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Lean Manufacturing and Service: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies (ISSN)

by Kanchan Das Miranda Dixon

Within manufacturing industries, lean manufacturing and systems rooted in lean principles stand out as the most effective tool used to enhance productivity, quality, and comprehensive economic, environmental, and social sustainability.Lean Manufacturing and Service: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies is not merely a guide to lean tools for cost reduction. Instead, it showcases lean as a holistic system encompassing design, planning, management, and operations, relevant to all organizations. Moreover, it delves into its integration with Industry 4.0 and its concepts.Designed primarily for graduate and undergraduate courses, this book is also a valuable resource for industry professionals. It features exercises ranging from basic to multifaceted examples, insightful case studies, and end-of-chapter challenges. A solutions manual and lecture slides are also available to ensure a quality course experience.

Energy in American History: A Political, Social, and Environmental Encyclopedia [2 volumes]

Contextualizes and analyzes the key energy transitions in U.S. history and the central importance of energy production and consumption on the American environment and in American culture and politics.Focusing on the major energy transitions in U.S. history, from the pre-industrial era to the present day, this two-volume encyclopedia captures the major advancements, events, technologies, and people synonymous with the production and consumption of energy in the United States. Expert contributors show how, for example, the introduction of electricity and petroleum into ordinary American life facilitated periods of rapid social and political change, as well as profound and ongoing impacts on the environment. These developments have in many ways defined and accelerated the pace of modern life and led to vast improvements in living conditions for millions of people, just as they have also brought new fears of resource exhaustion and fossil-fuel induced climate change. Today, as America begins to move beyond the use of fossil fuels toward a greater reliance on renewables, including wind and solar energy, there is a pressing need to understand energy in America's past in order to better understand its energy future.

Energy in American History: A Political, Social, and Environmental Encyclopedia [2 volumes]

by Jeffrey B. Webb and Christopher R. Fee, Editors

Contextualizes and analyzes the key energy transitions in U.S. history and the central importance of energy production and consumption on the American environment and in American culture and politics.Focusing on the major energy transitions in U.S. history, from the pre-industrial era to the present day, this two-volume encyclopedia captures the major advancements, events, technologies, and people synonymous with the production and consumption of energy in the United States. Expert contributors show how, for example, the introduction of electricity and petroleum into ordinary American life facilitated periods of rapid social and political change, as well as profound and ongoing impacts on the environment. These developments have in many ways defined and accelerated the pace of modern life and led to vast improvements in living conditions for millions of people, just as they have also brought new fears of resource exhaustion and fossil-fuel induced climate change. Today, as America begins to move beyond the use of fossil fuels toward a greater reliance on renewables, including wind and solar energy, there is a pressing need to understand energy in America's past in order to better understand its energy future.

Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2023), 30th March-1st April 2023, New Delhi, India

IRTM 2023We live in an inter-connected world. In the era of Industry 5.0, technology is getting embedded more and more in the way ‘we learn, live, work and play’.This progression is accelerating at a pace never seen before. Inter disciplinary and collaborative research across disciplines within the Technology domain and Management domain, and across the Technology — Management interface is opening up exciting new possibilities for solving problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline, domain or practice, and helping to create a brave, new world. We are living in an incredible time of change.Our effort to hold such an interdisciplinary conference, in the virtual mode, apparently resonated across the academic community, as was evident from the huge response that the first ever conference on “Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management”, (IRTM) held in February 2021 had received from participants across many countries. This has encouraged the organizers to hold the next edition of the conference physically in Kolkata on a larger scale in the online mode.The pandemic unleashed by Covid 19 in the last two years has shaken the socio-economic foundations of countries and societies to a point where the world cannot be the same as before the pandemic. It has re-focused the world’s attention on the priority of healthcare, and healthcare infrastructure and its innovative management.Inevitably, questions have again been raised more vehemently on what kind of a world we want to live in. Environmental concerns are being pursued with renewed vigour, The urgency of developing new, robust infrastructure relevant for the new world is gaining wider consensus.By 2030, as reports suggest, cyber – physical systems, internet of things and wearable technology will be everywhere and in everything, renewable energy will power the world, and digital entertainment will take centre stage among other developments.The third edition of the conference on “Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management” attempts to spotlight the above concerns. The number of tracks on which papers are invited from scholars, researchers, consultants and practitioners to share their interdisciplinary research and consultative work has been enlarged. As before, the papers will be peer reviewed and authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their papers in the IRTM conference.The presentation of papers will be interspersed with Keynote Talks by eminent experts on the theme of the conference or individual domains.

Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2023), 30th March-1st April 2023, New Delhi, India

by Satyajit Chakrabarti Sanghamitra Poddar Malay Gangopadhyaya Ashiq A. Sakib Anupam Bhattacharya Souti Chattopadhyay

IRTM 2023We live in an inter-connected world. In the era of Industry 5.0, technology is getting embedded more and more in the way ‘we learn, live, work and play’.This progression is accelerating at a pace never seen before. Inter disciplinary and collaborative research across disciplines within the Technology domain and Management domain, and across the Technology — Management interface is opening up exciting new possibilities for solving problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline, domain or practice, and helping to create a brave, new world. We are living in an incredible time of change.Our effort to hold such an interdisciplinary conference, in the virtual mode, apparently resonated across the academic community, as was evident from the huge response that the first ever conference on “Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management”, (IRTM) held in February 2021 had received from participants across many countries. This has encouraged the organizers to hold the next edition of the conference physically in Kolkata on a larger scale in the online mode.The pandemic unleashed by Covid 19 in the last two years has shaken the socio-economic foundations of countries and societies to a point where the world cannot be the same as before the pandemic. It has re-focused the world’s attention on the priority of healthcare, and healthcare infrastructure and its innovative management.Inevitably, questions have again been raised more vehemently on what kind of a world we want to live in. Environmental concerns are being pursued with renewed vigour, The urgency of developing new, robust infrastructure relevant for the new world is gaining wider consensus.By 2030, as reports suggest, cyber – physical systems, internet of things and wearable technology will be everywhere and in everything, renewable energy will power the world, and digital entertainment will take centre stage among other developments.The third edition of the conference on “Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management” attempts to spotlight the above concerns. The number of tracks on which papers are invited from scholars, researchers, consultants and practitioners to share their interdisciplinary research and consultative work has been enlarged. As before, the papers will be peer reviewed and authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their papers in the IRTM conference.The presentation of papers will be interspersed with Keynote Talks by eminent experts on the theme of the conference or individual domains.

Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice

by Gordon Walker Ralph Horne Anitra Nelson Aimee Ambrose

This collection pays unique attention to the highly challenging problems of addressing inequality within decarbonisation – particularly under-explored aspects, such as high consumption, degrowth approaches and perverse outcomes. Contributors point out means and possibilities of the transition from high carbon inequalities to post-carbon inclusion. They apply a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches in all-inclusive ways to diverse challenges, such as urban heating and retrofitting. Richly illustrated with case studies from the city to the household, this book critically examines ‘just transitions’ to achieve sustainable societies in the future.

Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice

by Ralph Horne, Aimee Ambrose, Gordon Walker and Anitra Nelson

This collection pays unique attention to the highly challenging problems of addressing inequality within decarbonisation – particularly under-explored aspects, such as high consumption, degrowth approaches and perverse outcomes. Contributors point out means and possibilities of the transition from high carbon inequalities to post-carbon inclusion. They apply a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches in all-inclusive ways to diverse challenges, such as urban heating and retrofitting. Richly illustrated with case studies from the city to the household, this book critically examines ‘just transitions’ to achieve sustainable societies in the future.

Organizing Food, Faith and Freedom: Imagining Alternatives (Organizations and Activism)

by Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar

Consumerism, unsustainable growth, waste and inequalities continue to ail societies across the globe, but creative collectives have been tackling these issues at a grassroots level. Based on an autoethnographic study about a free food store in Aotearoa New Zealand, this book presents a first-hand account of how a community is organized around surplus food to deal with food poverty, while also helping the reader to see through the complexity that brings the free food store to life. Examining how alternative economies and relations emerge from these community solutions, the author shows it is possible to think, act and organize differently within and beyond capitalist dynamics.

