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Showing 42,576 through 42,600 of 42,711 results

About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe

by Davide Ponzini Alain Thierstein Nadia Alaily-Mattar

Cities across the world have been resorting to star architects to brand their projects, spark urban regeneration and market the city image internationally. This book shifts the attention from star architects to star architecture, arguing that the process of deciding about and implementing relevant architectural and urban projects is not the product of any single actor. Star architecture can, in fact, be better studied and understood as assembled by multiple actors and in its relationship with urban transformation. In its 18 chapters, the book presents a multidisciplinary collection of expert contributions in the fields of urban planning, architecture, media studies, urban economics, geography, and sociology, consistently brought together for the first time to deal with this topic. Through a vast array of case studies and analytical techniques touching over 20 cities in Europe, the book shows the positive and more problematic impacts of star architecture with reference to the preservation of built heritage, tourism and media. The book will be of interest to architects, sociologists, urban planners, and public administrators.

Aboriginal Sign Languages of The Americas and Australia: Volume 1; North America Classic Comparative Perspectives

by D. Umiker-Sebeok

1. THE SEMIOTIC CHARACTER OF ABORIGINAL SIGN LANGUAGES In our culture, language, especially in its spoken manifestation, is the much vaunted hallmark of humanity, the diagnostic trait of man that has made possible the creation of a civilization unknown to any other terrestrial organism. Through our inheritance of a /aculte du langage, culture is in a sense bred inta man. And yet, language is viewed as a force wh ich can destroy us through its potential for objectification and classification. According to popular mythology, the naming of the animals of Eden, while giving Adam and Eve a certain power over nature, also destroyed the prelinguistic harmony between them and the rest of the natural world and contributed to their eventual expulsion from paradise. Later, the post-Babel development of diverse language families isolated man from man as weIl as from nature (Steiner 1975). Language, in other words, as the central force animating human culture, is both our salvation and damnation. Our constant war with words (Shands 1971) is waged on both internal and external battlegrounds. This culturally determined ambivalence toward language is particularly appar­ ent when we encounter humans or hominoid animals who, for one reason or another, must rely upon gestural forms of communication.

Abiotic Stress Physiology of Horticultural Crops

by N.K. Srinivasa Rao K. S. Shivashankara R. H. Laxman

This book brings together recent advances in the area of abiotic stress tolerance in various vegetables, fruit crops, plantation crops and tuber crops. The main challenges to improving the productivity of horticultural crops are the different types of abiotic stresses generally caused by climate change at the regional and global level. Heat, drought, cold and salinity are the major abiotic stresses that adversely affect growth and productivity and can trigger a series of morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular changes in various horticultural crops. To date, there are no books covering horticultural crop-specific abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms and their management. Addressing that gap, the book is divided into 2 sections, the first of which highlights recent advances in the general aspects of abiotic stress tolerance like the role of hormones, reactive oxygen species, seed treatments, molecular mechanisms of heat tolerance and heavy metal toxicity, while the second focuses on the abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms of various vegetables, fruit crops, plantation crops and tuber crops. It includes comprehensive discussions of fruit crops like mango, grapes, banana, litchi and arid zone fruits; vegetables crops like tomato, capsicum, onion and tuber crops; and plantation crops like coconut, areca nut, oil palm and black pepper. Among the strategies for plant stress survival, examples of both avoidance and tolerance relevant to particular crops are examined in detail, supported by selected comprehensive case studies of progress. As such, the book offers a valuable resource suited for scientists and graduate students working in the fields of crop improvement, genetic engineering, and the abiotic stress tolerance of horticultural crops.

Abiotic Stress Management for Resilient Agriculture

by Paramjit Singh Minhas Jagadish Rane Ratna Kumar Pasala

This book offers a state-of-the-art overview of on abiotic stresses in terms of the challenges; scope and opportunities; copping strategies for adaptation and mitigation using novel tools for building resilience in agricultural crops and livestock; as well as for policy implementation. Divided into four major parts: advances and prospects for understanding stress environments; adaptation and mitigation options; crop-based mitigation strategies; and mitigation options in animal husbandry, the book focuses on problem-solving approaches and techniques that are essential for the medium to long-term sustainability of agricultural production systems The synthesis and integration of knowledge and experiences of specialists from different disciplines offers new perspectives in the versatile field of abiotic stress management, and as such is useful for various stakeholders, including agricultural students, scientists, environmentalists, policymakers, and social scientists.

