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Queer Questions, Clear Answers: The Contemporary Debates on Sexual Orientation

by Thomas S. Serwatka

This provocative book examines the important issues in contemporary debates on sexual orientation—from our various religious beliefs to our stereotypes about homosexuals, from questions about the origin of sexual orientation to the lessons we can learn from history.Queer Questions, Clear Answers: The Contemporary Debates on Sexual Orientation offers an eye-opening conversation about questions, facts—and fears—relative to sexual orientation. The book is framed around a series of nine sets of "queer questions," including, Who is queer and who is not? How do we interpret and use sacred scriptures to control behavior and set public policy? What lessons can we learn from history and psychology? and What is the homosexual agenda? The author, himself a gay man and prominent academic, combines cross-disciplinary research and personal anecdotes in his intriguing search for answers to questions that are central to ongoing cultural and political debates. In discussing each set of questions, he examines perspectives and arguments from across the political spectrum. The clear, articulate, and wholly candid answers he offers will help readers get beyond the headlines—and the sound bites—to better understand many important arguments about homosexuality and human rights.

Quack Medicine: A History of Combating Health Fraud in Twentieth-Century America (Healing Society: Disease, Medicine, and History)

by Eric W. Boyle

This timely volume illustrates how and why the fight against quackery in modern America has largely failed, laying the blame on an unlikely confluence of scientific advances, regulatory reforms, changes in the medical profession, and the politics of consumption.Throughout the 20th century, anti-quackery crusaders investigated, exposed, and attempted to regulate allegedly fraudulent therapeutic approaches to health and healing under the banner of consumer protection and a commitment to medical science. Quack Medicine: A History of Combating Health Fraud in Twentieth-Century America reveals how efforts to establish an exact border between quackery and legitimate therapeutic practices and medications have largely failed, and details the reasons for this failure.Digging beneath the surface, the book uncovers the history of allegedly fraudulent therapies including pain medications, obesity and asthma cures, gastrointestinal remedies, virility treatments, and panaceas for diseases such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS. It shows how efforts to combat alleged medical quackery have been connected to broader debates among medical professionals, scientists, legislators, businesses, and consumers, and it exposes the competing professional, economic, and political priorities that have encouraged the drawing of arbitrary, vaguely defined boundaries between good medicine and "quack medicine."

The Psychosocial Aspects of a Deadly Epidemic: What Ebola Has Taught Us about Holistic Healing (Practical and Applied Psychology)

by Judy Kuriansky

Edited by a clinical psychologist who has been on the ground helping to develop psychosocial support for Ebola survivors in one of the hardest-hit regions of West Africa, this book explains the devastating emotional aspects of the epidemic and its impact on survivors and the population in West Africa, families in the diaspora, and people in the United States and other countries. It also describes lessons learned from past epidemics like HIV/AIDS and SARS, and valuable approaches to healing from future epidemics.While the devastating Ebola epidemic has been contained, the effects of this outbreak—referred to by the World Health Organization as "the most severe acute public health emergency seen in modern times"—have wreaked a tremendous emotional toll on the populations of West Africa as well as on families and survivors worldwide. This groundbreaking book covers the psychosocial needs, programs, and policies related to the Ebola epidemic and examines broader lessons of the outbreak, such as changes in the ways in which healing from future epidemics can be handled.Edited by Judy Kuriansky, PhD, a noted clinical psychologist and United Nations NGO representative with extensive experience helping after disasters worldwide, and direct experience gained from being "on the ground" in West Africa in the midst of the epidemic, this book identifies and explains universal psychological factors at play in all such crises. It debunks myths regarding Ebola and describes the resulting psychological and social harm caused by the epidemic. The chapters cover overarching emotional issues and problems as well as the long-term impact on at-risk groups, such as children, women, and health workers; the impact of emotional issues on social and economic life; responses of government officials, media, and various aid organizations; and solutions being offered by groups worldwide, including service and humanitarian organizations, politicians, policymakers, and public health education groups.

The Psychobiology of Transsexualism and Transgenderism: A New View Based on Scientific Evidence

by Dana Jennett Ph.D.

