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Sprache denkt (fe)male: Intelligente Sprache für selbstbewusste und wertschätzende Kommunikation

by Simone Burel

Dieses Buch hinterfragt grundlegende Sprach- und damit Denkweisen, die unser gesamtes Leben prägen. Sprache ist das primäre Medium, über das wir die Welt und unser Wissen erfahren und vergegenständlichen. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus über 100 Workshops und Coaching-Einheiten sowie persönlichen Erfahrungen von Dr. Simone Burel erhalten Sie Ratschläge, wie Sie mit unproduktiven Denk- und Sprachmustern umgehen können, um im Business Ihre Frau zu stehen. Zahlreiche Denk- und Schreibübungen regen zur Selbstreflexion an. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sieeigene Denkfallen und Glaubenssätze überwinden,eigene sprachliche (und damit) kognitive Grenzen erweitern,Wörter mit negativem Impact vermeiden,eine höhere Sprachsicherheit und -qualität in der eigenen Kommunikation erlangen,Ihr Image durch einen sicheren Sprachauftritt verbessern,wertschätzend mit anderen kommunizieren.Das Buch ist eine Mixtur aus Erfahrungs- und Fachwissen, das Dr. Simone Burel aus zahlreichen Female-Business-Ratgebern und in Seminaren mit Teilnehmerinnen, Kundinnen sowie Studierende erarbeitet hat. Über zehn Jahre an Sprachforschung, Therapie, Coaching, Fachliteratur und permanenter sprachlicher Selbstarbeit tragen dazu bei. Aktuelle Forschung zum Thema Sprache & Kommunikation unterlegen die Prosa wissenschaftlich.

Sprache (Heidelberger Jahrbücher #53)

by Ekkehard Felder

Der Ausgangspunkt dieser Überblicksdarstellung zur aktuellen linguistischen Forschung ist die Frage, inwiefern Sprache als vermeintlich neutrales Medium Sachverhalte und Gegenstände der Wirklichkeit zu repräsentieren vermag. Sprachwissenschaftler stellen das Thema Sprache am Beispiel gesamtgesellschaftlich relevanter Themen und Forschungsrichtungen vor. Der Band richtet sich damit an Wissenschaftler und Studenten der Linguistik, Germanistik und angrenzender Fachgebiete sowie an sprachinteressierte Laien.

Sprachbewusstheit: Perspektiven aus Forschung und Didaktik

by Anja Wildemann Lena Bien-Miller

Das Buch verortet das Phänomen Sprachbewusstheit in seiner Vielschichtigkeit und Komplexität. Dabei werden das Themenfeld und der Terminus aus zwei zentralen Perspektiven analysiert und reflektiert: aus der Perspektive des Individuums und seiner sprachlichen und kognitiven Entwicklung und aus der Perspektive der Fachdidaktik und fachlichen Implikationen für den Unterricht. Aspekte von Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Mehrsprachigkeit werden durchgehend berücksichtigt.

Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten: Individuelle und institutionelle Einflussfaktoren sowie die Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen

by Andreea Baier-Klenkert

Geflüchtete verfügen im Vergleich zu anderen Migrationsgruppen über andere Erfahrungen und individuelle Voraussetzungen zur Sprachaneignung, weshalb eine Vielzahl neuer und zielgruppenspezifisch ausgerichteter Angebote von staatlicher Seite zur Sprachförderung geschaffen wurden. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss von jenen individuellen und institutionellen Faktoren und dem kausalen Effekt zur Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten auf die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten. Das theoretische Fundament der Arbeit bilden der Rational-Choice-Ansatz, der akteurzentrierte Institutionalismus sowie theoriebasierte Evaluationsansätze, die verknüpft und konzeptionell erweitert werden, um der Spezifität des Untersuchungsgegenstandes gerecht zu werden. Die Analysen belegen, dass individuelle Einflussfaktoren die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten zwar maßgeblich beeinflussen, aber auch institutionelle Faktoren bedeutende Faktoren darstellen. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass integrationspolitische Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten zur Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten kausal wirken.

