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Storytelling with Data: Let's Practice!

by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Influence action through data! This is not a book. It is a one-of-a-kind immersive learning experience through which you can become—or teach others to be—a powerful data storyteller. Let’s practice! helps you build confidence and credibility to create graphs and visualizations that make sense and weave them into action-inspiring stories. Expanding upon best seller storytelling with data’s foundational lessons, Let’s practice! delivers fresh content, a plethora of new examples, and over 100 hands-on exercises. Author and data storytelling maven Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic guides you along the path to hone core skills and become a well-practiced data communicator. Each chapter includes: ● Practice with Cole: exercises based on real-world examples first posed for you to consider and solve, followed by detailed step-by-step illustration and explanation ● Practice on your own: thought-provoking questions and even more exercises to be assigned or worked through individually, without prescribed solutions ● Practice at work: practical guidance and hands-on exercises for applying storytelling with data lessons on the job, including instruction on when and how to solicit useful feedback and refine for greater impact The lessons and exercises found within this comprehensive guide will empower you to master—or develop in others—data storytelling skills and transition your work from acceptable to exceptional. By investing in these skills for ourselves and our teams, we can all tell inspiring and influential data stories!

Storytelling with Children in Crisis: Take Just One Star - How Impoverished Children Heal Through Stories (PDF)

by Molly Salans

'This book looks at the benefits to children of listening to fairy tales, a selection of which are provided, and creating their own. I found Storytelling with Children in Crisis thought provoking and I am glad I was able to put into practice some of its ideas.' - Counselling Children and Young People Journal 'Describing home-based therapeutic work in real-life chaotic families, this book has relevance to anyone working with children and families. What is most helpful is the author's readiness to discuss her own doubts and vulnerabilities.' - Community Care Molly Salans has been a storyteller for many years, visiting children in deprived areas who have depression, ADHD and behavioral problems caused by poverty, absent fathers, depressed mothers, run-down schools and violence. Describing her therapy sessions as they happened, Molly Salans puts the children in the context of their lives and recounts her sessions, the folk and fairy stories she told and the ones they developed themselves. In doing so, she shows how storytelling and listening, thinking about characters in the stories and talking about alternative endings inspires the imagination, compassion and way of thinking needed to cope with such emotionally difficult lives. This remarkable book includes over fifteen original children's drawings and reveals the methodology Molly uses to help heal these children and their families, making it essential for all those involved in therapy and in storytelling.

Storytelling und Narration in den Public Relations: Eine textlinguistische Untersuchung der Unternehmensgeschichte

by Annika Schach

Das Buch präsentiert eine textlinguistische Analyse von Texten zur Unternehmensgeschichte und widmet sich dem vielzitierten Storytelling-Trend. Anhand von Textexemplaren der DAX30-Unternehmen werden die Textfunktion, Themenentfaltung und Formulierungsspezifika untersucht. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Fragestellung, inwieweit Narration als Vertextungsstrategie verwendet wird und wie sich die Textexemplare in einer Typologie beschreiben lassen. Die Arbeit stellt zudem einen Bezug zum medienwissenschaftlichen Framing-Ansatz her.

Storytelling Organizational Practices: Managing in the quantum age

by David M. Boje

Once upon a time the practice of storytelling was about collecting interesting stories about the past, and converting them into soundbite pitches. Now it is more about foretelling the ways the future is approaching the present, prompting a re-storying of the past. Storytelling has progressed and is about a diversity of voices, not just one teller of one past; it is how a group or organization of people negotiates the telling of history and the telling of what future is arriving in the present. With the changes in storytelling practices and theory there is a growing need to look at new and different methodologies. Within this exciting new book, David M. Boje develops new ways to ask questions in interviews and make observations of practice that are about storytelling the future. This, after all, is where management practice concentrates its storytelling, while much of the theory and method work is all about how the past might recur in the future. Storytelling Organizational Practices takes the reader on a journey: from looking at narratives of past experience through looking at living stories of emergence in the present to looking at how the future is arriving in ways that prompts a re-storying of the past.

