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Showing 55,101 through 55,125 of 55,824 results

Deutsches (Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften #11)

by Albert Ehrenzweig

International Bar Association: A Commentary on Conciliation of Domestic Matters

by Yoshimatsu Terashima

ation" and "Conciliation Terms," with further supplementary notes on "Methods of Conciliation of Domestic Matters." Inasmuch as the practice of domestic matters conciliation is a most important job, it is very difficult to describe it adequately. Feeling a great responsibility imposed upon my shoulder, I have to confess that I prepared this little pointer with great toil and application. I am afraid, however, that due to my mediocrity and immaturity I may have committed some inadvertent errors or dogmatic assertions. I am glad to say that after having shown this paper to my seniors I have obtained their approval on its publication. Just full three years have elapsed since I engaged myself in the conciliation of domestic matters. But that holy mysterious land of treasure lies still unconquered beyond many rivers and, mountains far in the distance. So we pilgrims must devote ourselves heart and soul to the steady progress of study. If this small work proves a mile­ stone towards our destination, I shall be happier than I expected. Relying on good walkers in our party, I sincerely pray that they will before long reach the summit of the sacred mountain where they can command a grand view of the vast field of legislation. (Jan. 1951) CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 2. A men d men t tot h e C i viI Cod e and D 0 m est i c ReI a t ion s Law and the F ami 1 y C 0 u r t.

Lord Devlin

by Justice John Sackar

Lord Devlin was a leading lawyer of his generation. Moreover, he was one of the most recognised figures in the judiciary, thanks to his role in the John Bodkin Adams trial and the Nyasaland Commission of Inquiry. It is hard then to believe that he retired as a Law Lord at a mere 58 years of age. This important book looks at the life, influences and impact of this most important judicial figure. Starting with his earliest days as a schoolboy before moving on to his later years, the author draws a compelling picture of a complex, brilliant man who would shape not just the law but society more generally in post-war Britain.

Rights Affecting the Manufacture and Use of Gramophone Records

by W. Mak

When dealing, as in this study, with gramophone records, we almost unconsciously think of music. For the number of gramophone records in which music, either vocal or instrumental, does not playa part is quite small. Hence we shall concern our­ selves principally with musical records. 1. Music may be said to be as old as humanity itself: from the very beginning of history man has given expression to his emo­ tions by means of sounds. In one of the first chapters of the Bible harps and organs are mentioned 1) and further on in the Book of Books we find musical instruments mentioned repeatedly. Let us quote a few instances at random: Gen. 31 : 27; Ex. 15 : 20; 1 Sam. 16 : 23; 2 Sam. 6 : 5; Psalm 150; 1 Cor. 14 : 7,8. Throughout the ages music having at first no other than a religious character, evolved and differentiated itself with the result that now we know music in all its numerous variations: beside religious music we have secular music in the form of symphonic music, military music, dance-music and so on.

Form and Spirit: A Study in Religion (Routledge Revivals)

by J.H. Badley

First published in 1951, Form and Spirit deals with two primary questions regarding religion- a) the nature of religion as a permanent need in human life, and its relation to the cults and creeds in which it has been embodied, and b) whether what is admittedly a crying need of our time can be met by the revival of religious forms which have lost their hold. An attempt is made to trace the evolution of religion, and a brief survey is given of the development of the chief world religions. The object is not to show that any of these can be accounted ‘truer’ than the rest but rather to see what were the reasons for the forms that they have taken, and what elements and tendencies are common to them, as throwing light both on the meaning of religion and on the needs of man's spiritual nature. This is an essential read for general readers interested in religion.

Form and Spirit: A Study in Religion (Routledge Revivals)

by J.H. Badley

First published in 1951, Form and Spirit deals with two primary questions regarding religion- a) the nature of religion as a permanent need in human life, and its relation to the cults and creeds in which it has been embodied, and b) whether what is admittedly a crying need of our time can be met by the revival of religious forms which have lost their hold. An attempt is made to trace the evolution of religion, and a brief survey is given of the development of the chief world religions. The object is not to show that any of these can be accounted ‘truer’ than the rest but rather to see what were the reasons for the forms that they have taken, and what elements and tendencies are common to them, as throwing light both on the meaning of religion and on the needs of man's spiritual nature. This is an essential read for general readers interested in religion.

