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Surveys in Geometry II

by Athanase Papadopoulos

The book is the second volume of a collection which consists of surveys that focus on important topics in geometry which are at the heart of current research. The topics in the present volume include the conformal and the metric geometry of surfaces, Teichmüller spaces, immersed surfaces of prescribed extrinsic curvature in 3-dimensional manifolds, symplectic geometry, the metric theory of Grassmann spaces, homogeneous metric spaces, polytopes, the higher-dimensional Gauss–Bonnet formula, isoperimetry in finitely generated groups and Coxeter groups.Each chapter is intended for graduate students and researchers. Several chapters are based on lectures given by their authors to middle-advanced level students and young researchers. The whole book is intended to be an introduction to important topics in geometry.

Recent Developments of Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Applications

by Madhumangal Pal

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of fuzzy matrix theory from its inception to its current state. It covers various types of fuzzy matrices, such as intuitionistic fuzzy matrices, interval-valued fuzzy matrices, interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy matrices, bipolar fuzzy matrices, picture fuzzy matrices, neutrosophic fuzzy matrices, m-polar fuzzy matrices and similar one. Drawing primarily from the author's research work and collaborations, the book offers a state-of-the-art discussion of these topics. Theoretical concepts are illustrated with examples for clarity, accompanied by figures depicting fuzzy matrices and their variations. Suitable for both beginners and expert researchers, the book offers a wealth of material and includes numerous open problems at the end of almost all chapters to encourage further exploration and investigation.

Random Variables for Scientists and Engineers (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ramalingam Shanmugam Rajan Chattamvelli

This book provides an introductory overview of random variables and their transformations. The authors approach the topic with statistics students in mind, along with researchers in various fields who are interested in data analysis. The book begins with by defining and explaining mathematical expectation. The authors then discuss transformations of random variables, including distribution functions and special functions. The book also covers joint probability distribution and its applications. The authors have updated and expanded upon their writing on these topics, which they originally covered in their previous book, Statistics for Scientists and Engineers.

Value Added Products From Bioalgae Based Biorefineries: Opportunities and Challenges

by Shailendra Kumar Arya Madhu Khatri Gursharan Singh

This book covers wide aspects of algal technology and algae-based biorefinery aspects. Algae are the most prevalent, primitive, and abundant microbes on Earth, however, the commercialization of algal-based value-added products is still low due to the negligible dissemination of knowledge flow among the stakeholders and researchers.This book provides up-to-date information on the cultivation of microalgae, their harvesting, downstream processing, and diverse applications. It further discusses the macromolecules existing in microalgae, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, peptides, exo-polysaccharides, flavonoids and antioxidants. This book also highlights the advantages and some real-time challenges before the establishment of sustainable algal-based biorefineries. Further, it includes clear flow charts and figures in each chapter to aid in interpretation of every technical concept. This book motivates readers, entrepreneurs, and young farmers to exploit easily growing microalgae through cottage to large-scale biorefineries and start their own businesses for the production of value-added products.

Ideologie und Utopie: Neuausgabe der Originalfassung von 1929. Herausgegeben von Klaus Lichtblau (Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Karl Mannheim

Es gibt wohl kaum ein Buch im Bereich der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, das gegen Ende der Weimarer Republik eine dermaßen große Aufmerksamkeit im deutschen Sprachraum auf sich gezogen hat wie die 1929 beim Verlag Friedrich Cohen in Bonn erschienene Aufsatzsammlung Ideologie und Utopie von Karl Mannheim. Denn diese hatte eine leidenschaftlich geführte Kontroverse ausgelöst, der als ‚Streit um die Wissenssoziologie‘ in die Geschichte eingegangen ist. Die in diesem Buch zusammengefassten Studien stellen zugleich einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verständnis der Geschichte der neuzeitlichen sozialen Bewegungen in Europa und zu einer strikt historisch ausgerichteten Politischen Soziologie dar. Im Vorwort des Herausgebers dieser Neuausgabe werden dabei nicht nur die entsprechenden ideengeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge angesprochen, sondern auch die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Editionen von Ideologie und Utopie verdeutlicht.

Komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten (essentials)

by Klaus Fritzsche

Nach einer Einführung in die holomorphen Funktionen von mehreren Veränderlichen wird die Welt der komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten vorgestellt, insbesondere Untermannigfaltigkeiten, analytische Mengen und tangentiale Strukturen. Weitere Themen sind komplexe Vektorbündel, Liegruppen und Quotientenstrukturen. Wichtigste Beispiele sind die Steinschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, sowie die projektiv-algebraischen Mengen mit ihrer Beziehung zur algebraischen Geometrie.

