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Showing 5,226 through 5,250 of 5,334 results

Theories of Inclusive Education: A Student's Guide

by Jenny Corbett Peter Clough

`As a doctoral student, currently writing a dissertation which focuses on inclusive education, I found this an excellent supportive resource. It brings together the major theorists of the last 20 years and very importantly highlights the perceived change in Mary Warnock's stance towards statementing since the late 1970s. This element of change in the individual, society and policy is an issue which runs through the book and from an emancipatory and postmodernist stance is a vital inclusion. The inclusion of personal reflections greatly adds to the text, instilling a confidence in the student that there is value in being a person with a point of view. For me the publication of the book comes after my own critical analysis of the literature. From a purely selfish aspect, I wish it had been published earlier in my studies. An excellent resource that I would thoroughly recommend - Amazon Review This book traces the major stages of thinking in the development of inclusive education. It provides overviews of the main theoretical influences: the medico-psychological model; sociological positions; curriculum studies; school effectiveness and the impact upon policy and practice of the Disability Movement. Positioned and discussed in their historical contexts the book provides a synopsis and critique of the last 50 years of the 20th century, including the introduction of the term 'special educational needs', the practice of integration and the present processes of inclusive education. The unique features of this book include personal reflections by a number of people who are considered to have had a major influence in the development of Inclusive Education. Summaries of their work, their writing and their thinking are provided - drawn from interviews with them and their own publications. The book identifies and embraces some major issues. It does so bearing in mind the interests and perspectives of students working within Inclusive education studies and presents some complex issues in an accessible format with a direct style. Linking directly to the student experience, the book concludes with examples of how students have used theories on inclusive education to inform their reflections on practice. The book throughout is deliberately learner-friendly, using sample- group activities and suggested readings, and is designed to be an effective course reader.

The Dyslexia-Friendly Primary School: A Practical Guide for Teachers

by Barbara Pavey

Is your school dyslexia-friendly? Beginning with a look at understanding dyslexia, this book shows you how to involve the whole school in order to achieve a dyslexia-friendly environment. You will be able to: - use an audit tool to discover how dyslexia-friendly your school is - look at examples of successful dyslexia-friendly initiatives - find information on funding and resources. This book offers a step-by-step guide to creating a dyslexia-friendly classroom and whole-school environment. Headteachers, deputy headteachers, class teachers, SENCOs, student teachers and literacy co-ordinators wanting to make their school more dyslexia-friendly will find this practical book extremely useful. Barbara Pavey worked as a teacher and SEN specialist for many years and is now Lecturer in Learning Disabilities at The University of Manchester.

Managing Special Educational Needs: A Practical Guide for Primary and Secondary Schools

by Dr Suanne Gibson Professor Sonia Blandford

'This is a most worthwhile book which contributes significantly to the general body of knowledge on managing pupils with special education needs. I found it interesting and informative. Schools cannot but benefit from the book's scope, and from insights into the many and varied aspects on SEN provision' - REACH `A particular strength of the book is the way in which individual chapters provided "self-contained" material which lends itself for use in school-based staff development activities. The book includes a lot of information that SENCOs, inclusion managers and members of school leadership teams should find useful' - SENCO Update `The strongest point about this book is that it gives a good overview of the history of special educational needs policy in this country, including recent development on inclusion' - TES Extra Special Needs 'It is a very practical account and should be a handbook for any newly appointed SENCO... [while] for experienced SENCOs and organisations where inclusion is not an issue, this book is a reminder of good practice' - Special Written from a practitioner's perspective, this book shows schools how to effectively implement and manage an inclusive school environment. Drawing from their experience in a range of schools, the authors highlight the problems encountered by professionals in both primary and secondary school settings and offer practical solutions and advice. The book offers guidance on: the role of the SENCO as a teacher and manager; government policy and legislation; self-evaluation, good practice and monitoring; how to relate SEN to school targets and development plans. Primary and secondary school teachers, headteachers, student teachers, SENCOs, LEA Advisers and professionals involved in the management of Special Educational Needs in schools will find the practical support offered in this book invaluable.