Sprach- und Fachlernen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht: Umgang von Lehrpersonen in soziokulturell heterogenen Klassen mit Bildungssprache

by Anna Pineker-Fischer

Anna Pineker-Fischer untersucht bildungssprachliche Anforderungen und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in der naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichtskommunikation. Der wissenschaftliche Ertrag der Arbeit liegt in der umfassenden und systematischen Analyse von theoretischen Aspekten einer sprachförderlichen Unterrichtsinteraktion. Des Weiteren leistet das Werk einen Beitrag zur empirischen Klärung der Frage, welche Kategorien und welche Instrumente sich für eine Untersuchung der kognitiven und sprachlichen Seite der Unterrichtsinteraktion im Fach Chemie eignen. Exemplarisch werden Möglichkeiten für einen sprachsensiblen Fachunterricht aufgezeigt.

Spraak, taal en leren: Deel 5

by Drs. J.B.M. Bronkhorst Drs. T. Eimers Drs. M. Embrechts M. C. Franken Prof. dr. S.M. Goorhuis-Brouwer Drs. F.J. Hakvoort J.G.M. Hendriksen E.J. van Houten-van den Bosch P.G.C. Kooijman J. Kuipers Drs. J.C. Lepeltak E. van der Linden Prof. dr. J.E.H. van Luit W.A.M. Peters Prof. dr. A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars Drs. C. J. Scharree Prof. dr. J.W. van Strien B. M. van Widenfelt

Spraak, taal en leren is een helder en beknopt overzicht van de meest voorkomende spraak,-, taal,- en leerproblemen bij kinderen en jeugdigen – problemen die niet alleen voor de betrokken jeugdigen heel vervelend kunnen zijn maar ook voor hun directe omgeving.Ieder hoofdstuk van Spraak, taal en leren is volgens een vast stramien opgezet. De auteurs – allen autoriteit op hun vakgebied – beginnen elk hoofdstuk met een praktijkvoorbeeld. Daarna wordt het probleem of de stoornis zo goed mogelijk omschreven. Vervolgens worden verschillende aspectenvan het onderwerp uitgewerkt. In ieder hoofdstuk worden verder de theoretische achtergronden en mogelijke oorzaken van het probleem, de diagnose en de mogelijkheden voor behandeling aan de orde geteld. Ten slotte komen, meestal kort, de prognose en de mogelijkheden voor preventie van het probleem aan bod. Ieder hoofdstuk wordt afgesloten met een samenvatting en literatuurverwijzingen die de lezer op weg kunnen helpen naar een bredere oriëntatie op het probleem.In dit deel komen de volgende spraak,-, taal en leerproblemen aan de orde: dyslexie, spraak- en taalontwikkelingsstoornissen, problemen met voorbe-reidende schoolse vaardigheden bij kleuters, linkshandigheid, tweetaligheid, rekenproblemen en dyscalculie, computerverslaving, schoolweigering, stotteren, stemstoornissen, hoogbegaafde kinderen en voortijdig schoolverlaten.

Spotty Powder and other Splendiferous Secrets (Pocket Money Puffins Ser. #6)

by Roald Dahl Quentin Blake

A treasure trove of Dahl! Amazing facts - some funny, some silly - and an original chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory make this a splendiferous, surprising and delicious treat from the wonderful world of Roald Dahl!

The Sports Writing Handbook

by Thomas Fensch

Completely revised and updated in a second edition, this volume represents the only book ever written that analyzes sports writing and presents it as "exceptional" writing. Other books discuss sports writers as "beat reporters" in one area of journalism, whereas this book shows aspiring sports writers a myriad of techniques to make their writing stand out. It takes the reader through the entire process of sports writing: observation, interviewing techniques, and various structures of articles; types of "leads;" transitions within an article; types of endings; use of statistics; do's and don'ts of sports writing; and many other style and technique points. This text provides over 100 examples of leads drawn from newspapers and magazines throughout the country, and also offers up-to-date examples of sports jargon from virtually every major and minor sport played in the U.S.

The Sports Writing Handbook

by Thomas Fensch

Completely revised and updated in a second edition, this volume represents the only book ever written that analyzes sports writing and presents it as "exceptional" writing. Other books discuss sports writers as "beat reporters" in one area of journalism, whereas this book shows aspiring sports writers a myriad of techniques to make their writing stand out. It takes the reader through the entire process of sports writing: observation, interviewing techniques, and various structures of articles; types of "leads;" transitions within an article; types of endings; use of statistics; do's and don'ts of sports writing; and many other style and technique points. This text provides over 100 examples of leads drawn from newspapers and magazines throughout the country, and also offers up-to-date examples of sports jargon from virtually every major and minor sport played in the U.S.

