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Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams

by John B. Pinto

Ophthalmic practices have many types of leaders, functioning at all levels of the organization. Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams, Second Edition can provide each of these leaders with the tools to be more decisive, motivating, and effective.John B. Pinto, America’s most published author on the business of ophthalmology, has firsthand experience with the best and worst practice leadership habits from his decades of experience as an ophthalmic practice consultant. He has coached countless physician and lay leaders to the next level of their careers. Together with his team of more than 20 expert contributors, Pinto covers every aspect of leadership in ophthalmology, no matter the size of the practice or the current experience of the team.Chapters include: What Do You Believe in? Developing a List of Core Values for Your Practice Grooming and Moving Line Staff Up to Middle Management Contingency Planning in a Less-Certain Environment Leading Your Team Past the Inevitable Conflicts of Practice Life Everyone in ophthalmology can benefit from the lessons inside Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams, Second Edition—from the rising ophthalmic technician or department manager, to the managing partner, and even the most seasoned practice administrator.“The book you now hold is a wonderful opportunity to rededicate yourself to your professional development as a leader and to the success of your organization.”From the Foreword by Richard L. Lindstrom, MD

Financial Freedom Rx: The Physician’s Guide to Achieving Financial Independence

by Chirag Shah Jayanth Sridhar

"The best physician-specific general financial book published in 2021." —James M. Dahle, MD, author of The White Coat InvestorA step-by-step guidebook for doctors and other medical professionals about growing and preserving wealth, Financial Freedom Rx: The Physician’s Guide to Achieving Financial Independence gives physicians all the tools necessary to manage their own finances and includes a foreword by Mel Lindauer, co-author of The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing. Medical professionals, especially doctors, spend many years in training as they accumulate debt and delay their earnings. This book presents a time-tested formula that students and established professionals can follow at any stage during their careers to achieve fiscal peace of mind. Students will learn how to budget and adopt disciplined financial practices. Residents and other trainees will learn how to defend against calamity with various insurances and how to manage debt. Junior professionals will acquire the skills needed to invest and grow their portfolios, while senior professionals will better understand the essentials of estate planning and retirement. Drs. Chirag P. Shah and Jayanth Sridhar wrote this inspiring text to guide physicians where to put their next dollar. This is particularly important during the financial uncertainties brought on by COVID-19 and insurance cuts. Financial Freedom Rx sets forth principles that will pilot medical professionals toward financial independence. Chapters include useful advice on topics such as: Financial planning Investing and asset allocation Jobs and contracts Taxes and insurance Student loans and debt Retirement savings and distributions Financial Freedom Rx: The Physician’s Guide to Achieving Financial Independence serves as a timeless blueprint for financial planning that medical professionals will follow throughout their careers, and as a reference that readers will revisit again and again as they progress through the various stages of life.

China+1: Südostasiatische Länder als Standortergänzung zu China (essentials)

by Doris Gutting

Dieses essential gibt einen aktuellen Überblick über die Hintergründe der im Juli 2023 erstmals veröffentlichten China-Strategie der Bundesregierung und über die südostasiatischen Länder, die als Standortergänzung für eine „China+1“-Strategie in Frage kommen. Spätestens seit 2020 wird die starke Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft zunehmend zum Problem. Es empfiehlt sich kein „Decoupling“, sondern ein „De-Risking“: der Auf- und Ausbau von Beziehungen zu weiteren Ländern in der Region, um zu diversifizieren und damit Risiken zu mindern. Dieses Buch will aufzeigen und erklären: Was sind die Gründe der neuen China-Strategie und welche Länder kommen als Standortergänzungen in Frage?Ein Buch für alle, die in China unternehmerisch tätig sind und über strategische Standortergänzungen und -alternativen nachdenken.