Storytelling Organizational Practices: Managing in the quantum age

by David M. Boje

Once upon a time the practice of storytelling was about collecting interesting stories about the past, and converting them into soundbite pitches. Now it is more about foretelling the ways the future is approaching the present, prompting a re-storying of the past. Storytelling has progressed and is about a diversity of voices, not just one teller of one past; it is how a group or organization of people negotiates the telling of history and the telling of what future is arriving in the present. With the changes in storytelling practices and theory there is a growing need to look at new and different methodologies. Within this exciting new book, David M. Boje develops new ways to ask questions in interviews and make observations of practice that are about storytelling the future. This, after all, is where management practice concentrates its storytelling, while much of the theory and method work is all about how the past might recur in the future. Storytelling Organizational Practices takes the reader on a journey: from looking at narratives of past experience through looking at living stories of emergence in the present to looking at how the future is arriving in ways that prompts a re-storying of the past.

Storytelling mit der 3-Akt-Struktur: Wie Sie mit der 3-Akt-Struktur authentische Geschichten erzählen und Kunden sowie Mitarbeiter binden - der Leitfaden (Quick Guide)

by Oliver Grytzmann

In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie Storytelling mit der 3-Akt-Struktur pragmatisch und erfolgreich in Ihrem Unternehmen oder für Ihr Produkt einsetzen können. Oliver Grytzmann zeigt zunächst, wie sich die bewährten Grundstrukturen des Storytelling aus der Literatur und Theaterarbeit auf Unternehmen übertragen lassen. Dadurch schärfen Sie Ihren Blick für spannende Business- Geschichten. Sie erkennen, welche Geschichten Ihr Unternehmen heute und zukünftig erzählen kann. Mit der Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens gelingt es, die wesentlichen Werte eines Produktes oder der Unternehmenskultur in erinnerungswürdigen Bildern zu vermitteln. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die richtigen Protagonisten in eine spannende Dramaturgie eingebunden sind. In diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie das geht.Der Inhalt Für Neugierige: gutes Storytelling in Theater, Literatur und FilmFür Suchende: wie Geschichten von und in Unternehmen erzählt werdenHinter dem Vorhang: was Sie von der Theaterarbeit für gute Unternehmensgeschichten lernen könnenDas Storytelling-Dreieck aus Ungerechtigkeit – Protagonist – Dilemma als Eckpfeiler guter Geschichten in Unternehmen und auf der BühneDie Emotion macht das Erlebnis: wie Sie mit wiedererkennbaren Mustern Stimmungen erzeugenWie Brotkrumen im Wald: eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Checkliste für Ihre GeschichtenDer AutorOliver Grytzmann ist Coach und vermittelt Unternehmen die Methoden Storytelling und klare Kommunikation – vornehmlich im Vertrieb und in der Projektarbeit. Sein Wissen bezieht er aus sieben Jahren Bühnenerfahrung als Schauspieler, Public Speaker und seinen zahlreichen Trainings und Beratungsprojekten in Unternehmen.

Storytelling mit Daten: Erkenntnisse gewinnen, Strategie entwickeln und Unternehmenskommunikation auf ein neues Level heben

by Hans-Wilhelm Eckert

Dieses Buch zeigt, welche Rolle Daten für Kommunikation und Marketing spielen und wie sie als wichtige Quelle für das Storytelling genutzt werden können. Denn Daten beflügeln als Rohstoff des digitalen Zeitalters die Unternehmensstrategie. Sie ermöglichen – sofern sauber gesammelt, interpretiert und aufbereitet – neue und mitunter überraschende Einblicke in Zusammenhänge und bieten die Chance, daraus spannende Geschichten zu entwickeln. Geschichten, die auch im Hinblick auf Unternehmensziele Relevanz schaffen, Dialoge entfachen und die Kommunikation wirksam machen. Der Autor erklärt auf leicht verständliche Art und Weise, wie sich datenbasierte Kommunikationsstrategien in packende Storys verwandeln lassen. Zudem liefert er nützliche Tools und zeigt auf, warum Daten lügen können, wie wichtig ihre optische Aufbereitung ist, wo ihr Einsatz an ethische Grenzen stößt und warum Datenschutz auch eine unternehmerische Chance ist. Anhand von praktischen Beispielen bietet das Buch Marketing- und Kommunikationsexperten – aber auch interessierten Managern aus anderen Disziplinen – zahlreiche Inspirationen und neue Perspektiven.