Sports-Talk Radio in America: Its Context and Culture

by Frank Hoffmann Jack M. Dempsey Martin J Manning

An inside look at the hosts, hot spots, and history of sports-talk radioSports-Talk Radio in America looks at major-, medium-, and small-market stations across the United States that feature an all-sports format, with a focus on the unique personalities and programming strategies that make each station successful. Broadcasters, journalists, and academics provide insight on how and why this media phenomenon has become an important influence of American culture, examining the "guy talk" broadcasting approach, the traditional sports-emphasis approach, "HSOs" (hot sports opinions), localism in broadcasting, how sports talk radio builds "communities" of listeners, and how reckless, on-air comments can actually build ratings.For better of worse, millions of (mostly) male listeners indulge their obsession with sports to the exclusion of virtually everything else available on the radio dial-music, news, and political talk. This unique book examines how this "niche of the niche" has formed a bond between its hosts and their rabid, passionate, and loyal audiences, spinning the dial from the largest, best-known stations in big-league markets to smaller stations in Collegetown, USA, including Philadelphia&’s WIP, "The Ticket," KTCK in Dallas, WEEI in Boston, "The Team," WQTM in Orlando, KJR in Seattle, KOZN "The Zone" Omaha, Nebraska, WGR and WNSA in Buffalo, Kansas City&’s WHB, and "The Fan," WFAN in New York, the first all-sports radio station and the blueprint for the format. Sports-Talk Radio in America puts you in the studio with Mike and the Mad Dog, Angelo Cataldi, Howard Eskin, "The Musers" ("Junior" Miller and George Dunham), Norm Hitges, John Dennis and Gerry Callahan, Dan Sileo, Howard Simon, and Art Wander. Sports-Talk Radio in America examines: how stations create an environment in which listeners become part of a social group (social-identity and self-categorization theories) personality-driven programming the station&’s commitment to local teams and their fans how exploring controversial topics beyond sports broadens station&’s appeal and attracts upscale, affluent audience how an abundance of live, play-by-play broadcasting, creating plenty of available content college sports in a town without a major professional sports team how local sports is framed by hosts and callers the conflicted relationship between sports-talk radio and the print media and much more!Sports-Talk Radio in America is a must-read for academics and professionals working in radio-television and popular culture.

Sports-Talk Radio in America: Its Context and Culture

by Frank Hoffmann Jack M. Dempsey Martin J Manning

An inside look at the hosts, hot spots, and history of sports-talk radioSports-Talk Radio in America looks at major-, medium-, and small-market stations across the United States that feature an all-sports format, with a focus on the unique personalities and programming strategies that make each station successful. Broadcasters, journalists, and academics provide insight on how and why this media phenomenon has become an important influence of American culture, examining the "guy talk" broadcasting approach, the traditional sports-emphasis approach, "HSOs" (hot sports opinions), localism in broadcasting, how sports talk radio builds "communities" of listeners, and how reckless, on-air comments can actually build ratings.For better of worse, millions of (mostly) male listeners indulge their obsession with sports to the exclusion of virtually everything else available on the radio dial-music, news, and political talk. This unique book examines how this "niche of the niche" has formed a bond between its hosts and their rabid, passionate, and loyal audiences, spinning the dial from the largest, best-known stations in big-league markets to smaller stations in Collegetown, USA, including Philadelphia&’s WIP, "The Ticket," KTCK in Dallas, WEEI in Boston, "The Team," WQTM in Orlando, KJR in Seattle, KOZN "The Zone" Omaha, Nebraska, WGR and WNSA in Buffalo, Kansas City&’s WHB, and "The Fan," WFAN in New York, the first all-sports radio station and the blueprint for the format. Sports-Talk Radio in America puts you in the studio with Mike and the Mad Dog, Angelo Cataldi, Howard Eskin, "The Musers" ("Junior" Miller and George Dunham), Norm Hitges, John Dennis and Gerry Callahan, Dan Sileo, Howard Simon, and Art Wander. Sports-Talk Radio in America examines: how stations create an environment in which listeners become part of a social group (social-identity and self-categorization theories) personality-driven programming the station&’s commitment to local teams and their fans how exploring controversial topics beyond sports broadens station&’s appeal and attracts upscale, affluent audience how an abundance of live, play-by-play broadcasting, creating plenty of available content college sports in a town without a major professional sports team how local sports is framed by hosts and callers the conflicted relationship between sports-talk radio and the print media and much more!Sports-Talk Radio in America is a must-read for academics and professionals working in radio-television and popular culture.