Digitale Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft: Wie Digitalisierung bei der Erreichung der SDGs helfen kann (essentials)

by Markus H. Dahm

Dieses Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Verbindung zwischen Digitalisierung und den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen. Es erkundet die vielfältigen Wege, auf denen digitale Technologien dazu beitragen können, die UN-Ziele zu erreichen – von der Bekämpfung von Armut und Hunger bis hin zur Förderung von Geschlechtergleichstellung und nachhaltigen Städten. Inspirierende Fallstudien zeigen, wie Unternehmen weltweit bereits erfolgreich Technologien für das Gemeinwohl einsetzen, konkrete Beispiele veranschaulichen die Inhalte. Kritische Fragen regen eine ausgewogene Diskussion über die Herausforderungen und ethischen Aspekte der Technologienutzung für nachhaltige Entwicklung an. Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass technologische Fortschritte inklusiv und für alle zugänglich sind? Welche Risiken birgt die Digitalisierung für Umwelt und Gesellschaft?

Women Rock Science: A Pocket Guide for Success in Clinical Academic Research Careers

by Megan A. Moreno Rachel Katzenellenbogen

​The second edition of this book builds on the success of the first edition, which had many unique features including an emphasis on success in context and how women can thrive in today's clinical research environment. In this new edition, Women Rock Science incorporates promoting inclusivity of gender diverse persons, working in the hybrid world since the COVID-19 pandemic, and the value of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), with lessons learned from other women scientists, throughout the book. This book provides key strategies and skills around a central conceptual model as well as a sense of community with other women scientists. Clinical academic research is conducted in many forms, and Women Rock Science speaks to lab-based work, clinical work, health services/implementation science, quality improvement, medical education, health equity, and DEI-focused research throughout its chapters. The approaches and insights addressed are not narrowlyfocused on a discipline or a methodology of research. Rather, Women Rock Science addresses how to achieve excellence in research, across disciplines, within an academic institution. Described as the "unwritten rules" of successfully navigating a clinical academic research career, Women Rock Science is a valuable resource that can be used in a variety of settings. It is beneficial for University classes, lab group meetings, and can be shared with one’s community of mentors, mentees and colleagues.

Semantische Frames in interkultureller Markenkommunikation (Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation #38)

by Lisa Hackinger

Unter Anwendung der Frame-Theorie wird in diesem Buch die Rolle von nicht-verbalisiertem Vorwissen in der interkulturellen Markenkommunikation untersucht. Eine starke Marke ist ein sowohl komplexes als auch fiktionales Konstrukt, das sich neben verschiedenen Oberflächenmerkmalen auch aus Assoziationen, Empfindungen und Hintergrundwissen zur Marke zusammensetzt. Mit einer kognitiv-linguistischen Vorgehensweise wird anhand von vier Fallbeispielen analysiert, welche unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsstrategien etablierte Unternehmen zur interkulturellen Positionierung von Marken nutzen und inwieweit diese sich in der Wahrnehmung der Rezipienten widerspiegeln. Dabei wird von einem holistischen Denkansatz ausgegangen, bei dem Sprachwissen und Weltwissen eine untrennbare Einheit darstellen und der Fokus liegt darauf, zu verstehen, wie abstraktes und künstlich erzeugtes Wissen um eine Marke kommunikativ etabliert werden kann und welche Rolle die landeskulturelle Bedingtheit hierbei spielt.

Locationmanagement für die Eventkonzeption (essentials)

by Kristina Sommer

​Dieses essential ist ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden für das Eventmanagement und hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl der richtigen Location. Nicht nur bei Hochzeiten wird viel Zeit darauf verwendet, die passende Location zu finden. Der Raum ist bei jedem Event von zentraler Bedeutung, denn es grenzt diesen von seinem Umfeld ab und gibt die Gestaltung vor – sei es im Innenraum oder unter freiem Himmel. Erst mit der zielgerichteten Vorbereitung und dem richtigen Verständnis wird der Raum zum Teil der Eventinszenierung. Es ist daher erstaunlich, dass es in der deutschsprachigen Literatur zum Eventmanagement kaum umfassende Betrachtungen zur Location gibt. Das Buch schließt diese Lücke.

