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Sexualized Media Messages and Our Children: Teaching Kids to Be Smart Critics and Consumers (Childhood in America)

by Jennifer W. Shewmaker

This provocative book takes a look at children's consumption of sexualized media messages while providing parents, teachers, and professionals with strategies for abating their influence.In this eye-opening book, experienced child psychologist Jennifer W. Shewmaker contends that the manner in which a child is raised influences how they respond to media messages, particularly those shaded by sexual overtones. This text takes a hard look at the impact of advertisements, products, and entertainment on a child's psyche and offers strategies for helping kids become critical, active media consumers.Drawing from research in a wide variety of disciplines, this book explores the interpersonal factors within children's lives that impact how they learn to process sexualized media messages. The book argues that an increase in marketing to children along with media-based fabrications of beauty, masculinity, and femininity impact the confidence and character of young children who are often greatly affected by what they see and hear. The author shares invaluable tips for promoting strengths in children and adolescents of both genders and presents the protective influence of communities to help children dismiss distorted media images.

Sexuality and Addiction: Making Connections, Enhancing Recovery

by Raven L. Badger

This book provides an understanding of how sexuality and addiction are intertwined, helping those who counsel substance abusers and individuals who have experienced negative sexual messages or experiences to improve their sexual health and enjoyment.This book presents a broad overview of sexual health issues that documents the links between sexuality and substance abuse, and describes how counselors can help individuals who have been impacted by negative sexual experiences can find a way out of the pain that leads them to addiction or back to substance abuse. Using the sexual health model as a framework for discussion, author Raven L. James, PhD, explains how sexual health and substance abuse are often connected, provides examples of real-life experiences, and identifies issues to consider in adopting healthier attitudes and sexual behaviors as well as effective methods for achieving them. Each chapter provides focused content followed by an explanation of the subject's connection to substance abuse. Tips for counselors, sample lesson plans and ideas, tangible tools to use in sexual health groups, and related resources area also included. Whether the reader is personally afflicted, a helper, or a loved one, the information in Sexuality and Addiction: Making Connections, Enhancing Recovery will provide a new perspective on how to help clients improve their sexual self-esteem, find ways to improve sexual relationships with themselves and others, and most of all, to restore hope for sexual health in recovery.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct: An Encyclopedia

by Editor Gina Robertiello

This authoritative reference work informs readers about the scope, nature, and prevalence of sexual harassment and misconduct in all walks of American life and how changes in policy, law, and traditional gender dynamics can address the problem.As revelations of sexual harassment and misconduct roil Hollywood; Washington, D.C.; and workplaces across the country, these problems are being examined more closely than ever before. This encyclopedia provides interested readers with a comprehensive and authoritative resource to help them understand not only the specific scandals that have erupted across U.S. society, but the historical factors and events that have led to this moment in American history. The book features entries that illuminate various types of sexual harassment and misconduct (e.g., quid pro quo, hostile environment), explain different classifications of harassers (e.g., territorial, predatory), survey how sexual harassment and misconduct manifest themselves in different settings (e.g., workplace, school, military, politics, home), detail the major cases that have been publicized since the #MeToo Movement gained momentum, and explain various reforms and responses that are being crafted to address deeply entrenched problems of sexism and harassment in American culture.

Sexual Forensics: Lust, Passion, and Psychopathic Killers

by Don Jacobs Ashleigh Portales

This book taps neuroscience and neuropsychology to provide hard facts about brain conditions and the behavior that emerges from powerful brain chemistry—a fascinating read for adolescents, parents, and teachers alike.Sexual Forensics: Lust, Passion, and Psychopathic Killers provides a fascinating examination of "neurotruths" that are relevant and applicable to 21st-century parenting and social relationships, and explains workplace "brainmarks" that enable predictive solutions to practical problems.Author Don Jacobs, a researcher who has been studying psychopathy for over 25 years, describes how psychopathy has evolved as a brain condition, documenting how the vast majority of the spectrum represents normalcy, and only 20 to 30 percent of humankind characterizes corruptors or violent, pathological individuals. The book examines examples of individuals who have demonstrated significant achievement, influence, wealth, or corruptive behavior in differently abled profiles, and provides student autobiographies that enable rare scientific insights into the adolescent state of mind.

