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Showing 101 through 125 of 12,269 results

The France Alphabet

by David Lawday

The France Alphabet is a wry, informative handbook for the discerning international traveller on how to handle the French. It offers essential A-Z insights into France and its ways through a snap alphabetic look at characters, traditions and historical events that together get to the essence of who the French are. France's best known writers and thinkers over the centuries come under the handbook's microscope with a light, challenging touch, as do world figures like Napoleon and Joan of Arc as well as France's role in high fashion, sex and the art of staying slim. For newcomers to France, indeed also for those already acquainted with its ways, The France Alphabet gives fresh insider counsel on how to discuss these things, some extremely touchy, when in French company. Each A-Z feature, from A is for Art, through R is for Revolution to Z is for Zola is the selection of English author David Lawday, who has long made France his home and has a French wife. Each one - with a brisk commentary and matching cartoon - epitomizes what it is that helps make the French the way they are.

My Body Is My Business

by Melissa Todd

Clara left Oxford university to become a stripper. 25 years later, a porn star and disciplinarian, she decides to figure out how she got here - and where she might go next. A funny, fresh new voice, filthy, twisted and delectable.

The Competent Authority

by Iegor Gran

'Great is the Soviet Union, vast its territories, warm its entrails...' 1959. Whispers of dissidence are spreading in the U.S.S.R. Texts published in the West are circulating in samizdat, tormenting the secret police. Lieutenant Ivanov of the K.G.B, under pressure from his enraged superiors, is handed the case.Leads emerge, flare up, vanish. Years pass. 'Abram Tertz' publishes another short story, a new novel, mocking the competent authority. Shielded by his fierce wife Maria Vasilyevna Rozanova, Andrei Sinyavsky, one of the Soviet Union's most renowned and brilliant figures of resistance, waits in his wired apartment, drinking, sure his days as a free man are numbered.But as Rozanova continues to taunt Ivanov with her cheerful intransigence, a crisis of confidence opens up within the regime's resolve, causing the young lieutenant to wonder, 'are we actually as competent as we claim to be?''With the unique insight afforded by his mother, Rozanova, Gran pays remarkable homage to Andrei Sinyavsky, his father, reimagining the six long years leading up to his infamous arrest, trial and conviction. Framed within a riveting cat-and-mouse dynamic; irreverent and darkly comic, Gran balances a satirical lightness with deeper meditations on dogma and freedom of expression, state control and creative resistance, the ghosts of which, at a time when political criticism is being crushed once again, are as present today as ever before.

Strong Female Character: Nero Book Awards Winner

by Fern Brady

BRITISH BOOK OF THE YEAR: AUDIOBOOK WINNER 2024NERO BOOK AWARDS WINNER 2023WINNER, NON FICTION BOOK 2023, BOOKS ARE MY BAG AWARDSSHORTLIST, BOOKSHOP.ORG INDIE CHAMPIONSSHORTLIST, AMAZON NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEARSHORTLIST, GOODREADS CHOICE BOOK OF THE YEARAudible Books of the Year 2023The Times Books of the Year 2023Apple Best Audiobooks of 2023BOOKSHOP.ORG Book of the Month January 2024THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'I tore through this hilarious, smart, sad, revealing book' - Bob Odenkirk'Funny, sharp and has incredible clarity' - Jon Ronson'An absolute riot. I'm literally going to read it again once I've finished, and I'm a miserable's a belter' - FRANKIE BOYLE'Strong Female Character is a testament to the importance of self-knowledge.' - Rachael Healy, The GuardianA summary of my book:1. I'm diagnosed with autism 20 years after telling a doctor I had it.2. My terrible Catholic childhood: I hate my parents etc.3. My friendship with an elderly man who runs the corner shop and is definitely not trying to groom me. I get groomed.4. Homelessness.5. Stripping.6. More stripping but with more nervous breakdowns.7. I hate everyone at uni and live with a psycho etc.8. REDACTED as too spicy.9. After everyone tells me I don't look autistic, I try to cure my autism and get addicted to Xanax.10. REDACTED as too embarrassing.'Fern's book, like everything she does, is awesome. Incredibly funny, and so unapologetically frank that I feel genuinely sorry for her lawyers.' - PHIL WANG'Of course it's funny - it's Fern Brady - but this book is also deeply moving and eye-opening'- ADAM KAY'It made me laugh out loud and broke my heart and made me weep...I hope absolutely everyone reads this, and it makes them kinder and more curious about the way we all live' - DAISY BUCHANAN'Glorious. Frank but nuanced, a memoir that doesn't sacrifice voice or self-awareness. And it has brilliant things to say about being autistic and being funny' - ELLE MCNICOLL'A set text for all of us in 2023' - DEBORAH FRANCES-WHITE'Fern is a brilliant, beautiful writer with a unique voice and even more unique story. Astute, honest and very, very funny.' - LOU SANDERS'So funny and brilliant' - HOLLY SMALE'Witty, dry, and gimlet-eyed, Strong Female Character is a necessary corrective. Brady offers a compelling, messy, highly resonant portrait of what masked Autism feels like.' - Devon Price, author of Unmasking Autism

