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Showing 32,676 through 32,700 of 55,626 results

Grete Henry-Hermann: Kritik der Ethik Nelsons und Erinnerungen an Leonard Nelson. Texte zur Frage der Ethik als Wissenschaft (Frauen in Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Women Philosophers and Scientists)

Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit Grete (Henry-)Hermanns Überlegungen zur Ethik, die als kritische Reflexion der Ethik ihres Lehrers Leonard Nelson zu verstehen sind. Ihre Auseinandersetzung mit der Ethik Nelsons begann mit der Frage, nach welchen Gesichtspunkten eine umfassend gebildete Person ihre Entscheidungen trifft. Diese Frage beschäftigte Grete (Henry-)Hermann bereits in ihren frühen Arbeiten. Die in den Gesprächen mit Nelson aufgeworfenen Fragen ließen Grete (Henry-)Hermann nicht mehr los. Von ihrem Ringen um Antworten zeugt, dass ihre Lösungsvorschläge erst mehr als 25 Jahre nach Leonard Nelsons Tod folgten. Erst 1953 erschien Grete (Henry-)Hermann Schrift „Die Überwindung des Zufalls. Kritische Betrachtungen zu Leonard Nelsons Begründung der Ethik als Wissenschaft“, in der sie sich kritisch mit Leonard Nelsons Ethik auseinandersetzte. Sie betont die Bedeutung der Interessenabwägung als Prüfkriterium für die Legitimation und Geltung moralischer und sittlicher Normen und empirischer Rechte, Gesetze und Handlungen sowie den prozessualen Charakter der Ethik als ständige Überprüfung von Normen, Gesetzen und Handlungen an den moralischen Prinzipien der Vernunft - Aspekte, die gerade in einer Zeit globaler Bedrohungen und Interessengegensätze zwischen den Großmächten von besonderer Aktualität sind.

Grenzüberschreitende Implikationen eines Menschenrechts auf Wasser?: Reichweite, Auswirkungen und Bedeutung für das Internationale Wasserrecht (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #291)

by Adele Kirschner

Das Buch untersucht die Auswirkungen eines Menschenrechts auf Wasser auf die Nutzung grenzüberschreitender Wasserressourcen und fragt nach den Implikationen für das internationale Wasserrecht. Es bewegt sich damit an der Schnittstelle des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes und des Umweltvölkerrechts. Die Nutzung von Süßwasserressourcen stellt eine inhärent internationale Frage dar. Obgleich die Erde von grenzüberschreitenden Gewässern geprägt ist, sind die Verpflichtungen von Staaten gegenüber Rechtsträgern in anderen Ländern weitestgehend unklar. Die Autorin entwickelt zunächst die These der extraterritorialen Geltung dieses Menschenrechts, womit dieses zum (zusätzlichen) Maßstab im Umgang mit grenzüberschreitenden Gewässern wird. Das Buch untersucht was dieser neue, am Menschenrecht ausgerichtete Maßstab beinhaltet und was dies für das internationale Wasserrecht letztlich bedeutet. Sind die Metadaten final von Ihnen freigegeben, werde ich eine ISBN beantragen, ein Cover erstellen lassen und das Buch wird auf unserer Website sichtbar. Sobald dann noch die Summary und die Abdruckgenehmigung vorliegen, kann das Manuskript umgehend in Herstellung gehen.

