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The Strategic Dialogue: Rendering the Diagnostic Interview a Real Therapeutic Intervention

by Giorgio Nardone Alessandro Salvini

The Strategic Dialogue is a fine strategy by which one can achieve maximum results with minimum effort. It was developed through a natural evolutionary process from previous treatments for particular pathologies, and composed of therapeutic stratagems and specific sequences of ad hoc maneuvres constructed for different types of problems. This book represents both the starting and finishing line of all of the research, clinical practice, and managerial consulting performed by the authors over a fifteen year period at the Centro Terapia Strategica of Arezzo (Strategic Therapy Center). This work can be referred to as the finishing line because the Strategic Dialogue, an advanced therapeutic method of conducting a therapy session and inducing radical changes rapidly in the patient, represents the culmination of all that has been achieved so far in the field.

The Strategic Dialogue: Rendering the Diagnostic Interview a Real Therapeutic Intervention

by Giorgio Nardone Alessandro Salvini

The Strategic Dialogue is a fine strategy by which one can achieve maximum results with minimum effort. It was developed through a natural evolutionary process from previous treatments for particular pathologies, and composed of therapeutic stratagems and specific sequences of ad hoc maneuvres constructed for different types of problems. This book represents both the starting and finishing line of all of the research, clinical practice, and managerial consulting performed by the authors over a fifteen year period at the Centro Terapia Strategica of Arezzo (Strategic Therapy Center). This work can be referred to as the finishing line because the Strategic Dialogue, an advanced therapeutic method of conducting a therapy session and inducing radical changes rapidly in the patient, represents the culmination of all that has been achieved so far in the field.

Strategic Decision Making: A Discovery-led Approach to Critical Choices in Turbulent Times

by Simon Haslam Ben Shenoy

Making strategic decisions is a fundamental skill for leaders and managers. However, in a business environment that is in a constant state of change, making strategic decisions has never been more difficult. Strategic Decision Making addresses this challenge by providing a framework that can be used to make sound decisions in an uncertain world. Structured around the core concepts of framing, experimenting and scaling, this book will ensure that efforts are focused where the need is greatest, that interventions are tested, evaluated and revised if necessary and that successful initiatives are effectively rolled out across the business.Packed with real world examples and backed up by academic research, Strategic Decision Making will allow today's leaders and the leaders of tomorrow to make successful and defensible business choices. It shows how to: avoid decision-making bias; overcome organizational inertia; manage the difficulties of rigid organizational structures and avoid being side tracked by outdated or irrelevant experience. Essential reading for business practitioners and management students alike, this comprehensive guide provides a robust approach to achieving strategic success.

Strategic Decision Making: A Discovery-led Approach to Critical Choices in Turbulent Times

by Simon Haslam Ben Shenoy

Making strategic decisions is a fundamental skill for leaders and managers. However, in a business environment that is in a constant state of change, making strategic decisions has never been more difficult. Strategic Decision Making addresses this challenge by providing a framework that can be used to make sound decisions in an uncertain world. Structured around the core concepts of framing, experimenting and scaling, this book will ensure that efforts are focused where the need is greatest, that interventions are tested, evaluated and revised if necessary and that successful initiatives are effectively rolled out across the business.Packed with real world examples and backed up by academic research, Strategic Decision Making will allow today's leaders and the leaders of tomorrow to make successful and defensible business choices. It shows how to: avoid decision-making bias; overcome organizational inertia; manage the difficulties of rigid organizational structures and avoid being side tracked by outdated or irrelevant experience. Essential reading for business practitioners and management students alike, this comprehensive guide provides a robust approach to achieving strategic success.

Strategic Debriefing for Advanced Simulation

by Giorgio Capogna Pier Luigi Ingrassia Emanuele Capogna Michela Bernardini Elisa Valteroni Giada Pietrabissa Giorgio Nardone

This book provides an in-depth and complete guide explaining how to incorporate the strategic dialogue and strategic communication methods into the debriefing after the scenario, characteristics that make it unique. After examining all the aspects that allow a correct use of the simulation, such as knowledge of models, logical schemes, use of the different simulators, planning of the didactic activities and of learning process, this practical book aims to explore the advanced technique of the strategic debriefing. It encourages not only those who are approaching this new debriefing tool but also it provides a useful update to all those who are already more familiar with the standard debriefing after simulation technique.The strategic language, an effective tool in strategic psychotherapy and business problem solving, is ideal and complementary to the standard debriefing methods, making them more performing and functional because, next to common logic, it makes use of non-ordinary logical language. The book is intended for healthcare simulation debriefers and instructors, for hospitals’ managers, university teachers and to all the physicians who are increasingly showing interest in active teaching processes with simulation.