Storytelling mit Archetypen: Video-Geschichten für das Content Marketing selbst entwickeln (essentials)

by Jens Uwe Pätzmann Anja Busch

Dieses essential beschreibt, wie Unternehmen mithilfe von Archetypen besonders gute Geschichten erzählen können. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Kreation von Bewegtbild-Videos im Rahmen des Content Marketing. Die Autoren identifizierten im Rahmen einer Studie 15 archetypische Storytelling-Formate, die als kreative Sprungbretter für das eigene Erstellen von Storys dienen können. Zu jedem Format gibt es ein Beispiel-Video, das mit einem QR-Code abgerufen werden kann.

Storytelling in Presentations For Dummies

by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts

Learn to influence audiences with storyopia: Stories that take them on a journey from what is to what could be: Storytelling in Presentations For Dummies shows you how to develop and deliver a presentation through storytelling, keeping audience interested, and most importantly, making them heroes that take action towards change. You’ll learn how to cull stories from your own experiences, and before you know it, you’ll have more stories than Aesop has fables. You’ll learn about the latest presentation software, so you can integrate visuals into your presentations and avoid the dreaded “Death by PowerPoint.” You’ll also learn how to deal with challenging on-the-spot situations, deliver investor pitches and executive briefs, and present a paper at a conference. Additionally, find out how to deliver someone else’s content and make it your own. This book will help you level up anywhere you need to present information by mastering the art of savvy presentations—the most effective business communications tools of our time. Identify experiences that can be molded into stories that drive change. Prepare powerful openings to hook your audience right away whether delivering in person, online, or hybrid Have your audience get the most from your presentation with an effective call to action Prepare a storyboard, which is like a frame-by-frame roadmap, that will mesh together what you’ll show and what you’ll tell Leverage software like Canva, Prezi, and Storyboarder to tie your presentation together Enjoy the colorful 8-page mini-booklet, “Storytelling to Storyboarding”This Dummies guide is perfect for any professional who needs to present, and at some time all professionals do. It’s also for entrepreneurs who want to build community and grow their business, in addition to students who want to wow teachers and classmates.

Storytelling in Presentations For Dummies

by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts

Learn to influence audiences with storyopia: Stories that take them on a journey from what is to what could be: Storytelling in Presentations For Dummies shows you how to develop and deliver a presentation through storytelling, keeping audience interested, and most importantly, making them heroes that take action towards change. You’ll learn how to cull stories from your own experiences, and before you know it, you’ll have more stories than Aesop has fables. You’ll learn about the latest presentation software, so you can integrate visuals into your presentations and avoid the dreaded “Death by PowerPoint.” You’ll also learn how to deal with challenging on-the-spot situations, deliver investor pitches and executive briefs, and present a paper at a conference. Additionally, find out how to deliver someone else’s content and make it your own. This book will help you level up anywhere you need to present information by mastering the art of savvy presentations—the most effective business communications tools of our time. Identify experiences that can be molded into stories that drive change. Prepare powerful openings to hook your audience right away whether delivering in person, online, or hybrid Have your audience get the most from your presentation with an effective call to action Prepare a storyboard, which is like a frame-by-frame roadmap, that will mesh together what you’ll show and what you’ll tell Leverage software like Canva, Prezi, and Storyboarder to tie your presentation together Enjoy the colorful 8-page mini-booklet, “Storytelling to Storyboarding”This Dummies guide is perfect for any professional who needs to present, and at some time all professionals do. It’s also for entrepreneurs who want to build community and grow their business, in addition to students who want to wow teachers and classmates.

Storytelling in Organizations: A Narrative Approach to Change, Brand, Project and Knowledge Management (Management for Professionals)

by Markus Russin Karin Thier

This book highlights storytelling as a concrete and viable method which can be used in various operational fields in organizations: from change management to project management and knowledge management, it presents employees’ stories on past projects and the diverse, essential aspects of corporate culture they reveal, in an easy-to-comprehend and entertaining fashion. These stories focus on specific but generic experiences which can be adapted and exploited by the reader to ultimately tap into hidden knowledge and increase transparency during daily routines in his or her own organization. Knowledge managers, coaches, and strategists alike will find a 'real-life' connection through these stories, helping them improve their own storytelling methods. The book also provides exhaustive information on the latest storytelling methods and strategies.​The adaptations Thier has made to bring learning histories to corporate settings accelerates the capture, flow, and application of organizational knowledge that speeds up changes to improve operations!George Roth (Principal Research Associate at MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston, United States)

