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Showing 53,876 through 53,900 of 54,404 results

Quantum Probability and Applications IV: Proceedings of the Year of Quantum Probability, held at the University of Rome II, Italy, 1987 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1396)

by Luigi Accardi Wilhelm V. Waldenfels

This volume, the fourth of the quantum probability series, collects part of the contributions to the Year of Quantum Probability organized by the Volterra Center of University of Rome II. The intensive communication among researchers during this Year allowed several open problems to be solved and several inexpected connections to be revealed.

Quantum Probability and Applications V: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop, held in Heidelberg, FRG, Sept. 26-30, 1988 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1442)

by Luigi Accardi Wilhelm V. Waldenfels

These proceedings of the workshop on quantum probability held in Heidelberg, September 26-30, 1988 contains a representative selection of research articles on quantum stochastic processes, quantum stochastic calculus, quantum noise, geometry, quantum probability, quantum central limit theorems and quantum statistical mechanics.

Recent Developments in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability: Papers in Honour of Takeyuki Hida’s 70th Birthday

by Luigi Accardi L. Streit Hui-Hsiung Hui-Hsiung Kuo Nobuaki Obata Kimiaki Saito Si Si Si

Recent Developments in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability is dedicated to Professor Takeyuki Hida on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The book is more than a collection of articles. In fact, in it the reader will find a consistent editorial work, devoted to attempting to obtain a unitary picture from the different contributions and to give a comprehensive account of important recent developments in contemporary white noise analysis and some of its applications. For this reason, not only the latest results, but also motivations, explanations and connections with previous work have been included. The wealth of applications, from number theory to signal processing, from optimal filtering to information theory, from the statistics of stationary flows to quantum cable equations, show the power of white noise analysis as a tool. Beyond these, the authors emphasize its connections with practically all branches of contemporary probability, including stochastic geometry, the structure theory of stationary Gaussian processes, Neumann boundary value problems, and large deviations.

Quantum Theory and Its Stochastic Limit

by Luigi Accardi Yun Gang Lu Igor Volovich

Well suited as a textbook in the emerging field of stochastic limit, which is a new mathematical technique developed for solving nonlinear problems in quantum theory.

Probability Towards 2000 (Lecture Notes in Statistics #128)

by L. Accardi C. C. Heyde

Senior probabilists from around the world with widely differing specialities gave their visions of the state of their specialty, why they think it is important, and how they think it will develop in the new millenium. The volume includes papers given at a symposium at Columbia University in 1995, but papers from others not at the meeting were added to broaden the coverage of areas. All papers were refereed.

Evangelista Torricelli: Mathematiker des Großherzogs Ferdinand II. der Toskana (Mathematik im Kontext)

by Renato Acampora

Die meisten Nichtmathematiker werden Torricelli durch das nach ihm benannte Ausflussgesetz kennen, wonach die Geschwindigkeit eines aus einem Gefäss austretenden Wasserstrahls proportional zur Quadratwurzel aus der Füllhöhe ist, ebenso wie durch seinen Nachweis des Luftdrucks mithilfe seines Vakuumexperiments. Viel bedeutender aber sind seine Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik als virtuoser Vertreter von Cavalieris umstrittener Indivisiblenmethode, wobei er seine Ergebnisse aber stets mit Beweisen nach der allgemein anerkannten „Art der Alten“ absicherte. Auf diese Weise gelang ihm die Quadratur der Parabeln und Hyperbeln höherer Ordnung, der Zykloide, der logarithmischen Spirale (ebenso wie deren Rektifikation) und die Bestimmung der Schwerpunkte zahlreicher ebener und räumlicher Figuren.

Topological, Differential and Conformal Geometry of Surfaces (Universitext)

by Norbert A'Campo

This book provides an introduction to the main geometric structures that are carried by compact surfaces, with an emphasis on the classical theory of Riemann surfaces. It first covers the prerequisites, including the basics of differential forms, the Poincaré Lemma, the Morse Lemma, the classification of compact connected oriented surfaces, Stokes’ Theorem, fixed point theorems and rigidity theorems. There is also a novel presentation of planar hyperbolic geometry. Moving on to more advanced concepts, it covers topics such as Riemannian metrics, the isometric torsion-free connection on vector fields, the Ansatz of Koszul, the Gauss–Bonnet Theorem, and integrability. These concepts are then used for the study of Riemann surfaces. One of the focal points is the Uniformization Theorem for compact surfaces, an elementary proof of which is given via a property of the energy functional. Among numerous other results, there is also a proof of Chow’s Theorem on compact holomorphic submanifolds in complex projective spaces. Based on lecture courses given by the author, the book will be accessible to undergraduates and graduates interested in the analytic theory of Riemann surfaces.