Organizing Food, Faith and Freedom: Imagining Alternatives (Organizations and Activism)

by Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar

Consumerism, unsustainable growth, waste and inequalities continue to ail societies across the globe, but creative collectives have been tackling these issues at a grassroots level. Based on an autoethnographic study about a free food store in Aotearoa New Zealand, this book presents a first-hand account of how a community is organized around surplus food to deal with food poverty, while also helping the reader to see through the complexity that brings the free food store to life. Examining how alternative economies and relations emerge from these community solutions, the author shows it is possible to think, act and organize differently within and beyond capitalist dynamics.

Think Like a Spy: Master the Art of Influence and Build Life-Changing Alliances

by Julian Fisher

'It's rare to find a book that is not only intensely personal but deeply practical. Julian Fisher has somehow pulled it off, in this fascinating and engaging guide to the art of influence. Think Like a Spy is a fantastic read, full of eye-opening espionage tradecraft as well as insightful tips on how to achieve your business goals. Highly recommended' - Henry Hemming, author of Four Shots in the NightDiscover the secret skills of influence and persuasion taught to intelligence officers and how to adapt them to win over personal and professional allies to your cause. Every day, intelligence officers achieve the unimaginable. They persuade people to share classified secrets with them. To become traitors, in fact. And their targets do it willingly, despite the risk of imprisonment, torture and, even, execution. Spies achieve this thanks to their structured use of nine secret skills of espionage. In Think Like a Spy, you'll learn these techniques and how to adapt them for effective and ethical use in your own life.A good spy is a people-person. She knows how to identify a potential agent, how to attract their attention and what to do to build an enduring relationship with them. From this base, she will coax out personal information to work out what makes her target tick. She will use that knowledge and her understanding of human psychology to her advantage while winning lasting commitment from her new ally.All these skills can be mastered and turned to use in civilian life. The author realised that he used all of them in his own progress from the poorest postcode in Britain to Oxford University, into a blue-blooded stockbroking firm, and on to a thrilling and varied career in the security and intelligence worlds. Julian uses a wide variety of stories from this journey to illustrate how spy skills can be adapted to situations and challenges that we all face.Everyone is capable of thinking like a spy and of using that thinking to transform their lives. This is your opportunity to learn how.

Führung mit Feuer und Flamme: Was jede Führungskraft von einem Feuerwehrkommandanten lernen kann – und umgekehrt

by Christian Münch Daniel Pleyer

Dieses Buch wirft einen neuen Blick auf das Thema Führung – losgelöst von überbordenden Theorien und Konzepten, geerdet und zugleich bewährt.Was passiert, wenn ein erfolgreicher, mehrfach ausgezeichneter Unternehmer, mit Mitte 40 all seinen Mut zusammenfasst und der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr beitritt? Er erlebt, was er nicht vermutet hatte: authentische Führung auf höchstem Niveau auch in kritischsten Situationen.Dieses Buch weitet den Blick auf die Mitarbeiterführung, in dem es bewährte Führungsprinzipien aus einer 500 Jahre alten „Branche“ anschaulich auf den Punkt bringt und für unsere volatile, schnelle und hektische Zeit im Business anwendbar macht – untermauert mit brisanten und spannenden Einsatzbeispielen aus Herrsching, Deutschland und der ganzen Welt. Es geht um klare Anweisungen und Teamgeist, komplexe Lagebeurteilung und schnelle Entscheidungen, existenzielle Krisenbewältigung und Humor, situatives Agieren und authentische Menschenführung.Kann eine gestandene Führungskraft im Unternehmen etwas zu Führung von einem Feuerwehrkommandanten lernen? Nach der Lektüre dieses Buch werden Sie vermutlich sagen: definitiv ja! Aus dem InhaltKlarheit und Einfachheit für komplexe Führungsprozesse10 bewährte Führungsprinzipien aus einer 500 Jahre alten Branche – wirksam und gutVon der Lagefeststellung über Strategie-Entwicklung bis zu klaren Anweisungen und effektiver Führung im Turbo-TempoWie gehen Befehle, Kommandos und Team-Motivation zusammenWarum die Nachsorge für Resilienz und Zukunftsfähigkeit so wichtig ist – und in der Wirtschaft gerne vergessen wird2-3 reale Beispiele „brandaktueller“ Einsätze je Führungsprinzip