Storytelling in Journalismus, Organisations- und Marketingkommunikation

by Silvia Ettl-Huber

Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Sammelbandes beschäftigten sich damit, wie Storytelling im Journalismus und in der Organisations- sowie der Marketingkommunikation wirkt. Dabei gehen sie der Frage nach, ob es auch Unterschiede gibt, die je nach beruflicher Praxis zu beachten sind. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus drei Hochschulen haben dafür ihr Wissen zusammengetragen und präsentieren auch empirische Ergebnisse aus ihrer Forschung. Zudem erlaubt sich der Band einen Ausflug in die Wirkung von Storytelling als Betrugswerkzeug, zur Wirkung von Wortbedeutungen in Storytellingtexten und in die Welt der politischen Mythen.​

Storytelling in der PR: Wie Sie die Macht der Geschichten für Ihre Pressearbeit nutzen

by Frank Littek

Die Medien haben sich gewandelt und wandeln sich weiter. Journalisten und Leser suchen heute in viel stärkerem Maße als in der Vergangenheit Geschichten. Die Grenzen zwischen Journalismus und Entertainment sind längst fließend. Storytelling ist ein grundlegend neuer Ansatz in der Pressearbeit. Storytelling versetzt die PR-Verantwortlichen in Unternehmen, Organisationen und Agenturen in die Lage, auf diese Veränderungen zu reagieren und den Informationsfluss in einem bisher nicht gekannten Maße zu steuern. Dieses praktische Lehrbuch vermittelt dazu das nötige Wissen.

Storytelling in der Organisationskommunikation: Theoretische und empirische Befunde

by Silvia Ettl-Huber

​Während die Zahl der Kommunikationskanäle mit Websites, Social Media, Fernsehen und Podcasts immer größer wird, bleibt der Kampf um die Aufmerksamkeit von KundInnen, InvestorInnen oder MitarbeiterInnen der gleiche. Als Form der inhaltlichen und bildlichen Gestaltung rückt dabei die alte Disziplin des Geschichtenerzählens, des „Storytellings“, in den Fokus. Der Band versammelt wissenschaftliche Studien zu diesem Thema in verschiedenen Kommunikationsdisziplinen. Die Beitragsautorinnen und -autoren zeigen aus der Perspektive der Forschung und der Praxis, wie Storytelling in der Organisationskommunikation angewendet und bewertet werden kann, und welche Potenziale noch unausgeschöpft sind.​

Storytelling in der internen Unternehmenskommunikation: Nutzen und Einsatz von Geschichten in der Unternehmenspraxis (Organisationskommunikation)

by Tatiana Belgorodski

Tatiana Belgorodski untersucht erstmals das Erzählen von Geschichten, das Storytelling, mit Blick auf die interne Unternehmenskommunikation. Sie zeigt auf, wie Geschichten wirken und von welchen Einflussfaktoren ihr Nutzen für die interne (Change-)Kommunikation abhängt. Vor dem Hintergrund kognitions- und sozialpsychologischer Erkenntnisse werden Risiken und Chancen von Storytelling diskutiert, Interviews mit Unternehmensvertretern gewähren einen Einblick in die Praxis des Geschichtenerzählens in einem globalen Pharmaunternehmen. Die Autorin liefert eine umfassende Darstellung und Bewertung unterschiedlicher Storytelling-Beispiele und entwickelt ein Modell zum Einsatz und Nutzen des Storytellings für Kommunikationsmanagerinnen und -manager sowie Führungskräfte.

Storytelling im Vertrieb: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Blaupause für gewinnende B2B-Verkaufs-Gespräche

by Oliver Grytzmann

Wie Sie als Vertriebler mit der richtigen Story und den passenden Bildern zum Vertragsabschluss kommen, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxis-Ratgeber. Für Vertriebler wie Sie hat Oliver Grytzmann diese Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung geschrieben. In „Storytelling im Vertrieb“ zeigt er Ihnen an zahlreichen Beispielen, wie Sie mit Storytelling klare mentale Bilder in die Köpfe der Entscheider setzen – bei Außendienst-Einsätzen, Entscheider- und Einkaufsgremien, Vorträgen vor Fachpublikum und bei einem Pitch. Mithilfe dieser mentalen Bilder verstehen Entscheider Ihr Produkt bzw. Ihre Dienstleistung schneller und besser, weil Bilder im Kopf hängen bleiben und Entscheider zu einer Story viel leichter eine emotionale Bindung aufbauen. Drei Vorteile, mit denen Sie als Vertriebler zum Vertragsabschluss kommen. Lernen und erleben Sie: Aus welchen Grundelementen ein mentales Bild besteht.Wie die Struktur einer guten Vertriebs-Story aussieht.Wie Sie diese Struktur in packende Worte fassen können.Welche alternativen Formen des Vertriebs-Storytelling es gibt.Konkrete Anleitungen, wie Sie bereits mit Ihrem Auftreten eine Story erzählen.

