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Showing 21,551 through 21,575 of 21,857 results

Perspectives on the Study of Speech

by P. D. Eimas J. L. Miller

Published in the year 1982, Perspectives on the Study of Speech is a valuable contribution to the field of Cognitive Psychology.

Reporting U.S.-European Relations: Four Nations, Four Newspapers

by Michael Rice Jonathan Carr Henri Pierre

Reporting U.S.-European Relations: Four Nations, Four Newspapers is a compilation of U.S. and European perspectives from different daily newspapers. Chapter 1 is about the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). After a brief background of the newspaper, from one dictator to another, the paper is described as having no editor. The political, economic, and cultural policies are made by ""editor-publishers."" Political philosophy in the FAZ is very cohesive and conservative, which readers of a wide political spectrum rely upon. Chapter 2 deals with the New York Times, which is founded in 1851 and has undergone many changes, making it the most respected daily newspaper in the United States. This circulation is considered a chronologist of current events, and more than an opinion maker, it is also considered an educator. Chapter 3 is about The Times (London), founded in 1785 under a different name. This circulation is one of the most influential newspapers in the world, with a succession of notable editors. Considered by some as boring, this newspaper is bought by Rupert Murdoch, making it still in substance a uniquely British expression of life. Chapter 4 is about Le Monde, founded in December 1944 upon the request of General Charles de Gaulle. This circulation is considered the most important and prestigious daily newspaper in France, very nationalistic, and a receptacle for debate. This collection of essays will prove invaluable to practicing journalists, politicians, public and government leaders, and students of journalism. Writers and authors will also find this collection entertaining and informative.

Semiconductor Devices for Optical Communication (Topics in Applied Physics #39)

by H. Kressel

With contributions by numerous experts

Telekommunikation als Berufschance / Professional Chances in Telecommunications: Vorträge des am 19./20. April 1982 in München abgehaltenen Kongresses / Proceedings of a Congress Held in Munich, April 19/20, 1982 (Telecommunications #7)

by W. Kaiser

In steigendem Maße hat die Telekommunikation einen tiefgreifenden Ein­ fluß auf unsere Gesellschaft, die Formen des Zusammenlebens und Zusam­ menwirkens in unserer arbeitsteiligen Welt und den erreichbaren Lebens­ standard. Neben Energie und Materie gilt Information als die dritte fundamentale Größe für die Gestaltung unseres Lebens. Die Bedeutung der Information nimmt von Jahr zu Jahr zu, und es steht zu erwarten, daß die Informationstechnik prägenden Einfluß auf die kommenden Jahrzehnte haben wird. Dabei versteht man unter dem Begriff Informationstechnik bzw. Telematik das Zusammenwirken von Informationsverarbeitung oder In­ formatik einerseits und Informationsübermittlung oder Telekommunikation andererseits. Deutlich erkennbar wachsen diese beiden Gebiete immer stärker zusammen und bedingen sich gegenseitig. Der Zwang zur Innovation ist daher gerade hier besonders ausgeprägt, wobei auf dem Weg in das Informationszeitalter die Mikroelektronik als Basisinnovation die Rolle des Wegbereiters übernommen hat. Getragen wird diese Entwicklung aber von Menschen, nämlich den Infor­ mationsgestaltern und -vermittlern einerseits und denjenigen, die den technischen Vorgang der Informationsübermittlung erst ermöglichen. Zur ersten Gruppe zählen die Autoren, Publizisten, Journalisten, Redakteure, Reporter, kurzum alle, die Informationen erzeugen und anbieten, zur zweiten Gruppe gehören die auf dem Gebiet der Telekommunikation tätigen Ingenieure, Forscher und Techniker. Der Kongreß "Telekommunikation als Berufschance" ist der Berufswelt dieser beiden Gruppen gewidmet. Obwohl sie vom Ausbildungsgang und von der Tätigkeitsart her ganz verschieden sind, üben beide Berufsgruppen eine unverzichtbare Funktion im Dienste der Menschen und der Gesell­ schaft aus.