Grenzsituationen in der Intensivmedizin: Entscheidungsgrundlagen

by Theodor Junginger Axel Perneczky Christian-Friedrich Vahl Christian Werner

Eine Entscheidung zwischen Leben und Tod treffen zu müssen, gehört zu den schwierigsten Situationen für die meisten Ärzte. Namhafte Vertreter der Medizin und Intensivmedizin, der Theologie, der Philosophie und des Rechts haben zu diesem aktuellen und diskussionswürdigen Thema Tatsachen und Gedanken zusammengetragen und praxisnah aufbereitet. Der Patient in Grenzsituationen – Das Erleben von Grenzsituationen. Philosophie und Theologie: Lebensende: Ende oder Anfang der Philosophie - Leiden ohne Ende – Lebenserhalt um jeden Preis. Grenzsituationen in einzelnen Fachgebieten: Allgemeinchirurgie, Anästhesie, Neurochirurgie, Innere Medizin, Pädiatrie, u.a. Entscheidungskriterien in Grenzsituationen: unter ökonomischen und juristischen Aspekten beleuchtet. Die ärztliche Entscheidung: Rechte und Pflichten des Arztes – Ethikkommissionen. Liberalisierung der Sterbehilfe: Der Umgang damit in unseren Nachbarländern. Basierend auf dem Mainzer Forum Intensivmedizin wurden alle Beiträge für das Buchprojekt überarbeitet und praxisnah erweitert. Ein einzigartiges Nachschlagewerk für die schwierigen menschlichen Situationen auf Intensivstationen, wichtig für alle Ärzte.

Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie: Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik (Texte aus dem Nachlass 1908 – 1937) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #42)

by Edmund Husserl

Der vorliegende Band versammelt Forschungsmanuskripte aus dem Nachlass Edmund Husserls zu vier miteinander zusammenhängenden Themenbereichen. Die Manuskripte des ersten Themenbereichs bieten phänomenologische Analysen zu den Phänomenen des Unbewusstseins und zu den damit verbundenen Problemen von Geburt, Schlaf und Tod und führen an die Grenzen der transzendentalen Phänomenologie als einer deskriptiven Wissenschaft. Dies gilt auch für die Phänomenologie der Instinkte, die sich in den Manuskripten des zweiten Themenbereichs findet. Die Texte der beiden ersten Themenbereiche bieten wesentliche Stücke einer phänomenologischen Fundierung der Husserl’schen Metaphysik. Diese Metaphysik wird von Husserl in den Texten des dritten Themenbereichs als eine spekulative Monadologie und Teleologie sowie als eine damit eng verbundene philosophische Theologie in Ansätzen entfaltet. Die vierte und größte Gruppe der in vorliegenden Band edierten Manuskripte dokumentiert in einer repräsentativen Textauswahl Husserls ethisches Denken, wie es sich in seinen Freiburger Jahren entwickelt hat. Husserl rückt in diesen Jahren von seiner frühen, unter dem Einfluss Brentanos stehenden Göttinger Ethik ab und entwickelt insbesondere unter dem Einfluss Fichtes eine Ethik, die in eins Individualethik, Sozialethik und Menschheitsethik ist. Für diese Ethik ist ein erweiterter Begriff von praktischer Vernunft kennzeichnend. Vernünftig und damit geboten sind nun nicht mehr einzelne Handlungen, die das Beste des in einer Situation Erreichbaren realisieren, sondern geboten ist nun eine absolut gerechtfertigte Gestaltung des ganzen je eigenen individuellen Lebens sowie eine vernünftige Gestaltung des Lebens der nationalen und übernationalen Gemeinschaften in Richtung auf das Ideal einer Liebesgemeinschaft gegenseitiger Fürsorge. Angesichts der Irrationalität im Leben des Einzelnen und in der Geschichte der Menschheit drängen sich Husserl Fragen nach dem Wert und der Möglichkeit ethischen Handelns überhaupt auf. In diesem Zusammenhang rücken das Phänomen der Liebe als Quelle bindender Werte und als Motiv ethischen Handelns sowie das Phänomen des individuellen Rufs zu einer Lebensaufgabe ins Zentrum von Husserls späten ethischen Reflexionen.

Grenzkostenpreise bei Öffentlichen Unternehmen

by Theo Thiemeyer

Grenzen der Zulässigkeit von Wahltarifen und Zusatzversicherungen in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

by Siegfried Klaue Hans-Peter Schwintowski

Das Werk ist ein Beitrag zu der Frage nach mehr Wettbewerb innerhalb der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung wie auch zwischen diesen und den privaten Kassen. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Vorrang des europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts vor dem nationalen Recht. Darf der deutsche Gesetzgeber bei der Gestaltung der nationalen sozialrechtlichen Rahmenordnung die Grundsätze des EU-Vertrages außer Acht lassen? Inwieweit bindet das europäische Recht deutsche Rechtsanwender bei der Auslegung und Durchsetzung der Normen der deutschen sozialrechtlichen Rahmenordnung?

