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Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: 12th International Conference, DAPI 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29 – July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14719)

by Shin’ichi Konomi Norbert A. Streitz

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, DAPI 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2024 (HCII 2024), was held as a hybrid event in Washington DC, USA, during June/July 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2023 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The DAPI conference addressed approaches and objectives of information, interaction, and user experience design for DAPI Environments as well as their enabling technologies, methods, and platforms, and relevant application areas. The DAPI 2024 conference covered topics addressing basic research questions and technology issues in the areas of new modalities, immersive environments, smart devices, and much more.

Produktion von Inhalten für digitale Medien: Eine Einführung

by John Weldon Jay Daniel Thompson

Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Produktion digitaler Medieninhalte im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Dabei werden die Inhalte aus den Berufsfeldern Journalismus, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing behandelt. Das Buch gibt einen Einblick, wie Inhalte präsentiert werden und befasst sich mit den rechtlichen und ethischen Fragen, mit denen sich die Produzenten von Inhalten konfrontiert sehen, sowie mit der Frage, wie diese Probleme erfolgreich bewältigt werden können. Die Kapitel enthalten auch Interviews mit Medienfachleuten und Quizfragen, die es den Lesern ermöglichen, das durch die Lektüre des jeweiligen Kapitels erworbene Wissen zu festigen.

Berufliche Belastungen von Zahnärzten und Hausärzten im Vergleich

by David Alexander Meyer-Theewen

Mit dieser empirisch belegten Studie über Zahnärzte und Hausärzte, die beiden bedeutendsten Gruppen in der medizinischen Versorgung der deutschen Bevölkerung, werden die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der berufsbedingten psychischen, physischen und existentiellen Belastungen sowie deren gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen bis hin zum Burnout herausgearbeitet. Basis der anonym durchgeführten Erhebung waren neben soziodemografischen Angaben und vier eigenen Items vier international validierte Fragebögen, die „Berufliche Belastung“ von Alfermann (2003), die „Beruflichen Gratifikationskrisen“ von Siegrist (2012), der „Gießener Beschwerdebogen GBB-24“ von Brähler und Scheer (1995) und die „Lebenszufriedenheit“ von Fahrenberg et al. (2005). Die vergleichende Befragung, die bezogen auf Deutschland die erste ihrer Art überhaupt ist, wurde online mittels SoSci geschaltet und von einschlägigen berufsständischen Institutionen in deren Medien angekündigt. Die nach Berufsgruppe, Geschlecht, Alter, Berufserfahrung und weiteren Kriterien differenzierten Ergebnisse zeigen auf, wie dringend Lösungsmöglichkeiten zur Bewältigung von Stressoren und Generierung und Stärkung von Ressourcen nötig sind, um für die nach Belastungsreduzierung nachsuchende Praxis Perspektiven nachhaltiger Resilienz aufzuzeigen.

Business History of Hospitals in the 20th Century: Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Finances (Frontiers in Economic History)

by Paloma Fernández Pérez

This book offers a business history of modern hospitals in the 20th century. Presenting case studies from around the world, it examines the long-term institutional and historical evolution of hospital organization and management models, applying a business history approach to do so. Drawing on reports from international organizations and other historical data, it explores the evolution, path dependencies, actors and institutions that have shaped the diversity of hospital organization and management models. At the same time, it analyzes the historical origins of major problems faced by today’s hospitals, such as cost-inefficiencies, lack of specialized human capital, etc. The contributing authors cover topics such as the history of hospital finance and accounting, hospital price regulation, entrepreneurship models, hospital privatization, and hospital governance. The book will appeal to scholars and students of economic and business history, and to anyone interested in the history of hospitals.