Food Economics: Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health (Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy)

by William A. Masters Amelia B. Finaret

Food Economics provides a unified introduction to the economics of agricultural production, business decisions, consumer behavior, and the government policies that shape our food system. This open access textbook begins with economic principles derived using graphical techniques to explain and predict observed prices, quantities, and other outcomes as a result of individual choices influenced by market structure and public policies. The second half of the book explores available data globally and for the US, covering a wide range of questions in agriculture and economic development, food marketing, and consumption. Food Economics and its accompanying online resources are designed for advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate courses in agriculture, food, and nutrition policy. The book covers the standard diagrams taught in principles-level courses, with concrete examples and practical insights regarding food production, consumption, and trade. Online resources include data sources, and course materials, including slides, exercises, exams, and answer keys.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management, Accounting and Sustainable Economy (Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research #275)

This is an open access book.This event ­is organized by PT. Orca Industri Akademi as main host in collaboration with several universities from Indonesia and overseas. The event will be held with presentations delivered by researchers from the international communities, including presentations from keynote speakers and scientific parallel session presentations. The conference will adopt a hybrid conference, with online and offline presentation will be delivered.Furthermore, this event will be providing opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of business, management, finance, accounting and economy in wider perspectives. Moreover, ICBMASE 2023 aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students to share their research experiences, research findings and indulge in interactive discussions and special sessions at the event.

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei?

by Michael Tomoff

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei? Entdecken Sie die Doppelkante der Positiven Psychologie: Ein Schlüssel zu mehr persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg oder doch nur eine rosarote Brille? Diplom-Psychologe Michael Tomoff entführt Sie in eine Welt, die sowohl die glänzenden als auch die schattigen Seiten dieser bewegenden Wissenschaft beleuchtet. Das vorliegende Buch ist weit mehr als ein Glücksratgeber. Es ist eine fundierte, kritische und dennoch humorvolle Untersuchung der Positiven Psychologie, die sich sowohl an Lehrer, Eltern, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Coaches und auch Trainer richtet – egal ob Laien oder Experten. Mit einem klaren Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Basis und die praktische Anwendung beleuchtet der Autor die Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens: Macht Geld glücklich? Sind Eltern zufriedener als Kinderlose? Welche Rolle spielen Schuld und Scham bei der Kindererziehung? Wie kann die Positive Psychologie die Schule oder das Unternehmen von morgen unterstützen und formen? Und sollte sie das überhaupt? Durch die elegante, mundgerechte Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungen, die Vorstellung leicht umsetzbarer Übungen, Tools und Interventionen sowie die Erörterung der Relevanz der Positiven Psychologie in verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensbereichen bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick und praktische Anleitungen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Positive Psychologie in Schulen, Unternehmen und im persönlichen Leben konkret Anwendung finden kann, und welche Vorteile sie bietet. Michael Tomoff ist nicht nur ein erfahrener Psychologe, sondern auch ein leidenschaftlicher Botschafter für das Potenzial der Positiven Psychologie, das Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden zu fördern und dabei realistisch und kritisch zu bleiben. Mit seiner Ausbildung an der University of California in Berkeley und seiner breiten Erfahrung als Trainer, Berater und systemischer Coach bringt ereine einzigartige Perspektive und eine Fülle von praktischen Einsichten in dieses fesselnde Werk ein. In seinem Blog „Was Wäre Wenn“ gibt er wichtige Impulse zu einer Vielzahl von Themen wie Dankbarkeit, Komplimenten, dem Nein-Sagen, Grenzensetzen oder auch stärkenfokussierter Führung.

The Political Economy of the Eurozone’s Rollercoaster: Greece and Portugal from the Global Financial Crisis to Covid-19 (International Political Economy Series)

by Konstantinos Myrodias

Global crises throughout history have shaken humanity and transformed economies and societies. The Eurozone faced two such crises soon after its foundation. This book brings new insights regarding the Eurozone’s response to the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 and the Covid-19 pandemic and its effectiveness in dealing with the macroeconomic imbalances in Europe. Is the Eurozone more resilient now? This book is an indispensable addition to the literature on the recent global crises and the Eurozone for both academics and policymakers who are eager to delve deeper into these vital questions.