Mathematics Across Contemporary Sciences: AUS-ICMS, Sharjah, UAE, April 2015 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #190)

by Taher Abualrub Abdul Salam Jarrah Sadok Kallel Hana Sulieman

This work presents invited contributions from the second "International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics" jointly organized by the AUS (American University of Sharjah) and the AMS (American Mathematical Society). Addressing several research fields across the mathematical sciences, all of the papers were prepared by faculty members at universities in the Gulf region or prominent international researchers. The current volume is the first of its kind in the UAE and is intended to set new standards of excellence for collaboration and scholarship in the region.

The Tyranny of Uncertainty: A New Framework to Predict, Remediate and Monitor Risk

by Nabil Abu el Ata Rudolf Schmandt

The authors offer a revolutionary solution to risk management. It’s the unknown risks that keep leaders awake at night—wondering how to prepare for and steer their organization clear from that which they cannot predict. Businesses, governments and regulatory bodies dedicate endless amounts of time and resources to the task of risk management, but every leader knows that the biggest threats will come from some new chain of events or unexpected surprises—none of which will be predicted using conventional wisdom or current risk management technologies and so management will be caught completely off guard when the next crisis hits. By adopting a scientific approach to risk management, we can escape the limited and historical view of experience and statistical based risk management models to expose dynamic complexity risks and prepare for new and never experienced events.

Solving the Dynamic Complexity Dilemma: Predictive and Prescriptive Business Management: Answering the Need for a New Paradigm

by Nabil Abu el Ata Maurice J. Perks

Dynamic complexity results from hidden, un­known factors—or more precisely, interactions between factors—that can unexpectedly im­pact the perfor­mance of systems. When the influences of dynamic complexity are not meas­ured and understood, new never-seen-before behaviors can come as unwelcomed surprises, which disrupt the performance of systems. Left alone, processes that were once prized for their effi­ciency unexpectedly begin to degrade—costs increase, while volumes and quality decline. Evidence of problems may come too late for effective resolution as technology advance­ments induce rapid change and compress the time available to react to that change. The results of dynamic complexity are always negative and unmanaged dynamic complexity can bring business or global systems to the point of sudden chaos. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic, 2008 Credit Crunch and 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster are global examples of the dangers of undiagnosed dynamic complexity.With increasing frequency executive leaders today are discovering that their business and IT system performance levels are not meeting expectations. In most cases these performance deficiencies are caused by dynamic complexity, which lies hidden like a cancer until the symptoms reveal themselves—often when it is too late to avoid negative impacts on business outcomes. This book examines the growing business problem of dynamic complexity and presents a path to a practical solution. To achieve better predictability, organizations must be able to expose new, dangerous patterns of behavior in time to take corrective actions and know which actions will yield the optimal results. The book authors promote new methods of risk management that use data collection, analytics, machine learning and automation processes to help organizations more accurately predict the future and take strategic actions to improve performance outcomes. The presented means of achieving this goal are based upon the authors’ practical experiences, backed by scientific principles, and results achieved through consulting engagements with over 350 global organizations.

Grundkurs JAVA: Von den Grundlagen bis zu Datenbank- und Netzanwendungen

by Dietmar Abts

Ob Unternehmenssoftware, Webanwendungen, technische Systeme oder mobile Anwendungen wie Apps – Java ist eine universelle Programmiersprache für die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen. Der große Vorteil: in Java programmierte Anwendungen sind auf nahezu allen Rechnersystemen lauffähig.Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt die wichtigsten Aspekte von Java auf der Basis der Standard-Edition Java SE 9 kennen. Angefangen bei den allgemeinen Eigenschaften von Java und der grundsätzlichen Vorgehensweise bei der Erzeugung eines lauffähigen Programms führt der Autor imperative und objektorientierte Sprachkonzepte ein. Er behandelt die Entwicklung von grafischen Oberflächen genauso wie die Programmierung von Client/Server-Anwendungen und erläutert den Zugriff auf relationale Datenbanken mit Hilfe von SQL. Nahezu jedes Kapitel enthält am Ende Aufgaben, mit denen Leser den behandelten Stoff einüben und vertiefen können. Mehr als 200 Übungen unterstützen das Lernen, zahlreiche Beispielprogramme helfen bei der Umsetzung der Konzepte in lauffähige Anwendungen. Der vollständige Quellcode der im Buch behandelten Programme (125 Projekte) und die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben sind auf der Webseite zum Buch verfügbar.Mit Java 9 wurden Module als neues Feature in die Programmiersprache eingeführt. Die 10. Auflage des Buchs behandelt das Java-Modulsystem in einem eigenen Kapitel. Zudem wurden zahlreiche Ergänzungen wie die API- und Syntax-Erweiterungen in die Neuauflage eingearbeitet.Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Informatik und der Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie an IT-Beschäftigte in Ausbildung und Beruf. Und an alle, die bereits grundlegende Kenntnisse in einer Programmiersprache haben und auf Java umsteigen möchten.