Sexual Attraction: The Psychology of Allure

by James Giles

How and why does sexual attraction happen? This book is an exploration of the universal yet highly individualized experience of being sexually attracted to another person.Incorporating interviews, research findings, and excerpts from romantic and erotic literature, lyrics, and film, Sexual Attraction: The Psychology of Allure explores a subject that is central to the human experience and highly relevant not only in personal, intimate interactions but also other relationships as well. Although the causes and effects of sexual attraction have been studied, sexual attraction itself—how we experience others in terms of their sexual attractiveness—remains a neglected, rarely researched topic.Scholar James Giles presents jargon-free information that is accessible and fascinating to the general reader as well as highly useful and informative to students and researchers in social psychology, sexology, sex and marital therapy, and relationship counseling. The book explores subjects such as how sexual attraction is fundamentally different from other forms of interpersonal attraction and how at the heart of sexual attraction lies the experience of allure—something that makes one feel helplessly drawn towards an intimate physical joining with the sexually attractive person. The allure of strangers, cross-sex friends, sexual friends ("friends with benefits"), and romantic partners are all addressed, revealing the often subtle heterosexual attraction that typically exists between males and females in all their relationships, including between those who are ostensibly "just friends."

Sex in College: The Things They Don't Write Home About (Sex, Love, and Psychology)

by Richard D. McAnulty

Experts address key issues—from attitudes and behaviors to harassment and homophobia—related to sexuality among college students.With essays by a wide range of knowledgeable contributors, Sex in College: The Things They Don't Write Home About draws on recent research to examine just about every aspect of its intriguing subject. The book begins with general chapters that offer historical, cross-cultural, and theoretical perspectives on college students' sexual attitudes and behaviors. One chapter offers a framework for understanding the unique developmental perspective of young adults. Another chapter explores the research methods used to study college students' sexual practices.Subsequent chapters cover: dating and intimacy on campus, the perspective of young adults about love, sexuality education and classes, and sexual orientation. The darker side of college sexuality is also examined in chapters centering on such topics as infidelity in college dating relationships, homophobia and sexual harassment on campus, sexual risk-taking and sexually transmitted infections, sexual problems and dysfunction among young adults, and sexual assault among college students.

Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality [2 volumes]: Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture [2 volumes]

by Heather L. Armstrong

Providing a comprehensive framework for the broad subject of human sexuality, this two-volume set offers a context of historical development, scientific discovery, and sociopolitical and sociocultural movements.The broad topic of sex—encompassing subjects as varied as sexuality, sexual and gender identity, abortion, and such crimes as sexual assault—is one of the most controversial in American society today. This two-volume encyclopedic set provides readers with more than 450 entries on the subject, offering a comprehensive overview of major sexuality issues in American and global culture.Themes that run throughout the volumes include sexual health and reproduction, sexual identity and orientation, sexual behaviors and expression, the history of sex and sexology, and sex and society. Entries cover a breadth of subjects, such as the major contributors to the field of sexology; the biological, psychological, and cultural dimensions of sex and sexuality; and how the modern-day political climate and the government play a major role in determining attitudes and beliefs about sex. Written in clear, jargon-free language, this set is ideal for students as well as general readers.