The Road to Outsourcing 4.0: Next-Generation Supply Chain

by Mohammadreza Akbari

This book provides valuable insights and guidance for firms looking to improve their operations in the face of disruption and uncertainty. It contributes to the body of knowledge in logistics and supply chain disciplines which will be useful to both industry practitioners and academics. With this, the book first emphasizes the road to outsourcing 4.0 by providing updated information and perspectives on these trends, given that outsourcing has evolved significantly over the years and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning are changing the way outsourcing is done. In addition, the book also explores new models such as third-party logistics (3PL) providers and crowdsourcing which have changed the landscape of outsourcing. Lastly, the book includes updated best practices for outsourcing, including how to choose outsourcing partners, manage outsourcing relationships, and minimize risks in the post-COVID-19 recovery period. Each chapter in the book goes through concepts, development histories, benefits, risks and challenges, and includes recent case studies

Role of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1094)

by Ajith Abraham Loveleen Gaur

The technological boom has provided consumers with endless choices, removing the hindrance of time and place. Understanding the dynamic and competitive business environment, marketers know they need to reinforce indestructible customer experience with the support of algorithmic configurations to minimize human intrusion. World Wide Web (WWW) and online marketing have changed the way of conducting business; with artificial intelligence (AI), business houses can furnish a customized experience to fulfil the perceived expectation of the customer.Artificial intelligence bridges the gap between business and prospective clients, provides enormous amounts of information, prompts grievance redressal system, and further complements the client’s preference. The opportunities online marketing offers with the blend of artificial intelligence tools like chatbots, recommenders, virtual assistance, and interactive voice recognition create improved brand awareness, better customer relationshipmarketing, and personalized product modification.Explainable AI provides the subsequent arena of human–machine collaboration, which will complement and support marketers and people so that they can make better, faster, and more accurate decisions. According to PwC’s report on Explainable AI(XAI), AI will have $15.7 trillion of opportunity by 2030. However, as AI tools become more advanced, more computations are done in a “black box” that humans can hardly comprehend. But the rise of AI in business for actionable insights also poses the following questions: How can marketers know and trust the reasoning behind why an AI system is making recommendations for action? What are the root causes and steering factors? Thus, transparency, trust, and a good understanding of expected business outcomes are increasingly demanded.

Artificial Intelligence: Economic Perspectives and Models

by null Wim Naudé null Thomas Gries null Nicola Dimitri

Is Artificial Intelligence a more significant invention than electricity? Will it result in explosive economic growth and unimaginable wealth for all, or will it cause the extinction of all humans? Artificial Intelligence: Economic Perspectives and Models provides a sober analysis of these questions from an economics perspective. It argues that to better understand the impact of AI on economic outcomes, we must fundamentally change the way we think about AI in relation to models of economic growth. It describes the progress that has been made so far and offers two ways in which current modelling can be improved: firstly, to incorporate the nature of AI as providing abilities that complement and/or substitute for labour, and secondly, to consider demand-side constraints. Outlining the decision-theory basis of both AI and economics, this book shows how this, and the incorporation of AI into economic models, can provide useful tools for safe, human-centered AI.

Developing Multicultural Leadership using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence

by Dan Paiuc

In an increasingly multicultural workforce, leaders need to navigate and build upon cultural and societal differences. The work-from-anywhere phenomenon has conquered the globe, propelling multicultural leadership to the new standard in today's fast-paced and polycentric world. Combining organizational context, knowledge dynamics and cultural intelligence, chapters here provide guidance on how to lead effectively in a multicultural context and leveraging these global workforces to increase bottom-line results and improve employee satisfaction. Dan Paiuc helps both current and future managers and leaders navigate evolving multicultural leadership, building on academic and business research.

