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Collins 11+ Verbal Reasoning Complete Revision, Practice And Assessment For The 2021 Cem Tests

by Collins 11

Exam Board: CEM. Level & Subject: 11+ Comprehension. All you need to study for 11+ Verbal reasoning for CEM (English skills including comprehension, vocabulary and cloze questions) in one place! Build confidence for success in the 11 Plus tests with comprehensive and realistic preparation, practice and tests in one book.

Collins 11+ Verbal Reasoning Complete Revision, Practice And Assessment For Gl Assessment Tests

by Collins 11

Exam Board: GL. Level & Subject: 11+ Verbal Reasoning. All you need to study for 11+ Verbal Reasoning in one place! Build confidence for success in the 11 Plus tests with comprehensive and realistic preparation, practice and tests in one book.

Collins 11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Papers Book 2: For The 2020 Gl Assessment Tests (PDF)

by Collins 11

There’s no better way to ensure 11+ success than with plenty of practice! These 11+ Verbal Reasoning multiple-choice practice papers provide your child with realistic test-taking practice ahead of the GL Assessment 11 Plus tests. This means children are familiar with the style and format of the exam, helping to boost their confidence on the 2019 GL Assessment tests used by selective state schools in England. This 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning practice book includes four complete Verbal Reasoning test papers, plus explanations to all the answers in order to improve understanding.

Collins 11+ Verbal Reasoning Quick Practice Tests Age 10-11 (PDF)

by Collins 11

Making sure your child is ready for the 11+ CEM Assessment Tests by familiarising them with the real thing will help them do their very best in the 2020 11+ tests. The Collins 11+ Quick Practice Test range gives children plenty of opportunity to test themselves in short, timed bursts, helping to build confidence and ensure 11 Plus test success.

100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 3

by 100% Unofficial


كليلة و دمنة

by مجهول

قال علي بن الشاه الفارسي: كان السبب الذي من أجله وضع بيدبا الفيلسوف لدبشليم ملك الهند كتاب "كليلة ودمنة" أن الإسكندر ذا القرنين الرومي لمَّا فرغ من أمر الملوك الذين كانوا بناحية المغرب سار يريد ملوك المشرق من الفرس وغيرهم. فلم يزل يحارب مَنْ نازعه ويواقع مَنْ واقعه ويسالم مَنْ وادعه من ملوك الفرس وهم الطبقة الأولى حتى ظهر عليهم وقهر مَنْ ناواه، وتغلَّب على مَنْ حاربه فتفرَّقوا طرائق وتمزَّقوا حزائق؛ فتوجه بالجنود نحو بلاد الصين فبدأ في طريقه بملك الهند ليدعوه إلى طاعته والدخول في ملته وولايته. وكان على الهند في ذلك الزَّمان ملك ذو سطوة وبأس وقوة ومراس يقال له فور؛ فلمَّا بلغه إقبال ذي القرنين نحوه تأهب لمحاربته واستعدَّ لمجاذبته وضمَّ إليه أطرافه وجدَّ في التألب عليه وجمع له العدَّة في أسرع مدَّة، من الفيلة المعدَّة للحروب والسباع المضراة بالوثوب، مع الخيول المسرجة، والسيوف القواطع، والحراب اللوامع. فلمَّا قرب ذو القرنين من فور الهندي وبلغه ما قد أعدَّ له من الخيل التي كأنها قطع الليل، مما لم يلقه بمثله أحد من الملوك الذين كانوا في الأقاليم، تخوَّف ذو القرنين من تقصير يقع به إن عجَّل المبارزة. وكان ذو القرنين رجلاً ذا حيل ومكايد مع حسن تدبير وتجربة؛ فرأى إعمال الحيلة والتمهُّل، واحتفر خندقًا على عسكره وأقام بمكانه لاستنباط الحيلة والتدبير لأمره وكيف ينبغي له أن يقدم على الإيقاع به، فاستدعى المنجمين وأمرهم بالاختيار ليوم موافق تكون له فيه سعادة لمحاربة ملك الهند والنصرة عليه؛ فاشتغلوا بذلك. وكان ذو القرنين لا يمرُّ بمدينة إلاَّ أخذ الصُنَّاع المشهورين من صُنَّاعها بالحذق من كل صنف؛ فنتجت له همته ودلته فطنته أن يتقدَّم إلى الصناع الذين معه أن يصنعوا خيلاً من نحاس مجوفة عليها تماثيل من الرجال على بكر تجري، إذا دفعت مرَّت سراعًا، وأمر إذا فرغوا منها أن تُحْشَى أجوافها بالنفط والكبريت وتلبس وتقدَّم أمام الصف في القلب، ووقف ما يلتقي الجمعان تضرب فيها النيران، فإن الفيلة إذا لفت خراطيمها على الفرسان وهي حامية ولَّت هاربة، وأوعز إلى الصناع بالتشمير والانكماش والفراغ منها؛ فجدُّوا في ذلك وعجَّلوا وقرب أيضًا وقت اختيار المنجمين؛ فأعاد ذو القرنين رسله إلى فور بما يدعوه إليه من طاعته والإذعان لدولته؛ فأجاب جواب مُصرٍّعلى مخالفته مقيم على محاربته. فلمَّا رأى ذو القرنين عزيمته سار إليه بأهبته وقدَّم فور الفيلة أمامه، ودفعت الرجال تلك الخيل وتماثيل الفرسان، فأقبلت الفيلة نحوها ولفت خراطيمها عليها، فلمَّا أحسَّت بالحرارة ألقت مَنْ كان عليها وداستهم تحت أرجلها ومضت مهزومة هاربة لا تلوي على شيء ولا تمرُّ بأحد إلاَّ وطئته. وتقطع فور وجمعه وتبعهم أصحاب الإسكندر وأثخنوا فيهم الجراح، وصاح الإسكندر: يا ملك الهند ابرز إلينا وأبق على عدتك وعيالك ولا تحملهم على الفناء. فإنه ليس من المروءة أن يرمي الملك بعدته في المهالك المتلفة والمواضع المجحفة، بل يقيهم بماله ويدفع عنهم بنفسه. فابرز إلي ودع الجند فأينا قهر صاحبه فهو الأسعد. فلمَّا سمع فور من ذي القرنين ذلك الكلام دعته نفسه إلى ملاقاته؛ طمعًا فيه، وظن ذلك فرصة، فبرز إليه الإسكندر فتجاولا على ظهري فرسيهما ساعات من النهار ليس يلقى أحدهما من صاحبه فرصة ولم يزالا يتعاركان. فلمَّا أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة وظنَّها مكيدة في عسكره، فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه أتبعها بأخرى فوقع إلى الأرض. فلمَّا رأت الهنود ما نزل بهم وما صار إليه ملكهم حملواعلى الإسكندر فقاتلوه قتالاً أحبوا معه الموت، فوعدهم من نفسه الإحسان ومنحه الله أكتافهم فاستولى على بلادهم وملَّك عليهم رجلاً من ثقاته وأقام بالهند حتى استوسق  له ما أرد من أمرهم واتفاق كلمتهم، ثم انصرف عن الهند وخلَّف ذلك الرجل عليهم ومضى متوجهًا نحو ما قصد له.  