Law and Economics of Justice: Efficiency, Reciprocity, Meritocracy (Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship #17)

by Klaus Mathis Avishalom Tor

While previous volumes have examined specific issues and developments such as the coronavirus crisis or digital transformation from a law and economics perspective, the anniversary edition returns to the methodological and philosophical fundament of the discipline of law and economics. The present book aims to examine these foundations in general and, in particular, efficiency, reciprocity and meritocracy, and their relation to law and justice from an interdisciplinary perspective.Efficiency: Traditionally, the economic analysis of law has been guided by the goal of efficiency. Economists usually define efficiency as Pareto or Kaldor–Hicks efficiency. Any change that makes one member of society better off without anyone else being worse off is a Pareto improvement. A change is a Kaldor–Hicks improvement if the gainers value their gains more than the losers value their losses, with only hypothetical compensation required.Reciprocity: Economists have traditionally basedtheir models on the self-interest hypothesis of homo oeconomicus. In this model, an individual maximises his own utility without being altruistic or jealous. Behavioural economics challenges the self-interest hypothesis. In fact, many people deviate from purely self-interested behaviour. There are also signs that considerations of fairness and mutual benefit are important in bilateral negotiations and in the functioning of markets. Meritocracy: The concept of meritocracy refers to a system, organisation, or society in which people are selected and promoted to positions of success, power, and influence on the basis of their abilities and merits. This means that an individual is able to climb the social ladder through hard work. Moreover, meritocracy directs the most talented people into the most functionally important positions, thereby increasing a society's efficiency. However, the equalising function of meritocracy has been criticised. Rather than reducing inequality, meritocracy is seen as the cause of racial, economic and social inequality.

Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice

by Savak Teymoorian

A compact business education that strategically incorporates 500 keywords to lay the foundation and over 50 action items to initiate meaningful advances and excel in your eye care practice today. Medical training is a difficult journey with enormous amounts of information to absorb over a short time period. The intense time commitment required during this process leaves little opportunity to study any other discipline. However, even the most intelligent and well-intentioned provider cannot care for patients if the front door of the building is closed. Simply put: A fundamental background in business is required to effectively practice medicine. Eye care professionals, which includes their ophthalmic staff, can now fill the critical gap in their education with Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice, providing them the necessary basic tools to make and execute winning practice management decisions. Writing in a high-density format that medical professionals will be familiar with, Dr. Savak Teymoorian combines his physician training and experience as a successful ophthalmologist at Harvard Eye Associates with the knowledge acquired earning his MBA. This unique perspective allows him to provide the proper theory and execution in the business of eye care and present it in an efficient manner like that used in medical education. Each chapter is dedicated to a different subject that would routinely be taught in a masters of business administration degree, tailored specifically for eye care professionals and distilled into the most critical information for a strong foundation. Each section is further enhanced with real life examples seen in ophthalmic care showing how to properly apply business strategies and tactics to obtain the best results.Chapter topics include: Marketing Leadership Negotiations Operations Finance Ophthalmologists, optometrists, and eye care staff will appreciate Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice for its efficient and relevant information to running an eye care practice, whether they are currently in training and want to set themselves up for success or they are already practicing and want to fill in a deficiency in their knowledge.

Ear Economy: China Audio Streaming Programs Study

by Ying Huang

This book sheds light on the overall description and explanation of the current socio-political, economic and cultural environment concerning the development of China's audio streaming programs industry. It interprets the emergence of the “ear economy” through the subjects of media ecology, media psychology, communication studies and cultural criticism, media industrial studies, sociology and anthropology. The book skillfully weaves together historical, cultural, and industry studies, along with textual and critical discourse analysis. This interdisciplinary work contributes to multiple academic fields including literary and cultural studies, media and communication studies, China/Asia studies, and political theory.

