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How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Thorvald Gran

How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization seeks to shed understanding on how speaking or speech-acting affects how we are organized and how we influence each other and wield power. It is suggested that speaking is a major clue to organization and to the creation of new organizations. The task is to describe how speech-acting organizes. This book takes findings in the project’s philosophy of collective intentions – its philosophy of society – into the field of empirical study of organization and politics. The book investigates the relation between knowledge and politics, between describing the world and changing it, between cognitive – sensing - and volitional – wilful – processes and goes on to describe how speech-acting organizes, reorganizes - and destroys organizations. It looks at persons and groups as speech-actors. It investigates how speech-acting can spur movements in organizations from routines to learning to innovations and back How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization develops a model of how speech-acting generates new organization – or social innovations. Empirical studies of some economic, political and ideological organizations are mined for model development. Speech-acting occurs in the context of institutions, with capital producing firms and nation states at present as the most ubiquitous. But speech-acting has an element of freedom that makes some of its results unpredictable and difficult to control. Aimed at academics, researchers and students in the field of Organizational Studies How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization examines a new contribution and direction in the field.

How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Thorvald Gran

How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization seeks to shed understanding on how speaking or speech-acting affects how we are organized and how we influence each other and wield power. It is suggested that speaking is a major clue to organization and to the creation of new organizations. The task is to describe how speech-acting organizes. This book takes findings in the project’s philosophy of collective intentions – its philosophy of society – into the field of empirical study of organization and politics. The book investigates the relation between knowledge and politics, between describing the world and changing it, between cognitive – sensing - and volitional – wilful – processes and goes on to describe how speech-acting organizes, reorganizes - and destroys organizations. It looks at persons and groups as speech-actors. It investigates how speech-acting can spur movements in organizations from routines to learning to innovations and back How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization develops a model of how speech-acting generates new organization – or social innovations. Empirical studies of some economic, political and ideological organizations are mined for model development. Speech-acting occurs in the context of institutions, with capital producing firms and nation states at present as the most ubiquitous. But speech-acting has an element of freedom that makes some of its results unpredictable and difficult to control. Aimed at academics, researchers and students in the field of Organizational Studies How Speech Acting and the Struggle of Narratives Generate Organization examines a new contribution and direction in the field.

Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients

by Natalie Grams

Homeopathy is over 200 years old and is still experiencing an uninterrupted influx of new practitioners and patients. Many patients and therapists swear by this "alternative healing method", which in some countries is even financed by health insurances. This seems completely incomprehensible to critics: For them it is clearly evident that homeopathy is hopelessly unscientific and has at best a placebo effect. The positions of supporters and opponents seem to be just as immutable as they are incompatible. This book answers some essential and fascinating questions: What remains of the founding ideas of homeopathy in 21st century medicine? Does it really work and, if so, how? Which of the original theories can we still apply today with a clear conscience and use for the benefit of patients and the healthcare system? Where does homeopathy have its limits and does it indeed need to be critically reconsidered and evaluated? The author has dealt with the points of criticism for years, but at the same time also takes seriously the wishes and concerns of patients who often feel insufficiently cared for by conventional medical practice. Against the background of her own personal history, her book attempts to bridge the gap between these two traditionally opposing camps.

Vom Material zur Produktinnovation: Eine kritische Betrachtung der Innovationskette (essentials)

by Sebastian Gramlich Emanuel Ionescu Eckhard Kirchner Karsten Schäfer Stefan Schork

Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert Einflussmöglichkeiten und Faktoren für die erfolgreiche Überführung vom Material in die Produktinnovation. Bis in die 1990er-Jahre berücksichtigte die Innovationspolitik ein lineares Modell, das unmittelbare Zusammenhänge zwischen Grundlagenforschung, Fertigung, Produktentwicklung und Kommerzialisierung annahm. Dagegen zeigen neue Entwicklungen, dass die Innovationskette als ein nichtlinearer, interaktiver und systemischer Prozess zu sehen ist, der intensiver Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen allen daran beteiligten Institutionen (Geldgeber, Forschungsinstitutionen, KMUs, etc.) bedarf. Mit detaillierten Analysen von Fallstudien werden in diesem Buch zugrundeliegende „Mechanismen“ zur Abbildung von Wertschöpfungs-/Innovationsketten dargestellt. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind in einem Modell zur integrierten Material-, Prozess- und Produktentwicklung aggregiert.

