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Showing 3,551 through 3,575 of 21,867 results

Software Defined Networking Applications in Distributed Datacenters (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Heng Qi Keqiu Li

This SpringerBrief provides essential insights on the SDN application designing and deployment in distributed datacenters. In this book, three key problems are discussed: SDN application designing, SDN deployment and SDN management.This book demonstrates how to design the SDN-based request allocation application in distributed datacenters. It also presents solutions for SDN controller placement to deploy SDN in distributed datacenters. Finally, an SDN management system is proposed to guarantee the performance of datacenter networks which are covered and controlled by many heterogeneous controllers.Researchers and practitioners alike will find this book a valuable resource for further study on Software Defined Networking.

Software Defined Internet of Everything (Internet of Things)

by Gagangeet Singh Aujla Sahil Garg Kuljeet Kaur Biplab Sikdar

This book provides comprehensive discussion on key topics related to the usage and deployment of software defined networks (SDN) in Internet of Everything applications like, healthcare systems, data centers, edge/fog computing, vehicular networks, intelligent transportation systems, smart grids, smart cities and more. The authors provide diverse solutions to overcome challenges of conventional network binding in various Internet of Everything applications where there is need of an adaptive, agile, and flexible network backbone. The book showcases different deployment models, algorithms and implementations related to the usage of SDN in Internet of Everything applications along with the pros and cons of the same. Even more, this book provides deep insights into the architecture of software defined networking specifically about the layered architecture and different network planes, logical interfaces, and programmable operations. The need of network virtualization and the deployment models for network function virtualization is also included with an aim towards the design of interoperable network architectures by researchers in future. Uniquely, the authors find hands on practical implementation, deployment scenarios and use cases for various software defined networking architectures in Internet of Everything applications like healthcare networks, Internet of Things, intelligent transportation systems, smart grid, underwater acoustic networks and many more. In the end, design and research challenges, open issues, and future research directions are provided in this book for a wide range of readers

Software Architecture for Business

by Lina Khalid

This book illustrates the role of software architecture and its application in business. The author describes enterprise architecture along with business architecture to show the role of software architecture in both areas. The place of software architecture in business is outlined from many perspectives in this context. The book outlines quality attributes and how managers can use software architecture to build high quality products. Topics include business software architecture, dealing with qualities, achieving quality attributes, managing business qualities, software product line, Internet of Things (IOT), and Service Oriented Business Architecture. The book is intended to benefit students, researchers, software architects, and business architects. Provides quick and easy access to all the important aspects of software architecture in business;Highlights a wide variety of concepts of software architecture in a straightforward manner, for students, practitioners, or architects;Presents different applications of software architecture in business.

Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry: Principles, Tasks, and Tools for Success

by Andreas Creutzmann

Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry Auditors, accountants, lawyers, consultants, and other highly educated and trained professionals frequently hold impressive credentials and offer clients specialized expertise in complex areas. At the same time, these professionals understandably focus on the analytical and technical components of their jobs, sometimes to the point of excluding or ignoring important soft skills critical to the success of their careers and practices. In Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry: Principles, Tasks, and Tools for Success, veteran auditor and entrepreneur Andreas Creutzmann delivers an essential discussion of often overlooked professional competencies that can mean the difference between career, engagement, and business success or failure. In the book, you’ll find accessible guidance on critical soft skills that can make a difference between fulfilment and success and failure on a professional and personal level. You’ll learn to handle the blending of home and the home office, how to effectively manage staff, how to market yourself and your firm, practical strategies for client and colleague communication, and how to find happiness in your day-to-day work. Each chapter stands alone and can be read in any order. They provide professionals with invaluable skills for navigating the modern—and digital—reality of work, showing you how to combine your professional education with the latest research and common sense on everything from client management to firm marketing. Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry uses the field of auditing as a template and guide, but it is highly relevant to all skilled professionals – including lawyers, consultants, medical professionals, and others. The book is a must-read for any knowledge worker trying to add to their toolbox of practical skills. Critical guidance for practicing professionals on how to build often overlooked soft skills Most highly educated and trained professionals aren’t lacking in analytical or technical skills. Lawyers know the law, accountants understand double entry bookkeeping, and doctors know anatomy. However, many of us are less familiar with often overlooked—and equally essential—soft skills: client management, communication, staff and employee management, and others. In Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry, accomplished auditor, entrepreneur, and consultant Andreas Creutzmann walks you through how to build critical competencies, from self-marketing to balancing work and life when your office is in your house. The book is made up of numerous, self-contained chapters that can be read in any order, and it demonstrates how to navigate increasingly digital and insistent professional demands on your time, effectively manage client and colleague relationships, and sell new clients on the services your firm offers. An essential roadmap to achieving personal and career success, Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry is an indispensable resource for lawyers, doctors, accountants, auditors, and any other extensively skilled professional. It offers practical tools in functional areas that are frequently neglected in formal professional training.

Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry: Principles, Tasks, and Tools for Success

by Andreas Creutzmann

Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry Auditors, accountants, lawyers, consultants, and other highly educated and trained professionals frequently hold impressive credentials and offer clients specialized expertise in complex areas. At the same time, these professionals understandably focus on the analytical and technical components of their jobs, sometimes to the point of excluding or ignoring important soft skills critical to the success of their careers and practices. In Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry: Principles, Tasks, and Tools for Success, veteran auditor and entrepreneur Andreas Creutzmann delivers an essential discussion of often overlooked professional competencies that can mean the difference between career, engagement, and business success or failure. In the book, you’ll find accessible guidance on critical soft skills that can make a difference between fulfilment and success and failure on a professional and personal level. You’ll learn to handle the blending of home and the home office, how to effectively manage staff, how to market yourself and your firm, practical strategies for client and colleague communication, and how to find happiness in your day-to-day work. Each chapter stands alone and can be read in any order. They provide professionals with invaluable skills for navigating the modern—and digital—reality of work, showing you how to combine your professional education with the latest research and common sense on everything from client management to firm marketing. Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry uses the field of auditing as a template and guide, but it is highly relevant to all skilled professionals – including lawyers, consultants, medical professionals, and others. The book is a must-read for any knowledge worker trying to add to their toolbox of practical skills. Critical guidance for practicing professionals on how to build often overlooked soft skills Most highly educated and trained professionals aren’t lacking in analytical or technical skills. Lawyers know the law, accountants understand double entry bookkeeping, and doctors know anatomy. However, many of us are less familiar with often overlooked—and equally essential—soft skills: client management, communication, staff and employee management, and others. In Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry, accomplished auditor, entrepreneur, and consultant Andreas Creutzmann walks you through how to build critical competencies, from self-marketing to balancing work and life when your office is in your house. The book is made up of numerous, self-contained chapters that can be read in any order, and it demonstrates how to navigate increasingly digital and insistent professional demands on your time, effectively manage client and colleague relationships, and sell new clients on the services your firm offers. An essential roadmap to achieving personal and career success, Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry is an indispensable resource for lawyers, doctors, accountants, auditors, and any other extensively skilled professional. It offers practical tools in functional areas that are frequently neglected in formal professional training.

Soft Skills for the New Journalist: Cultivating the Inner Resources You Need to Succeed

by Colleen Steffen

Journalism is a pool staffed by distracted lifeguards and no matter how fancy your school is, your first week in a real newsroom will feel like a shove in the small of the back into 15 feet of water. Most of us come up for air eventually, but if you’re like journalist and educator Colleen Steffen, you may still be left feeling like all that training in inverted pyramids and question lists left something important out: you! Journalism is people managing, wrestling truth and story out of the messy, confusing raw material that is a human being, and the messiest human involved can often be the reporter themselves. So it’s time to talk about it. Instead of nervously skirting the sizable EQ (emotional intelligence) portion of this IQ (intelligence intelligence) enterprise, Soft Skills for the New Journalist explores how it FEELS to do this strange, hard, amazing job—and how to use those feelings to better your work and yourself.

Soft Skills for the New Journalist: Cultivating the Inner Resources You Need to Succeed

by Colleen Steffen

Journalism is a pool staffed by distracted lifeguards and no matter how fancy your school is, your first week in a real newsroom will feel like a shove in the small of the back into 15 feet of water. Most of us come up for air eventually, but if you’re like journalist and educator Colleen Steffen, you may still be left feeling like all that training in inverted pyramids and question lists left something important out: you! Journalism is people managing, wrestling truth and story out of the messy, confusing raw material that is a human being, and the messiest human involved can often be the reporter themselves. So it’s time to talk about it. Instead of nervously skirting the sizable EQ (emotional intelligence) portion of this IQ (intelligence intelligence) enterprise, Soft Skills for the New Journalist explores how it FEELS to do this strange, hard, amazing job—and how to use those feelings to better your work and yourself.