E-Governance in the European Union: Strategies, Tools, and Implementation (Contributions to Political Science)

by David Ramiro Troitiño

This book sheds new light on the future of e-governance in the European Union (EU). Drawing on the first-hand professional experience of practitioners, policymakers, and institutional stakeholders, combined with a sound academic foundation, it offers insights into successful implementation strategies and new tools necessary for efficient e-governance in the European Union. The authors present key topics, e.g. the development of e-services such as e-identity, e-health, e-democracy, as well as e-governance tools for the correct implementation of the Digital Single Market. Furthermore, they discuss the legal framework needed for the implementation of these services, such as data protection, digital competition law, as well as EU contracts in digital environments. Finally, the authors highlight efforts to include ethical standards and European values in the decision-making, while developing a vision for the future use of e-governance in the European Union.Understanding the tools and strategies for a successful implementation of e-governance services, as well as the necessary legal framework, will allow professionals such as policymakers and institutional stakeholders, to improve their performance and achieve better results when working on the development of future e-governance services in the European Union.

Corporate Crisis Recovery: Managing Organizational Deviance, Reputation, and Risk

by Petter Gottschalk Christopher Hamerton

The principal aim of Corporate Crisis Recovery: Managing Organizational Deviance, Reputation, and Risk is to complement and expand criminological discourse on the concept of the social license to operate as a means of influencing the behaviour of corporations. In recent years, the wide-spanning consequences of some very public globalized corporate crises – including fiscal and environmental impact, staff retention, and organizational survival – have led to a growing body of research on crisis perception and responsive strategic management. Developments that position corporate crisis recovery as an anticipated requirement of visible compliance to normalized and anticipated standards of ethical practice and business conduct. Utilizing convenience theory to illustrate how corporations, and the individuals therein, are able to lose, repair, and recover the corporate license to operate after corruption and scandal, the book develops to evaluate the responses of the public and criminal justice process to serious reputational damage and substantial breach of trust.

Design, User Experience, and Usability: 13th International Conference, DUXU 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29–July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14713)

by Aaron Marcus Marcelo M. Soares Elizabeth Rosenzweig

This five-volume set LNCS 14712-14716 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability, DUXU 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29 – July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The DUXU 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Information Visualization and Interaction Design; Usability Testing and User Experience Evaluation. Part II: Designing Interactions for Intelligent Environments; Automotive Interactions and Smart Mobility Solutions; Speculative Design and Creativity. Part III: User Experience Design for Inclusion and Diversity; Human-Centered Design for Social Impact. Part IV: Designing Immersive Experiences across Contexts; Technology, Design, and Learner Engagement; User Experience in Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. Part V: Innovative Design for Enhanced User Experience; Innovations in Product and Service Design.

Endogenous Opioids: From Basic Science to Biopsychosocial Applications (Advances in Neurobiology #35)

by Patrick L. Kerr Cristian Sirbu John M. Gregg

This new volume provides a scientifically based exploration of the multifaceted world of endogenous opioids, including endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, endomorphins, and orphanin FQ/nociceptin, featuring a strong translational focus. Topics covered range from basic scientific investigations, to clinical applications, to investigations in areas such as oncology, childbirth, and disordered eating, to psychosocial contexts such as volunteering and positive emotions. One of the main goals of Endogenous Opioids is to provide recommendations for new directions in medical research and health policy that are rooted in sound scientific research.

Women in Central and Southeastern Europe, 1700–1900: Life, Literacy, and Social Entanglements in a Transnational Setting

by Polly Thanailaki

This book explores portraits of significant women living in central and southeastern Europe whose lives and activities remain unknown, uncovering their lifestyles as well as the social entanglements relating to their education. The book also examines transnationality and modernity, arguing that during the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries transculturality as a cultural marker was in contrast with national fallacies. In addition to this, it provides insight into the controversies concerning women’s social standing, and it investigates the prevailing social norms, restrictions, and biases that affected their lives. The book draws on a wide range of original printed sources such as school archives, government documents, newspapers, and journals as well as secondary sources of literature.

Radicalisation and Crisis Management: Shifts of Radical Right Discourse (Springer Series in Electoral Politics)

by Vasiliki Tsagkroni

This book discusses theories of crisis management and the radical right, to shed light on how responses to crisis influence radical right parties in their presence, discourse, and evolution. The book offers a comparative perspective by examining case studies with various traditions of radical right actors, presenting data on how crisis exploitation can assist in exploring, reconsidering, bargaining, and learning about the prospects of change of political parties. The book focuses on the debate on radicalization and crisis management. Similar to the already existing economic, political, post-Brexit, and migration crises in Europe, discourses of fear around the latest health crisis are paving the way for further radicalised discourse from the far right. The book looks into how radical right parties in Europe have responded to these crises. It monitors and explores how crisis exploitation impacts political strategies, opportunity-seeking behaviours, and the evolution of the discourse of radical right parties in the contemporary political landscape. Therefore, this book is a must-read for researchers, students, and policy-makers, interested in a better understanding of populism, radical right parties, electoral studies, as well as comparative politics in general.

