativistischen Wellengleichungen und ihrer Symmetrieeigenschaften sowie der quantenfeldtheoretischen Grundlagen das Fundament für das weitere Studium von Festkörperphysik, Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik.

Quantitative Geography: Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis

by Professor A Stewart Fotheringham Martin Charlton Chris Brunsdon

Integrating a discussion of the application of quantitative methods with practical examples, this book explains the philosophy of the new quantitative methodologies and contrasts them with the methods associated with geography's `Quantitative Revolution' of the 1960s. Key issues discussed include: the nature of modern quantitative geography; spatial data; geographical information systems; visualization; local analysis; point pattern analysis; spatial regression; and statistical inference. Concluding with a review of models used in spatial theory, the authors discuss the current challenges to spatial data analysis. Written to be accessible, to communicate the diversity and excitement of recent thinking, Quantitative Geography will be required reading for students and researchers in any discipline where quantitative methods are used to analyse spatial data. `This is a veritable tour de force of everything that is exciting about quantitative geography and GIS. It is a timely, thorough and exciting account of the state of the art and science of spatial analysis' - Paul Longley, University of Bristol `A highly innovative and up-to-date text. It is unique in its coverage of the many developments that have taken place in the field over the past few years. The book is one that is highly readable and stimulating for those with some background in the field, and its expositional style and many examples will make it stimulating to newcomers as well' - Peter Rogerson, State University of New York at Buffalo `Brings the field thoroughly up to date, integrating modern methods of GIS with a comprehensive and easy-to-read overview of the most recent and powerful techniques of spatial analysis. The book will be valuable to students and researchers in any discipline that seeks to explore or explain phenomena in geographical context, and will make excellent reading for geographers, political scientists, criminologists, anthropologists, geologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, and many others. It offers a spirited challenge to critics of a scientific approach to social science, and demonstrates the value of its subject matter through abundant examples' - Michael Goodchild, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara `There is a view within some parts of academic geography that what used to be called "quantitative geography" is dead, having been subsumed within "geographical information systems" or else of no continuing interest. This book should correct this view. First, it shows that quantitative methods have remained an exciting area of development and, second, it shows that, if anything, they have more relevance to substantive problems of interest than they have ever had. Although not specifically about GIS, it is a book that should be read by everyone concerned with the analysis of geographical information' - David Unwin, Birkbeck College, University of London

Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology

by Scott Ferson Mark Burgman

Quantitative methods are needed in conservation biology more than ever as an increasing number of threatened species find their way onto international and national “red lists. ” Objective evaluation of population decline and extinction probability are required for sound decision making. Yet, as our colleague Selina Heppell points out, population viability analysis and other forms of formal risk assessment are underused in policy formation because of data uncertainty and a lack of standardized methodologies and unambiguous criteria (i. e. , “rules of thumb”). Models used in conservation biology range from those that are purely heuristic to some that are highly predictive. Model selection should be dependent on the questions being asked and the data that are available. We need to develop a toolbox of quantitative methods that can help scientists and managers with a wide range of systems and that are subject to varying levels of data uncertainty and environmental variability. The methods outlined in the following chapters represent many of the tools needed to fill that toolbox. When used in conjunction with adaptive management, they should provide information for improved monitoring, risk assessment, and evaluation of management alternatives. The first two chapters describe the application of methods for detecting trends and extinctions from sighting data. Presence/absence data are used in general linear and additive models in Chapters 3 and 4 to predict the extinction proneness of birds and to build habitat models for plants.

Quantum Cybernetics: Toward a Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory via Circularly Causal Modeling

by Gerhard Grössing

Written for non-specialists, this book discusses the apparent conflict between relativity and quantum mechanics. The author proposes a resolution based on a causal interpretation introduced by Louis deBroglie and elaborated by David Bohm. He shows that a "medium" or "aether" may be introduced in a manner consistent with both relativity and quantum theory, and which allows the two theories to be unified via the identification of circularly causal processes at their core. While several crucial experiments are discussed in detail, the mathematics is kept simple, making the discussion accessible to a wide audience.

Quantum Evolution: Life In The Multiverse

by Johnjoe McFadden

Quantum Evolution presents a revolutionary new scientific theory by asking: is there a force of will behind evolution? In his astonishing first book, Johnjoe McFadden shows that there is.

Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop Held at Tegernsee, Germany, 21–24 June 1998 On the Occasion of Wolfhart Zimmermann’s 70th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Physics #558)

by Peter Breitenlohner Dieter Maison

On the occasion of W. Zimmermann's 70th birthday some eminent scientists gave review talks in honor of one of the great masters of quantum field theory. It was decided to write them up and publish them in this book, together with reprints of some seminal papers of the laureate. Thus, this volume deepens our understanding of anomalies, algebraic renormalization theory, axiomatic field theory and of much more while illuminating the past and present state of affairs and pointing to interesting problems for future research.