The Storytelling Hero: Speaking for Powerful Communication

by Stewart Bewley

"Full of practical steps that everyone can use to become a compelling storyteller."—Steve Pierce, Deputy Managing Director and Chief HR Oficer, Hitachi, Europe "Raw and actionable, but with a dreamer's heart, 'The Storytelling Hero' helps even the most reluctant presenter find their voice, while Stew Bewley weaves through his own story to help us think carefully about message and motivation, humanity and heroes."—Aimee Riordan, Senior Communications Manager and reader, writer, storyteller at Microsoft Make your next speech one to remember With expert guidance from veteran public speaking coach Stewart Bewley, you'll discover how to gain the confidence needed to become a phenomenal public speaker. Using simple tools and techniques you can apply every time you speak to a group or an individual, The Storytelling Hero will show you how to: Eliminate self-limiting beliefs that hold you back Find the confidence you need to command a room Establish a memorable and impressive presence Improve your cadence, rhythm and style Connect with your next audience Transform your ability to communicate your ideas, capture attention, and make a positive impression. The Storytelling Hero shows you how to hold an audience in the palm of your hand, one actionable step at a time.

The Storytelling Hero: Speaking for Powerful Communication

by Stewart Bewley

"Full of practical steps that everyone can use to become a compelling storyteller."—Steve Pierce, Deputy Managing Director and Chief HR Oficer, Hitachi, Europe "Raw and actionable, but with a dreamer's heart, 'The Storytelling Hero' helps even the most reluctant presenter find their voice, while Stew Bewley weaves through his own story to help us think carefully about message and motivation, humanity and heroes."—Aimee Riordan, Senior Communications Manager and reader, writer, storyteller at Microsoft Make your next speech one to remember With expert guidance from veteran public speaking coach Stewart Bewley, you'll discover how to gain the confidence needed to become a phenomenal public speaker. Using simple tools and techniques you can apply every time you speak to a group or an individual, The Storytelling Hero will show you how to: Eliminate self-limiting beliefs that hold you back Find the confidence you need to command a room Establish a memorable and impressive presence Improve your cadence, rhythm and style Connect with your next audience Transform your ability to communicate your ideas, capture attention, and make a positive impression. The Storytelling Hero shows you how to hold an audience in the palm of your hand, one actionable step at a time.

Storytelling for Sustainability: Deepening the Case for Change

by Jeff Leinaweaver

Storytelling is an ancient practice and a priceless skill. For sustainability practitioners who want to be more strategic and have more influence in shaping a better world, it is a crucial skill to master.In this short guide, veteran sustainability strategist and storyteller Jeff Leinaweaver shows you which ways of storytelling "transmit resonance" and lead to success and which lead to failure.You will learn techniques for using storytelling to attract attention and get better results, whether you are communicating statistics and priorities, advocating for change, organizing stakeholders, or building an authentic brand and community.Storytelling for Sustainability offers a comprehensive primer on storytelling and a range of insights and practical exercises, including: the failure of the sustainability story, discovering your passionate fact, your convenience story, reverse storyboarding, and what’s my storyline?

Storytelling for Sustainability: Deepening the Case for Change

by Jeff Leinaweaver

Storytelling is an ancient practice and a priceless skill. For sustainability practitioners who want to be more strategic and have more influence in shaping a better world, it is a crucial skill to master.In this short guide, veteran sustainability strategist and storyteller Jeff Leinaweaver shows you which ways of storytelling "transmit resonance" and lead to success and which lead to failure.You will learn techniques for using storytelling to attract attention and get better results, whether you are communicating statistics and priorities, advocating for change, organizing stakeholders, or building an authentic brand and community.Storytelling for Sustainability offers a comprehensive primer on storytelling and a range of insights and practical exercises, including: the failure of the sustainability story, discovering your passionate fact, your convenience story, reverse storyboarding, and what’s my storyline?

Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More

by Ross Berger

Want to know what it’s like to write for a theme park attraction? Or an interactive toy? Or for a virtual reality game? Wait – those tell stories? And there are jobs for people to write them? Thanks to technology, interactive products and live experiences can now engage us with memorable characters and exciting adventures that were once only destined for the cinema. Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More is a handbook for writers, students, producers, teachers, scholars, career changers, early tech adopters, and just about anyone who loves story and technology. As a collection of articles from some of the best creative writers in their medium, this book will prepare content creators of tomorrow to tackle some of today's most exhilarating creative challenges found on a screen ... or off! Key Features: Expert advice from several industry professionals who have worked for some of the world’s biggest tech and interactive companies. Best practices that not only guide writers on how to apply their craft to new fields, but also prepare them for the common ambiguity they will find in corporate and start-up environments. Breakdown of platforms that shows how tech capabilities can fulfill content expectations and how content can fulfill tech expectations. Basic storytelling mechanics customized to today’s popular technologies, live experiences, and traditional game platforms.

Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More

by Ross Berger

Want to know what it’s like to write for a theme park attraction? Or an interactive toy? Or for a virtual reality game? Wait – those tell stories? And there are jobs for people to write them? Thanks to technology, interactive products and live experiences can now engage us with memorable characters and exciting adventures that were once only destined for the cinema. Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More is a handbook for writers, students, producers, teachers, scholars, career changers, early tech adopters, and just about anyone who loves story and technology. As a collection of articles from some of the best creative writers in their medium, this book will prepare content creators of tomorrow to tackle some of today's most exhilarating creative challenges found on a screen ... or off! Key Features: Expert advice from several industry professionals who have worked for some of the world’s biggest tech and interactive companies. Best practices that not only guide writers on how to apply their craft to new fields, but also prepare them for the common ambiguity they will find in corporate and start-up environments. Breakdown of platforms that shows how tech capabilities can fulfill content expectations and how content can fulfill tech expectations. Basic storytelling mechanics customized to today’s popular technologies, live experiences, and traditional game platforms.

The Storytelling Edge: How to Transform Your Business, Stop Screaming into the Void, and Make People Love You (Wiley Custom Select Ser.)

by Shane Snow Joe Lazauskas Contently, Inc.

"A terrific and timely book that makes a compelling case for fundamentally rethinking how your business communicates. Recommended!"—Jay Baer, founder of Convince & Convert and author of Hug Your Haters"Once upon a time, storytelling was confused with talking at people. Not anymore. Shane and Joe are your narrators in a journey that will transform how you talk to other human beings to be more believable, relevant, compelling and unforgettable."—Brian Solis, experience architect, digital anthropologist, best-selling author "Shane Snow and Joe Lazauskas spend the overwhelming majority of their time thinking, writing, and theorizing about brand storytelling - so you don't have to. They're smart and they know this topic inside out (and sideways). Read their book. While I can't guarantee you'll rise to Shane and Joe's ridiculously obsessive level, you will be infinitely better prepared to tell your own brand's story. Promise!"—Rebecca Lieb, Analyst, Author & Advisor "The Contently team understands the power of story, and how to craft and spread a great narrative, like no other. In an era where brand, design, and mission are a competitive advantage for every business, Contently underscores the importance of stories and how they transform companies and industries."—Scott Belsky, Entrepreneur, Investor, & Author (Founder of Behance, bestselling author of Making Ideas Happen) "I can't think of a better way to illustrate the power of story telling than by telling great stories. This book should be required reading not just by those with content in their titles, but by anyone in Marketing AND Sales. Then, when you're done, give it to your CEO to read... but make sure you get it back, because I guarantee you'll refer to it more than once."—Shawna Dennis, Senior Marketing Leader "Neuroscience, algorithms, illustrations, personal anecdotes and good, old-fashioned empathy: This entertaining and informative tome journeys to the core of how we communicate and pushes us, as marketers and humans, to do it better, "speeding the reader through and leaving us wanting more."—Ann Hynek, VP of global content marketing at Morgan Stanley Transform your business through the power of storytelling. Content strategists Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow offer an insider's guide to transforming your business—and all the relationships that matter to it—through the art and science of telling great stories. Smart businesses today understand the need to use stories to better connect with the people they care about. But few know how to do it well. In The Storytelling Edge, the strategy minds behind Contently, the world renowned content marketing technology company, reveal their secrets that have helped award-winning brands to build relationships with millions of advocates and customers. Join as they dive into the neuroscience of storytelling, the elements of powerful stories, and methodologies to grow businesses through engaging and accountable content. With The Storytelling Edge you will discover how leaders and workers can craft the powerful stories that not only build brands and engage customers, but also build relationships and make people care—in work and in life.