Developing Multicultural Leadership using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence

by Dan Paiuc

In an increasingly multicultural workforce, leaders need to navigate and build upon cultural and societal differences. The work-from-anywhere phenomenon has conquered the globe, propelling multicultural leadership to the new standard in today's fast-paced and polycentric world. Combining organizational context, knowledge dynamics and cultural intelligence, chapters here provide guidance on how to lead effectively in a multicultural context and leveraging these global workforces to increase bottom-line results and improve employee satisfaction. Dan Paiuc helps both current and future managers and leaders navigate evolving multicultural leadership, building on academic and business research.

Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars

by Dr John Dumay

Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars is designed for all scholars of business and management and outlines practical and proven ways of designing, developing, and executing impactful research and writing projects with a view to eventual publication. Chapters examine a wide range of essential scholarly practices in depth, including critical thinking and the IDEALS Framework, undertaking literature reviews, designing research for reliability, validity and generalisations, and understanding writing structure using IDEALS. John Dumay draws on experience and proven strategies to help the reader plot what they are going to research, what the potential impact of that research should be, what are the critical outlets for publishing are, and how should the research be written for the target audience. At the projects core is a strong focus on the importance on developing a strategy before starting the research which will increase the chances of publishing in high quality outlets, and surviving in the ‘publish or perish’ world.

Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars

by Dr John Dumay

Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars is designed for all scholars of business and management and outlines practical and proven ways of designing, developing, and executing impactful research and writing projects with a view to eventual publication. Chapters examine a wide range of essential scholarly practices in depth, including critical thinking and the IDEALS Framework, undertaking literature reviews, designing research for reliability, validity and generalisations, and understanding writing structure using IDEALS. John Dumay draws on experience and proven strategies to help the reader plot what they are going to research, what the potential impact of that research should be, what are the critical outlets for publishing are, and how should the research be written for the target audience. At the projects core is a strong focus on the importance on developing a strategy before starting the research which will increase the chances of publishing in high quality outlets, and surviving in the ‘publish or perish’ world.

Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting (Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting #26)

by Tara J. Shawver

This 26th edition of Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting explores many aspects across professional responsibility and ethics in accounting, including changing auditing approaches, whistleblowing, fraudulent practices, the impact of communications, and the impact Covid-19 has had on corporate social responsibility.

Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting (Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting #26)

by Tara J. Shawver

This 26th edition of Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting explores many aspects across professional responsibility and ethics in accounting, including changing auditing approaches, whistleblowing, fraudulent practices, the impact of communications, and the impact Covid-19 has had on corporate social responsibility.

You Are A F*cking Success: Change Your Story. Manifest Your Dream Life

by Noor Hibbert

From Sunday Times bestselling author Noor Hibbert, a powerful new vision for creating success on your own terms, using the practice of manifesting to reach your full potentialSuccess – we’ve got it all wrong. We’ve been sold the lie that success comes in the form of the latest designer goods, luxury car or McMansion. But success is a feeling that we cultivate, not something we can purchase. Success is about finding the path in life that lights you up and gives you meaning, choosing to be the best version of yourself every day.As globally recognized mindset coach, entrepreneur and seven-figure business founder Noor Hibbert reveals in this book, the only yardstick of success should be the one you create for yourself. The first step is awareness and a conscious effort to stop living through the narrative that we are powerless to transform our reality. Instead, we need to start to untangle where our stories have come from and how to rewrite them for a brighter future.Using her trademark ‘VIA’ manifesting method – vision, identity and action – Noor will show you how to manifest your unique purpose, open your eyes to your misconceptions about money and crack open every limiting belief you have about life and your ability to transform it. Ordinary people can create extraordinary lives – this book will help you be the next person to change yours.