Juristische Logik

by Ulrich Klug

Man darf es wohl als einen besonderen Vorzug der Jurisprudenz unter den Geisteswissenschaften ansehen, daB sie darum bemüht ist, ihre Theorie und Praxis in besonders engem Kontakt mit der Logik zu gestalten. Eigen­ tümlich ist indessen, daB diesem Zusammenhang nur selten genauere Unter­ suchungen gewidmet sind. Hinzukommt, daB in der deutschen Rechts­ wissenschaft die meisten gröBeren Arbeiten aus diesem Problemkreis vom Standpunkt der klassischen Logik ausgehen und die intensive Entwicklung der modernen Logikforschung allenfalls andeutungsweise berücksichtigen. Demgegenüber versucht die vorliegende Schrift einen ersten Schritt zur Auswertung der modernen Logik für die Jurisprudenz zu vollziehen. Es versteht sich von selbst, daB die bei solcher Gelegenheit herangezogenen logischen Hilfsmittel aus der Sicht des Spezialisten im Bereich der neuen Logik sehr elementar erscheinen. Diese Beschränkung eröffnete aber die Möglichkeit, zu versuchen, das Thema so zu behandeln, daB die Darstel­ lung auch dem Nichtgeübten les bar und verständlich bleibt. Irgendwelche Kenntnisse aus der Logiktheorie werden nicht vorausgesetzt. Es war daher notwendig, zugleich eine Einführung in die Grundbegriffe und elementaren Haupttechniken der modernen Logik zu geben. Insoweit könnten die vor­ liegenden Untersuchungen vor allem in ihren Abschnitten I und 11 auch für Nicht juristen von Interesse sein.

Urheber- und Verlagsrecht (Enzyklopädie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft)

by Eugen Ulmer

Die deutschen Urheberrechtsgesetze sind überaltert. Wer den heuti­ gen Stand des Urheberrechts darstellen will, muß neben den Gesetzen die Fortbildung in Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum, die Arbeiten an der Urheberrechtsreform, die typische Vertragsgestaltung und nicht zuletzt das internationale Recht berücksichtigen. Da die Rechtsentwicklung im Flusse ist, ist die systematische Dar­ stellung erschwert. Gleichwohl erscheint sie mir als wichtig und ange­ sichts der Wiederaufnahme der Arbeiten an der Urheberrechtsreform als vordringlich. An verschiedenen Stellen des Buches, insbesondere bei der Lehre von Form und Inhalt der Werke und von der urheberrecht­ lichen Verfügung, habe ich mir die Frage vorgelegt, ob nicht mono­ graphische Untersuchungen vorauszuschicken seien. Aber das Interesse am Abschluß der Gesamtdarstellung schien mir, trotz des dadurch be­ dingten Zwanges zur Kürze, zu überwiegen. Ein vollständiges Bild vom Urheberrecht läßt sich nur gewinnen, wenn auch das Urhebervertragsrecht einbezogen wird. Daß dabei das Verlagsrecht den breitesten Raum einnimmt, liegt in der Natur der Sache. Neben dem Verlagsvertrag müssen aber auch die Aufführungs­ verträge, die Wahrnehmungsverträge, die mit Verwertungsgesellschaften geschlossen werden, die Verträge im Filmwesen, in der bildenden Kunst usf. berücksichtigt werden. Trotz der Verschiedenheit der einzelnen Vertragstypen gibt es gemeinsame Regeln, deren Herausarbeitung auch für die Deutung des Verlagsrechts wichtig ist. Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum sind bis Herbst 1950 berücksichtigt. Literatur, die während der Drucklegung erschienen ist, ist im Nachtrag vermerkt. Heidel berg, im Januar 1951. E. ULMER. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Einleitung.


by Hans Otto Boor

Benedetto Croce: Collected Works (Collected Works)

by Various Authors

Originally published between 1921 and 1950 the volumes in this collection showcase many of the most important philosophical, political and literary works of Benedetto Croce. The volumes Discuss key political, philosophical and aesthetic issues such as freedom and historical judgment Reveal notes made by Croce from private meetings with Allied forces during 1943 and 1944 Examine and explain the literature of Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare, Ariosto and Corneille Discuss the conception of liberty, liberalism and the relation of individual morality to the State.

