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The Life of Jesus Christ (Routledge Revivals)

by J. W. Wand

First published in 1955, The Life of Jesus Christ gives a lucid factual account of Christ’s life and examines His claim to be the Messiah whose life in time and space can only be understood in the light of the eternal purposes of God. The author writes objectively from the evidence available but reminds us that the authors of the Gospels, which must be the principal sources of information, were writing from a theological point of view and had no intention of stating objective facts without any sort of interpretation. He believes that in studying the life of Christ we need a combination of faith and reason, and that two are not necessarily antagonistic. This book will be of interest to students of religion and history.

Ruhe und Frömmigkeit: Abhandlung (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen #34)

by Thomas Ohm

Die folgende Abhandlung, deren Thema im Sommersemester 1954 Gegen­ stand seminaristischer Übungen an der Universität Münster war, gelangte in der Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein­ Westfalen, die am 22. September 1954 in Düsseldorf gehalten wurde, zur Vo~lage. An der Diskussion, die sich an das Referat anschloß, beteiligten sich die Herren Prälat Prof. Dr. Georg Schreiber (Münster), Professor Dr. Jach­ mann (Köln) und der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident des Landes, Herr Dr. Friedrich Middelhauve, der mein Wort von der "Unruhe nach der Ruhe" aufgriff und eindringlich von der Notwendigkeit der Ruhe für den Men­ schen von heute sprach. Alle diese Herren haben mir reiche und wertvolle Anregungen gegeben, für die ihnen herzlichst gedankt sei. Auf einzelne Fragen, die in der Aussprache gestellt, und auf einzelne Anregungen, die in ihr gegeben wurden, bin ich in der Abhandlung eingegangen, nicht aber auf alle, und zwar aus dem einfachen Grunde, weil es sich hier nur um einen Beitrag zur Lehre von der Missionsmethode handelt, nicht um eine religions­ geschichtliche oder religionspsychologische Untersuchung. Es bleibt mir übrig, denen zu danken, die mich bei der Abfassung dieser Arbeit angeregt haben; dann namentlich dem Verlage, der keine Mühe ge­ scheut, diese Schrift gut herauszubringen, sowie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, die dieses Opusculum in die Reihe ihrer Abhandlungen aufzunehmen die Güte hatte. Thomas Ohm Münster (Westf. ), Am Feste Allerheiligen 1954. INHALT Vorwort 5 Einleitung 9 Die Ruhe auf Erden 12 i\ußere Ruhe und Frömmigkeit.

Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan: A General Survey of the Progress of Christianity in India from Apostolic Times to the Present Day

by P. Thomas

Originally published in 1954, Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan is an historical account of Christianity from the time of Apostle Thomas through to contemporary times. The book records the vicissitudes of the Church prior to the Reformation, the work of the early Protestant missions, and the results of British influence. It provides an overview of Christianity in contemporary India and Pakistan, and explores a range of topics including Indian traditions, the labours of Armenians and the missionaries of the West, the political and social position of Indian Christians, and Christian influences on Hinduism. Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity.

Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan: A General Survey of the Progress of Christianity in India from Apostolic Times to the Present Day

by P. Thomas

Originally published in 1954, Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan is an historical account of Christianity from the time of Apostle Thomas through to contemporary times. The book records the vicissitudes of the Church prior to the Reformation, the work of the early Protestant missions, and the results of British influence. It provides an overview of Christianity in contemporary India and Pakistan, and explores a range of topics including Indian traditions, the labours of Armenians and the missionaries of the West, the political and social position of Indian Christians, and Christian influences on Hinduism. Christians and Christianity in India and Pakistan will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity.

The Little Book of Zen: Sayings, Parables, Meditations & Haiku

by David Schiller

A revised edition of the classic little book, which has over 500,000 copies in print. New material and illustrations make the book even more accessible to readers who are interested in mindfulness, in seizing the moment, in staying steady in hard times.

Tragic Sense of Life

by Miguel De Unamuno

The acknowledged masterpiece of one of Spain's most influential thinkers. Between despair and the desire for something better, Unamuno finds that "saving incertitude" that alone can console us. Dynamic appraisal of man's faith in God and in himself.

