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Protecting Children Against Bullying and Its Consequences (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Izabela Zych David P. Farrington Vicente J. Llorent Maria M. Ttofi

This compact resource synthesizes current research on bullying in the schools while presenting strengths-based approaches to curbing this growing epidemic. Its international review of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies unravels the complex dynamics of bullying and provides depth on the range of negative outcomes for bullies, victims, enablers, and victims who bully. Chapters on protective factors against bullying identify personal competencies, such as empathy development, and keys to a positive school environment, featuring findings on successful school-based prevention programs in different countries. Throughout, the authors clearly define bullying as a public health/mental health issue, and prevention as a deterrent for future antisocial and criminal behavior. Included in the coverage: · School bullying in different countries: prevalence, risk factors, and short-term outcomes. · Personal protective factors against bullying: emotional, social, and moral competencies. · Contextual protective factors against bullying: school-wide climate. · Protecting children through anti-bullying interventions. · Protecting bullies and victims from long-term undesirable outcomes. · Future directions for research, practice, and policy. With its wealth of answers to a global concern, Protecting Children against Bullying and Its Consequences is a definitive reference and idea book for the international community of scholars in criminology and developmental psychology interested in bullying and youth violence, as well as practitioners and policymakers.

Piaget and His School: A Reader in Developmental Psychology (Springer Study Edition)

by C. Zwingmann

Inhelder in her introduction. The reason for this unity is that explanatory adequacy can be attained only by exploring the formative and constructive aspects of development. To explain a psychologic reaction or a cognitive mechanism (at all levels, including that of scientific thought) is not simply to describe them, but to comprehend the processes by which they were formed; failing that, one can but note results without grasping their meaning. JEAN PlACET VI Man distinguishes himself from other creatures primarily by his abstract reasoning capacity and his ability to communicate his knowledge by highly complex symbolic processes. What is called "humanity" and progress is to a large degree a measure of his consciousness and the deployment of his creative potentials. There are few scientists who have explored the universe of cogni­ tion, and contributed to the understanding of the realm of knowledge, with greater genius, care, and scientific intuition than Jean Piaget and his longtime collaborator Barbel Inhelder. Professor Inhelder and her assistant Dr. Harold Chipman realized this book in spite of the heavy load of research, teaching, and administra­ tive duties in a rapidly expanding Institute. It is therefore a particular pleasure for me to presen t this book.

Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by Ran Zwigenberg

How researchers understood the atomic bomb’s effects on the human psyche before the recognition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 1945, researchers on a mission to Hiroshima with the United States Strategic Bombing Survey canvassed survivors of the nuclear attack. This marked the beginning of global efforts—by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other social scientists—to tackle the complex ways in which human minds were affected by the advent of the nuclear age. A trans-Pacific research network emerged that produced massive amounts of data about the dropping of the bomb and subsequent nuclear tests in and around the Pacific rim. Ran Zwigenberg traces these efforts and the ways they were interpreted differently across communities of researchers and victims. He explores how the bomb’s psychological impact on survivors was understood before we had the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, psychological and psychiatric research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki rarely referred to trauma or similar categories. Instead, institutional and political constraints—most notably the psychological sciences’ entanglement with Cold War science—led researchers to concentrate on short-term damage and somatic reactions or even, in some cases, on denial of victims’ suffering. As a result, very few doctors tried to ameliorate suffering. But, Zwigenberg argues, it was not only that doctors “failed” to issue the right diagnosis; the victims’ experiences also did not necessarily conform to our contemporary expectations. As he shows, the category of trauma should not be used uncritically in a non-Western context. Consequently, this book sets out, first, to understand the historical, cultural, and scientific constraints in which researchers and victims were acting and, second, to explore how suffering was understood in different cultural contexts before PTSD was a category of analysis.

Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by Ran Zwigenberg

How researchers understood the atomic bomb’s effects on the human psyche before the recognition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 1945, researchers on a mission to Hiroshima with the United States Strategic Bombing Survey canvassed survivors of the nuclear attack. This marked the beginning of global efforts—by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other social scientists—to tackle the complex ways in which human minds were affected by the advent of the nuclear age. A trans-Pacific research network emerged that produced massive amounts of data about the dropping of the bomb and subsequent nuclear tests in and around the Pacific rim. Ran Zwigenberg traces these efforts and the ways they were interpreted differently across communities of researchers and victims. He explores how the bomb’s psychological impact on survivors was understood before we had the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, psychological and psychiatric research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki rarely referred to trauma or similar categories. Instead, institutional and political constraints—most notably the psychological sciences’ entanglement with Cold War science—led researchers to concentrate on short-term damage and somatic reactions or even, in some cases, on denial of victims’ suffering. As a result, very few doctors tried to ameliorate suffering. But, Zwigenberg argues, it was not only that doctors “failed” to issue the right diagnosis; the victims’ experiences also did not necessarily conform to our contemporary expectations. As he shows, the category of trauma should not be used uncritically in a non-Western context. Consequently, this book sets out, first, to understand the historical, cultural, and scientific constraints in which researchers and victims were acting and, second, to explore how suffering was understood in different cultural contexts before PTSD was a category of analysis.

Effective Interviewing of Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Counselors and Human Service Workers

by Michael Zwiers Patrick J. Morrissette

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Effective Interviewing of Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Counselors and Human Service Workers

by Michael Zwiers Patrick J. Morrissette

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Facts and Models in Hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing, held at Tutzing, Oberbayern, Federal Republic of Germany, April 22–26, 1974 (Communication and Cybernetics #8)

by E. Zwicker E. Terhardt

During recent years auditory research has advanced quite rapidly in the area of experimental psychology as well as in that of physiology. Scientists working in both areas have in cornrnon the study of the process in HEARING, yet different scientific areas always tend to diverge. A SYMPOSIUM ON PSY­ CHOPHYSICAL MODELS AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTS IN HEARING was or­ ganized for the exchange of information and to stimulate dis­ cussion between research workers in psychoacoustics, neurophy­ siology, anatomy, morphology and hydromechanics. The basic aim of holding this syrnposium was to halt the divergence and to initiate the kind of multi-disciplinary research that will be need ed to elucidate the hearing process as a whole. The present proceedings comprise the papers, which were circulated to the participants two months before the syrnposium and discussed during the syrnposium, together with some cornrnents and additional re­ marks. These cornrnents and rernarks do not, however, represent the full discussions but only the parts available in written form. We have arranged the material in five sections: I. Structure and Neurobiology of the Inner Ear II. Cochlear Mechanisms III. Auditory Frequency Analysis IV. Auditory Time Analysis V. Nonlinear Effects Within the limits of a syrnposium, none of these topics could be treated comprehensively; moreover, most of the papers concerned problems having several aspects.

Tales of Research Misconduct: A Lacanian Diagnostics of Integrity Challenges in Science Novels (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy #36)

by Hub Zwart

This monograph contributes to the scientific misconduct debate from an oblique perspective, by analysing seven novels devoted to this issue, namely: Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis (1925), The affair by C.P. Snow (1960), Cantor’s Dilemma by Carl Djerassi (1989), Perlmann’s Silence by Pascal Mercier (1995), Intuition by Allegra Goodman (2006), Solar by Ian McEwan (2010) and Derailment by Diederik Stapel (2012). Scientific misconduct, i.e. fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, but also other questionable research practices, have become a focus of concern for academic communities worldwide, but also for managers, funders and publishers of research. The aforementioned novels offer intriguing windows into integrity challenges emerging in contemporary research practices. They are analysed from a continental philosophical perspective, providing a stage where various voices, positions and modes of discourse are mutually exposed to one another, so that they critically address and question one another. They force us to start from the admission that we do not really know what misconduct is. Subsequently, by providing case histories of misconduct, they address integrity challenges not only in terms of individual deviance but also in terms of systemic crisis, due to current transformations in the ways in which knowledge is produced. Rather than functioning as moral vignettes, the author argues that misconduct novels challenge us to reconsider some of the basic conceptual building blocks of integrity discourse.Except where otherwise noted, this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Purloined Organs: Psychoanalysis of Transplant Organs as Objects of Desire

by H.A.E. Zwart

This book addresses organ transplantation from a psychoanalytical perspective. Where other authors consider topics of informed consent, scarcity and organ trade, Zwart explores the ways in which the practice fundamentally challenges our basic experience and image of the body, revolving around issues such as embodiment, ownership and bodily integrity. In organ transplantation, the body emerges as something which we simultaneously have and are—constituting a whole, as well as a set of partial objects that can be transplanted and replaced, donated and sold.