Learning Styles and Inclusion

by Gavin Reid

'[Gavin Reid] provides some useful links to websites devoted to different approaches. Some of the ideas relating to specific areas of the curriculum, for example, the suggested approaches to the teaching of modern languages, are likely to be particularly valuable. Reid also outlines strategies using learning styles for pupils with learning differences, including attention disorders, dyslexia, developmental co-ordination difficulties, number difficulties, and those on the autistic spectrum' - Times Educational Supplement Extra for Special Needs `We have been lucky enough to hear Gavin speak twice in the last year and those of you who have also heard him will know that he is at the cutting edge of his field. This book really encompasses those areas that are particularly topical and the "buzz" words on everyone's lips! This book clearly sets out "who" is involved in inclusion and "what" is actually meant by learning styles. Gavin not only offers practical strategies but also suggests how "old hands" could vary their teaching styles to appeal to all types of learners. Therefore we feel this book is for the main stream teacher as well as the specialist and, if this is a target area for your school, this book might be a valuable addition to your bookshelf' - SATIPS `In this book, Gavin Reid has grasped the nettle (of inclusion) with both hands and provided a text that is full of common sense and practical suggestions as to how the mainstream teacher can draw upon recent psychological theory and research to enhance the learning of all children. He jumps on no bandwagons but draws judiciously from a wide range of approaches to assessing learning styles and links what can be learned about groups and individuals from such techniques to helpful classroom practice' - Professor Bob Burden, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter `Gavin Reid is that rare professional who not only explains how and why children learn best, but also suggests a myriad of practical strategies to help them. I highly recommend this book for everyone from undergraduates to "old hands" working toward successful inclusion. Parents, too, will profit from Dr. Reid's wise and comprehensive experience' - Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist and Author of "Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence." 3rd Edition. NY: Broadway Books, 2004. Drawing on his considerable experience as a teacher, educational psychologist, lecturer and author, Gavin Reid illustrates how to assess pupils' different learning styles and how to vary your teaching style to appeal to all types of learners, including disaffected students and those with special educational needs. This book provides an overview of the different stages in the learning cycle; describes the differences between learners; and emphasizes the role the classroom environment and different teaching styles play in children's ability to learn. Readers will see how an understanding of learning styles can be used to encourage and promote good inclusive practice. Ideas for assessment of learning styles and examples of different teaching styles will prove invaluable to class teachers, trainee teachers, SENCOs, LEA advisers; NQTs and NQT advisers and school management

Every Child Included

by Rona Tutt

`This is an extremely timely book, which would be a very useful addition to any staffroom library' - Special `One of the most detailed overviews on what is really happening with inclusion at ground level. In years to come, professionals will remember they used Rona Tutt's book for identifying where good practice was really happening. Along with Rita Cheminais and Anne Hayward, this must rate as one of the most useful texts of the decade' - Tricia Barthorpe, Past President of the National Association of Special Educational Needs, (NASEN) How can your school or setting become part of a truly inclusive education service that provides for all children and young people? Looking at the Every Child Matters agenda and the government's strategy for special educational needs (SEN), this book moves beyond the debate about specialist provision to explore the exciting developments that are taking place in both mainstream and special schools, as they join forces to provide for pupils with increasingly complex needs. It provides examples of innovative ways forward that will help all schools develop their own strategies to support those pupils who find it hardest to learn. Topics covered include: o successful strategies for supporting pupils in mainstream schools o the benefits of co-located schools, federations and partnerships o the developing role of day and residential special schools o the changing nature of support and advisory services The book is essential reading for school leaders and senior management teams, and will be of interest to governors, policy makers and all those involved in the training and professional development of the school workforce. Rona Tutt is a Past President of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) and works as an SEN consultant, writer and researcher.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Secondary School