Catch Your Breath: The Secret Life of a Sleepless Anaesthetist

by Ed Patrick

'Ed's journey is funny, sad, harrowing, hilarious... I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO READ THIS.' - Colin Mochrie A gut punch of a memoir by a doctor - and comedian - whose job is to keep people alive by putting them to sleep.Ed Patrick is an anaesthetist.Strong drugs for his patients, strong coffee for him. But it's not just sleep-giving for this anaesthetist, as he navigates emergencies, patients not breathing for themselves and living with a terrifying sense of responsibility. It's enough to leave anyone feeling numb.But don't worry, there's plenty of laughing gas to be had.'Very funny, very timely, scary in places. Ed writes with wit, insight, surprise and pathos. He is cutting his teeth in anaesthetics, taking people as close to death as you can take them, and then trying to wake them up again. And makes it funny. A joy to read.' - Phil Hammond

I'm A Fan

by Sheena Patel

In I'm A Fan a single speaker uses the story of their experience in a seemingly unequal, unfaithful relationship as a prism through which to examine the complicated hold we each have on one another. With a clear and unforgiving eye, the narrator unpicks the behaviour of all involved, herself included, and makes startling connections between the power struggles at the heart of human relationships and those of the wider world, in turn offering a devastating critique of access, social media, patriarchal heteronormative relationships, and our cultural obsession with status and how that status is conveyed. In this incredible debut, Sheena Patel announces herself as a vital new voice in literature, capable of rendering a range of emotions and visceral experiences on the page. Sex, violence, politics, tenderness, humour—Patel handles them all with both originality and dexterity of voice.

French Toast

by Peter Burnett

La femme. Le mari. L’enfant. Le chat. Le petit dejeuner. Le journal. L’auteur. La festival du filme. La critique. L’agent. Le mort. La naissance. A novel starring Jean-Luc Godard. It’s Edinburgh Film Festival 2020 and critic Victor Eaves meets filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard in a novel blending mad vulgarity with slingshot satire. French Toast is a family farce and cinematic adventure starring a giant of the silver screen. “This is the story of my encounter with the venerable French-Swiss film director Jean-Luc Godard. In 2020, when he was 90 years old, Godard was invited to Edinburgh to speak at the Film Festival and I was chosen to meet him, as I was the only journalist in the city who both spoke French and had seen any of his films.” VICTOR EAVES "Burnett’s latest novel is both a scabrous satire and a rollicking caper, and comes stuffed with big ideas, memorable set pieces, clever in-jokes and caustic asides. Buried within the mayhem lurk shrewd insights into artistic judgment." THE HERALD “Peter Burnett is not in the business of fuelling hubris. He is concerned with questions about meaning, value and the nature of authenticity.” SCOTTISH REVIEW OF BOOKS

Mars Violet Evenings

by Brian Jacobs

Felonies, infidelity, and fine art collide on the shadowy side of a quaint American town in this unconventional debut novel. Transplanted from London, England, Marc Clemens joins his colorful colleagues to navigate a slew of ridiculous episodes so absurd it can only be real. As Marc struggles with his love life and creative vision, can he use an artist's observational skills to uncover the misdeeds of the administrator antagonists who bedevil him?Irreverent, enigmatic, and highly imaginative, Mars Violet Evenings examines resilience in creativity and love while exposing the hilarious though maddening dysfunctions of a local art scene.