The Great Escape (W&N Military)

by Paul Brickhill

The famous story of mass escape from a WWII German PoW camp that inspired the classic film.One of the most famous true stories from the last war, The GREAT ESCAPE tells how more than six hundred men in a German prisoner-of-war camp worked together to achieve an extraordinary break-out. Every night for a year they dug tunnels, and those who weren't digging forged passports, drew maps, faked weapons and tailored German uniforms and civilian clothes to wear once they had escaped. All of this was conducted under the very noses of their prison guards. When the right night came, the actual escape itself was timed to the split second - but of course, not everything went according to plan...

Handelsgesetzbuch vom 10. Mai 1897 ohne Seerecht)

by R. Sellien

The Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics And Society

by Norbert Wiener

Only a few books stand as landmarks in social and scientific upheaval. Norbert Wiener's classic is one in that small company. Founder of the science of cybernetics-the study of the relationship between computers and the human nervous system-Wiener was widely misunderstood as one who advocated the automation of human life. As this book reveals, his vision was much more complex and interesting. He hoped that machines would release people from relentless and repetitive drudgery in order to achieve more creative pursuits. At the same time he realized the danger of dehumanizing and displacement. His book examines the implications of cybernetics for education, law, language, science, technology, as he anticipates the enormous impact-in effect, a third industrial revolution-that the computer has had on our lives.

Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's Analysis of Existence and its Relation to Proclamation (Selected Works of K.E. Logstrup)

by K. E. Løgstrup

The great Danish philosopher and theologian K. E. Løgstrup (1905-81) offers a distinctive assessment and comparative critique of two key thinkers in Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's Analysis of Existence and its Relation to Proclamation (1950). Løgstrup focuses on the central idea from Kierkegaard and Heidegger that our individuality and authenticity are threatened by 'life in the crowd' or 'das Man'. According to Løgstrup, Kierkegaard holds that the only way to escape the crowd is through a relation to an infinite demand which he nonetheless leaves empty, while Heidegger avoids offering any kind of ethics at all. Arguing against both philosophers, Løgstrup himself proposes an ethic which is not just a set of social rules, but which is also more contentful than Kierkegaard's infinite demand: namely, the requirement to care for the other person whose life is placed in your hands. This call to care for the other person becomes central to Løgstrup's position in his most famous publication The Ethical Demand (1956), so this earlier work, based on lectures given in Berlin, provides a crucial insight into the development of his thought. This is the first English translation of an original and compelling text by Løgstrup, rendered into accurate prose and paired with an introduction which explains the main themes and wider context of the work.

Palestine Under the Mandate: 1920-1948 (Routledge Revivals)

by Albert M. Hyamson

First published in 1950, Palestine Under the Mandate is an account of the role of Britain in Palestine during the British mandate period from 1920 to 1948. The author served as the chief immigration officer in British Mandate of Palestine from 1921 to 1934 and considers this book an attempt to dissipate the fog of propaganda in which the whole subject is shrouded. He delineates the difference between the terms Jew, Jewish and Zionist before situating the central question of his argument: What would have been the position of the Jewish National Home today if its germ had not been carefully nursed and protected for a quarter of the century after the acceptance of the Mandate? Since the author was a government employee, it is no surprise that his loyalty lies with the British government; however, this book is still an important record of the arguments employed to both build and destroy Palestine and will be worth reading for students of history, politics, international relations, global studies, and geography.

Palestine Under the Mandate: 1920-1948 (Routledge Revivals)

by Albert M. Hyamson

First published in 1950, Palestine Under the Mandate is an account of the role of Britain in Palestine during the British mandate period from 1920 to 1948. The author served as the chief immigration officer in British Mandate of Palestine from 1921 to 1934 and considers this book an attempt to dissipate the fog of propaganda in which the whole subject is shrouded. He delineates the difference between the terms Jew, Jewish and Zionist before situating the central question of his argument: What would have been the position of the Jewish National Home today if its germ had not been carefully nursed and protected for a quarter of the century after the acceptance of the Mandate? Since the author was a government employee, it is no surprise that his loyalty lies with the British government; however, this book is still an important record of the arguments employed to both build and destroy Palestine and will be worth reading for students of history, politics, international relations, global studies, and geography.

Psychologie des Strafverfahrens

by Roland Grassberger

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