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50 Fantastic Ideas for Making Music (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judith Harries

Music is key to early childhood development and contributes to socialisation, speaking, motor skills and more. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Making Music is packed full of fun and accessible ideas for singing, creating instruments from recycled materials, exploring sounds and making music together.From making maracas, tambourines and rainsticks in the music workshop to beatboxing, singing, stomping and even writing rhythms, every activity uses easy-to-source equipment or no equipment at all. Whether you're a specialist music teacher or a non-specialist looking for inspiration, this book is perfect for anyone looking to put the magic back into music in their Early Years setting. Written by Early Years expert Judith Harries, all ideas include step-by-step instructions, tips to understand music terminology and suggestions for further development.With over 40 books in the 50 Fantastic Ideas series there's something for everyone – whether you're a practitioner looking for new ideas or you want to try out a popular well-loved activity with a new twist. Each book offers a wide range of fun and creative activities to carry out with children aged 0–5 years, with lists of resources, step-by-step instructions and information about the benefits for children.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Getting Children Active (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Dr Lala Manners

50 Fantastic Ideas for Getting Children Active is filled with simple and accessible ideas to make physical activity an enjoyable and meaningful part of daily life in the Early Years.Young children's physical and mental development, health and wellbeing can be significantly improved by regular physical activity, from tummy time that informs crawling to walking, and sitting still that impacts on fluent handwriting. Dr Lala Manners uses her wealth of experience to present 50 ideas to engage with young children physically in a positive way and get them active, from Scrabble and Stand where toddlers lift themselves up to standing as quickly as possible to Duvet Tunnels where children commando crawl under a sheet.Many of the ideas in this book can be used both indoors and outdoors and all of them involve using easily-accessible or free-to-source materials that can be found at home and in Early Years settings.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Forest School (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Jamie Victoria Barnes

Jamie Victoria Barnes, creator of The Childcare Guru, uses her wealth of knowledge to present an invaluable resource filled with activities that spark creativity and encourage development and learning in a natural environment, perfect for helping young children enjoy a healthy and balanced lifestyle.The benefits of rich outdoor learning experiences are second to none. Outdoor learning offers holistic development for every child and in a fast-paced world heavily focussed on technology, forest schools provide a stimulating and relaxed environment to learn in, away from time pressures and electric devices. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Forest School presents full-colour photographs and easy-to-follow activities from Forest School TV to natural art self-portraits to get young children outside and reconnecting with the natural world, supporting their emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Fearless Play (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judit Horvath Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Fearless play is a key element in developing a child's confidence, extending their limits, and helping them learn to assess risks and manage situations. This new edition to the 50 Fantastic series is full of fun and colourful ideas for facilitating fearless play in early years settings. The variety of activities means there's something for every child to enjoy, ranging from basket making to mud racing. Each idea is targeted to help children face new challenges and explore the world around them, as well as helping to establish motor skills, coordination, and body awareness. A perfect resource for busy early years practitioners who want children in their care to play safely and fearlessly.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Farm Activities (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Hannah Jones McVey

_______________The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting._______________A collection of 50 fun and effective activities to help explore and bring to life themes around farming and food production.The ideas in this book will develop a child's confidence, curiosity and connection with the land that sustains them and supports their development within the Early Learning Framework, including new vocabulary, mathematical skills, development of fine motor skills and making healthy food choices. Activities such as 'explore fruit browning,' 'balloon sheep sheering' and 'discover your dinner plate' provide real-life connections to the farm-to-fork journey. The programme, designed by experts from the Country Trust, the UK's leading agricultural education charity, offers a framework through which to explore health, cooking, growing, animals, ethics, care for the environment, nature and much more. The sensory and wide-ranging connections of the farm nurture their relationship with nature and provide benefits for their mental and physical health.50 Fantastic Ideas for Farm Activities can be used to provide inspiration for a farm theme in the classroom, for activities to complement a class growing project, to introduce ways to use food, farming or natural themes to strengthen aspects of the curriculum, or to support a farm visit. This book will show practitioners how to make exploring every aspect of a farm-to-fork journey a fun and foundational part of any setting.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Shape and Pattern (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Alison Hutchison