Sports Plays

by Eero Laine Broderick Chow

Sports Plays is a volume about sports in the theatre and what it means to stage sports. The chapters in this volume examine sports plays through a range of critical and theoretical approaches that highlight central concerns and questions both for sports and for theatre. The plays cut across boundaries and genres, from Broadway-style musicals to dramas to experimental and developmental work. The chapters examine and trouble the conventions of staging sports as they open possibilities for considering larger social and cultural issues and debates. This broad range of perspectives make the volume a compelling resource for students and scholars of sport, theatre, and performance studies whose interests span feminism, sexuality, politics, and race.

Sports Plays

by Sports Plays

Sports Plays is a volume about sports in the theatre and what it means to stage sports. The chapters in this volume examine sports plays through a range of critical and theoretical approaches that highlight central concerns and questions both for sports and for theatre. The plays cut across boundaries and genres, from Broadway-style musicals to dramas to experimental and developmental work. The chapters examine and trouble the conventions of staging sports as they open possibilities for considering larger social and cultural issues and debates. This broad range of perspectives make the volume a compelling resource for students and scholars of sport, theatre, and performance studies whose interests span feminism, sexuality, politics, and race.

Sports Journalism and Women Athletes: Coverage of Coming Out Stories

by William P. Cassidy

“Women’s sports have typically been grossly under-represented in sports media coverage. Although elite lesbian athletes far outnumber ‘out’ male athletes, media scrutiny of their experiences remains largely non-existent. Largely situated in the context of improved cultural attitudes toward sexual minorities across the West, Bill Cassidy’s Sports Journalism and Women Athletes: Coverage of Coming Out Stories is, therefore, a valuable contribution to the study of sports journalism and media, offering – for the first time – a dedicated and detailed account of the coming out of some of sports’ most high-profile lesbian athletes.”- Dr. Rory Magrath, Solent University, UKThis book examines sports journalism coverage of the coming out stories of three prominent women athletes: tennis legend and feminist icon Billie Jean King, Basketball Hall of Fame Member Sheryl Swoopes and WNBA champion Brittney Griner. When King was outed in 1981 it marked a pivotal moment in which journalists were forced to discuss lesbian athletes in sports for the first time. Swoopes’ 2005 coming out was hailed as a historic moment due to her status as one of the best women’s basketball players of all time, while Griner’s casual public acknowledgment of her sexuality came during what many have called a more receptive environment for gay and lesbian athletes. By directly analysing and comparing the media attention given to these three superstars, Cassidy provides a comprehensive overview of how journalists have historically addressed women and lesbian athletes in professional sports. This book will appeal to readers interested in sports journalism, the role of sport in society, and media coverage of gay athletes.

Sports Journalism: A Practical Introduction

by Phil Andrews

The sports journalist of today needs to be well equipped for the digital age. From the challenges of minute-by-minute reporting to the demands of writing for online outlets, blogging and podcasting, sports journalism is now fully immersed in new and social media. Sports Journalism: A Practical Guide will give you the skills you need to navigate these new platforms, whilst also teaching you the basics of interviewing, reporting, feature writing for print and commentary for radio and television. This new edition now includes: New examples demonstrating the use of social media in sports journalism A new chapter on the current professional working practice of sports journalism, covering the skills required of agency and freelance journalists today A new chapter on sports public relations Expanded coverage of radio and television sports journalism, with more emphasis on commentary and multi-platform working Quotes from working journalists, offering valuable insights into the industry. This book is a complete guide to the practice of sports journalism across all platforms: print, online, radio, television and social media sites.

