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J’apprends Le Français Part-1 - Livre de l’élève class 1 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Ce manuel de français pour les élèves de première année à Maurice est structuré autour de trois thèmes captivants : "La maison", "Mon école", et "Les jeux". Chaque thème intègre des activités variées visant à développer les compétences linguistiques et communicatives. Les apprenants explorent des poèmes et des chansons pour se familiariser avec de nouveaux sons et mots, pratiquent la nomination, la description et le dessin d'objets liés aux thèmes, comprennent la distinction entre noms propres et noms communs, et perfectionnent leurs compétences en écriture à travers lettres, syllabes et mots. L'inclusion de jeux renforçant le vocabulaire, ainsi que des évaluations périodiques par le biais d'exercices et de tests, améliore la compréhension et la rétention. Le manuel offre également des conseils pour une utilisation efficace par les enseignants et les parents, tout en reconnaissant les contributions précieuses des auteurs, relecteurs et illustrateurs. En conformité avec le Cadre National de Programme pour l'Éducation de Base Continue sur Neuf Ans, cette série offre une base complète pour les jeunes apprenants de français à Maurice.

Let’s Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil’s Book class 1 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Mathematics Pupil’s Book Part 1 for Grade 1 offers a comprehensive foundation for young learners in fundamental mathematical concepts aligned with the National Curriculum Framework. Structured around three engaging themes - Home, School, and Games - the textbook incorporates a variety of activities, such as drawing, tracing, writing, coloring, matching, sorting, and comparing objects and numbers. These activities are designed to be interactive and enjoyable, fostering a child-friendly learning environment. Clear learning objectives and outcomes are outlined for each theme and unit, accompanied by continuous assessment and profiling exercises to gauge student progress. The textbook also features an annex with a memory game to reinforce recognition of shapes, colors, and numbers. Overall, it provides a well-rounded and interactive approach to cultivating essential mathematical skills in Grade 1 students.

Un Dimanche à la Maison class 1 - MIE

by Par Hanna Khodabocus

"Un Dimanche à la Maison" présente une journée dans la vie de Kevin, un jeune garçon, et de sa famille lors d'un dimanche ordinaire. Le récit débute par les salutations matinales de Kevin à sa mère et sa famille avant de commencer sa journée. Il décrit sa routine quotidienne, partageant ses moments passés avec son frère, sa sœur, son père devant la télévision, et avec son grand-père dans le jardin. Pendant ce temps, sa grand-mère et sa mère se reposent sur la terrasse. Le livre souligne les activités familiales, les interactions et les responsabilités quotidiennes tout en mettant en avant les moments de détente et de partage. À la fin de cette journée, Kevin se prépare pour la rentrée scolaire du lendemain. Ce livre, conçu pour les jeunes lecteurs, offre un aperçu de la vie domestique typique d'une famille, encourageant les enfants à identifier et à comprendre les activités quotidiennes et les relations familiales.

Le Premier Jour de l'École class 1 - MIE

by Par Hanna Khodabocus

"Le Premier Jour de l'École" plonge les lecteurs dans l'univers excitant et évocateur de la première journée d'école d'un groupe d'enfants en grade 1. L'histoire suit le narrateur, qui découvre sa classe et son enseignante, puis participe à des activités de présentation avec ses camarades. Après cette première partie de la journée, les enfants profitent de la récréation où ils jouent, puis retournent en classe pour dessiner et apprendre. La sonnerie de fin de journée retentit, marquant la fin d'une journée bien remplie. Ce livre, conçu pour les jeunes lecteurs, vise à les immerger dans une expérience familière tout en favorisant leur compréhension du vocabulaire et de la routine de la vie scolaire. L'interaction avec les élèves est encouragée, permettant ainsi d'explorer leurs propres expériences et sentiments concernant leur premier jour à l'école, tout en renforçant leur compréhension du récit.