Water Risk Modeling: Developing Risk-Return Management Techniques in Finance and Beyond

by Dieter Gramlich Thomas Walker Maya Michaeli Charlotte Esme Frank

This book sheds light on the topic of financial water risk by examining the modeling challenges associated with physical, regulatory, and reputational water risk in finance. It explores various approaches to operationalize water risk from a financial analysis, investment management, and climate science perspective. The analysis of tools to assess water risk provides the basis for the development of appropriate risk-return management techniques in finance and beyond. This book provides new insights by focusing on financial water threats and their related opportunities. It will be of interest to both academics and practitioners who work at the interface of finance, economics, nature, and society.

Herausforderungen einer zukunftsorientierten Unternehmenspolitik: Ökonomie, Umwelt, Technik und Gesellschaft als Determinanten

by Dieter Gramlich Manfred Träger

Der Band präsentiert die Beiträge renommierter Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aus dem In- und Ausland, die sich mit Handlungsfeldern und -alternativen eines Managements für die Zukunft auseinandersetzen. Folgende Themen stehen zur Diskussion: Leadership und Corporate Social Responsibility – Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung und soziale Verantwortung der Unternehmen; Personalmanagement im demografischen Wandel, Technologie und Innovation; Qualitätsmanagement; Sustainable Management aus Sicht der Finanzmärkte.

Kreditinstitute und Cross Risks: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Risikoverbunds bei Finanzintermediären (neue betriebswirtschaftliche forschung (nbf) #305)

by Dieter Gramlich

Dieter Gramlich trägt auf mehrfache Weise zur Erweiterung des Verständnisses für Cross Risks bei. Für das Beziehungsgefüge zwischen Risiken entwickelt er einen fundierend-systematisierenden Bezugsrahmen, und er legt die Besonderheiten von Cross Risks im Aktiv-/Passivzusammenhang offen.

Konzernabschlüsse unter Berücksichtigung von IFRS 11: Implikationen auf Financial Covenants von DAX Unternehmen (BestMasters)

by Stefan Graml

Stefan Graml untersucht die Auswirkungen des neuen Bilanzierungsstandards IFRS 11 im Hinblick auf Financial Covenants von DAX Unternehmen auf der Basis einer empirischen Erhebung der Jahresabschlüsse 2011. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die meisten Konzerne entweder keine Joint Ventures bilanzieren oder diese nach der Equity Methode einbeziehen, während für andere Konzerne teils erhebliche Auswirkungen auf deren Financial Covenants entstehen. Mit Hilfe einer Simulation des neuen Bilanzierungsstandards zeigt der Autor, dass die Interest Coverage Ratio durch die Ergebnisdarstellung der Equity Bewertung im Finanzergebnis tendenziell sinkt, während sich Eigenkapitalquote und Verschuldungsgrad durch die Verkürzung der Bilanzsumme tendenziell verbessern.

Revisiting Austria: Tourism, Space, and National Identity, 1945 to the Present (Austrian and Habsburg Studies #28)

by Gundolf Graml

Following the transformations and conflicts of the first half of the twentieth century, Austria’s emergence as an independent democracy heralded a new era of stability and prosperity for the nation. Among the new developments was mass tourism to the nation’s cities, spa towns, and wilderness areas, a phenomenon that would prove immensely influential on the development of a postwar identity. Revisiting Austria incorporates films, marketing materials, literature, and first-person accounts to explore the ways in which tourism has shaped both international and domestic perceptions of Austrian identity even as it has failed to confront the nation’s often violent and troubled history.

Advances in Intelligent Process-Aware Information Systems: Concepts, Methods, and Technologies (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #123)

by Gregor Grambow Roy Oberhauser Manfred Reichert

This book provides a state-of-the-art perspective on intelligent process-aware information systems and presents chapters on specific facets and approaches applicable to such systems. Further, it highlights novel advances and developments in various aspects of intelligent process-aware information systems and business process management systems.Intelligence capabilities are increasingly being integrated into or created in many of today’s software products and services. Process-aware information systems provide critical computing infrastructure to support the various processes involved in the creation and delivery of business products and services. Yet the integration of intelligence capabilities into process-aware information systems is a non-trivial yet necessary evolution of these complex systems. The book’s individual chapters address adaptive process management, case management processes, autonomically-capable processes, process-oriented information logistics, process recommendations, reasoning over process models, process portability, and business process intelligence. The primary target groups are researchers and PhD/Master students in the field of information systems.