by Lynn Plimley Maggie Bowen

'I liked the way it dealt with the difficult issues such as mental health, sexuality and future employment in a clear and direct way, providing well thought out, practical responses. ' 'Easy to read yet informative. ' 'Very accessible in an area of SEN that is now a key area of concern. ' ' Captivating, good presentation with the case studies, reflective oasis and points to remember. ' 'Very useful for Sencos and teachers. ' - "Judging Panel for NASEN/TES Book Award " 'There can be no doubt that the action suggested by the authors to improve outcomes for pupils with ASD, would benefit the inclusion of all pupils' - "Special Needs Information Press " 'The book gives a clear insight into some of the issues which are important from the perspective of the pupil, the challenges they face and the behaviours that can result. It openly addresses the impact of these behaviours on a school and offers clear guidance and strategies. The options given are realistic, practical and achievable and the Reflective Oasis sections offer an ideal starting point for self-evaluation and staff training' "- Mike Ridout, Head of Access and Inclusion Service, Bridgend LEA " 'All those involved in education at secondary level including senior managers and governors will find this concise book informative in helping them to understand the needs of their pupils with ASD' -" Ian Attfield, Advisory Teacher ASD, Birmingham Specialist Support Service " 'The book not only gives sound advice, it helps the reader to find a wider range of sources of support and information. . . a useful, practical guide that makes the organisation of inclusive education achievable' - "Special " 'The book does have a number of useful strategies and tips, but it provides more than just a list of practical points. Support staff are encouraged to reflect upon their own practice and that of their school. . . The book is well worth buying and should appeal both to support workers and their managers' - "Support For Learning "'The book fills a niche by distilling and providing information to busy teachers. . . an important little book that is quite readable and may be very useful to its intended audience' "- American Psychological Association " When a young person with autistic spectrum disorders enters secondary school, there are lots of new factors to consider. This books looks at: "making good transitions from primary school "how to provide helpful INSET for colleagues (including teachers, senior managers, support staff and lunchtime supervisers) "using a special interest as a tool for learning "record-keeping, IEPs and sharing information across the school "subject disapplication and formal examinations "social strategies to employ in a large high school "useful tips for staff - what to do and what not to do "work experience, careers and self-advocacy The importance of working closely with parents is also covered, as is dealing with challenging behaviour. '. . . the book not only gives sound advice, it helps the reader to find a wider range of sources of support and information. . . The authors have not sought to minimise the difficulties or to pretend that schools and individuals will not have to change or adapt, nor have they avoided difficult questions. What they have one is to write a useful, practical guide that makes the organisation of inclusive education achievable' - "Resource File "

Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Early Years

by Lynn Plimley Maggie Bowen Hugh Morgan

'An extremely helpful, compact guide for anyone working in early years education. . . provides clear information for all professionals who work with children from birth to five with autistic spectrum disorders. . . A short, accessible and reader-friendly book that addresses the key issues' - "Nursery Education " Looking at the early years of a child's life, this book provides information on the services that are available for those from birth to five years, and addresses issues related to identification, assessment, teaching and learning and family support. It is illustrated with case studies provided by parents and practitioners. The following areas are discussed: o the Code of Practice for SEN & the SEN and Disability Discrimination Act o identification and assessment o good practice examples of multi-agency collaboration and provision o partnership with parents o social skills and behaviour o alternative intervention and home-based programmes o the transition from pre-school to school. Professionals in Health, Social Services and Education, pre-school playgroups, nursery staff, parents and carers will all find this book useful. Conference Information The Good Autism Practice (GAP) conference is based on the successful foundations of the Good Autism Practice (GAP) journal, which provides a platform for acknowledging and sharing good practice in autism.

Dyslexia-friendly practice in the secondary classroom

by Tilly Mortimore Jane Dupree

The first guide of its kind written specifically for trainee and newly qualified teachers, this standards-based text explores the needs of dyslexic learners in mainstream secondary schools. In light of the current dyslexia-friendly schools initiative, it looks at organisational-level support for dyslexic children, together with pragmatic strategies which teachers can use to support children's cross-curricular learning. Further, it includes case studies and practical tasks to build readers' confidence in supporting Specific Learning Difficulties, as well as a range of coping strategies and practical advice, based upon the authors' experience of working with dyslexic learners in different contexts over many years.