Half-Minute Horrors


Fear only takes a moment… but can last a lifetime.

Vampires, Banshees and Angels: 4 FREE Paranormal reads to sink your teeth into


Adaptation in Young Adult Novels: Critically Engaging Past and Present

Adaptation in Young Adult Novels argues that adapting classic and canonical literature and historical places engages young adult readers with their cultural past and encourages them to see how that past can be rewritten. The textual afterlives of classic texts raise questions for new readers: What can be changed? What benefits from change? How can you, too, be agents of change?The contributors to this volume draw on a wide range of contemporary novels – from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series and Megan Shepherd's Madman's Daughter trilogy to Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones – adapted from mythology, fairy tales, historical places, and the literary classics of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, among others. Unpacking the new perspectives and critiques of gender, sexuality, and the cultural values of adolescents inherent to each adaptation, the essays in this volume make the case that literary adaptations are just as valuable as original works and demonstrate how the texts studied empower young readers to become more culturally, historically, and socially aware through the lens of literary diversity.

The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain

In difficult times, what children really need is hope. And in that spirit, bestselling author Katherine Rundell emailed some of the children's writers and artists whose work she loved most:'I asked them to write something very short, fiction or non-fiction, or draw something that would make the children reading it feel like possibility-ists: something that would make them laugh or wonder or snort or smile. The response was magnificent, which shouldn't have surprised me, because children's writers and illustrators are professional hunters of hope… I hope that the imagination can be a place of shelter for children and that The Book of Hopes might be useful in that, even if only a little.'This collection, packed with short stories, poems and pictures from the very best children's authors and illustrators, aims to provide just that. Within its pages you'll find animal friends from insects to elephants, high-flying grandmas, a homesick sprite, the tooth fairy, and even extra-terrestrial life.There are 133 contributions from authors and illustrators, including Anthony Horowitz, Axel Scheffler, Catherine Johnson, Jacqueline Wilson, Katherine Rundell, Lauren Child, Michael Morpurgo and Onjali Q. Raúf. A donation from the sale of each book will go to NHS Charities Together, in gratitude for the incredible efforts of all those who worked in hospitals over the quarantine period.'An anthology on the theme of hope… it includes a rich range of images, poetry, stories and non-fiction' Stories to charm on endless days, The Sunday TimesThe following proceeds from this ebook will be donated to NHS Charities Together: 35% of publisher's net receipts or at least £1.00 per copy.NHS Charities Together is a charity registered in England and Wales (registered charity no. 1186569)

Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature (Children's Literature and Culture)

This volume focuses on the (de)canonization processes in children’s literature, considering the construction and cultural-historical changes of canons in different children’s literatures. Chapters by international experts in the field explore a wide range of different children’s literatures from Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, Eastern and Central Europe, as well as from Non-European countries such as Australia, Israel, and the United States. Situating the inquiry within larger literary and cultural studies conversations about canonicity, the contributors assess representative authors and works that have encountered changing fates in the course of canon history. Particular emphasis is given to sociological canon theories, which have so far been under-represented in canon research in children’s literature. The volume therefore relates historical changes in the canon of children’s literature not only to historical changes in concepts of childhood but to more encompassing political, social, economic, cultural, and ideological shifts. This volume’s comparative approach takes cognizance of the fact that, if canon formation is an important cultural factor in nation-building processes, a comparative study is essential to assessing transnational processes in canon formation. This book thus renders evident the structural similarities between patterns and strategies of canon formation emerging in different children’s literatures.

Children’s Literature in Place: Surveying the Landscapes of Children’s Culture (Children's Literature and Culture)

Children’s Literature in Place: Surveying the Landscapes of Children’s Culture is an edited collection dedicated to individual, international, and interdisciplinary considerations of the places and spaces of children’s literature, media, and culture, from content to methodology, in fictional, virtual, and material settings. This volume proposes a survey of the changing landscapes of children’s culture, the expected and unexpected spaces and places that emerge as and because of children’s culture. The places and spaces of children’s literature are varied and diverse. By making place studies a guiding principle, this book builds on the impressive body of international research on place in children’s literature, media, and culture to bring together and provide a comprehensive overview of how to study place in children’s and young adult literature. This volume provides a wide range of approaches and international perspectives of place in children’s literature, media, and culture and contributes to this growing and relevant field by showcasing various scholarly aspects and approaches to children’s literature, and the place of children’s literature in the context of international scholarship.

A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in Antiquity (The Cultural Histories Series)

How have fairy tales from around the world changed over the centuries? What do they tell us about different cultures and societies? Spanning chronologically from the third millennium BCE through to the seventh century CE and beyond, and geographically from the Mediterranean to the Near East and Asia, this book explores the earliest known evidence of familiar folk tales and fairy tales in the ancient world.Drawing on sources including the Rig Veda, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Old Testament, the Westcar Papyrus, and the Odyssey, this volume ranges from epic poetry to drama, to fables and proverbs, and from ancient histories to novels.Scholars in Classics, Anthropology, Folklore, and Asian Studies examine the dissemination, adaptation, and cross-cultural interactions of early forms of folk tales, providing new insights into how they functioned and circulated across different societies.An essential resource for scholars and students of ancient literature, history, and cultural studies, this book explores topics including: forms of the marvelous, gender and sexuality, monsters and the monstrous, the significance of spaces, socialization and moral messaging, and the uses and abuses of power.

A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in the Long Eighteenth Century (The Cultural Histories Series)

How have fairy tales from around the world changed over the centuries? What do they tell us about different cultures and societies?This volume traces the evolution of the genre over the period known as the long eighteenth century. It explores key developments including: the French fairy tale vogue of the 1690s, dominated by women authors including Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy and Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier, the fashion of the oriental tale in the early eighteenth century, launched by Antoine Galland's seminal translation of The Thousand and One Nights from Arabic into French, and the birth of European children's literature in the second half of the eighteenth century. Drawing together contributions from an international range of scholars in history, literature and cultural studies, this volume examines the intersections between diverse national tale traditions through different critical perspectives, producing an authoritative transnational history of the genre. An essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of literature, history and cultural studies, this book explores such themes and topics as: forms of the marvelous, adaptation, gender and sexuality, humans and non-humans, monsters and the monstrous, spaces, socialization, and power.A Cultural History of Fairy Tales (6-volume set)A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in Antiquity is also available as a part of a 6-volume set, A Cultural History of Fairy Tales, tracing fairy tales from antiquity to the present day, available in print, or within a fully-searchable digital library accessible through institutions by annual subscription or on perpetual access (see Individual volumes for academics and researchers interested in specific historical periods are also available digitally via