History of Nordic Computing 4: 4th IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC 4, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13-15, 2014, Revised Selected Papers (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #447)

by Christian Gram Per Rasmussen Søren Duus Østergaard

This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 4th IFIP WG 9.7 Conference on the History of Nordic Computing, HiNC 4, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 2014. The 37 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this volume. The papers focus on innovative ICT milestones that transformed the nordic societies and on the new ideas, systems and solutions that helped creating the welfare societies of today, in particular solutions and systems for public services, e.g., tax, social benefits, health care and education; solutions and systems for the infrastructure of the society, e.g., banking, insurance, telephones, transport and energy supply; and technologies and IT policies behind the major IT milestones, e.g., user centric innovation, programming techniques and IT ethics. They are organized in topical sections on IT policy, infrastructure, public services, private services, telesystems, health care, IT in banking, transport and IT technology.

How Financial Slack Affects Corporate Performance: An Examination in an Uncertain and Resource Scarce Environment (BestMasters)

by Bernadette Gral

Bernadette Gral examines the relationship between financial slack and corporate performance in the European pharmaceutical industry during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2010. Her investigation includes correlational and regression analyses as well as the qualitative content analysis of newspaper articles. The results show that financial slack influences corporate performance measured as ROA based on net income, thus implying that firms use slack resources to enhance performance during crises. The findings support the arguments for a beneficial effect of financial slack on performance according to the resource based view and behavioral theory of the firm.

Steuerberechnung mit dem Epson HX-20 (Anwendung von Mikrocomputern #6)

by Werner Grajewski

Durch die fortschreitende Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Taschenrechner und Hand­ Held-Computer kommt der Wunsch sehr schnell, sich die Arbeit zu erleichtern. Während die Kapazität bei den ersten Rechnern für ein vollständiges Einkommen-bzw. Lohnsteuer-Programm nicht ausreichte, kann mit dem Epson HX-20 bereits ein an­ sprechendes Programm erstellt werden. Aber genauso, wie der Appetit beim Essen kommt, so möchte man auch bei der Erstellung eines Programms alle Möglichkeiten bedenken und berücksichtigen. Dafür ist aber das Einkommensteuerrecht zu umfangreich geworden. Während man 1936 mit 4 Seiten für die gesamte Einkommensteuererklärung auskam, hat heute bereits der Mantelbogen mit den allgemeinen Fragen diesen Umfang. Die Anlagen umfassen bereits 14 Seiten, wenn alle Einkunftsarten angesprochen werden. Insofern konnten im vorliegenden Buch auch nur alle Einkunftsarten gestreift werden. Das Buch wurde im Manuskript auf einem Sharp MZ-80K mit dem Textsystem Crowood geschrieben und auf einem Epson FX-80 gedruckt. Die Programme laufen alle in der Grundversion des Epson HX-20. Bei Speichererweiterungen kann das Einkommensteuer­ Programm, das für die Grundversion in 3 Blöcke geteilt wurde, aneinandergefügt werden. Für die Abschnitte 1 bis 9 sowie die Programme Ermittlung der Einnahmen aus Kapitalvermögen (Abschnitt 10.1). Einkünfte aus Vermietung und Verpachtung (Abschnitt 10.2). Ermittlung der Renteneinkünfte (Abschnitt 10.3). Ermittlung der Werbungskosten (Abschnitt 10.4) und Bausparprämie (Abschnitt 10.6) zeichnet Werner Grajewski verantwortlich. Diese Programme wurden auf einem Video-Genie erstellt und auf den Epson HX-20 über­ tragen.