Grundkurs JAVA: Von den Grundlagen bis zu Datenbank- und Netzanwendungen

by Dietmar Abts

Lernen Sie schrittweise die wichtigsten Aspekte von Java kennen, von den elementaren Grundlagen über objektorientierte Konzepte und grafische Benutzungsoberflächen bis zu Datenbankanwendungen und Kommunikation im Netzwerk. Der Grundkurs schließt mit zwei ausführlichen Einführungen zu aktuellen Themen: das Persistenz-Framework JPA zur Speicherung von Objekten in relationalen Datenbanken und die Objektdatenbank db4o.In der 8. Auflage werden die mit Java 8 eingeführten Default-Methoden und Lambda-Ausdrücke behandelt. Außerdem wurden zahlreiche Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen vorgenommen.Der Quellcode von über 350 Programmbeispielen (inkl. Lösungen zu den Aufgaben) ist im Internet verfügbar.

Grundkurs JAVA: Von den Grundlagen bis zu Datenbank- und Netzanwendungen

by Dietmar Abts

Lernen Sie mit diesem Buch schrittweise die wichtigsten Aspekte von Java kennen, von den elementaren Grundlagen über objektorientierte Konzepte und grafische Benutzungsoberflächen bis zu Datenbankanwendungen und Kommunikation im Netzwerk.Die 9. Auflage enthält eine Einführung zu JavaFX, dem aktuellen Framework zur Entwicklung moderner grafischer Oberflächen. Zahlreiche Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen wurden vorgenommen.Der Quellcode von 387 Programmbeispielen (inkl. Lösungen zu den Aufgaben) ist im Internet verfügbar.

Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds

by P. A. Absil R. Mahony R. Sepulchre

Many problems in the sciences and engineering can be rephrased as optimization problems on matrix search spaces endowed with a so-called manifold structure. This book shows how to exploit the special structure of such problems to develop efficient numerical algorithms. It places careful emphasis on both the numerical formulation of the algorithm and its differential geometric abstraction--illustrating how good algorithms draw equally from the insights of differential geometry, optimization, and numerical analysis. Two more theoretical chapters provide readers with the background in differential geometry necessary to algorithmic development. In the other chapters, several well-known optimization methods such as steepest descent and conjugate gradients are generalized to abstract manifolds. The book provides a generic development of each of these methods, building upon the material of the geometric chapters. It then guides readers through the calculations that turn these geometrically formulated methods into concrete numerical algorithms. The state-of-the-art algorithms given as examples are competitive with the best existing algorithms for a selection of eigenspace problems in numerical linear algebra. Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds offers techniques with broad applications in linear algebra, signal processing, data mining, computer vision, and statistical analysis. It can serve as a graduate-level textbook and will be of interest to applied mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists.

Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets (Iste Ser.)

by Patrice Abry Paulo Gonçalves Jacques Lévy Véhel

Scaling is a mathematical transformation that enlarges or diminishes objects. The technique is used in a variety of areas, including finance and image processing. This book is organized around the notions of scaling phenomena and scale invariance. The various stochastic models commonly used to describe scaling ? self-similarity, long-range dependence and multi-fractals ? are introduced. These models are compared and related to one another. Next, fractional integration, a mathematical tool closely related to the notion of scale invariance, is discussed, and stochastic processes with prescribed scaling properties (self-similar processes, locally self-similar processes, fractionally filtered processes, iterated function systems) are defined. A number of applications where the scaling paradigm proved fruitful are detailed: image processing, financial and stock market fluctuations, geophysics, scale relativity, and fractal time-space.

Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets

by Patrice Abry Paolo Goncalves Jacques Levy Vehel

Scaling is a mathematical transformation that enlarges or diminishes objects. The technique is used in a variety of areas, including finance and image processing. This book is organized around the notions of scaling phenomena and scale invariance. The various stochastic models commonly used to describe scaling ? self-similarity, long-range dependence and multi-fractals ? are introduced. These models are compared and related to one another. Next, fractional integration, a mathematical tool closely related to the notion of scale invariance, is discussed, and stochastic processes with prescribed scaling properties (self-similar processes, locally self-similar processes, fractionally filtered processes, iterated function systems) are defined. A number of applications where the scaling paradigm proved fruitful are detailed: image processing, financial and stock market fluctuations, geophysics, scale relativity, and fractal time-space.