The Humble Art of Journal Editing

by Robert M. Davison

The publication of scholarly research is both a major driver of social progress and a significant industry in its own right. Scholarly research is the focus of attention for countless numbers of scholars globally and a key measure of scholarly excellence. Much has been written about the conduct of research that is designed to help scholars attain appropriate standards of rigor and relevance, and indeed craft their research outputs in ways appropriate for different venues, notably as journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and books. However, although scholarly researchers fulfill roles other than as authors, for instance as journal reviewers and editors, there is a dearth of consolidated information about the nature of editorial work. Drawing on over two decades of experience in editing scholarly journals, the author offers a more systematic guide to scholarly journal editing.The book begins with an introduction to the art of scholarly journal editing,the nature of that art (Chapter 1), and an examination of editorial promulgation of cultural values of scholarly journals with an emphasis on responsible research (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 examines the many issues associated with sourcing content, and opines on the novelty, breadth, and depth of research, including discussions of indigenous theorization, serendipity, iconoclastic research, and the value of special issues. Chapter 4 deals with the review process and offers advice for formulating effective reviewer guidelines that lead to constructive and developmental advice for authors. The next two chapters discuss the audience of the journal as well as publisher relations. Finally, the book is concluded with thoughts and recommendations about emerging challenges, such as the ethics of AI tools (like ChatGPT), predatory journals, and the open-access movement.Offering a practical guide to editing scholarly journals, this book will be a key resource for scholars making the leap from researcher to editor, regardless of discipline.

Environmental Transition and Technological Change Transition

by Smaïl Aït-El-Hadj

Faced with the scale and intensity of the ecological crisis, environmental transition is underway, consisting of a first phase of technological mutation, aimed at replacing technologies harmful to the environment with those which have no destructive effects on the earth system and its equilibrium. This book examines the roots of the concept of environmental transition, identifying and characterizing the negative effects of technology on the environmental crisis. We will then identify the technological mutations that have the potential to contribute to environmental transition, and demonstrate how these changes are already forming part of a new emerging "technological system". We will conclude by addressing the question of the limits of technological responses to the environmental crisis, demonstrating the importance of the dimensional factors of human activity and weight of growth in this crisis, thus raising the issue of global reconsideration, with reference to the place and articulation of human activity in the Earth system.

Fundamentals of Building Performance Simulation

by Ian Beausoleil-Morrison

Fundamentals of Building Performance Simulation pares the theory and practice of a multi-disciplinary field to the essentials for classroom learning and real-world applications. Authored by a veteran educator and researcher, this textbook equips graduate students and emerging and established professionals in engineering and architecture to predict and optimize buildings’ energy use. It employs an innovative pedagogical approach, introducing new concepts and skills through previously mastered ones and deepening understanding of familiar themes by means of new material. Covering topics from indoor airflow to the effects of the weather, the book’s 19 chapters empower learners to: Understand the models and assumptions underlying popular BPS tools Compare models, simulations, and modelling tools and make appropriate selections Recognize the effects of modelling choices and input data on simulation predictions And more. Each subject is introduced without reference to particular modelling tools, while practice problems at the end of each chapter provide hands-on experience with the tools of the reader’s choice. Curated reading lists orient beginners in a vast, cross-disciplinary literature, and the critical thinking skills stressed throughout prepare them to make contributions of their own. Fundamentals of Building Performance Simulation provides a much-needed resource for new and aspiring members of the building science community.

The Marketplace of Revolution: How Consumer Politics Shaped American Independence

by T. H. Breen

The Marketplace of Revolution offers a boldly innovative interpretation of the mobilization of ordinary Americans on the eve of independence. Breen explores how colonists who came from very different ethnic and religious backgrounds managed to overcome difference and create a common cause capable of galvanizing resistance. In a richly interdisciplinary narrative that weaves insights into a changing material culture with analysis of popular political protests, Breen shows how virtual strangers managed to communicate a sense of trust that effectively united men and women long before they had established a nation of their own. The Marketplace of Revolution argues that the colonists' shared experience as consumers in a new imperial economy afforded them the cultural resources that they needed to develop a radical strategy of political protest--the consumer boycott. Never before had a mass political movement organized itself around disruption of the marketplace. As Breen demonstrates, often through anecdotes about obscure Americans, communal rituals of shared sacrifice provided an effective means to educate and energize a dispersed populace. The boycott movement--the signature of American resistance--invited colonists traditionally excluded from formal political processes to voice their opinions about liberty and rights within a revolutionary marketplace, an open, raucous public forum that defined itself around subscription lists passed door-to-door, voluntary associations, street protests, destruction of imported British goods, and incendiary newspaper exchanges. Within these exchanges was born a new form of politics in which ordinary man and women--precisely the people most often overlooked in traditional accounts of revolution--experienced an exhilarating surge of empowerment. Breen recreates an "empire of goods" that transformed everyday life during the mid-eighteenth century. Imported manufactured items flooded into the homes of colonists from New Hampshire to Georgia. The Marketplace of Revolution explains how at a moment of political crisis Americans gave political meaning to the pursuit of happiness and learned how to make goods speak to power.