The Dyslexia-Friendly Teacher's Toolkit: Strategies for Teaching Students 3-18 (1st edition)

by Barbara Pavey Margaret Meehan Sarah Davis

'This book is a really practical, hands-on guide packed woth a wealth of advice on strategies and "things to try" reflecting the authors' extensive experience. If you want to make effective, inclusive dyslexia-friendly classrooms a reality rather than an aspiration, this book is for you'-Dr John P. Rack, Head of Research and Development, Dyslexia Action In this toolkit the authors provide you with the foundations for making your setting and your teaching style dyslexia-friendly. There is a general overview of the principles and practices required, and what the dyslexia-aware teacher needs to bear in mind. Chapters cover: - understanding learners with dyslexia; - dyslexia and phonics; - dyslexia and English as an Additional Language; - dyslexia and mathematics; - dyslexia and science; - dyslexia and creativity. Each chapter includes visual chapter overviews, tried and tested strategies for the classroom and the whole school, using technology to help learners, case studies from practice, children's voices and sources of further information. The book offers you ideas and advice, and will ensure you feel confident you are doing the right things to help overcome barriers to learning. Barbara Pavey is a lecturer in Higher Education, training dyslexia specialists in the North of England. Margaret Meehan is Coordinator of Specialist Tuition at Swansea University Sarah Davis is an Early Years Leading Teacher working in North Yorkshire

The Dyslexia-Friendly Teacher's Toolkit: Strategies for Teaching Students 3-18 (1st edition) (PDF)

by Barbara Pavey Margaret Meehan Sarah Davis

'This book is a really practical, hands-on guide packed woth a wealth of advice on strategies and "things to try" reflecting the authors' extensive experience. If you want to make effective, inclusive dyslexia-friendly classrooms a reality rather than an aspiration, this book is for you'-Dr John P. Rack, Head of Research and Development, Dyslexia Action In this toolkit the authors provide you with the foundations for making your setting and your teaching style dyslexia-friendly. There is a general overview of the principles and practices required, and what the dyslexia-aware teacher needs to bear in mind. Chapters cover: - understanding learners with dyslexia; - dyslexia and phonics; - dyslexia and English as an Additional Language; - dyslexia and mathematics; - dyslexia and science; - dyslexia and creativity. Each chapter includes visual chapter overviews, tried and tested strategies for the classroom and the whole school, using technology to help learners, case studies from practice, children's voices and sources of further information. The book offers you ideas and advice, and will ensure you feel confident you are doing the right things to help overcome barriers to learning. Barbara Pavey is a lecturer in Higher Education, training dyslexia specialists in the North of England. Margaret Meehan is Coordinator of Specialist Tuition at Swansea University Sarah Davis is an Early Years Leading Teacher working in North Yorkshire

Equality: The Struggle For Web Accessibility By Persons With Cognitive Disabilities

by Peter Blanck David Braddock

Never before have the civil rights of people with disabilities aligned so well with developments in information and communication technology. The center of the technology revolution is the Internet, which fosters unprecedented opportunities for engagement in democratic society. The Americans with Disabilities Act likewise is helping to ensure equal participation in society by people with disabilities. Globally, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities further affirms that persons with disabilities are entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of fundamental personal freedoms. This book is about the lived struggle for disability rights, with a focus on Web equality for people with cognitive disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, autism, and print-related disabilities. The principles derived from the right to the Web - freedom of speech and individual dignity - are bound to lead toward full and meaningful involvement in society for persons with cognitive and other disabilities.

Youth And Disability: A Challenge To Mr Reasonable

by Jenny Slater

In this ground-breaking book, Jenny Slater uses the lens of 'the reasonable' to explore how normative understandings of youth, dis/ability and the intersecting identities of gender and sexuality impact upon the lives of young dis/abled people. Although youth and disability have separately been thought within socio-cultural frameworks, rarely have sociological studies of 'youth' and 'disability' been brought together. By taking an interdisciplinary, critical disability studies approach to explore the socio-cultural concepts of 'youth' and 'disability' alongside one-another, Slater convincingly demonstrates that 'youth' and 'disability' have been conceptualised within medical/psychological frameworks for too long. With chapters focusing on access and youth culture, independence, autonomy and disabled people's movements, and the body, gender and sexuality, this volume's intersectional and transdisciplinary engagement with social theory offers a significant contribution to existing theoretical and empirical literature and knowledges around disability and youth. Indeed, through highlighting the ableism of adulthood and the falsity of conceptualising youth as a time of becoming-independent-adult, the need to shift approaches to research around dis/abled youth is one of the main themes of the book. This book therefore is a provocation to rethink what is implicit about 'youth' and 'disability'. Moreover, through such an endeavour, this book sits as a challenge to Mr Reasonable.