50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Shape and Pattern features activities and games filled with rich contexts for learning and discussion, as well as fun opportunities for consolidation and problem-solving.Alison Hutchison draws on her wealth of experience to present ideas in line with the Early Learning Goals for investigating shape and pattern in the world around us. She focuses on helping young children to make connections and develop language, knowledge and understanding of shape and pattern. Whether children build with fabric blocks to create patterns or explore symmetry while playing with natural materials, the easy-to-prepare activities in this book facilitate engaging learning opportunities for children's ideas and interests to be explored.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Number (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Alison Hutchison Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Developing a secure understanding of number in the Early Years is key to ensuring number confidence for future stages of learning. A wide variety of meaningful hands-on experiences are required to develop a child's deep understanding of number. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Number presents ideas that are all about doing – to not only stimulate the senses, but to also provoke thinking and talking, allow questions to be asked, and ensure that links are made between number concepts and the real world. The ideas require little preparation beforehand, can be used by practitioners without any specific expertise in teaching early number, and include easy-to-source materials. Each area of early number sense is covered from adding on and taking away to number stories, identifying and writing numbers.Alison Hutchison draws on her wealth of experience to present 50 ideas and experiences that make numbers fun and accessible so that, as they explore and investigate, children are fully engaged partners in their learning at this crucial early stage of their number journey.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Nature (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Kate Bass Jane Vella

Many practitioners are under pressure to deliver effective outdoor learning experiences for all children. Current resources are aimed at academic studies or families - this book is an inspirational and accessible resource for practitioners. A starting point for outdoor activities that really engage, encourage and develop children.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Exploring Food (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judit Horvath Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Children have a natural curiosity towards real life procedures and being involved in cooking and all of its preparation activities has proven to stimulate young minds throughout history. By preparing simple meals together from scratch, children will naturally develop the love of good, healthy food, whilst it can also tackle the issue of fussy eaters, who are far more likely to try something they've prepared themselves. Based on Judit's sound practice as a qualified teacher and baker, having taken part in local and national conferences, she has gathered together a varied collection of activity ideas around cooking and baking from different cultures, with some added simple recipes too.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Engaging Dads (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by June O'Sullivan Alice Sharp Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Children benefit from the sensitive and supportive engagement of both their parents from the earliest of ages, but involving dads can be challenging. This book is designed to provide simple and accessible activities for practitioners looking to engage dads. Both June and Alice work with dads on a daily basis, helping them to understand their contribution to their children's development and longer term educational success. Realising how they can add to what the mums or other carers do in a different but complementary way, and how simple activities can enrich their children's lives, helps strengthen the bond between father and child. Each simple but effective idea in this book has been developed and written with the intention of promoting child and family well being, helping both children and families grow together.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Writing Prompts (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Alistair Bryce-Clegg

If children are not interested or motivated by what they have been asked to write about, you can be sure that any writing you do get will be rushed, short and a bit half-hearted. In 50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Writing Prompts, Alistair Bryce-Clegg offers a collection of all of his favourite ideas and inspirations that have motivated the children he works with to pick up their pencils and get scribbling!

50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Language Development (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Mary Scanlan

Supporting young children's language development has always been an important part of high-quality Early Years practice. Competency in language (written and spoken) is essential in ensuring children can access learning across the whole curriculum and simultaneously supports personal, social and emotional development. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that many children need additional support to meet age-related expectations in this area. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Language Development presents a range of flexible and adaptable ideas to help practitioners develop their practice in the area of speaking, listening and communication. The author, Dr Mary Scanlan, is a expert in Early Years education. She puts theory into practice in this dip-in book by introducing accessible activities that are underpinned by research and an understanding of best practice. This book covers all areas of the EYFS, including the needs of children with EAL or SEND.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Developing Emotional Resilience

by Jillian Harrison-Longworth

There has always been emphasis placed on personal, social and emotional education, particularly in the Early Years. Emotionally resilient children are well equipped to deal with the challenges they may face, and this resilience reflects a range of skills, strengths and characteristics acquired and refined throughout one's life. Over the last ten years, Jillian Harrison-Longworth has planned and delivered a wide range of short but focused activities that can be used to develop aspects of emotional resilience across five key areas: confidence, self-image, self-esteem, perseverance and cooperation. This book contains refined activities for each of these crucial sections that most commonly arise in schools and settings.50 Fantastic Ideas for Developing Emotional Resilience provides short but snappy practical activities as starting points for practitioners to develop emotional resilience in the children they work with.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Creative Role Play (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Hayley Hughes