Sports Journalism: Context and Issues (PDF)

by Raymond Boyle

"Boyle’s study is essential reading for all students, teachers and researchers of sports journalism." - Journalism "Very clear and accessible, addressing key and complex issues in a plain and clearcut way." -Alan Tomlinson, University of Brighton Across all media; print, broadcast as well as online, sports journalism has come to occupy an increasingly visible space. This book looks at the institutional, cultural and economic environment and provides an invaluable overview of contemporary sports journalism across all media forms. The book: Situates sports journalism within the broader historical, economic, technological and cultural contexts. Examines the commercialisation of sport and the impact this is having on sports journalism. Looks at the relationship between PR and journalism. Considers the gendered nature of the industry and the impact of digital technology on professional practice.

Sports Discourse (Bloomsbury Discourse)

by Tony Schirato

This book both defines sports discourse, and provides an account of the different discourses that are utilized and come into play when the field of sport speaks. It shows how the sports communities have been addressed over time by various speakers, across various multimodal genres. Tony Schirato looks first at how discourse can be viewed as a form of work, something that produces and naturalizes meanings, and habituates the way we see the world. Grounding this exploration is an account of the development of the field of sport as a specific discursive regime, one that is both reflected and refracted by the dominant discourses and values of the time. These discourses have become naturalized and shape activities and materialities at local and global levels. The book ends with an examination of how new technologies and the Web are changing sports discourse, in some cases radically via online commentary, Twitter and user-generated content.

Sports Discourse (Bloomsbury Discourse)

by Tony Schirato

This book both defines sports discourse, and provides an account of the different discourses that are utilized and come into play when the field of sport speaks. It shows how the sports communities have been addressed over time by various speakers, across various multimodal genres. Tony Schirato looks first at how discourse can be viewed as a form of work, something that produces and naturalizes meanings, and habituates the way we see the world. Grounding this exploration is an account of the development of the field of sport as a specific discursive regime, one that is both reflected and refracted by the dominant discourses and values of the time. These discourses have become naturalized and shape activities and materialities at local and global levels. The book ends with an examination of how new technologies and the Web are changing sports discourse, in some cases radically via online commentary, Twitter and user-generated content.

Sports Day (Rigby Rocket Independent #Pink Reader, Book 9)

by Celia Warren

The children have fun on Sports Day

Sports Day (Rigby Rocket Independent #Pink Reader 9)

by Celia Warren

The children have fun on Sports Day

Sports Day class 2 - MIE

by Stephanette Ducasse

"Sports Day," a vibrant big book by Stephanette Ducasse, captures the spirited atmosphere at Happy Kids School during their annual sports event. The narrative unfolds as students participate in various lively activities and races, cheered on by enthusiastic parents and teachers. From the rabbit-race to the clothing-relay, potato-race, and more, each grade level engages in different games, fostering an air of excitement and camaraderie. As the day progresses, the anticipation heightens until the sports-teacher finally announces the victorious Red Team, igniting cheers and applause among the participants. With engaging illustrations and a dynamic storyline, this book not only celebrates the joy of sports but also encourages young readers to embrace teamwork, sportsmanship, and the thrill of competition in a school setting. Through its interactive sessions and activities, the book aims to enhance literacy skills while relaying the fun and energy of Sports Day at the school.

Sports and Identity: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Barry Brummett Andrew Ishak

This volume of essays examines the ways in which sports have become a means for the communication of social identity in the United States. The essays included here explore the question, How is identity engaged in the performance and spectatorship of sports? Defining sports as the whole range of mediated professional sports, and considering actual participation in sports, the chapters herein address a varied range of ways in which sports as a cultural entity becomes a site for the creation and management of symbolic components of identity. Originating in the New Agendas in Communication symposium sponsored by the University of Texas College of Communication, this volume provides contemporary explorations of sports and identity, highlighting the perspectives of up-and-coming scholars and researchers. It has much to offer readers in communication, sociology of sport, human kinetics, and related areas.

Sports and Identity: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Barry Brummett Andrew W. Ishak

This volume of essays examines the ways in which sports have become a means for the communication of social identity in the United States. The essays included here explore the question, How is identity engaged in the performance and spectatorship of sports? Defining sports as the whole range of mediated professional sports, and considering actual participation in sports, the chapters herein address a varied range of ways in which sports as a cultural entity becomes a site for the creation and management of symbolic components of identity. Originating in the New Agendas in Communication symposium sponsored by the University of Texas College of Communication, this volume provides contemporary explorations of sports and identity, highlighting the perspectives of up-and-coming scholars and researchers. It has much to offer readers in communication, sociology of sport, human kinetics, and related areas.

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