Soft Skills For Dummies

by Cindi Reiman

Soft skills make the hard skills work! Soft skills are the personal qualities that make you a great communicator, problem solver, and leader on the job—and in your personal life. Soft Skills For Dummies helps you hone in on the traits you already have—or fine tune the ones that may need some extra attention—to market yourself as a workplace leader who&’s in touch with what today&’s employers are looking for: people who can lead and inspire through interpersonal communication, cultural awareness, time management, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. • Sharpen the skills you need for a successful career • Improve your ability to work with others • Become a more confident job seeker and leader • Grasp the concept of soft skills through real-world applications, inspirational stories, and industry spotlights With content based on a time-tested curriculum designed to prepare you for work and life success, this book is packed with everything you need to build your soft skills to make the strongest impact possible.

Soft Skills For Dummies

by Cindi Reiman

Soft skills make the hard skills work! Soft skills are the personal qualities that make you a great communicator, problem solver, and leader on the job—and in your personal life. Soft Skills For Dummies helps you hone in on the traits you already have—or fine tune the ones that may need some extra attention—to market yourself as a workplace leader who&’s in touch with what today&’s employers are looking for: people who can lead and inspire through interpersonal communication, cultural awareness, time management, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. • Sharpen the skills you need for a successful career • Improve your ability to work with others • Become a more confident job seeker and leader • Grasp the concept of soft skills through real-world applications, inspirational stories, and industry spotlights With content based on a time-tested curriculum designed to prepare you for work and life success, this book is packed with everything you need to build your soft skills to make the strongest impact possible.

Soft Skills: Alternative zur Fachlichkeit oder weiche Perfomance? (Schulpädagogik #10)

Nach einer Zeitspanne intensiver Begründung und Evaluierung des pädagogischen Gehalts von Schule durch schulpädagogische Forschung deutet sich an, dass die Aufmerksamkeit der von Schule Betroffenen und Interessierten sich dauerhaft dem Kommunikations-, Konflikt- bzw. dem generellen Umgangsverhalten der Personen zuwendet, die im Handlungsfeld Schule agieren und leben. Das ist nicht neu, die Personalität von Schule hat immer schon im Mittel-punkt des Interesses von Akteuren und Adressaten schulischen Wirkens gestanden. Neu ist: Im außerwissenschaftlichen Diskurs hat sich der Begriff Soft Skills etabliert, die Politik hat ihn inzwischen fest vereinnahmt, die Erziehungswissenschaft hat ein nicht ganz geklärtes Verhältnis zu ihm, weil er nicht zu ihrem etablierten Begriffsrepertoire gehört, sondern einen Import aus anderweitigen Wissenschaftsfeldern darstellt, insbesondere der Betriebswirtschaft und der Wirtschaftspädagogik. Mittlerweile gelten Soft Skills, also die „weichen Umgangs-qualitäten“, als „Allzweckwaffe“ beruflichen Erfolgs und sind deshalb „natürliche“ Gegens-tände öffentlicher Bildung und Erziehung.Den damit korrespondierenden Fragen wendet sich der vorliegende Band zu. Die Autoren haben sich dabei keineswegs allein auf die Schule und die in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich geführte Zieledebatte beschränkt, sondern die Rückbindung an den Ort ihres Wirkens gesucht.Besonderes Augenmerk legt der Herausgeber auf die Lesbarkeit, um die Texte nicht nur Fachleuten an die Hand zu geben, sondern gleichermaßen auch Studierenden, Referendaren, Praktikern und interessierten Laien, um ihnen ein Forum für Argumente und Gegenargumente zu erschließen und den Diskurs in der Sache zu befördern.

Soft Sensors for Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes (Advances in Industrial Control)

by Luigi Fortuna Salvatore Graziani Alessandro Rizzo Maria Gabriella Xibilia

This book reviews current design paths for soft sensors, and guides readers in evaluating different choices. The book presents case studies resulting from collaborations between the authors and industrial partners. The solutions presented, some of which are implemented on-line in industrial plants, are designed to cope with a wide range of applications from measuring system backup and what-if analysis through real-time prediction for plant control to sensor diagnosis and validation.

Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age

by Matthew A. Baum

The American public has consistently declared itself less concerned with foreign affairs in the post-Cold War era, even after 9/11, than at any time since World War II. How can it be, then, that public attentiveness to U.S. foreign policy crises has increased? This book represents the first systematic attempt to explain this apparent paradox. Matthew Baum argues that the answer lies in changes to television's presentation of political information. In so doing he develops a compelling "byproduct" theory of information consumption. The information revolution has fundamentally changed the way the mass media, especially television, covers foreign policy. Traditional news has been repackaged into numerous entertainment-oriented news programs and talk shows. By transforming political issues involving scandal or violence (especially attacks against America) into entertainment, the "soft news" media have actually captured more viewers who will now follow news about foreign crises, due to its entertainment value, even if they remain uninterested in foreign policy. Baum rigorously tests his theory through content analyses of traditional and soft news media coverage of various post-WWII U.S. foreign crises and statistical analyses of public opinion surveys. The results hold key implications for the future of American politics and foreign policy. For instance, watching soft news reinforces isolationism among many inattentive Americans. Scholars, political analysts, and even politicians have tended to ignore the soft news media and politically disengaged citizens. But, as this well-written book cogently demonstrates, soft news viewers represent a largely untapped reservoir of unusually persuadable voters.

Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age

by Matthew A. Baum

The American public has consistently declared itself less concerned with foreign affairs in the post-Cold War era, even after 9/11, than at any time since World War II. How can it be, then, that public attentiveness to U.S. foreign policy crises has increased? This book represents the first systematic attempt to explain this apparent paradox. Matthew Baum argues that the answer lies in changes to television's presentation of political information. In so doing he develops a compelling "byproduct" theory of information consumption. The information revolution has fundamentally changed the way the mass media, especially television, covers foreign policy. Traditional news has been repackaged into numerous entertainment-oriented news programs and talk shows. By transforming political issues involving scandal or violence (especially attacks against America) into entertainment, the "soft news" media have actually captured more viewers who will now follow news about foreign crises, due to its entertainment value, even if they remain uninterested in foreign policy. Baum rigorously tests his theory through content analyses of traditional and soft news media coverage of various post-WWII U.S. foreign crises and statistical analyses of public opinion surveys. The results hold key implications for the future of American politics and foreign policy. For instance, watching soft news reinforces isolationism among many inattentive Americans. Scholars, political analysts, and even politicians have tended to ignore the soft news media and politically disengaged citizens. But, as this well-written book cogently demonstrates, soft news viewers represent a largely untapped reservoir of unusually persuadable voters.

Soft Computing: Proceedings of SoCTA 2018 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1053)

by Millie Pant Tarun K. Sharma Om Prakash Verma Rajesh Singla Afzal Sikander

The book focuses on soft computing and its applications to solve real-world problems in different domains, ranging from medicine and health care, to supply chain management, image processing and cryptanalysis. It includes high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2018), organized by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Offering significant insights into soft computing for teachers and researchers alike, the book inspires more researchers to work in the field of soft computing.

Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval: Models and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #197)

by Enrique Herrera-Viedma Gabriella Pasi Fabio Crestani

This book presents recent studies on the application of Soft Computing techniques in information access on the World Wide Web. The book is divided in four parts reflecting the areas of research of the presented works such as Document Classification, Semantic Web, Web Information Retrieval and Web Applications. The text demonstrates that Web Information Retrieval is a stimulating area of research where Soft Computing technologies can be applied satisfactorily.

Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology: Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing #158)

by Jia Luo

This is a collection of the accepted papers concerning soft computing in information communication technology. All accepted papers are subjected to strict peer-reviewing by 2 expert referees.The resultant dissemination of the latest research results, and the exchanges of views concerning the future research directions to be taken in this field makes the work of immense value to all those having an interest in the topics covered. The present book represents a cooperative effort to seek out the best strategies for effecting improvements in the quality and the reliability of Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing, Image Processing Internet Security, Data Security, Data Mining, Network Security and Protection of data and Cyber laws.Our sincere appreciation and thanks go to these authors for their contributions to this conference. I hope you can gain lots of useful information from the book.

Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology: Volume 2 (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing #161)

by Jia Luo

This book is a collection of the accepted papers concerning soft computing in information communication technology. The resultant dissemination of the latest research results, and the exchanges of views concerning the future research directions to be taken in this field makes the work of immense value to all those having an interest in the topics covered. The present book represents a cooperative effort to seek out the best strategies for effecting improvements in the quality and the reliability of Fuzzy Logic, Machine Learning, Cryptography, Pattern Recognition, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Advancements in ICT.

Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing #96)

by Lino Costa António Gaspar-Cunha Ricardo Takahashi Gerald Schaefer

The 15th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, held on the Internet, constitutes a distinctive opportunity to present and discuss high quality papers, making use of sophisticated Internet tools and without incurring in high cost and, thus, facilitating the participation of people from the entire world.The book contains a collection of papers covering outstanding research and developments in the field of Soft Computing including, evolutionary computation, fuzzy control and neuro-fuzzy systems, bio-inspired systems, optimization techniques and application of Soft Computing techniques in modeling, control, optimization, data mining, pattern recognition and traffic and transportation systems.