Role-play is a fun and creative way to engage with children in EYFS, and is fundamental in developing children's learning and communication skills. This new addition to the 50 Fantastic series is filled with great ways to make the most of play-based learning in your environment. Each activity is linked to children's interests, and is designed to allow the child to learn, create, communicate, and have fun! Many of the scenarios involve an element of problem solving to encourage team work, and the suggested props and locations are both easily sourced and well-suited to Early Years schools and settings. With a whole host of inspirational ideas with photos to match, this book is the perfect starting point for creating an outstanding role-play environment.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Co-Regulation (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Kerry Murphy

_______________The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting._______________Co-regulation is the process when children develop the ability to manage emotions, responses, and impulses both in mind and body (self-regulation) through connection with nurturing and reliable caregivers. Children need to understand their own feelings and those of others, and learn to regulate their behaviour accordingly. One of the key ways children learn to self-regulate is through co-regulation. With modelling, support and nurture, practitioners can learn to co-regulate alongside the children so that they can develop those important skills.This dip-in-and-out guide will help practitioners provide the strongest foundations for children and to give them the best emotional start in life. It provides meaningful and inclusive ideas for co-regulation that can be embedded into everyday practice, and be used for a broad range of emotional needs, without being tokenistic.These practical and easy-to-resource ideas are expertly formulated to support and develop children's self-regulation skills.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Circle Time (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judith Harries Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Circle time stimulates learning in all areas of development – from the improvement of social skills and positive relationships to encouraging children to listen to each other within a caring and respectful environment. Judith Harries brings together creative ideas for circle time where learning can be shared and music and drama can be enjoyed.The book includes circle time activities and games that cover all of the Early Learning Goals through the sharing of thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can also be used across the curriculum, including helping children with literacy and mathematics through phonics and number games. This timeless collection of ideas featuring colourful and fun photography is a fantastic resource with many new activities for circle time, as well as some old favourites.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Natasha Wood

Every year, an increasing number of children enter the Early Years setting either new to English or with English as an additional language (EAL), which can be daunting, not just for the child but for the practitioner too. How can Early Years practitioners ensure that the right support is in place for the child and themselves? What practical ideas can be used successfully to enrich an EAL child's understanding of a new language, while, at the same time, allowing that child to bond with their peers? 50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL is an invaluable resource to help integrate children with EAL into the classroom with fresh, exciting and engaging activities that are easy to resource, require little preparation and are fun to carry out. The activities include simple speak-and-repeat games, visual ideas to support learning new words and phrases and activities that evoke feelings of being at home, allowing the children to feel welcomed and part of the school's diverse community. Traditional games are also featured to help children with EAL play with their peers, as well as feel that they can contribute to the learning of others. Perfect for promoting inclusion and self-esteem, 50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL is ideal for supporting children as they navigate the ups and downs of having English as an additional language.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Caring for Living Things (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judith Harries

A brilliant collection of activities for teaching children to care for animals and plants.The ideas in this book will enable children to experience the delights of watching animals and plants grow, sharing and caring for pets, observing a variety of life-cycles, surveying different minibeasts and finding out how to help vulnerable wild animals like hedgehogs. Linked to the Understanding the World section of the EYFS framework, this book includes ideas for games, creative activities, role play and hands-on experiences with animals and plants to build children's empathy and encourage respect for living things, both in their own environments and further afield.With over 40 books in the 50 Fantastic Ideas series there's something for everyone – whether you're a practitioner looking for new ideas or you want to try out a popular well-loved activity with a new twist. Each book offers a wide range of fun and creative activities to carry out with children aged 0–5 years, with lists of resources, step-by-step instructions and information about the benefits for children.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Block Play (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Judit Horvath

Block play stimulates learning in all areas of development: intellectual, physical, social, emotional and communication as well as early maths and literacy. In this book, experienced author and practitioner Judit Horvath has put together a variety of exciting and challenging ideas that cover them all.Some activities include cheap, easily sourced props such as play dough, pebbles, fairy lights and flowers to capture the children's imaginations, while others prompt more challenging block play to encourage the development and understanding of complex patterns, such as classifying, sequencing, counting, fractions and problem solving.This creative collection of ideas featuring colourful and fun photography is a fantastic resource for incorporating successful and exciting block play into your setting.