Abiotic Stress Biology in Horticultural Plants

by Yoshinori Kanayama Alexey Kochetov

The purpose of this publication is to elucidate the biological aspect of the abiotic stress response from the field to the molecular level in horticultural plants. This book is unique in that it concerns the basic aspect of abiotic stress biology and research progress at the molecular level in model plants or major field crops, as it focuses mainly on the abiotic stress response in existing horticultural plants. Many readers interested in plant abiotic stress biology are aware of the application of the latest findings to agricultural production, and this book will have a special appeal for those readers. The book will be of interest to scientists and graduate students who are involved in the research, development, production, processing, and marketing of horticultural products, including those in developing countries who are interested in high tech and advanced science in this field. The application of the latest findings to agricultural production is particularly useful.Stress tolerance mechanisms in horticultural crops are gaining importance, because most agricultural regions are predicted to experience considerably more extreme environmental fluctuations due to global climate change. Further, because of recent progress in next-generation sequencing technologies, the postgenomic era is impending not only in model plants and major cereal crops but also in horticultural crops, which comprise a great diversity of species. This book provides information on the physiological aspects of the abiotic stress response in horticultural plants, which is considered essential for postgenomic research.

Abfallwirtschaft: Eine Einführung

by Bernd Bilitewski Georg Härdtle Klaus Marek

Das vollständige deutschsprachige Werk zum Thema Abfall, das alle Fragen der Umweltbeauftragten auf kommunaler Ebene beantwortet. Gleichzeitig eignet sich das Buch hervorragend als Lehrbuch für Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. In der zweiten Auflage wurden auch abgesicherte Erfahrungen aus den neuen Bundesländern ausgewertet. Vor allem die Diskussion um das Duale System wird mit diesem Werk auf eine solide Basis gestellt.

Abenteuer Mineralogie: Kristalle und Mineralien - Bestimmung und Entstehung

by Andreas Landmann

Dieses Buch führt Sie ein in die abenteuerliche Welt der Mineralien und Gesteine. In kaum einem naturwissenschaftlichen Feld können die Menschen so spannende Naturphänomene erleben wie in der Mineralogie. Die Urkräfte von Vulkanausbrüchen nehmen den Betrachter sofort gefangen. Das Funkeln von Edelsteinen, die seit Jahrmillionen im Erdinneren gewachsen sind, fasziniert Laien wie den Fachmann gleichermaßen. Alle Mineralien und Kristalle, die heute in Bergwerken und Steinbrüchen aus den Tiefen der Erde ans Tageslicht gelangen, sind älter als die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte. Im vorliegenden Buch findet der Leser spannende Bilder von Mineralien, Edelsteinen und geologisch interessanten Orten, die der Autor als 350 Reisen besucht hat. Erlebnisse beim Mineraliensuchen geben dem Leser einen lebendigen Eindruck von Steinbrüchen und Bergwerken. Dazu wird anschaulich erklärt, wie die Kristalle zu ihren faszinierenden geometrischen Formen kommen. Für Sammler finden sich viele Mineralien- Bestimmungstipps. Mehr als 150 Bilder der wichtigsten Mineralien zeigen Ihnen die ganze Schönheit dieser Naturschätze.

The Abel Prize 2018-2022 (The Abel Prize)

The book presents the winners of the Abel Prize in mathematics for the period 2018–2022: - Robert P. Langlands (2018) - Karen K. Uhlenbeck (2019) - Hillel Furstenberg and Gregory Margulis (2020) - Lászlo Lóvász and Avi Wigderson (2021) - Dennis P. Sullivan (2022) The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a scholarly description of each mathematician’s work. In addition, each profile contains a Curriculum Vitae, a complete bibliography, and the full citation from the prize committee. The book also includes photos from the period 2018–2022 showing many of the additional activities connected with the Abel Prize. This book follows on The Abel Prize: 2003–2007. The First Five Years (Springer, 2010) and The Abel Prize 2008–2012 (Springer, 2014) as well as on The Abel Prize 2013–2017 (Springer, 2019), which profile the previous Abel Prize laureates.

The Abel Prize 2013-2017 (The Abel Prize)

by Helge Holden Ragni Piene

The book presents the winners of the Abel Prize in mathematics for the period 2013–17: Pierre Deligne (2013); Yakov G. Sinai (2014); John Nash Jr. and Louis Nirenberg (2015); Sir Andrew Wiles (2016); and Yves Meyer (2017). The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a scholarly description of each mathematician’s work. In addition, each profile contains a Curriculum Vitae, a complete bibliography, and the full citation from the prize committee. The book also includes photos for the period 2003–2017 showing many of the additional activities connected with the Abel Prize. As an added feature, video interviews with the Laureates as well as videos from the prize ceremony are provided at an accompanying website ( This book follows on The Abel Prize: 2003-2007. The First Five Years (Springer, 2010) and The Abel Prize 2008-2012 (Springer 2014), which profile the work of the previous Abel Prize winners.