Written by a biopsychologist, this book describes and explains transsexualism and transgenderism (TSTG) from a scientific vantage point.Why does a male violate cultural gender rules and dress and act as a woman? Why does a female violate cultural rules to dress and act as a man? Why do some males and females undergo radical medical procedures in order to permanently change their bodies so that they are closer, respectively, to female and male bodies? In this book, a Princeton University-trained physiological psychologist explores dozens of theories about what may spur transsexual and transgender (TSTG) thinking, exposes the myths of fetishism, homosexuality, prenatal hormones, or child rearing as causes, and explains the two causes that are supported by current science.Covering a breadth of topics that include neuroanatomy, choice, psychodynamics, and transsexual transition, author Thomas E. Bevan, PhD, synthesizes the pertinent research regarding transsexualism and transgenderism across 22 scientific disciplines. The book covers various gender systems from antiquity to historical and contemporary cultures that support the biological basis of transsexualism and transgenderism, addresses human development from the time prior to conception through adulthood and potential transsexual transition, and corrects common myths and assumptions about TSTG individuals, such as that crossdressing is basically motivated by a desire for sexual arousal. The book also includes sections that cite definitions of key terms and identify related reading, organizations for support, and current TSTG events worldwide.

The Psychedelic Policy Quagmire: Health, Law, Freedom, and Society (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)

by J. Harold Ellens Thomas B. Roberts

Edited by two preeminent scholars, this book provides coverage of the policy issues related to the increasingly diverse treatments, practices, and applications of psychedelics.Hallucinogenic substances like LSD, mescaline, peyote, MDMA, and ayahuasca have a reputation as harmful substances that are enjoyed only by recreational users committing criminal acts. But leading international researchers and scholars who contributed to this book hold that the use of psychedelic substances for health, religious, intellectual, and artistic purposes is a Constitutional right—and a human right. Based on that conclusion, these scholars focus on policy issues that regulate the use of psychedelic drugs in medicine, religion, personal life, and higher education, arguing that existing regulations should match current and anticipated future uses.This volume has two parts. The first surveys research on the use of psychedelic drugs in medicine, religion, and truth-seeking, following these topics through history and contemporary practice. The second section treats government policices that regulate the psychological, physiological, biochemical, and spiritual aspects of research and experience in these fields. The Psychedelic Policy Quagmire: Health, Law, Freedom, and Society challenges medical and legal policy experts, ethicists, scientists, and scholars with the question: How can we formulate policies that reduce the dangers of psychedelics' misuse and at the same time maximize the emerging diverse benefits?

Protecting Your Health Privacy: A Citizen's Guide to Safeguarding the Security of Your Medical Information

by Jacqueline Klosek

Protecting Your Health Privacy empowers ordinary citizens with the legal and technological knowledge and know-how we need to protect ourselves and our families from prying corporate eyes, medical identity theft, ruinous revelations of socially stigmatizing diseases, and illegal punitive practices by insurers and employers.It's a new era in healthcare. Gone are the day when access to your medical records is limited to you and your doctor. Instead, today, a diverse group of constituencies have interest in and access to your health information. A cascade of changes in technology and the delivery of healthcare are increasing the vulnerability of your medical information. Accordingly, it is now more important than ever to take control over your own health information and take steps to protect your information against privacy breaches that can adversely impact the quality of your health care, your insurability, your employability, your relationships, and your reputation. In clear, non-technical language, privacy lawyer Jacqueline Klosek teaches readers the basics you need to know as an individual healthcare consumer about the ongoing wave of national and state legislation affecting patient privacy: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) of 2009, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. She untangles the increasingly complex ways by which health care providers, insurers, employers, social networking sites, and marketers routinely collect, use, and share our personal health information. Protecting Your Health Privacy: A Citizen's Guide to Safeguarding the Security of Your Medical Information empowers ordinary citizens with the knowledge and know-how we need to protect ourselves and our families from prying eyes, medical identity theft, ruinous revelations of socially stigmatizing diseases, and illegal punitive practices by insurers and employers.

