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The Health Humanities in German Studies

by Stephanie M. Hilger

The first full-length study to bring together the fields of Health Humanities and German studies, this book features contributions from a range of key scholars and provides an overview of the latest work being done at the intersection of these two disciplines. In addition to surveying the current critical terrain in unparalleled depth, it also explores future directions that these fields may take. Organized around seven sections representing key areas of focus for both disciplines, this book provides important new insights into the intersections between Health Humanities, German Studies, and other fields of inquiry that have been gaining prominence over the past decade in academic and public discourse. In their contributions, the authors engage with disability studies, critical race studies, gender/embodiment studies, trauma studies, as well as animal/environmental studies.

The Health Humanities in German Studies

The first full-length study to bring together the fields of Health Humanities and German studies, this book features contributions from a range of key scholars and provides an overview of the latest work being done at the intersection of these two disciplines. In addition to surveying the current critical terrain in unparalleled depth, it also explores future directions that these fields may take. Organized around seven sections representing key areas of focus for both disciplines, this book provides important new insights into the intersections between Health Humanities, German Studies, and other fields of inquiry that have been gaining prominence over the past decade in academic and public discourse. In their contributions, the authors engage with disability studies, critical race studies, gender/embodiment studies, trauma studies, as well as animal/environmental studies.

Fifty Years of Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Dogged Pursuit of Progress (Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa)

by Jane T. Bertrand

This book chronicles five decades of struggle to introduce family planning into one of the largest, most complex countries in sub-Saharan Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).Interweaving details of major political, social, and economic events into the history of family planning in DRC (formerly Zaïre), the book analyses the achievements and setbacks of five decades of programmatic work. President Mobutu’s 1972 discourse on Naissances Désirables (desirable births) opened the door to organized family planning programs, which gained considerable momentum in the 1980s despite societal norms favoring large families. Two pillages and armed conflict paralyzed development work during the decade of the 1990s, and family planning was one of multiple public health programs that struggled to regain lost ground in the 2000s. With new donor funding and implementing agencies, the 2010s witnessed rapid programmatic expansion and improved strategies. By 2018, family planning was operating as a well-oiled machine. But progress is fragile. The book ends by tracing the deleterious effects of the colonial period to contemporary programming and individual contraceptive use. It asks hard questions about donor financing. And it details the six conditions needed to accelerate family planning progress in the DRC, in pursuit of providing millions of Congolese women and men with the means of controlling their own fertility.The book will be of interest to development and public health researchers and practitioners, as well as to historians of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Fifty Years of Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Dogged Pursuit of Progress (Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa)

by Jane T. Bertrand

This book chronicles five decades of struggle to introduce family planning into one of the largest, most complex countries in sub-Saharan Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).Interweaving details of major political, social, and economic events into the history of family planning in DRC (formerly Zaïre), the book analyses the achievements and setbacks of five decades of programmatic work. President Mobutu’s 1972 discourse on Naissances Désirables (desirable births) opened the door to organized family planning programs, which gained considerable momentum in the 1980s despite societal norms favoring large families. Two pillages and armed conflict paralyzed development work during the decade of the 1990s, and family planning was one of multiple public health programs that struggled to regain lost ground in the 2000s. With new donor funding and implementing agencies, the 2010s witnessed rapid programmatic expansion and improved strategies. By 2018, family planning was operating as a well-oiled machine. But progress is fragile. The book ends by tracing the deleterious effects of the colonial period to contemporary programming and individual contraceptive use. It asks hard questions about donor financing. And it details the six conditions needed to accelerate family planning progress in the DRC, in pursuit of providing millions of Congolese women and men with the means of controlling their own fertility.The book will be of interest to development and public health researchers and practitioners, as well as to historians of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Values and Ethics (Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare)