Strategic Change: Wie Manager ihre Unternehmen jetzt erneuern müssen

by Stefan Iskan Erwin Staudt

Change in der Krise kann jeder - das ist keine Management-Kunst. Doch wie bekommen Sie Ihre Mannschaft bewegt, wenn der Veränderungsdruck noch nicht in den Quartalszahlen spürbar ist? Change-Prozesse gestalten heißt: das Spiel kontrollieren. Für derartige Prozesse in Unternehmen, die kein Sanierungsfall sind, sind völlig andere Kompetenzen gefragt als beim klassischen Restrukturierungsmanagement. Genau hier setzen Stefan Iskan und Erwin Staudt mit ihrem Autorenteam an. Sie verdeutlichen, dass in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ein völlig anderes Verständnis von Change Management benötigt wird. Und zwar eines, das - jenseits von Krisen- und Turnaround- Management - dem bewussten und strategischen Wandel nahekommt und Veränderungsbereitschaft als neuen kritischen Erfolgsfaktor, ja sogar neuen Input-Faktor, in den Unternehmen betrachtet.„Dieses Buch ist nichts für Manager, die in kleinen Schritten arbeiten. Die Herausgeber und ihr Autorenteam beweisen Mut, indem sie das „Change Desaster“ in Unternehmen ungeschönt beim Namen nennen und ungemütliche Fragen aufwerfen. Die Autoren wissen, wovon sie sprechen. Und das zeigen sie hier mit großer Leidenschaft.“Thomas Blank, Chief Executive Officer Area Central Europe bei Agility & Member of the European Management Board

Strategic and Tactical Decisions

by K.J. Radford

Much of the work that has been done in the last fifty years in the area of decision analysis has been concerned with situations in which formal mathematical models of the decision process can be used. For example, deterministic models of operations research have been used as a means of treating decisions under conditions of certainty. Statistical decision theory has been applied to decision making under conditions of uncertainty and risk. Some attempts have been made to treat decisions under conditions of competition by methods derived from game theory. However, many of the decisions that we meet today in business and in our daily lives do not fall conveniently into the areas covered by these models. Many modern decisions are ill-structured by nature. These decisions have been called ''wicked" in comparison to the "tame" decisions that yield to formal analyti­ cal treatment. Complex decision situations are found in every aspect of our lives today. They are normally centred around an issue, opportunity, venture or threat that involves an individual or an organization on the one hand and other participants on the other hand. The issue in such a situation might involve, for example, the proposed move of the Head Office of a corporation from one political jurisdiction to another. It might be concerned with the oppor­ tunities and new ventures that would arise with the introduction of a new and different type of product or service into an organization.

Straßenbenutzungsgebühren in Städten: Akzeptanz und Mobilitätsverhalten (Verkehrspsychologie)

by Tina Gehlert

Mobilität ist die Basis unseres Alltags. Individuelle Mobilität lässt uns unsere a- täglichen Aktivitäten verknüpfen – sie macht Ziele erreichbar. Verwirklicht wird sie zu großen Teilen mit dem Pkw. In Europa ist das Auto in wenig mehr als zwei Generationen zu einem Kernbestandteil des Lebens geworden. Es spiegelt die Geschwindigkeit wider, mit der wir leben und den Lebensstil, mit dem wir uns darstellen wollen. Zugleich hat die Verkehrs- und Umweltbelastung insbesondere in Städten ein Ausmaß angenommen, das von der Gesellschaft nicht mehr toleriert wird. Eine zentrale Zukunftsaufgabe ist es daher, die Verkehrsbelastung vor allem in den Städten zu senken ohne die Mobilität zu verlieren. Dafür steht Verkehrspolitikernund Verkehrsplanerneine Reihe von Maßnahmen zur Verfügung. Hohe Akzeptanz ?nden gerade in Deutschland vor allem tech- sche Lösungen, von ef?zienteren Motoren bis hin zu Rußpartikel?ltern und an- ren Technologien, die in begrenztem Maße wirken können ohne dass Menschen ihr Verhalten ändern müssen. Dem gegenüber stehen innovative verhaltensbezogene Maßnahmen, die Anreize für eine nachhaltige und insofern ef?zientere Mobilität schaffen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Preise für die Benutzung städtischer St- ßen und Autobahnen mit dem Pkw. In Deutschland nur in Fachkreisen diskutiert, haben Städte im europäischen Ausland solche Preissysteme mit starken Wirk- gen bereits eingeführt.