T'ung & Pollard's Colloquial Chinese

by P.C. T'ung D.E. Pollard

T’ung and Pollard’s Colloquial Chinese course is the ideal introductory course for all dedicated learners of Mandarin Chinese. Written by experienced teachers, the course provides a rigorous introduction to the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of Mandarin Chinese. By the end of this rewarding course learners will be able to communicate confidently in a wide variety of situations. The solid foundation provided is also ideal for those who wish to advance their language skills to higher levels. Divided into 17 lessons, each lesson contains conversations based on common daily situations, vocabularies, grammar notes and exercises to help learn and practice basic skills. Key features include: clear grammar explanations lots of exercises for regular practice Pinyin Romanization used throughout Chinese-English glossary for quick reference. Audio material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills.

English for Cross-Cultural Communication: (pdf)

by L. Smith

French Made Simple

by A. Rubio E. Jackson

First published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

French Made Simple

by A. Rubio E. Jackson

First published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Government Publications: Key Papers

by Bernard M. Fry Peter Hernon

Government Publications: Key Papers is a compilation of papers that covers various topics related to government publications. The book presents materials drawn from a variety of sources, such as public domains, book chapters, and periodicals from different countries. The text contains 61 chapters organized into 15 parts; each part covers a specific area, such as sorting and labeling of publications, library systems, reference services, and municipal and state publications. The book dedicates several parts to British, Canadian, and Australian publications. This book will be of great value to individuals who have an interest in government information.

Kommunikation über Satelliten / Communication via Satellites: Vorträge des am 23./24. Oktober 1980 in München abgehaltenen Kongresses / Proceedings of a Congress Held in Munich, October 23/24, 1980 (Telecommunications #6)

by W. Kaiser U. Lohmar

Auf dem Gebiet der Nachrichtensatelliten hat sich eine ungewöhnlich steile Entwicklung vollzogen. Erst 15 Jahre ist es her, seitdem der er­ ste geostationäre Nachrichtensatellit mit einer maximalen Kapazität von damals nur 240 Fernsprechkanälen gestartet wurde, und inzwischen ist die Technik so weit fortgeschritten, daß der in Bälde den Betrieb aufnehmende neueste Typ, INTELSAT V, bereits 12 000 Fernsprechsignale und 2 Fernsehprogramme gleichzeitig übertragen kann. In Zukunft werden Nachrichtensatelliten mit noch größerer Leistung, scharf bündelnden Antennen, hoher Ausrichtgenauigkeit und flexiblen Möglichkeiten des Vielfachzugriffs die Erde umkreisen, wobei der Trend zu großen, auf Plattformen montierten Relaisstationen mit riesigen Solargeneratoren geht. Kommunikationssatelliten sind aber nicht nur zur Ubertragung von Fern­ sprech- und Fernsehsignalen geeignet, sondern werden immer stärker für die Daten- und Textkommunikation, für die elektronische Briefübermitt­ lung und für Konferenzschaltungen verwendet werden. Zu den vielfälti­ gen Einsatzfällen gehören auch die mobilen Dienste, die Verbindungen zu Schiffen und Flugzeugen und auch zwischen Satelliten umfassen. Darüber hinaus gibt es Satelliten zur Navigation und Erderkundung, ja selbst zur Gewinnung und elektrischen Ubertragung von Sonnenenergie zur Erde sind Satelliten im Gespräch.