The Special Relationship

by Frederica Hendricks Noble

The Special Relationship describes how one American woman fell in love with a British man and learned the rules of engagement in order to make her life in England successful. Are you thinking about dating (or marrying) a British man and heading off to the United Kingdom to be with him? Have you found your Mr. Darcy? This book offers insider tips and advice from an American who found her Prince Charming. Her beguiling "prince" affectionately refers to her as the "original Meghan Markle". This practical, easy-to-read, and sometimes humorous guidebook will help modern women better understand British men, English culture and how to create their own special relationship.

Single White Failure: A Novel By

by G. J. Sibson

Looking back at dating in the early Noughties, you'd think life was easier then. But it wasn’t. In a world without Tinder but inundated with young women brought up on Sex and the City, one man limps and drinks his way through and lives to tell the tale. This is the story of he who dated the Carries and Bridgets. "You could be my perfect man!" VANESSA FELTZ, BBC RADIO "My favourite writer on dating." SAMANTHA BRETT, SYDNEY MORNING HERALD & E!

स्वर्ग बनाम पुनर्जन्म कार्टून आधारित संस्करण: Presented In Honor Of Salo Wittmayer Baron (Studies In Economic History And Policy: Usa In The Twentieth Century Ser. #3)

by Dharma

स्वर्ग गर्भ, बचपन और भूतकाल का रूपक है। यह बचपन के उन खूबसूरत दिनों में वापस लौटने की उत्कंठा है जो पूर्णरूपेण चिंताओं से रहित और जिम्मेदारियों से विमुक्त व्यतीत हुए थे। हमारे परिजन हमारी देखभाल करते थे, हमें सुरक्षा प्रदान करते थे और उनसे हमें भरपूर प्रेम और स्नेह मिलता था। वे हमें भोजन कराते थे, कपड़े पहनाते थे और उनके द्वारा हम जीवन के खतरों से सुरक्षित थे; वस्तुतः हम अपने स्वप्निल संसार में आनंदमग्न थे। वहीं, पुनर्जन्म का अभिप्राय जीवन, वयस्कता और भविष्य से है। हम समय को पीछे नहीं ले जा सकते, हम भूतकाल में नहीं जी सकते। वास्तविक जीवन से भागना समाधान नहीं है। हमें 'घोंसले' से बाहर निकलना होगा और जीवन का सामना करना होगा। 'स्टारवार्स' मूवी में दिखाए गए भविष्य का जीवन एक दिन वास्तविकता होगी किंतु यह सब अपने आप ही नहीं हो जाएगा। इसके लिए हमें काम करना होगा, त्याग करने होंगे और सही चयन करने होंगे ताकि भविष्य के सपनों का संसार साकार हो सके। वे लोग जो आसमान मंे स्थित एक कपोल- कल्पित सेवानिवृत्ति का स्थान (स्वर्ग) चुनने की बजाय पुनर्जन्म अर्थात् वास्तविक जीवन को चुनंेगे, वही भविष्य की दुनिया का आनंद प्राप्त करेंगे। लेखक धर्मा को आपके विचार जानकर प्रसन्नता होगी। आप पर उनसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