by null Alan Cribb null Vikki Entwistle null Polly Mitchell

Ethics involves examining values and identifying what is good, right, and justified – and why. Diverse values and ethical issues run through healthcare improvement, but they are not always recognised or given the attention they need. While much effort goes into understanding whether intervention X effectively leads to change Y, questions such as 'is X ethically acceptable?', 'does Y count as an improvement?', 'should Y be prioritised?', and 'if so, why?' are sometimes neglected. This Element demonstrates the ethical considerations and rich array of values that inevitably underpin both the goals of healthcare improvement (what aspects of quality or what kinds of good are pursued) and how improvement work is undertaken. It outlines an agenda for improvement ethics with the aim of helping those involved in healthcare improvement to reflect on and discuss ethical aspects of their work more explicitly and rigorously. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Cranial and Spinal Tuberculosis Infections including Acute Presentations (Elements in Emergency Neurosurgery)

by null Veekshith Shetty null Pragnesh Bhatt

Central nervous system, affliction, although rare, represents one of the most severe extra-pulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis, potentially leading to substantial morbidity and mortality if not promptly addressed. Cranial tuberculosis can manifest in various forms, including tuberculomas, encephalitis, abscesses, and meningitis, with the latter being the most critical and carrying a poor prognosis if left untreated. Spinal tuberculosis, accounting for approximately 50% of musculoskeletal TB cases, can present with a spectrum of symptoms, ranging from simple back pain to more severe neurological deficits such as weakness and deformity. Anti-tuberculosis medications remain the cornerstone of treatment, and this Element offers an algorithmic approach to managing referrals of suspected tuberculosis, incorporating pertinent clinical information to facilitate effective decision-making.

Compétences pour minimiser le stress chez les professionnels de santé - E-BOOK: Compétences pour minimiser le stress chez les professionnels de santé - E-BOOK

by Shannon Dames

Développez la résilience et prospérez en tant que professionnel des soins ! Compétences pour minimiser le stress chez les professionnels de santé : un guide pour renforcer votre racines aborde des méthodes pour prendre soin de soi et prévenir la fatigue émotionnelle et l’épuisement professionnel dans les milieux de travail très stressants. Ce livre utilise une approche factuelle qui examine comment les professionnels de la santé peuvent développer l’autocompassion, la pleine conscience, les relations avec leurs collègues et leur satisfaction en leur carrière. Rédigé par Shannon Dames, enseignante et chercheuse réputée, ce manuel pratique montre comment mettre en pratique ces connaissances et améliorer votre bien-être dans de vrais contextes de soins. En raison de la prévalence plus élevée chez les professionnels de la santé de problèmes de santé mentale comme le syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) et le trouble dépressif majeur (TDM) une ressource comme celle-ci n’a jamais été aussi nécessaire !Focaliser à la fois sur la théorie et la pratique permet aux étudiants de s’autoévaluer, de renforcer leur résilience et de s’épanouir, grâce à des concepts soutenus par la recherche.UNIQUE ! Les études de cas Parcours illustrent l’expérience ou les préoccupations réelles d’un professionnel de la santé, ce qui amène les étudiants à réfléchir, pendant leur lecture, à la façon dont ils géreraient la situation exposée. La fin du chapitre propose une méthode efficace pour gérer la situation, et démontre comment mettre en pratique les leçons apprises.UNIQUE ! L’écriture claire sur le ton de la conversation et le cadre métaphorique des racines et de l’arbre établissent un lien avec les lecteurs et facilitent l’apprentissage conceptuel.Des exercices pratiques intégrés permettent aux étudiants de développer et de renforcer leurs propres racines métaphoriques.Des vignettes tout au long du texte démontrent comment les concepts s’appliquent aux scénarios du monde réel.S’adapter au parcours à venir résume le contenu à la fin de chaque chapitre pour que les étudiants comprennent bien les concepts principaux.UNIQUE ! Des encadrés présentant la contribution du Dr Crosbie Watler, M.D., FRCPC aident les étudiants à naviguer et à comprendre les enjeux en santé mentale qui touchent les professionnels de la santé.

Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology

by Elizabeth Shin Perry Shanon Patel Shalini Kanagasingam Samantha Hamer

Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology, 2nd Edition, is an essential reference for Endodontology, enriched with the latest research and clinical evidence. Employing a problem-based approach, it consolidates readers’ knowledge and diagnostic skills. Prepared by an international team of clinical academics, this edition reflects the latest advances in the field. Encouraging self-directed learning, the authors present diverse clinical cases covering topics such as non-odontogenic pain, pulp preservation, endodontic treatment, restoration, regenerative endodontic procedures, and trauma. Each section is accompanied by images as well as further reading recommendations. A touchstone to key areas concerning the dental pulp and the root canal system, Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology is a valuable resource for dental students, residents, and clinicians seeking the latest techniques and procedures in Endodontology.

Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine

by Meghan E. Herron

Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine Understand and apply key concepts of animal behavior in veterinary practice Animal behavior is a critical aspect of veterinary medicine, often underappreciated despite its pervasiveness throughout the field. Understanding animal behavior can facilitate communication with patients, refine diagnoses and indications of ill health, and aid in processes of learning and socialization. Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine offers a comprehensive overview of the key concepts underlying the behavior of multiple animal species before demonstrating how to apply these concepts clinically. The result is an indispensable resource for veterinary students and practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of patient needs. Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine readers will also find: Comprehensive coverage of companion animal behavior and additional coverage of livestock and wild animal behavior Detailed discussion of topics including social development, animal learning, and applied behavior analysis In depth review of diagnosis and treatment strategies for common behavior disorders in companion animals, extending to various additional species Companion website with videos, handouts for downloading, and links to pertinent scientific articles and informative websites Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine is ideal preparation for veterinary medical students as part of “day one readiness” in their professional careers, as well as veterinary practitioners looking for a solid foundation in animal behavior and the treatment of key issues.

Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine

by Meghan E. Herron

Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine Understand and apply key concepts of animal behavior in veterinary practice Animal behavior is a critical aspect of veterinary medicine, often underappreciated despite its pervasiveness throughout the field. Understanding animal behavior can facilitate communication with patients, refine diagnoses and indications of ill health, and aid in processes of learning and socialization. Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine offers a comprehensive overview of the key concepts underlying the behavior of multiple animal species before demonstrating how to apply these concepts clinically. The result is an indispensable resource for veterinary students and practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of patient needs. Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine readers will also find: Comprehensive coverage of companion animal behavior and additional coverage of livestock and wild animal behavior Detailed discussion of topics including social development, animal learning, and applied behavior analysis In depth review of diagnosis and treatment strategies for common behavior disorders in companion animals, extending to various additional species Companion website with videos, handouts for downloading, and links to pertinent scientific articles and informative websites Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Behavioral Medicine is ideal preparation for veterinary medical students as part of “day one readiness” in their professional careers, as well as veterinary practitioners looking for a solid foundation in animal behavior and the treatment of key issues.

Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology (Essentials)

by A. Victor Hoffbrand

HOFFBRAND’S ESSENTIAL HAEMATOLOGY The Essentials is an international, best-selling series of textbooks, all of which are designed to support lecture series or themes on core topics within the health sciences. See for further details. The definitive introductory textbook on haematology, covering basic science, diagnostic testing, clinical features, and patient management Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology has helped medical students and trainee physicians understand the core principles of clinical and laboratory haematology for more than four decades. Original contributions by leading experts provide authoritative coverage of clinical and laboratory features and management within haematology, including the haematological aspects of systemic diseases, pregnancy, and the neonate. Hundreds of high-quality colour images illustrate various anaemias and white cell disorders, leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma, bleeding and thrombotic disorders, and other blood diseases. Now in its ninth edition, this classic textbook incorporates current knowledge of the pathogenesis of blood diseases, the 5th WHO (2022) classification of haematological neoplasms, the detection of minimal residual disease, advances in the treatment of benign and neoplastic blood diseases. New sections focus on the haematological consequences of COVID-19 infection and vaccine -induced immune thrombotic thrombocy-topenia (VITT). Additional and expanded chapters describe non-Hodgkin lymphomas, amyloid, and haemophilia. Supported by a companion website with hundreds of MCQs and PowerPoint slides, Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology, Ninth Edition, remains an indispensable resource for trainee haematologists and physicians.

Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology

by Elizabeth Shin Perry Shanon Patel Samantha Hamer Shalini Kangasingam

Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology, 2nd Edition, is an essential reference for Endodontology, enriched with the latest research and clinical evidence. Employing a problem-based approach, it consolidates readers’ knowledge and diagnostic skills. Prepared by an international team of clinical academics, this edition reflects the latest advances in the field. Encouraging self-directed learning, the authors present diverse clinical cases covering topics such as non-odontogenic pain, pulp preservation, endodontic treatment, restoration, regenerative endodontic procedures, and trauma. Each section is accompanied by images as well as further reading recommendations. A touchstone to key areas concerning the dental pulp and the root canal system, Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology is a valuable resource for dental students, residents, and clinicians seeking the latest techniques and procedures in Endodontology.

Nine Perfect Strangers: The No 1 bestseller now a major Amazon Prime series

by Liane Moriarty

**Read the addictive bestseller now a major Amazon Prime TV series starring Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy, Regina Hall, Manny Jacinto, Bobby Cannavale and Luke Evans**PERFECT LIVES OR PERFECT LIES? THE UNPUTDOWNABLE SUNDAY TIMES NO. 1 BESTSELLER AND RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK, FROM THE AUTHOR OF HBO'S AWARD WINNING BIG LITTLE LIES'A super-suspenseful page-turner' Mail on Sunday_____________Nine perfect strangers, each hiding an imperfect life.A luxury retreat cut off from the outside world.Ten days that promise to change your life.But some promises - like some lives - are perfect lies . . .__________'Fantastic' Times'The twist blew my mind' Marian Keyes'The suspense keeps building in an enjoyably zany thriller' Guardian'Original, suspenseful, downright brilliant' Clare Mackintosh'One of the funniest, most original and well-written books I have read' 5***** Reader Review'Will grip you from the first page' Sunday Express'Had me utterly hooked' Daily Mail

Cherry Hill's Horsekeeping Almanac: The Essential Month-by-Month Guide for Everyone Who Keeps or Cares for Horses

by Cherry Hill

Keep your horse happy and healthy throughout the entire year. Veteran trainer Cherry Hill provides a comprehensive month-by-month guide to horse care that includes seasonal stable chores and maintenance procedures that promote equine health. Reminding you to check for ticks in April, buy hay in July, and set up winter bedding in October, each month&’s reference charts, to-do lists, and climate notes will help you establish routines that follow the natural cycles of the animals and the land.

The Title of 9780909090812 (DS Cross Chronicles: A Short Story #2)

by Tim Sullivan

An exclusive short story from the DS Cross Thriller series, based on a true case. A cold case. A cremated body. A killer brought to justice. David North was convicted of murdering of his fiance. To the rest of the courtroom, it was an open-and-shut case. But as DS George Cross sees the man smile as he's led away from sentencing, he becomes certain something crucial had been missed. After all, two partners dead within six years of each other couldn't be a coincidence. What really happened to North's ex-wife? As Cross takes on this new cold case, he encounters an insurmountable obstacle: the body he's looking into has been cremated. 'I am insanely in love with George Cross, a perfect detective for our time and for all time' Stephen Fry 'Sullivan has given us a British detective for the 21st century who will be hard to forget' Daily Mail

Recent Trends in Cancer Therapeutics: Plasmonic Photothermal-Based Multimodal Cancer Therapy (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)

by Divya Khurana Sanjeev Soni

This book describes the plasmonic photothermal-assisted multimodal cancer therapeutics in the area of cancer nanotechnology or cancer nanomedicine. This book covers the fundamentals of plasmonic photothermal cancer therapy as well as plasmonic photothermal mediated multimodal cancer therapy. The various steps involved in developing such therapeutic modality, viz. (a) the selection of suitable nanoparticles, (b) synthesis of multifunctional nanocomposite, (c) optimization of the photosensitizer and chemotherapeutic drug loadings, (d) characterization of the synthesized nanocomposite, and (e) therapeutic evaluations through novel tumor-tissue mimicking phantoms and the cancer cell lines are discussed in detail. Apart from the detailed description of therapeutic outcome, this book provides a step-by-step approach to develop a multifunctional nanocomposite for such therapeutics. Overall, this book provides simplified and in-depth information about cancer nanobiotechnology to the researchers and graduate students in subject areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology and pharmaceutics to develop and contribute to such multimodal cancer therapeutics.