50 English Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your English one cup at a time (50 Coffee Breaks Series)

by Coffee Break Languages

Transform your down time into 'do time'.The most successful language learners create a habit of studying a little bit, often. With 50 English Coffee Breaks, you can easily improve your English by combining it with your relaxing daily coffee - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagrams and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners. The activities are carefully designed to keep you motivated and build your skills in key areas.· Reading comprehension· Writing skills· Grammar confidence· Phrasal verbs practice · Vocabulary development· Cultural awarenessBy practising English in a fun and relaxed way - in the time you have - you will find time to achieve your language-learning goals. So, pick up your preferred drink and this practical book. Soon, studying English will be the most pleasant and productive part of your busy day.For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: while walking the dog, working out at the gym, or on their coffee break!Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time English teachers in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

50 Drawing Projects: A Creative Step-by-Step Workbook

by Barrington Barber

In this imaginative new book, Barrington Barber presents an array of interesting subjects, including people, pets and everyday objects in and around the home. Each project is broken down into easy-to-follow steps which culminate in a finished drawing. The reader is then invited to make his or her own version of the subject. Combining guidance for beginners with challenging subjects for more experienced artists, 50 Drawing Projects is a relaxing way to discover and develop one of life's most rewarding creative skills.Subjects include:• Still lifes• Animals• Flowers• People

50 Business Classics: Your shortcut to the most important ideas on innovation, management, and strategy

by Tom Butler-Bowdon

What do great enterprises have in common? What sort of person starts them? A single idea can help you find the next big thing, but it takes time to trawl through hundreds of business books to find inspiration. With insightful commentaries on the landmark writings of old and new, 50 Business Classics presents the great entrepreneur stories, the best management thinking and the proven ideas on strategy, innovation and marketing - in one volume.50 Business Classics presents the key ideas from classic texts such as My Years with General Motors and Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited to contemporary business lessons from the rise of tech giants like Google, Apple and Amazon. It contains revealing biographies of luminaries like Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett, as well as lesser-known stories including creation of publishing giant Penguin and Chinese behemoth Alibaba. Here you'll find the texts and ideas that matter in:· Entrepreneurship· Leadership· Management· Strategy· Business history· Personal development· Technology and innovation Summarising the smartest thinking for today's professional success, 50 Business Classics provides inspiration and insights for entrepreneurs, executives and students of business and management alike.

50 Assessment Approaches: Simple, easy and effective ways to assess learners

by Sharron Mansell Ann Gravells Andrew Hampel

Assessment is an essential part of teaching. There are many effective assessment approaches - where do busy teachers begin? This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 assessment approaches for use and adaptation in any learning environment. It includes guidance on the inclusion of progress measures and supports teachers to know how much learning had taken place for each activity. The text explores the advantages and disadvantage of every approach, equipping teachers with the knowledge to assess and select the correct approach for their subject and their learners. If you are a new or beginning teacher looking for new approaches to assessment to use with your learners today - this is the book you need.

50 Assessment Approaches: Simple, easy and effective ways to assess learners

by Sharron Mansell Ann Gravells Andrew Hampel

Assessment is an essential part of teaching. There are many effective assessment approaches - where do busy teachers begin? This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 assessment approaches for use and adaptation in any learning environment. It includes guidance on the inclusion of progress measures and supports teachers to know how much learning had taken place for each activity. The text explores the advantages and disadvantage of every approach, equipping teachers with the knowledge to assess and select the correct approach for their subject and their learners. If you are a new or beginning teacher looking for new approaches to assessment to use with your learners today - this is the book you need.

50 Assessment Approaches: Simple, easy and effective ways to assess learners

by Sharron Mansell Ann Gravells Andrew Hampel

Assessment is an essential part of teaching. There are many effective assessment approaches - where do busy teachers begin? This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 assessment approaches for use and adaptation in any learning environment. It includes guidance on the inclusion of progress measures and supports teachers to know how much learning had taken place for each activity. The text explores the advantages and disadvantage of every approach, equipping teachers with the knowledge to assess and select the correct approach for their subject and their learners. If you are a new or beginning teacher looking for new approaches to assessment to use with your learners today - this is the book you need.

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