Sex and Gender: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by David E. Newton

Geared toward high school students, undergraduate students, and general readers, this reference work provides a thorough and unbiased treatment of sex, gender, and transgenderism—social issues of particular importance in today's world.Sex and Gender: A Reference Handbook is a single-volume book that introduces a variety of personal, social, political, and ethical issues of concern to every young adult in the United States today. Written in a style that is accessible and engaging for student readers and researchers, this book examines subjects that are rarely discussed for readers of this age group, providing authoritative information on topics such as gender roles, gender development, and gender inequality; body image; sexual differentiation in humans; the range of human affectional expression; sex education; and LGBT discrimination.Readers of this reference book will examine a number of important current issues relating to sex and gender, such as transgenderism, gender dysphoria, same-sex attraction, the development of gender roles, the changing perspectives on these topics, and other controversial and unresolved issues in American society today. The book also includes a Data and Documents chapter that contains laws, courts cases, and other primary documents that relate to current issues involving sex and gender.

Self-Injury: Your Questions Answered (Q&A Health Guides)

by Romeo Vitelli

This book provides an introduction to the topic of self-injury as it relates to teens and young adults. The information, guidance, and resources offered make it a valuable tool for anyone whose life has been impacted by self-injury.Regardless of the form it takes, self-injury can leave lasting physical and emotional scars on both those who harm themselves and their friends and family. Part of Greenwood's Q&A Health Guides series, Self-Injury: Your Questions Answered provides clear, concise information for readers interested in or struggling with this often-misunderstood subject. It explores the causes and consequences of self-injury, treatment options that make use of therapy and medication, and the role that popular culture and the media have in shaping our understanding of these behaviors. Each book in this series follows a reader-friendly question-and-answer format that anticipates readers' needs and concerns. Prevalent myths and misconceptions are identified and dispelled, and a collection of case studies illustrates key concepts and issues through relatable stories and insightful recommendations. The book also includes a section on health literacy, equipping teens and young adults with practical tools and strategies for finding, evaluating, and using credible sources of health information both on and off the Internet—important skills that contribute to a lifetime of healthy decision-making.

Seeking the Sacred with Psychoactive Substances [2 volumes]: Chemical Paths to Spirituality and to God [2 volumes] (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)

by J. Harold Ellens

Can drugs be used intelligently and responsibly to expand human consciousness and heighten spirituality? This two-volume work presents objective scientific information and personal stories aiming to answer the question.The first of its kind, this intriguing two-volume set objectively reports on and assesses this modern psycho-social movement in world culture: the constructive medical use of entheogens and related mind-altering substances. Covering the use of substances such as ayahuasca, cannabis, LSD, peyote, and psilocybin, the work seeks to illuminate the topic in a scholarly and scientific fashion so as to lift the typical division between those who are supporters of research and exploration of entheogens and those who are strongly opposed to any such experimentation altogether. The volumes address the history and use of mind-altering drugs in medical research and religious practice in the endeavor to expand and heighten spirituality and the sense of the divine, providing unbiased coverage of the relevant arguments and controversies regarding the subject matter. Chapters include examinations of how psychoactive agents are used to achieve altered states in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism as well as in the rituals of shamanism and other less widely known faiths. This highly readable work will appeal to everyone from high school students to seasoned professors, in both the secular world and in devoted church groups and religious colleges.

Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy

by Stephen A. Kent and Susan Raine

This multidisciplinary study of Scientology examines the organization and the controversies around it through the lens of popular culture, referencing movies, television, print, and the Internet—an unusual perspective that will engage a wide range of readers and researchers.For more than 60 years, Scientology has claimed alternative religious status with a significant number of followers, despite its portrayals in popular culture domains as being bizarre. What are the reasons for the vital connections between Scientology and popular culture that help to maintain or challenge it as an influential belief system? This book is the first academic treatment of Scientology that examines the movement in a popular-culture context from the perspective of several Western countries. It documents how the attention paid to Scientology by high-profile celebrities and its mention in movies, television, and print as well as on the Internet results in millions of people being aware of the organization—to the religious organization's benefit and detriment.The book leads with a background on Scientology and a discussion of science fiction concepts, pulps, and movies. The next section examines Scientology's ongoing relationship with the Hollywood elite, including the group's use of celebrities in its drug rehabilitation program, and explores movies and television shows that contain Scientology themes or comedic references. Readers will learn about how the Internet and the mainstream media of the United States as well as of Australia, Germany, and the UK have regarded Scientology. The final section investigates the music and art of Scientology.

Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology

by Meg A. Warren and Stewart I. Donaldson, Editors

This book examines the range of new theories, research, and applications in the most generative areas of positive psychology, at the dawn of a new wave of positive psychology scholarship—one that is increasingly sensitive to real-world issues, adversity, culture, and context.In the 17 years since the inception of the movement, the field of positive psychology has grown tremendously and inspired research and practice across a range of sub-areas. Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology showcases the wide range of new theories, research, applications, and explorations in what can be termed "the next wave of positive psychology," presenting novel findings and theories that acknowledge and mainstream sensitivity to real-world issues, adversity, culture, and context, in fresh new ways.The contributors to the work—among the best known and most experienced in the field—trace the growth of new developments in each of the key foci of positive psychology, including happiness, character strengths, and gratitude, and document the latest research, theory, and applications. The volume focuses on the contributions and development of positive psychology sub-fields, such as positive organizational psychology and positive youth development, as well as their primary application areas, such as positive education.

Science and the World's Religions [3 volumes]: [3 volumes] (Brain, Behavior, and Evolution)

by Patrick McNamara and Wesley J. Wildman

This trio of volumes contains essays that explore vital existential, moral, or metaphysical issues surrounding the relationship between the sciences and the world's religions.In Science and the World's Religions, experts with scientific and religious backgrounds explore vital existential or practical issues, drawing on whatever sciences are relevant and engaging at least two religious traditions. The multidisciplinary essays exhibit rigorous intellectual, scholarly thinking but are written to clearly communicate to educated adult lay readers. The first volume addresses questions about the origins and purpose of the cosmos and the human project. The second volume investigates the roles of religion and spirituality in human existence, considering issues ranging from the brain and religious experience to the human life cycle. The third volume tackles controversies in which both religion and science are stakeholders, showing how both can deepen understanding and enrich human experience. Together, these three books present readers with powerful tools that enable them to think through the challenge of integrating science with their religious beliefs and spiritual practices.

The Science and Pseudoscience of Children's Mental Health: Cutting Edge Research and Treatment (Childhood in America)

by Editor Sharna Olfman

This book explains how studies in brain development and epigenetics—the inextricable interplay of genes and environments—have led to breakthroughs in the understanding of children's psychological disturbances and serve to discredit the scientifically unsupported "chemical imbalance theory" of mental illness.Intended for mental health practitioners, concerned parents, and child advocates alike, this book presents a powerful new paradigm for understanding the causes of children's psychological disturbances—and as a result, the proper treatment of these symptoms. Based in cutting-edge research on the developing brain and epigenetics, this important volume serves to inform readers about the latest scientific conclusions and clinical practices that need to supplant pervasive and often dangerous drug prescriptions to millions of children.Sharna Olfman, PhD, and contributors including leading researchers, clinicians, and childhood advocates present their research findings and explain the implications for treatment of a range of symptoms, including autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), concussion syndromes, and mood disorders. The book definitively lays to rest the "chemical imbalance theory" of mental illness, a theory that has been roundly discredited by the scientific community but kept alive by the pharmaceutical industry. Chapters focus on the real science of epigenetics and the sensitivity of the developing brain to environmental influences such as trauma and chemical toxins—legitimate research findings that are largely ignored by mental health practitioners and rarely influence practice.

Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth

by Annemarie Vaccaro Gerri August Megan S. Kennedy

Based on extensive research, recent events, and numerous first-person accounts, this revealing book illuminates both the challenges and triumphs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, and offers effective strategies for combating LGBT marginalization in our nation's schools and communities.Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth is the first book to offer a comprehensive view of the complex lives of LGBT youth of all ages, from kindergarten through college. Drawing on a wealth of research collected from first-person accounts of students, family, educators, and community members, the authors not only chronicle the struggles of LGBT youth but also describe models of inclusive school and community environments.The authors address the breadth of experiences of LGBT youth—in and out of the classroom, at home and in the community, and in personal interactions with allies and antagonists. They also reveal how these young people, their friends and families, teachers, and dedicated allies stem the tide of LGBT exclusion. Most important, Safe Spaces offers action steps for readers who want to make their own homes, schools, and communities safe and welcoming spaces for LGBT youth.