The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius

by Graham Farmelo

'A monumental achievement - one of the great scientific biographies.' Michael Frayn The Strangest Man is the Costa Biography Award-winning account of Paul Dirac, the famous physicist sometimes called the British Einstein. He was one of the leading pioneers of the greatest revolution in twentieth-century science: quantum mechanics. The youngest theoretician ever to win the Nobel Prize for Physics, he was also pathologically reticent, strangely literal-minded and legendarily unable to communicate or empathize. Through his greatest period of productivity, his postcards home contained only remarks about the weather.Based on a previously undiscovered archive of family papers, Graham Farmelo celebrates Dirac's massive scientific achievement while drawing a compassionate portrait of his life and work. Farmelo shows a man who, while hopelessly socially inept, could manage to love and sustain close friendship.The Strangest Man is an extraordinary and moving human story, as well as a study of one of the most exciting times in scientific history. 'A wonderful book . . . Moving, sometimes comic, sometimes infinitely sad, and goes to the roots of what we mean by truth in science.' Lord Waldegrave, Daily Telegraph

Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories that Make Us

by Rachel Aviv

New York Times Book Review Top 10 Books of the Year‘Captures with subtlety and empathy the honest reality of mental illness’ The TimesThere are stories that save us, and stories that trap us, and in the midst of an illness it can be very hard to know which is which…Strangers to Ourselves shares the experiences of five people who have come up against the limits of psychiatric explanations for who they are. It asks, do the stories we tell around mental illness affect its course, its outcomes, even our identities?Drawing on in-depth reporting, written testimonies and formative events in her own childhood, award-winning New Yorker writer Rachel Aviv offers a subtle, compassionate, revelatory account of how we understand ourselves in periods of crisis and distress.‘Aviv finds language for the most ineffable registers of human experience’ Wall Street Journal‘Profoundly intelligent… superbly written portraits’ GuardianA best book of the year in the Los Angeles Times, Time, Washington Post, New Yorker, and Vogue

Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering The Adaptive Unconscious

by Timothy D. Wilson

"Know thyself," a precept as old as Socrates, is still good advice. But is introspection the best path to self-knowledge? Wilson makes the case for better ways of discovering our unconscious selves. If you want to know who you are or what you feel or what you're like, Wilson advises, pay attention to what you actually do and what other people think about you. Showing us an unconscious more powerful than Freud's, and even more pervasive in our daily life, Strangers to Ourselves marks a revolution in how we know ourselves.

Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering The Adaptive Unconscious

by Timothy D. Wilson

"Know thyself," a precept as old as Socrates, is still good advice. But is introspection the best path to self-knowledge? Wilson makes the case for better ways of discovering our unconscious selves. If you want to know who you are or what you feel or what you're like, Wilson advises, pay attention to what you actually do and what other people think about you. Showing us an unconscious more powerful than Freud's, and even more pervasive in our daily life, Strangers to Ourselves marks a revolution in how we know ourselves.

Strangers in a Strange Lab: How Personality Shapes Our Initial Encounters with Others

by William Ickes

Winner of the 2012 International Association for Relationship Research Book Award Can we predict how well -- or how poorly -- two strangers will get along? According to social psychologist William Ickes, the answer is yes. Drawing upon relevant research findings from his 30-year career, Ickes explains how initial interactions are shaped by gender, race, birth order, physical attractiveness, androgyny, the Big Five dimensions, shyness, and self-monitoring. Ickes's work offers unprecedented insights on the links between personality and social behavior that have not previously been compiled in a single source: how sibling relationships during childhood affect our interactions with opposite-sex strangers years later; why Latinos have a social advantage in initial interactions; how men react to the physical attractiveness of a female stranger in a relatively direct and obvious way while women react to the attractiveness of a male stranger in a more indirect and subtle way; and how personality similarity is related to satisfaction in married couples.

Strangers, Gods And Monsters: Interpreting Otherness (PDF)

by Richard Kearney

Strangers, Gods and Monsters is a fascinating look at how human identity is shaped by three powerful but enigmatic forces. Often overlooked in accounts of how we think about ourselves and others, Richard Kearney skilfully shows, with the help of vivid examples and illustrations, how the human outlook on the world is formed by the mysterious triumvirate of strangers, gods and monsters. Throughout, Richard Kearney shows how Strangers, Gods and Monsters do not merely reside in myths or fantasies but constitute a central part of our cultural unconscious. Above all, he argues that until we understand better that the Other resides deep within ourselves, we can have little hope of understanding how our most basic fears and desires manifest themselves in the external world and how we can learn to live with them.