Evolution Seen from the Phase Diagram of Life (Evolutionary Studies)

by Shigeki Mitaku Ryusuke Sawada

This book aims to understand biological evolution through a physical approach, focusing on the macroscopic aspects of the biological genome. Readers will discover the connection between genomic information and the harmony of biological systems, a relationship that remains elusive to many researchers in biological sciences.The most common approach to understanding living organisms with physics is to begin with a single molecule of an organism. In contrast to this bottom-up approach, building from each molecule to the whole, this book takes a coarse-grained approach at the amino acid level to physically understand the macroscopic aspects of the organism. The book presents a system developed by the authors to predict membrane proteins with high accuracy using only physical parameters. Another distinctive perspective of this book is that it proposes the idea of a physical mechanism, other than natural selection, that orchestrates the emergence of order from random processes.The study of macroscopic aspects of living organisms based on this concept has parallels with thermostatistical mechanics for states of matter. Just as random processes create order in matter, there are physical random processes that form order in living organisms. This analogy is the central theme of the book.Using terms and analogies familiar to physicists, the book bridges the gap between biological and physical sciences. The book focuses on simple principles and is aimed primarily at researchers. While the content of this book is at the boundary area of biophysics, soft matter physics and bioinformatics, it will also be of interest to researchers and graduate students working on any biological topics.

Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Interfaces (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Winfried Mönch

This concise volume examines the characteristic electronic parameters of semiconductor interfaces, namely the barrier heights of metal–semiconductor or Schottky contacts and the valence-band discontinuities of semiconductor–semiconductor interfaces or heterostructures. Both are determined by the same concept, namely the wave-function tails of electron states overlapping a semiconductor band gap directly at the interface. These interface-induced gap states (IFIGS) result from the complex band structure of the corresponding semiconductor. The IFIGS are characterized by two parameters, namely by their branch point, at which their charge character changes from predominantly valence-band- to conduction-band-like, and secondly by the proportionality factor or slope parameter of the corresponding electric-dipole term, which varies in proportion to the difference in the electronegativities of the two solids forming the interface. This IFIGS-and-electronegativity concept consistently and quantitatively explains the experimentally observed barrier heights of Schottky contacts as well as the valence-band offsets of heterostructures. Insulators are treated as wide band-gap semiconductors.

Lineare Algebra: Ein Lehrbuch über die Theorie mit Blick auf die Praxis (Springer Studium Mathematik (Bachelor))

by Volker Mehrmann Jörg Liesen

Dieses Lehrbuch über die Lineare Algebra deckt den gesamten Stoff der zweisemestrigen Grundvorlesung ab. Seine anschauliche und konsequent matrizenorientierte Herangehensweise ermöglicht Studierenden ein intuitives Verständnis der abstrakten Objekte. Die im Buch präsentierten vielfältigen Anwendungen und Beispiele motivieren Studierende zur intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Linearen Algebra als leistungsfähiges mathematisches Werkzeug. In vielen „MATLAB-Minuten“ können sich Studierende wichtige Sätze und Konzepte am Rechner erarbeiten. Alle notwendigen Vorkenntnisse werden in einer MATLAB-Kurzeinführung erläutert. Das Buch enthält zudem über 350 Übungsaufgaben, die das Erlernen des Stoffes unterstützen. Interessierte Studierende finden darüber hinaus historische Notizen zur Entwicklung des Gebiets. Für diese vierte Auflage wurde das Buch durchgesehen und ergänzt. Zu den Ergänzungen gehören insbesondere die genauere Betrachtung von Projektionen, die Herleitung der Frobenius-Normalform von Endomorphismen sowie der Beweis eines wichtigen Satzes über Matrixfunktionen basierend auf der Lösung des Hermite-Interpolationsproblems. Hinzugekommen sind außerdem mehr als 20 neue Aufgaben sowie Begriffe wie der Bidualraum, derogatorische Matrizen, Invariantenteiler und Isometrien. Der übersichtliche Aufbau und das bewährte Konzept des Lehrbuchs wurden beibehalten.