Eigentijds ouder worden: Tijd in de levensloop

by Wim Zwanikken

Gedurende de menselijke levensloop heeft de psychologische tijd vele vormen en gedaanten. Heden, verleden en toekomst, haast en verveling, depressie en vreugde, arbeid en inspanning kennen alle hun bijbehorende tijdsvormen. De mens doet iets met tijd; de tijd doet ook steeds iets met de mens. Op zoek naar de betekenis van zijn levensloop stuit de mens zowel op zijn afkomst waar hem het leven is geschonken als op zijn bestemming waar voltooiing tevens het einde betekent.

Psychosoziale Aspekte der Adipositas-Chirurgie

by Martina De Zwaan Stephan Herpertz Stephan Zipfel

Das Buch soll einen ersten Überblick über die psychotherapeutische Begleitung von Patienten vor und nach bariatrischen chirurgischen Eingriffen geben. Es richtet sich an die therapeutischen Teams, die mit Adipositaspatienten vor und nach der Operation arbeiten, soll aber auch Chirurgen für das Thema sensibilisieren. Durch die zunehmende Zahl an entsprechenden Operationen steigt die Notwendigkeit, diese Patienten während des gesamten Prozesses zu begleiten.

Psychosoziale Aspekte der Adipositas-Chirurgie

by Martina De Zwaan Stephan Herpertz Stephan Zipfel

Das Buch soll einen ersten Überblick über die psychotherapeutische Begleitung von Patienten vor und nach bariatrischen chirurgischen Eingriffen geben. Es richtet sich an die therapeutischen Teams, die mit Adipositaspatienten vor und nach der Operation arbeiten, soll aber auch Chirurgen für das Thema sensibilisieren. Durch die zunehmende Zahl an entsprechenden Operationen steigt die Notwendigkeit, diese Patienten während des gesamten Prozesses zu begleiten.

Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders)

by Michael J. Zvolensky Jasper A. J. Smits

This is a single resource offering theoretical perspectives and reviews of research on the link between health behaviors and physical illness to anxiety. The authors explore the idea of reciprocal relations between anxiety and health factors throughout the developmental course. Special attention is devoted to the mechanisms by which certain health factors (e.g. physical exercise) may play a role in the onset or maintenance of particular anxiety disorders.

Reading, Writing, Mathematics and the Developing Brain: Listening to Many Voices (Literacy Studies #6)

by Zvia Breznitz, Orly Rubinsten, Victoria J. Molfese and Dennis L. Molfese

This valuable addition to the literature offers readers a comprehensive overview of recent brain imaging research focused on reading, writing and mathematics—a research arena characterized by rapid advances that follow on the heels of fresh developments and techniques in brain imaging itself. With contributions from many of the lead scientists in this field, a number of whom have been responsible for key breakthroughs, the coverage deals with the commonalities of, as well as the differences between, brain activity related to the three core educational topics. At the same time, the volume addresses vital new information on both brain and behavior indicators of developmental problems, and points out the new directions being pursued using current advances in brain imaging technologies as well as research-based interventions. The book is also a tribute to a new Edmund, J Safra Brain center for the study of learning Disabilities at the University of Haifa-Israel.

Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking

by Leonard Zusne Warren H. Jones

Updating and expanding the materials from the first edition, Anomalistic Psychology, Second Edition integrates and systematically treats phenomena of human consciousness and behaviors that appear to violate the laws of nature. The authors present and detail a new explanatory concept they developed that provides a naturalistic interpretation for these phenomena -- Magical Thinking. For undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in cognitive psychology, research methods, thinking, and parapsychology.

Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking

by Leonard Zusne Warren H. Jones

Updating and expanding the materials from the first edition, Anomalistic Psychology, Second Edition integrates and systematically treats phenomena of human consciousness and behaviors that appear to violate the laws of nature. The authors present and detail a new explanatory concept they developed that provides a naturalistic interpretation for these phenomena -- Magical Thinking. For undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in cognitive psychology, research methods, thinking, and parapsychology.