La Récréation class 1 - MIE

by Par Hanna Khodabocus

"La Récréation" est un livre géant conçu pour stimuler l'éveil à la littératie chez les élèves de première année. L'histoire se déroule pendant la récréation à l'école, où Sara et le narrateur jouent à cache-cache avec leurs amis, tandis que d'autres enfants participent à des courses, jouent au ballon, à la marelle ou simplement discutent. L'atmosphère dynamique et diversifiée de la récréation est illustrée à travers différentes activités des enfants. Cependant, l'ambiance ludique est brièvement interrompue lorsque Robin se blesse, soulignant l'importance de la prudence pendant le jeu. La cloche sonne, annonçant la fin de la récréation et le retour en classe. Ce livre vise à susciter l'interaction des élèves en les incitant à partager leurs expériences pendant la récréation, tout en développant leur compréhension du vocabulaire et en encourageant des activités créatives basées sur le thème de la récréation.

Good morning, Ben! class 1 - MIE

by Aruna Ankiah Gangadeen

"Good Morning, Ben!" charmingly captures a slice of Ben's morning routine in a delightful Grade 1 narrative. As the sun brightens the day, Ben awakens to the chirping of birds and the sound of his brother's gentle snoring. Eagerly stepping out of bed, Ben greets his parents with a cheerful "Good morning!" in a heartwarming display of morning enthusiasm. Through its simple yet vivid illustrations and easy-to-understand language, the book beautifully portrays the innocence and joy of starting the day. It invites young readers to connect with Ben's experiences, prompting discussions about their own morning rituals, the sounds they hear upon waking up, and the customary greetings shared with family members.

Ben Goes To School class 1 - MIE

by Aruna Ankiah-Gangadeen

"Ben Goes to School" is a captivating big book designed for Grade 1 pupils, aiming to enhance literacy skills in English. Illustrated with colorful images and featuring simple language, the book follows Ben's experiences at school. Through a three-day guided reading plan, teachers engage students in interactive sessions, introducing them to the book's elements, reading it expressively, and encouraging active participation. The story revolves around Ben's school routine—playing with friends, listening to stories, reading words on the board, creating colorful drawings, writing new words, and counting various objects. The sessions prompt discussions about Ben's activities, encouraging students to relate their own experiences and learn key vocabulary associated with school life.

Fun at the Playground! class 1 - MIE

by Dr Pascal Nadal

"Fun at the Playground!" is an enchanting tale capturing the joyous Friday afternoon outing of Ben and Vick with their mother. The story unfolds at a playground where the children eagerly join their friends in a whirlwind of activities. They spin on the merry-go-round, swing back and forth, see-saw up and down, hang from monkey bars, and enthusiastically play football, reveling in every moment of their playtime. As the day winds down, the inevitable departure from the playground brings about a chorus of disappointment from the children. Through simple yet vivid descriptions and engaging illustrations, the book vividly portrays the innocent excitement and boundless energy of children at play.

Let’s Learn English Part-1 - Pupil's Book class 2 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 2 Part 1 English textbook, published by the Mauritius Institute of Education, comprises four thematic units designed to enhance language skills, vocabulary, grammar, phonics, and cross-curricular competencies for young learners. Unit 1, "Back to School," introduces concepts like feelings, stationery, and time, while teaching grammar elements like capital letters and pronouns. Unit 2, "Celebrations," explores months, birthdays, and festivals, emphasizing grammar rules such as possessive adjectives and present continuous tense. Unit 3, "Animals," delves into habitats, food, and prepositions, incorporating lessons on singular/plural forms and opposites. Unit 4, "Being Kind to One Another," addresses kindness, friendship, and conjunctions, imparting knowledge on vowel sounds and word order. Each unit includes a project, story, and an end-of-unit assessment, fostering a comprehensive learning experience for Grade 2 English learners, complemented by a teacher’s manual, big books, and ICT activities.

J’apprends Le Français Part-1 - Livre de l’élève class 2 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Ce manuel de français de 2e année, un élément clé de la réforme éducative de Maurice, s'aligne sur le cadre national du programme d'enseignement de base continu de neuf ans depuis 2016. L'objectif primordial est de favoriser une expérience d'apprentissage agréable pour les élèves de la 1re à la 6e année, en mettant clairement l'accent sur résultats définis. Soutenu par des guides complets de l'enseignant, le programme utilise des approches pédagogiques efficaces pour optimiser l'utilisation des manuels et du matériel. Organisé autour d'unités thématiques telles que « Mes amis », « Festivals » et « Voyages », le contenu intègre le développement du vocabulaire, de la grammaire et des compétences linguistiques. La conception interactive et pratique encourage un engagement joyeux avec la langue française, améliorant progressivement les compétences des étudiants sous la direction des éducateurs.