How to Survive a Crisis: Lessons in Resilience and Avoiding Disaster

by David Omand

From the former Director of GCHQ comes an invaluable guide to surviving crises - how to spot them early and lessen their devastating consequences - using the latest intelligence strategies'David Omand is exactly the man you need in a crisis' RORY STEWARTWe never know when a crisis might explode. Some 'sudden impact' events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters, blow up out of a clear blue sky. Other 'slow burn' crises smoulder away for years, often with warning signs ignored along the way until, as if from nowhere, the troops storm the palace.In How to Survive a Crisis, Professor Sir David Omand draws on his experience in defence, security and intelligence, including as Director of GCHQ and UK Security and Intelligence Coordinator, to show how you can detect a looming crisis and extinguish it (or at least survive it with minimum loss).Using gripping real-world examples from Omand's storied career, and drawing lessons from historic catastrophes such as Chernobyl, 9/11, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the WannaCry ransomware cyberattack, this empowering book is filled with practical advice on how to survive the multiplying crises of the future. Not every crisis need tip into disaster - if we have invested in personal, business and national resilience.This is an essential toolkit for our turbulent twenty-first century, as well as an exhilarating read for anyone interested in the state of our world - and how we might improve it.'This book is the instruction manual we all need' SIR ALEX YOUNGER, CHIEF OF MI6

Tuning the Snowflake Data Cloud: Optimizing Your Data Platform to Minimize Cost and Maximize Performance

by Andrew Carruthers

This project-oriented book presents a hands-on approach to identifying migration and performance issues with experience drawn from real-world examples. As you work through the book, you will develop skills, knowledge, and deep understanding of Snowflake tuning options and capabilities while preparing for later incorporation of additional Snowflake features as they become available. Your Snowflake platform will cost less to run and will improve your customer experience. Written by a seasoned Snowflake practitioner, this book is full of practical, hands-on guidance and advice specifically designed to further accelerate your Snowflake journey. Tuning the Snowflake Data Cloud provides you a pathway to success by equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to elevate your Snowflake experience. The book shows you how to leverage what you already know, adds what you don’t, and helps you apply it toward delivering for your Snowflake accounts. Read this book to embark on a voyage of advancement and equip your organization to deliver consistent Snowflake performance. What You Will Learn Recognize and understand the root cause of performance bottlenecks Know how to resolve performance issues Develop a deep understanding of Snowflake performance tuning options Reduce expensive mistakes, remediate poorly performing code Manage Snowflake costs

Grundlagen des Werbemanagements: Konzeption – Werbeträger – Evaluation

by Michael Kleinjohann

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen grundlegenden Überblick über die wichtigsten Planungsaspekte, Werbeträger und -instrumente sowie über das strategische Management und Controlling von Werbekommunikation. Der Autor erklärt die organisatorische Einbettung des Werbemanagements bei werbungtreibenden Unternehmen und Agenturen sowie den gesamten Markt der physischen und digitalen Werbeträger. Von der Markt-, Zielgruppen- und Zielanalyse, über Briefing, Budgetierung, Konzeption und Kreation bis hin zum Controlling des Werbeerfolgs deckt er alle entscheidenden Phasen ab – grundlegend und einführend erklärt.Zahlreiche Beispiele und Tipps aus der Praxis sichern den aktuellen Praxisbezug; Lernziele und Wissenschecks nach jedem Kapitel sorgen für einen nachhaltigen Lernerfolg.

Justifying Next Stage Capitalism: Exploring a Hopeful Future (Ethical Economy #68)

by Michel Dion Moses L. Pava

This book explores emerging justifications of capitalism based on the views of academics from around the world in business. The traditional justification for capitalism has been that it is the one system that produces the most wealth with the least cost for the most people. While this justification no longer has the taken-for-granted status it once enjoyed, it remains the dominant and mainstream argument in favor of capitalism, especially in the United States. Despite capitalism’s production of human wealth, it is implicated by trends such as income and wealth inequalities, climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels and racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. This volume asserts that in this age of complexity, inequality, and ecological instability, capitalism’s future depends on our ability to broaden the justifications for it to include a much more elaborate list of values beyond wealth and efficiency. It does so without claiming tologically or empirically prove that capitalism is the best of all possible economic systems, but rather to explore a new and hopeful future for the system; Next stage capitalism. Written by an international group of scholars from various disciplines, this book is of great interest to those who work in philosophy, sociology, political science, history and theology and religious studies.

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