Women in Intelligence: The Hidden History of Two World Wars

by Helen Fry

A groundbreaking history of women in British intelligence, revealing their pivotal role across the first half of the twentieth century From the twentieth century onward, women took on an extraordinary range of roles in intelligence, defying the conventions of their time. Across both world wars, far from being a small part of covert operations, women ran spy networks and escape lines, parachuted behind enemy lines, and interrogated prisoners. And, back in Bletchley and Whitehall, women’s vital administrative work in MI offices kept the British war engine running. In this major, panoramic history, Helen Fry looks at the rich and varied work women undertook as civilians and in uniform. From spies in the Belgian network “La Dame Blanche,” knitting coded messages into jumpers, to those who interpreted aerial images and even ran entire sections, Fry shows just how crucial women were in the intelligence mission. Filled with hitherto unknown stories, Women in Intelligence places new research on record for the first time and showcases the inspirational contributions of these remarkable women.

Templars: The Knights Who Made Britain

by Steve Tibble

A gripping account of the Knights Templar, challenging received wisdom to show how these devout medieval knights played a profound role in making modern Britain The Knights Templar have an enduring reputation—but not one they would recognize. Originally established in the twelfth century to protect pilgrims, the Order is remembered today for heresy, fanaticism, and even satanism. In this bold new interpretation, Steve Tibble sets out to correct the record. The Templars, famous for their battles on Christendom’s eastern front, were in fact dedicated peace-mongers at home. They influenced royal strategy and policy, created financial structures, and brokered international peace treaties—primarily to ensure that men, money, and material could be transferred more readily to the east. Charting the rise of the Order under Henry I through to its violent suppression following the fall of Acre, Tibble argues that these medieval knights were essential to the emergence of an early English state. Revealing the true legacy of the British Templars, he shows how a small group helped shape medieval Britain while simultaneously fighting in the name of the Christian Middle East.

Our NHS: A History of Britain's Best Loved Institution

by Andrew Seaton

An engaging, inclusive history of the NHS, exploring its surprising survival—and the people who have kept it running In recent decades, a wave of appreciation for the NHS has swept across the UK. Britons have clapped for frontline workers and championed the service as a distinctive national achievement. All this has happened in the face of ideological opposition, marketization, and workforce crises. But how did the NHS become what it is today? In this wide-ranging history, Andrew Seaton examines the full story of the NHS. He traces how the service has changed and adapted, bringing together the experiences of patients, staff from Britain and abroad, and the service’s wider supporters and opponents. He explains not only why it survived the neoliberalism of the late twentieth century but also how it became a key marker of national identity. Seaton emphasizes the resilience of the NHS—perpetually “in crisis” and yet perennially enduring—as well as the political values it embodies and the work of those who have tirelessly kept it afloat.

Chinese Thought: From Confucius to Cook Ding (Pelican Books)

by Roel Sterckx

Shortlisted for the PEN Hessel-Tiltman Prize'A terrific book, rich and endlessly thought provoking. . . If you are looking for one book to understand the core ideas of Chinese civilisation, read this' - Michael WoodAn engrossing history of ancient Chinese philosophy and culture from an eminent Cambridge expertWe are often told that the twenty-first century is bound to become China's century. Never before has Chinese culture been so physically, digitally, economically or aesthetically present in everyday Western life. But how much do we really know about its origins and key beliefs? How did the ancient Chinese think about the world?In this enlightening book, Roel Sterckx, one of the foremost experts in Chinese thought, takes us through centuries of Chinese history, from Confucius to Daoism to the Legalists. The great questions that have occupied China's brightest minds were not about who and what we are, but rather how we should live our lives, how we should organise society and how we can secure the well-being of those who live with us and for whom we carry responsibility.With evocative examples from philosophy, literature and everyday life, Sterckx shows us how the ancient Chinese have shaped the thinking of a civilization that is now influencing our own.