Prophylactic Mastectomy: Insights from Women Who Chose to Reduce Their Risk

by Andrea Patenaude

This book presents the candid stories of women at high hereditary risk of breast cancer who chose to have their breasts surgically removed while they were still healthy, rather than risk getting the cancer that had, in many cases, devastated others in their family.Author Andrea Farkas Patenaude, a clinical psychologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, has spent much time talking with women who decided to have risk-reducing or prophylactic mastectomy rather than undergo a lifetime of repeated screenings—a strategy that can help to detect cancers early, but cannot prevent breast cancer. In Prophylactic Mastectomy: Insights from Women Who Chose to Reduce Their Risk, Patenaude shares many candid stories from these women and documents the risks and benefits of this decision.The potential emotional trauma and lifelong effects on self-concept, body image, and sexual function for those who choose the surgery are profound. While the risks involved are great, these interviews also demonstrate the relief many women find in making this powerful decision. This book supplies much-needed guidance for both patients and physicians in confronting this complex decision, and provides comprehensive information on how women fare emotionally and interpersonally after this life-altering surgery.Interviewed as part of a study funded by the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program and the National Human Genome Research Institute, the subjects are diverse: married and single women, young adults, the middle-aged, parents, and women without children. Every case reveals the ramifications of each individual's difficult but potentially life-saving decision. The women explain why they made their choice, how they adapted to the new look of their bodies, and how they cope with spouses', partners', and family members' reactions to their changed physique.

Progressive Relaxation Training: A Guide for Professionals, Students, and Researchers

by Holly Hazlett-Stevens Douglas A. Bernstein

Offers comprehensive guidance for practitioners, students, and researchers in psychology, psychiatry, and counseling to teach relaxation to clients.Two clinical psychologists widely known for their writings on relaxation present state-of-the-art methods for teaching clients to ease muscle and mind tension to deal with stress and anxiety disorders, as well as other conditions where stress and anxiety play a role. Bernstein and Hazlett-Stevens explain who the targets for Progressive Relaxation Training (PRT) are; the rationale, basic procedures, and variations of PRT; the setting and possible problems and solutions of PRT; and how to assess a client's progress. They also address hypnosis, drugs, and PRT, as well as PRT used in a mindfulness-based clinical practice. Case studies and evaluative research in PRT are also included. Students and practitioners in psychology, psychiatry, and counseling will find this work of interest. This book may also be useful supplemental reading for behavior modification courses and practicum courses in behavior therapy.

The Prescription Drug Problem: A New American Crisis?

by Ryan D. Schroeder Jason A. Ford George E. Higgins

Providing an indispensable resource for undergraduate students, graduate students, and policymakers interested in the prescription drug abuse crisis in the United States, this book summarizes the current state of prescription drug abuse and its growth over the past 20 years.The Prescription Drug Problem analyzes the growth of the prescription drug abuse problem from 1994 to 2014 and includes comparisons to marijuana and hard drug use during the same period. Specific attention is given to prescription opiate abuse and the transition from prescription opiates to heroin. The book begins with a broad overview of the prescription drug problem in the U.S., while the text presents stories of celebrities who have struggled with prescription drug abuse, highlights a handful of ordinary Americans who are battling prescription drug abuse, and examines as case studies a few communities that have been ravaged by prescription drug abuse. Drawing upon demographic patterns of abuse to identify causes of and factors contributing to prescription drug abuse as well as possible solutions to the problem, the book is designed to provide a broad overview of the prescription drug abuse problem in the U.S. and stimulate additional research.

The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic: Incidence, Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

by Ty S. Schepis

This overview of prescription drug abuse includes historical background, key concepts, and discussion of the prevalence of drug abuse, treatments, and policy issues implicated in ending the epidemic.Prescription opioid medication abuse has been declared a national crisis by experts in medicine, substance use, public health, and pain management, culminating in a declaration made by the President of the United States that opioid misuse and abuse is a national health emergency. In this comprehensive text, expert scholars analyze and address a wide range of issues in, obstacles to, and potential solutions for this emergency, which caused more than 50,000 deaths in 2016 alone. It covers a variety of topics related to prescription misuse from both clinical and academic perspectives. After an opening containing background material on the most commonly misused medications, chapters examine subgroups engaged in misuse and special medical environments where misuse issues are key. They then cover U.S. policy, perspectives outside the U.S., and theories that may explain the misuse phenomena. This book will serve as a resource for students and professionals in fields related to prescription drug abuse—including psychology, sociology, medicine, and public policy—and is accessible to individuals not trained in these fields.