The Birth of Christianity

by Maurice Goguel

Originally published in 1953, The Birth of Christianity analyses the development of Christian doctrine and the establishment of the Church. The book traces the history of the formation of the Church as a new religious society and considers its development both in the realm of thought as well as on a social level, in both emotional life and moral action. It explores how the Christian faith first found expression in society through a variety of forms that were gradually assimilated into one system of doctrine, and examines both how Christian theology and dogma were formed, and how the Church developed its constitution. The Birth of Christianity will appeal to those with an interest in the history of religion, the history of Christianity, theology, and the philosophy of religion.

The Birth of Christianity

by Maurice Goguel

Originally published in 1953, The Birth of Christianity analyses the development of Christian doctrine and the establishment of the Church. The book traces the history of the formation of the Church as a new religious society and considers its development both in the realm of thought as well as on a social level, in both emotional life and moral action. It explores how the Christian faith first found expression in society through a variety of forms that were gradually assimilated into one system of doctrine, and examines both how Christian theology and dogma were formed, and how the Church developed its constitution. The Birth of Christianity will appeal to those with an interest in the history of religion, the history of Christianity, theology, and the philosophy of religion.

Bridge to Islam: A Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christianity in the Near East

by Erich W. Bethmann

Originally published in 1953, Bridge to Islam is a detailed study of the beliefs of Muhammad and his followers, exploring the relationship between the world of Islam and that of Christianity. Drawing attention to the common beliefs between Islam and Christianity, the book examines the relationship between these two prominent religions and poses the argument that it is only through a proper appreciation of the differences in spiritual attitudes that a bridge of understanding and knowledge can be built between them. It traces the religious histories of different countries in the Middle East and assesses the position of Islam and Christianity in each one. Bridge to Islam will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity, the history of Islam, religious studies, and the Middle East.

Bridge to Islam: A Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christianity in the Near East

by Erich W. Bethmann

Originally published in 1953, Bridge to Islam is a detailed study of the beliefs of Muhammad and his followers, exploring the relationship between the world of Islam and that of Christianity. Drawing attention to the common beliefs between Islam and Christianity, the book examines the relationship between these two prominent religions and poses the argument that it is only through a proper appreciation of the differences in spiritual attitudes that a bridge of understanding and knowledge can be built between them. It traces the religious histories of different countries in the Middle East and assesses the position of Islam and Christianity in each one. Bridge to Islam will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity, the history of Islam, religious studies, and the Middle East.

Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #1)

by Jacques Maritain

The classic work on the sublime interplay between the arts and poeticsThis book explores the rich and complex relationship between art and poetry, shedding invaluable light on what makes each art form unique yet wholly interdependent. Jacques Maritain insists on the part played by the intellect as well as the imagination, showing how poetry has its source in the preconceptual activity of the rational mind. As Maritain argues, intellect is not merely logical and conceptual reason. Rather, it carries on an exceedingly more profound and obscure life, one that is revealed to us as we seek to penetrate the hidden recesses of poetic and artistic activity. Incisive and authoritative, this illuminating book is the product of a lifelong reflection on the meaning of artistic expression in all its varied forms.

Jewish Ethics (Routledge Revivals)

by Israel I. Mattuck

First published in 1953 Jewish Ethics presents a systematic account of ethics in Judaism. The main sources for a study of Jewish ethics are the Bible and Talmud. Rabbi Israel Mattuck discusses themes like theory of Jewish ethics; man and his moral freedom; ethical element in messianism; guides to righteousness; justice and love; truth and peace; social ethics; the judgment on war; ideas of marriage, family and divorce; and asceticism and the good life, without getting into comparisons between ethics of Judaism and of other religions. This compact book is a must read for scholars of Judaism, religion, and history of Judaism.

Jewish Ethics (Routledge Revivals)

by Israel I. Mattuck

First published in 1953 Jewish Ethics presents a systematic account of ethics in Judaism. The main sources for a study of Jewish ethics are the Bible and Talmud. Rabbi Israel Mattuck discusses themes like theory of Jewish ethics; man and his moral freedom; ethical element in messianism; guides to righteousness; justice and love; truth and peace; social ethics; the judgment on war; ideas of marriage, family and divorce; and asceticism and the good life, without getting into comparisons between ethics of Judaism and of other religions. This compact book is a must read for scholars of Judaism, religion, and history of Judaism.