Building a Market: The Rise of the Home Improvement Industry, 1914-1960 (Historical Studies of Urban America)

by Richard Harris

Each year, North Americans spend as much money fixing up their homes as they do buying new ones. This obsession with improving our dwellings has given rise to a multibillion-dollar industry that includes countless books, consumer magazines, a cable television network, and thousands of home improvement stores. Building a Market charts the rise of the home improvement industry in the United States and Canada from the end of World War I into the late 1950s. Drawing on the insights of business, social, and urban historians, and making use of a wide range of documentary sources, Richard Harris shows how the middle-class preference for home ownership first emerged in the 1920s—and how manufacturers, retailers, and the federal government combined to establish the massive home improvement market and a pervasive culture of Do-It-Yourself. Deeply insightful, Building a Market is the carefully crafted history of the emergence and evolution of a home improvement revolution that changed not just American culture but the American landscape as well.

Breaking Twitter: Elon Musk and the Most Controversial Corporate Takeover in History

by Ben Mezrich

‘An excitable, high-octane account’ – IndependentIn October 2022, Elon Musk marched through Twitter’s front doors after buying the digital giant for $44 billion. His takeover came with the promise of fundamental change, but nothing could prepare the company for the chaos to come – brutal mass firings, an exodus of advertisers and ‘blue-tick’ celebrities and a vicious battle for control.With unique access to Twitter insiders and Musk’s confidants, this is the astonishing story from all sides. Why did Elon overhaul Twitter’s blue-tick system, and how did it lead to the near-collapse of the company’s revenue? Will Twitter – now X – survive? How has the constant negative press coverage affected Elon?With a wealth of hidden details, Breaking Twitter gives ringside seats to one of the most dramatic and compelling business stories of our time.‘Mezrich’s books are the sort of engrossing reads you pick up in the airport then find the blockbuster film on the plane’ – Evening Standard

Digitalization in companies: From theoretical approaches to practical

by Thomas Barton Christian Müller Christian Seel

The book conveys current approaches to digitization in companies and shows how digitization projects can be successfully and safely implemented in practice. Based on the description of a changing value creation and working world, the changes associated with digitization are explained using application scenarios: New business models and business processes are being established, the development of products is changing as is the interaction with customers, new opportunities but also new risks are emerging. The authors of the article present the basics as well as concepts for the concrete planning and implementation of the digitization of processes and applications. Aspects of IT security are not neglected either. The editors' work is based on questions from entrepreneurial practice and is also suitable for students and teachers.

Photocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Applications: Current Trends and Future Perspectives (Green Energy and Technology)

by Panneerselvam Sathishkumar

This book presents the existing photocatalytic reactor design and the future developments and the progress needed for both solar light-driven hydrogen generation and environmental purification. The chapters discuss the renewable and commercial aspects of translucent polymer-linked heterojunction nanocomposites as visible light-responsive photocatalysts. Relevant to these areas, the field of growing interest in black-TiO2, perovskites, MXenes and their numerous applications are presented. The framework, structural features and the need of mesocrystals for solar light-driven photocatalysis are also included. The book also discusses the additional features of green chemistry-based synthesis of nanomaterials in order to reduce any secondary pollution that may be released in the environment due to unsafe disposal of solvents. In addition, the importance of bismuth-based nanophotocatalysts towards energy and environmental applications and their future development as alternative photocatalysts for the prevailing nanomaterials are presented. The book also touches upon the idea to generate green fuel hydrogen through photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical techniques. Overall the book highlights contemporary developments in the last decade, the future perspectives of photocatalysis and its application towards energy and environment.