Let’s Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil's Book class 2 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 2 Mathematics Workbook and Teacher’s Book align with the philosophical principles of the New Curriculum Framework (Primary) and extend the pedagogical approaches from Grade 1. Designed to facilitate a smooth transition, the materials aim to enhance pupils' understanding and enjoyment of key mathematical concepts. Concepts are introduced sequentially through engaging stories, connecting them to real-life contexts, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary links, life skills, and ICT integration. Child-friendly presentation and progressive activities aid comprehension, while continuous assessment and profiling support educators in monitoring pupil progress. The role of educators as facilitators is underscored, encouraging them to leverage the 'Note to Teacher' for effective conceptual understanding. The Mathematics Panel anticipates that these curriculum materials will instill enjoyment and foster a deeper interest in the study of Mathematics among pupils.

Let’s Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil’s Book class 3 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 3 Mathematics Pupil’s Book Part 1 offers a comprehensive exploration of key mathematical concepts essential for third-grade students. It covers Geometry, introducing shapes, sides, vertices, patterns, tessellation, and activities integrating ICT tools like Ms Paint. Additionally, it delves into Graphs, teaching how to understand and create pictograms, count shapes, and interpret data using ICT tools. The book also focuses on Numbers, from 0 to 1000, emphasizing place value, number sequences, and exercises involving the abacus and number lines. Furthermore, it addresses Addition techniques, including adding numbers with and without carrying, solving word problems, and utilizing ICT for practice. Mass concepts, such as comparing weights and practical activities to grasp kilograms, are also covered. Emphasizing technology in learning, the book incorporates continuous assessment and profiling sections to monitor student progress effectively.

Let's Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil's Book class 5 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The "MATHEMATICS Grade 5 Pupil’s Book Part 1" is a comprehensive textbook crafted by a panel of mathematics experts from the Mauritius Institute of Education and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research. Designed for Grade 5 students in Mauritius, the book covers essential aspects of the mathematics curriculum, including numeration, notation, geometry, fractions, and powers. With a vibrant and visually appealing layout, the book features clear learning objectives, engaging activities, illustrative examples, and diverse exercises for practice. Aligned with the national curriculum framework, it incorporates continuous assessments to gauge understanding. The book employs a friendly tone to inspire students, providing encouragement, tips, and hints, and includes questions, puzzles, and games to foster curiosity. Intended for students, teachers, and parents, this resource aims to cultivate mathematical proficiency, skills, confidence, appreciation, and interest in young learners.

What’s for lunch? class 1 - MIE

by Aruna Ankiah Gangadeen

"What's for Lunch?" invites Grade 1 readers into a delightful lunchtime scene with Ben and his friends. As the bell rings, signaling lunch, the children eagerly gather under a tree, unpacking their lunch bags filled with delectable treats. Excitement fills the air as they share their delicious meals – from Ben's favorite sausage and lettuce sandwich to Sara's crispy chips with ketchup, Rishi's flavorful fried rice with vegetables and chicken, and Anna's tempting chocolate cake, generously offered to her friends. Through engaging illustrations and simple language, the book captures the joy of mealtime and sharing, fostering discussions among young readers about their own lunch preferences and the importance of sharing and expressing gratitude.

Travelling Is Fun! class 1 - MIE

by Reshma Gungapersand

"Travelling Is Fun!" unfolds the adventures of Ben, as he embarks on a journey to the airport. En route, he eagerly observes a vibrant array of vehicles, from a big red bus to motorcycles and bicycles, delighting in the unique experiences each mode of transport offers. Upon reaching the airport, Ben's excitement soars as he witnesses the swift flight of an airplane, dreaming of his upcoming journey high in the sky to England. In England, he anticipates the thrill of train travel, weaving in and out of stations, sparking his excitement even further. Through engaging illustrations and simple yet descriptive language, the book captures the allure of travel, igniting a sense of adventure and discovery in young readers.