Prescription Drug Abuse (Health and Medical Issues Today)

by Robert L. Bryant Howard L. MD

The misuse and abuse of prescription drugs has reached epidemic proportions in recent years, yet many individuals still believe, incorrectly, that their use is without risk. This book explores those risks as well as controversies surrounding this public health issue.Prescription drugs are powerful tools that can be used to treat a variety of ailments, from pain to anxiety to insomnia. Their potency and perceived safety also make them targets for abuse. The misuse of prescription drugs can have dire health consequences for individuals and high economic costs for society, among other dangers. A part of Greenwood's Health and Medical Issues Today series, this book identifies prescription drugs that are abused and the consequences such abuse can have for both individuals and society, and discusses the many questions relating to how to address this public health issue. Part I explores the current magnitude of the prescription drug abuse epidemic in the United States, which drugs are most frequently abused, how individuals obtain these medications, and the consequences of abuse. Part II delves into the controversies surrounding the topic, including the roles that doctors and "Big Pharma" play and legal issues regarding prosecution of prescription drug abusers. Part III provides a variety of useful materials, including case studies, a timeline of critical events, and a directory of resources.

Pregnancy and Birth: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by Keisha L. Goode Barbara Katz Rothman

Pregnancy and Birth: A Reference Handbook provides students with information too often ignored in sex education—on what pregnancy and birth are, have been, and can be as transformative personal and social events.Pregnancy and Birth: A Reference Handbook is a person-centered reference book on pregnancy and childbirth in the United States. The medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth is a theme; however, primary emphasis is on the historical and contemporary significance of the Midwifery Model of Care and how that can improve outcomes for all.The volume opens with a background and history of the topic, followed by a chapter on related problems, controversies, and solutions. A Perspectives chapter contains essays from a variety of individuals who are invested in the topic of pregnancy and birth. The remaining chapters provide students with additional information, such as profiles, data and documents, resources, a chronology, and a glossary. This book is accessible to high school and college-level researchers, as well as general-interest readers curious about the topic.

The Praeger Handbook on Women's Cancers: Personal and Psychosocial Insights (Women's Psychology)

by Michele A. Paludi

Written by experts in psycho-oncology, this book synthesizes the findings of the latest research on women's cancers to empower women to make informed choices about treatment options.Each year, hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed with cancer in the United States alone. The total number affected is larger still, comprising siblings, parents, partners, and children of these women. In this single-volume work, an international team of experts address the physical, medical, and psychological matters that are triggered by a diagnosis of having a form of "women's cancer"—breast, cervical, endometrial, gestational, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar being some of the more common. The handbook examines and explains each type of women's cancer, covering the specifics of incidence, diagnosis, treatment options, and more, providing an up-to-date guide for women and their families to assist in making informed choices about their treatment options. The book includes personal accounts from women who survived cancers and beat their emotional challenges, addresses myths versus realities regarding women's cancers, and covers relevant, related topics such as race, sexual orientation, religion, and cancer coping. Special attention is given to the impact of women's cancers on relationships, intimacy, and body image, as well as psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, and fear.

The Praeger Handbook of Veterans' Health [4 volumes]: History, Challenges, Issues, and Developments [4 volumes]

by Thomas W. Miller

This four-volume set provides a history of veterans' healthcare that examines programs of care and veterans' special needs, and offers insight into future directions for veteran's healthcare in the 21st century.This comprehensive contribution to understanding veterans' healthcare uniquely draws on a national and international cadre of scientists and practitioners, both within the Department of Veterans Affairs and specialists beyond the institution, providing a matrix view of veterans' healthcare, past, present, and future, both nationally and internationally. This work will prove an essential reference set that examines and identifies veterans' healthcare through the first decade of the 21st century, invaluable to health and psychology researchers and students, policymakers, social workers, and veterans.The Praeger Handbook of Veterans' Health: History, Challenges, Issues, and Developments is organized to cover four key elements. Volume I presents a history of veterans' healthcare, the various veteran's eras, and the global healthcare provided to our veterans. Volume II examines several of the programs of care and veterans' special needs. Volume III is devoted to the several aspects of mental health care, treatment, and rehabilitation services offered to veterans through the healthcare system. The last volume offers insights into future directions for veterans' healthcare.