Religious Diversity Today [3 volumes]: Experiencing Religion in the Contemporary World [3 volumes]

by Liam D. Murphy, Volume Editor

This insightful three-volume set examines faith through the social and cultural perspective of anthropology, sociology, and religious studies, shedding light on the role of religion in the human experience.Why is human suffering and the existence of evil part of the human experience? How does religious doctrine establish one's identity? In what ways does religion interact with and shape the social order? This thought-provoking work ponders these questions and explores the concept of religion from various perspectives: as a tool for self and community-based spiritual awareness, as a set of practices that translates faith into interaction with others, and as a cornerstone of society for those who seek to harness—or hinder—its influence.Written in accessible and inviting language, each volume focuses on a particular dimension of religion. The first book examines religious experience in the modern world and explores suffering in religious faiths, the second volume centers around ritual and pilgrimage, and the last book analyzes the controversial relationship between religion and societies. The content features such thought-provoking topics as death and green burials, sexuality and sex trade, and how and why evil manifests in the human experience.

Religion, Spirituality, and Positive Psychology: Understanding the Psychological Fruits of Faith

by Thomas G. Plante, PhD, Editor

A multidisciplinary team of scholars shows how spiritual and religious practices actually do power psychological, physical, and social benefits, producing stronger individuals and healthier societies.In recent years, scholars from an array of disciplines applied cutting-edge research techniques to determining the effects of faith. Religion, Spirituality, and Positive Psychology: Understanding the Psychological Fruits of Faith brings those scholars together to share what they learned. Through their thoughtful, evidence-based reflections, this insightful book demonstrates the positive benefits of spiritual and religious engagement, both for individual practitioners and for society as a whole.The book covers Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other major traditions across culture in two sections. The first focuses on ways in which religious and spiritual engagement improves psychological and behavioral health. The second highlights the application of this knowledge to physical, psychological, and social problems. Each chapter focuses on a spiritual "fruit," among them humility, hope, tolerance, gratitude, forgiveness, better health, and recovery from disease or addiction, explaining how the fruit is "planted" and why faith helps it flourish.

Relax, It's Just Sex: Understanding Non-Possessive Intimate Relationships

by Leslie Spurr Ph.D.

Surveying the many forms of non-possessive intimate relationships, this book explains how these alternative lifestyle arrangements work, psychologically, and describes the benefits and risks for those involved within contemporary contexts such as swinging, threesomes, polyamory, and recreational sex clubs.The thought that one could have sex with outsiders with the consent and support of your spouse or significant other, and still love and make love with your primary partner, is a radical notion for most men and women. And yet, an increasing number of married and unmarried couples are doing just this, and their relationships are flourishing as a result. Relax, It's Just Sex: Understanding Non-Possessive Intimate Relationships examines a relatively new form of intimate relationship that is increasingly popular among contemporary couples and singles. The book introduces the term "non-possessive intimate relationships" and shows from a psychological perspective how these arrangements work, emotionally and cognitively, for the individuals involved. Licensed clinical psychologist and relationship therapist Leslie Spurr, PhD, explores the psychologically issues involved and then takes a close look at various examples of the non-possessive intimate relationship style within several, mostly covert, contexts, in which relationship partners agree to provide each other with the freedom to engage intimately with outsiders. Written in a nontechnical, accessible style, Relax, It's Just Sex uses humor and references to popular culture, including films, novels, and songs, to engage the reader in content that is primarily informative but also entertaining. This important and eye-opening book makes clear the significance and reasons for the growing popularity of the non-possessive intimate relationship phenomenon and explains why and how this "lovestyle" may constitute a sexual revolution.