Choosing The Right Pet for Ben class 1 - MIE

by Dr Pascal Nadal

"Choosing The Right Pet for Ben" is a charming children's book centered around Ben's desire for a birthday pet. Faced with Ben's imaginative choices like a protective gorilla or a fast horse, his parents gently guide him toward more feasible options like a cat, dog, or fish. Through a delightful dialogue, the book navigates Ben's initial outlandish requests, offering a glimpse into his innocent aspirations and parental guidance. It cleverly discusses various animals, their habitats, and appropriateness as pets, culminating in Ben's decision to adopt a hamster, fostering a heartwarming resolution. The book not only captivates young readers with its engaging narrative but also imparts subtle lessons about responsible pet ownership, animal habitats, and the importance of making practical choices. With its colorful illustrations, simple language, and relatable characters, this story is tailored to resonate with Grade 1 pupils, serving as a valuable educational tool in developing literacy skills and sparking curiosity about pets and their environments.

Notre Premier Pique-Nique class 1 - MIE

by Par Isabelle Louise

"Notre Premier Pique-Nique" présente une histoire captivante centrée autour d'une expérience de pique-nique pour les jeunes élèves. Lors de cette aventure, les enfants se dirigent vers un parc voisin de leur école, accompagnés de leur enseignante, Miss Dina. Installés pour le goûter, ils partagent leurs provisions et découvrent ce que chacun a apporté. Miss Dina montre ses achats, soulignant ainsi l'aspect convivial du moment. Après le goûter, les enfants sont laissés libres pour jouer. Cependant, le temps passe vite et le retour en classe est annoncé avec l'arrivée du van. Ce livre engage les élèves dans une exploration interactive du vocabulaire et des activités associées aux pique-niques, tout en incitant à partager leurs expériences personnelles. Il vise à développer leur compréhension du récit tout en suscitant leur intérêt pour les moments de partage en plein air.

En Chemin class 1 - MIE

by Par Jaymantee Lugun

Le livre "En chemin", destiné aux jeunes lecteurs, raconte l'histoire de Kevin qui rentre chez lui après l'école. Accompagné de sa mère, il observe les événements qui se déroulent le long du chemin. Ils rencontrent divers obstacles, notamment un camion en panne qui bloque la route. Malgré cela, Kevin se réjouit de retrouver son fidèle chien une fois arrivé chez lui. Ce livre géant, conçu pour stimuler la littératie chez les enfants, présente des illustrations réalistes pour aider à la compréhension du vocabulaire et encourage la participation des élèves en les engageant dans une série d'activités interactives. Tout au long de l'histoire, les moyens de transport et les expériences de Kevin sont utilisés comme points d'ancrage pour susciter la discussion et développer la compréhension linguistique des jeunes lecteurs.

Kevin S`Occupe Des Animaux class 1 - MIE

by Par Jennifer Bonne

"Kevin s'occupe des animaux" est un livre géant conçu pour faciliter l'éveil à la littératie chez les jeunes apprenants. L'histoire suit Kevin, qui, en jouant avec son chien Pixie, découvre que celui-ci s'est blessé à la patte. Avec l'aide de sa maman, il soigne le chien et apprend l'importance de prendre soin des animaux. En explorant son environnement, Kevin observe les changements chez les perruches et découvre différents animaux chez sa voisine, suscitant son désir d'avoir sa propre ferme à l'avenir, tandis qu'Ashley exprime son aspiration à devenir vétérinaire. Le livre encourage l'interaction avec les élèves en les incitant à partager leurs expériences personnelles avec les animaux, tout en visant à développer leur compréhension du vocabulaire et à stimuler leur imagination à travers des activités interactives liées au thème des soins aux animaux.

Let's Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil's Book class 6 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Grade 6 part 1 mathematics textbook follows the National Curriculum Framework, encompassing units on shapes, numeration, fractions, decimals, and problem-solving techniques. The curriculum introduces students to 2-D and 3-D shapes, emphasizing properties, classification, and drawing techniques. Numeration and place value cover reading and writing large numbers, using tools like arrays and abacus. The text explores division with remainders, methods for comparing quantities, and the concepts of fractions and decimals, detailing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. Problem-solving strategies like thinking blocks and drawing diagrams are introduced with examples spanning various real-world scenarios. The book includes continuous assessments and challenging problems across multiple mathematical domains, fostering problem-solving skills. Motivational quotes from mathematicians and scientists aim to inspire students, while thorough references provide additional resources. Answers are provided with explanations, utilizing LaTeX for mathematical expressions. This comprehensive textbook aims to engage and empower Grade 6 pupils in their mathematical learning journey.