Grenzen der Verfassungsgesetzgebung

by Walter Jellinek

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication (Emerald Points)

by Agostino Vollero

Greenwashing is an emerging trend that seeks to overemphasize the sustainability practices by companies to their customers. In a comprehensive analysis of this widespread marketing and corporate communication practice, Agostino Vollero examines the understanding of greenwashing, provides a systematic review of available literature review, and reflects on theoretical approaches and research trends. Additionally explored are specific case studies that offer lessons in avoiding the greenwashing trap and a build a look to the future in this context. Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication showcases fascinating insights and new perspectives in this field, which will be of great interest to scholars of Management, Marketing Communications, Corporate Communication, Accounting and Business Ethics.

Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication (Emerald Points)

by Agostino Vollero

Greenwashing is an emerging trend that seeks to overemphasize the sustainability practices by companies to their customers. In a comprehensive analysis of this widespread marketing and corporate communication practice, Agostino Vollero examines the understanding of greenwashing, provides a systematic review of available literature review, and reflects on theoretical approaches and research trends. Additionally explored are specific case studies that offer lessons in avoiding the greenwashing trap and a build a look to the future in this context. Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication showcases fascinating insights and new perspectives in this field, which will be of great interest to scholars of Management, Marketing Communications, Corporate Communication, Accounting and Business Ethics.

Greening Trade Remedies: Environmental Considerations in the Law and Practice of WTO Trade Remedies (European Yearbook of International Economic Law #31)

by Pieter Van Vaerenbergh

This book explores the role of trade remedies in liberalising environmental trade and discouraging environmentally harmful trade. As trade remedies can pose a significant obstacle to environmental trade, this book outlines how trade negotiators can implement restrictions on the application of trade remedies on environmental goods. It also assesses whether and how investigating authorities can account for differences in environmental protection standards in trade remedy investigations and considers what a possible 'trade remedy' for environmental harm might look like. Although the book concludes that trade remedies will remain a trade instrument primarily driven by economic and competitiveness concerns, it demonstrates how environmental considerations can guide trade remedy policy, how investigating authorities can properly account for the environmental costs of production, and how the limited policy space available in the WTO Agreements on Trade Remedies can be used to pursue green policy goals.

Greening the Workplace: Theories, Methods, and Research

by Pascal Paillé

The phrase “greening of the workplace” refers to the range of resources used by an organization to ensure its management and industrial processes are conducive to the adoption of workplace pro-environmental behaviors by its employees, irrespective of their position, the nature of their work or their rank within the organization. This book provides greater visibility to research into how organizations encourage their employees to take environmental considerations into account in their daily work. It examines the connections between organizational practices, individual behaviors, and environmental performance. This book will appeal to HRM scholars interested in the psychological, managerial and organizational dimensions governing the relationship between individuals and ecology.

Greening the Civil Codes: Comparative Private Law and Environmental Protection (Juris Diversitas)

by Sabrina Lanni

This book examines the greening of civil codes from a comparative perspective. It takes into account the increasing requirements of supranational rules, which favour measures to reduce global warming and its negative environmental impacts; it discusses the necessity to expand distributive justice given the current ecological emergency; and it reflects on which private law legal tools potentially may be employed to defend nature’s interests. The work fills a gap in the growing literature on developing rights of nature and ecosystem in transnational law. While the focus is on the environmental issues pertaining to the new civil codes and new projects of civil codes, the book promotes interdisciplinary research applicable to a range of environmental and natural resources–focused courses across the social sciences, especially those related to comparative law systems, legal anthropology, legal traditions in the world, political science and international relations.