El Cielo Vs La Reencarnación La Historieta

by Dharma

Este libro es una pequeña versión basada en los dibujos animados de mi historieta - "El Cielo vs. La Reencarnación" escrito por Dharma. Como dice el refrán, una imagen vale más que 1.000 palabras, así que espero que al usar dibujos pueda expresar mi punto de vista con una mayor claridad. Nuestros puntos de vista sobre Dios y la Religión se han estancado en el pasado; seguimos reciclando una y otra vez ideas escritas en el pasado sin siquiera cuestionarlas. El hecho de que un libro se haya escrito hace 1.000 o 2.000 años, no implica que las personas de esa época tengan una idea especial ni mucho menos que los dioses caminaban en la tierra durante esos días. Nuestros ancestros no eran malas personas, simplemente escribieron lo que ellos consideraban correcto, expresaron SU visión de Dios, influenciados por las vidas que vivían en ese momento. Los reyes, emperadores y dictadores gobernaban de forma brutal, exigiendo obediencia y lealtad ciegas a cambio de sus favores. y esa fue la plantilla para Dios, o al menos para las religiones más grandes como el cristianismo y el islam, las cuales son dominantes en el mundo al día de hoy. Así que ponte de rodillas, suplica misericordia, jura lealtad al Rey y serás recompensado; Esa era la vida en ese momento y esas fueron las ideas que se escribieron y transmitieron de una generación a otra, lamentablemente la gran mayoría de la humanidad todavía sigue ciegamente tales ideas incluso hoy en la actualidad. Aunque la vida de hoy es muy diferente. A través de mis libros espero cambiar el discurso, difundir nuevas ideas y brindar nuevos puntos de vista sobre la religión y la espiritualidad. Pueden comunicarse conmigo al correo

天堂与轮回相比 漫画书 作者搭玛: Nyingma In The West (Nyingma In America Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Dharma

就像人们所说的,一幅画胜过千言万语,我希望通过这些漫画,我能 更有力 得表达我的观点。我们对上帝和宗教的看法还停留在过去-我 们不断重复那 些古时候写的,已经过时的观点。就算一本书是一千 或者两千年之前写的, 也不能代表当时的人们有独特的见解,或者 众神曾在那时降临人间。 古时候的人并不坏-他们只不过是记下了他们认为是对的想法,他 们记录下 来对上帝的观点,很大程度上受到了他们那时候生活的影 响。那时,残暴的 国王/独裁者和强人统治,要求人民顺从和忠诚, 以此给他们恩惠,这样的 形象就成了上帝的模版。至少有基督教和 伊斯兰教这些当今主流的宗教是这 样的。 屈膝下跪,祈求仁慈,发誓对国王忠诚然后得到奖励-这是当时人民 的生 活,也是他们所记录的想法。不幸的是,即使今天的生活有很 大的不同,绝 大多数人仍然盲目地遵循这样的想法。 通过我的书,我希望改变言论,为宗教和灵性注入新鲜的想法。 如果您想要联系我,邮箱地址是

Sleepy Joe: The Complete Book of Biden Quotes, Gaffes and Sleepy Joe-isms

by Clink Street Originals

B-I-D-E-N: Biggest Idiot Dems Ever Nominated? A collection of some of the finest gaffes, balls-ups and old-man insults from the man that would be the next president of the United States of America. This is the book for any true dog-faced pony soldier!

Top Trumps: The "Bigly" Book of Tremendous Trump Quotes

by Clink Street Originals

A collection of some of the finest words of wisdom from the president of the United States of America. Whether you are a card-carrying member of the NRA and fully-committed QAnon believer that will help Make America Great Again or a Bernie pinky that still believes Hillary is the true President in exile, this book of Trumpisms is something you should carry with you at all times. These words of back-combed wisdom will either be your bible, codified gems of genius that help you make sense of this brave new world, or they will be infuriating examples of embarrassing ignorance that form the backbone of your argument as to why this enigma should never have become leader of the free world. Either way, you cannot argue that there is no one like Trump. This is Trump in his own words, how he sees the world and some of the people that inhabit it. We have picked the best of the bunch for you. Go forth wall builders. Enjoy.

Texts From Dad: The Coronavirus Chronicles

by Peter Barber

Hilarious account detailing 57 days of coronavirus lockdown by way of daily texts to his daughter that ended up going viral. Bringing a smile by taking a different view. Introducing humour and leading the reader through a slow realisation that we have all been affected in the funniest ways if only we would stop to think about it. After the first page a smile will creep across your face, by page two you will be hooked. Written by a technophobic old fart who has trouble programming a dishwasher and who was pushed into writing a blog using modern technology during forced isolation. Funny, or insane? You decide. Peter is a carnivore with vegetarian tendencies, (sometimes meat needs a garnish), BBQ enthusiast, father to a wayward daughter, husband to a fiery Greek philosopher and muse. Owner of two unfit overweight dogs, part-time writer and full-time couch potato. Laugh at him, or with him. Either way, you will probably end up laughing at yourself too.