Let's Learn Mathematics Part-1 - Pupil's Book class 4 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Mathematics Grade 4 Pupil's Book Part 1 for Mauritius encompasses a comprehensive curriculum divided into eight units. It begins with foundational skills in numeration, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, progressing to more advanced concepts like patterns, even and odd numbers, and fractions. The foreword and preface introduce the book's objectives, layout, and contributors, while the table of contents aids navigation. Learning objectives emphasize key skills pupils should master, including numerical operations and problem-solving. Each unit features subtopics, examples, exercises, activities, an IT corner, and continuous assessment. From numeration and notation to fractions, the textbook systematically guides students through the mathematical landscape. A final revision sheet consolidates learning, offering a thorough review with diverse question types and answers, ensuring a holistic grasp of Grade 4 mathematics.

Let's Learn ICT Skills - Pupil's Book class 1 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The ICT skills textbook, developed by the Mauritius Institute of Education in 2021, serves as a foundational guide for students to grasp essential computer competencies. Covering fundamental topics including the structure of a computer system, mouse proficiency, word processing, internet navigation, and multimedia tool utilization, the textbook facilitates a well-rounded understanding of ICT concepts. Through a series of engaging activities and assessments, students are encouraged to identify computer components, practice mouse manipulation, typing, and effectively navigate online platforms. Supported by comprehensive resources such as teachers' manuals and practical exercises, the textbook aligns with the National Curriculum Framework for Nine Year Continuous Basic Education, ensuring a structured and holistic approach to ICT education.

Let's Learn ICT Skills - Pupil's Book class 2 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The ICT Skills Guide by the Mauritius Institute of Education serves as an invaluable resource for educators, aligning with the National Curriculum Framework. It comprehensively covers essential computer literacy topics such as safety measures, software proficiency, and fundamental internet usage. Each unit within the guide delineates clear learning objectives and offers a balanced blend of theoretical concepts and hands-on activities, complemented by corresponding content in the accompanying textbook. With built-in evaluations, educators can effectively gauge student comprehension and progress. This guide proves instrumental in fostering robust ICT competencies among learners, providing a cohesive and structured approach to skill development within the educational framework.

Let's Learn ICT Skills - Pupil's Book class 3 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Computer Fundamentals module provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of computing, covering essential concepts and practical skills. It begins with an overview of computers and their types, such as desktops, laptops, and tablets, along with the fundamental components comprising them. Learners explore file management techniques, spreadsheet basics, and word processing tasks, including document formatting and clip art insertion. Presentation skills are developed through creating PowerPoint slideshows. Internet usage dos and don'ts, web addresses, webpage access, saving, and printing are explained, while multimedia tasks in MS Paint are covered. Furthermore, the module emphasizes health, safety, and ethical considerations related to computer usage, highlighting potential health issues like neck and back pain, and eye strain. By encompassing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the module equips learners with a solid foundation in computer literacy essential for modern-day endeavors.

Let’s Learn ICT Skills - Pupil’s Book - class 4 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 4 ICT skills textbook, authored by the academic staff of the Mauritius Institute of Education, provides a comprehensive and accessible guide for students. The book covers essential topics such as computer operations, multimedia, word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, and Internet skills. Divided into units, the curriculum introduces students to the fundamentals of computer usage, including mouse and keyboard skills, desktop navigation, and window manipulation. It progresses to cover multimedia applications and practical exercises using software like Paint. The textbook further delves into word processing with Microsoft Word, file management, presentation creation with PowerPoint, and spreadsheet usage with Excel. The Internet unit introduces basic concepts and skills, guiding students on web browsing and online information retrieval. Each unit offers engaging activities, exercises, and teacher's notes, making the learning experience interactive and enjoyable for Grade 4 students.

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