It’s My Party: Tat Ming Pair and the Postcolonial Politics of Popular Music in Hong Kong (Contemporary East Asian Visual Cultures, Societies and Politics)

by Jeroen de Kloet Yiu Fai Chow Leonie Schmidt

This book is unique in focusing on just one band from one city – but the story of Tat Ming Pair, in so many ways, is the story of Hong Kong's recent decades, from the Handover to the Umbrella Movement to 2019's standoff. A comprehensive, theoretically informed study of the sonic history and present of Hong Kong through the prism of Tat Ming Pair, this book will be of interest to cultural studies scholars, scholars of Hong Kong, and those who study the arts in East Asia.This is an open access book.

Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking in Islam: Theory and Practice (Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History)

by Harris Sadik Kirazli

The book explores Islamic perspectives on conflict resolution and peacemaking. It delves into key topics such as the principles of Islamic conflict resolution, historical examples of peaceful resolutions, and contemporary challenges faced by Muslim societies. By addressing these topics, the book aims to provide insight into Islamic teachings and practices that can contribute to building bridges and fostering peace in diverse contexts. The book is important and relevant due to the increasing need for understanding and promoting peaceful resolutions in today's world, particularly in regions influenced by Islam. It offers a comprehensive examination of the principles and methods of conflict resolution within an Islamic framework, shedding light on the rich history of peacemaking within Muslim societies. By highlighting Islamic perspectives on peace, the book aims to bridge cultural divides and foster dialogue, promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of the contributions Islam can make to conflict resolution. The book seeks to address the prevalent misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding Islam's approach to conflict resolution. It aims to challenge the notion that Islam is inherently associated with violence or lack of peaceful solutions. By presenting authentic Islamic teachings and historical examples of peaceful resolutions, the book endeavours to contribute to a more nuanced and accurate understanding of Islam's role in promoting conflict resolution and peacemaking. It offers readers an opportunity to explore Islamic perspectives on resolving conflicts, encouraging dialogue, and cultivating a more peaceful world.

Kritische Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung: Anschlüsse an Paulo Freire (Kritische Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft)

by Rita Braches-Chyrek Joachim Schroeder Wassilios Baros Solvejg Jobst

Der Band greift theoretische und methodische Ansätze Paulo Freires auf, dessen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität beispielhaft für eine radikale Kritik am bestehenden, postkolonialen neoliberalen System ist. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Freires Position der kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft eröffnen sich neue, die bisherigen Grenzen überschreitende Möglichkeiten.

Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing: Volume 17 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1153)

by Roger Lee

This book reports state-of-the-art results in Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing. This edited book presents original papers on both theory and practice. It addresses foundations, state-of-the-art problems and solutions, and crucial challenges.

Public Engagement with Holocaust Memory Sites in Poland (The Holocaust and its Contexts)

by Diana I. Popescu

This book aims to address a neglected field of research by providing evidence-based insights into how contemporary visitors of different national and generational background, especially those of Polish and Jewish descent, experience and reflect on their visits, or on living in the proximity of different sites of memory across Poland, including former concentration and death camps, ghetto sites, and other physical sites such as museums with a connection to the Holocaust.

Geo-Environmental Hazards using AI-enabled Geospatial Techniques and Earth Observation Systems (Advances in Geographic Information Science)

by Jung-Sup Um Tanupriya Choudhury Bappaditya Koley Anindita Nath Atul Kumar Patidar

This edited collection provides a comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge ideas, approaches, simulations, evaluations of risk, and systems that enhance the practicality of current geospatial technologies for reducing hazard risks. The various sections within this book delve into subjects such as the foundational principles of Earth Observation Systems (EOS) and geospatial methodologies. Additionally, the text serves as an advisory resource on the collaborative use of satellite-derived data and artificial intelligence to track and alleviate geo-environmental threats. The volume imparts extensive understanding regarding geo-environmental dangers and their analysis via EOS along with geospatial strategies. It encompasses key hazard-related themes including coastal degradation, predisposition to landslides, mapping vegetation coverages, tropical storm patterns, soil depletion due to erosion processes, vulnerability to rapid or extended flooding events, variations in oceansurface temperatures alongside chlorophyll-a levels; it also addresses assessments related to groundwater reserves and quality measures as well as sustainable management practices for watersheds that support community livelihoods—all through leveraging AI-integrated geospatial tools in conjunction with earth observation technologies. Furthermore, this work engages in discourse about systems designed for mitigating these ecological challenges sustainably. Scholars engaged in research activities; educational professionals; those involved in landscape design; engineers working at ground level; individuals responsible for policy-making—all who are concerned with geo-environmental hazards or associated domains—will find valuable insights within these pages.