Advanced Synthesis and Medical Applications of Calcium Phosphates (Emerging Materials and Technologies)

by S. S. Nanda Jitendra Pal Singh Sanjeev Gautam Dong Kee Yi

Calcium phosphate materials are used in many medical and dental applications. Advanced Synthesis and Medical Applications of Calcium Phosphates covers the structure, chemistry, synthesis, and properties of both natural and synthetic calcium-based biomaterials and details a variety of medical applications. Depicts the latest advances in using calcium phosphates in bone regeneration and tissue engineering Includes the latest generation of regenerative biomaterials with an integrated perspective combining both research and clinical issues Provides an understanding of the clinical targets and requirements for regenerative medicine Detailing fundamentals through applications, this book helps biomaterials researchers to better understand the clinical targets and requirements for use of these materials for optimal synthesis and development.

Calcium-Based Materials: Processing, Characterization, and Applications (Emerging Materials and Technologies)

Calcium-based natural minerals are important for a wide range of applications. Though these materials are available in nature, researchers are working toward developing them in the laboratory.Calcium-Based Materials: Processing, Characterization, and Applications introduces the possibility of designing these materials for particular applications. Introduces a variety of calcium-based materials and discusses synthesis, growth, and stability Provides in-depth coverage of calcium carbonate Discusses applications of calcium-based minerals in different fields Includes details on synchrotron X-ray tools for case minerals This comprehensive text is aimed at researchers in materials science, engineering, and bioengineering.

Advanced Synthesis and Medical Applications of Calcium Phosphates (Emerging Materials and Technologies)

Calcium phosphate materials are used in many medical and dental applications. Advanced Synthesis and Medical Applications of Calcium Phosphates covers the structure, chemistry, synthesis, and properties of both natural and synthetic calcium-based biomaterials and details a variety of medical applications. Depicts the latest advances in using calcium phosphates in bone regeneration and tissue engineering Includes the latest generation of regenerative biomaterials with an integrated perspective combining both research and clinical issues Provides an understanding of the clinical targets and requirements for regenerative medicine Detailing fundamentals through applications, this book helps biomaterials researchers to better understand the clinical targets and requirements for use of these materials for optimal synthesis and development.

Calcium-Based Materials: Processing, Characterization, and Applications (Emerging Materials and Technologies)

by S. S. Nanda Jitendra Pal Singh Sanjeev Gautam Dong Kee Yi

Calcium-based natural minerals are important for a wide range of applications. Though these materials are available in nature, researchers are working toward developing them in the laboratory.Calcium-Based Materials: Processing, Characterization, and Applications introduces the possibility of designing these materials for particular applications. Introduces a variety of calcium-based materials and discusses synthesis, growth, and stability Provides in-depth coverage of calcium carbonate Discusses applications of calcium-based minerals in different fields Includes details on synchrotron X-ray tools for case minerals This comprehensive text is aimed at researchers in materials science, engineering, and bioengineering.

AI and IoT Technology and Applications for Smart Healthcare Systems (Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence)

by Alex Khang

In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in smart healthcare has been increasing. We are approaching a world where connected smart devices tell people when they need to visit a doctor because these devices will be able to detect health problems and discover symptoms of illness that may need medical care. AI-collaborative IoT technologies can help medical professionals with decision-making. These technologies can also help develop a sustainable and smart healthcare system.AI and IoT Technology and Applications for Smart Healthcare Systems helps readers understand complex scientific topics in a simple and accessible way. It introduces the world of AI-collaborative IoT physics, explaining how this technology behaves at the smallest level and how this can revolutionize healthcare. The book shows how IoT technology and AI can work together to make computers more powerful and capable of solving complex problems in the healthcare sector. Exploring the effect of AI-collaborative technology on IoT technologies, the book discusses how IoT can benefit from AI algorithms to enable machines to learn, make decisions, and process information more efficiently. Because smart machines create more perceptive devices and systems, the application of this technology raises important ethical questions about privacy, security, and the responsible development of healthcare IoT technology, which this book covers. The book also provides insight into the potential applications of these technologies not only in the healthcare industry but also in related fields, such as smart transportation, smart manufacturing, and smart cities.