Think Again: How to Reason and Argue (Pelican Books)

by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong

A masterclass in persuasion from the inspiring philosopher who has taught a million people to argue through his popular open online courseOur personal and political worlds are rife with arguments and disagreements, some of them petty and vitriolic. The inability to compromise and understand the other side is widespread today. What can we do to change this? In Think Again philosopher Walter Sinnott-Armstrong draws on a long tradition of logic to show why we should stop focusing on winning arguments and instead argue in a more constructive way.Based on a hugely popular online course with more than a million followers around the world, Think Again explains how to analyse, evaluate and make better arguments while also spotting bad reasoning and avoiding certain fallacies. Through lively, practical examples from everyday life, politics and popular culture, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong offers brilliantly straightforward, wise advice that we can all use at work, at home and online.

A Political History of the World: Three Thousand Years of War and Peace (Pelican Books)

by Jonathan Holslag

A three-thousand year history of the world that examines the causes of war and the search for peaceIn three thousand years of history, China has spent at least eleven centuries at war. The Roman Empire was in conflict during at least 50 per cent of its lifetime. Since 1776, the United States has spent over one hundred years at war. The dream of peace has been universal in the history of humanity. So why have we so rarely been able to achieve it? In A Political History of the World, Jonathan Holslag has produced a sweeping history of the world, from the Iron Age to the present, that investigates the causes of conflict between empires, nations and peoples and the attempts at diplomacy and cosmopolitanism. A birds-eye view of three thousand years of history, the book illuminates the forces shaping world politics from Ancient Egypt to the Han Dynasty, the Pax Romana to the rise of Islam, the Peace of Westphalia to the creation of the United Nations.This truly global approach enables Holslag to search for patterns across different eras and regions, and explore larger questions about war, diplomacy, and power. Has trade fostered peace? What are the limits of diplomacy? How does environmental change affect stability? Is war a universal sin of power? At a time when the threat of nuclear war looms again, this is a much-needed history intended for students of international politics, and anyone looking for a background on current events.

Our Universe: An Astronomer's Guide (Pelican Books)

by Jo Dunkley

A world-renowned astrophysicist takes us through the huge, unfolding history of the universeThe night sky is an endless source of wonder and mystery. For thousands of years it has been at the heart of scientific and philosophical inquiry, from the first star catalogues etched into ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets to the metres-wide telescopes constructed in Chile's Atacama Desert today. On a clear night it is hard not to look up and pick out familiar constellations, and to think of the visionary minds who pioneered our understanding of what lies beyond.In this thrilling new guide to our Universe and how it works, Professor of Astrophysics Jo Dunkley reveals how it only becomes more beautiful and exciting the more we discover about it. With warmth and clarity, Dunkley takes us from the very basics - why the Earth orbits the Sun, and how our Moon works - right up to massive, strange phenomena like superclusters, quasars, and the geometry of spacetime. As she does so, Dunkley unfurls the history of humankind's heroic journey to understand the history and structure of the cosmos, revealing the extraordinary, little-known stories of astronomy pioneers including Williamina Fleming, Vera Rubin and Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Illuminating and uplifting, this is your essential guide to the biggest subject of all.

Social Mobility: And Its Enemies (Pelican Books)

by Stephen Machin Lee Elliot Major

What are the effects of decreasing social mobility?How does education help - and hinder - us in improving our life chances?Why are so many of us stuck on the same social rung as our parents? Apart from the USA, Britain has the lowest social mobility in the Western world. The lack of movement in who gets where in society - particularly when people are stuck at the bottom and the top - costs the nation dear, both in terms of the unfulfilled talents of those left behind and an increasingly detached elite, disinterested in improvements that benefit the rest of society.This book analyses cutting-edge research into how social mobility has changed in Britain over the years, the shifting role of schools and universities in creating a fairer future, and the key to what makes some countries and regions so much richer in opportunities, bringing a clearer understanding of what works and how we can better shape our future.