Greening the Civil Codes: Comparative Private Law and Environmental Protection (Juris Diversitas)

by Sabrina Lanni

This book examines the greening of civil codes from a comparative perspective. It takes into account the increasing requirements of supranational rules, which favour measures to reduce global warming and its negative environmental impacts; it discusses the necessity to expand distributive justice given the current ecological emergency; and it reflects on which private law legal tools potentially may be employed to defend nature’s interests. The work fills a gap in the growing literature on developing rights of nature and ecosystem in transnational law. While the focus is on the environmental issues pertaining to the new civil codes and new projects of civil codes, the book promotes interdisciplinary research applicable to a range of environmental and natural resources–focused courses across the social sciences, especially those related to comparative law systems, legal anthropology, legal traditions in the world, political science and international relations.

Greening the Boardroom: Corporate Governance and Business Sustainability

by Grant Ledgerwood

On a world scale, the implicit deal between corporation and community is undergoing a revolution in the period 1990–2000. For the first time, corporate boardrooms are having to confront the environmental challenge not as a peripheral issue around "public relations", but as a core issue of credibility with its customers. As trust in big business has declined, consumer willingness to alter buying behaviour to register disapproval has accelerated. As a result, boardrooms in the largest companies are having to redraw their strategic procedures regarding the environment. This book aims to advance the general understanding of corporate environmental governance as an issue capable of separate and detailed analysis. It aims to provide not an overview, but a series of test cores into the generally unexamined issues surrounding the changing ethos of corporate action and environmental investment. To date, the "business and environment" strategic conversation has reached only a minute proportion of a global audience. Over the next twenty years, this dialogue will transform business into the 21st century. Moreover, it will become internalised into a way of working within Corporate Culture. Greening the Boardroom explores through case studies and surveys some of the changes in this process, in Europe as well as in Asia and North America. Suitable for readers in general management, business, government and academia, this book is an important contribution to the corporate environmental debate by the author of The Environmental Audit and Business Strategy: A Total Quality Approach.

Greening the Boardroom: Corporate Governance and Business Sustainability

by Grant Ledgerwood

On a world scale, the implicit deal between corporation and community is undergoing a revolution in the period 1990–2000. For the first time, corporate boardrooms are having to confront the environmental challenge not as a peripheral issue around "public relations", but as a core issue of credibility with its customers. As trust in big business has declined, consumer willingness to alter buying behaviour to register disapproval has accelerated. As a result, boardrooms in the largest companies are having to redraw their strategic procedures regarding the environment. This book aims to advance the general understanding of corporate environmental governance as an issue capable of separate and detailed analysis. It aims to provide not an overview, but a series of test cores into the generally unexamined issues surrounding the changing ethos of corporate action and environmental investment. To date, the "business and environment" strategic conversation has reached only a minute proportion of a global audience. Over the next twenty years, this dialogue will transform business into the 21st century. Moreover, it will become internalised into a way of working within Corporate Culture. Greening the Boardroom explores through case studies and surveys some of the changes in this process, in Europe as well as in Asia and North America. Suitable for readers in general management, business, government and academia, this book is an important contribution to the corporate environmental debate by the author of The Environmental Audit and Business Strategy: A Total Quality Approach.

Greening Society: The Paradigm Shift in Dutch Environmental Politics (Environment & Policy #33)

by PieterGlasbergen Peter P. J.Driessen

This book can be regarded as a monograph on the debates and developments in Dutch environmental policy. It has been written with a specific perspective in mind. First and foremost, the line of approach we have taken was from a multidisciplinary social science point of view. The trend in environmental policy is looked at from the angle of sociology, policy studies and political science. Secondly, all analyses depart from the paradigm shift concept. This particular paradigm shift is based on the fact that a radical change has taken shape over the years in the way environmental issues are handled. Previously, environmental policy had always been characterised by is top-down approach in which government determined the actual objectives of policy and assumed that it could win over business, non governmental organisations and citizens to act in line with those objectives. There was also a great deal of faith in the technical solutions to environmental issues. Today's environmental policy is based on a totally different philosophy. Environmental objectives are now reached in association with business, non-governmental organisations and citizens. These actors are also involved in bringing environmental policy into practice. In other words, the implementation of policy has a more interactive nature. New relationships emerge between government, the market and civil society, and policy discourses also become integrated. The environmental interest is more often weighed against the econom1c interests, the spatial development and against social justice.