Local Hero: Making a Scottish Classic

by Jonathan Melville

'It's not a high concept movie, there's actually no story there really. It’s what happens in between the story that’s important' – Bill Forsyth The story of an American businessman sent to buy the Scottish village of Ferness with the aim of turning it into an oil refinery, Local Hero is one of Scotland’s most beloved, and most misunderstood, films. When Bill Forsyth’s incredible success with the low-budget That Sinking Feeling and Gregory’s Girl found him collaborating with Britain’s best-known film producer, David Puttnam, he soon found his independent ethos clashing with Hollywood’s desire for superstar actors and a happy ending. Jonathan Melville checks into the MacAskill Arms and looks back at Bill Forsyth’s career with the help of new and archive interviews, before spending time with the cast and crew, including stars Peter Riegert and Denis Lawson, who made Local Hero on location in Houston and Scotland in 1982. With access to early drafts of the Local Hero script (including hand-written notes) that reveal more about Mac and mermaids, excerpts from a previously unpublished interview in which Bill Forsyth explains why he refuses to call his film 'feel-good', and a look at long-lost deleted scenes with exclusive commentary from those involved, this is the definitive history of the Scottish classic. ‘Genuine fairy tales are rare; so is film-making that is thoroughly original in an unobtrusive way. Bill Forsyth's quirky disarming Local Hero is both . . . it demonstrates Mr. Forsyth's uncanny ability for making an audience sense that something magical is going on, even if that something isn't easily explained’ – Janet Maslin, The New York Times 'Local Hero is kind of transcendent. It's poetic in a way that most films can't hope to be' – Frank Cottrell-Boyce 'Local Hero is one my favourite films of all time . . . A timeless masterpiece' – Mark Kermode

Shalash the Iraqi

by Shalash the Iraqi

Populated by a cast of imagined con artists, holy fools, drag queens, and partisans – as well as some very factual politicians, priests, and generals – this novel started life as a pseudonymous blog written ‘live’ by ‘Shalash’ during and after the Second Iraq War. Never written to be published, all but lost save for disintegrating printouts treasured by its devotees, Shalash the Iraqi is here presented in its first authorised translation, with the blessing and commentary of ‘Shalash’ himself.The second U.S. invasion of Iraq began in the spring of 2003. By the autumn of 2005, though the Saddam Hussein regime had reached its bloody end, ordinary Iraqis were seeing little improvement in their daily lives. In the midst of this turmoil, a hero arose – or, rather, a jester. In a country where electricity was only intermittently available, a series of blog posts began to appear at a soon-to-be-defunct website and took Baghdad by storm. Individual entries were printed out and passed around for months, until the pages were nearly shredded. Where neither computers nor printers were available, the posts were retold aloud, then passed along at second- and third-hand. What could inspire such devotion? Signed ‘Shalash the Iraqi’, the posts proved to be nothing less than portions of a madcap serial novel thumbing its nose at Iraq’s new normal. From drunken monologues to prayers, from poetry to dirty jokes, from fairy tales and folk stories to pratfall humour, this novel delights readers and sheds light on Iraq in equal measure.

Tripticks (G - Reference,information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Ann Quin

First published in 1972, Ann Quin’s fourth and final novel was a radical break from the introspective style she had developed in Three and Passages: a declaration of independence from all expectations. Brashly experimental, ribald, and hilarious, Tripticks maps new territories for the novel – aspiring to a form of pop art via the drawings of the artist Carol Annand and anticipating the genre-busting work of Kathy Acker through collage and gory satire. Splattering its pages with the story of a man being chased across a nightmarish America by his ‘first X-wife’ and her ‘schoolboy gigolo’, Tripticks was ground zero for the collision of punk energy with high style.