Abel Integral Equations: Analysis and Applications (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1461)

by Rudolf Gorenflo Sergio Vessella

In many fields of application of mathematics, progress is crucially dependent on the good flow of information between (i) theoretical mathematicians looking for applications, (ii) mathematicians working in applications in need of theory, and (iii) scientists and engineers applying mathematical models and methods. The intention of this book is to stimulate this flow of information. In the first three chapters (accessible to third year students of mathematics and physics and to mathematically interested engineers) applications of Abel integral equations are surveyed broadly including determination of potentials, stereology, seismic travel times, spectroscopy, optical fibres. In subsequent chapters (requiring some background in functional analysis) mapping properties of Abel integral operators and their relation to other integral transforms in various function spaces are investi- gated, questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear and nonlinear Abel integral equations are treated, and for equations of the first kind problems of ill-posedness are discussed. Finally, some numerical methods are described. In the theoretical parts, emphasis is put on the aspects relevant to applications.

Abandonment as a Social Fact: The Problem of Unused and Unmaintained Private Buildings in a Neo-institutional Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by Anita De Franco

This book provides a multidisciplinary approach for the study of the “abandonment” problem at the inter-section among urban studies, neo-institutionalist perspectives, and social ontology. An analytical framework (based on descriptive and operational issues, factors, reasons, policies) has been built to interpret the phenomenon of abandonment and possible ways of intervening. The work considers the Italian situation in general terms and examines the case study of Milan in depth. This case is interesting because it triggered public discussions on the problem of abandonment in a non-shrinking context. Moreover, recently, specific policies to cope with abandonment problem have been introduced. The purpose of the book is to show that the problem of the “abandonment” of urban buildings should be understood as a social fact and not as a brute fact. Thus, in this work the “abandoned” state of buildings is considered as not directly related to certain physical variables; rather, it entirely depends on human evaluations. Crucial information in this regard is how institutional frameworks (e.g. sets of rules of conduct) influence individual behaviour and actions through time. In this view, we may identify abandonment as a phenomenon intertwined with the actions of both private and public entities. The neo-institutional approach helps to highlight how the problem of abandonment is articulated with respect to property rights, formal constraints, reasons behind policy decisions, intervention strategies and implementations.

Abandoned Buildings in Contemporary Cities: Smart Conditions for Actions (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #168)

by Isabella M. Lami

Is it possible to energise the reuse of urban abandoned spaces with low financial capital investment? Addressing this question requires a normative and cultural change, where the rules are less focused on the material processes of producing space and more aimed at fostering the construction of relationships. The reality of several European cities shows how traditional forms of stimulating urban renewal – with respect to the financing of operations, how to design and build, and urban planning legislation – no longer work. This book examines an alternative culture of design and regulation, drawing on the richness of the various approaches to the subject to present an integrated study of the phenomenon of reuse across its economic, architectural and urban dimensions. From this theoretical base, it empirically analyses six Italian case studies in terms of the broadness of geography and in their governance models, and of the important role of the unity of cultural destination for their reuse proposal. The book is intended for all those involved in the cultural challenge of reusing urban abandoned spaces, including public administrators, entrepreneurs, architects, planners and academics.

Ab initio Theory of Magnetic Ordering: Electronic Origin of Pair- and Multi-Spin Interactions (Springer Theses)

by Eduardo Mendive Tapia

Many technological applications exploit a variety of magnetic structures, or magnetic phases, to produce and optimise solid-state functionality. However, most research advances are restricted to a reduced number of phases owing to computational and resource constraints. This thesis presents an ab-initio theory to efficiently describe complex magnetic phases and their temperature-dependent properties. The central assumption is that magnetic phases evolve slowly compared with the underlying electronic structure from which they emerge. By describing how the electronic structure adapts to the type and extent of magnetic order, a theory able to describe multi-spin correlations and their effect on the magnetism at finite temperature is obtained. It is shown that multi-spin correlations are behind the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the diverse magnetism in the heavy rare earth elements. Magnetically frustrated Mn-based materials and the effect of strain are also investigated. These studies demonstrate that the performance of solid-state refrigeration can be enhanced by multi-spin effects.

Ab Initio Studies on Superconductivity in Alkali-Doped Fullerides (Springer Theses)

by Yusuke Nomura

This book covers high-transition temperature (Tc) s-wave superconductivity and the neighboring Mott insulating phase in alkali-doped fullerides. The author presents (1) a unified theoretical description of the phase diagram and (2) a nonempirical calculation of Tc. For these purposes, the author employs an extension of the DFT+DMFT (density-functional theory + dynamical mean-field theory). He constructs a realistic electron–phonon-coupled Hamiltonian with a newly formulated downfolding method. The Hamiltonian is analyzed by means of the extended DMFT. A notable aspect of the approach is that it requires only the crystal structure as a priori knowledge. Remarkably, the nonempirical calculation achieves for the first time a quantitative reproduction of the experimental phase diagram including the superconductivity and the Mott phase. The calculated Tc agrees well with the experimental data, with the difference within 10 K. The book provides details of the computational scheme, which can also be applied to other superconductors and other phonon-related topics. The author clearly describes a superconducting mechanism where the Coulomb and electron­–phonon interactions show an unusual cooperation in the superconductivity thanks to the Jahn–Teller nature of the phonons.