Human Privacy in Virtual and Physical Worlds: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Technology, Work and Globalization)

by Mary C. Lacity Lynda Coon

This open-access book is premised on the belief that understanding and protecting privacy requires a multidisciplinary approach. The editors of this contributed book believe that privacy is a ‘wicked problem’ because of its social complexity. In the modern world, political, social, and technological structures increasingly violate human privacy in physical and virtual spaces. Our behaviors are surveilled, captured, and monetized—often without our knowledge. Contributors are experts from diverse fields, including anthropology, architecture, data science, engineering, history, information systems, library sciences, medicine, philosophy, and supply chain management, each writing for an explicitly interdisciplinary readership. Privacy as a concept is a moving target across the globe, morphing and transforming historically from one epoch to the next. By moving beyond the limitations of a single disciplinary lens, this book aims at a richer, more comprehensive, and more lasting analysis. This collection is of great interest to students and scholars of diverse backgrounds studying human privacy.

X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: Proceedings of the Symposium in Milan, Italy, June 13-17, 2022 (International Association of Geodesy Symposia #155)

by Jeffrey T. Freymueller Laura Sánchez

This open access volume contains the proceedings of the X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy which was held from 13 to 17 June 2022 at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Since 2006 the series of the Hotine-Marussi Symposia has been under the responsibility of the Inter-Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The ICCT organized the last five Hotine-Marussi Symposia held in Wuhan (2006), Rome (2009, 2013 and 2018), and Milan (2022). The overall goal of the ICCT and Hotine-Marussi Symposia has always been to advance geodetic theory which is indeed documented by the 22 research articles published in these proceedings. The jubilee X Hotine-Marussi Symposium was organized in 10 topical sessions covering all parts of geodetic theory including reference frames, gravity field modelling, adjustment theory, height systems, time series analysis, or advanced numerical methods. In total, 60 participants attended the Symposium who delivered 62 oral and 18 poster presentations. During a special session, five invited speakers discussed two basic concepts of physical geodesy – geoid and quasigeoid.

Wind and Solar Energy Systems (Energy Systems in Electrical Engineering)

by D. P. Kothari Kumari Namrata R. P. Saini

This book is designed to serve as a textbook for courses on renewable energy technology tragetted at upper undergraduate or graduate students. This book can also be used as a core or supplementary text for courses in energy conservation and management and solar photo-voltaic design and application. This textbook covers the basic concepts of renewable energy resources, especially wind and solar energy. It contains 8 chapters covering all major renewable energy systems, resources, and related topics, as well as a brief introductory chapter on grid integration techniques in solar and wind energy systems. The book includes pedagogical features like examples and review questions and multiple choice questions to help the readers test their understanding. Reading lists, including web-based material, are included at the end of each chapter. The structure and pedagogy makes this book useful for self-study as well as for classroom use. The book can also be used as text for professional development courses for engineers employed in the energy industry.

Oculoplastic and Orbit Casebook (Current Practices in Ophthalmology)

by Adit Gupta Prerana Tahiliani

​The book provides case-based approach to learning oculoplastic and orbit pathologies and tumors. It is divided into 4 categories; eyelid, orbit, lacrimal and aesthetics. Each category covers 5-10 commonly seen clinical conditions elaborated in a lucid way to understand the clinical approach and plan management of the condition. Chapters also cover the recent advances in the field.The book is helpful for ophthalmology residents, oculoplasty fellows, practicing ophthalmologists, vision science researchers and general ophthalmologists.

Erfolgreiches Produktmanagement: Toolbox für das professionelle Produktmanagement und Produktmarketing