Bad Eminence

by James Greer

Meet Vanessa Salomon, a privileged and misanthropic French-American translator hailing from a wealthy Parisian family. Her twin sister is a famous movie star, which Vanessa resents deeply and daily. The only man Vanessa ever loved recently killed himself by jumping off the roof of her building. It’s a full life.Vanessa has just started working on an English translation of a titillating, experimental thriller by a dead author when she’s offered a more prominent gig: translating the latest book by an Extremely Famous French Writer who is not in any way based on Michel Houellebecq. As soon as she agrees to meet this writer, however, her other, more obscure project begins to fight back – leading Vanessa down into a literary hell of traps and con games and sadism and doppelgangers and mystic visions and strange assignations and, finally, the secret of life itself.Peppered with ‘sponsored content’ providing cocktail recipes utilizing a brand of liquor imported by the film director Steven Soderbergh, and with a cameo from the actress Juno Temple, Bad Eminence is at once a sexy, old-school literary satire in the mode of Vladimir Nabokov, as well as a jolly thumb in the eyes of contemporary screen-life and digital celebrity.

My Father's Diet

by Adrian Nathan West

The void at the heart of an economically insecure family is laid bare when an analytical son helps his oblivious father stave off despair by competing in a bodybuilding competition. Grimly hilarious; My Father’s Diet is an elegy for our outmoded conceptions of manhood; as well as a reckoning with a culture incapable of introspection.

Go Back at Once

by Robert Aickman

Completed by Robert Aickman in 1975; but never before published in the USA; Go Back at Once is a delicious; delirious comic fantasy about the joys and terrors experienced by two young women seeking to escape the degradations of our technological and conformist age by fleeing to a chaotic; poet-ruled utopia.

The Luminous Novel

by Mario Levrero

‘Perhaps the luminous novel is this thing that I started writing today; just now. Maybe these sheets of paper are a warm-up exercise. […] But it’s quite possible that if I go on writing – as I usually do – with no plan; although this time I know very well what I want to say; things will start to take shape; to come together. I can feel the familiar taste of a literary adventure in my throat.I’ll take that as confirmation; then; and start describing what I think was the beginning of my spiritual awakening – though nobody should expect religious sermons at this point; they’ll come later. It all began with some ruminations prompted by a dog.’A writer attempts to complete the novel for which he has been awarded a big fat Guggenheim grant; though for a long time he succeeds mainly in procrastinating – getting an electrician to rewire his living room so he can reposition his computer; buying an armchair; or rather; two: ‘In one; you can’t possibly read: it’s uncomfortable and your back ends up crooked and sore. In the other; you can’t possibly relax: the hard backrest means you have to sit up straight and pay attention; which makes it ideal if you want to read.’Insomniacs; romantics and anyone who’s ever written (or failed to write) will fall in love with this compelling masterpiece told by a true original; with all his infuriating faults; charming wit and intriguing musings.

Guinness World Records 2024

by Guinness World Records

Dive into thousands of new and classic records, with topics as diverse as rollercoasters, robots, movie props and gaming. The theme of this year's edition is the BLUE PLANET, so take the plunge with our opening chapters, as we encounter bizarre and deadly sea creatures, swim through the largest coral reefs and explore the seabed for shipwrecks. Rod Hunt's fourth and final cover in his collectable series also conjures an aquatic wonderland packed with record holders - how many can you spot?

Cold Fish Soup

by Adam Farrer

WINNER OF THE 2021 NORTHBOUND BOOK AWARD 'Adam Farrer is a bold new voice in nonfiction writing. His keen observations are as gentle as they are wry, as attentive to the bleak truths of loss and deprivation as they are to the eccentric humour of humans being entirely themselves ... Witty, charming, moving and real.' Jenn Ashworth Before Adam Farrer’s family relocated to Withernsea in 1992, he’d never heard of the Holderness coast. The move represented one thing to Adam: a chance to leave the insecurities of early adolescence behind. And he could do that anywhere. What he didn’t know was how much he’d grow to love the quirks and people of this faded Yorkshire resort, in spite of its dilapidated attractions and retreating clifftops. While Adam documents the minutiae of small-town life, he lays bare experiences that are universal. His insights on family, friendship, male mental health and suicide are revealed in stories of reinvention, rapacious seagulls, interdimensional werewolves, burlesque dancing pensioners, and his compulsion towards the sea. Cold Fish Soup is an affectionate look at a place and its inhabitants, and the ways in which they can shape and influence someone, especially of an impressionable age. Adam’s account explores what it means to love and be shaped by a place that is under threat, and the hope – and hilarity – that can be found in community.

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