The Survival of the Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place in Renaissance Humanism and Art (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology #4)

by Jean Seznec

The gods of Olympus died with the advent of Christianity--or so we have been taught to believe. But how are we to account for their tremendous popularity during the Renaissance? This illustrated book, now reprinted in a new, larger paperback format, offers the general reader first a discussion of mythology in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, and then a multifaceted look at the far-reaching role played by mythology in Renaissance intellectual and emotional life.

The Thought of the Prophets (Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West #5)

by Israel I. Mattuck

Originally published in 1953, The Hebrew Prophets’ conception of the meaning and purpose of human history has considerable significance for a religious view of the world situation in the middle of the 20th Century. This book discusses the nature of the Hebrew prophets and the grounds for their claim to inspiration. He then examines the fundamental and universal religious ideas underlying their pronouncements. Particular attention is paid to their views on the basis of human morals, the character of the good society, the duties of government and the relation between religion and politics. Other chapters deal with their ideas of true religion and of the relation of God to human life.

The Thought of the Prophets (Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West #5)

by Israel I. Mattuck

Originally published in 1953, The Hebrew Prophets’ conception of the meaning and purpose of human history has considerable significance for a religious view of the world situation in the middle of the 20th Century. This book discusses the nature of the Hebrew prophets and the grounds for their claim to inspiration. He then examines the fundamental and universal religious ideas underlying their pronouncements. Particular attention is paid to their views on the basis of human morals, the character of the good society, the duties of government and the relation between religion and politics. Other chapters deal with their ideas of true religion and of the relation of God to human life.

What is Religion? (Routledge Revivals)

by Alban G. Widgery

First Published in 1953 What is Religion provides an understanding of religious faith which embraces all of the great and enduring religions. In the process it strips off the irrelevant and inconsequential which every religion accumulates in the course of time, and gets in back of rigid formulations of faith to the primary experiences of the single religious man. Through its detailed consideration of world faiths runs an appealing and consistent philosophy of religion for everyman. Alban Widgery’s aim throughout is constructive, with the purpose of showing religion as supreme in life and of defending its beliefs against forms of antireligious thought. He maintains that the view he presents is more true of religion as it has been in history and also to the general conditions of mankind. This book is a must read for scholars and researchers of philosophy of religion and religion in general.

What is Religion? (Routledge Revivals)

by Alban G. Widgery

First Published in 1953 What is Religion provides an understanding of religious faith which embraces all of the great and enduring religions. In the process it strips off the irrelevant and inconsequential which every religion accumulates in the course of time, and gets in back of rigid formulations of faith to the primary experiences of the single religious man. Through its detailed consideration of world faiths runs an appealing and consistent philosophy of religion for everyman. Alban Widgery’s aim throughout is constructive, with the purpose of showing religion as supreme in life and of defending its beliefs against forms of antireligious thought. He maintains that the view he presents is more true of religion as it has been in history and also to the general conditions of mankind. This book is a must read for scholars and researchers of philosophy of religion and religion in general.

Akbar's Religious Thought: Reflected in Mogul Painting (Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West #9)

by Emmy Wellesz

Originally published in 1952, the first part of this book gives a portrait of Akbar (1542-1605), Emperor of India, not as a War Lord and Empire Builder, but as a man deeply absorbed in questions of the Spirit. It follows him in his quest after the various religions professed in India and the doctrines of the Christian faith. The text is illustrated by numerous reproductions of contemporary miniatures. Their style which, under Akbar’s inspiring patronage, resulted from the collaboration of Muslim and Hindu artists who became acquainted with European paintings, reflects the universality of the Emperor’s mind. The second part of the book is concerned with the rise and development of this style.

Akbar's Religious Thought: Reflected in Mogul Painting (Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West #9)

by Emmy Wellesz

Originally published in 1952, the first part of this book gives a portrait of Akbar (1542-1605), Emperor of India, not as a War Lord and Empire Builder, but as a man deeply absorbed in questions of the Spirit. It follows him in his quest after the various religions professed in India and the doctrines of the Christian faith. The text is illustrated by numerous reproductions of contemporary miniatures. Their style which, under Akbar’s inspiring patronage, resulted from the collaboration of Muslim and Hindu artists who became acquainted with European paintings, reflects the universality of the Emperor’s mind. The second part of the book is concerned with the rise and development of this style.