Logica: Volume 1 - Dimostrazioni e modelli al primo ordine (UNITEXT #80)

by Vito Michele Abrusci Lorenzo Tortora de Falco

Gli autori, basandosi sulla loro esperienza di ricerca, propongono in due volumi un testo di riferimento per acquisire una solida formazione specialistica nella logica.Nei due volumi vengono presentati in maniera innovativa e rigorosa temi di logica tradizionalmente affrontati nei corsi universitari di secondo livello.Questo primo volume è dedicato ai teoremi fondamentali sulla logica del primo ordine e alle loro principali conseguenze.Il testo è rivolto in particolare agli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale.

Logica: Volume 1 - Dimostrazioni E Modelli Al Primo Ordine (UNITEXT #80)

by Vito Michele Abrusci Lorenzo Tortora de Falco

L'opera si propone come testo di riferimento per acquisire una solida preparazione specialistica nella Logica, presentando in maniera rigorosa ed innovativa argomenti tradizionalmente affrontati nei corsi universitari di secondo livello. Questo secondo volume, che completa l'opera, presenta le basi della teoria della ricorsività, l'aritmetica di Peano ed i teoremi di incompletezza, gli assiomi della teoria assiomatica degli insiemi di Zermelo-Fraenkel e la teoria degli ordinali e dei cardinali che ne deriva.

Transitions Between Contexts of Mathematical Practices (Mathematics Education Library #27)

by Guida De Abreu Norma C. Presmeg

This book discusses mathematics learners in transition and their practices in different contexts; the institutional and socio-cultural framing of the transition processes involved; and the communication and negotiation of mathematical meanings during transition. Providing both empirical studies and significant theoretical reflections, it will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students in mathematics education, cultural psychology, multicultural education, immigrant and indigenous education.

Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS 2023, Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #383)

by António Abreu João Vidal Carvalho Pedro Liberato Hazael Cerón Monroy

This book features a collection of high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (ICOTTS 2023), held at Anáhuac University, Bacalar, Mexico, from 2 to 4 November 2023. The book is divided into two volumes, and it covers the areas of technology in tourism and the tourist experience, generations and technology in tourism, digital marketing applied to tourism and travel, mobile technologies applied to sustainable tourism, information technologies in tourism, digital transformation of tourism business, e-tourism and tourism 2.0, big data and management for travel and tourism, geotagging and tourist mobility, smart destinations, robotics in tourism, and information systems and technologies.

Logic Grammars (Symbolic Computation)

by Harvey Abramson Veronica Dahl

Logic grammars have found wide application both in natural language processing and in formal applications such as compiler writing. This book introduces the main concepts involving natural and formal language processing in logic programming, and discusses typical problems which the reader may encounter, proposing various methods for solving them. The basic material is presented in depth; advanced material, involving new logic grammar formalisms and applications, is presented with a view towards breadth. Major sections of the book include: grammars for formal language and linguistic research, writing a simple logic grammar, different types of logic grammars, applications, and logic grammars and concurrency. This book is intended for those interested in logic programming, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, Fifth Generation computing, formal languages and compiling techniques. It may be read profitably by upper-level undergraduates, post-graduate students, and active researchers on the above-named areas. Some familiarity with Prolog and logic programming would be helpful; the authors, however, briefly describe Prolog and its relation to logic grammars. After reading Logic Grammars, the reader will be able to cope with the ever-increasing literature of this new and exciting field.

Dependence Logic: Theory and Applications

by Samson Abramsky Juha Kontinen Jouko Väänänen Heribert Vollmer

In this volume, different aspects of logics for dependence and independence are discussed, including both the logical and computational aspects of dependence logic, and also applications in a number of areas, such as statistics, social choice theory, databases, and computer security. The contributing authors represent leading experts in this relatively new field, each of whom was invited to write a chapter based on talks given at seminars held at the Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics in Wadern, Germany (in February 2013 and June 2015) and an Academy Colloquium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (March 2014). Altogether, these chapters provide the most up-to-date look at this developing and highly interdisciplinary field and will be of interest to a broad group of logicians, mathematicians, statisticians, philosophers, and scientists. Topics covered includea comprehensive survey of many propositional, modal, and first-order variants of dependence logic;new results concerning expressive power of several variants of dependence logic with different sets of logical connectives and generalized dependence atoms;connections between inclusion logic and the least-fixed point logic;an overview of dependencies in databases by addressing the relationships between implication problems for fragments of statistical conditional independencies, embedded multivalued dependencies, and propositional logic;various Markovian models used to characterize dependencies and causality among variables in multivariate systems;applications of dependence logic in social choice theory; andan introduction to the theory of secret sharing, pointing out connections to dependence and independence logic.

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