Category Supply Management: Entwicklung einer Konzeption für die warengruppenorientierte industrielle Beschaffung (Supply Chain Management)

by Karl J. Grajczyk

Mit der Konzeption des Category Supply Managements entwickelt Karl J. Grajczyk einen umfassenden Managementansatz zur Entwicklung, Steuerung und Umsetzung von Einkaufsstrategien für differenzierte Warengruppen. Aus einer Befragung internationaler produzierender Unternehmen leitet der Autor umfassende Handlungsempfehlungen für die funktionsübergreifende Umsetzung des warengruppenorientieren Supply Managements durch industrielle Einkaufsmanager ab. Da die Segmentierung des Einkaufsvolumens in Waren- bzw. Materialgruppen einen weiten Verbreitungsgrad in Unternehmen aufweist, werden in dieser Arbeit strategische Ansätze der Einkaufspraxis und der betriebswirtschaftlichen Warengruppenforschung miteinander verbunden.

Managing Leisure

by Byron Grainger-Jones

Managing Leisure is an excellent reference tool for both students and practitioners in the leisure industry.It provides detailed and practical advice on managing buildings, budgets and people. It also covers the vital aspects of law, finance, health & safety and competitive tendering. Managing Leisure takes management theory and looks at its practical application in a leisure management context.Ideal for students studying leisure management, this book will also appeal to practitioners in the field as a handy reference book.

Managing Leisure

by Byron Grainger-Jones

Managing Leisure is an excellent reference tool for both students and practitioners in the leisure industry.It provides detailed and practical advice on managing buildings, budgets and people. It also covers the vital aspects of law, finance, health & safety and competitive tendering. Managing Leisure takes management theory and looks at its practical application in a leisure management context.Ideal for students studying leisure management, this book will also appeal to practitioners in the field as a handy reference book.

Coal Utilisation: Technology, Economics and Policy

by L. Grainger J. Gibson

The authors who have collaborated in writing this book have also worked together for more than a decade in promoting Coal Utilisation R&D. They bear a substantial responsibility for the way the policy of the National Coal Board in this field has developed since 1966 and, more directly, for the programme of work at the Coal Research Establishment, Stoke Orchard, near Cheltenham. After a period of relative neglect, R&D on Coal Utilisation has flourished in recent years, both in extent and the importance ascribed to it. A large amount of technical data has been obtained from the pioneering experimental work and this will form the foundation on which vast new industries can be based. The timing and organisation of the application of technical information into these new coal conversion industries represents, in the authors' view, the most important question in the whole field of energy, which is now widely recognised as a vital aspect of social and economic development. The scale of the new coal utilisation enterprises will be greater, and their success more critical, than that of any other development in the field of energy, including that of nuclear power or the renewable resources. This book is, therefore, not directed specifically at technical experts in the field of coal utilisation, and in particular it is not intended to enlighten those who specialise in particular sections of this technology.

Cross-Border Logistics Operations: Effective Trade Facilitation and Border Management

by Andrew Grainger

With considerable turmoil in international trade and logistics it is more important than ever to understand trade and customs issues and their impact on logistics operations. At every port and border international freight operations are exposed to trade and customs procedures.Cross-Border Logistics Operations serves as a comprehensive guide and companion to the cross-border trade and customs environment and its implications for international business supply chains and their control. Inspired by the World Customs Organization's Professional Standards (also known as the WCO PICARD Standards), it provides key insights into transporting goods across borders and effectively managing the requirements for compliance and enforcement.International students, business operators and government officials will find the book rich in detail with practical examples that include the political, administrative, regulatory, technological and economic context throughout. It covers all the critical operational and legal aspects of cross-border logistics operations, including:-prevailing trade, customs and border policy-tariffs and import taxes -border management and supply chain security practices-prohibitions and restrictions-enforcement and compliance practices-supply chain and logistics arrangements-disaster relief operations-frictionless trade and trade facilitation principles.

Free Trade and the Empire: A Study in Economics and Politics (Routledge Revivals)

by William Graham Filippo Ugolini

Originally published in 1904. The chief object of this pamphlet is to set forth, in a connected form, the main aspects of the great tariff controversy now for some time before the public; to treat the question more deeply and fully than the exigencies of the platform usually allow; and at the same time to treat it, as far as may be, from a scientific and as little as possible from a party point of view. The question is one both of economics and politics, and it raises the most important and delicate and complicated issues in both subjects.