Youth And Disability: A Challenge To Mr Reasonable (PDF)

by Jenny Slater

In this ground-breaking book, Jenny Slater uses the lens of 'the reasonable' to explore how normative understandings of youth, dis/ability and the intersecting identities of gender and sexuality impact upon the lives of young dis/abled people. Although youth and disability have separately been thought within socio-cultural frameworks, rarely have sociological studies of 'youth' and 'disability' been brought together. By taking an interdisciplinary, critical disability studies approach to explore the socio-cultural concepts of 'youth' and 'disability' alongside one-another, Slater convincingly demonstrates that 'youth' and 'disability' have been conceptualised within medical/psychological frameworks for too long. With chapters focusing on access and youth culture, independence, autonomy and disabled people's movements, and the body, gender and sexuality, this volume's intersectional and transdisciplinary engagement with social theory offers a significant contribution to existing theoretical and empirical literature and knowledges around disability and youth. Indeed, through highlighting the ableism of adulthood and the falsity of conceptualising youth as a time of becoming-independent-adult, the need to shift approaches to research around dis/abled youth is one of the main themes of the book. This book therefore is a provocation to rethink what is implicit about 'youth' and 'disability'. Moreover, through such an endeavour, this book sits as a challenge to Mr Reasonable.

Disability in Eighteenth-Century England: Imagining Physical Impairment

by David M. Turner

This is the first book-length study of physical disability in eighteenth-century England. It assesses the ways in which meanings of physical difference were formed within different cultural contexts, and examines how disabled men and women used, appropriated, or rejected these representations in making sense of their own experiences. In the process, it asks a series of related questions: what constituted 'disability' in eighteenth-century culture and society? How was impairment perceived? How did people with disabilities see themselves and relate to others? What do their stories tell us about the social and cultural contexts of disability, and in what ways were these narratives and experiences shaped by class and gender? In order to answer these questions, the book explores the languages of disability, the relationship between religious and medical discourses of disability, and analyzes depictions of people with disabilities in popular culture, art, and the media. It also uncovers the 'hidden histories' of disabled men and women themselves drawing on elite letters and autobiographies, Poor Law documents and criminal court records. 9780203117545

Working With Vulnerable Adults

by Bridget Penhale Jonathan Parker

Provides an understanding of the professional practice in social and health care. This book examines abuse of vulnerable adults and the ways in which social policy, welfare services and practitioners may compound or alleviate vulnerability. It includes coverage of social work, social care settings and vulnerable adults. 9780415301916 9780203492932

Working with Vulnerable Adults (PDF)

by Bridget Penhale Jonathan Parker

Provides an understanding of the professional practice in social and health care. This book examines abuse of vulnerable adults and the ways in which social policy, welfare services and practitioners may compound or alleviate vulnerability. It includes coverage of social work, social care settings and vulnerable adults. 9780415301916 9780203492932

Meeting SEN in the Curriculum: PE and Sports

by Crispin Andrews

Meeting the needs of pupils with SEN on the sports field and in the gym or swimming pool can be very challenging for non-specialist teachers-they need help. This book describes strategies which are practical and effective in mainstream settings. Case studies exmplify good practice in situations involving pupils with a wide range of special needs- from physical difficulties (what does a wheel-chair user do while everyone else plays rugby?) - to communication difficulties and cognitive problems.