The Praeger Handbook of Chiropractic Health Care: Evidence-Based Practices

by Cheryl Hawk

What does scientific research show about the effectiveness of chiropractic care? How are chiropractors trained and what do they do? When should one turn to chiropractic care, and how does one select a practitioner? This book answers all of these questions and more.Chiropractic is the most frequently used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practice in the United States, with nearly $4 billion spent out-of-pocket annually by chiropractic patients. In fact, as evidence for its effectiveness for common conditions such as back pain continues to mount and acceptance grows in a variety of health care settings, chiropractic could be considered more "mainstream" than many other forms of CAM. In this information-packed single-volume work, an expert team led by Cheryl Hawk—a well-known chiropractic researcher—explains chiropractic licensure, practice, and effectiveness to general readers researching chiropractic care options and to undergraduate students choosing a major or specialty. Readers will see the range of scientific evidence supporting the use of chiropractic health care for many common conditions, learn about the typical chiropractic clinical encounter and chiropractic procedures, and understand the criteria by which patients and other health professionals can use to select a chiropractic physician. This book also provides health care practitioners in other fields with current information that enables a greater understanding of the training and the roles of chiropractors in health care.

The Praeger Handbook of Acupuncture for Pain Management: A Guide to How the "Magic Needles" Work

by Jun Xu L.Ac

This unique text examines 30 specific pain management case studies to explain pain treatments from the perspectives of Eastern acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine as well as that of Western medical practice.Millions of Americans are affected or incapacitated by a wide variety of chronic pain—from heel spurs, herniated discs, and hip bursitis to osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, and rotator cuff tears. As complex as the injuries and problems can be, medically speaking, for many pain sufferers, the question is simple: can acupuncture work to make my pain go away? This book provides information from 30 different pain management cases to shed light on the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments in specific situations.Presented in easy-to-understand, plain language, the author explains why acupuncture works to stop pain from the theoretical frameworks of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Each chapter describes the potential sources and systems of specific pain, depicts the acupuncture points for that pain, and explains how they work. The case studies—selected from more than 9,000 patients seen by Dr. Xu during his 14 years of clinical practice in the United States—document how acupuncture has effectively granted these individuals relief from pain, whether viewed from the Western science of neurology, or the Eastern theories of yin and yang and keeping the body's energies in a balanced state.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Biographies of Disease)

by Stanley Krippner Daniel B. Ph.D. Jeannine A. Ph.D.

Three distinguished experts share cutting-edge insights on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), showing why it occurs, how it affects the development and existence of those it impacts, and how it can be treated.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a comprehensive and thoughtful examination of the nature, causes, and treatment of PTSD. Drawing on the vast experience of its team of authors, the book details the insidious nature and history of PTSD, from the internal and external factors that cause this form of suffering to the ways it manifests itself psychologically and socially. The most cutting-edge research on treatment, intervention, and prevention is thoroughly discussed, as are the spiritual and psychological strengths that can emerge when one progresses beyond the label of "disorder."The book begins with a historical review of the topic. Subsequent chapters offer in-depth exploration of the significant foundations, function, impacts, and treatments associated with PTSD. Each chapter addresses practical issues, incorporating case studies that bring the information to life and ensure an appreciation of the myriad social, psychological, and biological experiences surrounding PTSD. This book answers complex questions like "How does PTSD manifest itself?" and more critically: "How can its effects be mitigated or overcome?" Finally, it discusses how PTSD survivors can move beyond post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic strengths.

The Politics of Size [2 volumes]: Perspectives from the Fat Acceptance Movement [2 volumes]

by Ragen Chastain

This book presents an unprecedented opportunity for people to hear from a simultaneously ostracized, ridiculed, and ignored group: fat Americans. Find out how the members of this very diverse group of people describe their actual lived experiences, quality of life, hopes and dreams, and demands.Our society is body-size obsessed. The result? An environment where "fat people" are consistently shunned and discussed disparagingly behind their backs. Although fat people typically bear the brunt of the institutionalized oppression around being oversized, pervasive closeminded attitudes about body size in America affect everyone of all sizes—from people who are shamed for being too thin to those whose lives revolve around the fear of becoming fat. This book talks about a topic that is important to all readers, regardless of their physical size, providing an anthology of first-person accounts of what it's like to be part of the fat-acceptance movement and on the front lines of activism in the "war on obesity."The Politics of Size: Perspectives from the Fat Acceptance Movement supplies a frank discussion of the issues surrounding being fat and the associated health concerns—both physical and mental—and reframes the discussion about obesity from a medical issue to a social one. The essays serve to correct misinformation about obesity and fat people that is commonly accepted by the general public, such as the idea that "fat" and "healthy" are mutually exclusive. Subject matter covered includes fat-friendly workplace policies; fat dating experiences; and the intersections of being fat and also a person of color, a person with disabilities, a transgender person, or a member of another sub-group of society.