Spain: The Trials and Triumphs of a Modern European Country

by Michael Reid

An incisive account of modern Spain, from the death of Franco to the Catalan referendum and beyond “Comprehensive and engaging.”—Gideon Rachman, Financial Times Spain’s transition to democracy after Franco’s long dictatorship was widely hailed as a success, ushering in three decades of unprecedented progress and prosperity. Yet over the past decade its political consensus has been under severe strain. A stable two-party system has splintered, with disruptive new parties on the far left and far right. No government has had a majority since 2015. Michael Reid overturns the stereotypical view of Spain as a country haunted by its Francoist past. From Catalan separatism and the indignados movement to the Spanish economy’s overdependence on tourism and small business, Spain’s challenges can often seem unique. But Reid is careful to emphasize the many pressures it faces in common with its European neighbors—such as austerity, populism, and increasing polarization. The result is a penetrating yet rounded portrait of a vibrant country—one that is more often visited than understood.

Sector-Based Action Against Corruption: A Guide for Organisations and Professionals (Political Corruption and Governance)

by Paul M. Heywood Mark Pyman

This open access book provides an accessible insight into how to tackle corruption in organisations and institutions. It explains how to recognise and analyse corruption issues, together with knowledge and advice on how they can be avoided, prevented, or minimised. It also provides a framework through which readers can examine what strategies are available to tackle corruption issues, a rationale for how to prioritise strategies depending on circumstances and context, and guidance on how to critique various options. The book will appeal to professionals and practitioners, as well as academics interested in governance and corruption.

Jump-start Your SOC Analyst Career: A Roadmap to Cybersecurity Success

by Tyler Wall Jarrett Rodrick

The frontlines of cybersecurity operations include many unfilled jobs and exciting career opportunities.A transition to a security operations center (SOC) analyst position could be the start of a new path for you. Learn to actively analyze threats, protect your enterprise from harm, and kick-start your road to cybersecurity success with this one-of-a-kind book. Authors Tyler E. Wall and Jarrett W. Rodrick carefully and expertly share real-world insights and practical tips in Jump-start Your SOC Analyst Career. The lessons revealed equip you for interview preparation, tackling day one on the job, and setting long-term development goals.This book highlights personal stories from five SOC professionals at various career levels with keen advice that is immediately applicable to your own journey. The gems of knowledge shared in this book provide you with a notable advantage for entering this dynamic field of work. The recent surplus in demand for SOC analysts makes Jump-start Your SOC Analyst Career a must-have for aspiring tech professionals and long-time veterans alike. Recent industry developments such as using the cloud and security automation are broken down in concise,understandable ways, to name a few. The rapidly changing world of cybersecurity requires innovation and fresh eyes, and this book is your roadmap to success. New to this edition: This revised edition includes three entirely new chapters: Roadmap to Cybersecurity Success, The SOC Analyst Method, and ChatGPT for SOC Analysts. In addition, new material includes a substantially revised Cloud chapter, revised pre-requisite skills, and minor revisions to all chapters to update data. What You Will Learn • Understand the demand for SOC analysts • Know how to find a SOC analyst job fast • Be aware of the people you will interact with as a SOC analyst • Be clear on the prerequisite skills needed to be a SOC analyst and what to study • Be familiar with the day-to-day life of a SOC analyst, including the tools and language used • Discover the rapidly emerging areas of a SOC analyst job: the cloud and security automation • Explore the career paths of a SOC analyst • Discover background-specific tips for your roadmap to cybersecurity success • Know how to analyze a security event • Know how to apply ChatGPT as a SOC analyst Who This Book Is For Anyone interested in starting a career in cybersecurity: recent graduates, IT professionals transitioning into security, veterans, and those who are self-taught.

Linear Algebra in Data Science (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Peter Zizler Roberta La Haye

This textbook explores applications of linear algebra in data science at an introductory level, showing readers how the two are deeply connected. The authors accomplish this by offering exercises that escalate in complexity, many of which incorporate MATLAB. Practice projects appear as well for students to better understand the real-world applications of the material covered in a standard linear algebra course. Some topics covered include singular value decomposition, convolution, frequency filtering, and neural networks. Linear Algebra in Data Science is suitable as a supplement to a standard linear algebra course.

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