Emotional Well-being for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: A Guide for Practitioners (1st edition) (PDF)

by Gail Bailey

This practical guide details the strategies that practitioners can use in their setting to build better outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities. A clear rationale is outlined that highlights how many factors outside of the child's control can be addressed to minimise the risk of longer term mental health problems and social exclusion. Case studies, points for practice and questions for reflection are used to explore the principles around working with children with a range of disabilities including: - ADHD - Dyslexia - Visual Impairment - Autism Written by an experienced teacher and educational psychologist, this text carefully considers the existing evidence base surrounding emotional well-being and positive psychology before outlining the practical implications for the classroom. This book will guide practitioners in implementing strategies to pro-actively promote emotional well-being for children with SEND in their settings. Dr. Gail Bailey is a Child Psychology Consultant based in West Wales. 9781446201602, 9781446201596

Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities: National And International Perspectives (PDF)

by Arie Rimmerman

Social inclusion is often used interchangeably with the terms social cohesion, social integration and social participation, positioning social exclusion as the opposite. The latter is a contested term that refers to a wide range of phenomena and processes related to poverty and deprivation, but it is also used in relation to marginalised people and places. This book consists of two parts: the first aims to review the domestic and international historical roots and the conceptual base of disability, as well as the expressions of social exclusion of people with disabilities that interfere in their efforts to exercise their rights in society. It offers a comprehensive review of social and legal approaches to social exclusion and inclusion. The second part introduces and analyses domestic and international social and legal strategies to promote social inclusion for people with disabilities.

A History Of Disability (PDF)

by Henri-Jacques Stiker William Sayers

The increasing numbers of scholars, policy-makers, and political activists who are concerned with questions of physical and cognitive disability will warmly welcome Henri-Jacques Stiker's book, the first to attempt to provide a framework for analyzing disability through the ages. Published in 1997 in France as Corps infirmes et soci#65533;t#65533;s and available now in an excellent English translation, the book traces the history of western cultural responses to disability, from ancient times to the present. In this volume, Stiker examines a fundamental issue in contemporary Western discourse on disability: the cultural assumption that equality/sameness/similarity is always desired by those in society. He highlights the consequences of such a mindset, illustrating the intolerance of diversity and individualism that arises from placing such importance on equality. Importantly, Stiker does not hesitate to assert his own stance on the issues he discusses: that difference is not only acceptable, but that it is desirable, that it is necessary. The author goes beyond anecdotal history to traverse a little known history, penetrating to the heart of collective attitudes and reflecting on elements of policy. The sweep is broad; from a rereading and reinterpretation of the Oedipus myth to current legislation regarding disablity, he proposes an analytical history that demonstrates how societies reveal themselves through their attitudes towards disability, at times in unexpected ways, since the study of detail is often the best entry into the whole of a culture. The book will be of interest to scholars of disability, historians, social scientists, cultural anthropologists, and those who are intrigued by the role that culture plays in the development of language and thought surrounding the disabled. Henri-Jacques Stiker is Director of Research and member of the department of the History and Civilization of Western Societies, University of Paris VII. 9780472086269

Disability Theory (PDF)

by Tobin Anthony Siebers Tobin Siebers

"Disability Theory is just the book we've been waiting for. Clear, cogent, compelling analyses of the tension between the 'social model' of disability and the material details of impairment; of identity politics and unstable identities; of capability rights and human interdependence; of disability and law, disability as masquerade, disability and sexuality, disability and democracy---they're all here, in beautifully crafted and intellectually startling essays. Disability Theory is a field-defining book: and if you're curious about what 'disability' has to do with 'theory,' it's just the book you've been waiting for, too. " ---Michael B#65533;rub#65533;, Pennsylvania State University "Disability Theory is magisterially written, thoroughly researched, and polemically powerful. It will be controversial in a number of areas and will probably ruffle feathers both in disability studies as well as in realms of cultural theory. And that's all to the good. " ---Michael Davidson, University of California, San Diego "Not only is Disability Theory a groundbreaking contribution to disability studies, it is also a bold, ambitious and much needed revision to a number of adjacent and overlapping fields including cultural studies, literary theory, queer theory, and critical race studies. Siebers has written a powerful manifesto that calls theory to account and forces readers to think beyond our comfort zones. " ---Helen Deutsch, University of California, Los Angeles Intelligent, provocative, and challenging, Disability Theory revolutionizes the terrain of theory by providing indisputable evidence of the value and utility that a disability studies perspective can bring to key critical and cultural questions. Tobin Siebers persuasively argues that disability studies transfigures basic assumptions about identity, ideology, language, politics, social oppression, and the body. At the same time, he advances the emerging field of disability studies by putting its core issues into contact with signal thinkers in cultural studies, literary theory, queer theory, gender studies, and critical race theory. Tobin Siebers is V. L. Parrington Collegiate Professor, Professor of English Language and Literature, and Professor of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. A volume in the series Corporealities: Discourses of Disability Illustration: Pattern by Riva Lehrer, acrylic on panel, 18" X 24", 1995