The Politics of Cancer: Malignant Indifference

by Wendy N. Cobb

This book examines the politics of cancer, explains how our government is intrinsically tied to cancer research efforts, and documents how major political actors make cancer policy and are influenced in their decision making by political, social, scientific, and economic variables.Is whether we contract cancer—and whether we survive the disease, if we get it—largely just a result of good versus bad luck, or are these outcomes regarding cancer tied to the policies and actions of our federal government? Cancer-treating drug development and approval is overseen by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, billions of dollars of federal money are devoted towards cancer research, and exposure of citizens to potentially cancer-causing environments or chemicals is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Additionally, all of these factors can be affected by the political motivations of our most powerful politicians.The Politics of Cancer: Malignant Indifference analyzes the policy environment of cancer in America: the actors, the political institutions, the money, and the disease itself, identifying how haphazard U.S. government policy toward cancer research has been and how the president, Congress, government bureaucracies, and even the cancer industry have failed to meet timelines and make the expected discoveries. Whitman Cobb examines funding for the National Cancer Institute and the roles of the executive, Congress, policy entrepreneurs, and the bureaucracy as well as that of the state of cancer science. She argues that despite the so-called "war on cancer," no strategic, comprehensive government policy has been imposed—leading to an indecisive cancer policy that has significantly impeded cancer research. Written from a political science perspective, the book enables readers to gain insight into the realities of science policy and the ways in which the federal government is both the source of funding for much of cancer research and often deficient in setting comprehensive and consistent anti-cancer policy. Readers will also come to understand how Congress, the president, the bureaucracy, and the cancer industry all share responsibility for the current state of cancer policy confusion and consider whether pharmaceutical companies, for-profit cancer treatment hospitals, and interest groups like the American Cancer Society have a personal incentive to keep the fight alive.

Pipeline Politics: Assessing the Benefits and Harms of Energy Policy

by Madelon L. Finkel

An essential review of the history, benefits, limitations, failures, and politics of pipelines, with a core focus on potential harms to environmental and human health.The United States holds the world record of having the largest network of energy pipelines, with more than 2.4 million miles of pipeline transporting oil or natural gas. Russia, China, and Canada as well as many other countries also have extensive pipelines. How safe is this means of transport, and is there a potential harm to the environment and human health? In this text, professor Madelon L. Finkel presents an essential and clearly-stated review of the pros and cons of transporting oil and natural gas by pipeline. Finkel dispels myths, inaccuracies, and misconceptions and highlights the potential dangers that must be considered in any country's energy policy.Pipeline Politics: Assessing the Benefits and Harms of Energy Policy provides a broad and accessible analysis of pipelines, from their history and safety to their politics and risks. Finkel examines the benefits and costs of pipelines in parallel as well as issues of environmental justice; the fairness of treatment of the people affected; and the development, implementation, and enforcement of pipeline laws, regulations, and policies.

Peyote: History, Tradition, Politics, and Conservation

by Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Clancy Cavnar

This book explains the role that peyote—a hallucinogenic cactus—plays in the religious and spiritual fulfillment of certain peoples in the United States and Mexico, and examines pressing issues concerning the regulation and conservation of peyote as well as issues of indigenous and religious rights.Why is mescaline—an internationally controlled substance derived from peyote—given exemptions for religious use by indigenous groups in Mexico, and by the pan-indigenous Native American Church in the United States and Canada? What are the intersections of peyote use, constitutional law, and religious freedom? And why are natural populations of peyote in decline—so much so that in Mexico, peyote is considered a species needing "special protection"? This fascinating book addresses these questions and many more. It also examines the delicate relationship between "the needs of the plant" as a species and "the needs of man" to consume the species for spiritual purposes.The authors of this work integrate the history of peyote regulation in the United States and the special "trust responsibility" relationship between the American Indians and the government into their broad examination of peyote, a hallucinogenic cactus containing mescaline that grows naturally in Mexico and southern Texas. The book's chapters document how when it comes to peyote, multiple stakeholders' interests are in conflict—as is often the case with issues that involve ethnic identity, religion, constitutional interpretation, and conservation. The expansion of peyote traditions also serves as a foundation for examining issues of international human rights law and protections for religious freedom within the global milieu of cultural transnationalism.