Soft Computing in Communications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #136)

by Lipo Wang

Soft computing, as opposed to conventional "hard" computing, tolerates imprecision and uncertainty, in a way very much similar to the human mind. Soft computing techniques include neural networks, evolutionary computation, fuzzy logic, and chaos. The recent years have witnessed tremendous success of these powerful methods in virtually all areas of science and technology, as evidenced by the large numbers of research results published in a variety of journals, conferences, as weil as many excellent books in this book series on Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. This volume is dedicated to recent novel applications of soft computing in communications. The book is organized in four Parts, i.e., (1) neural networks, (2) evolutionary computation, (3) fuzzy logic and neurofuzzy systems, and (4) kernel methods. Artificial neural networks consist of simple processing elements called neurons, which are connected by weights that may be adjusted during learning. Part 1 of the book has seven chapters, demonstrating some of the capabilities of two major types of neural networks, i.e., multiplayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks and Hopfield-type neural networks.

Soft Computing for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICSCIS 2020 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Nikhil Marriwala C. C Tripathi Shruti Jain Shivakumar Mathapathi

This book presents high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing for Intelligent Systems (SCIS 2020), held during 18–20 December 2020 at University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. The book encompasses all branches of artificial intelligence, computational sciences and machine learning which is based on computation at some level such as AI-based Internet of things, sensor networks, robotics, intelligent diabetic retinopathy, intelligent cancer genes analysis using computer vision, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy systems, medical automatic identification intelligence system and applications in agriculture, health care, smart grid and instrumentation systems. The book is helpful for educators, researchers and developers working in the area of recent advances and upcoming technologies utilizing computational sciences in signal processing, imaging, computing, instrumentation, artificial intelligence and their applications.

Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings Of Socta 2016, Volume 1 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #761)

by Kanad Ray Millie Pant Anirban Bandyopadhyay

This book provides a reference guide for researchers, scientists and industrialists working in the area of soft computing, and highlights the latest advances in and applications of soft computing techniques in multidisciplinary areas. Gathering papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2016), which was held in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on December 28–30, 2016, it focuses on applying soft computing to solve real-life problems arising in various domains, from medical and healthcare to supply chain management, image processing and cryptanalysis. The term soft computing represents an umbrella term for computational techniques like fuzzy logic, neural networks and nature inspired algorithms. In the past few decades, there has been an exponential rise in the application of soft computing techniques to address complex and intricate problems in diverse spheres of life. The versatility of these techniques has made them a favourite among scientists and researchers alike.

Soft Computing and Industry: Recent Applications

by Rajkumar Roy Seppo Ovaska Takeshi Furuhashi Frank Hoffmann Mario Köppen

Soft computing embraces various methodologies for the development of intelligent systems that have been successfully applied to a large number of real-world problems. Soft Computing in Industry contains a collection of papers that were presented at the 6th On-line World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications that was held in September 2001. It provides a comprehensive overview of recent theoretical developments in soft computing as well as of successful industrial applications. It is divided into seven parts covering material on: keynote papers on various subjects ranging from computing with autopoietic systems to the effects of the Internet on education; intelligent control; classification, clustering and optimization; image and signal processing; agents, multimedia and Internet; theoretical advances; prediction, design and diagnosis. The book is aimed at researchers and professional engineers who develop and apply intelligent systems in computer engineering.

Soft Computing: Proceedings of SoCTA 2016, Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #583)

by Millie Pant Kanad Ray Tarun K. Sharma Sanyog Rawat Anirban Bandyopadhyay

This book focuses on soft computing and its applications to solve real-life problems occurring in different domains ranging from medical and health care, supply chain management and image processing to cryptanalysis. It presents the proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2016), offering significant insights into soft computing for teachers and researchers and inspiring more and more researchers to work in the field of soft computing. The term soft computing represents an umbrella term for computational techniques like fuzzy logic, neural networks, and nature inspired algorithms. In the past few decades, there has been an exponential rise in the application of soft computing techniques for solving complex and intricate problems arising in different spheres of life. The versatility of these techniques has made them a favorite among scientists and researchers working in diverse areas. SoCTA is the first international conference being organized at Amity University Rajasthan (AUR), Jaipur. The objective of SoCTA 2016 is to provide a common platform to researchers, academicians, scientists, and industrialists working in the area of soft computing to share and exchange their views and ideas on the theory and application of soft computing techniques in multi-disciplinary areas. The aim of the conference is to bring together young and experienced researchers, academicians, scientists, and industrialists for the exchange of knowledge. SoCTA especially encourages the young researchers at the beginning of their career to participate in this conference and present their work on this platform.

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