Strangers, Gods And Monsters: Interpreting Otherness

by Richard Kearney

Strangers, Gods and Monsters is a fascinating look at how human identity is shaped by three powerful but enigmatic forces. Often overlooked in accounts of how we think about ourselves and others, Richard Kearney skilfully shows, with the help of vivid examples and illustrations, how the human outlook on the world is formed by the mysterious triumvirate of strangers, gods and monsters. Throughout, Richard Kearney shows how Strangers, Gods and Monsters do not merely reside in myths or fantasies but constitute a central part of our cultural unconscious. Above all, he argues that until we understand better that the Other resides deep within ourselves, we can have little hope of understanding how our most basic fears and desires manifest themselves in the external world and how we can learn to live with them.

Stranger Than Fanfiction

by Chris Colfer

From number one New York Times bestselling author Chris Colfer comes a funny, heartbreaking, unforgettable novel about friendship and fame.Cash Carter is the young, world famous lead actor of the hit television show Wiz Kids. When four fans jokingly invite him on a cross-country road trip, they are shocked that he actually takes them up on it. Chased by paparazzi and hounded by reporters, this unlikely crew takes off on a journey of a lifetime - but along the way they discover that the star they love has deep secrets he's been keeping. What they come to learn about the life of the mysterious person they thought they knew will teach them about the power of empathy and the unbreakable bond of true friendship. In this touching novel, number one New York Times bestselling author Chris Colfer takes us on a journey full of laughter, tears, and life-changing memories.

The Stranger on the Bridge: My Journey from Suicidal Despair to Hope

by Britt Pflüger Britt Pflüger Jonny Benjamin

'In my world, the word inspirational gets bandied around a lot, but Jonny Benjamin is truly deserving of that adjective.' – HRH The Duke of CambridgeIn 2008, twenty-year-old Jonny Benjamin stood on Waterloo Bridge, about to jump. A stranger saw his distress and stopped to talk with him – a decision that saved Jonny's life.Fast forward to 2014 and Jonny, together with Rethink Mental Illness launch a campaign with a short video clip so that Jonny could finally thank that stranger who put him on the path to recovery. More than 319 million people around the world followed the search. ITV's breakfast shows picked up the story until the stranger, whose name is Neil Laybourn, was found and – in an emotional and touching moment – the pair re-united and have remained firm friends ever since.The Stranger on the Bridge is a memoir of the journey Jonny made both personally, and publicly to not only find the person who saved his life, but also to explore how he got to the bridge in the first place and how he continues to manage his diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. Using extracts from diaries Jonny has been writing from the age of thirteen, this book is a deeply personal memoir with a unique insight on mental health. Jonny was recognised for his work as an influential activist changing the culture around mental health, when he was awarded an MBE in 2017. He and Neil now work full-time together visiting schools, hospitals, prisons and workplaces to help end the stigma by talking about mental health and suicide prevention. The pair ran the London Marathon together in 2017 in aid of HeadsTogether. Following the global campaign to find the stranger, in 2015 Channel 4 made a documentary of Jonny's search which has now been shown in 14 territories.

Stranger in the Mirror: The Scientific Search for the Self

by Robert Levine

Who are we? Where is the boundary between us and everything else? Are we all multiple personalities? And how can we control who we become?From distinguished psychologist Robert Levine comes this provocative and entertaining scientific exploration of the most personal and important of all landscapes: the physical and psychological entity we call our self. Using a combination of case studies and cutting-edge research in psychology, biology, neuroscience, virtual reality and many other fields, Levine challenges cherished beliefs about the unity and stability of the self - but also suggests that we are more capable of change than we know. Transformation, Levine shows, is the human condition at virtually every level. Physically, our cells are unrecognizable from one moment to the next. Cognitively, our self-perceptions are equally changeable: A single glitch can make us lose track of a body part or our entire body, or to confuse our very self with that of another person. Psychologically, we switch back and forth like quicksilver between incongruent, sometimes adversarial sub-selves. Socially, we appear to be little more than an ever-changing troupe of actors. And, culturally, the boundaries of the self vary wildly around the world - from the confines of one's body to an entire village. The self, in short, is a fiction: vague, arbitrary, and utterly intangible. But it is also interminably fluid. And this unleashes a world of potential. Engaging, informative, and ultimately liberating, Stranger in the Mirror will change forever how you think about your self - and what you might become.

Stranger in My Own Body: Atypical Gender Identity Development and Mental Health

by Domenico Di Ceglie

This book brings together the thinking of an international group of clinicians, researchers, and professionals from different disciplines and is based primarily on a selection of papers presented at a conference on the same topic held at the Tavistock Centre, London, in November 1996, but with additional original contributions. It presents a dialogue amongst the various perspectives that can be taken about atypical gender identity development and their relevance to mental health in children and adolescents. The book is for multidisciplinary professional readership and interested lay people.