by Klaus J. Aumayr

Lernen Sie in diesem Buch alles über professionelles ProduktmanagementWenn Sie Ihre Produkte schon immer aktiv vermarkten wollten, ist dieses Buch genau richtig für Sie. Diese Tool-Box für das professionelle Produktmanagement und Produktmarketing hält, was sie verspricht – hier erhalten Sie eine umfassende, unverzichtbare und bewährte Arbeitshilfe. Klaus Aumayr zeigt, wie Sie die immer komplexer werdenden Aufgaben und Anforderungen an Produktmanager optimal bewältigen. Meistern Sie souverän die komplexen Aufgaben des ProduktmanagementsÜber den Erfolg eines Produkts entscheiden in erster Linie die Käufer – aber auch der verantwortliche Produktmanager. Oft kämpft er an mehreren Fronten auf einmal, und muss zum Beispiel: mit sinkenden Budgets immer mehr Produkte in immer kürzerer Zeit einführen und betreuen undgleichzeitig eine Fülle von Anforderungen aus den internen Abteilungen koordinierenMit seinem Buch „Erfolgreiches Produktmanagement“ liefert Klaus Aumayr das komplette Rüstzeug, um diese komplexen Aufgaben im Kaufprozessmanagement souverän zu meistern. Er verrät nicht nur wichtige Grundlagen, sondern auch einige praktische Produktstrategien. Außerdem erleichtern Fallbeispiele, Charts und Checklisten den Transfer in die Praxis. Der Inhalt im ÜberblickDas Buch „Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement“ behandelt die folgenden drei Schwerpunktbereiche:Produktmanagement: Positionierung, Kernkompetenzen und organisatorische EinbindungProduktmarketing: Strukturen, Erfolgsfaktoren und praktische HilfsmittelProzessorientiertes Produktmanagement: Arbeitsprozesse, Prozessorientiertes Produktmarketing und InnovationsmanagementDie sechste Auflage wurde überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ein Abschnitt zu Rollen des Produktmanagements, das KANO-Modell sowie die Gewichtungs-Bewertungsmatrix wurden aufgenommen und das agile Produktmanagement wird nun ausführlicher behandelt.

The Sage Handbook of Nursing Education

by Carol Hall Patricia S. Yoder-Wise Mary Gobbi Kathryn Whitcomb Parker

In the past several years, a revival of research devoted to nursing education has emerged. This emergence has changed the way many educators engage in their practice of working with learners; and learners have come to expect that they will have a rich learning experience designed to develop new (or enhance prior) knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The SAGE Handbook of Nursing Education provides a detailed map of the current discipline, with a carefully selected team of international contributors offering the latest thinking about education in nursing across key areas. This handbook will be a key resource for academic educators, as well as graduate and postgraduate learners.

The Sage Handbook of Nursing Education

by Carol Hall Patricia S. Yoder-Wise Mary Gobbi Kathryn Whitcomb Parker

In the past several years, a revival of research devoted to nursing education has emerged. This emergence has changed the way many educators engage in their practice of working with learners; and learners have come to expect that they will have a rich learning experience designed to develop new (or enhance prior) knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The SAGE Handbook of Nursing Education provides a detailed map of the current discipline, with a carefully selected team of international contributors offering the latest thinking about education in nursing across key areas. This handbook will be a key resource for academic educators, as well as graduate and postgraduate learners.

Systemic Financial Risk: An Emerging Market Perspective

by Alexander Karminsky Mikhail Stolbov

This book provides an analysis of various sources and forms of systemic financial risk. It focuses on the most pressing research questions for both advanced and emerging market economies, including green finance, ESG agenda and related risks, international financial connectivity across countries and financial institutions, and catastrophic risks modeling. Part 1 considers emerging research issues in risk assessment and management, including new approaches to measuring financial development, trends and prospects of green finance, and cross-country financial spillovers. Part 2 casts a more nuanced look at the quantitative models and methods adopted in risk assessment and risk management, putting such issues as measuring catastrophic risks, liquidity mismatches as well as modeling probabilities of default and the impact of macroeconomic fundamentals on capital adequacy ratios in the Russian banking sector in the spotlight. Finally, Part 3 discusses the new regulatory challenges dealingwith risk assessment and risk management, such as macroprudential policies which have proved efficient to mitigate systemic risk are investigated. The book offers a comprehensive picture of the challenges which emerging market economies are facing in the field of financial risk assessment and management. Specifically, the challenges are discussed in the context of elaborated models and policy responses, which are based on the up-to-date theoretical contributions and empirical evidence from various fields, making the book relevant to professors, researchers, graduate students, and practitioners of risk management, international finance, and financial services.

Covid-19 Containment Policies in Europe (International Series on Public Policy)

by Clara Egger Raul Magni-Berton Eugénie de Saint-Phalle

This open access book examines the diverse strategies implemented by national and local European governments to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. Rather than focus on individual national case studies, it brings together leading scholars and policymakers to analyse the wide range of containment policies utilised across the continent at various levels of government. In doing so, the volume assesses Covid-19 crisis-management experiences to identify good practices based on comparative and fine-grained evidence. It argues that such a stock-taking exercise is crucial to better prepare European polities and societies for future crises, including climate change and environmental disasters. The book will appeal to scholars and students of public policy, crisis-management, public administration, international relations and comparative law.