Greening People: Human Resources and Environmental Management

by Walter Wehrmeyer

This major collection examines both the human resource dimensions of environmental management and how environmental management impacts on human resource departments. Contributions from international experts in both academia and business look at current theory and best practice in environmental TQM, education, training and communications. Greening People argues that, if a company is to adopt an environmentally-aware approach to its activities, the employees are the key to success or failure. Realistically, it is only through the energy, performance and personal commitment of each employee within an organization that business will move towards sustainable industrial development. This book provides an important angle on the new complexities faced by environmental managers and human resource professionals and offers practical solutions drawn from some of the leading lights in the corporate environmental revolution. Greening People is divided into four parts. Part 1 demonstrates the relationship between human resource management and environmental management. Part 2 provides insight into the psychological make-up of contemporary staff that may foster or hinder company-wide implementation of environmental measures, and Part 3 addresses the shortcomings of current management training programmes and suggests new approaches for effective implementation of environmental human resource management. Finally, a selection of excellent case studies demonstrates how the concepts are being implemented in companies and local authorities.

Greening People: Human Resources and Environmental Management

by Walter Wehrmeyer

This major collection examines both the human resource dimensions of environmental management and how environmental management impacts on human resource departments. Contributions from international experts in both academia and business look at current theory and best practice in environmental TQM, education, training and communications. Greening People argues that, if a company is to adopt an environmentally-aware approach to its activities, the employees are the key to success or failure. Realistically, it is only through the energy, performance and personal commitment of each employee within an organization that business will move towards sustainable industrial development. This book provides an important angle on the new complexities faced by environmental managers and human resource professionals and offers practical solutions drawn from some of the leading lights in the corporate environmental revolution. Greening People is divided into four parts. Part 1 demonstrates the relationship between human resource management and environmental management. Part 2 provides insight into the psychological make-up of contemporary staff that may foster or hinder company-wide implementation of environmental measures, and Part 3 addresses the shortcomings of current management training programmes and suggests new approaches for effective implementation of environmental human resource management. Finally, a selection of excellent case studies demonstrates how the concepts are being implemented in companies and local authorities.

The Greening of US Free Trade Agreements: From NAFTA to the Present Day (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Linda Allen

This book provides an up-to-date critical analysis of the integration of environmental policies into US free trade agreements. The work focuses on the evolution of the design of environmental policies and analyzes their effectiveness. Starting with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) leading to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the book examines the history of policy integration. In doing so, it provides an overview of the major trade-related environmental policies and presents empirical research on their effectiveness, a discussion of the continued demand for policy integration in light of the effectiveness, and recommendations for addressing shortcomings. The main objective of the book is to inform the ongoing policy debate over integration of environmental policies into trade agreements. The current renegotiation of NAFTA provides an opportune time for undertaking this critical review of trade-related environmental policies. As our understanding and knowledge of the environmental policies associated with US trade agreements, in particular for NAFTA, has grown significantly over the past twenty-five years, this book provides a timely and critical update for this policy debate. Students and scholars of environmental law, trade and economics, and specifically US trade, environmental policy and law will find this book of great interest.

The Greening of US Free Trade Agreements: From NAFTA to the Present Day (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Linda Allen

This book provides an up-to-date critical analysis of the integration of environmental policies into US free trade agreements. The work focuses on the evolution of the design of environmental policies and analyzes their effectiveness. Starting with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) leading to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the book examines the history of policy integration. In doing so, it provides an overview of the major trade-related environmental policies and presents empirical research on their effectiveness, a discussion of the continued demand for policy integration in light of the effectiveness, and recommendations for addressing shortcomings. The main objective of the book is to inform the ongoing policy debate over integration of environmental policies into trade agreements. The current renegotiation of NAFTA provides an opportune time for undertaking this critical review of trade-related environmental policies. As our understanding and knowledge of the environmental policies associated with US trade agreements, in particular for NAFTA, has grown significantly over the past twenty-five years, this book provides a timely and critical update for this policy debate. Students and scholars of environmental law, trade and economics, and specifically US trade, environmental policy and law will find this book of great interest.