Stranger in My Own Body: Atypical Gender Identity Development and Mental Health

by Domenico Di Ceglie

This book brings together the thinking of an international group of clinicians, researchers, and professionals from different disciplines and is based primarily on a selection of papers presented at a conference on the same topic held at the Tavistock Centre, London, in November 1996, but with additional original contributions. It presents a dialogue amongst the various perspectives that can be taken about atypical gender identity development and their relevance to mental health in children and adolescents. The book is for multidisciplinary professional readership and interested lay people.

The Strange Order Of Things: Life, Feeling and the Making of Cultures

by Antonio Damasio

'Damasio undertakes nothing less than a reconstruction of the natural history of the universe ... [A] brave and honest book' The New York Times Book ReviewThe Strange Order of Things is a pathbreaking investigation into homeostasis, the condition of that regulates human physiology within the range that makes possible not only survival but also the flourishing of life. Antonio Damasio makes clear that we descend biologically, psychologically and even socially from a long lineage that begins with single living cells; that our minds and cultures are linked by an invisible thread to the ways and means of ancient unicellular existence and other primitive life-forms; and that inherent in our very chemistry is a powerful force, a striving toward life maintenance that governs life in all its guises, including the development of genes that help regulate and transmit life.The Strange Order of Things is a landmark reflection that spans the biological and social sciences, offering a new way of understanding the origins of life, feeling and culture.

The Strange Loops of Translation

by Douglas Robinson

One of the most exciting theories to emerge from cognitive science research over the past few decades has been Douglas Hofstadter's notion of “strange loops,” from Gödel, Escher, Bach (1979). Hofstadter is also an active literary translator who has written about translation, perhaps most notably in his 1997 book Le Ton Beau de Marot, where he draws on his cognitive science research. And yet he has never considered the possibility that translation might itself be a strange loop.In this book Douglas Robinson puts Hofstadter's strange-loops theory into dialogue with a series of definitive theories of translation, in the process showing just how cognitively and affectively complex an activity translation actually is.

The Strange Loops of Translation

by Douglas Robinson

One of the most exciting theories to emerge from cognitive science research over the past few decades has been Douglas Hofstadter's notion of “strange loops,” from Gödel, Escher, Bach (1979). Hofstadter is also an active literary translator who has written about translation, perhaps most notably in his 1997 book Le Ton Beau de Marot, where he draws on his cognitive science research. And yet he has never considered the possibility that translation might itself be a strange loop.In this book Douglas Robinson puts Hofstadter's strange-loops theory into dialogue with a series of definitive theories of translation, in the process showing just how cognitively and affectively complex an activity translation actually is.

Strange Fruit: Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate (PDF)

by Kenan Malik

Debates about race are back and they’re only getting bigger. The US government has licensed a heart drug to be used only on African Americans. A pharmaceutical company is trialling a white-only anti-hepatitis drug. A genetic study claims that Jews are more intelligent because of their history of money lending. There has recently been a massive upsurge in scientific racial research, and in STRANGE FRUIT, Malik reveals this rise is paradoxically due to the efforts of liberal anti-racism; a movement that celebrates human difference over human commonalities. Navigating readers through the historical and scientific thinking on the subject, Malik shows that races are a social construct – they do not actually exist. Stressing that scientists should be allowed to study population differences without the distortions of political race debates, Malik provides a gripping and essential guide to understanding difference in a multicultural world.

The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning

by Dan P. McAdams

The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump provides a coherent and nuanced psychological portrait of Donald Trump, drawing upon biographical events in the subject's life and contemporary scientific research and theory in personality, developmental, and social psychology. Dan P. McAdams, renowned psychologist who pioneered the study of lives, examines the central personality traits, personal values and motives, and the interpersonal and cultural factors that together have shaped Trump's psychological makeup, with an emphasis on the strangeness of the case--that is, how Trump again and again defies psychological expectations regarding what it means to be a human being. The book's central thesis is that Donald Trump is the episodic man. The chapters, structured as stand-alone essays each riffing on a single psychological theme, build on each other to present a portrait of a person who compulsively lives in the moment, without an internal story to integrate his life in time. With an emphasis on scientific personality research, rather than political rhetoric, McAdams shows that Trump's utter lack of an inner life story is truly exceptional. This book is a remarkable case study which should be of as much interest to psychologists as it is to readers trying to reckon with the often confounding behavior and temperament of the 45th President of the United States.

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