Larger Benthic Foraminifera Through Space and Time

by Pratul Kumar Saraswati

Foraminifera are single-celled marine organisms, usually less than a millimeter in size, and their fossil records extend back in geological time some 500 million years. Some foraminifera have grown to over 10 centimeters; these are informally called "larger benthic Foraminifera" (LBF). LBF are of outstanding value in field and in laboratory experiments. They can serve as geochemical proxies and can be used to learn about biology, biomineralization process, and more. Their study finds wide-ranging geological applications, including the carbonate platforms' past environmental changes and stratigraphy. There are many books on micropaleontology, fewer on Foraminifera and practically none on LBF. The ones that do exist are generally too specialized for micropaleontology and carbonate sedimentology doctoral students to utilize. This volume aims to fill this gap by providing readers with an understanding of the morphology and distribution of LBF in space (environment) and time (evolution). In addition, the isotope and trace metal proxies in LBF are discussed for paleoclimate reconstruction. This volume will benefit researchers and professionals in micropaleontology, hydrocarbon exploration, carbonate sedimentology, and paleoclimate.

Modern Pupillometry: Cognition, Neuroscience, and Practical Applications

by Megan H. Papesh Stephen D. Goldinger

Pupillometry, the study of the eyes’ pupils, has a rich history, dating back to the 1800s. For example, to appear “dark with desire,” women once used atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) as a cosmetic, because the atropine dilated their pupils, making them appear more romantically aroused. We now know that this relationship is largely driven by the activity of the sympathetic nervous system; specifically, a small brainstem nucleus known as the locus coeruleus (LC). Because of tight connections between the musculature of the eyes and LC, monitoring the pupils can reveal important insights into brain activity during mental processes. Many of these processes are related to attention and arousal (cognitive or emotional), with the LC controlling mental readiness via secretion of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. While these complicated neurochemical processes happen in the brain, they are often overtly observable via pupil dilation. Although pupillometry was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, it fell out of favor until experiencing a renaissance approximately 10 years ago. With the advent of new eye-tracking and neural recording technology, measuring (and analyzing) pupil size is now easier than ever. Because all modern eye-trackers use pupil size in the calculation of gaze location, they also provide researchers with moment-by-moment pupil size measures in output files. Although previously considered “extra” data to support gaze location analyses, researchers have begun to conduct eye-tracking studies solely to gain access to pupil size data. These data have been used to study thought processes in many domains, including cognitive science, psychopathologies, business/marketing, security contexts, and the study of addiction. The diversity of interest in pupillometry is matched by the diversity in approaches taken to data collection, analysis, and interpretation. To date, there exists no book or tutorial review devoted specifically to ensuring that researchers carry out rigorous and reproducible work across these varied domains. Modern Pupillometry: Cognition, Neuroscience, and Practical Applications fills this gap by exploring the history, neuroscience, and methodological considerations of pupillometry research within and beyond psychology.

Leadership Matters in Catholic Education: Part 1: Foundations and Case Studies for the United Kingdom (Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities #2)

by Quentin Wodon Sean Whittle

This edited collection is the first part of a two-volume set., which focuses on leadership in Catholic education settings in the United Kingdom. It includes an overview of the importance of different types of leadership, including ‘servant-leadership’, in understanding and framing Catholic school practice, a critical survey of why leadership matters to ensuring the success of Catholic education, and a discussion of what counts as the defining characteristics of leadership in Catholic education and how this relates to the aims or philosophy of Catholic education. The chapters in this book draw from the insights and experiences of serving Catholic school leaders as well as from academics and researchers in Catholic education studies. The final two chapters provide a comparative analysis for the United Kingdom in a global perspective using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) . Together, the chapters argue that there is an urgent need to find, nurture, and sustain outstanding leaders for Catholic schools and colleges.

Applied Artificial Intelligence 2: The Second Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #999)

by Nenad Filipović

The book Applied Artificial Intelligence 2: Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Financial, Games, Engineering is providing exceptional chapters of the state-of-the-art research knowledge and results on the innovative theories, methodology and applications of artificial intelligence and its sub-domain like deep learning, machine learning in different areas such as medicine, economy, education, law, smart city, government, industry etc. Innovative research ideas on how to solve problems using artificial intelligence, both in R&D and real-time applications are presented. Chapters describe the advanced prototypes, systems, methodologies, tools and techniques and general survey papers, which indicate future directions. These Chapters are extended papers from the Second Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI), which was held in Kragujevac, Serbia, on May 19-20, 2023

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