A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in the Long Nineteenth Century (The Cultural Histories Series)

How have fairy tales from around the world changed over the centuries? What do they tell us about different cultures and societies?This volume explores the period when the European fairy tales conquered the world and shaped the global imagination in its own image. Examining how collectors, children's writers, poets, and artists seized the form to challenge convention and normative ideas, this book explores the fantastic imagination that belies the nineteenth century's materialist and pedestrian reputation. Looking at writers including E.T.A Hoffman, the Brothers Grim, S.T. Coleridge, Walter Scott, Oscar Wilde, Christina Rosetti, George MacDonald, and E. Nesbit, the volume shows how fairy tales touched every aspect of nineteenth century life and thought. It provides new insights into themes including: forms of the marvelous, adaptation, gender and sexuality, humans and non-humans, monsters and the monstrous, spaces, socialization, and power. With contributions from international scholars across disciplines, this volume is an essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of literature, history, and cultural studies.A Cultural History of Fairy Tales (6-volume set)A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in Antiquity is also available as a part of a 6-volume set, A Cultural History of Fairy Tales, tracing fairy tales from antiquity to the present day, available in print, or within a fully-searchable digital library accessible through institutions by annual subscription or on perpetual access (see Individual volumes for academics and researchers interested in specific historical periods are also available digitally via

A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in the Middle Ages (The Cultural Histories Series)

How have fairy tales from around the world changed over the centuries? What do they tell us about different cultures and societies? Spanning the years from 900 to 1500 and traversing geographical borders, from England to France and India to China, this book uniquely examines the tales told, translated, adapted and circulated during the period known as the Middle Ages. Scholars in history, literature and cultural studies explore the development of epic tales of heroes and monsters and enchanted romance narratives. Examining how tales evolved and functioned across different societies during the Middle Ages, this book demonstrates how the plots, themes and motifs used in medieval tales influenced later developments in the genre. An essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of literature, history and cultural studies, this volume explores themes including: forms of the marvelous, adaptation, gender and sexuality, humans and non-humans, monsters and the monstrous, spaces, socialization, and power.A Cultural History of Fairy Tales (6-volume set)A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in Antiquity is also available as a part of a 6-volume set, A Cultural History of Fairy Tales, tracing fairy tales from antiquity to the present day, available in print, or within a fully-searchable digital library accessible through institutions by annual subscription or on perpetual access (see Individual volumes for academics and researchers interested in specific historical periods are also available digitally via

A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in the Modern Age (The Cultural Histories Series)

How have fairy tales from around the world changed over the centuries? What do they tell us about different cultures and societies?Drawing together contributions from an international range of scholars in history, literature, and cultural studies, this volume uniquely examines creative applications of fairy tales in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It explores how the fairy tale has become a genre that flourishes on film, on TV, and in digital media, as well as in the older technologies of print, performance, and the visual arts. An essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of literature, history, the visual arts and cultural studies, this book explores such themes and topics as: forms of the marvelous, adaptation, gender and sexuality, humans and non-humans, monsters and the monstrous, spaces, socialization, and power.A Cultural History of Fairy Tales (6-volume set)A Cultural History of Fairy Tales in Antiquity is also available as a part of a 6-volume set, A Cultural History of Fairy Tales, tracing fairy tales from antiquity to the present day, available in print, or within a fully-searchable digital library accessible through institutions by annual subscription or on perpetual access (see Individual volumes for academics and researchers interested in specific historical periods are also available digitally via

Didactics and the Modern Robinsonade: New Paradigms for Young Readers (Liverpool English Texts and Studies #75)

Didactics and the Modern Robinsonade examines modern and contemporary Robinsonade texts written for young readers, looking specifically at the ways in which later adaptations of the Robinson Crusoe story subvert both traditional narrative structures and particular ideological codes within the genre. This collection redresses both the gender and geopolitical biases that have characterized most writings within the Robinsonade genre since its inception, and includes chapters on little-known works of fiction by female authors, as well as works from outside the mainstream of Anglo-American culture.