Personality Disorders: Elements, History, Examples, and Research (Health and Psychology Sourcebooks)

by Vera Sonja Maass

Details each of the 10 personality disorders, in a format that makes locating information easy.Personality Disorders systematically explores 10 personality disorders. Each chapter presents a comprehensive and in-depth picture of a particular disorder and its effects, not only on those who suffer from it but also on family, friends, and colleagues as well as the community at large. Chapters focus on important parameters such as symptoms, diagnosis, incidence, history, development, causes, effects, and costs. Relevant case histories and Up Close sections illustrate how the disorder may manifest in different environments and reveal how the disorder can affect a person's interactions within society, at work, and in personal relationships. Research and theories about each particular disorder are also included. Every chapter closes with a discussion of various treatment approaches and a brief list of references, providing for a meaningful presentation for readers at the undergraduate student level and beyond.

Painkillers: History, Science, and Issues (The Story of a Drug)

by Victor B. Stolberg

This accessible, easy-to-read book provides readers with different perspectives on the subject of painkillers, examining their history, production, uses, and dangers.Many different drugs are effectively used as painkillers—substances that greatly improve the quality of life for those who suffer from temporary or recurring pain. This book presents an in-depth overview of opiates, opioids, and other painkilling substances such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that have been in use from ancient times up to the contemporary era. It also addresses the risks of painkiller use, their misuse, and potential overdose concerns.The latest in the Story of a Drug series and written by a subject expert who has published widely on drug use and pharmacology, this book presents a brief review of the science of how different painkiller drugs work before covering these substances' respective effects and applications; the issues regarding the production, distribution, and regulation of painkiller drugs; and research findings on painkiller use, abuse patterns, addiction, and policy issues. The easy-to-understand text presents scientifically accurate information that enables readers to better understand the key role of painkillers in our 21st-century world.

Pain Management: Fact versus Fiction

by Myrna Chandler Goldstein Mark A. MD

This accessibly written book examines the most commonly used substances and techniques for managing pain, exploring why they work (or don't), their risks and benefits, and key research findings regarding their use.No one is a stranger to pain. From sudden injuries to post-operative discomfort to nagging aches and stiffness, pain is an unwelcome but familiar part of life. There are numerous methods for managing pain, but it can be difficult to know which is the best fit and to separate truth from hype.Pain Management: Fact versus Fiction examines 30 well-known options for combating pain, whether acute or chronic. Utilizing a standardized structure, each entry discusses a particular substance or technique's origins and underlying principles, how and in what context it's used, and its advantages and disadvantages. Summaries of key research studies are included to help readers better determine which treatments may be a good choice for them. Introductory materials give readers a foundational understanding of what pain is, how it's categorized and measured, and the impact it can have on individualS&Rsquo; physical and psychological well-being. A Further Reading section at the end of each entry points readers toward additional resources to expand and deepen their knowledge.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Elements, History, Treatments, and Research (Health and Psychology Sourcebooks)

by Leslie J. Shapiro

A comprehensive introduction to one of the most common psychiatric disorders, a condition that results in intrusive, irrational thoughts and/or repetitive, illogical physical or mental actions.Titles in this Health and Psychology Sourcebooks series address psychological, physical, or environmental conditions that threaten human health and wellbeing. This book presents a comprehensive overview of OCD—one of the five most common psychiatric disorders. Obsessions range from those associated with contamination, safety, and order or symmetry to scrupulosity, or the need the do the "right" thing. Compulsions range from counting, touching, and tapping to excessive cleaning/washing, arranging, or even hoarding. Written by a therapist among the most experienced in the world in dealing with this disorder, this book covers the incidence, symptoms, diagnosis, history, development, and causes, as well as the effects and costs of OCD. It also addresses theory, research, and treatments and offers insight into and case studies illustrating how the disorder displays in society, at work, and in relationships. A glossary of terms, suggested further readings, and resource websites and organizations listing are included.

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