The Linguistic Shaping of Thought: A Study in the Impact of Language on Thinking in China and the West

by A. H. Bloom Alfred H. Bloom

First published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Linguistic Shaping of Thought: A Study in the Impact of Language on Thinking in China and the West

by A. H. Bloom Alfred H. Bloom

First published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Optical Fiber Systems and Their Components: An Introduction (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #24)

by A.B. Sharma S.J. Halme M.M. Butusov

This book is intended to be an introductory text for engineers and physicists who are likely to be involved in the area of optical fiber communications. Its purpose is to provide the student with an explanatory text that can al so be used for "self-study". Thus, key theoretical resul ts have been rather thoroughly derived, and detailed explanations have been given wherever cer­ tain steps have been excluded. Some of the derivations are in new form, which the reader will hopefully find stimulating. In addition, some of the ex­ perimental and theoretical results are based on the research of the authors, and they are published here for the first time. However, references are given for all those cases involving equivalent results obtained by others. Although a large number of monographs are available for the specialist or the knowledgeable scientist, most of these are inadequate for teaching pur­ poses. This aspect served as a major motivation for writing a book that ex­ plains the basic phenomena and techniques. The required material was partly developed in earlier courses on integrated optics and optical fiber commu­ nications, and partly resulted from the authors' close cooperation with in­ dustry. To assess the suitability of the material, the manuscript of the book was used with encouraging results for a graduate course (spring sem­ ester, 1980) at the Communications Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology.

Optische Nachrichtentechnik: Eine Einführung

by G. Grau

Präsentations- und Kreativitätstechniken

by Achim Musiol

Soziologische Aufklärung 3: Soziales System, Gesellschaft, Organisation

by Niklas Luhmann

Unbeirrt hält auch diese Sammlung soziologischer Studien an dem Titel "Aufklä­ rung" fest. Wer die soziologische Literatur des letzten Jahrzehnts soziologisch, das heißt mit Sinn für Realität betrachtet, wird wenig finden, was diesen Anspruch rechtfertigen könnte. Er ist stärker umstritten als je zuvor. Die Dreieinigkeit von Aufklärung, Vernunft und Politik hat keinen Ankerpunkt in der Realität gefunden. Sie hatte ganz und gar auf Zukunft gesetzt und kontrafaktisch auf ihre eigene Normativität. So groß bemessene Gesten vermögen jedoch kaum noch zu überzeugen. Wie sollte man heute angesichts bedrängender Zukunftssorgen sich auf das verlassen können, was als Zukunft impliziert war? Lieber flüchtet man unter die Fittiche der Klassi­ ker, die prinzipiell endlose Möglichkeiten der Interpretation und damit einen Schutz gegen Gedanken- und Arbeitslosigkeit zu bieten scheinen. Neben der Exe­ gese der Klassiker bietet auch die Exegese selbstproduzierter Daten Möglichkeiten zur Variation soziologischer Aussagen. All das sind berechtigte Wege der Forschung und des Erkenntnisgewinns, aber Exegese ist keine Aufklärung.

Speech Act Classification: A Study in the Lexical Analysis of English Speech Activity Verbs (Springer Series in Language and Communication #8)

by T. Ballmer W. Brennstuhl

This book presents a new classification of speech acts. It is an alter­ native to all previously published classifications of speech acts. The classification proposed here is based on an extensive set of data, name­ lyon all the verbs designating linguistic activities and aspects thereof. A theoretically and methodologically justifiable method is used to proceed in a number of steps from these data to the classification. The classification is documented in a lexicon with two sections. The first section exhibits the classification in all its details. Each verb is listed to its meaning at the appropriate place in the classification. according The second, alphabetically ordered section enables one to locate the verbs classified in the first part. The speech act classification as presented in this book has a number of consequences for linguistic theorizing: the book makes advances in three linguistically relevant fields - speech act theory, lexicology, and theory of meaning. In speech act theory firstly of course a classifica­ tion is proposed which is theoretically justified and which is simul­ taneously based explicitly and systematically on linguistic data. Second­ ly, a wider concept of speech acts is introduced which proves its value by making possible a linguistically justified classification. Thirdly, the concept of speech act sequence (or more generally partial order) is brought into focus as a major organizational principle of the semantic relation between speech acts.

Television, Imagination, and Aggression: A Study of Preschoolers

by D. G. Singer

First Published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Television, Imagination, and Aggression: A Study of Preschoolers

by D. G. Singer

First Published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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Showing 21,551 through 21,575 of 21,857 results