Ethical and Responsible Tourism: Managing Sustainability in Local Tourism Destinations

Ethical and Responsible Tourism explains the methods and practices used to manage the environmental impact of tourism on local communities and destinations. This new edition takes into account recent global events such as the Covid-19 health crisis, the impacts of the war in Ukraine on tourism in neighbouring regions and the consequences of the energy and cost of living crisis. The three core themes of the book – destination management, environmental and social aspects of ethical sustainable development and business impacts – are discussed across both topic and case study chapters, alongside explanatory editorial analysis with all chapters clearly signposted and interlinked. The case studies address specific and practical examples from a global range of examples including sites in Australasia, Central America, Europe, Asia, North America and South America. In this new edition, further case studies are included from the USA and Japan, as well as new examples from Brazil, Croatia and Malta. Used as a core textbook, the linking of theory in the topic chapters, and practice gained through case studies, alongside further reading and editorial commentary, Ethical and Responsible Tourism provides a detailed and comprehensive learning experience. Specific case studies can be used as standalone examples as part of a case teaching approach, and the editorial and discussion elements are designed to be suitable for those simply seeking a concise overview, such as tourism professionals or potential investors in sustainable tourism projects. This revised edition continues to be essential reading for students, researchers and practitioners of tourism, environmental and sustainability studies.

Family in Children’s and Young Adult Literature (Children's Literature and Culture)

Family in Children's and Young Adult Literature is a comprehensive study of the family in Anglophone children’s and Young Adult literature from the early nineteenth century to the present day. Written by intellectual leaders in the field from the UK, the Americas, Europe, and Australia, this collection of essays explores the significance of the family and of familial and quasi-familial relationships in texts by a wide range of authors, including the Grimms, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Rudyard Kipling, Enid Blyton, Judy Blume, Jaqueline Wilson, Malorie Blackman, Melvin Burgess, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and others. Author-based and critical survey essays explore evolving depictions of LGBTQIA+ and BAME families; migrant and refugee narratives; the popular tropes of the orphan protagonist and the wicked stepmother; sibling and intergenerational familial relationships; fathers and fatherhood; the anthropomorphic animal and surrogate family; and the fractured family in paranormal and dystopian YA literature. The breadth of essays in Family in Children's and Young Adult Literature encourages readers to think beyond the outdated but culturally privileged ‘nuclear family’ and is a vital resource for students, academics, educators, and practitioners.

Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene: Imagining Futures and Dreaming Hope in Literature and Media

The first study to look at the intersection of the discourse of the Anthropocene within the two highly influential and perennially popular storytelling modes of fantasy and myth, this book articulates the idea that if humanity is to have a future, it needs stories that articulate visions of a biocentric, ecological civilization. As the two story systems that have been humanity's most advanced technologies for collective dreaming, fantastic fiction and myths are helping us adopt a biocentric lens, re-kin us with other forms of life, and assist us in the transition to an ecological civilization. Deliberately moving away from dystopian narratives toward anticipatory imaginations of sustainable futures, this volume blends chapters by top scholars in the fields of climate fiction, science fiction, fantasy, myth, and Young-Adult literature studies with personal reflections by award-winning authors and illustrators of speculative fiction for young audiences such as Jeff Vandermeer, Shaun Tan, Jane Yolen, Katherine Applegate and Joseph Bruchac.Covering the works of major fantasy authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien, Terry Prachett, J. K. Rowling, China Mieville, Barbara Henderson, Jeanette Winterson, John Crowly, Richard Powers, George R. R. Martin and Kim Stanley Robinson, and offering interrogations of cultural expressions set in or from the UK, USA, Nigeria, Ghana, Pacific Islands, New Zealand and Australia, this book frames fantasy and myth as spaces where visions of sustainable futures can be designed with most detail and nuance. Rather than merely criticizing the ecocidal status quo, the book asks how Fantastic stories can mobilize resistance around ideas necessary for the emergence of an ecological civilization.

Geschichte der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur

Familie, Kindheit und Erziehung Trendthema in der Öffentlichkeit und der Wissenschaft. Immer stärker in den Blickpunkt rückt deshalb die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Die 3. Auflage des Standardwerkes greift die aktuellen Debatten auf und verlagert das Gewicht auf die Entwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert mit vielen neuen Einschätzungen, Tendenzen im Buchbereich und dem Einsatz von Medien. Darunter: MC/CD, Film, Fernsehen und Computer. Autorenporträts, Werkanalysen und eine Fülle von Illustrationen sorgen für Anschaulichkeit.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Von 1850 bis 1900

Wichtiger Baustein zur Erforschung der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. In repräsentativer Auswahl werden die zentralen Werke aller Gattungen der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur von 1850 bis 1900 vorgestellt. Mit der ausführlichen Bibliografie erschließt der Band 1000 Werke der aktuellen Forschung. Inklusive CD-ROM mit 780 Illustrationen aus Kinder- und Jugendbüchern.

Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von 1800 bis 1850

Dieser reich illustrierte Handbuchband erschließt erstmals die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Überblicksartikeln, Einzeldarstellungen und kommentierter Bibliographie.

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