Acceptance and Commitment Skills for Perfectionism and High-Achieving Behaviors: Do Things Your Way, Be Yourself, and Live a Purposeful Life

by Patricia E. Zurita Ona

This book is essential for those who are prone to high-achieving, self-starting, and perfectionistic actions; people who relentlessly, persistently, and determinedly pursue their dreams, goals, and aspirations; people who hold their high standards, principles, and values close to their heart. Chapter by chapter, you will learn acceptance and commitment skills to harness the power of perfectionism and high-achieving behaviors while living the life you want to live. You will learn how to be yourself, keep your fears in perspective, and do meaningful things without dwelling for hours on the different ways to make things right, postponing things because they aren’t ready, struggling for days with rumination, anxiety and stress, or wrestling periodically with harsh criticisms. This book will show you how you can give your best, work hard, and push yourself when you deeply care about things without sacrificing your well-being, hurting your relationships, or compromising your health. You will learn when to engage in high-achieving actions in an effective, life-expansive, and skillful way. You will develop a new workable relationship with all those narratives about not being good enough and treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and caring. Most importantly, you will find that you can be yourself without losing yourself.

Acceptance and Commitment Skills for Perfectionism and High-Achieving Behaviors: Do Things Your Way, Be Yourself, and Live a Purposeful Life

by Patricia E. Zurita Ona

This book is essential for those who are prone to high-achieving, self-starting, and perfectionistic actions; people who relentlessly, persistently, and determinedly pursue their dreams, goals, and aspirations; people who hold their high standards, principles, and values close to their heart. Chapter by chapter, you will learn acceptance and commitment skills to harness the power of perfectionism and high-achieving behaviors while living the life you want to live. You will learn how to be yourself, keep your fears in perspective, and do meaningful things without dwelling for hours on the different ways to make things right, postponing things because they aren’t ready, struggling for days with rumination, anxiety and stress, or wrestling periodically with harsh criticisms. This book will show you how you can give your best, work hard, and push yourself when you deeply care about things without sacrificing your well-being, hurting your relationships, or compromising your health. You will learn when to engage in high-achieving actions in an effective, life-expansive, and skillful way. You will develop a new workable relationship with all those narratives about not being good enough and treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and caring. Most importantly, you will find that you can be yourself without losing yourself.

Moments of Leadership: How to become a Professional Leader, Manager and Coach (Management for Professionals)

by Hanspeter Zürcher

There are moments in leadership when opportunities open up: Opportunities for better teamwork, opportunities for orientation, for professional conversations, and for personal development and reflection. This book describes over 60 such opportunities, pragmatic, solution-oriented, and tested for many years. Based on concrete examples, it thus provides impulses for effective strategies and new ways of solving problems in all areas of cooperation and leadership. The book is intended to serve as a guide from which not only leaders but also managers and coaches can benefit.

The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology

by Eileen L. Zurbriggen Rose Capdevila

The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology takes an intersectional feminist approach to the exploration of psychology and gender through a lens of power. The invisibility of power in psychological research and theorizing has been critiqued by scholars from many perspectives both within and outside the discipline. This volume addresses that gap. The handbook centers power in the analysis of gender, but does so specifically in relation to psychological theory, research, and praxis. Gathering the work of sixty authors from different geographies, career stages, psychological sub-disciplines, methodologies, and experiences, the handbook showcases creativity in approach, and diversity of perspective. The result is a work featuring a chorus of different voices, including diverse understandings of feminisms and power. Ultimately, the handbook presents a case for the importance of intersectionality and power for any feminist psychological endeavor.

Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Unavoidable, Common, and Mandatory Dual Relations in Therapy

by Ofer Zur

This first-of-a-kind analysis will focus exclusively on unavoidable and mandated multiple relationships between clients and psychotherapists. The book will cover the ethics of a range of venues and situations where dual relationships are mandated, such as in the military, prisons/jails, and police departments, and settings where multiple relationships are unavoidable, such as rural communities; graduate schools and training institutions; faith, spiritual, recovery or 12-step, minority and disabled communities, total institutions, and sport psychology. The complexities of social network ethics and digital dual relationships, such as clients becoming "friends" or "fans" on their therapists’ social media pages are discussed. Finally, the book will discuss the complexities multiple roles that inevitably emerge in supervisory relationships.

Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Unavoidable, Common, and Mandatory Dual Relations in Therapy

by Ofer Zur

This first-of-a-kind analysis will focus exclusively on unavoidable and mandated multiple relationships between clients and psychotherapists. The book will cover the ethics of a range of venues and situations where dual relationships are mandated, such as in the military, prisons/jails, and police departments, and settings where multiple relationships are unavoidable, such as rural communities; graduate schools and training institutions; faith, spiritual, recovery or 12-step, minority and disabled communities, total institutions, and sport psychology. The complexities of social network ethics and digital dual relationships, such as clients becoming "friends" or "fans" on their therapists’ social media pages are discussed. Finally, the book will discuss the complexities multiple roles that inevitably emerge in supervisory relationships.

Self-Construction in a Transcultural Context: Young Chinese Immigrants Constructing Selves in the UK

by Yijia Zuo

This book explores the ways in which individuals construct and integrate self-positions in a transcultural context, by adopting a pluralist theoretical and methodological approach that includes both Western post-modern viewpoints and ancient Chinese philosophical ideas.The book starts with stories of two second-generation Chinese young people and their mothers' life experiences in the UK, which can be seen as an epitome of individuals living in the modern and complex environment of the time. Using social constructionist viewpoints, it then analyzes the overt interaction between the individual and outside environment and interprets the recessive interaction, such as the individual’s psychological response to the outside environment, which might be unknown to him or herself, using the psychodynamic approach based on object relations theory and other psychoanalytic concepts, such as defense mechanisms. The book uses Confucian philosophy to show how Chinese people think about the relation between other people and themselves and also integrates different and even opposing theories and viewpoints from Taoist philosophy.This creative book provides a theoretical and practical approach to explore the conception of “self” and the way in which individuals construct their self-positions in a complex context. Combining cutting-edge Western psycho-social viewpoints and ancient Chinese philosophy, it appeals to readers interested in “self,” psycho-social approaches, psychoanalytic viewpoints and Chinese philosophy.

Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us about Popular Culture

by Lisa Zunshine

We live in other people's heads: avidly, reluctantly, consciously, unaware, mistakenly, and inescapably. Our social life is a constant negotiation among what we think we know about each other's thoughts and feelings, what we want each other to think we know, and what we would dearly love to know but don't.Cognitive scientists have a special term for the evolved cognitive adaptation that makes us attribute mental states to other people through observation of their body language; they call it theory of mind. Getting Inside Your Head uses research in theory of mind to look at movies, musicals, novels, classic Chinese opera, stand-up comedy, mock-documentaries, photography, and reality television. It follows Pride and Prejudice’s Mr. Darcy as he tries to conceal his anger, Tyler Durden as he lectures a stranger at gunpoint in Fight Club, and Ingrid Bergman as she fakes interest in horse races in Notorious.This engaging book exemplifies the new interdisciplinary field of cognitive cultural studies, demonstrating that collaboration between cognitive science and cultural studies is both exciting and productive.

Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us about Popular Culture

by Lisa Zunshine

We live in other people's heads: avidly, reluctantly, consciously, unaware, mistakenly, and inescapably. Our social life is a constant negotiation among what we think we know about each other's thoughts and feelings, what we want each other to think we know, and what we would dearly love to know but don't.Cognitive scientists have a special term for the evolved cognitive adaptation that makes us attribute mental states to other people through observation of their body language; they call it theory of mind. Getting Inside Your Head uses research in theory of mind to look at movies, musicals, novels, classic Chinese opera, stand-up comedy, mock-documentaries, photography, and reality television. It follows Pride and Prejudice’s Mr. Darcy as he tries to conceal his anger, Tyler Durden as he lectures a stranger at gunpoint in Fight Club, and Ingrid Bergman as she fakes interest in horse races in Notorious.This engaging book exemplifies the new interdisciplinary field of cognitive cultural studies, demonstrating that collaboration between cognitive science and cultural studies is both exciting and productive.

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