Demons and Healing: The Reality of the Demonic Threat and the Doppelgänger in the Light of Anthroposophy: Demonology, Christology and Medicine

by Are Thoresen

‘Genius is a rare commodity that few of us attain. I see the colour-magic painted by Van Gogh, hear the music-magic of Beethoven, imagine touching the exquisite bronze of Rodin’s Thinker. I revere their work but know that I can never create such beauty. So it is with Are’s psychic skills.’ – Phil Rogers, MRCVS, Dublin‘Today we have forgotten all about demons and even about Christ. Both concepts have become anachronisms from olden times. That they are not anachronisms is illustrated in the discussions and examples given in this book.’ – Hans Kolstad, Dr.philos., MAS, NorwayAre Thoresen perceives demons and other spiritual beings as clearly as we see each other. He sees the demons that cause disease as well as the beings associated with medicinal plants and other substances that can promote health. He has witnessed how demons of disease leave the bodies of the sick and enter the healthy, thus causing contagion. Through his therapeutic work, Thoresen has learned that one cannot simply ‘fight’ demons, as they will ‘translocate’ to other people or return later. The only effective way to counteract these malign entities is to dissolve them through the boundless love of the being of Christ.The author presents a lifetime’s knowledge – the fruit of more than half a century’s practical and clinical experience – in the pages of this book, offering a better understanding of health and disease. He recounts numerous personal experiences of demonic entities and explains how demons are created. Thoresen advises on the prevention of the demonic effects of natural and artificial radiation, and how we can defend and ultimately free ourselves from demonic influence. A fascinating Addendum describes the phenomenon of poltergeists and the spiritual beings related to various drugs. Demons and Healing is a singular work, written out of precise vision and knowledge of the spiritual entities that surround us in everyday life.

The Eastern Philosophers: An Introduction (Routledge Revivals)

by E. W. Tomlin

First published in 1952, The Eastern Philosophers provides a straightforward account of the life and work of the great thinkers of the East and attempts to show, in terms intelligible to the ordinary reader, with what remarkable insistence the greatest of these thinkers dwell upon common themes. It discusses themes like Babylonia and Israel; Zoroaster; Hinduism; the Buddha and Buddhism; the Hindu systems; the Chinese Sages and Mohammed and Islam. The book raises three fundamental questions –what are the basic differences between Eastern and Western thought? What does the Western World owe it to the thought of the East and vice versa? In the third place, to what extent is a rapprochement possible between the two worlds of thought? This book is an essential read for students of Philosophy in general and Eastern Philosophy in particular.

The Eastern Philosophers: An Introduction (Routledge Revivals)

by E. W. Tomlin

First published in 1952, The Eastern Philosophers provides a straightforward account of the life and work of the great thinkers of the East and attempts to show, in terms intelligible to the ordinary reader, with what remarkable insistence the greatest of these thinkers dwell upon common themes. It discusses themes like Babylonia and Israel; Zoroaster; Hinduism; the Buddha and Buddhism; the Hindu systems; the Chinese Sages and Mohammed and Islam. The book raises three fundamental questions –what are the basic differences between Eastern and Western thought? What does the Western World owe it to the thought of the East and vice versa? In the third place, to what extent is a rapprochement possible between the two worlds of thought? This book is an essential read for students of Philosophy in general and Eastern Philosophy in particular.

The Place of Hooker in the History of Thought (Routledge Revivals)

by Peter Munz

First Published in 1952, The Place of Hooker in the History of Thought unravels the historical background to some of Richard Hooker’s leading ideas. The volume throws light on his ideas by a clear appreciation of the philosophical issues he raised and the difficulties he had to face when he embraced the cause of Thomism in Elizabethan England. Peter Munz discusses themes like Hooker’s debt to St. Thomas, Hooker and Marsilius of Padua, Hooker’s historical sense, Hooker and Aristotle and Plato, Hooker and Locke, to determine his place in the history of thought. This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of Philosophy, Religion, Theology, Political Thought and Political Philosophy.

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