Real-Life Monsters: A Psychological Examination of the Serial Murderer

by Stephen J. Giannangelo

This book presents an in-depth psychological analysis of the development of the serial killer personality that will fascinate all readers, from the experienced criminology student to the casual true-crime reader.Real-Life Monsters: A Psychological Examination of the Serial Murderer takes a different approach than most titles on a similar topic: the author develops and proposes an original psychological explanation, rather than simply repeating some of the long-held theories for these criminals' heinous actions. The work addresses current issues, presents detailed commentary and personal observation, and contains photographs that will fascinate general readers interested in the subjects of true crime, serial killers, and psychopathology.The first part of the book carefully examines the research past and present regarding clinical, psychological, societal, and biological bases for violent behavior, specific to the serial murderer. Part two establishes a novel theory of the pattern of violence and then explores this hypothesis through eight case studies, interviews with serial killers, and elemental analysis. The work also contains a chapter based on conversations between the author and a convicted serial murderer.

Racial Battle Fatigue: Insights from the Front Lines of Social Justice Advocacy

by Jennifer L. Martin, Editor Foreword by H. Richard Milner IV

Covering equity issues of sex, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and disability, this work presents creative, nontraditional narratives about performing social justice work, acknowledging the contributions of previous generations, describing current challenges, and appealing to readers to join the struggle toward a better world.Many would like to believe we are living as "post-racial" America, long past the days of discrimination and marginalization of people simply due to their race and minority status. However, editor Jennifer L. Martin and a breadth of expert contributors show that prejudice and discrimination are still very much alive in the United States. Sharing personal stories of challenges, aggressions, retaliations, and finally racial battle fatigue, these activists, practitioners, and scholars explain how they have been attacked—in subtle, shrouded, and sometimes outright ways—simply for whom and what they advocate: social justice.The stories within consist of discussions on the interconnections among equity issues: sex, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and disability. Furthermore, the work relates current events such as the banning of ethnic studies in Arizona and the shooting of Trayvon Martin to the battle for social justice. Other topics addressed include the ongoing problems of white supremacist beliefs, the challenges of teaching about the racist thinking that permeates our media and popular culture, and the harms of aggressions faced by minorities and those possessing multiple minority status. The unique narratives presented in this single-volume work combine the various approaches to answering questions about not only the necessity of fighting for social justice but also the impact of the struggle on its champions.

Race and Ethnic Relations on Campus: Understanding, Empowerment, and Solutions for College Students

by Eric J. Bailey

Can college students confront race relations issues directly and make positive changes? Yes, they can. This book provides a fresh, practical approach to addressing these issues—individually and collectively—to ignite a positive revolution in race and ethnic relations.As racial and ethnic incidents continue to occur at college campuses across the nation, an esteemed African American professor who teaches in the heart of a region that has seen some of the most volatile racial incidents in American history breaks the uneasy silence to respond to growing concerns from undergraduate students. In Race and Ethnic Relations on Campus: Understanding, Empowerment, and Solutions for College Students, Eric J. Bailey presents a new approach to addressing and better understanding the major controversial issues associated with race and ethnic relations for today's college students.This book confronts commonplace race relations issues directly and sets forth a completely different way of addressing these problems that empowers today's college students to take charge and start to effect change—to do something about racially charged conflict rather than to simply talk about it. The chapters describe how race and ethnic relations issues typically arise on college campuses, share insight into how national incidents affect college students' reactions to incidents on their own campus, and identify the negative consequences of poor race relations as well as describe the positive effects of good race relations.