AI and IoT Technology and Applications for Smart Healthcare Systems (Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence)

In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in smart healthcare has been increasing. We are approaching a world where connected smart devices tell people when they need to visit a doctor because these devices will be able to detect health problems and discover symptoms of illness that may need medical care. AI-collaborative IoT technologies can help medical professionals with decision-making. These technologies can also help develop a sustainable and smart healthcare system.AI and IoT Technology and Applications for Smart Healthcare Systems helps readers understand complex scientific topics in a simple and accessible way. It introduces the world of AI-collaborative IoT physics, explaining how this technology behaves at the smallest level and how this can revolutionize healthcare. The book shows how IoT technology and AI can work together to make computers more powerful and capable of solving complex problems in the healthcare sector. Exploring the effect of AI-collaborative technology on IoT technologies, the book discusses how IoT can benefit from AI algorithms to enable machines to learn, make decisions, and process information more efficiently. Because smart machines create more perceptive devices and systems, the application of this technology raises important ethical questions about privacy, security, and the responsible development of healthcare IoT technology, which this book covers. The book also provides insight into the potential applications of these technologies not only in the healthcare industry but also in related fields, such as smart transportation, smart manufacturing, and smart cities.

The Pandemic Workplace: How We Learned to Be Citizens in the Office

by Ilana Gershon

A provocative book arguing that the workplace is where we learn to live democratically. In The Pandemic Workplace, anthropologist Ilana Gershon turns her attention to the US workplace and how it changed—and changed us—during the pandemic. She argues that the unprecedented organizational challenges of the pandemic forced us to radically reexamine our attitudes about work and to think more deeply about how values clash in the workplace. These changes also led us as workers to engage more with the contracts that bind us as we rethought when and how we allow others to tell us what to do. Based on over two hundred interviews, Gershon’s book reveals how negotiating these tensions during the pandemic made the workplace into a laboratory for democratic living—the key place where Americans are learning how to develop effective political strategies and think about the common good. Exploring the explicit and unspoken ways we are governed (and govern others) at work, this accessible book shows how the workplace teaches us to be democratic citizens.

Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare: Trends, Challenges and Applications

by K. Murugeswari B. Sundaravadivazhagan S. Poonkuntran Thendral Puyalnithi

Deep learning can provide more accurate results compared to machine learning. It uses layered algorithmic architecture to analyze data. It produces more accurate results since learning from previous results enhances its ability. The multi-layered nature of deep learning systems has the potential to classify subtle abnormalities in medical images, clustering patients with similar characteristics into risk-based cohorts, or highlighting relationships between symptoms and outcomes within vast quantities of unstructured data.Exploring this potential, Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare: Trends, Challenges and Applications is a reference work for researchers and academicians who are seeking new ways to apply deep learning algorithms in healthcare, including medical imaging and healthcare data analytics. It covers how deep learning can analyze a patient’s medical history efficiently to aid in recommending drugs and dosages. It discusses how deep learning can be applied to CT scans, MRI scans and ECGs to diagnose diseases. Other deep learning applications explored are extending the scope of patient record management, pain assessment, new drug design and managing the clinical trial process.Bringing together a wide range of research domains, this book can help to develop breakthrough applications for improving healthcare management and patient outcomes.

Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare: Trends, Challenges and Applications

Deep learning can provide more accurate results compared to machine learning. It uses layered algorithmic architecture to analyze data. It produces more accurate results since learning from previous results enhances its ability. The multi-layered nature of deep learning systems has the potential to classify subtle abnormalities in medical images, clustering patients with similar characteristics into risk-based cohorts, or highlighting relationships between symptoms and outcomes within vast quantities of unstructured data.Exploring this potential, Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare: Trends, Challenges and Applications is a reference work for researchers and academicians who are seeking new ways to apply deep learning algorithms in healthcare, including medical imaging and healthcare data analytics. It covers how deep learning can analyze a patient’s medical history efficiently to aid in recommending drugs and dosages. It discusses how deep learning can be applied to CT scans, MRI scans and ECGs to diagnose diseases. Other deep learning applications explored are extending the scope of patient record management, pain assessment, new drug design and managing the clinical trial process.Bringing together a wide range of research domains, this book can help to develop breakthrough applications for improving healthcare management and patient outcomes.

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