The Storytelling Edge: How to Transform Your Business, Stop Screaming into the Void, and Make People Love You

by Shane Snow Joe Lazauskas Contently, Inc.

"A terrific and timely book that makes a compelling case for fundamentally rethinking how your business communicates. Recommended!"—Jay Baer, founder of Convince & Convert and author of Hug Your Haters"Once upon a time, storytelling was confused with talking at people. Not anymore. Shane and Joe are your narrators in a journey that will transform how you talk to other human beings to be more believable, relevant, compelling and unforgettable."—Brian Solis, experience architect, digital anthropologist, best-selling author "Shane Snow and Joe Lazauskas spend the overwhelming majority of their time thinking, writing, and theorizing about brand storytelling - so you don't have to. They're smart and they know this topic inside out (and sideways). Read their book. While I can't guarantee you'll rise to Shane and Joe's ridiculously obsessive level, you will be infinitely better prepared to tell your own brand's story. Promise!"—Rebecca Lieb, Analyst, Author & Advisor "The Contently team understands the power of story, and how to craft and spread a great narrative, like no other. In an era where brand, design, and mission are a competitive advantage for every business, Contently underscores the importance of stories and how they transform companies and industries."—Scott Belsky, Entrepreneur, Investor, & Author (Founder of Behance, bestselling author of Making Ideas Happen) "I can't think of a better way to illustrate the power of story telling than by telling great stories. This book should be required reading not just by those with content in their titles, but by anyone in Marketing AND Sales. Then, when you're done, give it to your CEO to read... but make sure you get it back, because I guarantee you'll refer to it more than once."—Shawna Dennis, Senior Marketing Leader "Neuroscience, algorithms, illustrations, personal anecdotes and good, old-fashioned empathy: This entertaining and informative tome journeys to the core of how we communicate and pushes us, as marketers and humans, to do it better, "speeding the reader through and leaving us wanting more."—Ann Hynek, VP of global content marketing at Morgan Stanley Transform your business through the power of storytelling. Content strategists Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow offer an insider's guide to transforming your business—and all the relationships that matter to it—through the art and science of telling great stories. Smart businesses today understand the need to use stories to better connect with the people they care about. But few know how to do it well. In The Storytelling Edge, the strategy minds behind Contently, the world renowned content marketing technology company, reveal their secrets that have helped award-winning brands to build relationships with millions of advocates and customers. Join as they dive into the neuroscience of storytelling, the elements of powerful stories, and methodologies to grow businesses through engaging and accountable content. With The Storytelling Edge you will discover how leaders and workers can craft the powerful stories that not only build brands and engage customers, but also build relationships and make people care—in work and in life.

Storytelling around the World: Folktales, Narrative Rituals, and Oral Traditions

by Jelena Cvorovic Kathryn Coe

This book provides students, instructors, and lay-readers with a cross-cultural understanding of storytelling as an art form that has existed for centuries, from the first spoken and sung stories to those that are drawn and performed today.This book serves as an indispensable resource for students and scholars interested in storytelling and in multicultural approaches to the arts. By taking an evolutionary approach, this book begins with a discussion of origin stories and continues through history to stories of the 21st century. The text not only engages the stories themselves, it also explains how individuals from all disciplines, from doctors and lawyers to priests and journalists, use stories to focus their readers' and listeners' attention and influence them.This text addresses stories and storytelling across both time (thousands of years) and geography, including in-depth descriptions of storytelling practices occurring in more than 40 different cultures around the world. Part I consists of thematic essays, exploring such topics as the history of storytelling, common elements across cultures, different media, lessons stories teach us, and storytelling today. Part II looks at more than 40 different cultures, with entries following the same outline: Overview, Storytellers: Who Tell the Stories, and When, Creation Mythologies, Teaching Tales and Values, and Cultural Preservation. Several tales/tale excerpts accompany each entry.

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