Disability And Technology: Key Papers From Disability And Society (PDF)

by Alan Roulstone Alison Sheldon Jennifer Harris

This edited collection brings together keynote articles from the journal Disability & Societyto provide a comprehensive and though-provoking exploration of the place of technology in disabled people's lives, documenting and analysing the growing impact of technology on disability and society over recent decades. The authors explore theoretical, empirical and moral dilemmas that arise with the changing relationship between technological change and the lives, aspirations and possibilities of disabled people. The volume is organised into three parts which consider early foundational work connecting disability and technology; key empirical studies related to the optimum use of technologies for independence and inclusion; and new moral and social dynamics thrown up by technological developments for disabled people's lives.

Disability Rights And Wrongs Revisited

by Tom Shakespeare

Over the last forty years, the field of disability studies has emerged from the political activism of disabled people. In this challenging review of the field, leading disability academic and activist Tom Shakespeare argues that disability research needs a firmer conceptual and empirical footing. This new edition is updated throughout, reflecting Shakespeare's most recent thinking, drawing on current research, and responding to controversies surrounding the first edition and the World Report on Disability, as well as incorporating new chapters on cultural disability studies, personal assistance, sexuality, and violence. Using a critical realist approach, Disability Rights and WrongsRevisited promotes a pluralist, engaged and nuanced approach to disability. Key topics discussed include: dichotomies - going beyond dangerous polarizations such as medical model versus social model to achieve a complex, multi-factorial account of disability identity - the drawbacks of the disability movement's emphasis on identity politics bioethics - choices at the beginning and end of life and in the field of genetic and stem cell therapies relationships - feminist and virtue ethics approaches to questions of intimacy, assistance and friendship. This stimulating and accessible book challenges disability studies orthodoxy, promoting a new conceptualization of disability and fresh research agenda. It is an invaluable resource for researchers and students in disability studies and sociology, as well as professionals, policy makers and activists.

Disability Rights And Wrongs Revisited (PDF)

by Tom Shakespeare

Over the last forty years, the field of disability studies has emerged from the political activism of disabled people. In this challenging review of the field, leading disability academic and activist Tom Shakespeare argues that disability research needs a firmer conceptual and empirical footing. This new edition is updated throughout, reflecting Shakespeare's most recent thinking, drawing on current research, and responding to controversies surrounding the first edition and the World Report on Disability, as well as incorporating new chapters on cultural disability studies, personal assistance, sexuality, and violence. Using a critical realist approach, Disability Rights and WrongsRevisited promotes a pluralist, engaged and nuanced approach to disability. Key topics discussed include: dichotomies - going beyond dangerous polarizations such as medical model versus social model to achieve a complex, multi-factorial account of disability identity - the drawbacks of the disability movement's emphasis on identity politics bioethics - choices at the beginning and end of life and in the field of genetic and stem cell therapies relationships - feminist and virtue ethics approaches to questions of intimacy, assistance and friendship. This stimulating and accessible book challenges disability studies orthodoxy, promoting a new conceptualization of disability and fresh research agenda. It is an invaluable resource for researchers and students in disability studies and sociology, as well as professionals, policy makers and activists.

The Disability Reader: Social Science Perspectives (PDF)

by Tom Shakespeare

A collection of essays exploring the intellectual implications of a disability equality perspective. Leading social scientists draw on current theory and research and offer an overview of contemporary debates.

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