Embedding Artificial Intelligence into ERP Software: A Conceptual View on Business AI with Examples from SAP S/4HANA

by Siar Sarferaz

This book explains how to embed artificial intelligence in digitized business processes of ERP software by solving the two related substantial challenges: how can artificial intelligence be systematically integrated into ERP business processes for ease of consumption, and how can artificial intelligence be made enterprise-ready by covering ERP qualities like compliance, lifecycle management, extensibility, or scalability? As a general introduction, the first part of this book takes the reader through a historical journey towards intelligent ERP systems. In addition, reference processes and a reference architecture for ERP systems are proposed which build the foundation for the suggested subsequent solution concept, including a method for operationalizing intelligence for ERP business processes. Subsequently, in the second part detailed concepts of embedding artificial intelligence into ERP software are proposed. In this context the suggested solution architecture is depicted, and specific topics are resolved like data integration, model validation, explainability, data protection and privacy, model degradation and performance. In the last part an implementation framework is suggested which enables the previously introduced concepts and harmonizes the development and operations of artificial intelligent ERP applications. This part concludes with case studies considering artificial intelligence scenarios of SAP S/4HANA in the areas of logistics, finance and sales which apply the defined solution approach and shows its real-world feasibility. This book is written for professionals who want to implement (as developers) or exploit (as business analysts or consultants) or consider/plan the implementation/exploitation (as managers) of artificial intelligence in business information systems.

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development: Patenting and Regulatory Aspects (Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications)

by Kavita Sharma Padmavati Manchikanti

This book discusses how Artificial Intelligence developments have revolutionized the area of medicine and how companies use them to develop applications. While the book covers the growth of AI in medicine and the early developments in AI based medical tools, it provides an in-depth analysis of the current developments in relation to the area of medical diagnostics. The book focuses on how enterprises and institutes have developed their intellectual property portfolio, particularly patents, in this area. Cross-country patenting analysis helps in understanding key areas of growth in certain markets and also company strategies and arrangements. The introduction of AI based products in market is subject to regulation. The developments in policy and regulation influence the development and deployment of such products into the market. This book brings focus to the development of policy and regulation and how regulatory developments impact the introduction of AI-based healthcare products from a cross-country perspective. Further, how regulatory developments lead to the evolution of standards, build reliability and safety in this area are also examined. The unique aspect of this book is the comprehensive coverage of the dual aspects of the nature and scope of AI-based innovations in health care and the related drug regulatory aspects which are imperative for the understanding for students, researchers, and those who work in this area.

Medien und Kultur (Medienwissen kompakt)

by Gunter Reus

Medien bestimmen unseren Alltag in jeder Lebenslage. Viele Menschen empfinden ihre Macht aber als gefährlich für die gesellschaftliche Kultur. Gunter Reus zeigt dagegen, wie sehr ein Gemeinwesen auf der kulturellen Leistung der Massenmedien auf­baut. Der Autor be­dient sich dabei eines weiten Kulturbegriffs und zeichnet nach, wie sie Errun­genschaften der Menschheit historisch ausgeformt haben. Ohne Medien gäbe es keine einheitliche Sprache und keinen Austausch von Information und Wissen, wie wir ihn kennen. Es gäbe keine Ausbalancierung sozialer Interessen, keine Kontrolle von Macht, keine Orientierung auf das Gemeinwohl, kein Kunst­leben. Auch im Internet­zeit­alter blei­ben Massenmedien, bei aller notwendigen Kritik an ihren Schattenseiten, unver­zichtbar als Kul­turträger. Sie sorgen für die Transparenz politischen Han­delns ebenso wie für die (potentielle) Teilhabe aller am Kunstgeschehen. Damit prä­gen sie die Kultur der De­mokratie wie auch die Kultur in der Demokratie entscheidend mit.​

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