The Aarhus Convention: Towards Environmental Solidarisation (Environmental Politics and Theory)

by Duncan Weaver

The Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters has been celebrated as a pioneering international environmental agreement. Given that a quarter-century has passed since Aarhus was opened for signature, now is an opportune moment to revisit it from a fresh perspective. Marking this anniversary, this book explores Aarhus from the vista of the English School of International Relations, an ethically-minded perspective used to gauge the prevalence of state-oriented and human-oriented progress from the Convention's rationales and realities. It firstly considers Aarhus' propagation, investigating the legal, diplomatic and geopolitical contexts enabling its emergence. It secondly investigates Aarhus' germination, with reference to its trinity of procedural rights. Thirdly, the book examines the Convention's growth, in terms of the development of its organisational infrastructure. The chief finding is that Aarhus demonstrates, in environmental contexts, the feasibility and benefit of fostering 'humankind' solidarist progress, rooted in moral cosmopolitanism, within the existing power arrangements of a sovereignty-based pluralism. Pluralist concerns for diversity and international order are found to be a precondition for more ethically ambitious solidarist endeavours. These observations reinforce the logic of solidarisation, an English School innovation that presents sovereignty as (a) being ethically matured by solidarism whilst (b) delimiting solidarism within the threshold of states' tolerance.

Aardrykskunde Graad 4

by Siyavula

A South African grade 4 textbook

Aardrykskunde Graad 4

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

A2 Geography for Edexcel, student book (PDF)

by Russell Chapman Catherine Hurst Bob Digby

AS Geography for Edexcel matches the new Edexcel specification. It smoothes the transition from GCSE to A Level, provides motivating content and structured learning, and makes learning accessible and student-friendly - all whilst retaining exam-driven rigour.

A.S. Byatt: Critical storytelling (PDF) (Contemporary British Novelists)

by Alexa Alfer

This comprehensive study of A. S. Byatt’s work spans virtually her entire career and offers insightful readings of all of Byatt’s works of fiction up to and including her Man-Booker-shortlisted novel The Children’s Book (2009). The authors combine an accessible overview of Byatt’s œuvre to date with close critical analysis of all her major works. Uniquely, the book also considers Byatt’s critical writings and journalism, situating her beyond the immediate context of her fiction. The authors argue that Byatt is not only important as a storyteller, but also as an eminent critic and public intellectual. Advancing the concept of ‘critical storytelling’ as a hallmark of Byatt’s project as a writer, the authors retrace Byatt’s wide-ranging engagement with both literary and critical traditions. This results in positioning Byatt in the wider literary landscape. This book has broad appeal, including fellow researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, plus general enthusiasts of Byatt’s work.

A.S. Byatt: Critical storytelling (Contemporary British Novelists)

by Alexa Alfer

This comprehensive study of A. S. Byatt’s work spans virtually her entire career and offers insightful readings of all of Byatt’s works of fiction up to and including her Man-Booker-shortlisted novel The Children’s Book (2009). The authors combine an accessible overview of Byatt’s œuvre to date with close critical analysis of all her major works. Uniquely, the book also considers Byatt’s critical writings and journalism, situating her beyond the immediate context of her fiction. The authors argue that Byatt is not only important as a storyteller, but also as an eminent critic and public intellectual. Advancing the concept of ‘critical storytelling’ as a hallmark of Byatt’s project as a writer, the authors retrace Byatt’s wide-ranging engagement with both literary and critical traditions. This results in positioning Byatt in the wider literary landscape. This book has broad appeal, including fellow researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, plus general enthusiasts of Byatt’s work.

A-level Geography Topic Master: The Water and Carbon Cycles (PDF)

by Garrett Nagle Andrew Davis

Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/Eduqas Level: A-level Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level) Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.

A-level Geography Topic Master: Global Systems (PDF)

by Simon Oakes

Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/Eduqas Level: A-level Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level) Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.

A-level Geography Topic Master: Global Governance

by Bob Digby Sue Warn

Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/EduqasLevel: A-levelSubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level)Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book:- Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of Global Governance than your existing resources- Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task- Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay- Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation- Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points, plus tailored advice for the AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC/Eduqas specifications- Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories

A-level Geography Topic Master: Coastal Landscapes (PDF)

by Peter Stiff

Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/Eduqas Level: A-level Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level) Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.

A-level Geography Topic Master: Glaciated Landscapes

by Nicky King

Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/EduqasLevel: A-levelSubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level)Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book:- Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of Glaciated Landscapes than your existing resources- Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task- Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay- Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation- Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points, plus tailored advice for the AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC/Eduqas specifications- Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories

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