Quantum Measurements and Decoherence: Models and Phenomenology (Fundamental Theories of Physics #110)

by M. Mensky

Quantum measurement (Le., a measurement which is sufficiently precise for quantum effects to be essential) was always one of the most impor­ tant points in quantum mechanics because it most evidently revealed the difference between quantum and classical physics. Now quantum measure­ ment is again under active investigation, first of all because of the practical necessity of dealing with highly precise and complicated measurements. The nature of quantum measurement has become understood much bet­ ter during this new period of activity, the understanding being expressed by the concept of decoherence. This term means a physical process lead­ ing from a pure quantum state (wave function) of the system prior to the measurement to its state after the measurement which includes classical elements. More concretely, decoherence occurs as a result of the entangle­ ment of the measured system with its environment and results in the loss of phase relations between components of the wave function of the measured system. Decoherence is essentially nothing else than quantum measurement, but considered from the point of view of its physical mechanism and resolved in time. The present book is devoted to the two concepts of quantum measure­ ment and decoherence and to their interrelation, especially in the context of continuous quantum measurement.

Quantum Mechanics (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)

by K.T. Hecht

Intended for beginning graduate students, this text takes the reader from the familiar coordinate representation of quantum mechanics to the modern algebraic approach, emphasizing symmetry principles throughout. After an introduction to the basic postulates and techniques, the book discusses time-independent perturbation theory, angular momentum, identical particles, scatteering theory, and time-dependent perturbation theory. The whole is rounded off with several lectures on relativistic quantum mechanics and on many-body theory.

The Quantum Mechanics Solver: How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics (Advanced Texts in Physics)

by Jean-Louis Basdevant Jean Dalibard

The Quantum Mechanics Solver is unique as it illustrates the application of quantum mechanical concepts to various fields of modern physics. It aims at encouraging the reader to apply quantum mechanics to research problems in fields such as molecular physics, condensed matter physics or laser physics. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students will find a rich and challenging source of material for further exploration.

Quantum Mesoscopic Phenomena and Mesoscopic Devices in Microelectronics (Nato Science Series C: #559)

by Igor O. Kulik Recai Ellialtiogammalu

Quantum mechanical laws are well documented at the level of a single or a few atoms and are here extended to systems containing 102 to 1010 electrons - still much smaller than the usual macroscopic objects, but behaving in a manner similar to a single atom. Besides the purely theoretical interest, such systems pose a challenge to the achievement of the ultimate microelectronic applications. The present volume presents an up-to-date account of the physics, technology and expected applications of quantum effects in solid-state mesoscopic structures. Physical phenomena include the Aharonov-Bohm effect, persistent currents, Coulomb blockade and Coulomb oscillations in single electron devices, Andreev reflections and the Josephson effect in superconductor/normal/superconductor systems, shot noise suppression in microcontacts and contact resistance quantisation, and overall quantum coherence in mesoscopic and nanoscopic structures related to the emerging physics of quantum computation in the solid-state environment.

Quantum Non-linear Sigma-Models: From Quantum Field Theory to Supersymmetry, Conformal Field Theory, Black Holes and Strings (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

by Sergei V. Ketov

This is the first comprehensive presentation of the quantum non-linear sigma-models. The original papers consider in detail geometrical properties and renormalization of a generic non-linear sigma-model, illustrated by explicit multi-loop calculations in perturbation theory.

Quantum Optics: Including Noise Reduction, Trapped Ions, Quantum Trajectories, and Decoherence (Advanced Texts in Physics)

by Miguel Orszag

From the reviews: "The book is well put together, has lots of equations, and is current. I recommend it for the library of any university teaching or researching quantum optics." The Physicist. Australian Inst.

Quantum Optics in Phase Space

by Wolfgang P. Schleich

Quantum Optics in Phase Space provides a concise introduction to the rapidly moving field of quantum optics from the point of view of phase space. Modern in style and didactically skillful, Quantum Optics in Phase Space prepares students for their own research by presenting detailed derivations, many illustrations and a large set of workable problems at the end of each chapter. Often, the theoretical treatments are accompanied by the corresponding experiments. An exhaustive list of references provides a guide to the literature. Quantum Optics in Phase Space also serves advanced researchers as a comprehensive reference book. Starting with an extensive review of the experiments that define quantum optics and a brief summary of the foundations of quantum mechanics the author Wolfgang P. Schleich illustrates the properties of quantum states with the help of the Wigner phase space distribution function. His description of waves ala WKB connects semi-classical phase space with the Berry phase. These semi-classical techniques provide deeper insight into the timely topics of wave packet dynamics, fractional revivals and the Talbot effect. Whereas the first half of the book deals with mechanical oscillators such as ions in a trap or atoms in a standing wave the second half addresses problems where the quantization of the radiation field is of importance. Such topics extensively discussed include optical interferometry, the atom-field interaction, quantum state preparation and measurement, entanglement, decoherence, the one-atom maser and atom optics in quantized light fields. Quantum Optics in Phase Space presents the subject of quantum optics as transparently as possible. Giving wide-ranging references, it enables students to study and solve problems with modern scientific literature. The result is a remarkably concise yet comprehensive and accessible text- and reference book - an inspiring source of information and insight for students, teachers and researchers alike.

Quantum Physics: An Introduction

by J Manners

Quantum Physics: An Introduction guides you through the profound revolution in scientific thinking that overthrew classical physics in favor of quantum physics. The book discusses the basic ideas of quantum physics and explains its power in predicting the behavior of matter on the atomic scale, including the emission of light by atoms (spectra) and the operation of lasers. It also elucidates why the interpretation of quantum physics is still the subject of intense debate among scientists.

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