Free Trade and the Empire: A Study in Economics and Politics (Routledge Revivals)

by William Graham Filippo Ugolini

Originally published in 1904. The chief object of this pamphlet is to set forth, in a connected form, the main aspects of the great tariff controversy now for some time before the public; to treat the question more deeply and fully than the exigencies of the platform usually allow; and at the same time to treat it, as far as may be, from a scientific and as little as possible from a party point of view. The question is one both of economics and politics, and it raises the most important and delicate and complicated issues in both subjects.

Identity Leadership: To Lead Others You Must First Lead Yourself

by Stedman Graham

Become a passionate, purposeful, and meaningful leader through identifying who you are, your strengths, and your skills. New York Times bestselling author Stedman Graham's Identity Leadership is a very personal and prescriptive guide that is based on his philosophy that a leader can't lead others until he can first lead himself-the more he works on himself -- the more he can give to those around him. To know our purpose in life, we begin with our passions, skills, and talents, and with this book we learn how to channel the best of who we are to achieve success for ourselves and those we lead. In Identity Leadership, Graham examines why self-awareness matters, how leaders lead, the importance of communication, and much more. He then shows the reader how to step into their role as a leader and create their identity leadership plan. Key to the journey is believing in yourself, knowing your competence, continually challenging yourself, and being patient with yourself. Graham uses anecdotes from his own life, as well as discussing successful leaders, to illustrate the importance of identity leadership in each of our lives.Self-leaders can create a roadmap that leads to personal growth, development, and improvement of performance in every area of life. Identity Leadership provides the tools-self-awareness, emotional intelligence, discipline, and more-needed to continually plan and execute learning and development of our talents and skills. These tools enable readers to commit to a personal vision and lead with purpose. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} span.s1 {background-color: #fffb00} p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} span.s1 {background-color: #fffb00} p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} span.s1 {background-color: #fffb00}

Identity Leadership: To Lead Others You Must First Lead Yourself

by Stedman Graham

Become a passionate, purposeful, and meaningful leader through identifying who you are, your strengths, and your skills. New York Times bestselling author Stedman Graham's Identity Leadership is a very personal and prescriptive guide that is based on his philosophy that a leader can't lead others until he can first lead himself-the more he works on himself -- the more he can give to those around him. To know our purpose in life, we begin with our passions, skills, and talents, and with this book we learn how to channel the best of who we are to achieve success for ourselves and those we lead. In Identity Leadership, Graham examines why self-awareness matters, how leaders lead, the importance of communication, and much more. He then shows the reader how to step into their role as a leader and create their identity leadership plan. Key to the journey is believing in yourself, knowing your competence, continually challenging yourself, and being patient with yourself. Graham uses anecdotes from his own life, as well as discussing successful leaders, to illustrate the importance of identity leadership in each of our lives.Self-leaders can create a roadmap that leads to personal growth, development, and improvement of performance in every area of life. Identity Leadership provides the tools-self-awareness, emotional intelligence, discipline, and more-needed to continually plan and execute learning and development of our talents and skills. These tools enable readers to commit to a personal vision and lead with purpose.

The Mathematics of Paul Erdös I (Algorithms and Combinatorics #13)

by Ronald Lewis Graham Jaroslav Nesetril

In 1992, when Paul Erdos was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa by Charles University in Prague, a small conference was held, bringing together a distin­ guished group of researchers with interests spanning a variety of fields related to Erdos' own work. At that gathering, the idea occurred to several of us that it might be quite appropriate at this point in Erdos' career to solicit a col­ lection of articles illustrating various aspects of Erdos' mathematical life and work. The response to our solicitation was immediate and overwhelming, and these volumes are the result. Regarding the organization, we found it convenient to arrange the papers into six chapters, each mirroring Erdos' holistic approach to mathematics. Our goal was not merely a (random) collection of papers but rather a thor­ oughly edited volume composed in large part by articles explicitly solicited to illustrate interesting aspects of Erdos and his life and work. Each chap­ ter includes an introduction which often presents a sample of related ErdOs' problems "in his own words". All these (sometimes lengthy) introductions were written jointly by editors. We wish to thank the nearly 70 contributors for their outstanding efforts (and their patience). In particular, we are grateful to Bela Bollobas for his extensive documentation of Paul Erdos' early years and mathematical high points (in the first part of this volume); our other authors are acknowledged in their respective chapters. We also want to thank A. Bondy, G. Hahn, I.

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