The Greening of European Business under EU Law: Taking Article 11 TFEU Seriously (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Beate Sjåfjell Anja Wiesbrock

The relationship between environmentally sustainable development and company and business law has emerged in recent years as a matter of major concern for many scholars, policy-makers, businesses and nongovernmental organisations. This book offers a conceptual analysis of the principles of sustainable development and environmental integration in the EU legal system. It particularly focuses on Article 11 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which states that EU activities must integrate environmental protection requirements and emphasise the promotion of sustainable development. The book gives an overview of the role played by the environmental integration principle in EU law, both at the level of European legislation and at the level of Member State practice. Contributors to the volume identify and analyse the main legal issues related to the importance of Article 11 TFEU in various policy areas of EU law affecting European businesses, such as company law, insurance and state aid. In drawing together these strands the book sets out the requirements of environmental integration and examines its impact on the regulation of business in the EU. The book will be of great use and interest to students and researchers of business law, environment law, and EU law.

The Greening of European Business under EU Law: Taking Article 11 TFEU Seriously (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Beate Sjåfjell Anja Wiesbrock

The relationship between environmentally sustainable development and company and business law has emerged in recent years as a matter of major concern for many scholars, policy-makers, businesses and nongovernmental organisations. This book offers a conceptual analysis of the principles of sustainable development and environmental integration in the EU legal system. It particularly focuses on Article 11 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which states that EU activities must integrate environmental protection requirements and emphasise the promotion of sustainable development. The book gives an overview of the role played by the environmental integration principle in EU law, both at the level of European legislation and at the level of Member State practice. Contributors to the volume identify and analyse the main legal issues related to the importance of Article 11 TFEU in various policy areas of EU law affecting European businesses, such as company law, insurance and state aid. In drawing together these strands the book sets out the requirements of environmental integration and examines its impact on the regulation of business in the EU. The book will be of great use and interest to students and researchers of business law, environment law, and EU law.

Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Contemporary debates and future directions in the study of environmental harm (Green Criminology)

by Matthew Hall Tanya Wyatt Nigel South Angus Nurse Gary Potter Jennifer Maher

In the 21st century, environmental harm is an ever-present reality of our globalised world. Over the last 20 years, criminologists, working alongside a range of other disciplines from the social and physical sciences, have made great strides in their understanding of how different institutions in society, and criminal justice systems in particular – respond – or fail to respond – to the harm imposed on ecosystems and their human and non-human components. Such research has crystallised into the rapidly evolving field of green criminology. This pioneering volume, with contributions from leading experts along with younger scholars, represents the state of the art in criminologists’ pursuit of understanding in the environmental sphere while at the same time challenging academics, lawmakers and policy developers to explore new directions in the study of environmental harm.

Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Contemporary debates and future directions in the study of environmental harm (Green Criminology)

by Matthew Hall Tanya Wyatt Nigel South Angus Nurse Gary Potter Jennifer Maher

In the 21st century, environmental harm is an ever-present reality of our globalised world. Over the last 20 years, criminologists, working alongside a range of other disciplines from the social and physical sciences, have made great strides in their understanding of how different institutions in society, and criminal justice systems in particular – respond – or fail to respond – to the harm imposed on ecosystems and their human and non-human components. Such research has crystallised into the rapidly evolving field of green criminology. This pioneering volume, with contributions from leading experts along with younger scholars, represents the state of the art in criminologists’ pursuit of understanding in the environmental sphere while at the same time challenging academics, lawmakers and policy developers to explore new directions in the study of environmental harm.

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