Questioning Causality: Scientific Explorations of Cause and Consequence across Social Contexts

by Rom Harré and Fathali M. Moghaddam

Covering a topic applicable to fields ranging from education to health care to psychology, this book provides a broad critical analysis of the assumptions that researchers and practitioners have about causation and explains how readers can improve their thinking about causation.In virtually every laboratory, research center, or classroom focused on the social or physical sciences today, the concept of causation is a core issue to be questioned, tested, and determined. Even debates in unrelated areas such as biology, law, and philosophy often focus on causality—"What made that happen?" In this book, experts from across disciplines adopt a reader-friendly approach to reconsider this age-old question in a modern light, defining different kinds of causation and examining how causes and consequences are framed and approached in a particular field. Each chapter uses applied examples to illustrate key points in an accessible manner.The contributors to this work supply a coherent critical analysis of the assumptions researchers and practitioners hold about causation, and explain how such thinking about causation can be improved. Collectively, the coverage is broad, providing readers with a fuller picture of research in social contexts. Beyond providing insightful description and thought-provoking questioning of causation in different research areas, the book applies analysis of data in order to point the way to smarter, more efficient practices. Consequently, both practitioners and researchers will benefit from this book.

Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories (Women's Psychology)

by Florence L. Denmark and Michele A. Paludi, Editors

Updated with findings from the latest research, this contributed work on the psychology of women covers global initiatives, theories, and practical applications in various settings. It also addresses best practices of feminist methodologies and teaching psychology of women courses.As societal gender standards continue to shift and the capabilities, strengths, and needs of women become more widely acknowledged and prioritized—even as myths regarding women's leadership, health, and work behavior persist—it becomes increasingly important to understand the psychology of women. This third edition of Psychology of Women provides updated and expanded coverage of this highly significant and relevant subject through diverse perspectives of internationally known scholars in their disciplines, offering synopses of recent research and examinations of key theoretical issues, global initiatives, and practical applications in the workplace, therapy, and educational settings.A resource ideally suited to students in women's studies and the psychology of women as well as for use as a handbook for scholars, faculty members, and specialists in fields relating to the psychology of women, the book covers specific topics such as women in middle age, women's career development and challenges in integrating work and family roles, and the ongoing problem of violence against women. This latest edition also includes best practices of feminist methodologies and information regarding teaching psychology of women courses, and it emphasizes placing value on all women, including women of color, women with disabilities, and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women.

The Psychology of Love [4 volumes]: [4 volumes] (Women's Psychology)

by Michele A. Paludi

From arranged marriages to online dating, this four-volume work presents everything from personal accounts to empirical evidence to document what creates love in our culture as well as around the world.The field of biology views "love" as a hard-wired mammalian drive, akin to thirst and hunger. In contrast, psychology views love from a social and cultural perspective where our drive to find love—and our responses to it—are highly dependent on societal norms. In The Psychology of Love, esteemed author and educator Michele A. Paludi examines love through all lenses, thereby providing readers a deeper understanding of the ways we can express caring, sensitivity, empathy, and respect toward one another. Each chapter in this comprehensive four-volume work includes a scholarly overview of empirical research and theories about the psychology of love. In addition, individuals' own definitions of love are included. Special attention is paid to accepted standards of love across a variety of cultures, the ways individuals express liking and love across the lifecycle, and patterns in dissolutions of friendships and romantic relationships, making note of gender and race differences.

The Psychology of Inequity: Motivation and Beliefs (Race and Ethnicity in Psychology)

by Jean Lau Chin, Yolanda E. Garcia, and Arthur W. Blume

Inequities still exist in today's society, and this book advances awareness, an equitable mindset, and transformative change toward the goal of eliminating inequities and promoting inclusiveness and social justice.Racialized inequity is injustice or unfairness and exists when prejudice or discrimination based on any aspect of difference precludes access of certain groups to the resources and benefits of society. This volume takes a new look at the psychology of inequity today. Have we progressed or regressed since the height of the civil rights movement of the 1960s? Through an examination of the motivations and beliefs behind inequities and injustices, this text aims to answer this question and any others that a scholar or general reader interested in social inequities and multiculturalism may have. Chapters address the motives that sustain inequity and reflect on the beliefs and behaviors linked to implicit responses to threats of change and loss of privilege posed by the inclusion of "others."

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